#region License Information
/* HeuristicLab
* Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
* This file is part of HeuristicLab.
* HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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using HeuristicLab.GP.StructureIdentification;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using HeuristicLab.GP.Interfaces;
using System.IO;
using HeuristicLab.DataAnalysis;
using System;
using HeuristicLab.Random;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using HeuristicLab.GP.Operators;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace HeuristicLab.GP.Test {
///This is a test class for HL3TreeEvaluatorTest and is intended
///to contain all HL3TreeEvaluatorTest Unit Tests
public class HL3TreeEvaluatorTest {
private const int N = 1000;
private const int Rows = 1000;
private const int Columns = 50;
private static IFunctionTree[] randomTrees;
private static Dataset dataset;
private static MersenneTwister twister;
private TestContext testContextInstance;
///Gets or sets the test context which provides
///information about and functionality for the current test run.
public TestContext TestContext {
get {
return testContextInstance;
set {
testContextInstance = value;
public static void CreateRandomTrees(TestContext testContext) {
twister = new MersenneTwister();
dataset = Util.CreateRandomDataset(twister, Rows, Columns);
randomTrees = Util.CreateRandomTrees(twister, dataset, N, 1, 100);
public void PerformanceTest() {
double[] estimation = new double[Rows];
foreach (IFunctionTree tree in randomTrees) {
Util.InitTree(tree, twister, new List(dataset.VariableNames));
HL3TreeEvaluator hl3TreeEvaluator = new HL3TreeEvaluator();
Util.EvaluateTrees(randomTrees, hl3TreeEvaluator, dataset, 10);
///A test for Evaluate
public void HL3TreeEvaluatorEvaluateTest() {
Dataset ds = new Dataset(new double[,] {
{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 },
{ 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 },
{ 3.0, 1.0, 2.0 }
ds.SetVariableName(0, "y");
ds.SetVariableName(1, "a");
ds.SetVariableName(2, "b");
HL3TreeEvaluator evaluator = new HL3TreeEvaluator();
// constants
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(+ 1,5 3,5)", 0, 5.0);
// variables
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(variable 2,0 a 0)", 0, 2.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(variable 2,0 a 0)", 1, 4.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(variable 2,0 a -1)", 1, 2.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(variable 2,0 a -2)", 2, 2.0);
// differentials
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(differential 2,0 a 0)", 1, 2.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(differential 2,0 a 0)", 2, -2.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(differential 2,0 a -1)", 2, 2.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(differential 2,0 a -2)", 3, 2.0);
// addition
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(+ (variable 2,0 a 0))", 1, 4.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(+ (variable 2,0 a 0) (variable 3,0 b 0))", 0, 5.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(+ (variable 2,0 a 0) (variable 3,0 b 0))", 1, 10.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(+ (variable 2,0 a 0) (variable 3,0 b 0))", 2, 8.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(+ 8,0 2,0 2,0)", 0, 12.0);
// subtraction
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(- (variable 2,0 a 0))", 1, -4.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(- (variable 2,0 a 0) (variable 3,0 b 0))", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(- (variable 2,0 a 0) (variable 3,0 b 0))", 1, -2.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(- (variable 2,0 a 0) (variable 3,0 b 0))", 2, -4.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(- 8,0 2,0 2,0)", 0, 4.0);
// multiplication
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(* (variable 2,0 a 0))", 0, 2.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(* (variable 2,0 a 0) (variable 3,0 b 0))", 0, 6.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(* (variable 2,0 a 0) (variable 3,0 b 0))", 1, 24.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(* (variable 2,0 a 0) (variable 3,0 b 0))", 2, 12.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(* 8,0 2,0 2,0)", 0, 32.0);
// division
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(/ (variable 2,0 a 0))", 1, 1.0 / 4.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(/ (variable 2,0 a 0) 2,0)", 0, 1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(/ (variable 2,0 a 0) 2,0)", 1, 2.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(/ (variable 3,0 b 0) 2,0)", 2, 3.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(/ 8,0 2,0 2,0)", 0, 2.0);
// boolean values semantic: false = x <= 0 , true x > 0
// equ
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(equ (variable 2,0 a 0) 2,0)", 0, 1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(equ (variable 2,0 a 0) 1,0)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(equ (sqrt -1,0) (log -1,0))", 0, -1.0); // (equ nan nan) should be false
