#region License Information /* HeuristicLab * Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL) * * This file is part of HeuristicLab. * * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see . */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding; using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic; using HeuristicLab.Random; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Tests { /// ///This is a test class for SimpleArithmeticExpressionInterpreter and is intended ///to contain all SimpleArithmeticExpressionInterpreter Unit Tests /// [TestClass()] public class SimpleArithmeticExpressionInterpreterTest { private const int N = 1000; private const int Rows = 1000; private const int Columns = 50; private TestContext testContextInstance; /// ///Gets or sets the test context which provides ///information about and functionality for the current test run. /// public TestContext TestContext { get { return testContextInstance; } set { testContextInstance = value; } } [TestMethod] public void FullGrammarSimpleArithmeticExpressionInterpreterPerformanceTest() { var twister = new MersenneTwister(31415); var dataset = Util.CreateRandomDataset(twister, Rows, Columns); var grammar = new GlobalSymbolicExpressionGrammar(new FullFunctionalExpressionGrammar()); grammar.MaxFunctionArguments = 0; grammar.MaxFunctionDefinitions = 0; grammar.MinFunctionArguments = 0; grammar.MinFunctionDefinitions = 0; var randomTrees = Util.CreateRandomTrees(twister, dataset, grammar, N, 1, 100, 0, 0); double[] estimation = new double[Rows]; foreach (SymbolicExpressionTree tree in randomTrees) { Util.InitTree(tree, twister, new List(dataset.VariableNames)); } SimpleArithmeticExpressionInterpreter interpreter = new SimpleArithmeticExpressionInterpreter(); double nodesPerSec = Util.CalculateEvaluatedNodesPerSec(randomTrees, interpreter, dataset, 3); Assert.IsTrue(nodesPerSec > 15.0e6); // evaluated nodes per seconds must be larger than 15mNodes/sec } [TestMethod] public void ArithmeticGrammarSimpleArithmeticExpressionInterpreterPerformanceTest() { var twister = new MersenneTwister(31415); var dataset = Util.CreateRandomDataset(twister, Rows, Columns); var grammar = new GlobalSymbolicExpressionGrammar(new ArithmeticExpressionGrammar()); grammar.MaxFunctionArguments = 0; grammar.MaxFunctionDefinitions = 0; grammar.MinFunctionArguments = 0; grammar.MinFunctionDefinitions = 0; var randomTrees = Util.CreateRandomTrees(twister, dataset, grammar, N, 1, 100, 0, 0); double[] estimation = new double[Rows]; foreach (SymbolicExpressionTree tree in randomTrees) { Util.InitTree(tree, twister, new List(dataset.VariableNames)); } SimpleArithmeticExpressionInterpreter interpreter = new SimpleArithmeticExpressionInterpreter(); double nodesPerSec = Util.CalculateEvaluatedNodesPerSec(randomTrees, interpreter, dataset, 3); Assert.IsTrue(nodesPerSec > 15.0e6); // evaluated nodes per seconds must be larger than 15mNodes/sec } /// ///A test for Evaluate /// [TestMethod] public void SimpleArithmeticExpressionInterpreterEvaluateTest() { Dataset ds = new Dataset(new string[] { "Y", "A", "B" }, new double[,] { { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }, { 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 }, { 3.0, 1.0, 2.0 } }); SimpleArithmeticExpressionInterpreter interpreter = new SimpleArithmeticExpressionInterpreter(); // constants Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(+ 1.5 3.5)", 0, 5.0); // variables Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(variable 2.0 a)", 0, 2.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(variable 2.0 a)", 1, 4.0); // addition Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(+ (variable 2.0 a ))", 1, 4.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(+ (variable 2.0 a ) (variable 3.0 b ))", 0, 5.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(+ (variable 2.0 a ) (variable 3.0 b ))", 1, 10.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(+ (variable 2.0 a) (variable 3.0 b ))", 2, 8.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(+ 8.0 2.0 2.0)", 0, 12.0); // subtraction Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(- (variable 2.0 a ))", 1, -4.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(- (variable 2.0 a ) (variable 3.0 b))", 0, -1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(- (variable 2.0 a ) (variable 3.0 b ))", 1, -2.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(- (variable 2.0 a ) (variable 3.0 b ))", 2, -4.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(- 8.0 2.0 2.0)", 0, 4.0); // multiplication Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(* (variable 2.0 a ))", 0, 2.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(* (variable 2.0 a ) (variable 3.0 b ))", 0, 6.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(* (variable 2.0 a ) (variable 3.0 b ))", 1, 24.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(* (variable 2.0 a ) (variable 3.0 b ))", 2, 12.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(* 8.0 2.0 2.0)", 0, 32.0); // division Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(/ (variable 2.0 a ))", 1, 1.0 / 4.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(/ (variable 2.0 a ) 2.0)", 0, 1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(/ (variable 2.0 a ) 2.0)", 1, 2.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(/ (variable 3.0 b ) 2.0)", 2, 3.