/* Copyright 2006 by Sean Luke Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0 See the file "LICENSE" for more information */ package ec.gp; import java.io.*; import ec.*; import ec.util.*; import java.util.*; /* * GPFunctionSet.java * * Created: Wed Oct 13 22:35:06 1999 * By: Sean Luke */ /** * GPFunctionSet is a Clique which represents a set of GPNode prototypes * forming a standard function set for forming certain trees in individuals. * GPFunctionSets instances have unique names with which they're referenced by * GPTreeConstraints objects indicating that they're used for certain trees. * GPFunctionSets store their GPNode Prototypes in three hashtables, * one for all nodes, one for nonterminals, and one for terminals. Each * hashed item is an array of GPNode objects, * hashed by the return type of the GPNodes in the array. * * GPFunctionSets also contain prototypical GPNode nodes which they * clone to form their arrays.

(name of function set. Must be different from other function set instances)
int >= 1
(number of functions in the function set)
classname, inherits and != ec.gp.GPNode
(class of function node n in the set)

Parameter bases
base.func.n function node n
* * @author Sean Luke * @version 1.0 */ public class GPFunctionSet implements Clique { public final static String P_NAME = "name"; public final static String P_FUNC = "func"; public final static String P_SIZE = "size"; /** Name of the GPFunctionSet */ public String name; /** The nodes that our GPTree can use: arrays of nodes hashed by type. */ public Hashtable nodes_h; /** The nodes that our GPTree can use: nodes[type][thenodes]. */ public GPNode[][] nodes; /** The nonterminals our GPTree can use: arrays of nonterminals hashed by type. */ public Hashtable nonterminals_h; /** The nonterminals our GPTree can use: nonterminals[type][thenodes]. */ public GPNode[][] nonterminals; /** The terminals our GPTree can use: arrays of terminals hashed by type. */ public Hashtable terminals_h; /** The terminals our GPTree can use: terminals[type][thenodes]. */ public GPNode[][] terminals; // some convenience methods which speed up various kinds // of mutation operators /** The nodes that our GPTree can use, hashed by name(). */ public Hashtable nodesByName; /** Nodes == a given arity, that is: nodesByArity[type][arity][thenodes] */ public GPNode[][][]nodesByArity; /** Nonterminals <= a given arity, that is: nonterminalsUnderArity[type][arity][thenodes] -- this will be O(n^2). Obviously, the number of nonterminals at arity slot 0 is 0.*/ public GPNode[][][]nonterminalsUnderArity; /** Nonterminals >= a given arity, that is: nonterminalsOverArity[type][arity][thenodes] -- this will be O(n^2). Obviously, the number of nonterminals at arity slot 0 is all the nonterminals of that type. */ public GPNode[][][]nonterminalsOverArity; /** Returns the name. */ public String toString() { return name; } /** Sets up all the GPFunctionSet, loading them from the parameter file. This must be called before anything is called which refers to a type by name. */ /** Sets up the arrays based on the hashtables */ public void postProcessFunctionSet() { nodes = new GPNode[nodes_h.size()][]; terminals = new GPNode[terminals_h.size()][]; nonterminals = new GPNode[nonterminals_h.size()][]; Enumeration e = nodes_h.keys(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) { GPType gpt = (GPType)(e.nextElement()); GPNode[] gpfi = (GPNode[])(nodes_h.get(gpt)); nodes[gpt.type] = gpfi; } e = nonterminals_h.keys(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) { GPType gpt = (GPType)(e.nextElement()); GPNode[] gpfi = (GPNode[])(nonterminals_h.get(gpt)); nonterminals[gpt.type] = gpfi; } e = terminals_h.keys(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) { GPType gpt = (GPType)(e.nextElement()); GPNode[] gpfi = (GPNode[])(terminals_h.get(gpt)); terminals[gpt.type] = gpfi; } // set up arity-based arrays // first, determine the maximum arity int max_arity=0; for(int x=0;x= nonterminals array nonterminalsOverArity = new GPNode[nonterminals.length][max_arity+1][]; for(int x=0;x= a) num_of_a++; // allocate