using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.GraphRouting.Interfaces; namespace HeuristicLab.Algorithms.GraphRouting.PriorityQueues { // implementation based on C++ version from Peter Sanders // // Fast Binary Heap public sealed class BinaryHeapV3 : IHeap where K : IComparable { private class KNElement { public K Key { get; set; } public V Value { get; set; } } private int capacity; private K supremum; private int size; // index of last used element private KNElement[] data; public BinaryHeapV3(K sup, K infimum, int cap) { size = 0; capacity = cap; data = new KNElement[cap + 2]; for (int i = 0; i < cap + 2; i++) { data[i] = new KNElement(); } data[0].Key = infimum; data[capacity + 1].Key = sup; supremum = sup; Reset(); } public int Size { get { return size; } } public KeyValuePair PeekMin() { if (size == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Heap is empty"); } return new KeyValuePair(data[1].Key, data[1].Value); } public K PeekMinKey() { return data[1].Key; } public V PeekMinValue() { return data[1].Value; } public void RemoveMin() { // first move up elements on a min-path int hole = 1; int succ = 2; int sz = size; KNElement[] dat = data; while (succ < sz) { K key1 = dat[succ].Key; K key2 = dat[succ + 1].Key; if (key1.CompareTo(key2) > 0) { succ++; dat[hole].Key = key2; dat[hole].Value = dat[succ].Value; } else { dat[hole].Key = key1; dat[hole].Value = dat[succ].Value; } hole = succ; succ <<= 1; } // bubble up rightmost element K bubble = dat[sz].Key; int pred = hole >> 1; while (dat[pred].Key.CompareTo(bubble) > 0) { //dat[hole] = dat[pred]; dat[hole].Key = dat[pred].Key; dat[hole].Value = dat[pred].Value; hole = pred; pred >>= 1; } // finally move data to hole dat[hole].Key = bubble; dat[hole].Value = dat[sz].Value; dat[size].Key = supremum; // mark as deleted size = sz - 1; } public void Insert(K key, V value) { KNElement[] dat = data; size++; int hole = size; int pred = hole >> 1; K predKey = dat[pred].Key; while (predKey.CompareTo(key) > 0) { // must terminate due to sentinel at 0 dat[hole].Key = predKey; dat[hole].Value = dat[pred].Value; hole = pred; pred >>= 1; predKey = dat[pred].Key; } // finally move data to hole dat[hole].Key = key; dat[hole].Value = value; } public void DecreaseKey(K key, V value) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } // reset size to 0 and fill data array with sentinels private void Reset() { size = 0; K sup = supremum; int cap = capacity; for (int i = 1; i <= cap; i++) { data[i].Key = sup; } } } }