// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 AlphaSierraPapa for the SharpDevelop Team // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this // software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software // without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons // to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or // substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE // FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp { public class QueryExpression : Expression { public static readonly Role ClauseRole = new Role("Clause"); #region Null public new static readonly QueryExpression Null = new NullQueryExpression (); sealed class NullQueryExpression : QueryExpression { public override bool IsNull { get { return true; } } public override void AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitNullNode(this); } public override T AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { return visitor.VisitNullNode(this); } public override S AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor, T data) { return visitor.VisitNullNode(this, data); } protected internal override bool DoMatch(AstNode other, PatternMatching.Match match) { return other == null || other.IsNull; } } #endregion public AstNodeCollection Clauses { get { return GetChildrenByRole(ClauseRole); } } public override void AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitQueryExpression (this); } public override T AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { return visitor.VisitQueryExpression (this); } public override S AcceptVisitor(IAstVisitor visitor, T data) { return visitor.VisitQueryExpression (this, data); } protected internal override bool DoMatch(AstNode other, PatternMatching.Match match) { QueryExpression o = other as QueryExpression; return o != null && !o.IsNull && this.Clauses.DoMatch(o.Clauses, match); } #region Builder methods public override MemberReferenceExpression Member(string memberName) { return new MemberReferenceExpression { Target = this, MemberName = memberName }; } public override IndexerExpression Indexer(IEnumerable arguments) { IndexerExpression expr = new IndexerExpression(); expr.Target = new ParenthesizedExpression(this); expr.Arguments.AddRange(arguments); return expr; } public override IndexerExpression Indexer(params Expression[] arguments) { IndexerExpression expr = new IndexerExpression(); expr.Target = new ParenthesizedExpression(this); expr.Arguments.AddRange(arguments); return expr; } public override InvocationExpression Invoke(string methodName, IEnumerable typeArguments, IEnumerable arguments) { InvocationExpression ie = new InvocationExpression(); MemberReferenceExpression mre = new MemberReferenceExpression(); mre.Target = new ParenthesizedExpression(this); mre.MemberName = methodName; mre.TypeArguments.AddRange(typeArguments); ie.Target = mre; ie.Arguments.AddRange(arguments); return ie; } public override InvocationExpression Invoke(IEnumerable arguments) { InvocationExpression ie = new InvocationExpression(); ie.Target = new ParenthesizedExpression(this); ie.Arguments.AddRange(arguments); return ie; } public override InvocationExpression Invoke(params Expression[] arguments) { InvocationExpression ie = new InvocationExpression(); ie.Target = new ParenthesizedExpression(this); ie.Arguments.AddRange(arguments); return ie; } public override CastExpression CastTo(AstType type) { return new CastExpression { Type = type, Expression = new ParenthesizedExpression(this) }; } public override AsExpression CastAs(AstType type) { return new AsExpression { Type = type, Expression = new ParenthesizedExpression(this) }; } public override IsExpression IsType(AstType type) { return new IsExpression { Type = type, Expression = new ParenthesizedExpression(this) }; } #endregion } public abstract class QueryClause : AstNode { public override NodeType NodeType { get { return NodeType.QueryClause; } } } /// /// Represents a query continuation. /// "(from .. select ..) into Identifier" or "(from .. group .. by ..) into Identifier" /// Note that "join .. into .." is not a query continuation! /// /// This is always the first(!!) clause in a query expression. /// The tree for "from a in b select c into d select e" looks like this: /// new QueryExpression { /// new QueryContinuationClause { /// PrecedingQuery = new QueryExpression { /// new QueryFromClause(a in b), /// new QuerySelectClause(c) /// }, /// Identifier = d /// }, /// new QuerySelectClause(e) /// } /// public class QueryContinuationClause : QueryClause { public static readonly Role PrecedingQueryRole = new Role("PrecedingQuery", QueryExpression.Null); public static readonly TokenRole IntoKeywordRole = new TokenRole ("into"); public QueryExpression PrecedingQuery { get { return GetChildByRole(PrecedingQueryRole); } set { SetChildByRole(PrecedingQueryRole, value); } } public CSharpTokenNode IntoKeyword { get { return GetChildByRole (IntoKeywordRole); } } public string Identifier { get { return GetChildByRole (Roles.Identifier).Name; } set { SetChildByRole(Roles.Identifier, CSharp.Identifier.Create (value)); } } public Identifier IdentifierToken { get { return GetChildByRole (Roles.Identifier); } } public override void AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitQueryContinuationClause (this); } public override T AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { return visitor.VisitQueryContinuationClause (this); } public override S AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor, T data) { return visitor.VisitQueryContinuationClause (this, data); } protected internal override bool DoMatch(AstNode other, PatternMatching.Match match) { QueryContinuationClause o = other as QueryContinuationClause; return o != null && MatchString(this.Identifier, o.Identifier) && this.PrecedingQuery.DoMatch(o.PrecedingQuery, match); } } public class QueryFromClause : QueryClause { public static readonly TokenRole FromKeywordRole = new TokenRole ("from"); public static readonly TokenRole InKeywordRole = new TokenRole ("in"); public CSharpTokenNode FromKeyword { get { return GetChildByRole (FromKeywordRole); } } public AstType Type { get { return GetChildByRole (Roles.Type); } set { SetChildByRole (Roles.Type, value); } } public string Identifier { get { return GetChildByRole (Roles.Identifier).Name; } set { SetChildByRole(Roles.Identifier, CSharp.Identifier.Create (value)); } } public Identifier IdentifierToken { get { return GetChildByRole(Roles.Identifier); } } public CSharpTokenNode InKeyword { get { return GetChildByRole (InKeywordRole); } } public Expression Expression { get { return GetChildByRole (Roles.Expression); } set { SetChildByRole (Roles.Expression, value); } } public override void AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitQueryFromClause (this); } public override T AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { return visitor.VisitQueryFromClause (this); } public override S AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor, T data) { return visitor.VisitQueryFromClause (this, data); } protected internal override bool DoMatch(AstNode other, PatternMatching.Match match) { QueryFromClause o = other as QueryFromClause; return o != null && this.Type.DoMatch(o.Type, match) && MatchString(this.Identifier, o.Identifier) && this.Expression.DoMatch(o.Expression, match); } } public class QueryLetClause : QueryClause { public readonly static TokenRole LetKeywordRole = new TokenRole ("let"); public CSharpTokenNode LetKeyword { get { return GetChildByRole(LetKeywordRole); } } public string Identifier { get { return GetChildByRole(Roles.Identifier).Name; } set { SetChildByRole(Roles.Identifier, CSharp.Identifier.Create (value)); } } public Identifier IdentifierToken { get { return GetChildByRole(Roles.Identifier); } } public CSharpTokenNode AssignToken { get { return GetChildByRole(Roles.Assign); } } public Expression Expression { get { return GetChildByRole(Roles.Expression); } set { SetChildByRole(Roles.Expression, value); } } public override void AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitQueryLetClause (this); } public override T AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { return visitor.VisitQueryLetClause (this); } public override S AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor, T data) { return visitor.VisitQueryLetClause (this, data); } protected internal override bool DoMatch(AstNode other, PatternMatching.Match match) { QueryLetClause o = other as QueryLetClause; return o != null && MatchString(this.Identifier, o.Identifier) && this.Expression.DoMatch(o.Expression, match); } } public class QueryWhereClause : QueryClause { public readonly static TokenRole WhereKeywordRole = new TokenRole ("where"); public CSharpTokenNode WhereKeyword { get { return GetChildByRole (WhereKeywordRole); } } public Expression Condition { get { return GetChildByRole (Roles.Condition); } set { SetChildByRole (Roles.Condition, value); } } public override void AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitQueryWhereClause (this); } public override T AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { return visitor.VisitQueryWhereClause (this); } public override S AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor, T data) { return visitor.VisitQueryWhereClause (this, data); } protected internal override bool DoMatch(AstNode other, PatternMatching.Match match) { QueryWhereClause o = other as QueryWhereClause; return o != null && this.Condition.DoMatch(o.Condition, match); } } /// /// Represents a join or group join clause. /// public class QueryJoinClause : QueryClause { public static readonly TokenRole JoinKeywordRole = new TokenRole ("join"); public static readonly Role TypeRole = Roles.Type; public static readonly Role JoinIdentifierRole = Roles.Identifier; public static readonly TokenRole InKeywordRole = new TokenRole ("in"); public static readonly Role InExpressionRole = Roles.Expression; public static readonly TokenRole OnKeywordRole = new TokenRole ("on"); public static readonly Role OnExpressionRole = new Role("OnExpression", Expression.Null); public static readonly TokenRole EqualsKeywordRole = new TokenRole ("equals"); public static readonly Role EqualsExpressionRole = new Role("EqualsExpression", Expression.Null); public static readonly TokenRole IntoKeywordRole = new TokenRole ("into"); public static readonly Role IntoIdentifierRole = new Role("IntoIdentifier", Identifier.Null); public bool IsGroupJoin { get { return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.IntoIdentifier); } } public CSharpTokenNode JoinKeyword { get { return GetChildByRole (JoinKeywordRole); } } public AstType Type { get { return GetChildByRole (TypeRole); } set { SetChildByRole (TypeRole, value); } } public string JoinIdentifier { get { return GetChildByRole(JoinIdentifierRole).Name; } set { SetChildByRole(JoinIdentifierRole, Identifier.Create (value)); } } public Identifier JoinIdentifierToken { get { return GetChildByRole(JoinIdentifierRole); } } public CSharpTokenNode InKeyword { get { return GetChildByRole (InKeywordRole); } } public Expression InExpression { get { return GetChildByRole (InExpressionRole); } set { SetChildByRole (InExpressionRole, value); } } public CSharpTokenNode OnKeyword { get { return GetChildByRole (OnKeywordRole); } } public Expression OnExpression { get { return GetChildByRole (OnExpressionRole); } set { SetChildByRole (OnExpressionRole, value); } } public CSharpTokenNode EqualsKeyword { get { return GetChildByRole (EqualsKeywordRole); } } public Expression EqualsExpression { get { return