/******************************************************************************* * You may amend and distribute as you like, but don't remove this header! * * EPPlus provides server-side generation of Excel 2007/2010 spreadsheets. * See http://www.codeplex.com/EPPlus for details. * * Copyright (C) 2011 Jan Källman * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * The GNU Lesser General Public License can be viewed at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php * If you unfamiliar with this license or have questions about it, here is an http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html * * All code and executables are provided "as is" with no warranty either express or implied. * The author accepts no liability for any damage or loss of business that this product may cause. * * Code change notes: * * Author Change Date * ****************************************************************************** * Jan Källman Added 21-MAR-2011 * Jan Källman License changed GPL-->LGPL 2011-12-16 *******************************************************************************/ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Globalization; namespace OfficeOpenXml.Table.PivotTable { /// /// Defines the axis for a PivotTable /// public enum ePivotFieldAxis { /// /// None /// None=-1, /// /// Column axis /// Column, /// /// Page axis (Include Count Filter) /// /// Page, /// /// Row axis /// Row, /// /// Values axis /// Values } /// /// Build-in table row functions /// public enum DataFieldFunctions { Average, Count, CountNums, Max, Min, Product, None, StdDev, StdDevP, Sum, Var, VarP } /// /// Defines the data formats for a field in the PivotTable /// public enum eShowDataAs { /// /// Indicates the field is shown as the "difference from" a value. /// Difference, /// /// Indicates the field is shown as the "index. /// Index, /// /// Indicates that the field is shown as its normal datatype. /// Normal, /// /// /Indicates the field is show as the "percentage of" a value /// Percent, /// /// Indicates the field is shown as the "percentage difference from" a value. /// PercentDiff, /// /// Indicates the field is shown as the percentage of column. /// PercentOfCol, /// /// Indicates the field is shown as the percentage of row /// PercentOfRow, /// /// Indicates the field is shown as percentage of total. /// PercentOfTotal, /// /// Indicates the field is shown as running total in the table. /// RunTotal, } /// /// Built-in subtotal functions /// [Flags] public enum eSubTotalFunctions { None=1, Count=2, CountA=4, Avg=8, Default=16, Min=32, Max=64, Product=128, StdDev=256, StdDevP=512, Sum=1024, Var=2048, VarP=4096 } /// /// Data grouping /// [Flags] public enum eDateGroupBy { Years = 1, Quarters = 2, Months = 4, Days = 8, Hours = 16, Minutes = 32, Seconds = 64 } /// /// Sorting /// public enum eSortType { None, Ascending, Descending } /// /// A pivot table field. /// public class ExcelPivotTableField : XmlHelper { internal ExcelPivotTable _table; internal ExcelPivotTableField(XmlNamespaceManager ns, XmlNode topNode,ExcelPivotTable table, int index, int baseIndex) : base(ns, topNode) { Index = index; BaseIndex = baseIndex; _table = table; } public int Index { get; set; } internal int BaseIndex { get; set; } /// /// Name of the field /// public string Name { get { string v = GetXmlNodeString("@name"); if (v == "") { return _cacheFieldHelper.GetXmlNodeString("@name"); } else { return GetXmlNodeString("@name"); } } set { SetXmlNodeString("@name", value); } } /// /// Compact mode /// public bool Compact { get { return GetXmlNodeBool("@compact"); } set { SetXmlNodeBool("@compact",value); } } /// /// A boolean that indicates whether the items in this field should be shown in Outline form /// public bool Outline { get { return GetXmlNodeBool("@outline"); } set { SetXmlNodeBool("@outline",value); } } /// /// The custom text that is displayed for the subtotals label /// public bool SubtotalTop { get { return GetXmlNodeBool("@subtotalTop"); } set { SetXmlNodeBool("@subtotalTop",value); } } /// /// A boolean that indicates whether to show all items for this field /// public bool ShowAll { get { return GetXmlNodeBool("@showAll"); } set { SetXmlNodeBool("@showAll",value); } } /// /// The type of sort that is applied to this field /// public eSortType Sort { get { string v = GetXmlNodeString("@sortType"); return v == "" ? eSortType.None : (eSortType)Enum.Parse(typeof(eSortType), v, true); } set { if (value == eSortType.None) { DeleteNode("@sortType"); } else { SetXmlNodeString("@sortType", value.ToString().ToLower()); } } } /// /// A boolean that indicates whether manual filter is in inclusive mode /// public bool IncludeNewItemsInFilter { get { return GetXmlNodeBool("@includeNewItemsInFilter"); } set { SetXmlNodeBool("@includeNewItemsInFilter",value); } } /// /// Enumeration of the different subtotal operations that can be applied to page, row or column fields /// public eSubTotalFunctions SubTotalFunctions { get { eSubTotalFunctions ret = 0; XmlNodeList nl = TopNode.SelectNodes("d:items/d:item/@t", NameSpaceManager); if (nl.Count == 0) return eSubTotalFunctions.None; foreach (XmlAttribute item in nl) { try { ret |= (eSubTotalFunctions)Enum.Parse(typeof(eSubTotalFunctions), item.Value, true); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to parse value of " + item.Value + " to a valid pivot table subtotal function", ex); } } return ret; } set { if ((value & eSubTotalFunctions.None) == eSubTotalFunctions.None && (value != eSubTotalFunctions.None)) { throw (new ArgumentException("Value None can not be combined with other values.")); } if ((value & eSubTotalFunctions.Default) == eSubTotalFunctions.Default && (value != eSubTotalFunctions.Default)) { throw (new ArgumentException("Value Default can not be combined with other values.")); } // remove old attribute XmlNodeList nl = TopNode.SelectNodes("d:items/d:item/@t", NameSpaceManager); if (nl.Count > 0) { foreach (XmlAttribute item in nl) { DeleteNode("@" + item.Value + "Subtotal"); item.OwnerElement.ParentNode.RemoveChild(item.OwnerElement); } } if (value==eSubTotalFunctions.None) { // for no subtotals, set defaultSubtotal to off SetXmlNodeBool("@defaultSubtotal", false); TopNode.InnerXml = ""; } else { string innerXml = ""; int count = 0; foreach (eSubTotalFunctions e in Enum.GetValues(typeof(eSubTotalFunctions))) { if ((value & e) == e) { var newTotalType = e.ToString(); var totalType = char.ToLower(newTotalType[0]) + newTotalType.Substring(1); // add new attribute SetXmlNodeBool("@" + totalType + "Subtotal", true); innerXml += ""; count++; } } TopNode.InnerXml = string.Format("{1}", count, innerXml); } } } /// /// Type of axis /// public ePivotFieldAxis Axis { get { switch(GetXmlNodeString("@axis")) { case "axisRow": return ePivotFieldAxis.Row; case "axisCol": return ePivotFieldAxis.Column; case "axisPage": return ePivotFieldAxis.Page; case "axisValues": return ePivotFieldAxis.Values; default: return ePivotFieldAxis.None; } } internal set { switch (value) { case ePivotFieldAxis.Row: SetXmlNodeString("@axis","axisRow"); break; case ePivotFieldAxis.Column: SetXmlNodeString("@axis","axisCol"); break; case ePivotFieldAxis.Values: SetXmlNodeString("@axis", "axisValues"); break; case ePivotFieldAxis.Page: SetXmlNodeString("@axis", "axisPage"); break; default: DeleteNode("@axis"); break; } } } /// /// If the field is a row field /// public bool IsRowField { get { return (TopNode.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("../../d:rowFields/d:field[@x={0}]", Index), NameSpaceManager) != null); } internal set { if (value) { var rowsNode = TopNode.SelectSingleNode("../../d:rowFields", NameSpaceManager); if (rowsNode == null) { _table.CreateNode("d:rowFields"); } rowsNode = TopNode.SelectSingleNode("../../d:rowFields", NameSpaceManager); AppendField(rowsNode, Index, "field", "x"); if (BaseIndex == Index) { TopNode.InnerXml = ""; } else { TopNode.InnerXml = ""; } } else { XmlElement node = TopNode.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("../../d:rowFields/d:field[@x={0}]", Index), NameSpaceManager) as XmlElement; if (node != null) { node.ParentNode.RemoveChild(node); } } } } /// /// If the field is a column field /// public bool IsColumnField { get { return (TopNode.