// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 AlphaSierraPapa for the SharpDevelop Team // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this // software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software // without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons // to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or // substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE // FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Semantics; using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.TypeSystem; using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.TypeSystem.Implementation; namespace ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.Resolver { /// /// C# overload resolution (C# 4.0 spec: §7.5). /// public class OverloadResolution { sealed class Candidate { public readonly IParameterizedMember Member; /// /// Returns the normal form candidate, if this is an expanded candidate. /// public readonly bool IsExpandedForm; /// /// Gets the parameter types. In the first step, these are the types without any substition. /// After type inference, substitutions will be performed. /// public readonly IType[] ParameterTypes; /// /// argument index -> parameter index; -1 for arguments that could not be mapped /// public int[] ArgumentToParameterMap; public OverloadResolutionErrors Errors; public int ErrorCount; public bool HasUnmappedOptionalParameters; public IType[] InferredTypes; /// /// Gets the original member parameters (before any substitution!) /// public readonly IList Parameters; /// /// Gets the original method type parameters (before any substitution!) /// public readonly IList TypeParameters; /// /// Conversions applied to the arguments. /// This field is set by the CheckApplicability step. /// public Conversion[] ArgumentConversions; public bool IsGenericMethod { get { IMethod method = Member as IMethod; return method != null && method.TypeParameters.Count > 0; } } public int ArgumentsPassedToParamsArray { get { int count = 0; if (IsExpandedForm) { int paramsParameterIndex = this.Parameters.Count - 1; foreach (int parameterIndex in ArgumentToParameterMap) { if (parameterIndex == paramsParameterIndex) count++; } } return count; } } public Candidate(IParameterizedMember member, bool isExpanded) { this.Member = member; this.IsExpandedForm = isExpanded; IParameterizedMember memberDefinition = (IParameterizedMember)member.MemberDefinition; // For specificialized methods, go back to the original parameters: // (without any type parameter substitution, not even class type parameters) // We'll re-substitute them as part of RunTypeInference(). this.Parameters = memberDefinition.Parameters; IMethod methodDefinition = memberDefinition as IMethod; if (methodDefinition != null && methodDefinition.TypeParameters.Count > 0) { this.TypeParameters = methodDefinition.TypeParameters; } this.ParameterTypes = new IType[this.Parameters.Count]; } public void AddError(OverloadResolutionErrors newError) { this.Errors |= newError; if (!IsApplicable(newError)) this.ErrorCount++; } } readonly ICompilation compilation; readonly ResolveResult[] arguments; readonly string[] argumentNames; readonly CSharpConversions conversions; //List candidates = new List(); Candidate bestCandidate; Candidate bestCandidateAmbiguousWith; IType[] explicitlyGivenTypeArguments; bool bestCandidateWasValidated; OverloadResolutionErrors bestCandidateValidationResult; #region Constructor public OverloadResolution(ICompilation compilation, ResolveResult[] arguments, string[] argumentNames = null, IType[] typeArguments = null, CSharpConversions conversions = null) { if (compilation == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("compilation"); if (arguments == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("arguments"); if (argumentNames == null) argumentNames = new string[arguments.Length]; else if (argumentNames.Length != arguments.Length) throw new