using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; namespace WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking { public delegate string GetPersistStringCallback(); public class DockContentHandler : IDisposable, IDockDragSource { public DockContentHandler(Form form) : this(form, null) { } public DockContentHandler(Form form, GetPersistStringCallback getPersistStringCallback) { if (!(form is IDockContent)) throw new ArgumentException(Strings.DockContent_Constructor_InvalidForm, "form"); m_form = form; m_getPersistStringCallback = getPersistStringCallback; m_events = new EventHandlerList(); Form.Disposed +=new EventHandler(Form_Disposed); Form.TextChanged += new EventHandler(Form_TextChanged); } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if(disposing) { lock(this) { DockPanel = null; if (m_autoHideTab != null) m_autoHideTab.Dispose(); if (m_tab != null) m_tab.Dispose(); Form.Disposed -= new EventHandler(Form_Disposed); Form.TextChanged -= new EventHandler(Form_TextChanged); m_events.Dispose(); } } } private Form m_form; public Form Form { get { return m_form; } } public IDockContent Content { get { return Form as IDockContent; } } private IDockContent m_previousActive = null; public IDockContent PreviousActive { get { return m_previousActive; } internal set { m_previousActive = value; } } private IDockContent m_nextActive = null; public IDockContent NextActive { get { return m_nextActive; } internal set { m_nextActive = value; } } private EventHandlerList m_events; private EventHandlerList Events { get { return m_events; } } private bool m_allowEndUserDocking = true; public bool AllowEndUserDocking { get { return m_allowEndUserDocking; } set { m_allowEndUserDocking = value; } } private double m_autoHidePortion = 0.25; public double AutoHidePortion { get { return m_autoHidePortion; } set { if (value <= 0) throw(new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(Strings.DockContentHandler_AutoHidePortion_OutOfRange)); if (m_autoHidePortion == value) return; m_autoHidePortion = value; if (DockPanel == null) return; if (DockPanel.ActiveAutoHideContent == Content) DockPanel.PerformLayout(); } } private bool m_closeButton = true; public bool CloseButton { get { return m_closeButton; } set { if (m_closeButton == value) return; m_closeButton = value; if (Pane != null) if (Pane.ActiveContent.DockHandler == this) Pane.RefreshChanges(); } } private bool m_closeButtonVisible = true; /// /// Determines whether the close button is visible on the content /// public bool CloseButtonVisible { get { return m_closeButtonVisible; } set { m_closeButtonVisible = value; } } private DockState DefaultDockState { get { if (ShowHint != DockState.Unknown && ShowHint != DockState.Hidden) return ShowHint; if ((DockAreas & DockAreas.Document) != 0) return DockState.Document; if ((DockAreas & DockAreas.DockRight) != 0) return DockState.DockRight; if ((DockAreas & DockAreas.DockLeft) != 0) return DockState.DockLeft; if ((DockAreas & DockAreas.DockBottom) != 0) return DockState.DockBottom; if ((DockAreas & DockAreas.DockTop) != 0) return DockState.DockTop; return DockState.Unknown; } } private DockState DefaultShowState { get { if (ShowHint != DockState.Unknown) return ShowHint; if ((DockAreas & DockAreas.Document) != 0) return DockState.Document; if ((DockAreas & DockAreas.DockRight) != 0) return DockState.DockRight; if ((DockAreas & DockAreas.DockLeft) != 0) return DockState.DockLeft; if ((DockAreas & DockAreas.DockBottom) != 0) return DockState.DockBottom; if ((DockAreas & DockAreas.DockTop) != 0) return DockState.DockTop; if ((DockAreas & DockAreas.Float) != 0) return DockState.Float; return DockState.Unknown; } } private DockAreas m_allowedAreas = DockAreas.DockLeft | DockAreas.DockRight | DockAreas.DockTop | DockAreas.DockBottom | DockAreas.Document | DockAreas.Float; public DockAreas DockAreas { get { return m_allowedAreas; } set { if (m_allowedAreas == value) return; if (!DockHelper.IsDockStateValid(DockState, value)) throw(new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DockContentHandler_DockAreas_InvalidValue)); m_allowedAreas = value; if (!DockHelper.IsDockStateValid(ShowHint, m_allowedAreas)) ShowHint = DockState.Unknown; } } private DockState m_dockState = DockState.Unknown; public DockState DockState { get { return m_dockState; } set { if (m_dockState == value) return; DockPanel.SuspendLayout(true); if (value == DockState.Hidden) IsHidden = true; else SetDockState(false, value, Pane); DockPanel.ResumeLayout(true, true); } } private DockPanel m_dockPanel = null; public DockPanel DockPanel { get { return m_dockPanel; } set { if (m_dockPanel == value) return; Pane = null; if (m_dockPanel != null) m_dockPanel.RemoveContent(Content); if (m_tab != null) { m_tab.Dispose(); m_tab = null; } if (m_autoHideTab != null) { m_autoHideTab.Dispose(); m_autoHideTab = null; } m_dockPanel = value; if (m_dockPanel != null) { m_dockPanel.AddContent(Content); Form.TopLevel = false; Form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; Form.ShowInTaskbar = false; Form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; if (!Win32Helper.IsRunningOnMono) NativeMethods.SetWindowPos(Form.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, 0, 0, Win32.FlagsSetWindowPos.SWP_NOACTIVATE | Win32.FlagsSetWindowPos.SWP_NOMOVE | Win32.FlagsSetWindowPos.SWP_NOSIZE | Win32.FlagsSetWindowPos.SWP_NOZORDER | Win32.FlagsSetWindowPos.SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | Win32.FlagsSetWindowPos.SWP_FRAMECHANGED); } } } public Icon Icon { get { return Form.Icon; } } public DockPane Pane { get { return IsFloat ? FloatPane : PanelPane; } set { if (Pane == value) return; DockPanel.SuspendLayout(true); DockPane oldPane = Pane; SuspendSetDockState(); FloatPane = (value == null ? null : (value.IsFloat ? value : FloatPane)); PanelPane = (value == null ? null : (value.IsFloat ? PanelPane : value)); ResumeSetDockState(IsHidden, value != null ? value.DockState : DockState.Unknown, oldPane); DockPanel.ResumeLayout(true, true); } } private bool m_isHidden = true; public bool IsHidden { get { return m_isHidden; } set { if (m_isHidden == value) return; SetDockState(value, VisibleState, Pane); } } private string m_tabText = null; public string TabText { get { return m_tabText == null || m_tabText == "" ? Form.Text : m_tabText; } set { if (m_tabText == value) return; m_tabText = value; if (Pane != null) Pane.RefreshChanges(); } } private DockState m_visibleState = DockState.Unknown; public DockState VisibleState { get { return m_visibleState; } set { if (m_visibleState == value) return; SetDockState(IsHidden, value, Pane); } } private bool m_isFloat = false; public bool IsFloat { get { return m_isFloat; } set { if (m_isFloat == value) return; DockState visibleState = CheckDockState(value); if (visibleState == DockState.Unknown) throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DockContentHandler_IsFloat_InvalidValue); SetDockState(IsHidden, visibleState, Pane); } } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1720:AvoidTypeNamesInParameters")] public DockState CheckDockState(bool isFloat) { DockState dockState; if (isFloat) { if (!IsDockStateValid(DockState.Float)) dockState = DockState.Unknown; else dockState = DockState.Float; } else { dockState = (PanelPane != null) ? PanelPane.DockState : DefaultDockState; if (dockState != DockState.Unknown && !IsDockStateValid(dockState)) dockState = DockState.Unknown; } return dockState; } private DockPane m_panelPane = null; public DockPane PanelPane { get { return m_panelPane; } set { if (m_panelPane == value) return; if (value != null) { if (value.IsFloat || value.DockPanel != DockPanel) throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DockContentHandler_DockPane_InvalidValue); } DockPane oldPane = Pane; if (m_panelPane != null) RemoveFromPane(m_panelPane); m_panelPane = value; if (m_panelPane != null) { m_panelPane.AddContent(Content); SetDockState(IsHidden, IsFloat ? DockState.Float : m_panelPane.DockState, oldPane); } else