using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; namespace WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking { internal interface IContentFocusManager { void Activate(IDockContent content); void GiveUpFocus(IDockContent content); void AddToList(IDockContent content); void RemoveFromList(IDockContent content); } partial class DockPanel { private interface IFocusManager { void SuspendFocusTracking(); void ResumeFocusTracking(); bool IsFocusTrackingSuspended { get; } IDockContent ActiveContent { get; } DockPane ActivePane { get; } IDockContent ActiveDocument { get; } DockPane ActiveDocumentPane { get; } } private class FocusManagerImpl : Component, IContentFocusManager, IFocusManager { private class HookEventArgs : EventArgs { [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1823:AvoidUnusedPrivateFields")] public int HookCode; [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1823:AvoidUnusedPrivateFields")] public IntPtr wParam; public IntPtr lParam; } private class LocalWindowsHook : IDisposable { // Internal properties private IntPtr m_hHook = IntPtr.Zero; private NativeMethods.HookProc m_filterFunc = null; private Win32.HookType m_hookType; // Event delegate public delegate void HookEventHandler(object sender, HookEventArgs e); // Event: HookInvoked public event HookEventHandler HookInvoked; protected void OnHookInvoked(HookEventArgs e) { if (HookInvoked != null) HookInvoked(this, e); } public LocalWindowsHook(Win32.HookType hook) { m_hookType = hook; m_filterFunc = new NativeMethods.HookProc(this.CoreHookProc); } // Default filter function public IntPtr CoreHookProc(int code, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) { if (code < 0) return NativeMethods.CallNextHookEx(m_hHook, code, wParam, lParam); // Let clients determine what to do HookEventArgs e = new HookEventArgs(); e.HookCode = code; e.wParam = wParam; e.lParam = lParam; OnHookInvoked(e); // Yield to the next hook in the chain return NativeMethods.CallNextHookEx(m_hHook, code, wParam, lParam); } // Install the hook public void Install() { if (m_hHook != IntPtr.Zero) Uninstall(); int threadId = NativeMethods.GetCurrentThreadId(); m_hHook = NativeMethods.SetWindowsHookEx(m_hookType, m_filterFunc, IntPtr.Zero, threadId); } // Uninstall the hook public void Uninstall() { if (m_hHook != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeMethods.UnhookWindowsHookEx(m_hHook); m_hHook = IntPtr.Zero; } } ~LocalWindowsHook() { Dispose(false); } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { Uninstall(); } } private static LocalWindowsHook sm_localWindowsHook; private LocalWindowsHook.HookEventHandler m_hookEventHandler; // Use a static instance of the windows hook to prevent stack overflows in the windows kernel. static FocusManagerImpl() { if (Win32Helper.IsRunningOnMono) return; sm_localWindowsHook = new LocalWindowsHook(Win32.HookType.WH_CALLWNDPROCRET); sm_localWindowsHook.Install(); } public FocusManagerImpl(DockPanel dockPanel) { m_dockPanel = dockPanel; if (Win32Helper.IsRunningOnMono) return; m_hookEventHandler = new LocalWindowsHook.HookEventHandler(HookEventHandler); sm_localWindowsHook.HookInvoked += m_hookEventHandler; } private DockPanel m_dockPanel; public DockPanel DockPanel { get { return m_dockPanel; } } private bool m_disposed = false; protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { lock (this) { if (!m_disposed && disposing) { if (!Win32Helper.IsRunningOnMono) sm_localWindowsHook.HookInvoked -= m_hookEventHandler; m_disposed = true; } base.Dispose(disposing); } } private IDockContent m_contentActivating = null; private IDockContent ContentActivating { get { return m_contentActivating; } set { m_contentActivating = value; } } public void Activate(IDockContent content) { if (IsFocusTrackingSuspended) { ContentActivating = content; return; } if (content == null) return; DockContentHandler handler = content.DockHandler; if (handler.Form.IsDisposed) return; // Should not reach here, but better than throwing an exception if (ContentContains(content, handler.ActiveWindowHandle)) if (!Win32Helper.IsRunningOnMono) NativeMethods.SetFocus(handler.ActiveWindowHandle); if (!handler.Form.ContainsFocus) { if (!handler.Form.SelectNextControl(handler.Form.ActiveControl, true, true, true, true)) // Since DockContent Form is not selectalbe, use Win32 SetFocus instead if (!Win32Helper.IsRunningOnMono) NativeMethods.SetFocus(handler.Form.Handle); } } private List m_listContent = new List(); private List ListContent { get { return m_listContent; } } public void AddToList(IDockContent content) { if (ListContent.Contains(content) || IsInActiveList(content)) return; ListContent.Add(content); } public void RemoveFromList(IDockContent content) { if (IsInActiveList(content)) RemoveFromActiveList(content); if (ListContent.Contains(content)) ListContent.Remove(content); } private IDockContent m_lastActiveContent = null; private IDockContent LastActiveContent { get { return m_lastActiveContent; } set { m_lastActiveContent = value; } } private bool IsInActiveList(IDockContent content) { return !