Copyright 2010 by Sean Luke and George Mason University
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
See the file "LICENSE" for more information
package ec.multiobjective;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import ec.EvolutionState;
import ec.Individual;
import ec.Subpopulation;
import ec.multiobjective.MultiObjectiveFitness;
import ec.simple.SimpleStatistics;
import ec.util.*;
import java.io.*;
* MultiObjectiveStatistics.java
* Created: Thu Feb 04 2010
* By: Faisal Abidi and Sean Luke
* MultiObjectiveStatistics are a SimpleStatistics subclass which overrides the finalStatistics
* method to output the current Pareto Front in various ways:
* Every individual in the Pareto Front is written to the end of the statistics log.
A summary of the objective values of the Pareto Front is written to stdout.
The objective values of the Pareto Front are written in tabular form to a special
* Pareto Front file specified with the parameters below. This file can be easily read by
* gnuplot or Excel etc. to display the Front (if it's 2D or perhaps 3D).
* Parameters
* base.front
* String (a filename) |
* (The Pareto Front file, if any) |
public class MultiObjectiveStatistics extends SimpleStatistics
/** front file parameter */
public static final String P_PARETO_FRONT_FILE = "front";
/** The pareto front log */
public static final int NO_FRONT_LOG = -1;
public int frontLog;
public void setup(final EvolutionState state, final Parameter base)
File frontFile = state.parameters.getFile(base.push(P_PARETO_FRONT_FILE),null);
if (frontFile!=null)
frontLog = state.output.addLog(frontFile, !compress, compress);
catch (IOException i)
state.output.fatal("An IOException occurred while trying to create the log " + frontFile + ":\n" + i);
else state.output.warning("No Pareto Front statistics file specified.", base.push(P_PARETO_FRONT_FILE));
/** Logs the best individual of the run. */
public void finalStatistics(final EvolutionState state, final int result)
// super.finalStatistics(state,result);
// I don't want just a single best fitness
state.output.println("\n\n\n PARETO FRONTS", statisticslog);
for (int s = 0; s < state.population.subpops.length; s++)
MultiObjectiveFitness typicalFitness = (MultiObjectiveFitness)(state.population.subpops[s].individuals[0].fitness);
state.output.println("\n\nPareto Front of Subpopulation " + s, statisticslog);
// build front
ArrayList front = typicalFitness.partitionIntoParetoFront(state.population.subpops[s].individuals, null, null);
// sort by objective[0]
Object[] sortedFront = front.toArray();
QuickSort.qsort(sortedFront, new SortComparator()
public boolean lt(Object a, Object b)
return (((MultiObjectiveFitness) (((Individual) a).fitness)).getObjective(0) <
(((MultiObjectiveFitness) ((Individual) b).fitness)).getObjective(0));
public boolean gt(Object a, Object b)
return (((MultiObjectiveFitness) (((Individual) a).fitness)).getObjective(0) >
((MultiObjectiveFitness) (((Individual) b).fitness)).getObjective(0));
// print out header
state.output.message("Pareto Front Summary: " + sortedFront.length + " Individuals");
String message = "Ind";
int numObjectives = typicalFitness.getObjectives().length;
for(int i = 0; i < numObjectives; i++)
message += ("\t" + "Objective " + i);
String[] names = typicalFitness.getAuxilliaryFitnessNames();
for(int i = 0; i < names.length; i++)
message += ("\t" + names[i]);
// write front to screen
for (int i = 0; i < sortedFront.length; i++)
Individual individual = (Individual) (sortedFront[i]);
float[] objectives = ((MultiObjectiveFitness) individual.fitness).getObjectives();
String line = "" + i;
for (int f = 0; f < objectives.length; f++)
line += ("\t" + objectives[f]);
double[] vals = ((MultiObjectiveFitness) individual.fitness).getAuxilliaryFitnessValues();
for(int f = 0; f < vals.length; f++)
line += ("\t" + vals[f]);
// print out front to statistics log
for (int i = 0; i < sortedFront.length; i++)
((Individual)(sortedFront[i])).printIndividualForHumans(state, statisticslog);
// write short version of front out to disk
if (frontLog >= 0)
if (state.population.subpops.length > 1)
state.output.println("Subpopulation " + s, frontLog);
for (int i = 0; i < sortedFront.length; i++)
Individual ind = (Individual)(sortedFront[i]);
MultiObjectiveFitness mof = (MultiObjectiveFitness) (ind.fitness);
float[] objectives = mof.getObjectives();
String line = "";
for (int f = 0; f < objectives.length; f++)
line += (objectives[f] + " ");
state.output.println(line, frontLog);