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Namespace s

Settings object which contains customisable information for FixedColumns instance
Defined in: FixedColumns.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
DataTables settings objects
Store the heights of the rows for a draw.
Number of left hand columns to fix in position
Number of right hand columns to fix in position
Namespace Detail
Field Detail
<static> {object} s.dt
DataTables settings objects
Default Value:
<static> {array int} s.heights
Store the heights of the rows for a draw. This can significantly speed up a draw where both left and right columns are fixed
Default Value:
<static> {int} s.leftColumns
Number of left hand columns to fix in position
Default Value:
<static> {int} s.rightColumns
Number of right hand columns to fix in position
Default Value: