// ZipOutputStream.cs
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) 2009 Dino Chiesa.
// All rights reserved.
// This code module is part of DotNetZip, a zipfile class library.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// This code is licensed under the Microsoft Public License.
// See the file License.txt for the license details.
// More info on: http://dotnetzip.codeplex.com
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// last saved (in emacs):
// Time-stamp: <2011-July-28 06:34:30>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// This module defines the ZipOutputStream class, which is a stream metaphor for
// generating zip files. This class does not depend on Ionic.Zip.ZipFile, but rather
// stands alongside it as an alternative "container" for ZipEntry. It replicates a
// subset of the properties, including these:
// - Comment
// - Encryption
// - Password
// - CodecBufferSize
// - CompressionLevel
// - CompressionMethod
// - EnableZip64 (UseZip64WhenSaving)
// - IgnoreCase (!CaseSensitiveRetrieval)
// It adds these novel methods:
// - PutNextEntry
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Ionic.Zip;
using OfficeOpenXml.Packaging.Ionic.Zlib;
namespace OfficeOpenXml.Packaging.Ionic.Zip
/// Provides a stream metaphor for generating zip files.
/// This class writes zip files, as defined in the specification
/// for zip files described by PKWare. The compression for this
/// implementation is provided by a managed-code version of Zlib, included with
/// DotNetZip in the classes in the Ionic.Zlib namespace.
/// This class provides an alternative programming model to the one enabled by the
/// class. Use this when creating zip files, as an
/// alternative to the class, when you would like to use a
/// Stream type to write the zip file.
/// Both the ZipOutputStream class and the ZipFile class can be used
/// to create zip files. Both of them support many of the common zip features,
/// including Unicode, different compression levels, and ZIP64. They provide
/// very similar performance when creating zip files.
/// The ZipFile class is generally easier to use than
/// ZipOutputStream and should be considered a higher-level interface. For
/// example, when creating a zip file via calls to the PutNextEntry() and
/// Write() methods on the ZipOutputStream class, the caller is
/// responsible for opening the file, reading the bytes from the file, writing
/// those bytes into the ZipOutputStream, setting the attributes on the
/// ZipEntry, and setting the created, last modified, and last accessed
/// timestamps on the zip entry. All of these things are done automatically by a
/// call to ZipFile.AddFile().
/// For this reason, the ZipOutputStream is generally recommended for use
/// only when your application emits arbitrary data, not necessarily data from a
/// filesystem file, directly into a zip file, and does so using a Stream
/// metaphor.
/// Aside from the differences in programming model, there are other
/// differences in capability between the two classes.
/// -
/// ZipFile can be used to read and extract zip files, in addition to
/// creating zip files. ZipOutputStream cannot read zip files. If you want
/// to use a stream to read zip files, check out the class.
/// -
/// ZipOutputStream does not support the creation of segmented or spanned
/// zip files.
/// -
/// ZipOutputStream cannot produce a self-extracting archive.
/// Be aware that the ZipOutputStream class implements the interface. In order for
/// ZipOutputStream to produce a valid zip file, you use use it within
/// a using clause (Using in VB), or call the Dispose() method
/// explicitly. See the examples for how to employ a using clause.
/// Also, a note regarding compression performance: On the desktop .NET
/// Framework, DotNetZip can use a multi-threaded compression implementation
/// that provides significant speed increases on large files, over 300k or so,
/// at the cost of increased memory use at runtime. (The output of the
/// compression is almost exactly the same size). But, the multi-threaded
/// approach incurs a performance hit on smaller files. There's no way for the
/// ZipOutputStream to know whether parallel compression will be beneficial,
/// because the ZipOutputStream does not know how much data you will write
/// through the stream. You may wish to set the property to zero, if you are compressing
/// large files through ZipOutputStream. This will cause parallel
/// compression to be used, always.
internal class ZipOutputStream : Stream
/// Create a ZipOutputStream, wrapping an existing stream.
/// The class is generally easier to use when creating
/// zip files. The ZipOutputStream offers a different metaphor for creating a
/// zip file, based on the class.
/// The stream to wrap. It must be writable. This stream will be closed at
/// the time the ZipOutputStream is closed.
/// This example shows how to create a zip file, using the
/// ZipOutputStream class.
/// private void Zipup()
/// {
/// if (filesToZip.Count == 0)
/// {
/// System.Console.WriteLine("Nothing to do.");
/// return;
/// }
/// using (var raw = File.Open(_outputFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite ))
/// {
/// using (var output= new ZipOutputStream(raw))
/// {
/// output.Password = "VerySecret!";
/// output.Encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm.WinZipAes256;
/// foreach (string inputFileName in filesToZip)
/// {
/// System.Console.WriteLine("file: {0}", inputFileName);
/// output.PutNextEntry(inputFileName);
/// using (var input = File.Open(inputFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read | FileShare.Write ))
/// {
/// byte[] buffer= new byte[2048];
/// int n;
/// while ((n= input.Read(buffer,0,buffer.Length)) > 0)
/// {
/// output.Write(buffer,0,n);
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// Private Sub Zipup()
/// Dim outputFileName As String = "XmlData.zip"
/// Dim filesToZip As String() = Directory.GetFiles(".", "*.xml")
/// If (filesToZip.Length = 0) Then
/// Console.WriteLine("Nothing to do.")
/// Else
/// Using raw As FileStream = File.Open(outputFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)
/// Using output As ZipOutputStream = New ZipOutputStream(raw)
/// output.Password = "VerySecret!"