and fill nonterminalsOverArity[x][a] = new GPNode[num_of_a]; int cur_a = 0; for(int y=0;y= a ) nonterminalsOverArity[x][a][cur_a++] = nonterminals[x][y]; } } /** Must be done after GPType and GPNodeConstraints have been set up */ public void setup(final EvolutionState state, final Parameter base) { // What's my name? name = state.parameters.getString(base.push(P_NAME),null); if (name==null) state.output.fatal("No name was given for this function set.", base.push(P_NAME)); // Register me GPFunctionSet old_functionset = (GPFunctionSet)(((GPInitializer)state.initializer).functionSetRepository.put(name,this)); if (old_functionset != null) state.output.fatal("The GPFunctionSet \"" + name + "\" has been defined multiple times.", base.push(P_NAME)); // How many functions do I have? int numFuncs = state.parameters.getInt(base.push(P_SIZE),null,1); if (numFuncs < 1) state.output.error("The GPFunctionSet \"" + name + "\" has no functions.", base.push(P_SIZE)); nodesByName = new Hashtable(); Parameter p = base.push(P_FUNC); Vector tmp = new Vector(); for(int x = 0; x < numFuncs; x++) { // load Parameter pp = p.push(""+x); GPNode gpfi = (GPNode)(state.parameters.getInstanceForParameter( pp, null, GPNode.class)); gpfi.setup(state,pp); // add to my collection tmp.addElement(gpfi); // Load into the nodesByName hashtable GPNode[] nodes = (GPNode[])(nodesByName.get(gpfi.name())); if (nodes == null) nodesByName.put(gpfi.name(), new GPNode[] { gpfi }); else { // O(n^2) but uncommon so what the heck. GPNode[] nodes2 = new GPNode[nodes.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(nodes, 0, nodes2, 0, nodes.length); nodes2[nodes2.length - 1] = gpfi; nodesByName.put(gpfi.name(), nodes2); } } // Make my hash tables nodes_h = new Hashtable(); terminals_h = new Hashtable(); nonterminals_h = new Hashtable(); // Now set 'em up according to the types in GPType Enumeration e = ((GPInitializer)state.initializer).typeRepository.elements(); GPInitializer initializer = ((GPInitializer)state.initializer); while(e.hasMoreElements()) { GPType typ = (GPType)(e.nextElement()); // make vectors for the type. Vector nodes_v = new Vector(); Vector terminals_v = new Vector(); Vector nonterminals_v = new Vector(); // add GPNodes as appropriate to each vector Enumeration v = tmp.elements(); while (v.hasMoreElements()) { GPNode i = (GPNode)(v.nextElement()); if (typ.compatibleWith(initializer,i.constraints(initializer).returntype)) { nodes_v.addElement(i); if (i.children.length == 0) terminals_v.addElement(i); else nonterminals_v.addElement(i); } } // turn nodes_h' vectors into arrays GPNode[] ii = new GPNode[nodes_v.size()]; nodes_v.copyInto(ii); nodes_h.put(typ,ii); // turn terminals_h' vectors into arrays ii = new GPNode[terminals_v.size()]; terminals_v.copyInto(ii); terminals_h.put(typ,ii); // turn nonterminals_h' vectors into arrays ii = new GPNode[nonterminals_v.size()]; nonterminals_v.copyInto(ii); nonterminals_h.put(typ,ii); } // I don't check to see if the generation mechanism will be valid here // -- I check that in GPTreeConstraints, where I can do the weaker check // of going top-down through functions rather than making sure that every // single function has a compatible argument function (an unneccessary check) state.output.exitIfErrors(); // because I promised when I called n.setup(...) // postprocess the function set postProcessFunctionSet(); } /** Returns the function set for a given name. You must guarantee that after calling functionSetFor(...) one or several times, you call state.output.exitIfErrors() once. */ public static GPFunctionSet functionSetFor(final String functionSetName, final EvolutionState state) { GPFunctionSet set = (GPFunctionSet)(((GPInitializer)state.initializer).functionSetRepository.get(functionSetName)); if (set==null) state.output.error("The GP function set \"" + functionSetName + "\" could not be found."); return set; } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { // this wastes an hashtable pointer, but what the heck. out.defaultWriteObject(); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { in.defaultReadObject(); } }