import xalglib import math import cmath import sys import random def doc_print_test(v, t, typecode, _threshold = 0): if typecode=="bool": if (not xalglib.is_bool(v)) or (not xalglib.is_bool(t)): return False return v==t if typecode=="int": if (not xalglib.is_int(v)) or (not xalglib.is_int(t)): return False return v==t if typecode=="real": if (not xalglib.is_real(v)) or (not xalglib.is_real(t)): return False if _threshold>=0: s = 1.0 else: s = abs(t) threshold = abs(_threshold) return abs(v-t)/s<=threshold if typecode=="complex": if (not xalglib.is_complex(v)) or (not xalglib.is_complex(t)): return False if _threshold>=0: s = 1.0 else: s = abs(t) threshold = abs(_threshold) return abs(v-t)/s<=threshold if typecode=="bool_vector": if (not xalglib.is_bool_vector(t)) or (not xalglib.is_bool_vector(v)): return False if xalglib.safe_len("",v)!=xalglib.safe_len("",t): return False cnt = xalglib.safe_len("",t) for idx in range(cnt): if v[idx]!=t[idx]: return False return True if typecode=="bool_matrix": if (not xalglib.is_bool_matrix(t)) or (not xalglib.is_bool_matrix(v)): return False if xalglib.safe_rows("",v)!=xalglib.safe_rows("",t): return False if xalglib.safe_cols("",v)!=xalglib.safe_cols("",t): return False cols = xalglib.safe_cols("",t) rows = xalglib.safe_rows("",t) for idx0 in range(rows): for idx1 in range(cols): if v[idx0][idx1]!=t[idx0][idx1]: return False return True if typecode=="int_vector": if (not xalglib.is_int_vector(t)) or (not xalglib.is_int_vector(v)): return False if xalglib.safe_len("",v)!=xalglib.safe_len("",t): return False cnt = xalglib.safe_len("",t) for idx in range(cnt): if v[idx]!=t[idx]: return False return True if typecode=="int_matrix": if (not xalglib.is_int_matrix(t)) or (not xalglib.is_int_matrix(v)): return False if xalglib.safe_rows("",v)!=xalglib.safe_rows("",t): return False if xalglib.safe_cols("",v)!=xalglib.safe_cols("",t): return False cols = xalglib.safe_cols("",t) rows = xalglib.safe_rows("",t) for idx0 in range(rows): for idx1 in range(cols): if v[idx0][idx1]!=t[idx0][idx1]: return False return True if typecode=="real_vector": if (not xalglib.is_real_vector(t)) or (not xalglib.is_real_vector(v)): return False if xalglib.safe_len("",v)!=xalglib.safe_len("",t): return False cnt = xalglib.safe_len("",t) for idx in range(cnt): if _threshold>=0: s = 1.0 else: s = abs(t[idx]) threshold = abs(_threshold) if abs(v[idx]-t[idx])/s>threshold: return False return True if typecode=="real_matrix": if (not xalglib.is_real_matrix(t)) or (not xalglib.is_real_matrix(v)): return False if xalglib.safe_rows("",v)!=xalglib.safe_rows("",t): return False if xalglib.safe_cols("",v)!=xalglib.safe_cols("",t): return False cols = xalglib.safe_cols("",t) rows = xalglib.safe_rows("",t) for idx0 in range(rows): for idx1 in range(cols): if _threshold>=0: s = 1.0 else: s = abs(t[idx0][idx1]) threshold = abs(_threshold) if abs(v[idx0][idx1]-t[idx0][idx1])/s>threshold: return False return True if typecode=="complex_vector": if (not xalglib.is_complex_vector(t)) or (not xalglib.is_complex_vector(v)): return False if xalglib.safe_len("",v)!=xalglib.safe_len("",t): return False cnt = xalglib.safe_len("",t) for idx in range(cnt): if _threshold>=0: s = 1.0 else: s = abs(t[idx]) threshold = abs(_threshold) if abs(v[idx]-t[idx])/s>threshold: return False return True if typecode=="complex_matrix": if (not xalglib.is_complex_matrix(t)) or (not xalglib.is_complex_matrix(v)): return False if xalglib.safe_rows("",v)!=xalglib.safe_rows("",t): return False if xalglib.safe_cols("",v)!=xalglib.safe_cols("",t): return False cols = xalglib.safe_cols("",t) rows = xalglib.safe_rows("",t) for idx0 in range(rows): for idx1 in range(cols): if _threshold>=0: s = 1.0 else: s = abs(t[idx0][idx1]) threshold = abs(_threshold) if abs(v[idx0][idx1]-t[idx0][idx1])/s>threshold: return False return True raise ValueError("doc_print_test: unknown test value type") def spoil_vec_by_adding_element(x): x.append(0) return def spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x): if len(x)!=0: x.pop() return def spoil_mat_by_adding_row(x): cols = xalglib.safe_cols("internal error",x) if cols!=0: x.append([0]*cols) return def spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(x): if len(x)!=0: x.pop() return def spoil_mat_by_adding_col(x): for row in x: row.append(0) return def spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(x): for row in x: row.pop() return def spoil_vec_by_nan(x): lenx = xalglib.safe_len("internal error",x) if lenx!=0: i = random.randint(0,lenx-1) x[i] = float("nan") return def spoil_vec_by_posinf(x): lenx = xalglib.safe_len("internal error",x) if lenx!=0: i = random.randint(0,lenx-1) x[i] = float("+inf") return def spoil_vec_by_neginf(x): lenx = xalglib.safe_len("internal error",x) if lenx!=0: i = random.randint(0,lenx-1) x[i] = float("-inf") return def spoil_mat_by_nan(x): rows = xalglib.safe_rows("internal error",x) cols = xalglib.safe_cols("internal error",x) if cols*rows!=0: x[random.randint(0,rows-1)][random.randint(0,cols-1)] = float("nan") return def spoil_mat_by_posinf(x): rows = xalglib.safe_rows("internal error",x) cols = xalglib.safe_cols("internal error",x) if cols*rows!=0: x[random.randint(0,rows-1)][random.randint(0,cols-1)] = float("+inf") return def spoil_mat_by_neginf(x): rows = xalglib.safe_rows("internal error",x) cols = xalglib.safe_cols("internal error",x) if cols*rows!=0: x[random.randint(0,rows-1)][random.randint(0,cols-1)] = float("-inf") return def function1_func(x, param): # # this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4 + (x1-3)^4 # return 100*(x[0]+3)**4 + (x[1]-3)**4 def function1_grad(x, grad, param): # # this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4 + (x1-3)^4 # and its derivatives df/d0 and df/dx1 # func = 100*(x[0]+3)**4 + (x[1]-3)**4 grad[0] = 400*(x[0]+3)**3 grad[1] = 4*(x[1]-3)**3 return func def function1_hess(x, grad, hess, param): # # this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4 + (x1-3)^4 # its derivatives df/d0 and df/dx1 # and its Hessian. # func = 100*(x[0]+3)**4 + (x[1]-3)**4 grad[0] = 400*(x[0]+3)**3 grad[1] = 4*(x[1]-3)**3 hess[0][0] = 1200*(x[0]+3)**2 hess[0][1] = 0 hess[1][0] = 0 hess[1][1] = 12*(x[1]-3)**2 return func def function1_fvec(x, fi, param): # # this callback calculates # f0(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4, # f1(x0,x1) = (x1-3)^4 # fi[0] = 10*(x[0]+3)**2 fi[1] = (x[1]-3)**2 return def function1_jac(x, fi, jac, param): # # this callback calculates # f0(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4, # f1(x0,x1) = (x1-3)^4 # and Jacobian matrix J = [dfi/dxj] # fi[0] = 10*(x[0]+3)**2 fi[1] = (x[1]-3)**2 jac[0][0] = 20*(x[0]+3) jac[0][1] = 0 jac[1][0] = 0 jac[1][1] = 2*(x[1]-3) return def function2_func(x, param): # # this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = (x0^2+1)^2 + (x1-1)^2 # return (x[0]*x[0]+1)**2 + (x[1]-1)**2 def function2_grad(x, grad, param): # # this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = (x0^2+1)^2 + (x1-1)^2 # and its derivatives df/d0 and df/dx1 # func = (x[0]*x[0]+1)**2 + (x[1]-1)**2 grad[0] = 4*(x[0]*x[0]+1)*x[0] grad[1] = 2*(x[1]-1) return func def function2_hess(x, grad, hess, param): # # this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = (x0^2+1)^2 + (x1-1)^2 # its gradient and Hessian # func = (x[0]*x[0]+1)**2 + (x[1]-1)**2 grad[0] = 4*(x[0]*x[0]+1)*x[0] grad[1] = 2*(x[1]-1) hess[0][0] = 12*x[0]*x[0]+4 hess[0][1] = 0 hess[1][0] = 0 hess[1][1] = 2 return func def function2_fvec(x, fi, param): # # this callback calculates # f0(x0,x1) = x0^2+1 # f1(x0,x1) = x1-1 # fi[0] = x[0]*x[0]+1 fi[1] = x[1]-1 return def function2_jac(x, fi, jac, param): # # this callback calculates # f0(x0,x1) = x0^2+1 # f1(x0,x1) = x1-1 # and Jacobian matrix J = [dfi/dxj] # fi[0] = x[0]*x[0]+1 fi[1] = x[1]-1 jac[0][0] = 2*x[0] jac[0][1] = 0 jac[1][0] = 0 jac[1][1] = 1 return def nlcfunc1_jac(x, fi, jac, param): # # this callback calculates # # f0(x0,x1) = -x0+x1 # f1(x0,x1) = x0^2+x1^2-1 # # and Jacobian matrix J = [dfi/dxj] # fi[0] = -x[0]+x[1] fi[1] = x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1] - 1.0 jac[0][0] = -1.0 jac[0][1] = +1.0 jac[1][0] = 2*x[0] jac[1][1] = 2*x[1] return def nlcfunc2_jac(x, fi, jac, param): # # this callback calculates # # f0(x0,x1,x2) = x0+x1 # f1(x0,x1,x2) = x2-exp(x0) # f2(x0,x1,x2) = x0^2+x1^2-1 # # and Jacobian matrix J = [dfi/dxj] # fi[0] = x[0]+x[1] fi[1] = x[2]-math.exp(x[0]) fi[2] = x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1] - 1.0 jac[0][0] = 1.0 jac[0][1] = 1.0 jac[0][2] = 0.0 jac[1][0] = -math.exp(x[0]) jac[1][1] = 0.0 jac[1][2] = 1.0 jac[2][0] = 2*x[0] jac[2][1] = 2*x[1] jac[2][2] = 0.0 return def nsfunc1_jac(x, fi, jac, param): # # this callback calculates # # f0(x0,x1) = 2*|x0|+|x1| # # and Jacobian matrix J = [df0/dx0 df0/dx1] # fi[0] = 2*math.fabs(x[0])+math.fabs(x[1]) jac[0][0] = 2*xalglib.xsign(x[0]) jac[0][1] = xalglib.xsign(x[1]) return def nsfunc1_fvec(x, fi, param): # # this callback calculates # # f0(x0,x1) = 2*|x0|+|x1| # fi[0] = 2*math.fabs(x[0])+math.fabs(x[1]) return def nsfunc2_jac(x, fi, jac, param): # # this callback calculates function vector # # f0(x0,x1) = 2*|x0|+x1 # f1(x0,x1) = x0-1 # f2(x0,x1) = -x1-1 # # and Jacobian matrix J # # [ df0/dx0 df0/dx1 ] # J = [ df1/dx0 df1/dx1 ] # [ df2/dx0 df2/dx1 ] # fi[0] = 2*math.fabs(x[0])+math.fabs(x[1]) jac[0][0] = 2*xalglib.xsign(x[0]) jac[0][1] = xalglib.xsign(x[1]) fi[1] = x[0]-1 jac[1][0] = 1 jac[1][1] = 0 fi[2] = -x[1]-1 jac[2][0] = 0 jac[2][1] = -1 return def function_cx_1_func(c, x, param): # # this callback calculates f(c,x)=exp(-c0*sqr(x0)) # where x is a position on X-axis and c is adjustable parameter # return math.exp(-c[0]*(x[0])**2) def function_cx_1_grad(c, x, grad, param): # # this callback calculates f(c,x)=exp(-c0*sqr(x0)) and gradient G={df/dc[i]} # where x is a position on X-axis and c is adjustable parameter. # IMPORTANT: gradient is calculated with respect to C, not to X # func = math.exp(-c[0]*(x[0])**2) grad[0] = -((x[0])**2)*func return func def function_cx_1_hess(c, x, grad, hess, param): # # this callback calculates f(c,x)=exp(-c0*sqr(x0)), gradient G={df/dc[i]} and Hessian H={d2f/(dc[i]*dc[j])} # where x is a position on X-axis and c is adjustable parameter. # IMPORTANT: gradient/Hessian are calculated with respect to C, not to X # func = math.exp(-c[0]*(x[0])**2) grad[0] = -((x[0])**2)*func hess[0][0] = ((x[0])**4)*func return func def ode_function_1_diff(y, x, dy, param): # # this callback calculates f(y[],x)=-y[0] # dy[0] = -y[0] return def int_function_1_func(x, xminusa, bminusx, param): # # this callback calculates f(x)=exp(x) # return math.exp(x) def function_debt_func(c, x, param): # # this callback calculates f(c,x)=c[0]*(1+c[1]*(pow(x[0]-1999,c[2])-1)) # return c[0]*(1+c[1]*((x[0]-1999)**c[2]-1)) def s1_grad(x, grad, param): # # this callback calculates f(x) = (1+x)^(-0.2) + (1-x)^(-0.3) + 1000*x and its gradient. # # function is trimmed when we calculate it near the singular points or outside of the [-1,+1]. # Note that we do NOT calculate gradient in this case. # if (x[0]<=-0.999999999999) or (x[0]>=+0.999999999999): return 1.0E+300 grad[0] = -0.2*math.pow(1+x[0],-1.2) +0.3*math.pow(1-x[0],-1.3) + 1000 return math.pow(1+x[0],-0.2) + math.pow(1-x[0],-0.3) + 1000*x[0] _TotalResult = True sys.stdout.write("IronPython-ALGLIB communication tests. Please wait...\n") try: # # TEST nneighbor_d_1 # Nearest neighbor search, KNN queries # sys.stdout.write("0/145\n") _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: a = [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(a) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(a) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(a) nx = 2 ny = 0 normtype = 2 r = [[]] kdt = xalglib.kdtreebuild(a, nx, ny, normtype) x = [-1,0] k = xalglib.kdtreequeryknn(kdt, x, 1) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(k, 1, "int") r = xalglib.kdtreequeryresultsx(kdt, r) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(r, [[0,0]], "real_matrix", 0.05) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("nneighbor_d_1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST nneighbor_t_2 # Subsequent queries; buffered functions must use previously allocated storage (if large enough), so buffer may contain some info from previous call # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: a = [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(a) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(a) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(a) nx = 2 ny = 0 normtype = 2 rx = [[]] kdt = xalglib.kdtreebuild(a, nx, ny, normtype) x = [+2,0] k = xalglib.kdtreequeryknn(kdt, x, 2, True) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(k, 2, "int") rx = xalglib.kdtreequeryresultsx(kdt, rx) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rx, [[1,0],[1,1]], "real_matrix", 0.05) x = [-2,0] k = xalglib.kdtreequeryknn(kdt, x, 1, True) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(k, 1, "int") rx = xalglib.kdtreequeryresultsx(kdt, rx) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rx, [[0,0],[1,1]], "real_matrix", 0.05) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("nneighbor_t_2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST nneighbor_d_2 # Serialization of KD-trees # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: a = [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(a) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(a) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(a) nx = 2 ny = 0 normtype = 2 r0 = [[]] r1 = [[]] # # Build tree and serialize it # kdt0 = xalglib.kdtreebuild(a, nx, ny, normtype) s = xalglib.kdtreeserialize(kdt0) kdt1 = xalglib.kdtreeunserialize(s) # # Compare results from KNN queries # x = [-1,0] xalglib.kdtreequeryknn(kdt0, x, 1) r0 = xalglib.kdtreequeryresultsx(kdt0, r0) xalglib.kdtreequeryknn(kdt1, x, 1) r1 = xalglib.kdtreequeryresultsx(kdt1, r1) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(r0, [[0,0]], "real_matrix", 0.05) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(r1, [[0,0]], "real_matrix", 0.05) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("nneighbor_d_2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST odesolver_d1 # Solving y'=-y with ODE solver # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,13): try: y = [1] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) x = [0, 1, 2, 3] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) eps = 0.00001 if _spoil_scenario==7: eps = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==8: eps = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==9: eps = float("-inf") h = 0 if _spoil_scenario==10: h = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==11: h = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==12: h = float("-inf") s = xalglib.odesolverrkck(y, x, eps, h) xalglib.odesolversolve(s, ode_function_1_diff); m, xtbl, ytbl, rep = xalglib.odesolverresults(s) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(m, 4, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(xtbl, [0, 1, 2, 3], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(ytbl, [[1], [0.367], [0.135], [0.050]], "real_matrix", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("odesolver_d1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST sparse_d_1 # Basic operations with sparse matrices # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,1): try: # # This example demonstrates creation/initialization of the sparse matrix # and matrix-vector multiplication. # # First, we have to create matrix and initialize it. Matrix is initially created # in the Hash-Table format, which allows convenient initialization. We can modify # Hash-Table matrix with sparseset() and sparseadd() functions. # # NOTE: Unlike CRS format, Hash-Table representation allows you to initialize # elements in the arbitrary order. You may see that we initialize a[0][0] first, # then move to the second row, and then move back to the first row. # s = xalglib.sparsecreate(2, 2) xalglib.sparseset(s, 0, 0, 2.0) xalglib.sparseset(s, 1, 1, 1.0) xalglib.sparseset(s, 0, 1, 1.0) xalglib.sparseadd(s, 1, 1, 4.0) # # Now S is equal to # [ 2 1 ] # [ 5 ] # Lets check it by reading matrix contents with sparseget(). # You may see that with sparseget() you may read both non-zero # and zero elements. # v = xalglib.sparseget(s, 0, 0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.0000, "real", 0.005) v = xalglib.sparseget(s, 0, 1) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 1.0000, "real", 0.005) v = xalglib.sparseget(s, 1, 0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 0.0000, "real", 0.005) v = xalglib.sparseget(s, 1, 1) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 5.0000, "real", 0.005) # # After successful creation we can use our matrix for linear operations. # # However, there is one more thing we MUST do before using S in linear # operations: we have to convert it from HashTable representation (used for # initialization and dynamic operations) to CRS format with sparseconverttocrs() # call. If you omit this call, ALGLIB will generate exception on the first # attempt to use S in linear operations. # xalglib.sparseconverttocrs(s) # # Now S is in the CRS format and we are ready to do linear operations. # Lets calculate A*x for some x. # x = [1,-1] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [] y = xalglib.sparsemv(s, x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(y, [1.000,-5.000], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("sparse_d_1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST sparse_d_crs # Advanced topic: creation in the CRS format. # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,2): try: # # This example demonstrates creation/initialization of the sparse matrix in the # CRS format. # # Hash-Table format used by default is very convenient (it allows easy # insertion of elements, automatic memory reallocation), but has # significant memory and performance overhead. Insertion of one element # costs hundreds of CPU cycles, and memory consumption is several times # higher than that of CRS. # # When you work with really large matrices and when you can tell in # advance how many elements EXACTLY you need, it can be beneficial to # create matrix in the CRS format from the very beginning. # # If you want to create matrix in the CRS format, you should: # * use sparsecreatecrs() function # * know row sizes in advance (number of non-zero entries in the each row) # * initialize matrix with sparseset() - another function, sparseadd(), is not allowed # * initialize elements from left to right, from top to bottom, each # element is initialized only once. # row_sizes = [2,2,2,1] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(row_sizes) s = xalglib.sparsecreatecrs(4, 4, row_sizes) xalglib.sparseset(s, 0, 0, 2.0) xalglib.sparseset(s, 0, 1, 1.0) xalglib.sparseset(s, 1, 1, 4.0) xalglib.sparseset(s, 1, 2, 2.0) xalglib.sparseset(s, 2, 2, 3.0) xalglib.sparseset(s, 2, 3, 1.0) xalglib.sparseset(s, 3, 3, 9.0) # # Now S is equal to # [ 2 1 ] # [ 4 2 ] # [ 3 1 ] # [ 9 ] # # We should point that we have initialized S elements from left to right, # from top to bottom. CRS representation does NOT allow you to do so in # the different order. Try to change order of the sparseset() calls above, # and you will see that your program generates exception. # # We can check it by reading matrix contents with sparseget(). # However, you should remember that sparseget() is inefficient on # CRS matrices (it may have to pass through all elements of the row # until it finds element you need). # v = xalglib.sparseget(s, 0, 0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.0000, "real", 0.005) v = xalglib.sparseget(s, 2, 3) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 1.0000, "real", 0.005) # you may see that you can read zero elements (which are not stored) with sparseget() v = xalglib.sparseget(s, 3, 2) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 0.0000, "real", 0.005) # # After successful creation we can use our matrix for linear operations. # Lets calculate A*x for some x. # x = [1,-1,1,-1] if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [] y = xalglib.sparsemv(s, x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(y, [1.000,-2.000,2.000,-9], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("sparse_d_crs FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST ablas_d_gemm # Matrix multiplication (single-threaded) # _TestResult = True try: a = [[2,1],[1,3]] b = [[2,1],[0,1]] c = [[0,0],[0,0]] # # rmatrixgemm() function allows us to calculate matrix product C:=A*B or # to perform more general operation, C:=alpha*op1(A)*op2(B)+beta*C, # where A, B, C are rectangular matrices, op(X) can be X or X^T, # alpha and beta are scalars. # # This function: # * can apply transposition and/or multiplication by scalar to operands # * can use arbitrary part of matrices A/B (given by submatrix offset) # * can store result into arbitrary part of C # * for performance reasons requires C to be preallocated # # Parameters of this function are: # * M, N, K - sizes of op1(A) (which is MxK), op2(B) (which # is KxN) and C (which is MxN) # * Alpha - coefficient before A*B # * A, IA, JA - matrix A and offset of the submatrix # * OpTypeA - transformation type: # 0 - no transformation # 1 - transposition # * B, IB, JB - matrix B and offset of the submatrix # * OpTypeB - transformation type: # 0 - no transformation # 1 - transposition # * Beta - coefficient before C # * C, IC, JC - preallocated matrix C and offset of the submatrix # # Below we perform simple product C:=A*B (alpha=1, beta=0) # # IMPORTANT: this function works with preallocated C, which must be large # enough to store multiplication result. # m = 2 n = 2 k = 2 alpha = 1.0 ia = 0 ja = 0 optypea = 0 ib = 0 jb = 0 optypeb = 0 beta = 0.0 ic = 0 jc = 0 c = xalglib.rmatrixgemm(m, n, k, alpha, a, ia, ja, optypea, b, ib, jb, optypeb, beta, c, ic, jc) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[4,3],[2,4]], "real_matrix", 0.0001) # # Now we try to apply some simple transformation to operands: C:=A*B^T # optypeb = 1 c = xalglib.rmatrixgemm(m, n, k, alpha, a, ia, ja, optypea, b, ib, jb, optypeb, beta, c, ic, jc) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[5,1],[5,3]], "real_matrix", 0.0001) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = False except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("ablas_d_gemm FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST ablas_d_syrk # Symmetric rank-K update (single-threaded) # _TestResult = True try: # # rmatrixsyrk() function allows us to calculate symmetric rank-K update # C := beta*C + alpha*A'*A, where C is square N*N matrix, A is square K*N # matrix, alpha and beta are scalars. It is also possible to update by # adding A*A' instead of A'*A. # # Parameters of this function are: # * N, K - matrix size # * Alpha - coefficient before A # * A, IA, JA - matrix and submatrix offsets # * OpTypeA - multiplication type: # * 0 - A*A^T is calculated # * 2 - A^T*A is calculated # * Beta - coefficient before C # * C, IC, JC - preallocated input/output matrix and submatrix offsets # * IsUpper - whether upper or lower triangle of C is updated; # this function updates only one half of C, leaving # other half unchanged (not referenced at all). # # Below we will show how to calculate simple product C:=A'*A # # NOTE: beta=0 and we do not use previous value of C, but still it # MUST be preallocated. # n = 2 k = 1 alpha = 1.0 ia = 0 ja = 0 optypea = 2 beta = 0.0 ic = 0 jc = 0 isupper = True a = [[1,2]] # preallocate space to store result c = [[0,0],[0,0]] # calculate product, store result into upper part of c c = xalglib.rmatrixsyrk(n, k, alpha, a, ia, ja, optypea, beta, c, ic, jc, isupper) # output result. # IMPORTANT: lower triangle of C was NOT updated! _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[1,2],[0,4]], "real_matrix", 0.0001) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = False except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("ablas_d_syrk FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST ablas_smp_gemm # Matrix multiplication (multithreaded) # _TestResult = True try: # # In this example we assume that you already know how to work with # rmatrixgemm() function. Below we concentrate on its multithreading # capabilities. # # SMP edition of ALGLIB includes smp_rmatrixgemm() - multithreaded # version of rmatrixgemm() function. In the basic edition of ALGLIB # (GPL edition or commercial version without SMP support) this function # just calls single-threaded stub. So, you may call this function from # ANY edition of ALGLIB, but only in SMP edition it will work in really # multithreaded mode. # # In order to use multithreading, you have to: # 1) Install SMP edition of ALGLIB. # 2) This step is specific for C++ users: you should activate OS-specific # capabilities of ALGLIB by defining AE_OS=AE_POSIX (for *nix systems) # or AE_OS=AE_WINDOWS (for Windows systems). # C# users do not have to perform this step because C# programs are # portable across different systems without OS-specific tuning. # 3) Allow ALGLIB to know about number of worker threads to use: # a) autodetection (C++, C#): # ALGLIB will automatically determine number of CPU cores and # (by default) will use all cores except for one. Say, on 4-core # system it will use three cores - unless you manually told it # to use more or less. It will keep your system responsive during # lengthy computations. # Such behavior may be changed with setnworkers() call: # * alglib::setnworkers(0) = use all cores # * alglib::setnworkers(-1) = leave one core unused # * alglib::setnworkers(-2) = leave two cores unused # * alglib::setnworkers(+2) = use 2 cores (even if you have more) # b) manual specification (C++, C#): # You may want to specify maximum number of worker threads during # compile time by means of preprocessor definition AE_NWORKERS. # For C++ it will be "AE_NWORKERS=X" where X can be any positive number. # For C# it is "AE_NWORKERSX", where X should be replaced by number of # workers (AE_NWORKERS2, AE_NWORKERS3, AE_NWORKERS4, ...). # You can add this definition to compiler command line or change # corresponding project settings in your IDE. # # After you installed and configured SMP edition of ALGLIB, you may choose # between serial and multithreaded versions of SMP-capable functions: # * serial version works as usual, in the context of the calling thread # * multithreaded version (with "smp_" prefix) creates (or wakes up) worker # threads, inserts task in the worker queue, and waits for completion of # the task. All processing is done in context of worker thread(s). # # NOTE: because starting/stopping worker threads costs thousands of CPU cycles, # you should not use multithreading for lightweight computational problems. # # NOTE: some old POSIX-compatible operating systems do not support # sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) system call which is required in order # to automatically determine number of active cores. On these systems # you should specify number of cores manually at compile time. # Without it ALGLIB will run in single-threaded mode. # # Now, back to our example. In this example we will show you: # * how to call SMP version of rmatrixgemm(). Because we work with tiny 2x2 # matrices, we won't expect to see ANY speedup from using multithreading. # The only purpose of this demo is to show how to call SMP functions. # * how to modify number of worker threads used by ALGLIB # a = [[2,1],[1,3]] b = [[2,1],[0,1]] c = [[0,0],[0,0]] m = 2 n = 2 k = 2 alpha = 1.0 ia = 0 ja = 0 optypea = 0 ib = 0 jb = 0 optypeb = 0 beta = 0.0 ic = 0 jc = 0 # serial code c = [[0,0],[0,0]] c = xalglib.rmatrixgemm(m, n, k, alpha, a, ia, ja, optypea, b, ib, jb, optypeb, beta, c, ic, jc) # SMP code with default number of worker threads c = [[0,0],[0,0]] c = xalglib.smp_rmatrixgemm(m, n, k, alpha, a, ia, ja, optypea, b, ib, jb, optypeb, beta, c, ic, jc) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[4,3],[2,4]], "real_matrix", 0.0001) # override number of worker threads - use two cores xalglib.setnworkers(+2) c = [[0,0],[0,0]] c = xalglib.smp_rmatrixgemm(m, n, k, alpha, a, ia, ja, optypea, b, ib, jb, optypeb, beta, c, ic, jc) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[4,3],[2,4]], "real_matrix", 0.0001) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = False except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("ablas_smp_gemm FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST ablas_smp_syrk # Symmetric rank-K update (multithreaded) # _TestResult = True try: # # In this example we assume that you already know how to work with # rmatrixsyrk() function. Below we concentrate on its multithreading # capabilities. # # SMP edition of ALGLIB includes smp_rmatrixsyrk() - multithreaded # version of rmatrixsyrk() function. In the basic edition of ALGLIB # (GPL edition or commercial version without SMP support) this function # just calls single-threaded stub. So, you may call this function from # ANY edition of ALGLIB, but only in SMP edition it will work in really # multithreaded mode. # # In order to use multithreading, you have to: # 1) Install SMP edition of ALGLIB. # 2) This step is specific for C++ users: you should activate OS-specific # capabilities of ALGLIB by defining AE_OS=AE_POSIX (for *nix systems) # or AE_OS=AE_WINDOWS (for Windows systems). # C# users do not have to perform this step because C# programs are # portable across different systems without OS-specific tuning. # 3) Allow ALGLIB to know about number of worker threads to use: # a) autodetection (C++, C#): # ALGLIB will automatically determine number of CPU cores and # (by default) will use all cores except for one. Say, on 4-core # system it will use three cores - unless you manually told it # to use more or less. It will keep your system responsive during # lengthy computations. # Such behavior may be changed with setnworkers() call: # * alglib::setnworkers(0) = use all cores # * alglib::setnworkers(-1) = leave one core unused # * alglib::setnworkers(-2) = leave two cores unused # * alglib::setnworkers(+2) = use 2 cores (even if you have more) # b) manual specification (C++, C#): # You may want to specify maximum number of worker threads during # compile time by means of preprocessor definition AE_NWORKERS. # For C++ it will be "AE_NWORKERS=X" where X can be any positive number. # For C# it is "AE_NWORKERSX", where X should be replaced by number of # workers (AE_NWORKERS2, AE_NWORKERS3, AE_NWORKERS4, ...). # You can add this definition to compiler command line or change # corresponding project settings in your IDE. # # After you installed and configured SMP edition of ALGLIB, you may choose # between serial and multithreaded versions of SMP-capable functions: # * serial version works as usual, in the context of the calling thread # * multithreaded version (with "smp_" prefix) creates (or wakes up) worker # threads, inserts task in the worker queue, and waits for completion of # the task. All processing is done in context of worker thread(s). # # NOTE: because starting/stopping worker threads costs thousands of CPU cycles, # you should not use multithreading for lightweight computational problems. # # NOTE: some old POSIX-compatible operating systems do not support # sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) system call which is required in order # to automatically determine number of active cores. On these systems # you should specify number of cores manually at compile time. # Without it ALGLIB will run in single-threaded mode. # # Now, back to our example. In this example we will show you: # * how to call SMP version of rmatrixsyrk(). Because we work with tiny 2x2 # matrices, we won't expect to see ANY speedup from using multithreading. # The only purpose of this demo is to show how to call SMP functions. # * how to modify number of worker threads used by ALGLIB # n = 2 k = 1 alpha = 1.0 ia = 0 ja = 0 optypea = 2 beta = 0.0 ic = 0 jc = 0 isupper = True a = [[1,2]] c = [[]] # # Default number of worker threads. # Preallocate space to store result, call multithreaded version, test. # # NOTE: this function updates only one triangular part of C. In our # example we choose to update upper triangle. # c = [[0,0],[0,0]] c = xalglib.smp_rmatrixsyrk(n, k, alpha, a, ia, ja, optypea, beta, c, ic, jc, isupper) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[1,2],[0,4]], "real_matrix", 0.0001) # # Override default number of worker threads (set to 2). # Preallocate space to store result, call multithreaded version, test. # # NOTE: this function updates only one triangular part of C. In our # example we choose to update upper triangle. # xalglib.setnworkers(+2) c = [[0,0],[0,0]] c = xalglib.smp_rmatrixsyrk(n, k, alpha, a, ia, ja, optypea, beta, c, ic, jc, isupper) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[1,2],[0,4]], "real_matrix", 0.0001) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = False except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("ablas_smp_syrk FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST ablas_t_real # Basis test for real matrix functions (correctness and presence of SMP support) # _TestResult = True try: # test rmatrixgemm() a = [[2,1],[1,3]] b = [[2,1],[0,1]] c = [[0,0],[0,0]] c = xalglib.rmatrixgemm(2, 2, 2, 1.0, a, 0, 0, 0, b, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, c, 0, 0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[4,3],[2,4]], "real_matrix", 0.0001) c = xalglib.smp_rmatrixgemm(2, 2, 2, 1.0, a, 0, 0, 0, b, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, c, 0, 0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[8,6],[4,8]], "real_matrix", 0.0001) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = False except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("ablas_t_real FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST ablas_t_complex # Basis test for complex matrix functions (correctness and presence of SMP support) # _TestResult = True try: # test cmatrixgemm() a = [[2j,1j],[1,3]] b = [[2,1],[0,1]] c = [[0,0],[0,0]] c = xalglib.cmatrixgemm(2, 2, 2, 1.0, a, 0, 0, 0, b, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, c, 0, 0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[4j,3j],[2,4]], "complex_matrix", 0.0001) c = xalglib.smp_cmatrixgemm(2, 2, 2, 1.0, a, 0, 0, 0, b, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, c, 0, 0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[8j,6j],[4,8]], "complex_matrix", 0.0001) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = False except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("ablas_t_complex FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matinv_d_r1 # Real matrix inverse # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,7): try: a = [[1,-1],[1,1]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(a) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(a) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(a) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_adding_row(a) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_adding_col(a) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(a) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(a) a, info, rep = xalglib.rmatrixinverse(a) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 1, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, [[0.5,0.5],[-0.5,0.5]], "real_matrix", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.r1, 0.5, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.rinf, 0.5, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matinv_d_r1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matinv_d_c1 # Complex matrix inverse # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,7): try: a = [[1j,-1],[1j,1]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(a) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(a) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(a) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_adding_row(a) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_adding_col(a) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(a) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(a) a, info, rep = xalglib.cmatrixinverse(a) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 1, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, [[-0.5j,-0.5j],[-0.5,0.5]], "complex_matrix", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.r1, 0.5, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.rinf, 0.5, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matinv_d_c1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matinv_d_spd1 # SPD matrix inverse # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,7): try: a = [[2,1],[1,2]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(a) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(a) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(a) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_adding_row(a) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_adding_col(a) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(a) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(a) a, info, rep = xalglib.spdmatrixinverse(a) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 1, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, [[0.666666,-0.333333],[-0.333333,0.666666]], "real_matrix", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matinv_d_spd1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matinv_d_hpd1 # HPD matrix inverse # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,7): try: a = [[2,1],[1,2]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(a) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(a) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(a) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_adding_row(a) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_adding_col(a) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(a) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(a) a, info, rep = xalglib.hpdmatrixinverse(a) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 1, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, [[0.666666,-0.333333],[-0.333333,0.666666]], "complex_matrix", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matinv_d_hpd1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matinv_t_r1 # Real matrix inverse: singular matrix # _TestResult = True try: a = [[1,-1],[-2,2]] a, info, rep = xalglib.rmatrixinverse(a) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, -3, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.r1, 0.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.rinf, 0.0, "real", 0.00005) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = False except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matinv_t_r1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matinv_t_c1 # Complex matrix inverse: singular matrix # _TestResult = True try: a = [[1j,-1j],[-2,2]] a, info, rep = xalglib.cmatrixinverse(a) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, -3, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.r1, 0.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.rinf, 0.0, "real", 0.00005) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = False except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matinv_t_c1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matinv_e_spd1 # Attempt to use SPD function on nonsymmetrix matrix # _TestResult = True try: a = [[1,0],[1,1]] a, info, rep = xalglib.spdmatrixinverse(a) _TestResult = False except (RuntimeError, ValueError): pass except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matinv_e_spd1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matinv_e_hpd1 # Attempt to use SPD function on nonsymmetrix matrix # _TestResult = True try: a = [[1,0],[1,1]] a, info, rep = xalglib.hpdmatrixinverse(a) _TestResult = False except (RuntimeError, ValueError): pass except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matinv_e_hpd1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minlbfgs_d_1 # Nonlinear optimization by L-BFGS # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,12): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 # using LBFGS method. # x = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) epsg = 0.0000000001 if _spoil_scenario==3: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==6: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0 if _spoil_scenario==9: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 state = xalglib.minlbfgscreate(1, x) xalglib.minlbfgssetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minlbfgsoptimize_g(state, function1_grad) x, rep = xalglib.minlbfgsresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 4, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-3,3], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minlbfgs_d_1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minlbfgs_d_2 # Nonlinear optimization with additional settings and restarts # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,18): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 # using LBFGS method. # # Several advanced techniques are demonstrated: # * upper limit on step size # * restart from new point # x = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) epsg = 0.0000000001 if _spoil_scenario==3: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==6: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0 if _spoil_scenario==9: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsx = float("-inf") stpmax = 0.1 if _spoil_scenario==12: stpmax = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==13: stpmax = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==14: stpmax = float("-inf") maxits = 0 # first run state = xalglib.minlbfgscreate(1, x) xalglib.minlbfgssetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minlbfgssetstpmax(state, stpmax) xalglib.minlbfgsoptimize_g(state, function1_grad) x, rep = xalglib.minlbfgsresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-3,3], "real_vector", 0.005) # second run - algorithm is restarted x = [10,10] if _spoil_scenario==15: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==16: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==17: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) xalglib.minlbfgsrestartfrom(state, x) xalglib.minlbfgsoptimize_g(state, function1_grad) x, rep = xalglib.minlbfgsresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 4, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-3,3], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minlbfgs_d_2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minlbfgs_numdiff # Nonlinear optimization by L-BFGS with numerical differentiation # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,15): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 # using numerical differentiation to calculate gradient. # x = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) epsg = 0.0000000001 if _spoil_scenario==3: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==6: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0 if _spoil_scenario==9: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsx = float("-inf") diffstep = 1.0e-6 if _spoil_scenario==12: diffstep = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==13: diffstep = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==14: diffstep = float("-inf") maxits = 0 state = xalglib.minlbfgscreatef(1, x, diffstep) xalglib.minlbfgssetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minlbfgsoptimize_f(state, function1_func) x, rep = xalglib.minlbfgsresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 4, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-3,3], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minlbfgs_numdiff FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minlbfgs_ftrim # Nonlinear optimization by LBFGS, function with singularities # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,12): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of f(x) = (1+x)^(-0.2) + (1-x)^(-0.3) + 1000*x. # This function has singularities at the boundary of the [-1,+1], but technique called # "function trimming" allows us to solve this optimization problem. # # See for more information # on this subject. # x = [0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) epsg = 1.0e-6 if _spoil_scenario==3: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==6: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0 if _spoil_scenario==9: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 state = xalglib.minlbfgscreate(1, x) xalglib.minlbfgssetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minlbfgsoptimize_g(state, s1_grad) x, rep = xalglib.minlbfgsresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-0.99917305], "real_vector", 0.000005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minlbfgs_ftrim FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST linlsqr_d_1 # Solution of sparse linear systems with CG # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,4): try: # # This example illustrates solution of sparse linear least squares problem # with LSQR algorithm. # # Suppose that we have least squares problem min|A*x-b| with sparse A # represented by sparsematrix object # [ 1 1 ] # [ 1 1 ] # A = [ 2 1 ] # [ 1 ] # [ 1 ] # and right part b # [ 4 ] # [ 2 ] # b = [ 4 ] # [ 1 ] # [ 2 ] # and we want to solve this system in the least squares sense using # LSQR algorithm. In order to do so, we have to create left part # (sparsematrix object) and right part (dense array). # # Initially, sparse matrix is created in the Hash-Table format, # which allows easy initialization, but do not allow matrix to be # used in the linear solvers. So after construction you should convert # sparse matrix to CRS format (one suited for linear operations). # a = xalglib.sparsecreate(5, 2) xalglib.sparseset(a, 0, 0, 1.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 0, 1, 1.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 1, 0, 1.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 1, 1, 1.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 2, 0, 2.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 2, 1, 1.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 3, 0, 1.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 4, 1, 1.0) # # Now our matrix is fully initialized, but we have to do one more # step - convert it from Hash-Table format to CRS format (see # documentation on sparse matrices for more information about these # formats). # # If you omit this call, ALGLIB will generate exception on the first # attempt to use A in linear operations. # xalglib.sparseconverttocrs(a) # # Initialization of the right part # b = [4,2,4,1,2] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(b) # # Now we have to create linear solver object and to use it for the # solution of the linear system. # s = xalglib.linlsqrcreate(5, 2) xalglib.linlsqrsolvesparse(s, a, b) x, rep = xalglib.linlsqrresults(s) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 4, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [1.000,2.000], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("linlsqr_d_1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST mincg_d_1 # Nonlinear optimization by CG # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,12): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 # with nonlinear conjugate gradient method. # x = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) epsg = 0.0000000001 if _spoil_scenario==3: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==6: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0 if _spoil_scenario==9: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 state = xalglib.mincgcreate(x) xalglib.mincgsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.mincgoptimize_g(state, function1_grad) x, rep = xalglib.mincgresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 4, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-3,3], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("mincg_d_1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST mincg_d_2 # Nonlinear optimization with additional settings and restarts # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,18): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 # with nonlinear conjugate gradient method. # # Several advanced techniques are demonstrated: # * upper limit on step size # * restart from new point # x = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) epsg = 0.0000000001 if _spoil_scenario==3: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==6: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0 if _spoil_scenario==9: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsx = float("-inf") stpmax = 0.1 if _spoil_scenario==12: stpmax = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==13: stpmax = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==14: stpmax = float("-inf") maxits = 0 # first run state = xalglib.mincgcreate(x) xalglib.mincgsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.mincgsetstpmax(state, stpmax) xalglib.mincgoptimize_g(state, function1_grad) x, rep = xalglib.mincgresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-3,3], "real_vector", 0.005) # second run - algorithm is restarted with mincgrestartfrom() x = [10,10] if _spoil_scenario==15: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==16: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==17: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) xalglib.mincgrestartfrom(state, x) xalglib.mincgoptimize_g(state, function1_grad) x, rep = xalglib.mincgresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 4, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-3,3], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("mincg_d_2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST mincg_numdiff # Nonlinear optimization by CG with numerical differentiation # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,15): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 # using numerical differentiation to calculate gradient. # x = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) epsg = 0.0000000001 if _spoil_scenario==3: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==6: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0 if _spoil_scenario==9: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsx = float("-inf") diffstep = 1.0e-6 if _spoil_scenario==12: diffstep = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==13: diffstep = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==14: diffstep = float("-inf") maxits = 0 state = xalglib.mincgcreatef(x, diffstep) xalglib.mincgsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.mincgoptimize_f(state, function1_func) x, rep = xalglib.mincgresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 4, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-3,3], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("mincg_numdiff FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST mincg_ftrim # Nonlinear optimization by CG, function with singularities # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,12): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of f(x) = (1+x)^(-0.2) + (1-x)^(-0.3) + 1000*x. # This function has singularities at the boundary of the [-1,+1], but technique called # "function trimming" allows us to solve this optimization problem. # # See for more information # on this subject. # x = [0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) epsg = 1.0e-6 if _spoil_scenario==3: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==6: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0 if _spoil_scenario==9: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 state = xalglib.mincgcreate(x) xalglib.mincgsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.mincgoptimize_g(state, s1_grad) x, rep = xalglib.mincgresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-0.99917305], "real_vector", 0.000005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("mincg_ftrim FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minbleic_d_1 # Nonlinear optimization with bound constraints # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,16): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 # subject to bound constraints -1<=x<=+1, -1<=y<=+1, using BLEIC optimizer. # x = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) bndl = [-1,-1] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndl) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndl) bndu = [+1,+1] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndu) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndu) # # These variables define stopping conditions for the optimizer. # # We use very simple condition - |g|<=epsg # epsg = 0.000001 if _spoil_scenario==7: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==9: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==10: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==12: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0 