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(/ 8.0 2.0 2.0)", 0, 2.0); // gt Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(> (variable 2.0 a) 2.0)", 0, -1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(> 2.0 (variable 2.0 a))", 0, -1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(> (variable 2.0 a) 1.9)", 0, 1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(> 1.9 (variable 2.0 a))", 0, -1.0); //Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(> (sqrt -1.0) (log -1.0))", 0, -1.0); // (> nan nan) should be false // lt Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(< (variable 2.0 a) 2.0)", 0, -1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(< 2.0 (variable 2.0 a))", 0, -1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(< (variable 2.0 a) 1.9)", 0, -1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(< 1.9 (variable 2.0 a))", 0, 1.0); //Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(< (sqrt -1,0) (log -1,0))", 0, -1.0); // (< nan nan) should be false // If Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(if -10.0 2.0 3.0)", 0, 3.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(if -1.0 2.0 3.0)", 0, 3.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(if 0.0 2.0 3.0)", 0, 3.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(if 1.0 2.0 3.0)", 0, 2.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(if 10.0 2.0 3.0)", 0, 2.0); // Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(if (sqrt -1.0) 2.0 3.0)", 0, 3.0); // if(nan) should return the else branch // NOT Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(not -1.0)", 0, 1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(not -2.0)", 0, 2.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(not 1.0)", 0, -1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(not 2.0)", 0, -2.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(not 0.0)", 0, 0.0); // AND Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(and -1.0 -2.0)", 0, -1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(and -1.0 2.0)", 0, -1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(and 1.0 -2.0)", 0, -1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(and 1.0 0.0)", 0, -1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(and 0.0 0.0)", 0, -1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(and 1.0 2.0)", 0, 1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(and 1.0 2.0 3.0)", 0, 1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(and 1.0 -2.0 3.0)", 0, -1.0); // OR Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(or -1.0 -2.0)", 0, -1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(or -1.0 2.0)", 0, 1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(or 1.0 -2.0)", 0, 1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(or 1.0 2.0)", 0, 1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(or 0.0 0.0)", 0, -1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(or -1.0 -2.0 -3.0)", 0, -1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(or -1.0 -2.0 3.0)", 0, 1.0); // sin, cos, tan Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(sin " + Math.PI.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + ")", 0, 0.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(sin 0.0)", 0, 0.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(cos " + Math.PI.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + ")", 0, -1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(cos 0.0)", 0, 1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(tan " + Math.PI.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + ")", 0, Math.Tan(Math.PI)); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(tan 0.0)", 0, Math.Tan(Math.PI)); // exp, log Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(log (exp 7.0))", 0, Math.Log(Math.Exp(7))); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(exp (log 7.0))", 0, Math.Exp(Math.Log(7))); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(log -3.0)", 0, Math.Log(-3)); // mean Evaluate(interpreter, ds, "(mean -1.0 1.0 -1.0)", 0, -1.0 / 3.0); // ADF Evaluate(interpreter, ds, @"(PROG (MAIN (CALL ADF0)) (defun ADF0 1.0))", 1, 1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, @"(PROG (MAIN (* (CALL ADF0) (CALL ADF0))) (defun ADF0 2.0))", 1, 4.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, @"(PROG (MAIN (CALL ADF0 2.0 3.0)) (defun ADF0 (+ (ARG 0) (ARG 1))))", 1, 5.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, @"(PROG (MAIN (CALL ADF1 2.0 3.0)) (defun ADF0 (- (ARG 1) (ARG 0))) (defun ADF1 (+ (CALL ADF0 (ARG 1) (ARG 0)) (CALL ADF0 (ARG 0) (ARG 1)))))", 1, 0.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, @"(PROG (MAIN (CALL ADF1 (variable 2.0 a) 3.0)) (defun ADF0 (- (ARG 1) (ARG 0))) (defun ADF1 (CALL ADF0 (ARG 1) (ARG 0))))", 1, 1.0); Evaluate(interpreter, ds, @"(PROG (MAIN (CALL ADF1 (variable 2.0 a) 3.0)) (defun ADF0 (- (ARG 1) (ARG 0))) (defun ADF1 (+ (CALL ADF0 (ARG 1) (ARG 0)) (CALL ADF0 (ARG 0) (ARG 1)))))", 1, 0.0); } private void Evaluate(SimpleArithmeticExpressionInterpreter interpreter, Dataset ds, string expr, int index, double expected) { var importer = new SymbolicExpressionImporter(); SymbolicExpressionTree tree = importer.Import(expr); double actual = interpreter.GetSymbolicExpressionTreeValues(tree, ds, Enumerable.Range(index, 1)).First(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, 1.0E-12, expr); } } }