//namespace HeuristicLab.BenchmarkSuite.Problems { // using HeuristicLab.BenchmarkSuite.ProblemData; // public class ReplaceSpaceWithNewline : BenchmarkSuiteDataDescriptor { // private const string displayMame = "Replace Space with Newline"; // private const string description = "Given a string input, print the string, replacing spaces with newlines.Also, return the integer count of the non- whitespace characters. The input string will not have tabs or newlines."; // public override string Name { get { return displayMame; } } // public override string Description { get { return description; } } // protected override int InputArgumentCount { get { return 1; } } // protected override int OutputArgumentCount { get { return 2; } } // public override string ConvertInput(string[] input) { // return input[0]; // } // public override string[] ConvertOutput(string[] output) { // return output; // } // public override IPushData CreatePushData(Example[] training, Example[] test) { // return new ReplaceSpaceWithNewlinePushData(training, test); // } // } //}