#region License Information /* HeuristicLab * Copyright (C) 2002-2019 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL) * * This file is part of HeuristicLab. * * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see . */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding; namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic { public static class DerivativeCalculator { public static ISymbolicExpressionTree Derive(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, string variableName) { if (tree.Root.SubtreeCount != 1) throw new NotImplementedException("Derive is not implemented for symbolic expressions with automatically defined functions (ADF)"); if (tree.Root.GetSubtree(0).SubtreeCount != 1) throw new NotImplementedException("Derive is not implemented for multi-variate symbolic expressions"); var mainBranch = tree.Root.GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0); var root = new ProgramRootSymbol().CreateTreeNode(); root.AddSubtree(new StartSymbol().CreateTreeNode()); var dTree = TreeSimplifier.GetSimplifiedTree(Derive(mainBranch, variableName)); //var dTree = Derive(mainBranch, variableName); root.GetSubtree(0).AddSubtree(dTree); return new SymbolicExpressionTree(root); } private static readonly Constant constantSy = new Constant(); private static readonly Addition addSy = new Addition(); private static readonly Subtraction subSy = new Subtraction(); private static readonly Multiplication mulSy = new Multiplication(); private static readonly Division divSy = new Division(); private static readonly Cosine cosSy = new Cosine(); private static readonly Square sqrSy = new Square(); private static readonly Absolute absSy = new Absolute(); private static readonly SquareRoot sqrtSy = new SquareRoot(); public static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode Derive(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode branch, string variableName) { if (branch.Symbol is Constant) { return CreateConstant(0.0); } if (branch.Symbol is Variable) { var varNode = branch as VariableTreeNode; if (varNode.VariableName == variableName) { return CreateConstant(varNode.Weight); } else { return CreateConstant(0.0); } } if (branch.Symbol is Addition) { var sum = addSy.CreateTreeNode(); foreach (var subTree in branch.Subtrees) { sum.AddSubtree(Derive(subTree, variableName)); } return sum; } if (branch.Symbol is Subtraction) { var sum = subSy.CreateTreeNode(); foreach (var subTree in branch.Subtrees) { sum.AddSubtree(Derive(subTree, variableName)); } return sum; } if (branch.Symbol is Multiplication) { // (f * g)' = f'*g + f*g' // for multiple factors: (f * g * h)' = ((f*g) * h)' = (f*g)' * h + (f*g) * h' if (branch.SubtreeCount >= 2) { var f = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.GetSubtree(0).Clone(); var fprime = Derive(f, variableName); for (int i = 1; i < branch.SubtreeCount; i++) { var g = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.GetSubtree(i).Clone(); var fg = Product((ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)f.Clone(), (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)g.Clone()); var gPrime = Derive(g, variableName); var fgPrime = Sum(Product(fprime, g), Product(gPrime, f)); // prepare for next iteration f = fg; fprime = fgPrime; } return fprime; } else // multiplication with only one argument has no effect -> derive the argument return Derive(branch.GetSubtree(0), variableName); } if (branch.Symbol is Division) { // (f/g)' = (f'g - g'f) / g² if (branch.SubtreeCount == 1) { var g = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.GetSubtree(0).Clone(); var gPrime = Product(CreateConstant(-1.0), Derive(g, variableName)); var sqrNode = new Square().CreateTreeNode(); sqrNode.AddSubtree(g); return Div(gPrime, sqrNode); } else { // for two subtrees: // (f/g)' = (f'g - fg')/g² // if there are more than 2 subtrees // div(x,y,z) is interpretered as (x/y)/z // which is the same as x / (y*z) // --> make a product of all but the first subtree and differentiate as for the 2-argument case above var f = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.GetSubtree(0).Clone(); var g = Product(branch.Subtrees.Skip(1).Select(n => (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)n.Clone())); var fprime = Derive(f, variableName); var gprime = Derive(g, variableName); var gSqr = Square(g); return Div(Subtract(Product(fprime, g), Product(f, gprime)), gSqr); } } if (branch.Symbol is Logarithm) { var f = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.GetSubtree(0).Clone(); return Product(Div(CreateConstant(1.0), f), Derive(f, variableName)); } if (branch.Symbol is Exponential) { var f = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.Clone(); return Product(f, Derive(branch.GetSubtree(0), variableName)); } if (branch.Symbol is Square) { var f = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.GetSubtree(0).Clone(); return Product(Product(CreateConstant(2.0), f), Derive(f, variableName)); } if (branch.Symbol is SquareRoot) { var f = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.Clone(); var u = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.GetSubtree(0).Clone(); return