/// output.Encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm.WinZipAes256
/// Dim inputFileName As String
/// For Each inputFileName In filesToZip
/// Console.WriteLine("file: {0}", inputFileName)
/// output.PutNextEntry(inputFileName)
/// Using input As FileStream = File.Open(inputFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)
/// Dim n As Integer
/// Dim buffer As Byte() = New Byte(2048) {}
/// Do While (n = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) > 0)
/// output.Write(buffer, 0, n)
/// Loop
/// End Using
/// Next
/// End Using
/// End Using
/// End If
/// End Sub
public ZipOutputStream(Stream stream) : this(stream, false) { }
/// Create a ZipOutputStream that writes to a filesystem file.
/// The class is generally easier to use when creating
/// zip files. The ZipOutputStream offers a different metaphor for creating a
/// zip file, based on the class.
/// The name of the zip file to create.
/// This example shows how to create a zip file, using the
/// ZipOutputStream class.
/// private void Zipup()
/// {
/// if (filesToZip.Count == 0)
/// {
/// System.Console.WriteLine("Nothing to do.");
/// return;
/// }
/// using (var output= new ZipOutputStream(outputFileName))
/// {
/// output.Password = "VerySecret!";
/// output.Encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm.WinZipAes256;
/// foreach (string inputFileName in filesToZip)
/// {
/// System.Console.WriteLine("file: {0}", inputFileName);
/// output.PutNextEntry(inputFileName);
/// using (var input = File.Open(inputFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read,
/// FileShare.Read | FileShare.Write ))
/// {
/// byte[] buffer= new byte[2048];
/// int n;
/// while ((n= input.Read(buffer,0,buffer.Length)) > 0)
/// {
/// output.Write(buffer,0,n);
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// Private Sub Zipup()
/// Dim outputFileName As String = "XmlData.zip"
/// Dim filesToZip As String() = Directory.GetFiles(".", "*.xml")
/// If (filesToZip.Length = 0) Then
/// Console.WriteLine("Nothing to do.")
/// Else
/// Using output As ZipOutputStream = New ZipOutputStream(outputFileName)
/// output.Password = "VerySecret!"
/// output.Encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm.WinZipAes256
/// Dim inputFileName As String
/// For Each inputFileName In filesToZip
/// Console.WriteLine("file: {0}", inputFileName)
/// output.PutNextEntry(inputFileName)
/// Using input As FileStream = File.Open(inputFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)
/// Dim n As Integer
/// Dim buffer As Byte() = New Byte(2048) {}
/// Do While (n = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) > 0)
/// output.Write(buffer, 0, n)
/// Loop
/// End Using
/// Next
/// End Using
/// End If
/// End Sub
public ZipOutputStream(String fileName)
Stream stream = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
_Init(stream, false, fileName);
/// Create a ZipOutputStream.
/// See the documentation for the ZipOutputStream(Stream)
/// constructor for an example.
/// The stream to wrap. It must be writable.
/// true if the application would like the stream
/// to remain open after the ZipOutputStream has been closed.
public ZipOutputStream(Stream stream, bool leaveOpen)
_Init(stream, leaveOpen, null);
private void _Init(Stream stream, bool leaveOpen, string name)
// workitem 9307
_outputStream = stream.CanRead ? stream : new CountingStream(stream);
CompressionLevel = OfficeOpenXml.Packaging.Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Default;
CompressionMethod = OfficeOpenXml.Packaging.Ionic.Zip.CompressionMethod.Deflate;
_encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm.None;
_entriesWritten = new Dictionary(StringComparer.Ordinal);
_zip64 = Zip64Option.Never;
_leaveUnderlyingStreamOpen = leaveOpen;
Strategy = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionStrategy.Default;
_name = name ?? "(stream)";
#if !NETCF
ParallelDeflateThreshold = -1L;
/// Provides a string representation of the instance.
/// This can be useful for debugging purposes.
/// a string representation of the instance.
public override String ToString()
return String.Format ("ZipOutputStream::{0}(leaveOpen({1})))", _name, _leaveUnderlyingStreamOpen);
/// Sets the password to be used on the ZipOutputStream instance.
/// When writing a zip archive, this password is applied to the entries, not
/// to the zip archive itself. It applies to any ZipEntry subsequently
/// written to the ZipOutputStream.
/// Using a password does not encrypt or protect the "directory" of the
/// archive - the list of entries contained in the archive. If you set the
/// Password property, the password actually applies to individual
/// entries that are added to the archive, subsequent to the setting of this
/// property. The list of filenames in the archive that is eventually created
/// will appear in clear text, but the contents of the individual files are
/// encrypted. This is how Zip encryption works.
/// If you set this property, and then add a set of entries to the archive via
/// calls to PutNextEntry, then each entry is encrypted with that
/// password. You may also want to change the password between adding
/// different entries. If you set the password, add an entry, then set the
/// password to null (Nothing in VB), and add another entry, the
/// first entry is encrypted and the second is not.
/// When setting the Password, you may also want to explicitly set the property, to specify how to encrypt the entries added
/// to the ZipFile. If you set the Password to a non-null value and do not
/// set , then PKZip 2.0 ("Weak") encryption is used.
/// This encryption is relatively weak but is very interoperable. If
/// you set the password to a null value (Nothing in VB),
/// Encryption is reset to None.
/// Special case: if you wrap a ZipOutputStream around a non-seekable stream,
/// and use encryption, and emit an entry of zero bytes, the Close() or
/// PutNextEntry() following the entry will throw an exception.
public String Password
if (_disposed)
_exceptionPending = true;
throw new System.InvalidOperationException("The stream has been closed.");
_password = value;
if (_password == null)
_encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm.None;
else if (_encryption == EncryptionAlgorithm.None)
_encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm.PkzipWeak;
/// The Encryption to use for entries added to the ZipOutputStream.
/// The specified Encryption is applied to the entries subsequently
/// written to the ZipOutputStream instance.
/// If you set this to something other than
/// EncryptionAlgorithm.None, you will also need to set the
/// to a non-null, non-empty value in
/// order to actually get encryption on the entry.
/// ZipOutputStream.Password
/// ZipEntry.Encryption
public EncryptionAlgorithm Encryption
return _encryption;
if (_disposed)
_exceptionPending = true;
throw new System.InvalidOperationException("The stream has been closed.");
if (value == EncryptionAlgorithm.Unsupported)
_exceptionPending = true;
throw new InvalidOperationException("You may not set Encryption to that value.");
_encryption = value;
/// Size of the work buffer to use for the ZLIB codec during compression.
/// Setting this may affect performance. For larger files, setting this to a
/// larger size may improve performance, but I'm not sure. Sorry, I don't
/// currently have good recommendations on how to set it. You can test it if
/// you like.
public int CodecBufferSize
/// The compression strategy to use for all entries.
/// Set the Strategy used by the ZLIB-compatible compressor, when compressing
/// data for the entries in the zip archive. Different compression strategies
/// work better on different sorts of data. The strategy parameter can affect
/// the compression ratio and the speed of compression but not the correctness
/// of the compresssion. For more information see .
public CompressionStrategy Strategy
/// The type of timestamp attached to the ZipEntry.
/// Set this in order to specify the kind of timestamp that should be emitted
/// into the zip file for each entry.
public ZipEntryTimestamp Timestamp
return _timestamp;
if (_disposed)
_exceptionPending = true;
throw new System.InvalidOperationException("The stream has been closed.");
_timestamp = value;
/// Sets the compression level to be used for entries subsequently added to
/// the zip archive.
/// Varying the compression level used on entries can affect the
/// size-vs-speed tradeoff when compression and decompressing data streams
/// or files.
/// As with some other properties on the ZipOutputStream class, like , and ,
/// setting this property on a ZipOutputStream
/// instance will cause the specified CompressionLevel to be used on all
/// items that are subsequently added to the
/// ZipOutputStream instance.
/// If you do not set this property, the default compression level is used,
/// which normally gives a good balance of compression efficiency and
/// compression speed. In some tests, using BestCompression can
/// double the time it takes to compress, while delivering just a small
/// increase in compression efficiency. This behavior will vary with the
/// type of data you compress. If you are in doubt, just leave this setting
/// alone, and accept the default.
public OfficeOpenXml.Packaging.Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel CompressionLevel
/// The compression method used on each entry added to the ZipOutputStream.
public CompressionMethod CompressionMethod
/// A comment attached to the zip archive.
/// The application sets this property to specify a comment to be embedded
/// into the generated zip archive.
/// According to PKWARE's
/// zip specification, the comment is not encrypted, even if there is a
/// password set on the zip file.
/// The specification does not describe how to indicate the encoding used
/// on a comment string. Many "compliant" zip tools and libraries use
/// IBM437 as the code page for comments; DotNetZip, too, follows that
/// practice. On the other hand, there are situations where you want a
/// Comment to be encoded with something else, for example using code page
/// 950 "Big-5 Chinese". To fill that need, DotNetZip will encode the
/// comment following the same procedure it follows for encoding
/// filenames: (a) if is
/// Never, it uses the default encoding (IBM437). (b) if is Always, it always uses the
/// alternate encoding (). (c) if is AsNecessary, it uses the
/// alternate encoding only if the default encoding is not sufficient for
/// encoding the comment - in other words if decoding the result does not
/// produce the original string. This decision is taken at the time of
/// the call to ZipFile.Save().
public string Comment
get { return _comment; }
if (_disposed)
_exceptionPending = true;
throw new System.InvalidOperationException("The stream has been closed.");
_comment = value;
/// Specify whether to use ZIP64 extensions when saving a zip archive.
/// The default value for the property is . is
/// safest, in the sense that you will not get an Exception if a
/// pre-ZIP64 limit is exceeded.
/// You must set this property before calling Write().
public Zip64Option EnableZip64
return _zip64;
if (_disposed)
_exceptionPending = true;
throw new System.InvalidOperationException("The stream has been closed.");
_zip64 = value;
/// Indicates whether ZIP64 extensions were used when saving the zip archive.
/// The value is defined only after the ZipOutputStream has been closed.
public bool OutputUsedZip64
return _anyEntriesUsedZip64 || _directoryNeededZip64;
/// Whether the ZipOutputStream should use case-insensitive comparisons when
/// checking for uniqueness of zip entries.
/// Though the zip specification doesn't prohibit zipfiles with duplicate
/// entries, Sane zip files have no duplicates, and the DotNetZip library
/// cannot create zip files with duplicate entries. If an application attempts
/// to call with a name that duplicates one
/// already used within the archive, the library will throw an Exception.