SetDockState(IsHidden, DockState.Unknown, oldPane); } } private void RemoveFromPane(DockPane pane) { pane.RemoveContent(Content); SetPane(null); if (pane.Contents.Count == 0) pane.Dispose(); } private DockPane m_floatPane = null; public DockPane FloatPane { get { return m_floatPane; } set { if (m_floatPane == value) return; if (value != null) { if (!value.IsFloat || value.DockPanel != DockPanel) throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DockContentHandler_FloatPane_InvalidValue); } DockPane oldPane = Pane; if (m_floatPane != null) RemoveFromPane(m_floatPane); m_floatPane = value; if (m_floatPane != null) { m_floatPane.AddContent(Content); SetDockState(IsHidden, IsFloat ? DockState.Float : VisibleState, oldPane); } else SetDockState(IsHidden, DockState.Unknown, oldPane); } } private int m_countSetDockState = 0; private void SuspendSetDockState() { m_countSetDockState ++; } private void ResumeSetDockState() { m_countSetDockState --; if (m_countSetDockState < 0) m_countSetDockState = 0; } internal bool IsSuspendSetDockState { get { return m_countSetDockState != 0; } } private void ResumeSetDockState(bool isHidden, DockState visibleState, DockPane oldPane) { ResumeSetDockState(); SetDockState(isHidden, visibleState, oldPane); } internal void SetDockState(bool isHidden, DockState visibleState, DockPane oldPane) { if (IsSuspendSetDockState) return; if (DockPanel == null && visibleState != DockState.Unknown) throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DockContentHandler_SetDockState_NullPanel); if (visibleState == DockState.Hidden || (visibleState != DockState.Unknown && !IsDockStateValid(visibleState))) throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DockContentHandler_SetDockState_InvalidState); DockPanel dockPanel = DockPanel; if (dockPanel != null) dockPanel.SuspendLayout(true); SuspendSetDockState(); DockState oldDockState = DockState; if (m_isHidden != isHidden || oldDockState == DockState.Unknown) { m_isHidden = isHidden; } m_visibleState = visibleState; m_dockState = isHidden ? DockState.Hidden : visibleState; if (visibleState == DockState.Unknown) Pane = null; else { m_isFloat = (m_visibleState == DockState.Float); if (Pane == null) Pane = DockPanel.DockPaneFactory.CreateDockPane(Content, visibleState, true); else if (Pane.DockState != visibleState) { if (Pane.Contents.Count == 1) Pane.SetDockState(visibleState); else Pane = DockPanel.DockPaneFactory.CreateDockPane(Content, visibleState, true); } } if (Form.ContainsFocus) if (DockState == DockState.Hidden || DockState == DockState.Unknown) if (!Win32Helper.IsRunningOnMono) DockPanel.ContentFocusManager.GiveUpFocus(Content); SetPaneAndVisible(Pane); if (oldPane != null && !oldPane.IsDisposed && oldDockState == oldPane.DockState) RefreshDockPane(oldPane); if (Pane != null && DockState == Pane.DockState) { if ((Pane != oldPane) || (Pane == oldPane && oldDockState != oldPane.DockState)) // Avoid early refresh of hidden AutoHide panes if ((Pane.DockWindow == null || Pane.DockWindow.Visible || Pane.IsHidden) && !Pane.IsAutoHide) RefreshDockPane(Pane); } if (oldDockState != DockState) { if (DockState == DockState.Hidden || DockState == DockState.Unknown || DockHelper.IsDockStateAutoHide(DockState)) if (!Win32Helper.IsRunningOnMono) DockPanel.ContentFocusManager.RemoveFromList(Content); else if (!Win32Helper.IsRunningOnMono) DockPanel.ContentFocusManager.AddToList(Content); OnDockStateChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } ResumeSetDockState(); if (dockPanel != null) dockPanel.ResumeLayout(true, true); } private static void RefreshDockPane(DockPane pane) { pane.RefreshChanges(); pane.ValidateActiveContent(); } internal string PersistString { get { return GetPersistStringCallback == null ? Form.GetType().ToString() : GetPersistStringCallback(); } } private GetPersistStringCallback m_getPersistStringCallback = null; public GetPersistStringCallback GetPersistStringCallback { get { return m_getPersistStringCallback; } set { m_getPersistStringCallback = value; } } private bool m_hideOnClose = false; public bool HideOnClose { get { return m_hideOnClose; } set { m_hideOnClose = value; } } private DockState m_showHint = DockState.Unknown; public DockState ShowHint { get { return m_showHint; } set { if (!DockHelper.IsDockStateValid(value, DockAreas)) throw (new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DockContentHandler_ShowHint_InvalidValue)); if (m_showHint == value) return; m_showHint = value; } } private bool m_isActivated = false; public bool IsActivated { get { return m_isActivated; } internal set { if (m_isActivated == value) return; m_isActivated = value; } } public bool IsDockStateValid(DockState dockState) { if (DockPanel != null && dockState == DockState.Document && DockPanel.DocumentStyle == DocumentStyle.SystemMdi) return false; else return DockHelper.IsDockStateValid(dockState, DockAreas); } private ContextMenu m_tabPageContextMenu = null; public ContextMenu TabPageContextMenu { get { return m_tabPageContextMenu; } set { m_tabPageContextMenu = value; } } private string m_toolTipText = null; public string ToolTipText { get { return m_toolTipText; } set { m_toolTipText = value; } } public void Activate() { if (DockPanel == null) Form.Activate(); else if (Pane == null) Show(DockPanel); else { IsHidden = false; Pane.ActiveContent = Content; if (DockState == DockState.Document && DockPanel.DocumentStyle == DocumentStyle.SystemMdi) { Form.Activate(); return; } else if (DockHelper.IsDockStateAutoHide(DockState)) { if (DockPanel.ActiveAutoHideContent != Content) { DockPanel.ActiveAutoHideContent = null; return; } } if (!Form.ContainsFocus) if (!Win32Helper.IsRunningOnMono) DockPanel.ContentFocusManager.Activate(Content); } } public void GiveUpFocus() { if (!Win32Helper.IsRunningOnMono) DockPanel.ContentFocusManager.GiveUpFocus(Content); } private IntPtr m_activeWindowHandle = IntPtr.Zero; internal IntPtr ActiveWindowHandle { get { return m_activeWindowHandle; } set { m_activeWindowHandle = value; } } public void Hide() { IsHidden = true; } internal void SetPaneAndVisible(DockPane pane) { SetPane(pane); SetVisible(); } private void SetPane(DockPane pane) { if (pane != null && pane.DockState == DockState.Document && DockPanel.DocumentStyle == DocumentStyle.DockingMdi) { if (Form.Parent is DockPane) SetParent(null); if (Form.MdiParent != DockPanel.ParentForm) { FlagClipWindow = true; Form.MdiParent = DockPanel.ParentForm; } } else { FlagClipWindow = true; if (Form.MdiParent != null) Form.MdiParent = null; if (Form.TopLevel) Form.TopLevel = false; SetParent(pane); } } internal void SetVisible() { bool visible; if (IsHidden) visible = false; else if (Pane != null && Pane.DockState == DockState.Document && DockPanel.DocumentStyle == DocumentStyle.DockingMdi) visible = true; else if (Pane != null && Pane.ActiveContent == Content) visible = true; else if (Pane != null && Pane.ActiveContent != Content) visible = false; else visible = Form.Visible; if (Form.Visible != visible) Form.Visible = visible; } private void SetParent(Control value) { if (Form.Parent == value) return; //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // Workaround of .Net Framework bug: // Change the parent of a control with focus may result in the first // MDI child form get activated. //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bool bRestoreFocus = false; if (Form.ContainsFocus) { //Suggested as a fix for a memory leak by bugreports if (value == null && !IsFloat) if (!Win32Helper.IsRunningOnMono) DockPanel.ContentFocusManager.GiveUpFocus(this.Content); else { DockPanel.SaveFocus(); bRestoreFocus = true; } } //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Form.Parent = value; //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // Workaround of .Net Framework bug: // Change the parent of a control with focus may result in the first // MDI child form get activated. //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if (bRestoreFocus) Activate(); //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! } public void Show() { if (DockPanel == null) Form.Show(); else Show(DockPanel); } public void Show(DockPanel dockPanel) { if (dockPanel == null) throw(new ArgumentNullException(Strings.DockContentHandler_Show_NullDockPanel)); if (DockState == DockState.Unknown) Show(dockPanel, DefaultShowState); else Activate(); } public void Show(DockPanel dockPanel, DockState dockState) { if (dockPanel == null) throw(new ArgumentNullException(Strings.DockContentHandler_Show_NullDockPanel)); if (dockState == DockState.Unknown || dockState == DockState.Hidden) throw(new ArgumentException(Strings.DockContentHandler_Show_InvalidDockState)); dockPanel.SuspendLayout(true); DockPanel = dockPanel; if (dockState == DockState.Float && FloatPane == null) Pane = DockPanel.DockPaneFactory.CreateDockPane(Content, DockState.Float, true); else if (PanelPane == null) { DockPane paneExisting = null; foreach (DockPane pane in DockPanel.Panes) if (pane.DockState == dockState) { paneExisting = pane; break; } if (paneExisting == null) Pane = DockPanel.DockPaneFactory.CreateDockPane(Content, dockState, true); else Pane = paneExisting; } DockState = dockState; dockPanel.ResumeLayout(true, true); //we'll resume the layout before activating to ensure that the position Activate(); //and size of the form are finally processed before the form is shown } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1720:AvoidTypeNamesInParameters")] public void Show(DockPanel dockPanel, Rectangle floatWindowBounds) { if (dockPanel == null) throw(new ArgumentNullException(Strings.DockContentHandler_Show_NullDockPanel)); dockPanel.SuspendLayout(true); DockPanel = dockPanel; if (FloatPane == null) { IsHidden = true; // to reduce the screen flicker FloatPane = DockPanel.DockPaneFactory.CreateDockPane(Content, DockState.Float, false); FloatPane.FloatWindow.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; } FloatPane.FloatWindow.Bounds = floatWindowBounds; Show(dockPanel, DockState.Float); Activate(); dockPanel.ResumeLayout(true, true); } public void Show(DockPane pane, IDockContent beforeContent) { if (pane == null) throw(new ArgumentNullException(Strings.DockContentHandler_Show_NullPane)); if (beforeContent != null && pane.Contents.IndexOf(beforeContent) == -1) throw(new ArgumentException(Strings.DockContentHandler_Show_InvalidBeforeContent)); pane.DockPanel.SuspendLayout(true); DockPanel = pane.DockPanel; Pane = pane; pane.SetContentIndex(Content, pane.Contents.IndexOf(beforeContent)); Show(); pane.DockPanel.ResumeLayout(true, true); } public void Show(DockPane previousPane, DockAlignment alignment, double proportion) { if (previousPane == null) throw(new ArgumentException(Strings.DockContentHandler_Show_InvalidPrevPane)); if (DockHelper.IsDockStateAutoHide(previousPane.DockState)) throw(new ArgumentException(Strings.DockContentHandler_Show_InvalidPrevPane)); previousPane.DockPanel.SuspendLayout(true); DockPanel = previousPane.DockPanel; DockPanel.DockPaneFactory.CreateDockPane(Content, previousPane, alignment, proportion, true); Show(); previousPane.DockPanel.ResumeLayout(true, true); } public void Close() { DockPanel dockPanel = DockPanel; if (dockPanel != null) dockPanel.SuspendLayout(true); Form.Close(); if (dockPanel != null) dockPanel.ResumeLayout(true, true); } private DockPaneStripBase.Tab m_tab = null; internal DockPaneStripBase.Tab GetTab(DockPaneStripBase dockPaneStrip) { if (m_tab == null) m_tab = dockPaneStrip.CreateTab(Content); return m_tab; } private IDisposable m_autoHideTab = null; internal IDisposable AutoHideTab { get { return m_autoHideTab; } set { m_autoHideTab = value; } } #region Events private static readonly object DockStateChangedEvent = new object(); public event EventHandler DockStateChanged { add { Events.AddHandler(DockStateChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(DockStateChangedEvent, value); } } protected virtual void OnDockStateChanged(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[DockStateChangedEvent]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } #endregion private void Form_Disposed(object sender, EventArgs e) { Dispose(); } private void Form_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DockHelper.IsDockStateAutoHide(DockState)) DockPanel.RefreshAutoHideStrip(); else if (Pane != null) { if (Pane.FloatWindow != null) Pane.FloatWindow.SetText(); Pane.RefreshChanges(); } } private bool m_flagClipWindow = false; internal bool FlagClipWindow { get { return m_flagClipWindow; } set { if (m_flagClipWindow == value) return; m_flagClipWindow = value; if (m_flagClipWindow) Form.Region = new Region(Rectangle.Empty); else Form.Region = null; } } private ContextMenuStrip m_tabPageContextMenuStrip = null; public ContextMenuStrip TabPageContextMenuStrip { get { return m_tabPageContextMenuStrip; } set { m_tabPageContextMenuStrip = value; } } #region IDockDragSource Members Control IDragSource.DragControl { get { return Form; } } bool IDockDragSource.CanDockTo(DockPane pane) { if (!IsDockStateValid(pane.DockState)) return false; if (Pane == pane && pane.DisplayingContents.Count == 1) return false; return true; } Rectangle IDockDragSource.BeginDrag(Point ptMouse) { Size size; DockPane floatPane = this.FloatPane; if (DockState == DockState.Float || floatPane == null || floatPane.FloatWindow.NestedPanes.Count != 1) size = DockPanel.DefaultFloatWindowSize; else size = floatPane.FloatWindow.Size; Point location; Rectangle rectPane = Pane.ClientRectangle; if (DockState == DockState.Document) { if (Pane.DockPanel.DocumentTabStripLocation == DocumentTabStripLocation.Bottom) location = new Point(rectPane.Left, rectPane.Bottom - size.Height); else location = new Point(rectPane.Left, rectPane.Top); } else { location = new Point(rectPane.Left, rectPane.Bottom); location.Y -= size.Height; } location = Pane.PointToScreen(location); if (ptMouse.X > location.X + size.Width) location.X += ptMouse.X - (location.X + size.Width) + Measures.SplitterSize; return new Rectangle(location, size); } void IDockDragSource.EndDrag() { } public void FloatAt(Rectangle floatWindowBounds) { DockPane pane = DockPanel.DockPaneFactory.CreateDockPane(Content, floatWindowBounds, true); } public void DockTo(DockPane pane, DockStyle dockStyle, int contentIndex) { if (dockStyle == DockStyle.Fill) { bool samePane = (Pane == pane); if (!samePane) Pane = pane; if (contentIndex == -1 || !samePane) pane.SetContentIndex(Content, contentIndex); else { DockContentCollection contents = pane.Contents; int oldIndex = contents.IndexOf(Content); int newIndex = contentIndex; if (oldIndex < newIndex) { newIndex += 1; if (newIndex > contents.Count -1) newIndex = -1; } pane.SetContentIndex(Content, newIndex); } } else { DockPane paneFrom = DockPanel.DockPaneFactory.CreateDockPane(Content, pane.DockState, true); INestedPanesContainer container = pane.NestedPanesContainer; if (dockStyle == DockStyle.Left) paneFrom.DockTo(container, pane, DockAlignment.Left, 0.5); else if (dockStyle == DockStyle.Right) paneFrom.DockTo(container, pane, DockAlignment.Right, 0.5); else if (dockStyle == DockStyle.Top) paneFrom.DockTo(container, pane, DockAlignment.Top, 0.5); else if (dockStyle == DockStyle.Bottom) paneFrom.DockTo(container, pane, DockAlignment.Bottom, 0.5); paneFrom.DockState = pane.DockState; } } public void DockTo(DockPanel panel, DockStyle dockStyle) { if (panel != DockPanel) throw new ArgumentException(Strings.IDockDragSource_DockTo_InvalidPanel, "panel"); DockPane pane; if (dockStyle == DockStyle.Top) pane = DockPanel.DockPaneFactory.CreateDockPane(Content, DockState.DockTop, true); else if (dockStyle == DockStyle.Bottom) pane = DockPanel.DockPaneFactory.CreateDockPane(Content, DockState.DockBottom, true); else if (dockStyle == DockStyle.Left) pane = DockPanel.DockPaneFactory.CreateDockPane(Content, DockState.DockLeft, true); else if (dockStyle == DockStyle.Right) pane = DockPanel.DockPaneFactory.CreateDockPane(Content, DockState.DockRight, true); else if (dockStyle == DockStyle.Fill) pane = DockPanel.DockPaneFactory.CreateDockPane(Content, DockState.Document, true); else return; } #endregion } }