ArgumentException("argumentsNames.Length must be equal to arguments.Length"); this.compilation = compilation; this.arguments = arguments; this.argumentNames = argumentNames; // keep explicitlyGivenTypeArguments==null when no type arguments were specified if (typeArguments != null && typeArguments.Length > 0) this.explicitlyGivenTypeArguments = typeArguments; this.conversions = conversions ?? CSharpConversions.Get(compilation); this.AllowExpandingParams = true; this.AllowOptionalParameters = true; } #endregion #region Input Properties /// /// Gets/Sets whether the methods are extension methods that are being called using extension method syntax. /// /// /// Setting this property to true restricts the possible conversions on the first argument to /// implicit identity, reference, or boxing conversions. /// public bool IsExtensionMethodInvocation { get; set; } /// /// Gets/Sets whether expanding 'params' into individual elements is allowed. /// The default value is true. /// public bool AllowExpandingParams { get; set; } /// /// Gets/Sets whether optional parameters may be left at their default value. /// The default value is true. /// If this property is set to false, optional parameters will be treated like regular parameters. /// public bool AllowOptionalParameters { get; set; } /// /// Gets/Sets whether ConversionResolveResults created by this OverloadResolution /// instance apply overflow checking. /// The default value is false. /// public bool CheckForOverflow { get; set; } /// /// Gets the arguments for which this OverloadResolution instance was created. /// public IList Arguments { get { return arguments; } } #endregion #region AddCandidate /// /// Adds a candidate to overload resolution. /// /// The candidate member to add. /// The errors that prevent the member from being applicable, if any. /// Note: this method does not return errors that do not affect applicability. public OverloadResolutionErrors AddCandidate(IParameterizedMember member) { return AddCandidate(member, OverloadResolutionErrors.None); } /// /// Adds a candidate to overload resolution. /// /// The candidate member to add. /// Additional errors that apply to the candidate. /// This is used to represent errors during member lookup (e.g. OverloadResolutionErrors.Inaccessible) /// in overload resolution. /// The errors that prevent the member from being applicable, if any. /// Note: this method does not return errors that do not affect applicability. public OverloadResolutionErrors AddCandidate(IParameterizedMember member, OverloadResolutionErrors additionalErrors) { if (member == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("member"); Candidate c = new Candidate(member, false); c.AddError(additionalErrors); if (CalculateCandidate(c)) { //candidates.Add(c); } if (this.AllowExpandingParams && member.Parameters.Count > 0 && member.Parameters[member.Parameters.Count - 1].IsParams) { Candidate expandedCandidate = new Candidate(member, true); expandedCandidate.AddError(additionalErrors); // consider expanded form only if it isn't obviously wrong if (CalculateCandidate(expandedCandidate)) { //candidates.Add(expandedCandidate); if (expandedCandidate.ErrorCount < c.ErrorCount) return expandedCandidate.Errors; } } return c.Errors; } /// /// Calculates applicability etc. for the candidate. /// /// True if the calculation was successful, false if the candidate should be removed without reporting an error bool CalculateCandidate(Candidate candidate) { if (!ResolveParameterTypes(candidate, false)) return false; MapCorrespondingParameters(candidate); RunTypeInference(candidate); CheckApplicability(candidate); ConsiderIfNewCandidateIsBest(candidate); return true; } bool ResolveParameterTypes(Candidate candidate, bool useSpecializedParameters) { for (int i = 0; i < candidate.Parameters.Count; i++) { IType type; if (useSpecializedParameters) { // Use the parameter type of the specialized non-generic method or indexer Debug.Assert(!candidate.IsGenericMethod); type = candidate.Member.Parameters[i].Type; } else { // Use the type of the original formal parameter type = candidate.Parameters[i].Type; } if (candidate.IsExpandedForm && i == candidate.Parameters.Count - 1) { ArrayType arrayType = type as ArrayType; if (arrayType != null && arrayType.Dimensions == 1) type = arrayType.ElementType; else return false; // error: cannot unpack params-array. abort considering the expanded form for this candidate } candidate.ParameterTypes[i] = type; } return true; } #endregion #region AddMethodLists /// /// Adds all candidates from the method lists. /// /// This method implements the logic that causes applicable methods in derived types to hide /// all methods in base types. /// /// The methods, grouped by declaring type. Base types must come first in the list. public void AddMethodLists(IList methodLists) { if (methodLists == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("methodLists"); // Base types come first, so go through the list backwards (derived types first) bool[] isHiddenByDerivedType; if (methodLists.Count > 1) isHiddenByDerivedType = new bool[methodLists.Count]; else isHiddenByDerivedType = null; for (int i = methodLists.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (isHiddenByDerivedType != null && isHiddenByDerivedType[i]) { Log.WriteLine(" Skipping methods in {0} because they are hidden by an applicable method in a derived type", methodLists[i].DeclaringType); continue; } MethodListWithDeclaringType methodList = methodLists[i]; bool foundApplicableCandidateInCurrentList = false; for (int j = 0; j < methodList.Count; j++) { IParameterizedMember method = methodList[j]; Log.Indent(); OverloadResolutionErrors errors = AddCandidate(method); Log.Unindent(); LogCandidateAddingResult(" Candidate", method, errors); foundApplicableCandidateInCurrentList |= IsApplicable(errors); } if (foundApplicableCandidateInCurrentList && i > 0) { foreach (IType baseType in methodList.DeclaringType.GetAllBaseTypes()) { for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (!isHiddenByDerivedType[j] && baseType.Equals(methodLists[j].DeclaringType)) isHiddenByDerivedType[j] = true; } } } } } [Conditional("DEBUG")] internal void LogCandidateAddingResult(string text, IParameterizedMember method, OverloadResolutionErrors errors) { #if DEBUG Log.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1} = {2}{3}", text, method, errors == OverloadResolutionErrors.None ? "Success" : errors.ToString(), this.BestCandidate == method ? " (best candidate so far)" : this.BestCandidateAmbiguousWith == method ? " (ambiguous)" : "" )); #endif } #endregion #region MapCorrespondingParameters void MapCorrespondingParameters(Candidate candidate) { // C# 4.0 spec: § Corresponding parameters candidate.ArgumentToParameterMap = new int[arguments.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++) { candidate.ArgumentToParameterMap[i] = -1; if (argumentNames[i] == null) { // positional argument if (i < candidate.ParameterTypes.Length) { candidate.ArgumentToParameterMap[i] = i; } else if (candidate.IsExpandedForm) { candidate.ArgumentToParameterMap[i] = candidate.ParameterTypes.Length - 1; } else { candidate.AddError(OverloadResolutionErrors.TooManyPositionalArguments); } } else { // named argument for (int j = 0; j < candidate.Parameters.Count; j++) { if (argumentNames[i] == candidate.Parameters[j].Name) { candidate.ArgumentToParameterMap[i] = j; } } if (candidate.ArgumentToParameterMap[i] < 0) candidate.AddError(OverloadResolutionErrors.NoParameterFoundForNamedArgument); } } } #endregion #region RunTypeInference void RunTypeInference(Candidate candidate) { if (candidate.TypeParameters == null) { if (explicitlyGivenTypeArguments != null) { // method does not expect type arguments, but was given some candidate.AddError(OverloadResolutionErrors.WrongNumberOfTypeArguments); } // Grab new parameter types: ResolveParameterTypes(candidate, true); return; } ParameterizedType parameterizedDeclaringType = candidate.Member.DeclaringType as ParameterizedType; IList classTypeArguments; if (parameterizedDeclaringType != null) { classTypeArguments = parameterizedDeclaringType.TypeArguments; } else { classTypeArguments = null; } // The method is generic: if (explicitlyGivenTypeArguments != null) { if (explicitlyGivenTypeArguments.Length == candidate.TypeParameters.Count) { candidate.InferredTypes = explicitlyGivenTypeArguments; } else { candidate.AddError(OverloadResolutionErrors.WrongNumberOfTypeArguments); // wrong number of type arguments given, so truncate the list or pad with UnknownType candidate.InferredTypes = new IType[candidate.TypeParameters.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < candidate.InferredTypes.Length; i++) { if (i < explicitlyGivenTypeArguments.Length) candidate.InferredTypes[i] = explicitlyGivenTypeArguments[i]; else candidate.InferredTypes[i] = SpecialType.UnknownType; } } } else { TypeInference ti = new TypeInference(compilation, conversions); bool success; candidate.InferredTypes = ti.InferTypeArguments(candidate.TypeParameters, arguments, candidate.ParameterTypes, out success, classTypeArguments); if (!success) candidate.AddError(OverloadResolutionErrors.TypeInferenceFailed); } // Now substitute in the formal parameters: var substitution = new ConstraintValidatingSubstitution(classTypeArguments, candidate.InferredTypes, this); for (int i = 0; i < candidate.ParameterTypes.Length; i++) { candidate.ParameterTypes[i] = candidate.ParameterTypes[i].AcceptVisitor(substitution); } if (!substitution.ConstraintsValid) candidate.AddError(OverloadResolutionErrors.ConstructedTypeDoesNotSatisfyConstraint); } sealed class ConstraintValidatingSubstitution : TypeParameterSubstitution { readonly CSharpConversions conversions; public bool ConstraintsValid = true; public ConstraintValidatingSubstitution(IList classTypeArguments, IList methodTypeArguments, OverloadResolution overloadResolution) : base(classTypeArguments, methodTypeArguments) { this.conversions = overloadResolution.conversions; } public override IType VisitParameterizedType(ParameterizedType type) { IType newType = base.VisitParameterizedType(type); if (newType != type && ConstraintsValid) { // something was changed, so we need to validate the constraints ParameterizedType newParameterizedType = newType as ParameterizedType; if (newParameterizedType != null) { // C# 4.0 spec: §4.4.4 Satisfying constraints var typeParameters = newParameterizedType.GetDefinition().TypeParameters; var substitution = newParameterizedType.GetSubstitution(); for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.Count; i++) { if (!ValidateConstraints(typeParameters[i], newParameterizedType.GetTypeArgument(i), substitution, conversions)) { ConstraintsValid = false; break; } } } } return newType; } } #endregion #region Validate Constraints OverloadResolutionErrors ValidateMethodConstraints(Candidate candidate) { // If type inference already failed, we won't check the constraints: if ((candidate.Errors & OverloadResolutionErrors.TypeInferenceFailed) != 0) return OverloadResolutionErrors.None; if (candidate.TypeParameters == null || candidate.TypeParameters.Count == 0) return OverloadResolutionErrors.None; // the method isn't generic var substitution = GetSubstitution(candidate); for (int i = 0; i < candidate.TypeParameters.Count; i++) { if (!ValidateConstraints(candidate.TypeParameters[i], substitution.MethodTypeArguments[i], substitution)) return OverloadResolutionErrors.MethodConstraintsNotSatisfied; } return OverloadResolutionErrors.None; } /// /// Validates whether the given type argument satisfies the constraints for the given type parameter. /// /// The type parameter. /// The type argument. /// The substitution that defines how type parameters are replaced with type arguments. /// The substitution is used to check constraints that depend on other type parameters (or recursively