/// This property allows the application to specify whether the
/// ZipOutputStream instance considers ordinal case when checking for
/// uniqueness of zip entries.
public bool IgnoreCase
return !_DontIgnoreCase;
_DontIgnoreCase = !value;
/// Indicates whether to encode entry filenames and entry comments using
/// Unicode (UTF-8).
/// The
/// PKWare zip specification provides for encoding file names and file
/// comments in either the IBM437 code page, or in UTF-8. This flag selects
/// the encoding according to that specification. By default, this flag is
/// false, and filenames and comments are encoded into the zip file in the
/// IBM437 codepage. Setting this flag to true will specify that filenames
/// and comments that cannot be encoded with IBM437 will be encoded with
/// UTF-8.
/// Zip files created with strict adherence to the PKWare specification with
/// respect to UTF-8 encoding can contain entries with filenames containing
/// any combination of Unicode characters, including the full range of
/// characters from Chinese, Latin, Hebrew, Greek, Cyrillic, and many other
/// alphabets. However, because at this time, the UTF-8 portion of the PKWare
/// specification is not broadly supported by other zip libraries and
/// utilities, such zip files may not be readable by your favorite zip tool or
/// archiver. In other words, interoperability will decrease if you set this
/// flag to true.
/// In particular, Zip files created with strict adherence to the PKWare
/// specification with respect to UTF-8 encoding will not work well with
/// Explorer in Windows XP or Windows Vista, because Windows compressed
/// folders, as far as I know, do not support UTF-8 in zip files. Vista can
/// read the zip files, but shows the filenames incorrectly. Unpacking from
/// Windows Vista Explorer will result in filenames that have rubbish
/// characters in place of the high-order UTF-8 bytes.
/// Also, zip files that use UTF-8 encoding will not work well with Java
/// applications that use the java.util.zip classes, as of v5.0 of the Java
/// runtime. The Java runtime does not correctly implement the PKWare
/// specification in this regard.
/// As a result, we have the unfortunate situation that "correct" behavior by
/// the DotNetZip library with regard to Unicode encoding of filenames during
/// zip creation will result in zip files that are readable by strictly
/// compliant and current tools (for example the most recent release of the
/// commercial WinZip tool); but these zip files will not be readable by
/// various other tools or libraries, including Windows Explorer.
/// The DotNetZip library can read and write zip files with UTF8-encoded
/// entries, according to the PKware spec. If you use DotNetZip for both
/// creating and reading the zip file, and you use UTF-8, there will be no
/// loss of information in the filenames. For example, using a self-extractor
/// created by this library will allow you to unpack files correctly with no
/// loss of information in the filenames.
/// If you do not set this flag, it will remain false. If this flag is false,
/// the ZipOutputStream will encode all filenames and comments using
/// the IBM437 codepage. This can cause "loss of information" on some
/// filenames, but the resulting zipfile will be more interoperable with other
/// utilities. As an example of the loss of information, diacritics can be
/// lost. The o-tilde character will be down-coded to plain o. The c with a
/// cedilla (Unicode 0xE7) used in Portugese will be downcoded to a c.
/// Likewise, the O-stroke character (Unicode 248), used in Danish and
/// Norwegian, will be down-coded to plain o. Chinese characters cannot be
/// represented in codepage IBM437; when using the default encoding, Chinese
/// characters in filenames will be represented as ?. These are all examples
/// of "information loss".
/// The loss of information associated to the use of the IBM437 encoding is
/// inconvenient, and can also lead to runtime errors. For example, using
/// IBM437, any sequence of 4 Chinese characters will be encoded as ????. If
/// your application creates a ZipOutputStream, does not set the
/// encoding, then adds two files, each with names of four Chinese characters
/// each, this will result in a duplicate filename exception. In the case
/// where you add a single file with a name containing four Chinese
/// characters, the zipfile will save properly, but extracting that file
/// later, with any zip tool, will result in an error, because the question
/// mark is not legal for use within filenames on Windows. These are just a
/// few examples of the problems associated to loss of information.
/// This flag is independent of the encoding of the content within the entries
/// in the zip file. Think of the zip file as a container - it supports an
/// encoding. Within the container are other "containers" - the file entries
/// themselves. The encoding within those entries is independent of the
/// encoding of the zip archive container for those entries.
/// Rather than specify the encoding in a binary fashion using this flag, an
/// application can specify an arbitrary encoding via the property. Setting the encoding
/// explicitly when creating zip archives will result in non-compliant zip
/// files that, curiously, are fairly interoperable. The challenge is, the
/// PKWare specification does not provide for a way to specify that an entry
/// in a zip archive uses a code page that is neither IBM437 nor UTF-8.
/// Therefore if you set the encoding explicitly when creating a zip archive,
/// you must take care upon reading the zip archive to use the same code page.
/// If you get it wrong, the behavior is undefined and may result in incorrect
/// filenames, exceptions, stomach upset, hair loss, and acne.
[Obsolete("Beginning with v1.9.1.6 of DotNetZip, this property is obsolete. It will be removed in a future version of the library. Use AlternateEncoding and AlternateEncodingUsage instead.")]
public bool UseUnicodeAsNecessary
return (_alternateEncoding == System.Text.Encoding.UTF8) &&
(AlternateEncodingUsage == ZipOption.AsNecessary);
if (value)
_alternateEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
_alternateEncodingUsage = ZipOption.AsNecessary;
_alternateEncoding = Ionic.Zip.ZipOutputStream.DefaultEncoding;
_alternateEncodingUsage = ZipOption.Never;
/// The text encoding to use when emitting entries into the zip archive, for
/// those entries whose filenames or comments cannot be encoded with the
/// default (IBM437) encoding.