(content.DockHandler.NextActive == null && LastActiveContent != content); } private void AddLastToActiveList(IDockContent content) { IDockContent last = LastActiveContent; if (last == content) return; DockContentHandler handler = content.DockHandler; if (IsInActiveList(content)) RemoveFromActiveList(content); handler.PreviousActive = last; handler.NextActive = null; LastActiveContent = content; if (last != null) last.DockHandler.NextActive = LastActiveContent; } private void RemoveFromActiveList(IDockContent content) { if (LastActiveContent == content) LastActiveContent = content.DockHandler.PreviousActive; IDockContent prev = content.DockHandler.PreviousActive; IDockContent next = content.DockHandler.NextActive; if (prev != null) prev.DockHandler.NextActive = next; if (next != null) next.DockHandler.PreviousActive = prev; content.DockHandler.PreviousActive = null; content.DockHandler.NextActive = null; } public void GiveUpFocus(IDockContent content) { DockContentHandler handler = content.DockHandler; if (!handler.Form.ContainsFocus) return; if (IsFocusTrackingSuspended) DockPanel.DummyControl.Focus(); if (LastActiveContent == content) { IDockContent prev = handler.PreviousActive; if (prev != null) Activate(prev); else if (ListContent.Count > 0) Activate(ListContent[ListContent.Count - 1]); } else if (LastActiveContent != null) Activate(LastActiveContent); else if (ListContent.Count > 0) Activate(ListContent[ListContent.Count - 1]); } private static bool ContentContains(IDockContent content, IntPtr hWnd) { Control control = Control.FromChildHandle(hWnd); for (Control parent = control; parent != null; parent = parent.Parent) if (parent == content.DockHandler.Form) return true; return false; } private int m_countSuspendFocusTracking = 0; public void SuspendFocusTracking() { m_countSuspendFocusTracking++; if (!Win32Helper.IsRunningOnMono) sm_localWindowsHook.HookInvoked -= m_hookEventHandler; } public void ResumeFocusTracking() { if (m_countSuspendFocusTracking > 0) m_countSuspendFocusTracking--; if (m_countSuspendFocusTracking == 0) { if (ContentActivating != null) { Activate(ContentActivating); ContentActivating = null; } if (!Win32Helper.IsRunningOnMono) sm_localWindowsHook.HookInvoked += m_hookEventHandler; if (!InRefreshActiveWindow) RefreshActiveWindow(); } } public bool IsFocusTrackingSuspended { get { return m_countSuspendFocusTracking != 0; } } // Windows hook event handler private void HookEventHandler(object sender, HookEventArgs e) { Win32.Msgs msg = (Win32.Msgs)Marshal.ReadInt32(e.lParam, IntPtr.Size * 3); if (msg == Win32.Msgs.WM_KILLFOCUS) { IntPtr wParam = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(e.lParam, IntPtr.Size * 2); DockPane pane = GetPaneFromHandle(wParam); if (pane == null) RefreshActiveWindow(); } else if (msg == Win32.Msgs.WM_SETFOCUS) RefreshActiveWindow(); } private DockPane GetPaneFromHandle(IntPtr hWnd) { Control control = Control.FromChildHandle(hWnd); IDockContent content = null; DockPane pane = null; for (; control != null; control = control.Parent) { content = control as IDockContent; if (content != null) content.DockHandler.ActiveWindowHandle = hWnd; if (content != null && content.DockHandler.DockPanel == DockPanel) return content.DockHandler.Pane; pane = control as DockPane; if (pane != null && pane.DockPanel == DockPanel) break; } return pane; } private bool m_inRefreshActiveWindow = false; private bool InRefreshActiveWindow { get { return m_inRefreshActiveWindow; } } private void RefreshActiveWindow() { SuspendFocusTracking(); m_inRefreshActiveWindow = true; DockPane oldActivePane = ActivePane; IDockContent oldActiveContent = ActiveContent; IDockContent oldActiveDocument = ActiveDocument; SetActivePane(); SetActiveContent(); SetActiveDocumentPane(); SetActiveDocument(); DockPanel.AutoHideWindow.RefreshActivePane(); ResumeFocusTracking(); m_inRefreshActiveWindow = false; if (oldActiveContent != ActiveContent) DockPanel.OnActiveContentChanged(EventArgs.Empty); if (oldActiveDocument != ActiveDocument) DockPanel.OnActiveDocumentChanged(EventArgs.Empty); if (oldActivePane != ActivePane) DockPanel.OnActivePaneChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } private DockPane m_activePane = null; public DockPane ActivePane { get { return m_activePane; } } private void SetActivePane() { DockPane value = Win32Helper.IsRunningOnMono ? null : GetPaneFromHandle(NativeMethods.GetFocus()); if (m_activePane == value) return; if (m_activePane != null) m_activePane.SetIsActivated(false); m_activePane = value; if (m_activePane != null) m_activePane.SetIsActivated(true); } private IDockContent m_activeContent = null; public IDockContent ActiveContent { get { return m_activeContent; } } internal void SetActiveContent() { IDockContent value = ActivePane == null ? null : ActivePane.ActiveContent; if (m_activeContent == value) return; if (m_activeContent != null) m_activeContent.DockHandler.IsActivated = false; m_activeContent = value; if (m_activeContent != null) { m_activeContent.DockHandler.IsActivated = true; if (!DockHelper.IsDockStateAutoHide((m_activeContent.DockHandler.DockState))) AddLastToActiveList(m_activeContent); } } private DockPane m_activeDocumentPane = null; public DockPane ActiveDocumentPane { get { return m_activeDocumentPane; } } private void SetActiveDocumentPane() { DockPane value = null; if (ActivePane != null && ActivePane.DockState == DockState.Document) value = ActivePane; if (value == null && DockPanel.DockWindows != null) { if (ActiveDocumentPane == null) value = DockPanel.DockWindows[DockState.Document].DefaultPane; else if (ActiveDocumentPane.DockPanel != DockPanel || ActiveDocumentPane.DockState != DockState.Document) value = DockPanel.DockWindows[DockState.Document].DefaultPane; else value = ActiveDocumentPane; } if (m_activeDocumentPane == value) return; if (m_activeDocumentPane != null) m_activeDocumentPane.SetIsActiveDocumentPane(false); m_activeDocumentPane = value; if (m_activeDocumentPane != null) m_activeDocumentPane.SetIsActiveDocumentPane(true); } private IDockContent m_activeDocument = null; public IDockContent ActiveDocument { get { return m_activeDocument; } } private void SetActiveDocument() { IDockContent value = ActiveDocumentPane == null ? null : ActiveDocumentPane.ActiveContent; if (m_activeDocument == value) return; m_activeDocument = value; } } private IFocusManager FocusManager { get { return m_focusManager; } } internal IContentFocusManager ContentFocusManager { get { return m_focusManager; } } internal void SaveFocus() { DummyControl.Focus(); } [Browsable(false)] public IDockContent ActiveContent { get { return FocusManager.ActiveContent; } } [Browsable(false)] public DockPane ActivePane { get { return FocusManager.ActivePane; } } [Browsable(false)] public IDockContent ActiveDocument { get { return FocusManager.ActiveDocument; } } [Browsable(false)] public DockPane ActiveDocumentPane { get { return FocusManager.ActiveDocumentPane; } } private static readonly object ActiveDocumentChangedEvent = new object(); [LocalizedCategory("Category_PropertyChanged")] [LocalizedDescription("DockPanel_ActiveDocumentChanged_Description")] public event EventHandler ActiveDocumentChanged { add { Events.AddHandler(ActiveDocumentChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(ActiveDocumentChangedEvent, value); } } protected virtual void OnActiveDocumentChanged(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[ActiveDocumentChangedEvent]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } private static readonly object ActiveContentChangedEvent = new object(); [LocalizedCategory("Category_PropertyChanged")] [LocalizedDescription("DockPanel_ActiveContentChanged_Description")] public event EventHandler ActiveContentChanged { add { Events.AddHandler(ActiveContentChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(ActiveContentChangedEvent, value); } } protected void OnActiveContentChanged(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[ActiveContentChangedEvent]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } private static readonly object ActivePaneChangedEvent = new object(); [LocalizedCategory("Category_PropertyChanged")] [LocalizedDescription("DockPanel_ActivePaneChanged_Description")] public event EventHandler ActivePaneChanged { add { Events.AddHandler(ActivePaneChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(ActivePaneChangedEvent, value); } } protected virtual void OnActivePaneChanged(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[ActivePaneChangedEvent]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } } }