Copyright 2006 by Sean Luke and George Mason University
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
See the file "LICENSE" for more information
package ec.spatial;
import ec.*;
import ec.util.*;
* Spatial1DSubpopulation.java
* By: Liviu Panait
* A Spatial1DSubpopulation is an EC subpopulation that is additionally embedded into
* a one-dimmensional space.
* In a spatially-embedded EA, the subpopulations of individuals are assumed to be
* spatially distributed in some sort of space, be it one-dimmensional, two-
* dimmensional, or whatever else. The space may or may not be toroidal (although
* it usually is). Each location in the space has a set of neighboring locations.
* Thus, each individual has an index in the subpopulation, and also a location in
* the space.
This public interface provides a method to obtain the indexes of the neighbors
* of a location.
This Subpopulation does not include toroidalness in writing out to streams.
true (default) or false |
(Is this space toroidal?) |
* @author Liviu Panait
* @version 1.0
public class Spatial1DSubpopulation extends Subpopulation implements Space
This parameter stipulates whether the world is toroidal or not.
If missing, its default value is true.
public static final String P_TOROIDAL = "toroidal";
public boolean toroidal;
Read additional parameters for the spatially-embedded subpopulation.
public void setup(final EvolutionState state, final Parameter base)
// by default, the space is toroidal
toroidal = state.parameters.getBoolean(base.push(P_TOROIDAL),null,true);
1D mapping is identity
public int locationToIndex( final Object location )
if( location instanceof Integer )
return ((Integer)location).intValue();
return -1;
1D mapping is identity
public Object indexToLocation( final int index)
return new Integer(index);
public void setIndex( int threadnum, int index )
if( indexes == null )
indexes = new int[threadnum+1];
if( threadnum >= indexes.length )
int currentSize = indexes.length;
int[] temp = new int[threadnum*2+1];
indexes = temp;
indexes[threadnum] = index;
public int getIndex( int threadnum )
if( indexes == null || threadnum > indexes.length )
return -1;
return indexes[threadnum];
// indexed by threadnum
int[] indexes;
Returns a the index of a random neighbor.
public int getIndexRandomNeighbor( final EvolutionState state, int threadnum, int distance )
int index = indexes[threadnum];
int size = individuals.length;
if( size == 0 )
return index;
if( toroidal )
int max = (2*distance+1>size) ? size : (2*distance+1);
int rand = state.random[threadnum].nextInt(max);
int val= (index+rand-distance);
if (val >= 0 && val < size) return val;
val = val % size;
if (val >= 0) return val;
else return val + size;
int min = (index-distance<0) ? 0 : (index-distance);
int max = (index+distance>=size) ? size : (index+distance);
int val = min + state.random[threadnum].nextInt(max-min+1);
return val;