/* Copyright 2006 by Sean Luke Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0 See the file "LICENSE" for more information */ package ec.steadystate; import ec.simple.*; import ec.*; import ec.util.*; import java.util.*; /* * SteadyStateBreeder.java * */ /** * This subclass of Breeder performs the evaluation portion of Steady-State Evolution and (in distributed form) * Asynchronous Evolution. The procedure is as follows. We begin with an empty Population and one by * one create new Indivdiuals and send them off to be evaluated. In basic Steady-State Evolution the * individuals are immediately evaluated and we wait for them; but in Asynchronous Evolution the individuals are evaluated * for however long it takes and we don't wait for them to finish. When individuals return they are * added to the Population until it is full. No duplicate individuals are allowed. * *
At this point the system switches to its "steady state": individuals are bred from the population * one by one, and sent off to be evaluated. Once again, in basic Steady-State Evolution the * individuals are immediately evaluated and we wait for them; but in Asynchronous Evolution the individuals are evaluated * for however long it takes and we don't wait for them to finish. When an individual returns, we * mark an individual in the Population for death, then replace it with the new returning individual. * Note that during the steady-state, Asynchronous Evolution could be still sending back some "new" individuals * created during the initialization phase, not "bred" individuals. * *
The determination of how an individual is marked for death is done by the SteadyStateBreeder. This is * a SelectionMethod. Note that this SelectionMethod probably should not be selecting for the "fittest" * individuals, but rather for either random individuals (the standard approach) or for "bad" individuals. *
deselector classname, inherits and != ec.SelectionMethod |
(The SelectionMethod used to pick individuals for death) |