on the same type parameter). /// May be null if no substitution should be used. /// True if the constraints are satisfied; false otherwise. public static bool ValidateConstraints(ITypeParameter typeParameter, IType typeArgument, TypeVisitor substitution = null) { if (typeParameter == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("typeParameter"); if (typeArgument == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("typeArgument"); return ValidateConstraints(typeParameter, typeArgument, substitution, CSharpConversions.Get(typeParameter.Owner.Compilation)); } internal static bool ValidateConstraints(ITypeParameter typeParameter, IType typeArgument, TypeVisitor substitution, CSharpConversions conversions) { switch (typeArgument.Kind) { // void, null, and pointers cannot be used as type arguments case TypeKind.Void: case TypeKind.Null: case TypeKind.Pointer: return false; } if (typeParameter.HasReferenceTypeConstraint) { if (typeArgument.IsReferenceType != true) return false; } if (typeParameter.HasValueTypeConstraint) { if (!NullableType.IsNonNullableValueType(typeArgument)) return false; } if (typeParameter.HasDefaultConstructorConstraint) { ITypeDefinition def = typeArgument.GetDefinition(); if (def != null && def.IsAbstract) return false; var ctors = typeArgument.GetConstructors( m => m.Parameters.Count == 0 && m.Accessibility == Accessibility.Public, GetMemberOptions.IgnoreInheritedMembers | GetMemberOptions.ReturnMemberDefinitions ); if (!ctors.Any()) return false; } foreach (IType constraintType in typeParameter.DirectBaseTypes) { IType c = constraintType; if (substitution != null) c = c.AcceptVisitor(substitution); if (!conversions.IsConstraintConvertible(typeArgument, c)) return false; } return true; } #endregion #region CheckApplicability /// /// Returns whether a candidate with the given errors is still considered to be applicable. /// public static bool IsApplicable(OverloadResolutionErrors errors) { const OverloadResolutionErrors errorsThatDoNotMatterForApplicability = OverloadResolutionErrors.AmbiguousMatch | OverloadResolutionErrors.MethodConstraintsNotSatisfied; return (errors & ~errorsThatDoNotMatterForApplicability) == OverloadResolutionErrors.None; } void CheckApplicability(Candidate candidate) { // C# 4.0 spec: § Applicable function member // Test whether parameters were mapped the correct number of arguments: int[] argumentCountPerParameter = new int[candidate.ParameterTypes.Length]; foreach (int parameterIndex in candidate.ArgumentToParameterMap) { if (parameterIndex >= 0) argumentCountPerParameter[parameterIndex]++; } for (int i = 0; i < argumentCountPerParameter.Length; i++) { if (candidate.IsExpandedForm && i == argumentCountPerParameter.Length - 1) continue; // any number of arguments is fine for the params-array if (argumentCountPerParameter[i] == 0) { if (this.AllowOptionalParameters && candidate.Parameters[i].IsOptional) candidate.HasUnmappedOptionalParameters = true; else candidate.AddError(OverloadResolutionErrors.MissingArgumentForRequiredParameter); } else if (argumentCountPerParameter[i] > 1) { candidate.AddError(OverloadResolutionErrors.MultipleArgumentsForSingleParameter); } } candidate.ArgumentConversions = new Conversion[arguments.Length]; // Test whether argument passing mode matches the parameter passing mode for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++) { int parameterIndex = candidate.ArgumentToParameterMap[i]; if (parameterIndex < 0) { candidate.ArgumentConversions[i] = Conversion.None; continue; } ByReferenceResolveResult brrr = arguments[i] as ByReferenceResolveResult; if (brrr != null) { if ((brrr.IsOut && !candidate.Parameters[parameterIndex].IsOut) || (brrr.IsRef && !candidate.Parameters[parameterIndex].IsRef)) candidate.AddError(OverloadResolutionErrors.ParameterPassingModeMismatch); } else { if (candidate.Parameters[parameterIndex].IsOut || candidate.Parameters[parameterIndex].IsRef) candidate.AddError(OverloadResolutionErrors.ParameterPassingModeMismatch); } IType parameterType = candidate.ParameterTypes[parameterIndex]; Conversion c = conversions.ImplicitConversion(arguments[i], parameterType); candidate.ArgumentConversions[i] = c; if (IsExtensionMethodInvocation && parameterIndex == 0) { // First parameter to extension method must be an identity, reference or boxing conversion if (!(c == Conversion.IdentityConversion || c == Conversion.ImplicitReferenceConversion || c == Conversion.BoxingConversion)) candidate.AddError(OverloadResolutionErrors.ArgumentTypeMismatch); } else { if ((!c.IsValid && !c.IsUserDefined && !c.IsMethodGroupConversion) && parameterType.Kind != TypeKind.Unknown) candidate.AddError(OverloadResolutionErrors.ArgumentTypeMismatch); } } } #endregion #region BetterFunctionMember /// /// Returns 1 if c1 is better than c2; 2 if c2 is better than c1; or 0 if neither is better. /// int BetterFunctionMember(Candidate c1, Candidate c2) { // prefer applicable members (part of heuristic that produces a best candidate even if none is applicable) if (c1.ErrorCount == 0 && c2.ErrorCount > 0) return 1; if (c1.ErrorCount > 0 && c2.ErrorCount == 0) return 2; // C# 4.0 spec: § Better function member bool c1IsBetter = false; bool c2IsBetter = false; for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++) { int p1 = c1.ArgumentToParameterMap[i]; int p2 = c2.ArgumentToParameterMap[i]; if (p1 >= 0 && p2 < 0) { c1IsBetter = true; } else if (p1 < 0 && p2 >= 0) { c2IsBetter = true; } else if (p1 >= 0 && p2 >= 0) { switch (conversions.BetterConversion(arguments[i], c1.ParameterTypes[p1], c2.ParameterTypes[p2])) { case 1: c1IsBetter = true; break; case 2: c2IsBetter = true; break; } } } if (c1IsBetter && !c2IsBetter) return 1; if (!c1IsBetter && c2IsBetter) return 2; // prefer members with less errors (part of heuristic that produces a best candidate even if none is applicable) if (c1.ErrorCount < c2.ErrorCount) return 1; if (c1.ErrorCount > c2.ErrorCount) return 2; if (!c1IsBetter && !c2IsBetter) { // we need the tie-breaking rules // non-generic methods are better if (!c1.IsGenericMethod && c2.IsGenericMethod) return 1; else if (c1.IsGenericMethod && !c2.IsGenericMethod) return 2; // non-expanded members are better if (!c1.IsExpandedForm && c2.IsExpandedForm) return 1; else if (c1.IsExpandedForm && !c2.IsExpandedForm) return 2; // prefer the member with less arguments mapped to the params-array int r = c1.ArgumentsPassedToParamsArray.CompareTo(c2.ArgumentsPassedToParamsArray); if (r < 0) return 1; else if (r > 0) return 2; // prefer the member where no default values need to be substituted if (!c1.HasUnmappedOptionalParameters && c2.HasUnmappedOptionalParameters) return 1; else if (c1.HasUnmappedOptionalParameters && !c2.HasUnmappedOptionalParameters) return 2; // compare the formal parameters r = MoreSpecificFormalParameters(c1, c2); if (r != 0) return r; // prefer non-lifted operators ILiftedOperator lift1 = c1.Member as ILiftedOperator; ILiftedOperator lift2 = c2.Member as ILiftedOperator; if (lift1 == null && lift2 != null) return 1; if (lift1 != null && lift2 == null) return 2; } return 0; } /// /// Implement this interface to give overload resolution a hint that the member represents a lifted operator, /// which is used in the tie-breaking rules. /// public interface ILiftedOperator : IParameterizedMember { IList NonLiftedParameters { get; } } int MoreSpecificFormalParameters(Candidate c1, Candidate c2) { // prefer the member with more formal parmeters (in case both have different number of optional parameters) int r = c1.Parameters.Count.CompareTo(c2.Parameters.Count); if (r > 0) return 1; else if (r < 0) return 2; return MoreSpecificFormalParameters(c1.Parameters.Select(p => p.Type), c2.Parameters.Select(p => p.Type)); } static int MoreSpecificFormalParameters(IEnumerable t1, IEnumerable t2) { bool c1IsBetter = false; bool c2IsBetter = false; foreach (var pair in t1.Zip(t2, (a,b) => new { Item1 = a, Item2 = b })) { switch (MoreSpecificFormalParameter(pair.Item1, pair.Item2)) { case 1: c1IsBetter = true; break; case 2: c2IsBetter = true; break; } } if (c1IsBetter && !c2IsBetter) return 1; if (!c1IsBetter && c2IsBetter) return 2; return 0; } static int MoreSpecificFormalParameter(IType t1, IType t2) { if ((t1 is ITypeParameter) && !