/// In its
/// zip specification, PKWare describes two options for encoding
/// filenames and comments: using IBM437 or UTF-8. But, some archiving tools
/// or libraries do not follow the specification, and instead encode
/// characters using the system default code page. For example, WinRAR when
/// run on a machine in Shanghai may encode filenames with the Big-5 Chinese
/// (950) code page. This behavior is contrary to the Zip specification, but
/// it occurs anyway.
/// When using DotNetZip to write zip archives that will be read by one of
/// these other archivers, set this property to specify the code page to use
/// when encoding the and for each ZipEntry in the zip file, for
/// values that cannot be encoded with the default codepage for zip files,
/// IBM437. This is why this property is "provisional". In all cases, IBM437
/// is used where possible, in other words, where no loss of data would
/// result. It is possible, therefore, to have a given entry with a
/// Comment encoded in IBM437 and a FileName encoded with the
/// specified "provisional" codepage.
/// Be aware that a zip file created after you've explicitly set the
/// ProvisionalAlternateEncoding property to a value other than
/// IBM437 may not be compliant to the PKWare specification, and may not be
/// readable by compliant archivers. On the other hand, many (most?)
/// archivers are non-compliant and can read zip files created in arbitrary
/// code pages. The trick is to use or specify the proper codepage when
/// reading the zip.
/// When creating a zip archive using this library, it is possible to change
/// the value of ProvisionalAlternateEncoding between each entry you
/// add, and between adding entries and the call to Close(). Don't do
/// this. It will likely result in a zipfile that is not readable. For best
/// interoperability, either leave ProvisionalAlternateEncoding
/// alone, or specify it only once, before adding any entries to the
/// ZipOutputStream instance. There is one exception to this
/// recommendation, described later.
/// When using an arbitrary, non-UTF8 code page for encoding, there is no
/// standard way for the creator application - whether DotNetZip, WinZip,
/// WinRar, or something else - to formally specify in the zip file which
/// codepage has been used for the entries. As a result, readers of zip files
/// are not able to inspect the zip file and determine the codepage that was
/// used for the entries contained within it. It is left to the application
/// or user to determine the necessary codepage when reading zip files encoded
/// this way. If you use an incorrect codepage when reading a zipfile, you
/// will get entries with filenames that are incorrect, and the incorrect
/// filenames may even contain characters that are not legal for use within
/// filenames in Windows. Extracting entries with illegal characters in the
/// filenames will lead to exceptions. It's too bad, but this is just the way
/// things are with code pages in zip files. Caveat Emptor.
/// One possible approach for specifying the code page for a given zip file is
/// to describe the code page in a human-readable form in the Zip comment. For
/// example, the comment may read "Entries in this archive are encoded in the
/// Big5 code page". For maximum interoperability, the zip comment in this
/// case should be encoded in the default, IBM437 code page. In this case,
/// the zip comment is encoded using a different page than the filenames. To
/// do this, Specify ProvisionalAlternateEncoding to your desired
/// region-specific code page, once before adding any entries, and then set
/// the property and reset
/// ProvisionalAlternateEncoding to IBM437 before calling Close().
[Obsolete("use AlternateEncoding and AlternateEncodingUsage instead.")]
public System.Text.Encoding ProvisionalAlternateEncoding
if (_alternateEncodingUsage == ZipOption.AsNecessary)
return _alternateEncoding;
return null;
_alternateEncoding = value;
_alternateEncodingUsage = ZipOption.AsNecessary;
/// A Text Encoding to use when encoding the filenames and comments for
/// all the ZipEntry items, during a ZipFile.Save() operation.
/// Whether the encoding specified here is used during the save depends
/// on .
public System.Text.Encoding AlternateEncoding
return _alternateEncoding;
_alternateEncoding = value;
/// A flag that tells if and when this instance should apply
/// AlternateEncoding to encode the filenames and comments associated to
/// of ZipEntry objects contained within this instance.
public ZipOption AlternateEncodingUsage
return _alternateEncodingUsage;
_alternateEncodingUsage = value;
/// The default text encoding used in zip archives. It is numeric 437, also
/// known as IBM437.
public static System.Text.Encoding DefaultEncoding
return System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("IBM437");
#if !NETCF
/// The size threshold for an entry, above which a parallel deflate is used.
/// DotNetZip will use multiple threads to compress any ZipEntry, when
/// the CompressionMethod is Deflate, and if the entry is
/// larger than the given size. Zero means "always use parallel
/// deflate", while -1 means "never use parallel deflate".
/// If the entry size cannot be known before compression, as with any entry
/// added via a ZipOutputStream, then Parallel deflate will never be
/// performed, unless the value of this property is zero.
/// A parallel deflate operations will speed up the compression of
/// large files, on computers with multiple CPUs or multiple CPU
/// cores. For files above 1mb, on a dual core or dual-cpu (2p)
/// machine, the time required to compress the file can be 70% of the
/// single-threaded deflate. For very large files on 4p machines the
/// compression can be done in 30% of the normal time. The downside
/// is that parallel deflate consumes extra memory during the deflate,
/// and the deflation is slightly less effective.