// gt
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(> (variable 2,0 a 0) 2,0)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(> 2,0 (variable 2,0 a 0))", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(> (variable 2,0 a 0) 1,9)", 0, 1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(> 1,9 (variable 2,0 a 0))", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(> (sqrt -1,0) (log -1,0))", 0, -1.0); // (> nan nan) should be false
// lt
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(< (variable 2,0 a 0) 2,0)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(< 2,0 (variable 2,0 a 0))", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(< (variable 2,0 a 0) 1,9)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(< 1,9 (variable 2,0 a 0))", 0, 1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(< (sqrt -1,0) (log -1,0))", 0, -1.0); // (< nan nan) should be false
// If
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(if -10 2,0 3,0)", 0, 3.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(if -1,0 2,0 3,0)", 0, 3.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(if 0,0 2,0 3,0)", 0, 3.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(if 1,0 2,0 3,0)", 0, 2.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(if 10 2,0 3,0)", 0, 2.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(if (sqrt -1,0) 2,0 3,0)", 0, 3.0); // if(nan) should return the else branch
// signum
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(sign -1,0)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(sign -2,0)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(sign 1,0)", 0, 1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(sign 2,0)", 0, 1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(sign 0,0)", 0, 0.0);
// NOT
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(not -1,0)", 0, 1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(not -2,0)", 0, 2.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(not 1,0)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(not 2,0)", 0, -2.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(not 0,0)", 0, 0.0);
// AND
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(and -1,0 -2,0)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(and -1,0 2,0)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(and 1,0 -2,0)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(and 1,0 0,0)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(and 0,0 0,0)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(and 1,0 2,0)", 0, 1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(and 1,0 2,0 3,0)", 0, 1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(and 1,0 -2,0 3,0)", 0, -1.0);
// OR
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(or -1,0 -2,0)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(or -1,0 2,0)", 0, 1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(or 1,0 -2,0)", 0, 1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(or 1,0 2,0)", 0, 1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(or 0,0 0,0)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(or -1,0 -2,0 -3,0)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(or -1,0 -2,0 3,0)", 0, 1.0);
// XOR
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(xor -1,0 -2,0)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(xor -1,0 2,0)", 0, 1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(xor 1,0 -2,0)", 0, 1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(xor 1,0 2,0)", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(xor 0,0 0,0)", 0, -1.0);
// sin, cos, tan
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(sin " + Math.PI + ")", 0, 0.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(sin 0,0)", 0, 0.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(cos " + Math.PI + ")", 0, -1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(cos 0,0)", 0, 1.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(tan " + Math.PI + ")", 0, Math.Tan(Math.PI));
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(tan 0,0)", 0, Math.Tan(Math.PI));
// expt
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(expt 2,0 2,0)", 0, 4.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(expt 2,0 3,0)", 0, 8.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(expt 3,0 2,0)", 0, 9.0);
// exp, log
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(log (exp 7,0))", 0, Math.Log(Math.Exp(7)));
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(exp (log 7,0))", 0, Math.Exp(Math.Log(7)));
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(log -3,0)", 0, Math.Log(-3));
// sqrt
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(sqrt 4,0)", 0, 2.0);
Evaluate(evaluator, ds, "(sqrt (sqrt 16,0))", 0, 2.0);
private void Evaluate(HL3TreeEvaluator evaluator, Dataset ds, string expr, int index, double expected) {
var importer = new SymbolicExpressionImporter();
IFunctionTree tree = importer.Import(expr);
evaluator.PrepareForEvaluation(ds, tree);
double actual = evaluator.Evaluate(index);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, 1.0E-12, expr);