/* Copyright 2006 by Sean Luke Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0 See the file "LICENSE" for more information */ package ec.multiobjective; import java.io.*; import ec.util.DecodeReturn; import ec.util.Parameter; import ec.util.Code; import ec.Fitness; import ec.EvolutionState; import java.util.*; import ec.*; /* * MultiObjectiveFitness.java * * Created: Tue Aug 10 20:27:38 1999 * By: Sean Luke */ /** * MultiObjectiveFitness is a subclass of Fitness which implements basic * multi-objective mechanisms suitable for being used with a variety of * multi-objective selection mechanisms, including ones using pareto-optimality. * *
* The object contains two items: an array of floating point values representing * the various multiple fitnesses, and a flag (maximize) indicating whether * higher is considered better. By default, isIdealFitness() always returns * false; you might want to override that, though it'd be unusual -- what is the * ideal fitness from the perspective of a pareto front? * *
* The object also contains maximum and minimum fitness values suggested for the * problem, on a per-objective basis. By default the maximum values are all 1.0 * and the minimum values are all 0.0, but you can change these. Note that * maximum does not mean "best" unless maximize is true. * *
The class also contains utility methods or computing pareto dominance, * Pareto Fronts and Pareto Front Ranks, and distance in multiobjective space. * The default comparison operators use Pareto Dominance, though this is often * overridden by subclasses. * *
The fitness() method returns the maximum of the fitness values, which is * clearly nonsensical: you should not be using this method. * *
Subclasses of this class may add certain auxiliary fitness measures which * are printed out by MultiObjectiveStatistics along with the multiple objectives. * To have these values printed out, override the getAuxiliaryFitnessNames() * and getAuxiliaryFitnessValues() methods. * *
* Parameters
base.num-objectives * (else)multi.num-objectives * int >= 1 |
* (the number of fitnesses in the objectives array) | *
base.maximize * bool = true (default) or false |
* (are higher values considered "better"?) * |
* Default Base
* multi.fitness
* @author Sean Luke
* @version 1.1
public class MultiObjectiveFitness extends Fitness
public static final String MULTI_FITNESS_POSTAMBLE = "[";
public static final String FITNESS_POSTAMBLE = "]";
/** parameter for size of objectives */
public static final String P_NUMOBJECTIVES = "num-objectives";
/** parameter for max fitness values */
public static final String P_MAXOBJECTIVES = "max";
/** parameter for min fitness values */
public static final String P_MINOBJECTIVES = "min";
/** Is higher better? */
public static final String P_MAXIMIZE = "maximize";
/** Desired maximum fitness values. By default these are 1.0. Shared. */
public float[] maxObjective;
/** Desired minimum fitness values. By default these are 0.0. Shared. */
public float[] minObjective;
/** The various fitnesses. */
protected float[] objectives; // values range from 0 (worst) to 1 INCLUSIVE
protected boolean maximize = true;
/** Returns auxilliary fitness value names to be printed by the statistics object.
By default, an empty array is returned, but various algorithms may override this to provide additional columns.
public String[] getAuxilliaryFitnessNames() { return new String[] { }; }
/** Returns auxilliary fitness values to be printed by the statistics object.
By default, an empty array is returned, but various algorithms may override this to provide additional columns.
public double[] getAuxilliaryFitnessValues() { return new double[] { }; }
public boolean isMaximizing()
return maximize;
public int getNumObjectives() { return objectives.length; }
* Returns the objectives as an array. Note that this is the *actual array*.
* Though you could set values in this array, you should NOT do this --
* rather, set them using setObjectives().
public float[] getObjectives()
return objectives;
public float getObjective(int i)
return objectives[i];
public void setObjectives(final EvolutionState state, float[] newObjectives)
if (newObjectives == null)
state.output.fatal("Null objective array provided to MultiObjectiveFitness.");
if (newObjectives.length != objectives.length)
state.output.fatal("New objective array length does not match current length.");
for (int i = 0; i < newObjectives.length; i++)
float _f = newObjectives[i];
if (_f == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY || _f == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY || Float.isNaN(_f))
state.output.warning("Bad objective #" + i + ": " + _f + ", setting to worst value for that objective.");
if (maximize)
newObjectives[i] = minObjective[i];
newObjectives[i] = maxObjective[i];
objectives = newObjectives;
public Parameter defaultBase()
return MultiObjectiveDefaults.base().push(P_FITNESS);
public Object clone()
MultiObjectiveFitness f = (MultiObjectiveFitness) (super.clone());
f.objectives = (float[]) (objectives.clone()); // cloning an array
// note that we do NOT clone max and min fitness -- they're shared
return f;
* Returns the Max() of objectives, which adheres to Fitness.java's protocol
* for this method. Though you should not rely on a selection or statistics
* method which requires this.