/// Parallel deflate tends to not be as effective as single-threaded deflate
/// because the original data stream is split into multiple independent
/// buffers, each of which is compressed in parallel. But because they are
/// treated independently, there is no opportunity to share compression
/// dictionaries, and additional framing bytes must be added to the output
/// stream. For that reason, a deflated stream may be slightly larger when
/// compressed using parallel deflate, as compared to a traditional
/// single-threaded deflate. For files of about 512k, the increase over the
/// normal deflate is as much as 5% of the total compressed size. For larger
/// files, the difference can be as small as 0.1%.
/// Multi-threaded compression does not give as much an advantage when using
/// Encryption. This is primarily because encryption tends to slow down
/// the entire pipeline. Also, multi-threaded compression gives less of an
/// advantage when using lower compression levels, for example . You may have to perform
/// some tests to determine the best approach for your situation.
/// The default value for this property is -1, which means parallel
/// compression will not be performed unless you set it to zero.
public long ParallelDeflateThreshold
if ((value != 0) && (value != -1) && (value < 64 * 1024))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value must be greater than 64k, or 0, or -1");
_ParallelDeflateThreshold = value;
return _ParallelDeflateThreshold;
/// The maximum number of buffer pairs to use when performing
/// parallel compression.
/// This property sets an upper limit on the number of memory
/// buffer pairs to create when performing parallel
/// compression. The implementation of the parallel
/// compression stream allocates multiple buffers to
/// facilitate parallel compression. As each buffer fills up,
/// the stream uses
/// ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem() to compress those
/// buffers in a background threadpool thread. After a buffer
/// is compressed, it is re-ordered and written to the output
/// stream.
/// A higher number of buffer pairs enables a higher degree of
/// parallelism, which tends to increase the speed of compression on
/// multi-cpu computers. On the other hand, a higher number of buffer
/// pairs also implies a larger memory consumption, more active worker
/// threads, and a higher cpu utilization for any compression. This
/// property enables the application to limit its memory consumption and
/// CPU utilization behavior depending on requirements.
/// For each compression "task" that occurs in parallel, there are 2
/// buffers allocated: one for input and one for output. This property
/// sets a limit for the number of pairs. The total amount of storage
/// space allocated for buffering will then be (N*S*2), where N is the
/// number of buffer pairs, S is the size of each buffer (). By default, DotNetZip allocates 4 buffer
/// pairs per CPU core, so if your machine has 4 cores, and you retain
/// the default buffer size of 128k, then the
/// ParallelDeflateOutputStream will use 4 * 4 * 2 * 128kb of buffer
/// memory in total, or 4mb, in blocks of 128kb. If you then set this
/// property to 8, then the number will be 8 * 2 * 128kb of buffer
/// memory, or 2mb.
/// CPU utilization will also go up with additional buffers, because a
/// larger number of buffer pairs allows a larger number of background
/// threads to compress in parallel. If you find that parallel
/// compression is consuming too much memory or CPU, you can adjust this
/// value downward.
/// The default value is 16. Different values may deliver better or
/// worse results, depending on your priorities and the dynamic
/// performance characteristics of your storage and compute resources.
/// This property is not the number of buffer pairs to use; it is an
/// upper limit. An illustration: Suppose you have an application that
/// uses the default value of this property (which is 16), and it runs
/// on a machine with 2 CPU cores. In that case, DotNetZip will allocate
/// 4 buffer pairs per CPU core, for a total of 8 pairs. The upper
/// limit specified by this property has no effect.
/// The application can set this value at any time, but it is
/// effective only if set before calling
/// ZipOutputStream.Write() for the first time.
public int ParallelDeflateMaxBufferPairs
return _maxBufferPairs;
if (value < 4)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("ParallelDeflateMaxBufferPairs",
"Value must be 4 or greater.");
_maxBufferPairs = value;
private void InsureUniqueEntry(ZipEntry ze1)
if (_entriesWritten.ContainsKey(ze1.FileName))
_exceptionPending = true;
throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("The entry '{0}' already exists in the zip archive.", ze1.FileName));
internal Stream OutputStream
return _outputStream;
internal String Name
return _name;
/// Returns true if an entry by the given name has already been written
/// to the ZipOutputStream.
/// The name of the entry to scan for.
/// true if an entry by the given name has already been written.
public bool ContainsEntry(string name)
return _entriesWritten.ContainsKey(SharedUtilities.NormalizePathForUseInZipFile(name));
/// Write the data from the buffer to the stream.
/// As the application writes data into this stream, the data may be
/// compressed and encrypted before being written out to the underlying
/// stream, depending on the settings of the
/// and the properties.
/// The buffer holding data to write to the stream.
/// the offset within that data array to find the first byte to write.
/// the number of bytes to write.
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
if (_disposed)
_exceptionPending = true;
throw new System.InvalidOperationException("The stream has been closed.");
if (buffer==null)
_exceptionPending = true;
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("buffer");
if (_currentEntry == null)
_exceptionPending = true;
throw new System.InvalidOperationException("You must call PutNextEntry() before calling Write().");
if (_currentEntry.IsDirectory)
_exceptionPending = true;
throw new System.InvalidOperationException("You cannot Write() data for an entry that is a directory.");
if (_needToWriteEntryHeader)
if (count != 0)
_entryOutputStream.Write(buffer, offset, count);
/// Specify the name of the next entry that will be written to the zip file.
/// Call this method just before calling , to
/// specify the name of the entry that the next set of bytes written to
/// the ZipOutputStream belongs to. All subsequent calls to Write,
/// until the next call to PutNextEntry,
/// will be inserted into the named entry in the zip file.