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("../../d:colFields/d:field[@x={0}]", Index), NameSpaceManager) != null); } internal set { if (value) { var columnsNode = TopNode.SelectSingleNode("../../d:colFields", NameSpaceManager); if (columnsNode == null) { _table.CreateNode("d:colFields"); } columnsNode = TopNode.SelectSingleNode("../../d:colFields", NameSpaceManager); AppendField(columnsNode, Index, "field", "x"); if (BaseIndex == Index) { TopNode.InnerXml = ""; } else { TopNode.InnerXml = ""; } } else { XmlElement node = TopNode.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("../../d:colFields/d:field[@x={0}]", Index), NameSpaceManager) as XmlElement; if (node != null) { node.ParentNode.RemoveChild(node); } } } } /// /// If the field is a datafield /// public bool IsDataField { get { return GetXmlNodeBool("@dataField", false); } } /// /// If the field is a page field. /// public bool IsPageField { get { return (Axis==ePivotFieldAxis.Page); } internal set { if (value) { var dataFieldsNode = TopNode.SelectSingleNode("../../d:pageFields", NameSpaceManager); if (dataFieldsNode == null) { _table.CreateNode("d:pageFields"); dataFieldsNode = TopNode.SelectSingleNode("../../d:pageFields", NameSpaceManager); } TopNode.InnerXml = ""; XmlElement node = AppendField(dataFieldsNode, Index, "pageField", "fld"); _pageFieldSettings = new ExcelPivotTablePageFieldSettings(NameSpaceManager, node, this, Index); } else { _pageFieldSettings = null; XmlElement node = TopNode.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("../../d:pageFields/d:pageField[@fld={0}]", Index), NameSpaceManager) as XmlElement; if (node != null) { node.ParentNode.RemoveChild(node); } } } } //public ExcelPivotGrouping DateGrouping //{ //} internal ExcelPivotTablePageFieldSettings _pageFieldSettings = null; public ExcelPivotTablePageFieldSettings PageFieldSettings { get { return _pageFieldSettings; } } internal eDateGroupBy DateGrouping { get; set; } ExcelPivotTableFieldGroup _grouping=null; /// /// Grouping settings. /// Null if the field has no grouping otherwise ExcelPivotTableFieldNumericGroup or ExcelPivotTableFieldNumericGroup. /// public ExcelPivotTableFieldGroup Grouping { get { return _grouping; } } #region Private & internal Methods internal XmlElement AppendField(XmlNode rowsNode, int index, string fieldNodeText, string indexAttrText) { XmlElement prevField = null, newElement; foreach (XmlElement field in rowsNode.ChildNodes) { string x = field.GetAttribute(indexAttrText); int fieldIndex; if(int.TryParse(x, out fieldIndex)) { if (fieldIndex == index) //Row already exists { return field; } else if (fieldIndex > index) { newElement = rowsNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(fieldNodeText, ExcelPackage.schemaMain); newElement.SetAttribute(indexAttrText, index.ToString()); rowsNode.InsertAfter(newElement, field); } } prevField=field; } newElement = rowsNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(fieldNodeText, ExcelPackage.schemaMain); newElement.SetAttribute(indexAttrText, index.ToString()); rowsNode.InsertAfter(newElement, prevField); return newElement; } internal XmlHelperInstance _cacheFieldHelper = null; internal void SetCacheFieldNode(XmlNode cacheField) { _cacheFieldHelper = new XmlHelperInstance(NameSpaceManager, cacheField); var groupNode = cacheField.SelectSingleNode("d:fieldGroup", NameSpaceManager); if (groupNode!=null) { var groupBy = groupNode.SelectSingleNode("d:rangePr/@groupBy", NameSpaceManager); if (groupBy==null) { _grouping = new ExcelPivotTableFieldNumericGroup(NameSpaceManager, cacheField); } else { DateGrouping=(eDateGroupBy)Enum.Parse(typeof(eDateGroupBy), groupBy.Value, true); _grouping = new ExcelPivotTableFieldDateGroup(NameSpaceManager, groupNode); } } } #endregion #region Grouping internal ExcelPivotTableFieldDateGroup SetDateGroup(eDateGroupBy GroupBy, DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate, int interval) { ExcelPivotTableFieldDateGroup group; group = new ExcelPivotTableFieldDateGroup(NameSpaceManager, _cacheFieldHelper.TopNode); _cacheFieldHelper.SetXmlNodeBool("d:sharedItems/@containsDate", true); _cacheFieldHelper.SetXmlNodeBool("d:sharedItems/@containsNonDate", false); _cacheFieldHelper.SetXmlNodeBool("d:sharedItems/@containsSemiMixedTypes", false); group.TopNode.InnerXml += string.Format("", BaseIndex, GroupBy.ToString().ToLower()); if (StartDate.Year < 1900) { _cacheFieldHelper.SetXmlNodeString("d:fieldGroup/d:rangePr/@startDate", "1900-01-01T00:00:00"); } else { _cacheFieldHelper.SetXmlNodeString("d:fieldGroup/d:rangePr/@startDate", StartDate.ToString("s", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); _cacheFieldHelper.SetXmlNodeString("d:fieldGroup/d:rangePr/@autoStart", "0"); } if (EndDate==DateTime.MaxValue) { _cacheFieldHelper.SetXmlNodeString("d:fieldGroup/d:rangePr/@endDate", "9999-12-31T00:00:00"); } else { _cacheFieldHelper.SetXmlNodeString("d:fieldGroup/d:rangePr/@endDate", EndDate.ToString("s", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); _cacheFieldHelper.SetXmlNodeString("d:fieldGroup/d:rangePr/@autoEnd", "0"); } int items = AddDateGroupItems(group, GroupBy, StartDate, EndDate, interval); AddFieldItems(items); _grouping = group; return group; } internal ExcelPivotTableFieldNumericGroup SetNumericGroup(double start, double end, double interval) { ExcelPivotTableFieldNumericGroup group; group = new ExcelPivotTableFieldNumericGroup(NameSpaceManager, _cacheFieldHelper.TopNode); _cacheFieldHelper.SetXmlNodeBool("d:sharedItems/@containsNumber", true); _cacheFieldHelper.SetXmlNodeBool("d:sharedItems/@containsInteger", true); _cacheFieldHelper.SetXmlNodeBool("d:sharedItems/@containsSemiMixedTypes", false); _cacheFieldHelper.SetXmlNodeBool("d:sharedItems/@containsString", false); group.TopNode.InnerXml += string.Format("", BaseIndex, start.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), end.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), interval.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); int items = AddNumericGroupItems(group, start, end, interval); AddFieldItems(items); _grouping = group; return group; } private int AddNumericGroupItems(ExcelPivotTableFieldNumericGroup group, double start, double end, double interval) { if (interval < 0) { throw (new Exception("The interval must be a positiv")); } if (start > end) { throw(new Exception("Then End number must be larger than the Start number")); } XmlElement groupItems = group.TopNode.SelectSingleNode("d:fieldGroup/d:groupItems", group.NameSpaceManager) as XmlElement; int items = 2; //First date double index=start; double nextIndex=start+interval; AddGroupItem(groupItems, "<" + start.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); while (index < end) { AddGroupItem(groupItems, string.Format("{0}-{1}", index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), nextIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); index=nextIndex; nextIndex+=interval; items++; } AddGroupItem(groupItems, ">" + nextIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); return items; } private void AddFieldItems(int items) { XmlElement prevNode = null; XmlElement itemsNode = TopNode.SelectSingleNode("d:items", NameSpaceManager) as XmlElement; for (int x = 0; x < items; x++) { var itemNode = itemsNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("item", ExcelPackage.schemaMain); itemNode.SetAttribute("x", x.ToString()); if (prevNode == null) { itemsNode.PrependChild(itemNode); } else { itemsNode.InsertAfter(itemNode, prevNode); } prevNode = itemNode; } itemsNode.SetAttribute("count", (items + 1).ToString()); } private int AddDateGroupItems(ExcelPivotTableFieldGroup group, eDateGroupBy GroupBy, DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate, int interval) { XmlElement groupItems = group.TopNode.SelectSingleNode("d:fieldGroup/d:groupItems", group.NameSpaceManager) as XmlElement; int items = 2; //First date AddGroupItem(groupItems, "<" + StartDate.ToString("s", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Substring(0, 10)); switch (GroupBy) { case eDateGroupBy.Seconds: case eDateGroupBy.Minutes: AddTimeSerie(60, groupItems); items += 60; break; case eDateGroupBy.Hours: AddTimeSerie(24, groupItems); items += 24; break; case eDateGroupBy.Days: if (interval == 1) { DateTime dt = new DateTime(2008, 1, 1); //pick a year with 366 days while (dt.Year == 2008) { AddGroupItem(groupItems, dt.ToString("dd-MMM")); dt = dt.AddDays(1); } items += 366; } else { DateTime dt = StartDate; items = 0; while (dt < EndDate) { AddGroupItem(groupItems, dt.ToString("dd-MMM")); dt = dt.AddDays(interval); items++; } } break; case eDateGroupBy.Months: AddGroupItem(groupItems, "jan"); AddGroupItem(groupItems, "feb"); AddGroupItem(groupItems, "mar"); AddGroupItem(groupItems, "apr"); AddGroupItem(groupItems, "may"); AddGroupItem(groupItems, "jun"); AddGroupItem(groupItems, "jul"); AddGroupItem(groupItems, "aug"); AddGroupItem(groupItems, "sep"); AddGroupItem(groupItems, "oct"); AddGroupItem(groupItems, "nov"); AddGroupItem(groupItems, "dec"); items += 12; break; case eDateGroupBy.Quarters: AddGroupItem(groupItems, "Qtr1"); AddGroupItem(groupItems, "Qtr2"); AddGroupItem(groupItems, "Qtr3"); AddGroupItem(groupItems, "Qtr4"); items += 4; break; case eDateGroupBy.Years: if(StartDate.Year>=1900 && EndDate!=DateTime.MaxValue) { for (int year = StartDate.Year; year <= EndDate.Year; year++) { AddGroupItem(groupItems, year.ToString()); } items += EndDate.Year - StartDate.Year+1; } break; default: throw (new Exception("unsupported grouping")); } //Lastdate AddGroupItem(groupItems, ">" + EndDate.ToString("s", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Substring(0, 10)); return items; } private void AddTimeSerie(int count, XmlElement groupItems) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { AddGroupItem(groupItems, string.Format("{0:00}", i)); } } private void AddGroupItem(XmlElement groupItems, string value) { var s = groupItems.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("s", ExcelPackage.schemaMain); s.SetAttribute("v", value); groupItems.AppendChild(s); } #endregion internal ExcelPivotTableFieldCollectionBase _items=null; /// /// Pivottable field Items. Used for grouping. /// public ExcelPivotTableFieldCollectionBase Items { get { if (_items == null) { _items = new ExcelPivotTableFieldCollectionBase(_table); foreach (XmlNode node in TopNode.SelectNodes("d:items//d:item", NameSpaceManager)) { var item = new ExcelPivotTableFieldItem(NameSpaceManager, node,this); if (item.T == "") { _items.AddInternal(item); } } //if (_grouping is ExcelPivotTableFieldDateGroup) //{ // ExcelPivotTableFieldDateGroup dtgrp = ((ExcelPivotTableFieldDateGroup)_grouping); // ExcelPivotTableFieldItem minItem=null, maxItem=null; // foreach (var item in _items) // { // if (item.X == 0) // { // minItem = item; // } // else if (maxItem == null || maxItem.X < item.X) // { // maxItem = item; // } // } // if (dtgrp.AutoStart) // { // _items._list.Remove(minItem); // } // if (dtgrp.AutoEnd) // { // _items._list.Remove(maxItem); // } //} } return _items; } } /// /// Add numberic grouping to the field /// /// Start value /// End value /// Interval public void AddNumericGrouping(double Start, double End, double Interval) { ValidateGrouping(); SetNumericGroup(Start, End, Interval); } /// /// Add a date grouping on this field. /// /// Group by public void AddDateGrouping(eDateGroupBy groupBy) { AddDateGrouping(groupBy, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue,1); } /// /// Add a date grouping on this field. /// /// Group by /// Fixed start date. Use DateTime.MinValue for auto /// Fixed end date. Use DateTime.MaxValue for auto public void AddDateGrouping(eDateGroupBy groupBy, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { AddDateGrouping(groupBy, startDate, endDate, 1); } /// /// Add a date grouping on this field. /// /// Number of days when grouping on days /// Fixed start date. Use DateTime.MinValue for auto /// Fixed end date. Use DateTime.MaxValue for auto public void AddDateGrouping(int days, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { AddDateGrouping(eDateGroupBy.Days, startDate, endDate, days); } private void AddDateGrouping(eDateGroupBy groupBy, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int groupInterval) { if (groupInterval < 1 || groupInterval >= Int16.MaxValue) { throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Group interval is out of range")); } if (groupInterval > 1 && groupBy != eDateGroupBy.Days) { throw (new ArgumentException("Group interval is can only be used when groupBy is Days")); } ValidateGrouping(); bool firstField = true; List fields=new List(); //Seconds if ((groupBy & eDateGroupBy.Seconds) == eDateGroupBy.Seconds) { fields.Add(AddField(eDateGroupBy.Seconds, startDate, endDate, ref