#region License Information
/* HeuristicLab
* Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
* This file is part of HeuristicLab.
* HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with HeuristicLab. If not, see .
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using HeuristicLab.Common;
using HeuristicLab.Common.Resources;
using HeuristicLab.Core;
using HeuristicLab.Data;
using HeuristicLab.Optimization;
using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Default.CompositeSerializers.Storable;
namespace HeuristicLab.Analysis {
public enum TerminationCriterium { OnlyByTime, OnlyByEvaluations, OnlyByTarget, ByTargetAndTime, ByTargetAndEvaluations, ByTimeAndEvaluations, WhicheverHitsFirst, WhicheverHitsLast }
/// A run in which an algorithm is executed for a certain maximum time only.
[Item("Independent Random Restarter", "An optimizer that repeats an algorithm until either a certain target value is reached or a maximum budget is exceeded.")]
[Creatable(CreatableAttribute.Categories.TestingAndAnalysis, Priority = 117)]
public sealed class IndepdentRandomRestarter : NamedItem, IOptimizer, IStorableContent, INotifyPropertyChanged {
private const string ExecutionTimeResultName = "Execution Time";
private const string BestQualityResultName = "BestQuality";
private const string RandomRestartsResultName = "RandomRestarts";
private const string EvaluatedSolutionsResultName = "EvaluatedSolutions";
private const string EvaluatedMovesResultName = "EvaluatedMoves";
private const string QualityPerClockResultName = "QualityPerClock";
private const string QualityPerEvaluationsResultName = "QualityPerEvaluations";
public string Filename { get; set; }
#region ItemImage
public static new Image StaticItemImage {
get { return VSImageLibrary.Event; }
public override Image ItemImage {
get { return (Algorithm != null) ? Algorithm.ItemImage : VSImageLibrary.ExecutableStopped; }
private TerminationCriterium terminationCriterium;
public TerminationCriterium TerminationCriterium {
get { return terminationCriterium; }
set {
if (terminationCriterium == value) return;
terminationCriterium = value;
private TimeSpan maximumExecutionTime;
public TimeSpan MaximumExecutionTime {
get { return maximumExecutionTime; }
set {
if (maximumExecutionTime == value) return;
maximumExecutionTime = value;
private int maximumEvaluations;
public int MaximumEvaluations {
get { return maximumEvaluations; }
set {
if (maximumEvaluations == value) return;
maximumEvaluations = value;
private double targetValue;
public double TargetValue {
get { return targetValue; }
set {
if (targetValue == value) return;
targetValue = value;
private bool maximization;
public bool Maximization {
get { return maximization; }
set {
if (maximization == value) return;
maximization = value;
private double moveCostPerSolution;
public double MoveCostPerSolution {
get { return moveCostPerSolution; }
set {
if (moveCostPerSolution == value) return;
moveCostPerSolution = value;
perEvaluationsAnalyzer.MoveCostPerSolutionParameter.Value = new DoubleValue(moveCostPerSolution);
private bool storeSolutionInRun;
public bool StoreSolutionInRun {
get { return storeSolutionInRun; }
set {
if (storeSolutionInRun == value) return;
storeSolutionInRun = value;
private QualityPerClockAnalyzer perClockAnalyzer;
private QualityPerEvaluationsAnalyzer perEvaluationsAnalyzer;
private ExecutionState executionState;
public ExecutionState ExecutionState {
get { return executionState; }
private set {
if (executionState != value) {
executionState = value;
private TimeSpan lastAlgorithmExecutionTime;
private TimeSpan executionTime;
public TimeSpan ExecutionTime {
get { return executionTime; }
set {
if (executionTime == value) return;
executionTime = value;
private double evaluations;
public double Evaluations {
get { return evaluations; }
set {
if (evaluations == value) return;
evaluations = value;
private double bestSoFar;
public double BestSoFar {
get { return bestSoFar; }
set {
if (bestSoFar == value) return;
bestSoFar = value;
private IRun currentRun;
public IRun CurrentRun {
get { return currentRun; }
private set {
if (currentRun == value) return;
currentRun = value;
private IAlgorithm algorithm;
public IAlgorithm Algorithm {
get { return algorithm; }
set {
if (algorithm == value) return;
if (algorithm != null) {
algorithm = value;
if (algorithm != null) {
private RunCollection runs;
public RunCollection Runs {
get { return runs; }
private set {
if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
if (runs == value) return;
runs = value;
public IEnumerable NestedOptimizers {
get {
if (Algorithm == null) yield break;
yield return Algorithm;
foreach (var opt in Algorithm.NestedOptimizers)
yield return opt;
private bool IsFinished {
get {
var timeHit = ExecutionTime >= MaximumExecutionTime;
var evalHit = Evaluations >= MaximumEvaluations;
var targetHit = (Maximization && BestSoFar >= TargetValue || !Maximization && BestSoFar <= TargetValue);
return timeHit && evalHit && targetHit
|| timeHit && (TerminationCriterium == TerminationCriterium.OnlyByTime
|| TerminationCriterium == TerminationCriterium.WhicheverHitsFirst
|| TerminationCriterium == TerminationCriterium.ByTargetAndTime
|| TerminationCriterium == TerminationCriterium.ByTimeAndEvaluations)
|| evalHit && (TerminationCriterium == TerminationCriterium.OnlyByEvaluations
|| TerminationCriterium == TerminationCriterium.WhicheverHitsFirst
|| TerminationCriterium == TerminationCriterium.ByTargetAndEvaluations
|| TerminationCriterium == TerminationCriterium.ByTimeAndEvaluations)
|| targetHit && (TerminationCriterium == TerminationCriterium.OnlyByTarget
|| TerminationCriterium == TerminationCriterium.WhicheverHitsFirst
|| TerminationCriterium == TerminationCriterium.ByTargetAndTime
|| TerminationCriterium == TerminationCriterium.ByTargetAndEvaluations);
private ISingleObjectiveHeuristicOptimizationProblem problem;
private IndepdentRandomRestarter(bool deserializing) : base(deserializing) { }
private IndepdentRandomRestarter(IndepdentRandomRestarter original, Cloner cloner)
: base(original, cloner) {
terminationCriterium = original.terminationCriterium;
maximumExecutionTime = original.maximumExecutionTime;
maximumEvaluations = original.maximumEvaluations;
moveCostPerSolution = original.moveCostPerSolution;
storeSolutionInRun = original.storeSolutionInRun;
targetValue = original.targetValue;
maximization = original.maximization;
executionTime = original.executionTime;
evaluations = original.evaluations;
bestSoFar = original.bestSoFar;
lastAlgorithmExecutionTime = original.lastAlgorithmExecutionTime;
perClockAnalyzer = cloner.Clone(original.perClockAnalyzer);
perEvaluationsAnalyzer = cloner.Clone(original.perEvaluationsAnalyzer);
algorithm = cloner.Clone(original.algorithm);
runs = cloner.Clone(original.runs);
ExecutionState = original.ExecutionState;
public IndepdentRandomRestarter()
: base() {
name = ItemName;
description = ItemDescription;
terminationCriterium = TerminationCriterium.ByTargetAndEvaluations;
maximumExecutionTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
maximumEvaluations = 10000000; // 10 mio
moveCostPerSolution = 1;
storeSolutionInRun = false;
targetValue = 0;
maximization = false;
executionTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
evaluations = 0;
bestSoFar = double.NaN;
lastAlgorithmExecutionTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
perClockAnalyzer = new QualityPerClockAnalyzer();
perEvaluationsAnalyzer = new QualityPerEvaluationsAnalyzer();
Runs = new RunCollection { OptimizerName = Name };
public IndepdentRandomRestarter(string name)
: base(name) {
description = ItemDescription;
terminationCriterium = TerminationCriterium.ByTargetAndEvaluations;
maximumExecutionTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
maximumEvaluations = 10000000; // 10 mio
moveCostPerSolution = 1;
storeSolutionInRun = false;
targetValue = 0;
maximization = false;
executionTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
evaluations = 0;
bestSoFar = double.NaN;
lastAlgorithmExecutionTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
perClockAnalyzer = new QualityPerClockAnalyzer();
perEvaluationsAnalyzer = new QualityPerEvaluationsAnalyzer();
Runs = new RunCollection { OptimizerName = Name };
public IndepdentRandomRestarter(string name, string description)
: base(name, description) {
terminationCriterium = TerminationCriterium.ByTargetAndEvaluations;
maximumExecutionTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
maximumEvaluations = 10000000; // 10 mio
moveCostPerSolution = 1;
storeSolutionInRun = false;
targetValue = 0;
maximization = false;
executionTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
evaluations = 0;
bestSoFar = double.NaN;
lastAlgorithmExecutionTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
perClockAnalyzer = new QualityPerClockAnalyzer();
perEvaluationsAnalyzer = new QualityPerEvaluationsAnalyzer();
Runs = new RunCollection { OptimizerName = Name };
public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) {
if (ExecutionState == ExecutionState.Started) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Clone not allowed in execution state \"{0}\".", ExecutionState));
return new IndepdentRandomRestarter(this, cloner);
private void AfterDeserialization() {
private void Initialize() {
if (algorithm != null) RegisterAlgorithmEvents();
private void Reset() {
ExecutionTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
Evaluations = 0;
BestSoFar = double.NaN;
lastAlgorithmExecutionTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
CurrentRun = null;
public void Prepare() {
public void Prepare(bool clearRuns) {
if ((ExecutionState != ExecutionState.Prepared) && (ExecutionState != ExecutionState.Paused) && (ExecutionState != ExecutionState.Stopped))
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Prepare not allowed in execution state \"{0}\".", ExecutionState));
if (Algorithm != null) {
ExecutionState = ExecutionState.Prepared;
public void Start() {
if ((ExecutionState != ExecutionState.Prepared) && (ExecutionState != ExecutionState.Paused))
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Start not allowed in execution state \"{0}\".", ExecutionState));
if (ExecutionState == ExecutionState.Prepared) {
CurrentRun = new Run(Algorithm) {
Name = Algorithm.Name + " IRRRun" + Runs.Count
if (!CurrentRun.Results.ContainsKey(ExecutionTimeResultName))
CurrentRun.Results.Add(ExecutionTimeResultName, new TimeSpanValue(TimeSpan.Zero));
// use double instead of int, otherwise one might run into int.MaxValue (at least with moves)
CurrentRun.Results.Add(EvaluatedSolutionsResultName, new DoubleValue(0));
CurrentRun.Results.Add(EvaluatedMovesResultName, new DoubleValue(0));
CurrentRun.Results.Add(BestQualityResultName, new DoubleValue(Maximization ? double.MinValue : double.MaxValue));
CurrentRun.Results.Add(RandomRestartsResultName, new IntValue(0));
if (Algorithm.ExecutionState == ExecutionState.Stopped)
ExecutionState = ExecutionState.Started;
public void Pause() {
if (ExecutionState != ExecutionState.Started)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Pause not allowed in execution state \"{0}\".", ExecutionState));
ExecutionState = ExecutionState.Paused;
private bool forceStop = false;
public void Stop() {
if ((ExecutionState != ExecutionState.Started) && (ExecutionState != ExecutionState.Paused))
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Stop not allowed in execution state \"{0}\".", ExecutionState));
forceStop = true;
try {
} catch (InvalidOperationException) {
// sometimes we hit the algorithm in an invalid state
private void AddAlgorithmAnalyzers() {
if (!Algorithm.Parameters.ContainsKey("Analyzer")) return;
var analyzerParam = Algorithm.Parameters["Analyzer"] as IValueParameter;
if (analyzerParam == null) return;
if (!analyzerParam.Value.Operators.Contains(perClockAnalyzer))
if (!analyzerParam.Value.Operators.Contains(perEvaluationsAnalyzer))
private void RemoveAlgorithmAnalyzers() {
if (!Algorithm.Parameters.ContainsKey("Analyzer")) return;
var analyzerParam = Algorithm.Parameters["Analyzer"] as IValueParameter;
if (analyzerParam == null) return;
#region Events
protected override void OnNameChanged() {
runs.OptimizerName = Name;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void OnPropertyChanged(string property) {
var handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null) handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(property));
#region IExecutable Events
public event EventHandler ExecutionStateChanged;
private void OnExecutionStateChanged() {
var handler = ExecutionStateChanged;
if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler ExecutionTimeChanged;
private void OnExecutionTimeChanged() {
var handler = ExecutionTimeChanged;
if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler Prepared;
private void OnPrepared() {
var handler = Prepared;
if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler Started;
private void OnStarted() {
var handler = Started;
if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler Paused;
private void OnPaused() {
var handler = Paused;
if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler Stopped;
private void OnStopped() {
var handler = Stopped;
if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler> ExceptionOccurred;
private void OnExceptionOccurred(Exception exception) {
var handler = ExceptionOccurred;
if (handler != null) handler(this, new EventArgs(exception));
#region Algorithm Events
private void RegisterAlgorithmEvents() {
algorithm.ExceptionOccurred += Algorithm_ExceptionOccurred;
algorithm.ExecutionTimeChanged += Algorithm_ExecutionTimeChanged;
algorithm.Paused += Algorithm_Paused;
algorithm.Prepared += Algorithm_Prepared;
algorithm.Stopped += Algorithm_Stopped;
algorithm.ProblemChanged += Algorithm_ProblemChanged;
Algorithm_ProblemChanged(algorithm, EventArgs.Empty);
private void DeregisterAlgorithmEvents() {
algorithm.ExceptionOccurred -= Algorithm_ExceptionOccurred;
algorithm.ExecutionTimeChanged -= Algorithm_ExecutionTimeChanged;
algorithm.Paused -= Algorithm_Paused;
algorithm.Prepared -= Algorithm_Prepared;
algorithm.Stopped -= Algorithm_Stopped;
algorithm.ProblemChanged -= Algorithm_ProblemChanged;
private void Algorithm_ExceptionOccurred(object sender, EventArgs e) {
private void Algorithm_ExecutionTimeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
ExecutionTime += Algorithm.ExecutionTime - lastAlgorithmExecutionTime;
lastAlgorithmExecutionTime = Algorithm.ExecutionTime;
private void Algorithm_Paused(object sender, EventArgs e) {
ExecutionTime += Algorithm.ExecutionTime - lastAlgorithmExecutionTime;
lastAlgorithmExecutionTime = Algorithm.ExecutionTime;
private void Algorithm_Prepared(object sender, EventArgs e) {
lastAlgorithmExecutionTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
private void Algorithm_Stopped(object sender, EventArgs e) {
ExecutionTime += Algorithm.ExecutionTime - lastAlgorithmExecutionTime;
lastAlgorithmExecutionTime = Algorithm.ExecutionTime;
var execTime = ((TimeSpanValue)CurrentRun.Results[ExecutionTimeResultName]).Value;
var solEvals = ((DoubleValue)CurrentRun.Results[EvaluatedSolutionsResultName]).Value;
var movEvals = ((DoubleValue)CurrentRun.Results[EvaluatedMovesResultName]).Value;
var restarts = ((IntValue)CurrentRun.Results[RandomRestartsResultName]).Value;
var improvement = false;
IResult result;
if (Algorithm.Results.TryGetValue(perEvaluationsAnalyzer.EvaluatedSolutionsParameter.ActualName, out result)) {
var evals = ((IntValue)result.Value).Value;
Evaluations += evals;
CurrentRun.Results[EvaluatedSolutionsResultName] = new DoubleValue(solEvals + evals);
if (Algorithm.Results.TryGetValue(perEvaluationsAnalyzer.EvaluatedMovesParameter.ActualName, out result)) {
var evals = ((IntValue)result.Value).Value;
Evaluations += moveCostPerSolution * evals;
CurrentRun.Results[EvaluatedMovesResultName] = new DoubleValue(movEvals + evals);
if (Algorithm.Results.TryGetValue(perEvaluationsAnalyzer.BestQualityParameter.ActualName, out result)) {
var bestQuality = ((DoubleValue)result.Value).Value;
if (double.IsNaN(BestSoFar)
|| Maximization && bestQuality > BestSoFar
|| !Maximization && bestQuality < BestSoFar) {
BestSoFar = bestQuality;
CurrentRun.Results[BestQualityResultName] = new DoubleValue(bestQuality);
improvement = true;
if (Algorithm.Results.TryGetValue(perClockAnalyzer.QualityPerClockParameter.ResultName, out result)) {
UpdateQualityPerClockResult((IndexedDataTable)result.Value, execTime, restarts);
if (Algorithm.Results.TryGetValue(perEvaluationsAnalyzer.QualityPerEvaluationsParameter.ResultName, out result)) {
UpdateQualityPerEvaluationsResult((IndexedDataTable)result.Value, solEvals, movEvals, restarts);
if (StoreSolutionInRun) {
foreach (var r in Algorithm.Results) {
if (r.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("solution") && improvement) {
CurrentRun.Results[r.Name] = (IItem)r.Value.Clone();
CurrentRun.Results[ExecutionTimeResultName] = new TimeSpanValue(execTime + Algorithm.ExecutionTime);
// Algorithm sets ExecutionTime to zero before firing Prepared
// We will thus see ExecutionTimeChanged before Prepared
lastAlgorithmExecutionTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
if (!forceStop && !IsFinished) {
CurrentRun.Results[RandomRestartsResultName] = new IntValue(restarts + 1);
} else {
forceStop = false;
ExecutionState = ExecutionState.Stopped;
private void UpdateQualityPerClockResult(IndexedDataTable perClock, TimeSpan execTime, int restarts) {
IndexedDataTable dt;
if (!CurrentRun.Results.ContainsKey(QualityPerClockResultName)) {
dt = (IndexedDataTable)perClock.Clone();
if (!dt.Rows.ContainsKey("Restarts"))
dt.Rows.Add(new IndexedDataRow("Restarts") {
VisualProperties = {
ChartType = DataRowVisualProperties.DataRowChartType.StepLine,
SecondYAxis = true
foreach (var v in dt.Rows.First().Values)
dt.Rows["Restarts"].Values.Add(Tuple.Create(v.Item1, 0.0));
CurrentRun.Results.Add(QualityPerClockResultName, dt);
} else {
dt = (IndexedDataTable)CurrentRun.Results[QualityPerClockResultName];
var best = dt.Rows.First().Values.Last().Item2;
foreach (var tupl in perClock.Rows.First().Values) {
if (Maximization && tupl.Item2 > best || !Maximization && tupl.Item2 < best) {
dt.Rows.First().Values.Add(Tuple.Create(execTime.TotalSeconds + tupl.Item1, tupl.Item2));
dt.Rows["Restarts"].Values.Add(Tuple.Create(execTime.TotalSeconds + tupl.Item1, (double)restarts));
best = tupl.Item2;
if (IsFinished) {
dt.Rows.First().Values.Add(Tuple.Create(ExecutionTime.TotalSeconds, BestSoFar));
dt.Rows["Restarts"].Values.Add(Tuple.Create(ExecutionTime.TotalSeconds, (double)restarts));
private void UpdateQualityPerEvaluationsResult(IndexedDataTable perEvaluations, double solEvals, double movEvals, int restarts) {
IndexedDataTable dt;
if (!CurrentRun.Results.ContainsKey(QualityPerEvaluationsResultName)) {
dt = (IndexedDataTable)perEvaluations.Clone();
if (!dt.Rows.ContainsKey("Restarts"))
dt.Rows.Add(new IndexedDataRow("Restarts") {
VisualProperties = {
ChartType = DataRowVisualProperties.DataRowChartType.StepLine,
SecondYAxis = true
foreach (var v in dt.Rows.First().Values)
dt.Rows["Restarts"].Values.Add(Tuple.Create(v.Item1, 0.0));
CurrentRun.Results.Add(QualityPerEvaluationsResultName, dt);
} else {
dt = (IndexedDataTable)CurrentRun.Results[QualityPerEvaluationsResultName];
var best = dt.Rows.First().Values.Last().Item2;
foreach (var tupl in perEvaluations.Rows.First().Values) {
if (Maximization && tupl.Item2 > best || !Maximization && tupl.Item2 < best) {
dt.Rows.First().Values.Add(Tuple.Create(solEvals + moveCostPerSolution * movEvals + tupl.Item1, tupl.Item2));
dt.Rows["Restarts"].Values.Add(Tuple.Create(solEvals + moveCostPerSolution * movEvals + tupl.Item1, (double)restarts));
best = tupl.Item2;
if (IsFinished) {
dt.Rows.First().Values.Add(Tuple.Create(Evaluations, BestSoFar));
dt.Rows["Restarts"].Values.Add(Tuple.Create(Evaluations, (double)restarts));
private void Algorithm_ProblemChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (problem != null) DeregisterProblemEvents();
problem = Algorithm.Problem as ISingleObjectiveHeuristicOptimizationProblem;
if (problem == null) return;
var maxParam = problem.MaximizationParameter as IValueParameter;
if (maxParam != null)
Maximization = maxParam.Value.Value;
var bkParam = problem.BestKnownQualityParameter as IValueParameter;
if (bkParam != null && bkParam.Value != null)
TargetValue = bkParam.Value.Value;
private void RegisterProblemEvents() {
problem.Reset += ProblemOnReset;
problem.OperatorsChanged += ProblemOnOperatorsChanged;
private void DeregisterProblemEvents() {
problem.Reset -= ProblemOnReset;
problem.OperatorsChanged -= ProblemOnOperatorsChanged;
private void ProblemOnReset(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) {
private void ProblemOnOperatorsChanged(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) {