/// If the used in PutNextEntry() ends in
/// a slash, then the entry added is marked as a directory. Because directory
/// entries do not contain data, a call to Write(), before an
/// intervening additional call to PutNextEntry(), will throw an
/// exception.
/// If you don't call Write() between two calls to
/// PutNextEntry(), the first entry is inserted into the zip file as a
/// file of zero size. This may be what you want.
/// Because PutNextEntry() closes out the prior entry, if any, this
/// method may throw if there is a problem with the prior entry.
/// This method returns the ZipEntry. You can modify public properties
/// on the ZipEntry, such as , , and so on, until the first call to
/// ZipOutputStream.Write(), or until the next call to
/// PutNextEntry(). If you modify the ZipEntry after
/// having called Write(), you may get a runtime exception, or you may
/// silently get an invalid zip archive.
/// This example shows how to create a zip file, using the
/// ZipOutputStream class.
/// private void Zipup()
/// {
/// using (FileStream fs raw = File.Open(_outputFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite ))
/// {
/// using (var output= new ZipOutputStream(fs))
/// {
/// output.Password = "VerySecret!";
/// output.Encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm.WinZipAes256;
/// output.PutNextEntry("entry1.txt");
/// byte[] buffer= System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("This is the content for entry #1.");
/// output.Write(buffer,0,buffer.Length);
/// output.PutNextEntry("entry2.txt"); // this will be zero length
/// output.PutNextEntry("entry3.txt");
/// buffer= System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("This is the content for entry #3.");
/// output.Write(buffer,0,buffer.Length);
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// The name of the entry to be added, including any path to be used
/// within the zip file.
/// The ZipEntry created.
public ZipEntry PutNextEntry(String entryName)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(entryName))
throw new ArgumentNullException("entryName");
if (_disposed)
_exceptionPending = true;
throw new System.InvalidOperationException("The stream has been closed.");
_currentEntry = ZipEntry.CreateForZipOutputStream(entryName);
_currentEntry._container = new ZipContainer(this);
_currentEntry._BitField |= 0x0008; // workitem 8932
_currentEntry.SetEntryTimes(DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now);
_currentEntry.CompressionLevel = this.CompressionLevel;
_currentEntry.CompressionMethod = this.CompressionMethod;
_currentEntry.Password = _password; // workitem 13909
_currentEntry.Encryption = this.Encryption;
// workitem 12634
_currentEntry.AlternateEncoding = this.AlternateEncoding;
_currentEntry.AlternateEncodingUsage = this.AlternateEncodingUsage;
if (entryName.EndsWith("/")) _currentEntry.MarkAsDirectory();
_currentEntry.EmitTimesInWindowsFormatWhenSaving = ((_timestamp & ZipEntryTimestamp.Windows) != 0);
_currentEntry.EmitTimesInUnixFormatWhenSaving = ((_timestamp & ZipEntryTimestamp.Unix) != 0);
_needToWriteEntryHeader = true;
return _currentEntry;
private void _InitiateCurrentEntry(bool finishing)
// If finishing==true, this means we're initiating the entry at the time of
// Close() or PutNextEntry(). If this happens, it means no data was written
// for the entry - Write() was never called. (The usual case us to call
// _InitiateCurrentEntry(bool) from within Write().) If finishing==true,
// the entry could be either a zero-byte file or a directory.
_entryCount++; // could use _entriesWritten.Count, but I don't want to incur
// the cost.
if (_entryCount > 65534 && _zip64 == Zip64Option.Never)
_exceptionPending = true;
throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Too many entries. Consider setting ZipOutputStream.EnableZip64.");
// Write out the header.
// If finishing, and encryption is in use, then we don't want to emit the
// normal encryption header. Signal that with a cycle=99 to turn off
// encryption for zero-byte entries or directories.
// If finishing, then we know the stream length is zero. Else, unknown
// stream length. Passing stream length == 0 allows an optimization so as
// not to setup an encryption or deflation stream, when stream length is
// zero.
_currentEntry.WriteHeader(_outputStream, finishing ? 99 : 0);
if (!_currentEntry.IsDirectory)
finishing ? 0 : -1,
out _outputCounter,
out _encryptor,
out _deflater,
out _entryOutputStream);
_needToWriteEntryHeader = false;
private void _FinishCurrentEntry()
if (_currentEntry != null)
if (_needToWriteEntryHeader)
_InitiateCurrentEntry(true); // an empty entry - no writes
_currentEntry.FinishOutputStream(_outputStream, _outputCounter, _encryptor, _deflater, _entryOutputStream);
// workitem 12964
if (_currentEntry.OutputUsedZip64!=null)
_anyEntriesUsedZip64 |= _currentEntry.OutputUsedZip64.Value;
// reset all the streams
_outputCounter = null; _encryptor = _deflater = null; _entryOutputStream = null;
/// Dispose the stream
/// This method writes the Zip Central directory, then closes the stream. The
/// application must call Dispose() (or Close) in order to produce a valid zip file.
/// Typically the application will call Dispose() implicitly, via a using
/// statement in C#, or a Using statement in VB.
/// set this to true, always.
