using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace HLWebPluginHost.Lib { public class HLServiceMembershipProvider : System.Web.Security.MembershipProvider { public override string ApplicationName { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } set { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public override bool ChangePassword(string username, string oldPassword, string newPassword) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override bool ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer(string username, string password, string newPasswordQuestion, string newPasswordAnswer) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override System.Web.Security.MembershipUser CreateUser(string username, string password, string email, string passwordQuestion, string passwordAnswer, bool isApproved, object providerUserKey, out System.Web.Security.MembershipCreateStatus status) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override bool DeleteUser(string username, bool deleteAllRelatedData) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override bool EnablePasswordReset { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public override bool EnablePasswordRetrieval { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public override System.Web.Security.MembershipUserCollection FindUsersByEmail(string emailToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override System.Web.Security.MembershipUserCollection FindUsersByName(string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override System.Web.Security.MembershipUserCollection GetAllUsers(int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override int GetNumberOfUsersOnline() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override string GetPassword(string username, string answer) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override System.Web.Security.MembershipUser GetUser(string username, bool userIsOnline) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override System.Web.Security.MembershipUser GetUser(object providerUserKey, bool userIsOnline) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override string GetUserNameByEmail(string email) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override int MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public override int MinRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public override int MinRequiredPasswordLength { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public override int PasswordAttemptWindow { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public override System.Web.Security.MembershipPasswordFormat PasswordFormat { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public override string PasswordStrengthRegularExpression { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public override bool RequiresQuestionAndAnswer { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public override bool RequiresUniqueEmail { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public override string ResetPassword(string username, string answer) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override bool UnlockUser(string userName) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override void UpdateUser(System.Web.Security.MembershipUser user) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override bool ValidateUser(string username, string password) { // Return just true for now as the OKB application works exactly like that // TODO: Add authentication against the HL-Service as soon as it's available. try { HttpContext.Current.Session["Username"] = username; HttpContext.Current.Session["Password"] = password; return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } } } }