#region License Information /* HeuristicLab * Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL) * * This file is part of HeuristicLab. * * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see . */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using HeuristicLab.Clients.Common; using HeuristicLab.Collections; using HeuristicLab.Common; using HeuristicLab.Core; using HeuristicLab.Data; using HeuristicLab.Optimization; using HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure; namespace HeuristicLab.Clients.OKB { [Item("OKBClient", "Client for accessing the OKB.")] public sealed class OKBClient : IContent { private static OKBClient instance; public static OKBClient Instance { get { if (instance == null) instance = new OKBClient(); return instance; } } #region Properties private ItemCollection platforms; public ItemCollection Platforms { get { return platforms; } } private ItemCollection dataTypes; public ItemCollection DataTypes { get { return dataTypes; } } private IEnumerable users; public IEnumerable Users { get { return users; } } private ItemCollection algorithmClasses; public ItemCollection AlgorithmClasses { get { return algorithmClasses; } } private ItemCollection algorithms; public ItemCollection Algorithms { get { return algorithms; } } private ItemCollection problemClasses; public ItemCollection ProblemClasses { get { return problemClasses; } } private ItemCollection problems; public ItemCollection Problems { get { return problems; } } #endregion private OKBClient() { platforms = new ItemCollection(); platforms.ItemsRemoved += new CollectionItemsChangedEventHandler(platforms_ItemsRemoved); dataTypes = new ItemCollection(); dataTypes.ItemsRemoved += new CollectionItemsChangedEventHandler(dataTypes_ItemsRemoved); algorithmClasses = new ItemCollection(); algorithmClasses.ItemsRemoved += new CollectionItemsChangedEventHandler(algorithmClasses_ItemsRemoved); algorithms = new ItemCollection(); algorithms.ItemsRemoved += new CollectionItemsChangedEventHandler(algorithms_ItemsRemoved); problemClasses = new ItemCollection(); problemClasses.ItemsRemoved += new CollectionItemsChangedEventHandler(problemClasses_ItemsRemoved); problems = new ItemCollection(); problems.ItemsRemoved += new CollectionItemsChangedEventHandler(problems_ItemsRemoved); } #region Refresh public void Refresh() { OnRefreshing(); platforms.Clear(); dataTypes.Clear(); algorithmClasses.Clear(); algorithms.Clear(); problemClasses.Clear(); problems.Clear(); var call = new Func(delegate() { try { platforms.AddRange(CallAdminService(s => s.GetPlatforms()).OrderBy(x => x.Name)); dataTypes.AddRange(CallAdminService(s => s.GetDataTypes()).OrderBy(x => x.Name)); users = CallAuthenticationService(s => s.GetUsers()).OrderBy(x => x.Name); algorithmClasses.AddRange(CallAdminService(s => s.GetAlgorithmClasses()).OrderBy(x => x.Name)); algorithms.AddRange(CallAdminService(s => s.GetAlgorithms()).OrderBy(x => x.Name)); problemClasses.AddRange(CallAdminService(s => s.GetProblemClasses()).OrderBy(x => x.Name)); problems.AddRange(CallAdminService(s => s.GetProblems()).OrderBy(x => x.Name)); return null; } catch (Exception ex) { return ex; } }); call.BeginInvoke(delegate(IAsyncResult result) { Exception ex = call.EndInvoke(result); if (ex != null) ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Refresh failed.", ex); OnRefreshed(); }, null); } #endregion #region Store public bool Store(IOKBItem item) { try { if (item.Id == 0) { if (item is Platform) item.Id = CallAdminService(s => s.AddPlatform((Platform)item)); else if (item is DataType) item.Id = CallAdminService(s => s.AddDataType((DataType)item)); else if (item is AlgorithmClass) item.Id = CallAdminService(s => s.AddAlgorithmClass((AlgorithmClass)item)); else if (item is Algorithm) item.Id = CallAdminService(s => s.AddAlgorithm((Algorithm)item)); else if (item is AlgorithmParameter) item.Id = CallAdminService(s => s.AddAlgorithmParameter((AlgorithmParameter)item)); else if (item is ProblemClass) item.Id = CallAdminService(s => s.AddProblemClass((ProblemClass)item)); else if (item is Problem) item.Id = CallAdminService(s => s.AddProblem((Problem)item)); else if (item is ProblemParameter) item.Id = CallAdminService(s => s.AddProblemParameter((ProblemParameter)item)); else if (item is Result) item.Id = CallAdminService(s => s.AddResult((Result)item)); else if (item is Experiment) item.Id = CallAdminService(s => s.AddExperiment((Experiment)item)); else if (item is Run) item.Id = CallAdminService(s => s.AddRun((Run)item)); } else { if (item is Platform) CallAdminService(s => s.UpdatePlatform((Platform)item)); else if (item is DataType) CallAdminService(s => s.UpdateDataType((DataType)item)); else if (item is AlgorithmClass) CallAdminService(s => s.UpdateAlgorithmClass((AlgorithmClass)item)); else if (item is Algorithm) CallAdminService(s => s.UpdateAlgorithm((Algorithm)item)); else if (item is AlgorithmParameter) CallAdminService(s => s.UpdateAlgorithmParameter((AlgorithmParameter)item)); else if (item is ProblemClass) CallAdminService(s => s.UpdateProblemClass((ProblemClass)item)); else if (item is Problem) CallAdminService(s => s.UpdateProblem((Problem)item)); else if (item is ProblemParameter) CallAdminService(s => s.UpdateProblemParameter((ProblemParameter)item)); else if (item is Result) CallAdminService(s => s.UpdateResult((Result)item)); else if (item is Experiment) item.Id = CallAdminService(s => s.AddExperiment((Experiment)item)); else if (item is Run) item.Id = CallAdminService(s => s.AddRun((Run)item)); } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Store failed.", ex); return false; } } #endregion #region DataType Methods public DataType ConvertToDataType(Type type) { DataType dataType = DataTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == type.AssemblyQualifiedName); if (dataType == null) { dataType = new DataType(); dataType.Name = type.AssemblyQualifiedName; dataType.PlatformId = Platforms.