Copyright 2006 by Sean Luke
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
See the file "LICENSE" for more information
package ec.parsimony;
import ec.*;
import ec.util.*;
This Statistics subclass implements Poli's "Tarpeian" method of parsimony control, whereby some
kill-proportion of above-average-sized individuals in each subpopulation have their fitnesses
set to a very bad value, and marks them as already evaluated (so the Evaluator can skip them).
The specific individuals in this proportion is determined at random.
Different Fitnesses have different meanings of the word "bad". At present, we set the fitness
to -Float.MAX_VALUE if it's a SimpleFitness, and set it to Float.MAX_VALUE if it's a KozaFitnesss.
If it's any other kind of Fitness, an error is reported. You can override the "bad-setter" function
setMinimumFitness(...) to make other kinds of fitness bad in different ways. In the future we may
revisit how to set Fitnesses to "bad" in a more general way if this becomes an issue.
Tarpeian is implemented as a Statistics. Why? Because we need to mark individuals as evaluated
prior to the Evaluator getting to them, and also need to keep track of the total proportion marked
as such. We considered doing this as a SelectionMethod, as a BreedingPipeline, as a Breeder, and
as an Evaluator. None are good options really -- Evaluator is the best approach but it means we
have special Tarpeian Evaluators, so it's no longer orthogonal with other Evaluators. Eventually
we settled on the one object which has the right hooks and can be easily stuck onto the system without
modifying anything in a special-purpose way: a Statistics object.
All you need to do is add TarpeianStatistics as a child to your existing Statistics chain. If you
have one existing Statistics, then you just add the parameters stat.num-children=1 and
stat.child.0=ec.parsimony.TarpeianStatistics You'll also need to specify the kill proportion
(for example, stat.child.0.kill-proportion=0.2 )
0 < int < 1 |
(proportion of above-average-sized individuals killed) |
public class TarpeianStatistics extends Statistics
/** one in n individuals are killed */
public static final String P_KILL_PROPORTION = "kill-proportion";
float killProportion;
public void setup( final EvolutionState state, final Parameter base )
super.setup (state, base);
killProportion = state.parameters.getFloat( base.push(P_KILL_PROPORTION), null, 0.0 );
if( killProportion < 0 || killProportion > 1 )
state.output.fatal( "Parameter not found, or it has an invalid value (<0 or >1).", base.push(P_KILL_PROPORTION) );
Marks a proportion (killProportion) of individuals with above-average size (within their own subpopulation) to a minimum value.
public void preEvaluationStatistics(final EvolutionState state)
for( int subpopulation = 0 ; subpopulation < state.population.subpops.length ; subpopulation++ )
double averageSize = 0;
for( int i = 0 ; i < state.population.subpops[subpopulation].individuals.length ; i++ )
averageSize += state.population.subpops[subpopulation].individuals[i].size();
averageSize /= state.population.subpops[subpopulation].individuals.length;
for( int i = 0 ; i < state.population.subpops[subpopulation].individuals.length ; i++ )
if( ( state.population.subpops[subpopulation].individuals[i].size() > averageSize ) &&
( state.random[0].nextFloat() < killProportion ) )
Individual ind = state.population.subpops[subpopulation].individuals[i];
setMinimumFitness( state, subpopulation, ind );
ind.evaluated = true;
Sets the fitness of an individual to the minimum fitness possible.
If the fitness is of type ec.simple.SimpleFitness, that minimum value is -Float.MAX_VALUE;
If the fitness is of type ec.gp.koza.KozaFitness, that minimum value is Float.MAX_VALUE;
Else, a fatal error is reported.
You need to override this method if you're using any other type of fitness.
public void setMinimumFitness( final EvolutionState state, int subpopulation, Individual ind )
Fitness fitness = ind.fitness;
if( fitness instanceof ec.gp.koza.KozaFitness )
((ec.gp.koza.KozaFitness)fitness).setStandardizedFitness( state, Float.MAX_VALUE );
else if( fitness instanceof ec.simple.SimpleFitness )
state.output.fatal( "TarpeianStatistics only accepts individuals with fitness of type ec.simple.SimpleFitness or ec.gp.koza.KozaFitness." );