firstField)); } //Minutes if ((groupBy & eDateGroupBy.Minutes) == eDateGroupBy.Minutes) { fields.Add(AddField(eDateGroupBy.Minutes, startDate, endDate, ref firstField)); } //Hours if ((groupBy & eDateGroupBy.Hours) == eDateGroupBy.Hours) { fields.Add(AddField(eDateGroupBy.Hours, startDate, endDate, ref firstField)); } //Days if ((groupBy & eDateGroupBy.Days) == eDateGroupBy.Days) { fields.Add(AddField(eDateGroupBy.Days, startDate, endDate, ref firstField, groupInterval)); } //Month if ((groupBy & eDateGroupBy.Months) == eDateGroupBy.Months) { fields.Add(AddField(eDateGroupBy.Months, startDate, endDate, ref firstField)); } //Quarters if ((groupBy & eDateGroupBy.Quarters) == eDateGroupBy.Quarters) { fields.Add(AddField(eDateGroupBy.Quarters, startDate, endDate, ref firstField)); } //Years if ((groupBy & eDateGroupBy.Years) == eDateGroupBy.Years) { fields.Add(AddField(eDateGroupBy.Years, startDate, endDate, ref firstField)); } if (fields.Count > 1) _cacheFieldHelper.SetXmlNodeString("d:fieldGroup/@par", (_table.Fields.Count - 1).ToString()); if (groupInterval != 1) { _cacheFieldHelper.SetXmlNodeString("d:fieldGroup/d:rangePr/@groupInterval", groupInterval.ToString()); } else { _cacheFieldHelper.DeleteNode("d:fieldGroup/d:rangePr/@groupInterval"); } _items = null; } private void ValidateGrouping() { if (!(IsColumnField || IsRowField)) { throw (new Exception("Field must be a row or column field")); } foreach (var field in _table.Fields) { if (field.Grouping != null) { throw (new Exception("Grouping already exists")); } } } private ExcelPivotTableField AddField(eDateGroupBy groupBy, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, ref bool firstField) { return AddField(groupBy, startDate, endDate, ref firstField,1); } private ExcelPivotTableField AddField(eDateGroupBy groupBy, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, ref bool firstField, int interval) { if (firstField == false) { //Pivot field var topNode = _table.PivotTableXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:pivotFields", _table.NameSpaceManager); var fieldNode = _table.PivotTableXml.CreateElement("pivotField", ExcelPackage.schemaMain); fieldNode.SetAttribute("compact", "0"); fieldNode.SetAttribute("outline", "0"); fieldNode.SetAttribute("showAll", "0"); fieldNode.SetAttribute("defaultSubtotal", "0"); topNode.AppendChild(fieldNode); var field = new ExcelPivotTableField(_table.NameSpaceManager, fieldNode, _table, _table.Fields.Count, Index); field.DateGrouping = groupBy; XmlNode rowColFields; if (IsRowField) { rowColFields=TopNode.SelectSingleNode("../../d:rowFields", NameSpaceManager); } else { rowColFields = TopNode.SelectSingleNode("../../d:colFields", NameSpaceManager); } int fieldIndex, index = 0; foreach (XmlElement rowfield in rowColFields.ChildNodes) { if (int.TryParse(rowfield.GetAttribute("x"), out fieldIndex)) { if (_table.Fields[fieldIndex].BaseIndex == BaseIndex) { var newElement = rowColFields.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("field", ExcelPackage.schemaMain); newElement.SetAttribute("x", field.Index.ToString()); rowColFields.InsertBefore(newElement, rowfield); break; } } index++; } if (IsRowField) { _table.RowFields.Insert(field, index); } else { _table.ColumnFields.Insert(field, index); } _table.Fields.AddInternal(field); AddCacheField(field, startDate, endDate, interval); return field; } else { firstField = false; DateGrouping = groupBy; Compact = false; SetDateGroup(groupBy, startDate, endDate, interval); return this; } } private void AddCacheField(ExcelPivotTableField field, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int interval) { //Add Cache definition field. var cacheTopNode = _table.CacheDefinition.CacheDefinitionXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:cacheFields", _table.NameSpaceManager); var cacheFieldNode = _table.CacheDefinition.CacheDefinitionXml.CreateElement("cacheField", ExcelPackage.schemaMain); cacheFieldNode.SetAttribute("name", field.DateGrouping.ToString()); cacheFieldNode.SetAttribute("databaseField", "0"); cacheTopNode.AppendChild(cacheFieldNode); field.SetCacheFieldNode(cacheFieldNode); field.SetDateGroup(field.DateGrouping, startDate, endDate, interval); } } }