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Namespace ColReorder#s

Settings object which contains customisable information for ColReorder instance
Defined in: ColReorder.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Information which is used for positioning the insert cusor and knowing where to do the insert.
DataTables settings object
Number of columns to fix (not allow to be reordered)
Initialisation object used for this instance
Namespace Detail
Field Detail
<static> {array} ColReorder#s.aoTargets
Information which is used for positioning the insert cusor and knowing where to do the insert. Array of objects with the properties: x: x-axis position to: insert point
Default Value:
<static> {Object} ColReorder#s.dt
DataTables settings object
Default Value:
<static> {int} ColReorder#s.fixed
Number of columns to fix (not allow to be reordered)
Default Value:
<static> {object} ColReorder#s.init
Initialisation object used for this instance