(t2 is ITypeParameter)) return 2; if ((t2 is ITypeParameter) && !(t1 is ITypeParameter)) return 1; ParameterizedType p1 = t1 as ParameterizedType; ParameterizedType p2 = t2 as ParameterizedType; if (p1 != null && p2 != null && p1.TypeParameterCount == p2.TypeParameterCount) { int r = MoreSpecificFormalParameters(p1.TypeArguments, p2.TypeArguments); if (r > 0) return r; } TypeWithElementType tew1 = t1 as TypeWithElementType; TypeWithElementType tew2 = t2 as TypeWithElementType; if (tew1 != null && tew2 != null) { return MoreSpecificFormalParameter(tew1.ElementType, tew2.ElementType); } return 0; } #endregion #region ConsiderIfNewCandidateIsBest void ConsiderIfNewCandidateIsBest(Candidate candidate) { if (bestCandidate == null) { bestCandidate = candidate; bestCandidateWasValidated = false; } else { switch (BetterFunctionMember(candidate, bestCandidate)) { case 0: // Overwrite 'bestCandidateAmbiguousWith' so that API users can // detect the set of all ambiguous methods if they look at // bestCandidateAmbiguousWith after each step. bestCandidateAmbiguousWith = candidate; break; case 1: bestCandidate = candidate; bestCandidateWasValidated = false; bestCandidateAmbiguousWith = null; break; // case 2: best candidate stays best } } } #endregion #region Output Properties public IParameterizedMember BestCandidate { get { return bestCandidate != null ? bestCandidate.Member : null; } } /// /// Returns the errors that apply to the best candidate. /// This includes additional errors that do not affect applicability (e.g. AmbiguousMatch, MethodConstraintsNotSatisfied) /// public OverloadResolutionErrors BestCandidateErrors { get { if (bestCandidate == null) return OverloadResolutionErrors.None; if (!bestCandidateWasValidated) { bestCandidateValidationResult = ValidateMethodConstraints(bestCandidate); bestCandidateWasValidated = true; } OverloadResolutionErrors err = bestCandidate.Errors | bestCandidateValidationResult; if (bestCandidateAmbiguousWith != null) err |= OverloadResolutionErrors.AmbiguousMatch; return err; } } public bool FoundApplicableCandidate { get { return bestCandidate != null && IsApplicable(bestCandidate.Errors); } } public IParameterizedMember BestCandidateAmbiguousWith { get { return bestCandidateAmbiguousWith != null ? bestCandidateAmbiguousWith.Member : null; } } public bool BestCandidateIsExpandedForm { get { return bestCandidate != null ? bestCandidate.IsExpandedForm : false; } } public bool IsAmbiguous { get { return bestCandidateAmbiguousWith != null; } } public IList InferredTypeArguments { get { if (bestCandidate != null && bestCandidate.InferredTypes != null) return bestCandidate.InferredTypes; else return EmptyList.Instance; } } /// /// Gets the implicit conversions that are being applied to the arguments. /// public IList ArgumentConversions { get { if (bestCandidate != null && bestCandidate.ArgumentConversions != null) return bestCandidate.ArgumentConversions; else return Enumerable.Repeat(Conversion.None, arguments.Length).ToList(); } } /// /// Gets an array that maps argument indices to parameter indices. /// For arguments that could not be mapped to any parameter, the value will be -1. /// /// parameterIndex = GetArgumentToParameterMap()[argumentIndex] /// public IList GetArgumentToParameterMap() { if (bestCandidate != null) return bestCandidate.ArgumentToParameterMap; else return null; } /// /// Returns the arguments for the method call in the order they were provided (not in the order of the parameters). /// Arguments are wrapped in a if an implicit conversion is being applied /// to them when calling the method. /// public IList GetArgumentsWithConversions() { if (bestCandidate == null) return arguments; else return GetArgumentsWithConversions(null, null); } /// /// Returns the arguments for the method call in the order they were provided (not in the order of the parameters). /// Arguments are wrapped in a if an implicit conversion is being applied /// to them when calling the method. /// For arguments where an explicit argument name was provided, the argument will /// be wrapped in a . /// public IList GetArgumentsWithConversionsAndNames() { if (bestCandidate == null) return arguments; else return GetArgumentsWithConversions(null, GetBestCandidateWithSubstitutedTypeArguments()); } IList GetArgumentsWithConversions(ResolveResult targetResolveResult, IParameterizedMember bestCandidateForNamedArguments) { var conversions = this.ArgumentConversions; ResolveResult[] args = new ResolveResult[arguments.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { var argument = arguments[i]; if (this.IsExtensionMethodInvocation && i == 0 && targetResolveResult != null) argument = targetResolveResult; int parameterIndex = bestCandidate.ArgumentToParameterMap[i]; if (parameterIndex >= 0 && conversions[i] != Conversion.IdentityConversion) { // Wrap argument in ConversionResolveResult IType parameterType = bestCandidate.ParameterTypes[parameterIndex]; if (parameterType.Kind != TypeKind.Unknown) { if (arguments[i].IsCompileTimeConstant && conversions[i].IsValid && !conversions[i].IsUserDefined) { argument = new CSharpResolver(compilation).WithCheckForOverflow(CheckForOverflow).ResolveCast(parameterType, argument); } else { argument = new ConversionResolveResult(parameterType, argument, conversions[i], CheckForOverflow); } } } if (bestCandidateForNamedArguments != null && argumentNames[i] != null) { // Wrap argument in NamedArgumentResolveResult if (parameterIndex >= 0) { argument = new NamedArgumentResolveResult(bestCandidateForNamedArguments.Parameters[parameterIndex], argument, bestCandidateForNamedArguments); } else { argument = new NamedArgumentResolveResult(argumentNames[i], argument); } } args[i] = argument; } return args; } public IParameterizedMember GetBestCandidateWithSubstitutedTypeArguments() { if (bestCandidate == null) return null; IMethod method = bestCandidate.Member as IMethod; if (method != null && method.TypeParameters.Count > 0) { return ((IMethod)method.MemberDefinition).Specialize(GetSubstitution(bestCandidate)); } else { return bestCandidate.Member; } } TypeParameterSubstitution GetSubstitution(Candidate candidate) { // Do not compose the substitutions, but merge them. // This is required for InvocationTests.SubstituteClassAndMethodTypeParametersAtOnce return new TypeParameterSubstitution(candidate.Member.Substitution.ClassTypeArguments, candidate.InferredTypes); } /// /// Creates a ResolveResult representing the result of overload resolution. /// /// /// The target expression of the call. May be null for static methods/constructors. /// /// /// Statements for Objects/Collections initializer. /// /// /// If not null, use this instead of the ReturnType of the member as the type of the created resolve result. /// public CSharpInvocationResolveResult CreateResolveResult(ResolveResult targetResolveResult, IList initializerStatements = null, IType returnTypeOverride = null) { IParameterizedMember member = GetBestCandidateWithSubstitutedTypeArguments(); if (member == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(); return new CSharpInvocationResolveResult( this.IsExtensionMethodInvocation ? new TypeResolveResult(member.DeclaringType) : targetResolveResult, member, GetArgumentsWithConversions(targetResolveResult, member), this.BestCandidateErrors, this.IsExtensionMethodInvocation, this.BestCandidateIsExpandedForm, isDelegateInvocation: false, argumentToParameterMap: this.GetArgumentToParameterMap(), initializerStatements: initializerStatements, returnTypeOverride: returnTypeOverride); } #endregion } }