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (_disposed) return;
if (disposing) // not called from finalizer
// handle pending exceptions
if (!_exceptionPending)
_directoryNeededZip64 = ZipOutput.WriteCentralDirectoryStructure(_outputStream,
1, // _numberOfSegmentsForMostRecentSave,
new ZipContainer(this));
Stream wrappedStream = null;
CountingStream cs = _outputStream as CountingStream;
if (cs != null)
wrappedStream = cs.WrappedStream;
wrappedStream = _outputStream;
if (!_leaveUnderlyingStreamOpen)
_outputStream = null;
_disposed = true;
/// Always returns false.
public override bool CanRead { get { return false; } }
/// Always returns false.
public override bool CanSeek { get { return false; } }
/// Always returns true.
public override bool CanWrite { get { return true; } }
/// Always returns a NotSupportedException.
public override long Length { get { throw new NotSupportedException(); } }
/// Setting this property always returns a NotSupportedException. Getting it
/// returns the value of the Position on the underlying stream.
public override long Position
get { return _outputStream.Position; }
set { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
/// This is a no-op.
public override void Flush() { }
/// This method always throws a NotSupportedException.
/// ignored
/// ignored
/// ignored
/// nothing
public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
throw new NotSupportedException("Read");
/// This method always throws a NotSupportedException.
/// ignored
/// ignored
/// nothing
public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
throw new NotSupportedException("Seek");
/// This method always throws a NotSupportedException.
/// ignored
public override void SetLength(long value)
throw new NotSupportedException();
private EncryptionAlgorithm _encryption;
private ZipEntryTimestamp _timestamp;
internal String _password;
private String _comment;
private Stream _outputStream;
private ZipEntry _currentEntry;
internal Zip64Option _zip64;
private Dictionary _entriesWritten;
private int _entryCount;
private ZipOption _alternateEncodingUsage = ZipOption.Never;
private System.Text.Encoding _alternateEncoding
= System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("IBM437"); // default = IBM437
private bool _leaveUnderlyingStreamOpen;
private bool _disposed;
private bool _exceptionPending; // **see note below
private bool _anyEntriesUsedZip64, _directoryNeededZip64;
private CountingStream _outputCounter;
private Stream _encryptor;
private Stream _deflater;
private Ionic.Crc.CrcCalculatorStream _entryOutputStream;
private bool _needToWriteEntryHeader;
private string _name;
private bool _DontIgnoreCase;
#if !NETCF
internal ParallelDeflateOutputStream ParallelDeflater;
private long _ParallelDeflateThreshold;
private int _maxBufferPairs = 16;
// **Note regarding exceptions:
// When ZipOutputStream is employed within a using clause, which
// is the typical scenario, and an exception is thrown within
// the scope of the using, Close()/Dispose() is invoked
// implicitly before processing the initial exception. In that
// case, _exceptionPending is true, and we don't want to try to
// write anything in the Close/Dispose logic. Doing so can
// cause additional exceptions that mask the original one. So,
// the _exceptionPending flag is used to track that, and to
// allow the original exception to be propagated to the
// application without extra "noise."
internal class ZipContainer
private ZipFile _zf;
private ZipOutputStream _zos;
private ZipInputStream _zis;
public ZipContainer(Object o)
_zf = (o as ZipFile);
_zos = (o as ZipOutputStream);
_zis = (o as ZipInputStream);
public ZipFile ZipFile
get { return _zf; }
public ZipOutputStream ZipOutputStream
get { return _zos; }
public string Name
if (_zf != null) return _zf.Name;
if (_zis != null) throw new NotSupportedException();
return _zos.Name;
public string Password
if (_zf != null) return _zf._Password;
if (_zis != null) return _zis._Password;
return _zos._password;
public Zip64Option Zip64
if (_zf != null) return _zf._zip64;
if (_zis != null) throw new NotSupportedException();
return _zos._zip64;
public int BufferSize
if (_zf != null) return _zf.BufferSize;
if (_zis != null) throw new NotSupportedException();
return 0;
#if !NETCF
public Ionic.Zlib.ParallelDeflateOutputStream ParallelDeflater
if (_zf != null) return _zf.ParallelDeflater;
if (_zis != null) return null;
return _zos.ParallelDeflater;
if (_zf != null) _zf.ParallelDeflater = value;
else if (_zos != null) _zos.ParallelDeflater = value;
public long ParallelDeflateThreshold
if (_zf != null) return _zf.ParallelDeflateThreshold;
return _zos.ParallelDeflateThreshold;
public int ParallelDeflateMaxBufferPairs
if (_zf != null) return _zf.ParallelDeflateMaxBufferPairs;
return _zos.ParallelDeflateMaxBufferPairs;
public int CodecBufferSize
if (_zf != null) return _zf.CodecBufferSize;
if (_zis != null) return _zis.CodecBufferSize;
return _zos.CodecBufferSize;
public Ionic.Zlib.CompressionStrategy Strategy
if (_zf != null) return _zf.Strategy;
return _zos.Strategy;
public Zip64Option UseZip64WhenSaving
if (_zf != null) return _zf.UseZip64WhenSaving;
return _zos.EnableZip64;
public System.Text.Encoding AlternateEncoding
if (_zf != null) return _zf.AlternateEncoding;
if (_zos!=null) return _zos.AlternateEncoding;
return null;
public System.Text.Encoding DefaultEncoding
if (_zf != null) return ZipFile.DefaultEncoding;
if (_zos!=null) return ZipOutputStream.DefaultEncoding;
return null;
public ZipOption AlternateEncodingUsage
if (_zf != null) return _zf.AlternateEncodingUsage;
if (_zos!=null) return _zos.AlternateEncodingUsage;
return ZipOption.Never; // n/a
public Stream ReadStream
if (_zf != null) return _zf.ReadStream;
return _zis.ReadStream;