GetChildByRole (EqualsExpressionRole); } set { SetChildByRole (EqualsExpressionRole, value); } } public CSharpTokenNode IntoKeyword { get { return GetChildByRole (IntoKeywordRole); } } public string IntoIdentifier { get { return GetChildByRole (IntoIdentifierRole).Name; } set { SetChildByRole(IntoIdentifierRole, Identifier.Create (value)); } } public Identifier IntoIdentifierToken { get { return GetChildByRole(IntoIdentifierRole); } } public override void AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitQueryJoinClause (this); } public override T AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { return visitor.VisitQueryJoinClause (this); } public override S AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor, T data) { return visitor.VisitQueryJoinClause (this, data); } protected internal override bool DoMatch(AstNode other, PatternMatching.Match match) { QueryJoinClause o = other as QueryJoinClause; return o != null && this.IsGroupJoin == o.IsGroupJoin && this.Type.DoMatch(o.Type, match) && MatchString(this.JoinIdentifier, o.JoinIdentifier) && this.InExpression.DoMatch(o.InExpression, match) && this.OnExpression.DoMatch(o.OnExpression, match) && this.EqualsExpression.DoMatch(o.EqualsExpression, match) && MatchString(this.IntoIdentifier, o.IntoIdentifier); } } public class QueryOrderClause : QueryClause { public static readonly TokenRole OrderbyKeywordRole = new TokenRole ("orderby"); public static readonly Role OrderingRole = new Role("Ordering"); public CSharpTokenNode OrderbyToken { get { return GetChildByRole (OrderbyKeywordRole); } } public AstNodeCollection Orderings { get { return GetChildrenByRole (OrderingRole); } } public override void AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitQueryOrderClause (this); } public override T AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { return visitor.VisitQueryOrderClause (this); } public override S AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor, T data) { return visitor.VisitQueryOrderClause (this, data); } protected internal override bool DoMatch(AstNode other, PatternMatching.Match match) { QueryOrderClause o = other as QueryOrderClause; return o != null && this.Orderings.DoMatch(o.Orderings, match); } } public class QueryOrdering : AstNode { public readonly static TokenRole AscendingKeywordRole = new TokenRole ("ascending"); public readonly static TokenRole DescendingKeywordRole = new TokenRole ("descending"); public override NodeType NodeType { get { return NodeType.Unknown; } } public Expression Expression { get { return GetChildByRole (Roles.Expression); } set { SetChildByRole (Roles.Expression, value); } } public QueryOrderingDirection Direction { get; set; } public CSharpTokenNode DirectionToken { get { return Direction == QueryOrderingDirection.Ascending ? GetChildByRole (AscendingKeywordRole) : GetChildByRole (DescendingKeywordRole); } } public override void AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitQueryOrdering (this); } public override T AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { return visitor.VisitQueryOrdering (this); } public override S AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor, T data) { return visitor.VisitQueryOrdering (this, data); } protected internal override bool DoMatch(AstNode other, PatternMatching.Match match) { QueryOrdering o = other as QueryOrdering; return o != null && this.Direction == o.Direction && this.Expression.DoMatch(o.Expression, match); } } public enum QueryOrderingDirection { None, Ascending, Descending } public class QuerySelectClause : QueryClause { public readonly static TokenRole SelectKeywordRole = new TokenRole ("select"); public CSharpTokenNode SelectKeyword { get { return GetChildByRole (SelectKeywordRole); } } public Expression Expression { get { return GetChildByRole (Roles.Expression); } set { SetChildByRole (Roles.Expression, value); } } public override void AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitQuerySelectClause (this); } public override T AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { return visitor.VisitQuerySelectClause (this); } public override S AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor, T data) { return visitor.VisitQuerySelectClause (this, data); } protected internal override bool DoMatch(AstNode other, PatternMatching.Match match) { QuerySelectClause o = other as QuerySelectClause; return o != null && this.Expression.DoMatch(o.Expression, match); } } public class QueryGroupClause : QueryClause { public static readonly TokenRole GroupKeywordRole = new TokenRole ("group"); public static readonly Role ProjectionRole = new Role("Projection", Expression.Null); public static readonly TokenRole ByKeywordRole = new TokenRole ("by"); public static readonly Role KeyRole = new Role("Key", Expression.Null); public CSharpTokenNode GroupKeyword { get { return GetChildByRole (GroupKeywordRole); } } public Expression Projection { get { return GetChildByRole (ProjectionRole); } set { SetChildByRole (ProjectionRole, value); } } public CSharpTokenNode ByKeyword { get { return GetChildByRole (ByKeywordRole); } } public Expression Key { get { return GetChildByRole (KeyRole); } set { SetChildByRole (KeyRole, value); } } public override void AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitQueryGroupClause (this); } public override T AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor) { return visitor.VisitQueryGroupClause (this); } public override S AcceptVisitor (IAstVisitor visitor, T data) { return visitor.VisitQueryGroupClause (this, data); } protected internal override bool DoMatch(AstNode other, PatternMatching.Match match) { QueryGroupClause o = other as QueryGroupClause; return o != null && this.Projection.DoMatch(o.Projection, match) && this.Key.DoMatch(o.Key, match); } } }