* You may amend and distribute as you like, but don't remove this header!
* EPPlus provides server-side generation of Excel 2007/2010 spreadsheets.
* See http://www.codeplex.com/EPPlus for details.
* Copyright (C) 2011 Jan Källman
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* The GNU Lesser General Public License can be viewed at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php
* If you unfamiliar with this license or have questions about it, here is an http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html
* All code and executables are provided "as is" with no warranty either express or implied.
* The author accepts no liability for any damage or loss of business that this product may cause.
* Code change notes:
* Author Change Date
* Jan Källman Added 2009-10-01
* Jan Källman License changed GPL-->LGPL 2011-12-16
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Collections;
using OfficeOpenXml.Table.PivotTable;
namespace OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart
public sealed class ExcelBubbleChartSeries : ExcelChartSeries
internal ExcelBubbleChartSeries(ExcelChart chart, XmlNamespaceManager ns, XmlNode node, bool isPivot)
: base(chart,ns,node, isPivot)
//_chartSeries = new ExcelChartSeries(this, _drawings.NameSpaceManager, _chartNode, isPivot);
public ExcelChartSerie Add(ExcelRangeBase Serie, ExcelRangeBase XSerie, ExcelRangeBase BubbleSize)
return base.AddSeries(Serie.FullAddressAbsolute, XSerie.FullAddressAbsolute, BubbleSize.FullAddressAbsolute);
public ExcelChartSerie Add(string SerieAddress, string XSerieAddress, string BubbleSizeAddress)
return base.AddSeries(SerieAddress, XSerieAddress, BubbleSizeAddress);
/// Collection class for chart series
public class ExcelChartSeries : XmlHelper, IEnumerable
List _list=new List();
internal ExcelChart _chart;
XmlNode _node;
XmlNamespaceManager _ns;
internal ExcelChartSeries(ExcelChart chart, XmlNamespaceManager ns, XmlNode node, bool isPivot)
: base(ns,node)
_ns = ns;
_isPivot = isPivot;
SchemaNodeOrder = new string[] { "view3D", "plotArea", "barDir", "grouping", "scatterStyle", "varyColors", "ser", "explosion", "dLbls", "firstSliceAng", "holeSize", "shape", "legend", "axId" };
foreach(XmlNode n in node.SelectNodes("c:ser",ns))
ExcelChartSerie s;
if (chart.ChartNode.LocalName == "scatterChart")
s = new ExcelScatterChartSerie(this, ns, n, isPivot);
else if (chart.ChartNode.LocalName == "lineChart")
s = new ExcelLineChartSerie(this, ns, n, isPivot);
else if (chart.ChartNode.LocalName == "pieChart" ||
chart.ChartNode.LocalName == "ofPieChart" ||
chart.ChartNode.LocalName == "pie3DChart" ||
chart.ChartNode.LocalName == "doughnutChart")
s = new ExcelPieChartSerie(this, ns, n, isPivot);
s = new ExcelChartSerie(this, ns, n, isPivot);
#region IEnumerable Members
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return (_list.GetEnumerator());
/// Returns the serie at the specified position.
/// The position of the series.
public ExcelChartSerie this[int PositionID]
return (_list[PositionID]);
public int Count
return _list.Count;
/// Delete the chart at the specific position
/// Zero based
public void Delete(int PositionID)
ExcelChartSerie ser = _list[PositionID];
/// A reference to the chart object
public ExcelChart Chart
return _chart;
#region "Add Series"
/// Add a new serie to the chart. Do not apply to pivotcharts.
/// The Y-Axis range
/// The X-Axis range
public virtual ExcelChartSerie Add(ExcelRangeBase Serie, ExcelRangeBase XSerie)
if (_chart.PivotTableSource != null)
throw (new InvalidOperationException("Can't add a serie to a pivotchart"));
return AddSeries(Serie.FullAddressAbsolute, XSerie.FullAddressAbsolute,"");
/// Add a new serie to the chart.Do not apply to pivotcharts.