public float fitness()
float fit = objectives[0];
for (int x = 1; x < objectives.length; x++)
if (fit < objectives[x])
fit = objectives[x];
return fit;
* Sets up. This must be called at least once in the prototype before
* instantiating any fitnesses that will actually be used in evolution.
public void setup(EvolutionState state, Parameter base)
super.setup(state, base); // unnecessary really
Parameter def = defaultBase();
int numFitnesses;
numFitnesses = state.parameters.getInt(base.push(P_NUMOBJECTIVES), def.push(P_NUMOBJECTIVES), 0);
if (numFitnesses <= 0)
state.output.fatal("The number of objectives must be an integer >= 1.", base.push(P_NUMOBJECTIVES), def.push(P_NUMOBJECTIVES));
maximize = state.parameters.getBoolean(base.push(P_MAXIMIZE), def.push(P_MAXIMIZE), true);
objectives = new float[numFitnesses];
maxObjective = new float[numFitnesses];
minObjective = new float[numFitnesses];
for (int i = 0; i < numFitnesses; i++)
// load default globals
minObjective[i] = state.parameters.getFloatWithDefault(base.push(P_MINOBJECTIVES), def.push(P_MINOBJECTIVES), 0.0f);
maxObjective[i] = state.parameters.getFloatWithDefault(base.push(P_MAXOBJECTIVES), def.push(P_MAXOBJECTIVES), 1.0f);
// load specifics if any
minObjective[i] = state.parameters.getFloatWithDefault(base.push(P_MINOBJECTIVES).push("" + i), def.push(P_MINOBJECTIVES).push("" + i), minObjective[i]);
maxObjective[i] = state.parameters.getFloatWithDefault(base.push(P_MAXOBJECTIVES).push("" + i), def.push(P_MAXOBJECTIVES).push("" + i), maxObjective[i]);
// test for validity
if (minObjective[i] >= maxObjective[i])
state.output.error("For objective " + i + "the min fitness must be strictly less than the max fitness.");
* Returns true if this fitness is the "ideal" fitness. Default always
* returns false. You may want to override this.
public boolean isIdealFitness()
return false;
* Returns true if I'm equivalent in fitness (neither better nor worse) to
* _fitness. The rule I'm using is this: If one of us is better in one or
* more criteria, and we are equal in the others, then equivalentTo is
* false. If each of us is better in one or more criteria each, or we are
* equal in all criteria, then equivalentTo is true. Multiobjective optimization algorithms may
* choose to override this to do something else.
public boolean equivalentTo(Fitness _fitness)
MultiObjectiveFitness other = (MultiObjectiveFitness) _fitness;
boolean abeatsb = false;
boolean bbeatsa = false;
if (maximize != other.maximize)
throw new RuntimeException(
"Attempt made to compare two multiobjective fitnesses; but one expects higher values to be better and the other expectes lower values to be better.");
if (objectives.length != other.objectives.length)
throw new RuntimeException("Attempt made to compare two multiobjective fitnesses; but they have different numbers of objectives.");
if (maximize)
for (int x = 0; x < objectives.length; x++)
if (objectives[x] > other.objectives[x])
abeatsb = true;
if (objectives[x] < other.objectives[x])
bbeatsa = true;
if (abeatsb && bbeatsa)
return true;
// lower is better
for (int x = 0; x < objectives.length; x++)
if (objectives[x] < other.objectives[x])
abeatsb = true;
if (objectives[x] > other.objectives[x])
bbeatsa = true;
if (abeatsb && bbeatsa)
return true;
if (abeatsb || bbeatsa)
return false;
return true;
* Returns true if I'm better than _fitness. The DEFAULT rule I'm using is this: if
* I am better in one or more criteria, and we are equal in the others, then
* betterThan is true, else it is false. Multiobjective optimization algorithms may
* choose to override this to do something else.
public boolean betterThan(Fitness fitness)
return paretoDominates((MultiObjectiveFitness)fitness);
* Returns true if I'm better than _fitness. The rule I'm using is this: if
* I am better in one or more criteria, and we are equal in the others, then
* betterThan is true, else it is false.
public boolean paretoDominates(MultiObjectiveFitness other)
boolean abeatsb = false;
if (maximize != other.maximize)
throw new RuntimeException(
"Attempt made to compare two multiobjective fitnesses; but one expects higher values to be better and the other expectes lower values to be better.");
if (objectives.length != other.objectives.length)
throw new RuntimeException("Attempt made to compare two multiobjective fitnesses; but they have different numbers of objectives.");
if (maximize)
for (int x = 0; x < objectives.length; x++)
if (objectives[x] > other.objectives[x])
abeatsb = true;
else if (objectives[x] < other.objectives[x])
return false;
for (int x = 0; x < objectives.length; x++)
if (objectives[x] < other.objectives[x])
abeatsb = true;
else if (objectives[x] > other.objectives[x])
return false;
return abeatsb;
// Remove an individual from the ArrayList, shifting the topmost
// individual in his place
static void yank(int val, ArrayList list)
int size = list.size();
list.set(val, list.get(size - 1));
list.remove(size - 1);
* Divides an array of Individuals into the Pareto front and the "nonFront" (everyone else).
* The Pareto front is returned. You may provide ArrayLists for the front and a nonFront.
* If you provide null for the front, an ArrayList will be created for you. If you provide
* null for the nonFront, non-front individuals will not be added to it. This algorithm is
* O(n^2).
public static ArrayList partitionIntoParetoFront(Individual[] inds, ArrayList front, ArrayList nonFront)
if (front == null)
front = new ArrayList();
// put the first guy in the front
// iterate over all the remaining individuals
for (int i = 1; i < inds.length; i++)
Individual ind = (Individual) (inds[i]);
boolean noOneWasBetter = true;
int frontSize = front.size();
// iterate over the entire front
for (int j = 0; j < frontSize; j++)
Individual frontmember = (Individual) (front.get(j));
// if the front member is better than the individual, dump the individual and go to the next one
if (((MultiObjectiveFitness) (frontmember.fitness)).paretoDominates((MultiObjectiveFitness) (ind.fitness)))
if (nonFront != null) nonFront.add(ind);
noOneWasBetter = false;
break; // failed. He's not in the front
// if the individual was better than the front member, dump the front member. But look over the
// other front members (don't break) because others might be dominated by the individual as well.
else if (((MultiObjectiveFitness) (ind.fitness)).paretoDominates((MultiObjectiveFitness) (frontmember.fitness)))
yank(j, front);
// a front member is dominated by the new individual. Replace him
frontSize--; // member got removed
j--; // because there's another guy we now need to consider in his place
if (nonFront != null) nonFront.add(frontmember);
if (noOneWasBetter)
return front;
/** Divides inds into pareto front ranks (each an ArrayList), and returns them, in order,
stored in an ArrayList. */
public static ArrayList partitionIntoRanks(Individual[] inds)
Individual[] dummy = new Individual[0];
ArrayList frontsByRank = new ArrayList();
while(inds.length > 0)
ArrayList front = new ArrayList();
ArrayList nonFront = new ArrayList();
MultiObjectiveFitness.partitionIntoParetoFront(inds, front, nonFront);
// build inds out of remainder
inds = (Individual[]) nonFront.toArray(dummy);
return frontsByRank;
* Returns the sum of the squared difference between two Fitnesses in Objective space.
public double sumSquaredObjectiveDistance(MultiObjectiveFitness other)
double s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < objectives.length; i++)
double a = (objectives[i] - other.objectives[i]);
s += a * a;
return s;
* Returns the Manhattan difference between two Fitnesses in Objective space.
public double manhattanObjectiveDistance(MultiObjectiveFitness other)
double s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < objectives.length; i++)
s += Math.abs(objectives[i] - other.objectives[i]);
return s;
public String fitnessToString()
for (int x = 0; x < objectives.length; x++)
if (x > 0)
s = s + " ";
s = s + Code.encode(objectives[x]);
s = s + " ";
s = s + Code.encode(maximize);
public String fitnessToStringForHumans()
for (int x = 0; x < objectives.length; x++)
if (x > 0)
s = s + " ";
s = s + objectives[x];
s = s + " ";
s = s + (maximize ? "max" : "min");
public void readFitness(final EvolutionState state, final LineNumberReader reader) throws IOException
DecodeReturn d = Code.checkPreamble(FITNESS_PREAMBLE + MULTI_FITNESS_POSTAMBLE, state, reader);
for (int x = 0; x < objectives.length; x++)
if (d.type != DecodeReturn.T_FLOAT)
state.output.fatal("Reading Line " + d.lineNumber + ": " + "Bad Fitness (objectives value #" + x + ").");
objectives[x] = (float) d.d;
if (d.type != DecodeReturn.T_BOOLEAN)
state.output.fatal("Reading Line " + d.lineNumber + ": " + "Information missing about whether higher is better");
maximize = (boolean) (d.l != 0);
public void writeFitness(final EvolutionState state, final DataOutput dataOutput) throws IOException
for (int x = 0; x < objectives.length; x++)
public void readFitness(final EvolutionState state, final DataInput dataInput) throws IOException
int len = dataInput.readInt();
if (objectives == null || objectives.length != len)
objectives = new float[len];
for (int x = 0; x < objectives.length; x++)
objectives[x] = dataInput.readFloat();
maximize = dataInput.readBoolean();