#region License Information
/* HeuristicLab
* Copyright (C) 2002-2019 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
* This file is part of HeuristicLab.
* HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with HeuristicLab. If not, see .
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace HeuristicLab.IGraph.Wrappers {
public sealed class Graph : IDisposable {
private igraph_t graph;
internal igraph_t NativeInstance { get { return graph; } }
public int Vertices { get { return graph.n; } }
public bool IsDirected { get { return graph.directed; } }
public Graph() : this(0) { }
public Graph(int vertices) : this(vertices, false) { }
public Graph(int vertices, bool directed) {
graph = new igraph_t();
DllImporter.igraph_empty(graph, vertices, directed);
public Graph(int vertices, IEnumerable> edges) : this(vertices, edges, false) { }
public Graph(int vertices, IEnumerable> edges, bool directed) {
graph = new igraph_t();
DllImporter.igraph_empty(graph, vertices, directed);
foreach (var e in edges)
DllImporter.igraph_add_edge(graph, e.Item1, e.Item2);
~Graph() {
public void Dispose() {
if (graph == null) return;
graph = null;
public void SetSeed(uint seed) {
public double Density() {
double density;
DllImporter.igraph_density(graph, out density, false);
return density;
public Vector PageRank(double damping = 0.85, Vector weights = null) {
var vec = new Vector(Vertices);
var all = new igraph_vs_t();
DllImporter.igraph_vs_all(ref all);
try {
double eigenv = 0;
DllImporter.igraph_pagerank(graph, igraph_pagerank_algo_t.IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_PRPACK, vec.NativeInstance, out eigenv, all, IsDirected, damping, weights != null ? weights.NativeInstance : null);
} finally {
DllImporter.igraph_vs_destroy(ref all);
return vec;
public Matrix LayoutWithFruchtermanReingold(Matrix initialCoords = null) {
return LayoutWithFruchtermanReingold(500, Math.Sqrt(Vertices), initialCoords);
public Matrix LayoutWithFruchtermanReingold(int niter, double startTemp, Matrix initialCoords = null) {
if (initialCoords != null && (initialCoords.Rows != Vertices || initialCoords.Columns != 2))
throw new ArgumentException("Initial coordinate matrix does not contain the required number of rows and columns.", "initialCoords");
var coords = initialCoords != null ? new Matrix(initialCoords) : new Matrix(Vertices, 2);
DllImporter.igraph_layout_fruchterman_reingold(graph, coords.NativeInstance, initialCoords != null, niter, startTemp, igraph_layout_grid_t.IGRAPH_LAYOUT_AUTOGRID, null, null, null, null, null);
return coords;
public Matrix LayoutWithKamadaKawai(Matrix initialCoords = null) {
return LayoutWithKamadaKawai(50 * Vertices, 0, Vertices, initialCoords);
public Matrix LayoutWithKamadaKawai(int maxiter, double epsilon, double kkconst, Matrix initialCoords = null) {
if (initialCoords != null && (initialCoords.Rows != Vertices || initialCoords.Columns != 2))
throw new ArgumentException("Initial coordinate matrix does not contain the required number of rows and columns.", "initialCoords");
var coords = initialCoords != null ? new Matrix(initialCoords) : new Matrix(Vertices, 2);
DllImporter.igraph_layout_kamada_kawai(graph, coords.NativeInstance, initialCoords != null, maxiter, epsilon, kkconst, null, null, null, null, null);
return coords;
public Matrix LayoutWithDavidsonHarel(Matrix initialCoords = null) {
var density = Density();
return LayoutWithDavidsonHarel(10, Math.Max(10, (int)Math.Log(Vertices, 2)), 0.75, 1.0, 0.0, density / 10.0, 1.0 - Math.Sqrt(density), 0.2 * (1 - density), initialCoords);
public Matrix LayoutWithDavidsonHarel(int maxiter, int fineiter, double cool_fact, double weight_node_dist, double weight_border, double weight_edge_lengths, double weight_edge_crossings, double weight_node_edge_dist, Matrix initialCoords = null) {
if (initialCoords != null && (initialCoords.Rows != Vertices || initialCoords.Columns != 2))
throw new ArgumentException("Initial coordinate matrix does not contain the required number of rows and columns.", "initialCoords");
var coords = initialCoords != null ? new Matrix(initialCoords) : new Matrix(Vertices, 2);
DllImporter.igraph_layout_davidson_harel(graph, coords.NativeInstance, initialCoords != null, maxiter, fineiter, cool_fact, weight_node_dist, weight_border, weight_edge_lengths, weight_edge_crossings, weight_node_edge_dist);
return coords;
/// Use multi-dimensional scaling to layout vertices.
/// A distance matrix can be used to specify the distances between the vertices.
/// Otherwise the distances will be calculated by shortest-path-length.
/// For disconnected graphs, dimension must be 2.
/// The distance matrix to layout the vertices.
/// How many dimensions should be used.
/// The coordinates matrix of the aligned vertices.
public Matrix LayoutWithMds(Matrix dist = null, int dim = 2) {
var coords = new Matrix(Vertices, dim);
DllImporter.igraph_layout_mds(graph, coords.NativeInstance, dist != null ? dist.NativeInstance : null, dim);
return coords;
public void BreadthFirstWalk(BreadthFirstHandler handler, int root, DirectedWalkMode mode, bool includeUnreachableFromRoot = false, object tag = null) {
igraph_bfshandler_t wrapper = (t, vid, pred, succ, rank, dist, extra) => handler != null && handler(this, vid, pred, succ, rank, dist, tag);
DllImporter.igraph_bfs(graph, root, null, (igraph_neimode_t)mode, includeUnreachableFromRoot, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, wrapper, tag);
public void DepthFirstWalk(DepthFirstHandler inHandler, DepthFirstHandler outHandler, int root, DirectedWalkMode mode, bool includeUnreachableFromRoot = false, object tag = null) {
igraph_dfshandler_t inWrapper = (t, vid, dist, extra) => inHandler != null && inHandler(this, vid, dist, tag);
igraph_dfshandler_t outWrapper = (t, vid, dist, extra) => outHandler != null && outHandler(this, vid, dist, tag);
DllImporter.igraph_dfs(graph, root, (igraph_neimode_t)mode, includeUnreachableFromRoot, null, null, null, null, inWrapper, outWrapper, tag);