/// The Y-Axis range
/// The X-Axis range
public virtual ExcelChartSerie Add(string SerieAddress, string XSerieAddress)
if (_chart.PivotTableSource != null)
throw (new InvalidOperationException("Can't add a serie to a pivotchart"));
return AddSeries(SerieAddress, XSerieAddress, "");
internal protected ExcelChartSerie AddSeries(string SeriesAddress, string XSeriesAddress, string bubbleSizeAddress)
XmlElement ser = _node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("ser", ExcelPackage.schemaChart);
XmlNodeList node = _node.SelectNodes("c:ser", _ns);
if (node.Count > 0)
_node.InsertAfter(ser, node[node.Count-1]);
InserAfter(_node, "c:varyColors,c:grouping,c:barDir,c:scatterStyle", ser);
int idx = FindIndex();
ser.InnerXml = string.Format("{5}{0}{2}{3}{4}", AddExplosion(Chart.ChartType), idx, AddScatterPoint(Chart.ChartType), AddAxisNodes(Chart.ChartType), AddSmooth(Chart.ChartType), AddMarker(Chart.ChartType));
ExcelChartSerie serie;
switch (Chart.ChartType)
case eChartType.Bubble:
case eChartType.Bubble3DEffect:
serie = new ExcelBubbleChartSerie(this, NameSpaceManager, ser, _isPivot)
Series = SeriesAddress,
XSeries = XSeriesAddress,
BubbleSize = bubbleSizeAddress
case eChartType.XYScatter:
case eChartType.XYScatterLines:
case eChartType.XYScatterLinesNoMarkers:
case eChartType.XYScatterSmooth:
case eChartType.XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers:
serie = new ExcelScatterChartSerie(this, NameSpaceManager, ser, _isPivot);
case eChartType.Radar:
case eChartType.RadarFilled:
case eChartType.RadarMarkers:
serie = new ExcelRadarChartSerie(this, NameSpaceManager, ser, _isPivot);
case eChartType.Surface:
case eChartType.SurfaceTopView:
case eChartType.SurfaceTopViewWireframe:
case eChartType.SurfaceWireframe:
serie = new ExcelSurfaceChartSerie(this, NameSpaceManager, ser, _isPivot);
case eChartType.Pie:
case eChartType.Pie3D:
case eChartType.PieExploded:
case eChartType.PieExploded3D:
case eChartType.PieOfPie:
case eChartType.Doughnut:
case eChartType.DoughnutExploded:
case eChartType.BarOfPie:
serie = new ExcelPieChartSerie(this, NameSpaceManager, ser, _isPivot);
case eChartType.Line:
case eChartType.LineMarkers:
case eChartType.LineMarkersStacked:
case eChartType.LineMarkersStacked100:
case eChartType.LineStacked:
case eChartType.LineStacked100:
serie = new ExcelLineChartSerie(this, NameSpaceManager, ser, _isPivot);
if (Chart.ChartType == eChartType.LineMarkers ||
Chart.ChartType == eChartType.LineMarkersStacked ||
Chart.ChartType == eChartType.LineMarkersStacked100)
((ExcelLineChartSerie)serie).Marker = eMarkerStyle.Square;
((ExcelLineChartSerie)serie).Smooth = ((ExcelLineChart)Chart).Smooth;
case eChartType.BarClustered:
case eChartType.BarStacked:
case eChartType.BarStacked100:
case eChartType.ColumnClustered:
case eChartType.ColumnStacked:
case eChartType.ColumnStacked100:
case eChartType.BarClustered3D:
case eChartType.BarStacked3D:
case eChartType.BarStacked1003D:
case eChartType.ColumnClustered3D:
case eChartType.ColumnStacked3D:
case eChartType.ColumnStacked1003D:
case eChartType.ConeBarClustered:
case eChartType.ConeBarStacked:
case eChartType.ConeBarStacked100:
case eChartType.ConeCol:
case eChartType.ConeColClustered:
case eChartType.ConeColStacked:
case eChartType.ConeColStacked100:
case eChartType.CylinderBarClustered:
case eChartType.CylinderBarStacked:
case eChartType.CylinderBarStacked100:
case eChartType.CylinderCol:
case eChartType.CylinderColClustered:
case eChartType.CylinderColStacked:
case eChartType.CylinderColStacked100:
case eChartType.PyramidBarClustered:
case eChartType.PyramidBarStacked:
case eChartType.PyramidBarStacked100:
case eChartType.PyramidCol:
case eChartType.PyramidColClustered:
case eChartType.PyramidColStacked:
case eChartType.PyramidColStacked100:
serie = new ExcelBarChartSerie(this, NameSpaceManager, ser, _isPivot);
serie = new ExcelChartSerie(this, NameSpaceManager, ser, _isPivot);
serie.Series = SeriesAddress;
serie.XSeries = XSeriesAddress;
return serie;
bool _isPivot;
internal void AddPivotSerie(ExcelPivotTable pivotTableSource)
var r=pivotTableSource.WorkSheet.Cells[pivotTableSource.Address.Address];
_isPivot = true;
AddSeries(r.Offset(0, 1, r._toRow - r._fromRow + 1, 1).FullAddressAbsolute, r.Offset(0, 0, r._toRow - r._fromRow + 1, 1).FullAddressAbsolute,"");
private int FindIndex()
int ret = 0, newID=0;
if (_chart.PlotArea.ChartTypes.Count > 1)
foreach (var chart in _chart.PlotArea.ChartTypes)
if (newID>0)
foreach (ExcelChartSerie serie in chart.Series)
if (chart == _chart)
ret += _list.Count + 1;
ret += chart.Series.Count;
return ret-1;
return _list.Count;
#region "Xml init Functions"
private string AddMarker(eChartType chartType)
if (chartType == eChartType.Line ||
chartType == eChartType.LineStacked ||
chartType == eChartType.LineStacked100 ||
chartType == eChartType.XYScatterLines ||
chartType == eChartType.XYScatterSmooth ||
chartType == eChartType.XYScatterLinesNoMarkers ||
chartType == eChartType.XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers)
return "";
return "";
private string AddScatterPoint(eChartType chartType)
if (chartType == eChartType.XYScatter)
return "";
return "";
private string AddAxisNodes(eChartType chartType)
if ( chartType == eChartType.XYScatter ||
chartType == eChartType.XYScatterLines ||
chartType == eChartType.XYScatterLinesNoMarkers ||
chartType == eChartType.XYScatterSmooth ||
chartType == eChartType.XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers ||
chartType == eChartType.Bubble ||
chartType == eChartType.Bubble3DEffect)
return "";
return "";
private string AddExplosion(eChartType chartType)
if (chartType == eChartType.PieExploded3D ||
chartType == eChartType.PieExploded ||
chartType == eChartType.DoughnutExploded)
return ""; //Default 25;
return "";
private string AddSmooth(eChartType chartType)
if (chartType == eChartType.XYScatterSmooth ||
chartType == eChartType.XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers)
return ""; //Default 25;
return "";