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "HeuristicLab 3.3").Id; if (typeof(BoolValue).IsAssignableFrom(type)) dataType.SqlName = "bit"; else if (typeof(IntValue).IsAssignableFrom(type)) dataType.SqlName = "bigint"; else if (typeof(DoubleValue).IsAssignableFrom(type)) dataType.SqlName = "float"; else if (typeof(StringValue).IsAssignableFrom(type) || typeof(IStringConvertibleValue).IsAssignableFrom(type)) dataType.SqlName = "nvarchar"; else dataType.SqlName = "varbinary"; dataType.Store(); DataTypes.Add(dataType); } return dataType; } #endregion #region Algorithm Methods public Guid[] GetAlgorithmUsers(long algorithmId) { try { return CallAdminService(s => s.GetAlgorithmUsers(algorithmId)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Refresh authorized algorithm users failed.", ex); return null; } } public bool UpdateAlgorithmUsers(long algorithmId, Guid[] users) { try { CallAdminService(s => s.UpdateAlgorithmUsers(algorithmId, users)); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Update authorized algorithm users failed.", ex); return false; } } public AlgorithmData GetAlgorithmData(long algorithmId) { try { return CallAdminService(s => s.GetAlgorithmData(algorithmId)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Refresh algorithm data failed.", ex); return null; } } public bool UpdateAlgorithmData(AlgorithmData algorithmData) { try { CallAdminService(s => s.UpdateAlgorithmData(algorithmData)); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Update algorithm data failed.", ex); return false; } } public ItemCollection GetAlgorithmParameters(long algorithmId) { try { ItemCollection parameters = new ItemCollection(); parameters.AddRange(CallAdminService(s => s.GetAlgorithmParameters(algorithmId)).OrderBy(x => x.Name)); return parameters; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Refresh algorithm parameters failed.", ex); return null; } } public ItemCollection GetResults(long algorithmId) { try { ItemCollection results = new ItemCollection(); results.AddRange(CallAdminService(s => s.GetResults(algorithmId)).OrderBy(x => x.Name)); return results; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Refresh results failed.", ex); return null; } } #endregion #region Problem Methods public Guid[] GetProblemUsers(long problemId) { try { return CallAdminService(s => s.GetProblemUsers(problemId)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Refresh authorized problem users failed.", ex); return null; } } public bool UpdateProblemUsers(long problemId, Guid[] users) { try { CallAdminService(s => s.UpdateProblemUsers(problemId, users)); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Update authorized problem users failed.", ex); return false; } } public ProblemData GetProblemData(long problemId) { try { return CallAdminService(s => s.GetProblemData(problemId)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Refresh problem data failed.", ex); return null; } } public bool UpdateProblemData(ProblemData problemData) { try { CallAdminService(s => s.UpdateProblemData(problemData)); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Update problem data failed.", ex); return false; } } public ItemCollection GetProblemParameters(long problemId) { try { ItemCollection parameters = new ItemCollection(); parameters.AddRange(CallAdminService(s => s.GetProblemParameters(problemId)).OrderBy(x => x.Name)); return parameters; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Refresh problem parameters failed.", ex); return null; } } #endregion #region Run Methods public bool AddRun(long algorithmId, long problemId, HeuristicLab.Optimization.Run run) { try { IAlgorithm algorithm = run.Algorithm; IProblem problem = algorithm.Problem; ItemCollection algorithmParameters = GetAlgorithmParameters(algorithmId); List algorithmParameterValues = CollectAlgorithmParameterValues(algorithmId, algorithmParameters, algorithm, ""); ItemCollection problemParameters = GetProblemParameters(problemId); List problemParameterValues = CollectProblemParamterValues(problemId, problemParameters, problem, ""); ItemCollection results = GetResults(algorithmId); List resultValues = CollectResultValues(algorithmId, results, algorithm); Experiment exp = new Experiment(); exp.AlgorithmId = algorithmId; exp.ProblemId = problemId; exp.AlgorithmParameterValues = algorithmParameterValues.ToArray(); exp.ProblemParameterValues = problemParameterValues.ToArray(); exp.Store(); Run r = new Run(); r.ExperimentId = exp.Id; r.ClientId = Guid.NewGuid(); r.FinishedDate = DateTime.Now; r.RandomSeed = ((IntValue)((IValueParameter)run.Parameters["Seed"]).Value).Value; r.ResultValues = resultValues.ToArray(); r.Store(); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Store run failed.", ex); return false; } } private List CollectAlgorithmParameterValues(long algorithmId, ItemCollection parameters, IParameterizedItem item, string prefix) { List values = new List(); foreach (IValueParameter param in item.Parameters.OfType()) { if (param.GetsCollected && (param.Value != null)) { AlgorithmParameter p = parameters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == prefix + param.Name); if (p == null) { p = new AlgorithmParameter(); p.Name = prefix + param.Name; p.Alias = prefix + param.Name; p.Description = param.Description; p.AlgorithmId = algorithmId; p.DataTypeId = ConvertToDataType(param.DataType).Id; p.Store(); parameters.Add(p); } AlgorithmParameterValue value = null; // TODO value.AlgorithmParameterId = p.Id; value.DataTypeId = ConvertToDataType(param.Value.GetType()).Id; } if (param.Value is IParameterizedItem) values.AddRange(CollectAlgorithmParameterValues(algorithmId, parameters, (IParameterizedItem)param.Value, (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ? param.Name : prefix + param.Name) + ".")); } return values; } private List CollectProblemParamterValues(long problemId, ItemCollection parameters, IParameterizedItem item, string prefix) { List values = new List(); foreach (IValueParameter param in item.Parameters.OfType()) { if (param.GetsCollected && (param.Value != null) && (parameters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == prefix + param.Name) == null)) { ProblemParameter p = new ProblemParameter(); p.Name = prefix + param.Name; p.Alias = prefix + param.Name; p.Description = param.Description; p.ProblemId = problemId; p.DataTypeId = ConvertToDataType(param.DataType).Id; p.Store(); parameters.Add(p); } if (param.Value is IParameterizedItem) values.AddRange(CollectProblemParamterValues(problemId, parameters, (IParameterizedItem)param.Value, (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ? param.Name : prefix + param.Name) + ".")); } return values; } private List CollectResultValues(long algorithmId, ItemCollection results, IAlgorithm algorithm) { List values = new List(); foreach (IResult result in algorithm.Results) { if ((result.Value != null) && (results.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == result.Name) == null)) { Result r = new Result(); r.Name = result.Name; r.Alias = result.Name; r.Description = result.Description; r.AlgorithmId = algorithmId; r.DataTypeId = ConvertToDataType(result.DataType).Id; r.Store(); results.Add(r); } } return values; } #endregion #region Events public event EventHandler Refreshing; private void OnRefreshing() { EventHandler handler = Refreshing; if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty); } public event EventHandler Refreshed; private void OnRefreshed() { EventHandler handler = Refreshed; if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty); } private void platforms_ItemsRemoved(object sender, CollectionItemsChangedEventArgs e) { try { foreach (Platform p in e.Items) CallAdminService(s => s.DeletePlatform(p.Id)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Delete failed.", ex); } } private void dataTypes_ItemsRemoved(object sender, CollectionItemsChangedEventArgs e) { try { foreach (DataType d in e.Items) CallAdminService(s => s.DeleteDataType(d.Id)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Delete failed.", ex); } } private void algorithmClasses_ItemsRemoved(object sender, CollectionItemsChangedEventArgs e) { try { foreach (AlgorithmClass a in e.Items) CallAdminService(s => s.DeleteAlgorithmClass(a.Id)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Delete failed.", ex); } } private void algorithms_ItemsRemoved(object sender, CollectionItemsChangedEventArgs e) { try { foreach (Algorithm a in e.Items) CallAdminService(s => s.DeleteAlgorithm(a.Id)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Delete failed.", ex); } } private void problemClasses_ItemsRemoved(object sender, CollectionItemsChangedEventArgs e) { try { foreach (ProblemClass p in e.Items) CallAdminService(s => s.DeleteProblemClass(p.Id)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Delete failed.", ex); } } private void problems_ItemsRemoved(object sender, CollectionItemsChangedEventArgs e) { try { foreach (Problem p in e.Items) CallAdminService(s => s.DeleteProblem(p.Id)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling.ShowErrorDialog("Delete failed.", ex); } } #endregion #region Helpers private void CallAdminService(Action call) { OKBServiceClient client = ClientFactory.CreateClient(); try { call(client); } finally { try { client.Close(); } catch (Exception) { client.Abort(); } } } private T CallAdminService(Func call) { OKBServiceClient client = ClientFactory.CreateClient(); try { return call(client); } finally { try { client.Close(); } catch (Exception) { client.Abort(); } } } private T CallAuthenticationService(Func call) { AuthenticationServiceClient client = ClientFactory.CreateClient(); try { return call(client); } finally { try { client.Close(); } catch (Exception) { client.Abort(); } } } #endregion } }