Product(Div(CreateConstant(1.0), Product(CreateConstant(2.0), f)), Derive(u, variableName)); } if (branch.Symbol is CubeRoot) { var f = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.Clone(); var u = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.GetSubtree(0).Clone(); return Product(Div(CreateConstant(1.0), Product(CreateConstant(3.0), Square(f))), Derive(u, variableName)); // 1/3 1/cbrt(f(x))^2 d/dx f(x) } if (branch.Symbol is Cube) { var f = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.GetSubtree(0).Clone(); return Product(Product(CreateConstant(3.0), Square(f)), Derive(f, variableName)); } if (branch.Symbol is Absolute) { var f = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.GetSubtree(0).Clone(); var absf = Abs((ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)f.Clone()); return Product(Div(f, absf), Derive(f, variableName)); } if (branch.Symbol is AnalyticQuotient) { // aq(a(x), b(x)) = a(x) / sqrt(b(x)²+1) var a = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.GetSubtree(0).Clone(); var b = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.GetSubtree(1).Clone(); var definition = Div(a, SquareRoot(Sum(Square(b), CreateConstant(1.0)))); return Derive(definition, variableName); } if (branch.Symbol is Sine) { var u = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.GetSubtree(0).Clone(); var cos = (new Cosine()).CreateTreeNode(); cos.AddSubtree(u); return Product(cos, Derive(u, variableName)); } if (branch.Symbol is Cosine) { var u = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.GetSubtree(0).Clone(); var sin = (new Sine()).CreateTreeNode(); sin.AddSubtree(u); return Product(CreateConstant(-1.0), Product(sin, Derive(u, variableName))); } if (branch.Symbol is Tangent) { // tan(x)' = 1 / cos²(x) var fxp = Derive(branch.GetSubtree(0), variableName); var u = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)branch.GetSubtree(0).Clone(); return Div(fxp, Square(Cosine(u))); } throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Symbol {0} is not supported.", branch.Symbol)); } private static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode Product(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode f, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode g) { var product = mulSy.CreateTreeNode(); product.AddSubtree(f); product.AddSubtree(g); return product; } private static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode Product(IEnumerable fs) { var product = mulSy.CreateTreeNode(); foreach (var f in fs) product.AddSubtree(f); return product; } private static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode Div(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode f, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode g) { var div = divSy.CreateTreeNode(); div.AddSubtree(f); div.AddSubtree(g); return div; } private static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode Sum(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode f, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode g) { var sum = addSy.CreateTreeNode(); sum.AddSubtree(f); sum.AddSubtree(g); return sum; } private static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode Subtract(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode f, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode g) { var sum = subSy.CreateTreeNode(); sum.AddSubtree(f); sum.AddSubtree(g); return sum; } private static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode Cosine(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode f) { var cos = cosSy.CreateTreeNode(); cos.AddSubtree(f); return cos; } private static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode Abs(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode f) { var abs = absSy.CreateTreeNode(); abs.AddSubtree(f); return abs; } private static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode Square(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode f) { var sqr = sqrSy.CreateTreeNode(); sqr.AddSubtree(f); return sqr; } private static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode SquareRoot(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode f) { var sqrt = sqrtSy.CreateTreeNode(); sqrt.AddSubtree(f); return sqrt; } private static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode CreateConstant(double v) { var constNode = (ConstantTreeNode)constantSy.CreateTreeNode(); constNode.Value = v; return constNode; } public static bool IsCompatible(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree) { var containsUnknownSymbol = ( from n in tree.Root.GetSubtree(0).IterateNodesPrefix() where !(n.Symbol is Variable) && !(n.Symbol is Constant) && !(n.Symbol is Addition) && !(n.Symbol is Subtraction) && !(n.Symbol is Multiplication) && !(n.Symbol is Division) && !(n.Symbol is Logarithm) && !(n.Symbol is Exponential) && !(n.Symbol is Square) && !(n.Symbol is SquareRoot) && !(n.Symbol is Cube) && !(n.Symbol is CubeRoot) && !(n.Symbol is Absolute) && !(n.Symbol is AnalyticQuotient) && !(n.Symbol is Sine) && !(n.Symbol is Cosine) && !(n.Symbol is Tangent) && !(n.Symbol is StartSymbol) select n).Any(); return !containsUnknownSymbol; } } }