if _spoil_scenario==13: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==14: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==15: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 # # Now we are ready to actually optimize something: # * first we create optimizer # * we add boundary constraints # * we tune stopping conditions # * and, finally, optimize and obtain results... # state = xalglib.minbleiccreate(x) xalglib.minbleicsetbc(state, bndl, bndu) xalglib.minbleicsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minbleicoptimize_g(state, function1_grad) x, rep = xalglib.minbleicresults(state) # # ...and evaluate these results # _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 4, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-1,1], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minbleic_d_1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minbleic_d_2 # Nonlinear optimization with linear inequality constraints # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,18): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 # subject to inequality constraints: # * x>=2 (posed as general linear constraint), # * x+y>=6 # using BLEIC optimizer. # x = [5,5] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) c = [[1,0,2],[1,1,6]] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_nan(c) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_posinf(c) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_mat_by_neginf(c) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(c) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(c) ct = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(ct) # # These variables define stopping conditions for the optimizer. # # We use very simple condition - |g|<=epsg # epsg = 0.000001 if _spoil_scenario==9: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==12: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==13: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==14: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0 if _spoil_scenario==15: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==16: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==17: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 # # Now we are ready to actually optimize something: # * first we create optimizer # * we add linear constraints # * we tune stopping conditions # * and, finally, optimize and obtain results... # state = xalglib.minbleiccreate(x) xalglib.minbleicsetlc(state, c, ct) xalglib.minbleicsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minbleicoptimize_g(state, function1_grad) x, rep = xalglib.minbleicresults(state) # # ...and evaluate these results # _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 4, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [2,4], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minbleic_d_2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minbleic_numdiff # Nonlinear optimization with bound constraints and numerical differentiation # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,19): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 # subject to bound constraints -1<=x<=+1, -1<=y<=+1, using BLEIC optimizer. # x = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) bndl = [-1,-1] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndl) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndl) bndu = [+1,+1] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndu) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndu) # # These variables define stopping conditions for the optimizer. # # We use very simple condition - |g|<=epsg # epsg = 0.000001 if _spoil_scenario==7: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==9: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==10: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==12: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0 if _spoil_scenario==13: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==14: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==15: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 # # This variable contains differentiation step # diffstep = 1.0e-6 if _spoil_scenario==16: diffstep = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==17: diffstep = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==18: diffstep = float("-inf") # # Now we are ready to actually optimize something: # * first we create optimizer # * we add boundary constraints # * we tune stopping conditions # * and, finally, optimize and obtain results... # state = xalglib.minbleiccreatef(x, diffstep) xalglib.minbleicsetbc(state, bndl, bndu) xalglib.minbleicsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minbleicoptimize_f(state, function1_func) x, rep = xalglib.minbleicresults(state) # # ...and evaluate these results # _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 4, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-1,1], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minbleic_numdiff FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minbleic_ftrim # Nonlinear optimization by BLEIC, function with singularities # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,12): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of f(x) = (1+x)^(-0.2) + (1-x)^(-0.3) + 1000*x. # # This function is undefined outside of (-1,+1) and has singularities at x=-1 and x=+1. # Special technique called "function trimming" allows us to solve this optimization problem # - without using boundary constraints! # # See for more information # on this subject. # x = [0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) epsg = 1.0e-6 if _spoil_scenario==3: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==6: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0 if _spoil_scenario==9: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 state = xalglib.minbleiccreate(x) xalglib.minbleicsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minbleicoptimize_g(state, s1_grad) x, rep = xalglib.minbleicresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-0.99917305], "real_vector", 0.000005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minbleic_ftrim FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minqp_d_u1 # Unconstrained dense quadratic programming # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,17): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of F(x0,x1) = x0^2 + x1^2 -6*x0 - 4*x1 # # Exact solution is [x0,x1] = [3,2] # # We provide algorithm with starting point, although in this case # (dense matrix, no constraints) it can work without such information. # # Several QP solvers are tried: QuickQP, BLEIC, DENSE-AUL. # # IMPORTANT: this solver minimizes following function: # f(x) = 0.5*x'*A*x + b'*x. # Note that quadratic term has 0.5 before it. So if you want to minimize # quadratic function, you should rewrite it in such way that quadratic term # is multiplied by 0.5 too. # # For example, our function is f(x)=x0^2+x1^2+..., but we rewrite it as # f(x) = 0.5*(2*x0^2+2*x1^2) + .... # and pass diag(2,2) as quadratic term - NOT diag(1,1)! # a = [[2,0],[0,2]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(a) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(a) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(a) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(a) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(a) b = [-6,-4] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(b) x0 = [0,1] if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_nan(x0) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x0) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x0) if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x0) s = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==13: spoil_vec_by_nan(s) if _spoil_scenario==14: spoil_vec_by_posinf(s) if _spoil_scenario==15: spoil_vec_by_neginf(s) if _spoil_scenario==16: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(s) # create solver, set quadratic/linear terms state = xalglib.minqpcreate(2) xalglib.minqpsetquadraticterm(state, a) xalglib.minqpsetlinearterm(state, b) xalglib.minqpsetstartingpoint(state, x0) # Set scale of the parameters. # It is strongly recommended that you set scale of your variables. # Knowing their scales is essential for evaluation of stopping criteria # and for preconditioning of the algorithm steps. # You can find more information on scaling at xalglib.minqpsetscale(state, s) # # Solve problem with QuickQP solver. # # This solver is intended for medium and large-scale problems with box # constraints (general linear constraints are not supported), but it can # also be efficiently used on unconstrained problems. # # Default stopping criteria are used, Newton phase is active. # xalglib.minqpsetalgoquickqp(state, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, True) xalglib.minqpoptimize(state) x, rep = xalglib.minqpresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [3,2], "real_vector", 0.005) # # Solve problem with BLEIC-based QP solver. # # This solver is intended for problems with moderate (up to 50) number # of general linear constraints and unlimited number of box constraints. # Of course, unconstrained problems can be solved too. # # Default stopping criteria are used. # xalglib.minqpsetalgobleic(state, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0) xalglib.minqpoptimize(state) x, rep = xalglib.minqpresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [3,2], "real_vector", 0.005) # # Solve problem with DENSE-AUL solver. # # This solver is optimized for problems with up to several thousands of # variables and large amount of general linear constraints. Problems with # less than 50 general linear constraints can be efficiently solved with # BLEIC, problems with box-only constraints can be solved with QuickQP. # However, DENSE-AUL will work in any (including unconstrained) case. # # Default stopping criteria are used. # xalglib.minqpsetalgodenseaul(state, 1.0e-9, 1.0e+4, 5) xalglib.minqpoptimize(state) x, rep = xalglib.minqpresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [3,2], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minqp_d_u1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minqp_d_bc1 # Bound constrained dense quadratic programming # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,21): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of F(x0,x1) = x0^2 + x1^2 -6*x0 - 4*x1 # subject to bound constraints 0<=x0<=2.5, 0<=x1<=2.5 # # Exact solution is [x0,x1] = [2.5,2] # # We provide algorithm with starting point. With such small problem good starting # point is not really necessary, but with high-dimensional problem it can save us # a lot of time. # # Several QP solvers are tried: QuickQP, BLEIC, DENSE-AUL. # # IMPORTANT: this solver minimizes following function: # f(x) = 0.5*x'*A*x + b'*x. # Note that quadratic term has 0.5 before it. So if you want to minimize # quadratic function, you should rewrite it in such way that quadratic term # is multiplied by 0.5 too. # For example, our function is f(x)=x0^2+x1^2+..., but we rewrite it as # f(x) = 0.5*(2*x0^2+2*x1^2) + .... # and pass diag(2,2) as quadratic term - NOT diag(1,1)! # a = [[2,0],[0,2]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(a) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(a) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(a) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(a) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(a) b = [-6,-4] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(b) x0 = [0,1] if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_nan(x0) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x0) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x0) if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x0) s = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==13: spoil_vec_by_nan(s) if _spoil_scenario==14: spoil_vec_by_posinf(s) if _spoil_scenario==15: spoil_vec_by_neginf(s) if _spoil_scenario==16: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(s) bndl = [0.0,0.0] if _spoil_scenario==17: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndl) if _spoil_scenario==18: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndl) bndu = [2.5,2.5] if _spoil_scenario==19: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndu) if _spoil_scenario==20: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndu) # create solver, set quadratic/linear terms state = xalglib.minqpcreate(2) xalglib.minqpsetquadraticterm(state, a) xalglib.minqpsetlinearterm(state, b) xalglib.minqpsetstartingpoint(state, x0) xalglib.minqpsetbc(state, bndl, bndu) # Set scale of the parameters. # It is strongly recommended that you set scale of your variables. # Knowing their scales is essential for evaluation of stopping criteria # and for preconditioning of the algorithm steps. # You can find more information on scaling at xalglib.minqpsetscale(state, s) # # Solve problem with QuickQP solver. # # This solver is intended for medium and large-scale problems with box # constraints (general linear constraints are not supported). # # Default stopping criteria are used, Newton phase is active. # xalglib.minqpsetalgoquickqp(state, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, True) xalglib.minqpoptimize(state) x, rep = xalglib.minqpresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 4, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [2.5,2], "real_vector", 0.005) # # Solve problem with BLEIC-based QP solver. # # This solver is intended for problems with moderate (up to 50) number # of general linear constraints and unlimited number of box constraints. # # Default stopping criteria are used. # xalglib.minqpsetalgobleic(state, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0) xalglib.minqpoptimize(state) x, rep = xalglib.minqpresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [2.5,2], "real_vector", 0.005) # # Solve problem with DENSE-AUL solver. # # This solver is optimized for problems with up to several thousands of # variables and large amount of general linear constraints. Problems with # less than 50 general linear constraints can be efficiently solved with # BLEIC, problems with box-only constraints can be solved with QuickQP. # However, DENSE-AUL will work in any (including unconstrained) case. # # Default stopping criteria are used. # xalglib.minqpsetalgodenseaul(state, 1.0e-9, 1.0e+4, 5) xalglib.minqpoptimize(state) x, rep = xalglib.minqpresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [2.5,2], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minqp_d_bc1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minqp_d_lc1 # Linearly constrained dense quadratic programming # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,16): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of F(x0,x1) = x0^2 + x1^2 -6*x0 - 4*x1 # subject to linear constraint x0+x1<=2 # # Exact solution is [x0,x1] = [1.5,0.5] # # IMPORTANT: this solver minimizes following function: # f(x) = 0.5*x'*A*x + b'*x. # Note that quadratic term has 0.5 before it. So if you want to minimize # quadratic function, you should rewrite it in such way that quadratic term # is multiplied by 0.5 too. # For example, our function is f(x)=x0^2+x1^2+..., but we rewrite it as # f(x) = 0.5*(2*x0^2+2*x1^2) + .... # and pass diag(2,2) as quadratic term - NOT diag(1,1)! # a = [[2,0],[0,2]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(a) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(a) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(a) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(a) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(a) b = [-6,-4] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(b) s = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_nan(s) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_posinf(s) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_neginf(s) if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(s) c = [[1.0,1.0,2.0]] if _spoil_scenario==13: spoil_mat_by_nan(c) if _spoil_scenario==14: spoil_mat_by_posinf(c) if _spoil_scenario==15: spoil_mat_by_neginf(c) ct = [-1] # create solver, set quadratic/linear terms state = xalglib.minqpcreate(2) xalglib.minqpsetquadraticterm(state, a) xalglib.minqpsetlinearterm(state, b) xalglib.minqpsetlc(state, c, ct) # Set scale of the parameters. # It is strongly recommended that you set scale of your variables. # Knowing their scales is essential for evaluation of stopping criteria # and for preconditioning of the algorithm steps. # You can find more information on scaling at xalglib.minqpsetscale(state, s) # # Solve problem with BLEIC-based QP solver. # # This solver is intended for problems with moderate (up to 50) number # of general linear constraints and unlimited number of box constraints. # # Default stopping criteria are used. # xalglib.minqpsetalgobleic(state, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0) xalglib.minqpoptimize(state) x, rep = xalglib.minqpresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [1.500,0.500], "real_vector", 0.05) # # Solve problem with DENSE-AUL solver. # # This solver is optimized for problems with up to several thousands of # variables and large amount of general linear constraints. Problems with # less than 50 general linear constraints can be efficiently solved with # BLEIC, problems with box-only constraints can be solved with QuickQP. # However, DENSE-AUL will work in any (including unconstrained) case. # # Default stopping criteria are used. # xalglib.minqpsetalgodenseaul(state, 1.0e-9, 1.0e+4, 5) xalglib.minqpoptimize(state) x, rep = xalglib.minqpresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [1.500,0.500], "real_vector", 0.05) # # Solve problem with QuickQP solver. # # This solver is intended for medium and large-scale problems with box # constraints, and... # # ...Oops! It does not support general linear constraints, -5 returned as completion code! # xalglib.minqpsetalgoquickqp(state, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, True) xalglib.minqpoptimize(state) x, rep = xalglib.minqpresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, -5, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minqp_d_lc1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minqp_d_u2 # Unconstrained sparse quadratic programming # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,12): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of F(x0,x1) = x0^2 + x1^2 -6*x0 - 4*x1, # with quadratic term given by sparse matrix structure. # # Exact solution is [x0,x1] = [3,2] # # We provide algorithm with starting point, although in this case # (dense matrix, no constraints) it can work without such information. # # IMPORTANT: this solver minimizes following function: # f(x) = 0.5*x'*A*x + b'*x. # Note that quadratic term has 0.5 before it. So if you want to minimize # quadratic function, you should rewrite it in such way that quadratic term # is multiplied by 0.5 too. # # For example, our function is f(x)=x0^2+x1^2+..., but we rewrite it as # f(x) = 0.5*(2*x0^2+2*x1^2) + .... # and pass diag(2,2) as quadratic term - NOT diag(1,1)! # b = [-6,-4] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(b) x0 = [0,1] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(x0) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x0) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x0) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x0) s = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_nan(s) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_posinf(s) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_neginf(s) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(s) # initialize sparsematrix structure a = xalglib.sparsecreate(2, 2, 0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 0, 0, 2.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 1, 1, 2.0) # create solver, set quadratic/linear terms state = xalglib.minqpcreate(2) xalglib.minqpsetquadratictermsparse(state, a, True) xalglib.minqpsetlinearterm(state, b) xalglib.minqpsetstartingpoint(state, x0) # Set scale of the parameters. # It is strongly recommended that you set scale of your variables. # Knowing their scales is essential for evaluation of stopping criteria # and for preconditioning of the algorithm steps. # You can find more information on scaling at xalglib.minqpsetscale(state, s) # # Solve problem with BLEIC-based QP solver. # # This solver is intended for problems with moderate (up to 50) number # of general linear constraints and unlimited number of box constraints. # It also supports sparse problems. # # Default stopping criteria are used. # xalglib.minqpsetalgobleic(state, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0) xalglib.minqpoptimize(state) x, rep = xalglib.minqpresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [3,2], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minqp_d_u2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minqp_d_nonconvex # Nonconvex quadratic programming # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,21): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of nonconvex function # F(x0,x1) = -(x0^2+x1^2) # subject to constraints x0,x1 in [1.0,2.0] # Exact solution is [x0,x1] = [2,2]. # # Non-convex problems are harded to solve than convex ones, and they # may have more than one local minimum. However, ALGLIB solves may deal # with such problems (altough they do not guarantee convergence to # global minimum). # # IMPORTANT: this solver minimizes following function: # f(x) = 0.5*x'*A*x + b'*x. # Note that quadratic term has 0.5 before it. So if you want to minimize # quadratic function, you should rewrite it in such way that quadratic term # is multiplied by 0.5 too. # # For example, our function is f(x)=-(x0^2+x1^2), but we rewrite it as # f(x) = 0.5*(-2*x0^2-2*x1^2) # and pass diag(-2,-2) as quadratic term - NOT diag(-1,-1)! # a = [[-2,0],[0,-2]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(a) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(a) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(a) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(a) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(a) x0 = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(x0) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x0) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x0) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x0) s = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_nan(s) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_posinf(s) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_neginf(s) if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(s) bndl = [1.0,1.0] if _spoil_scenario==13: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndl) if _spoil_scenario==14: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndl) bndu = [2.0,2.0] if _spoil_scenario==15: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndu) if _spoil_scenario==16: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndu) # create solver, set quadratic/linear terms, constraints state = xalglib.minqpcreate(2) xalglib.minqpsetquadraticterm(state, a) xalglib.minqpsetstartingpoint(state, x0) xalglib.minqpsetbc(state, bndl, bndu) # Set scale of the parameters. # It is strongly recommended that you set scale of your variables. # Knowing their scales is essential for evaluation of stopping criteria # and for preconditioning of the algorithm steps. # You can find more information on scaling at xalglib.minqpsetscale(state, s) # # Solve problem with BLEIC-based QP solver. # # This solver is intended for problems with moderate (up to 50) number # of general linear constraints and unlimited number of box constraints. # # It may solve non-convex problems as long as they are bounded from # below under constraints. # # Default stopping criteria are used. # xalglib.minqpsetalgobleic(state, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0) xalglib.minqpoptimize(state) x, rep = xalglib.minqpresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [2,2], "real_vector", 0.005) # # Solve problem with DENSE-AUL solver. # # This solver is optimized for problems with up to several thousands of # variables and large amount of general linear constraints. Problems with # less than 50 general linear constraints can be efficiently solved with # BLEIC, problems with box-only constraints can be solved with QuickQP. # However, DENSE-AUL will work in any (including unconstrained) case. # # Algorithm convergence is guaranteed only for convex case, but you may # expect that it will work for non-convex problems too (because near the # solution they are locally convex). # # Default stopping criteria are used. # xalglib.minqpsetalgodenseaul(state, 1.0e-9, 1.0e+4, 5) xalglib.minqpoptimize(state) x, rep = xalglib.minqpresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [2,2], "real_vector", 0.005) # Hmm... this problem is bounded from below (has solution) only under constraints. # What it we remove them? # # You may see that BLEIC algorithm detects unboundedness of the problem, # -4 is returned as completion code. However, DENSE-AUL is unable to detect # such situation and it will cycle forever (we do not test it here). nobndl = [-float("inf"),-float("inf")] if _spoil_scenario==17: spoil_vec_by_nan(nobndl) if _spoil_scenario==18: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(nobndl) nobndu = [float("inf"),float("inf")] if _spoil_scenario==19: spoil_vec_by_nan(nobndu) if _spoil_scenario==20: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(nobndu) xalglib.minqpsetbc(state, nobndl, nobndu) xalglib.minqpsetalgobleic(state, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0) xalglib.minqpoptimize(state) x, rep = xalglib.minqpresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, -4, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minqp_d_nonconvex FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minnlc_d_inequality # Nonlinearly constrained optimization (inequality constraints) # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,18): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of # # f(x0,x1) = -x0+x1 # # subject to boundary constraints # # x0>=0, x1>=0 # # and nonlinear inequality constraint # # x0^2 + x1^2 - 1 <= 0 # x0 = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x0) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x0) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x0) s = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_nan(s) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_posinf(s) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_neginf(s) epsg = 0 if _spoil_scenario==6: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==9: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0.000001 if _spoil_scenario==12: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==13: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==14: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 outerits = 5 updatefreq = 10 rho = 1000 if _spoil_scenario==15: rho = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==16: rho = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==17: rho = float("-inf") bndl = [0,0] bndu = [float("inf"),float("inf")] # # Create optimizer object, choose AUL algorithm and tune its settings: # * rho=1000 penalty coefficient # * outerits=5 number of outer iterations to tune Lagrange coefficients # * epsx=0.000001 stopping condition for inner iterations # * s=[1,1] all variables have unit scale # * exact low-rank preconditioner is used, updated after each 10 iterations # state = xalglib.minnlccreate(2, x0) xalglib.minnlcsetalgoaul(state, rho, outerits) xalglib.minnlcsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minnlcsetscale(state, s) xalglib.minnlcsetprecexactlowrank(state, updatefreq) # # Set constraints: # # 1. boundary constraints are passed with minnlcsetbc() call # # 2. nonlinear constraints are more tricky - you can not "pack" general # nonlinear function into double precision array. That's why # minnlcsetnlc() does not accept constraints itself - only constraint # counts are passed: first parameter is number of equality constraints, # second one is number of inequality constraints. # # As for constraining functions - these functions are passed as part # of problem Jacobian (see below). # # NOTE: MinNLC optimizer supports arbitrary combination of boundary, general # linear and general nonlinear constraints. This example does not # show how to work with general linear constraints, but you can # easily find it in documentation on minnlcsetlc() function. # xalglib.minnlcsetbc(state, bndl, bndu) xalglib.minnlcsetnlc(state, 0, 1) # # Optimize and test results. # # Optimizer object accepts vector function and its Jacobian, with first # component (Jacobian row) being target function, and next components # (Jacobian rows) being nonlinear equality and inequality constraints. # # So, our vector function has form # # {f0,f1} = { -x0+x1 , x0^2+x1^2-1 } # # with Jacobian # # [ -1 +1 ] # J = [ ] # [ 2*x0 2*x1 ] # # with f0 being target function, f1 being constraining function. Number # of equality/inequality constraints is specified by minnlcsetnlc(), # with equality ones always being first, inequality ones being last. # xalglib.minnlcoptimize_j(state, nlcfunc1_jac) x1, rep = xalglib.minnlcresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x1, [1.0000,0.0000], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minnlc_d_inequality FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minnlc_d_equality # Nonlinearly constrained optimization (equality constraints) # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,18): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of # # f(x0,x1) = -x0+x1 # # subject to nonlinear equality constraint # # x0^2 + x1^2 - 1 = 0 # x0 = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x0) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x0) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x0) s = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_nan(s) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_posinf(s) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_neginf(s) epsg = 0 if _spoil_scenario==6: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==9: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0.000001 if _spoil_scenario==12: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==13: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==14: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 outerits = 5 updatefreq = 10 rho = 1000 if _spoil_scenario==15: rho = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==16: rho = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==17: rho = float("-inf") # # Create optimizer object, choose AUL algorithm and tune its settings: # * rho=1000 penalty coefficient # * outerits=5 number of outer iterations to tune Lagrange coefficients # * epsx=0.000001 stopping condition for inner iterations # * s=[1,1] all variables have unit scale # * exact low-rank preconditioner is used, updated after each 10 iterations # state = xalglib.minnlccreate(2, x0) xalglib.minnlcsetalgoaul(state, rho, outerits) xalglib.minnlcsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minnlcsetscale(state, s) xalglib.minnlcsetprecexactlowrank(state, updatefreq) # # Set constraints: # # Nonlinear constraints are tricky - you can not "pack" general # nonlinear function into double precision array. That's why # minnlcsetnlc() does not accept constraints itself - only constraint # counts are passed: first parameter is number of equality constraints, # second one is number of inequality constraints. # # As for constraining functions - these functions are passed as part # of problem Jacobian (see below). # # NOTE: MinNLC optimizer supports arbitrary combination of boundary, general # linear and general nonlinear constraints. This example does not # show how to work with general linear constraints, but you can # easily find it in documentation on minnlcsetbc() and # minnlcsetlc() functions. # xalglib.minnlcsetnlc(state, 1, 0) # # Optimize and test results. # # Optimizer object accepts vector function and its Jacobian, with first # component (Jacobian row) being target function, and next components # (Jacobian rows) being nonlinear equality and inequality constraints. # # So, our vector function has form # # {f0,f1} = { -x0+x1 , x0^2+x1^2-1 } # # with Jacobian # # [ -1 +1 ] # J = [ ] # [ 2*x0 2*x1 ] # # with f0 being target function, f1 being constraining function. Number # of equality/inequality constraints is specified by minnlcsetnlc(), # with equality ones always being first, inequality ones being last. # xalglib.minnlcoptimize_j(state, nlcfunc1_jac) x1, rep = xalglib.minnlcresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x1, [0.70710,-0.70710], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minnlc_d_equality FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minnlc_d_mixed # Nonlinearly constrained optimization with mixed equality/inequality constraints # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,18): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of # # f(x0,x1) = x0+x1 # # subject to nonlinear inequality constraint # # x0^2 + x1^2 - 1 <= 0 # # and nonlinear equality constraint # # x2-exp(x0) = 0 # x0 = [0,0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x0) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x0) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x0) s = [1,1,1] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_nan(s) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_posinf(s) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_neginf(s) epsg = 0 if _spoil_scenario==6: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==9: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0.000001 if _spoil_scenario==12: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==13: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==14: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 outerits = 5 updatefreq = 10 rho = 1000 if _spoil_scenario==15: rho = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==16: rho = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==17: rho = float("-inf") # # Create optimizer object, choose AUL algorithm and tune its settings: # * rho=1000 penalty coefficient # * outerits=5 number of outer iterations to tune Lagrange coefficients # * epsx=0.000001 stopping condition for inner iterations # * s=[1,1] all variables have unit scale # * exact low-rank preconditioner is used, updated after each 10 iterations # * upper limit on step length is specified (to avoid probing locations where exp() is large) # state = xalglib.minnlccreate(3, x0) xalglib.minnlcsetalgoaul(state, rho, outerits) xalglib.minnlcsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minnlcsetscale(state, s) xalglib.minnlcsetprecexactlowrank(state, updatefreq) xalglib.minnlcsetstpmax(state, 10.0) # # Set constraints: # # Nonlinear constraints are tricky - you can not "pack" general # nonlinear function into double precision array. That's why # minnlcsetnlc() does not accept constraints itself - only constraint # counts are passed: first parameter is number of equality constraints, # second one is number of inequality constraints. # # As for constraining functions - these functions are passed as part # of problem Jacobian (see below). # # NOTE: MinNLC optimizer supports arbitrary combination of boundary, general # linear and general nonlinear constraints. This example does not # show how to work with boundary or general linear constraints, but you # can easily find it in documentation on minnlcsetbc() and # minnlcsetlc() functions. # xalglib.minnlcsetnlc(state, 1, 1) # # Optimize and test results. # # Optimizer object accepts vector function and its Jacobian, with first # component (Jacobian row) being target function, and next components # (Jacobian rows) being nonlinear equality and inequality constraints. # # So, our vector function has form # # {f0,f1,f2} = { x0+x1 , x2-exp(x0) , x0^2+x1^2-1 } # # with Jacobian # # [ +1 +1 0 ] # J = [-exp(x0) 0 1 ] # [ 2*x0 2*x1 0 ] # # with f0 being target function, f1 being equality constraint "f1=0", # f2 being inequality constraint "f2<=0". Number of equality/inequality # constraints is specified by minnlcsetnlc(), with equality ones always # being first, inequality ones being last. # xalglib.minnlcoptimize_j(state, nlcfunc2_jac) x1, rep = xalglib.minnlcresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x1, [-0.70710,-0.70710,0.49306], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minnlc_d_mixed FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minbc_d_1 # Nonlinear optimization with box constraints # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,16): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 # subject to bound constraints -1<=x<=+1, -1<=y<=+1, using MinBC optimizer. # x = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) bndl = [-1,-1] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndl) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndl) bndu = [+1,+1] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndu) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndu) # # These variables define stopping conditions for the optimizer. # # We use very simple condition - |g|<=epsg # epsg = 0.000001 if _spoil_scenario==7: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==9: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==10: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==12: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0 if _spoil_scenario==13: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==14: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==15: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 # # Now we are ready to actually optimize something: # * first we create optimizer # * we add boundary constraints # * we tune stopping conditions # * and, finally, optimize and obtain results... # state = xalglib.minbccreate(x) xalglib.minbcsetbc(state, bndl, bndu) xalglib.minbcsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minbcoptimize_g(state, function1_grad) x, rep = xalglib.minbcresults(state) # # ...and evaluate these results # _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 4, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-1,1], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minbc_d_1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minbc_numdiff # Nonlinear optimization with bound constraints and numerical differentiation # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,19): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 # subject to bound constraints -1<=x<=+1, -1<=y<=+1, using MinBC optimizer. # x = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) bndl = [-1,-1] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndl) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndl) bndu = [+1,+1] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndu) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndu) # # These variables define stopping conditions for the optimizer. # # We use very simple condition - |g|<=epsg # epsg = 0.000001 if _spoil_scenario==7: epsg = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsg = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==9: epsg = float("-inf") epsf = 0 if _spoil_scenario==10: epsf = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==11: epsf = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==12: epsf = float("-inf") epsx = 0 if _spoil_scenario==13: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==14: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==15: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 # # This variable contains differentiation step # diffstep = 1.0e-6 if _spoil_scenario==16: diffstep = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==17: diffstep = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==18: diffstep = float("-inf") # # Now we are ready to actually optimize something: # * first we create optimizer # * we add boundary constraints # * we tune stopping conditions # * and, finally, optimize and obtain results... # state = xalglib.minbccreatef(x, diffstep) xalglib.minbcsetbc(state, bndl, bndu) xalglib.minbcsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minbcoptimize_f(state, function1_func) x, rep = xalglib.minbcresults(state) # # ...and evaluate these results # _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 4, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-1,1], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minbc_numdiff FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minns_d_unconstrained # Nonsmooth unconstrained optimization # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,15): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of # # f(x0,x1) = 2*|x0|+|x1| # # using nonsmooth nonlinear optimizer. # x0 = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x0) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x0) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x0) s = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_nan(s) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_posinf(s) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_neginf(s) epsx = 0.00001 if _spoil_scenario==6: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsx = float("-inf") radius = 0.1 if _spoil_scenario==9: radius = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: radius = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: radius = float("-inf") rho = 0.0 if _spoil_scenario==12: rho = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==13: rho = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==14: rho = float("-inf") maxits = 0 # # Create optimizer object, choose AGS algorithm and tune its settings: # * radius=0.1 good initial value; will be automatically decreased later. # * rho=0.0 penalty coefficient for nonlinear constraints; can be zero # because we do not have such constraints # * epsx=0.000001 stopping conditions # * s=[1,1] all variables have unit scale # state = xalglib.minnscreate(2, x0) xalglib.minnssetalgoags(state, radius, rho) xalglib.minnssetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minnssetscale(state, s) # # Optimize and test results. # # Optimizer object accepts vector function and its Jacobian, with first # component (Jacobian row) being target function, and next components # (Jacobian rows) being nonlinear equality and inequality constraints # (box/linear ones are passed separately by means of minnssetbc() and # minnssetlc() calls). # # If you do not have nonlinear constraints (exactly our situation), then # you will have one-component function vector and 1xN Jacobian matrix. # # So, our vector function has form # # {f0} = { 2*|x0|+|x1| } # # with Jacobian # # [ ] # J = [ 2*sign(x0) sign(x1) ] # [ ] # # NOTE: nonsmooth optimizer requires considerably more function # evaluations than smooth solver - about 2N times more. Using # numerical differentiation introduces additional (multiplicative) # 2N speedup. # # It means that if smooth optimizer WITH user-supplied gradient # needs 100 function evaluations to solve 50-dimensional problem, # then AGS solver with user-supplied gradient will need about 10.000 # function evaluations, and with numerical gradient about 1.000.000 # function evaluations will be performed. # # NOTE: AGS solver used by us can handle nonsmooth and nonconvex # optimization problems. It has convergence guarantees, i.e. it will # converge to stationary point of the function after running for some # time. # # However, it is important to remember that "stationary point" is not # equal to "solution". If your problem is convex, everything is OK. # But nonconvex optimization problems may have "flat spots" - large # areas where gradient is exactly zero, but function value is far away # from optimal. Such areas are stationary points too, and optimizer # may be trapped here. # # "Flat spots" are nonsmooth equivalent of the saddle points, but with # orders of magnitude worse properties - they may be quite large and # hard to avoid. All nonsmooth optimizers are prone to this kind of the # problem, because it is impossible to automatically distinguish "flat # spot" from true solution. # # This note is here to warn you that you should be very careful when # you solve nonsmooth optimization problems. Visual inspection of # results is essential. # xalglib.minnsoptimize_j(state, nsfunc1_jac) x1, rep = xalglib.minnsresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x1, [0.0000,0.0000], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minns_d_unconstrained FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minns_d_diff # Nonsmooth unconstrained optimization with numerical differentiation # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,18): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of # # f(x0,x1) = 2*|x0|+|x1| # # using nonsmooth nonlinear optimizer with numerical # differentiation provided by ALGLIB. # # NOTE: nonsmooth optimizer requires considerably more function # evaluations than smooth solver - about 2N times more. Using # numerical differentiation introduces additional (multiplicative) # 2N speedup. # # It means that if smooth optimizer WITH user-supplied gradient # needs 100 function evaluations to solve 50-dimensional problem, # then AGS solver with user-supplied gradient will need about 10.000 # function evaluations, and with numerical gradient about 1.000.000 # function evaluations will be performed. # x0 = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x0) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x0) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x0) s = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_nan(s) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_posinf(s) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_neginf(s) epsx = 0.00001 if _spoil_scenario==6: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsx = float("-inf") diffstep = 0.000001 if _spoil_scenario==9: diffstep = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: diffstep = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: diffstep = float("-inf") radius = 0.1 if _spoil_scenario==12: radius = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==13: radius = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==14: radius = float("-inf") rho = 0.0 if _spoil_scenario==15: rho = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==16: rho = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==17: rho = float("-inf") maxits = 0 # # Create optimizer object, choose AGS algorithm and tune its settings: # * radius=0.1 good initial value; will be automatically decreased later. # * rho=0.0 penalty coefficient for nonlinear constraints; can be zero # because we do not have such constraints # * epsx=0.000001 stopping conditions # * s=[1,1] all variables have unit scale # state = xalglib.minnscreatef(2, x0, diffstep) xalglib.minnssetalgoags(state, radius, rho) xalglib.minnssetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minnssetscale(state, s) # # Optimize and test results. # # Optimizer object accepts vector function, with first component # being target function, and next components being nonlinear equality # and inequality constraints (box/linear ones are passed separately # by means of minnssetbc() and minnssetlc() calls). # # If you do not have nonlinear constraints (exactly our situation), then # you will have one-component function vector. # # So, our vector function has form # # {f0} = { 2*|x0|+|x1| } # xalglib.minnsoptimize_v(state, nsfunc1_fvec) x1, rep = xalglib.minnsresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x1, [0.0000,0.0000], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minns_d_diff FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minns_d_bc # Nonsmooth box constrained optimization # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,17): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of # # f(x0,x1) = 2*|x0|+|x1| # # subject to box constraints # # 1 <= x0 < +INF # -INF <= x1 < +INF # # using nonsmooth nonlinear optimizer. # x0 = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x0) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x0) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x0) s = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_nan(s) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_posinf(s) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_neginf(s) bndl = [1,-float("inf")] if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndl) bndu = [float("inf"),float("inf")] if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndu) epsx = 0.00001 if _spoil_scenario==8: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==9: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==10: epsx = float("-inf") radius = 0.1 if _spoil_scenario==11: radius = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==12: radius = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==13: radius = float("-inf") rho = 0.0 if _spoil_scenario==14: rho = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==15: rho = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==16: rho = float("-inf") maxits = 0 # # Create optimizer object, choose AGS algorithm and tune its settings: # * radius=0.1 good initial value; will be automatically decreased later. # * rho=0.0 penalty coefficient for nonlinear constraints; can be zero # because we do not have such constraints # * epsx=0.000001 stopping conditions # * s=[1,1] all variables have unit scale # state = xalglib.minnscreate(2, x0) xalglib.minnssetalgoags(state, radius, rho) xalglib.minnssetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minnssetscale(state, s) # # Set box constraints. # # General linear constraints are set in similar way (see comments on # minnssetlc() function for more information). # # You may combine box, linear and nonlinear constraints in one optimization # problem. # xalglib.minnssetbc(state, bndl, bndu) # # Optimize and test results. # # Optimizer object accepts vector function and its Jacobian, with first # component (Jacobian row) being target function, and next components # (Jacobian rows) being nonlinear equality and inequality constraints # (box/linear ones are passed separately by means of minnssetbc() and # minnssetlc() calls). # # If you do not have nonlinear constraints (exactly our situation), then # you will have one-component function vector and 1xN Jacobian matrix. # # So, our vector function has form # # {f0} = { 2*|x0|+|x1| } # # with Jacobian # # [ ] # J = [ 2*sign(x0) sign(x1) ] # [ ] # # NOTE: nonsmooth optimizer requires considerably more function # evaluations than smooth solver - about 2N times more. Using # numerical differentiation introduces additional (multiplicative) # 2N speedup. # # It means that if smooth optimizer WITH user-supplied gradient # needs 100 function evaluations to solve 50-dimensional problem, # then AGS solver with user-supplied gradient will need about 10.000 # function evaluations, and with numerical gradient about 1.000.000 # function evaluations will be performed. # # NOTE: AGS solver used by us can handle nonsmooth and nonconvex # optimization problems. It has convergence guarantees, i.e. it will # converge to stationary point of the function after running for some # time. # # However, it is important to remember that "stationary point" is not # equal to "solution". If your problem is convex, everything is OK. # But nonconvex optimization problems may have "flat spots" - large # areas where gradient is exactly zero, but function value is far away # from optimal. Such areas are stationary points too, and optimizer # may be trapped here. # # "Flat spots" are nonsmooth equivalent of the saddle points, but with # orders of magnitude worse properties - they may be quite large and # hard to avoid. All nonsmooth optimizers are prone to this kind of the # problem, because it is impossible to automatically distinguish "flat # spot" from true solution. # # This note is here to warn you that you should be very careful when # you solve nonsmooth optimization problems. Visual inspection of # results is essential. # # xalglib.minnsoptimize_j(state, nsfunc1_jac) x1, rep = xalglib.minnsresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x1, [1.0000,0.0000], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minns_d_bc FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minns_d_nlc # Nonsmooth nonlinearly constrained optimization # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,15): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of # # f(x0,x1) = 2*|x0|+|x1| # # subject to combination of equality and inequality constraints # # x0 = 1 # x1 >= -1 # # using nonsmooth nonlinear optimizer. Although these constraints # are linear, we treat them as general nonlinear ones in order to # demonstrate nonlinearly constrained optimization setup. # x0 = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x0) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x0) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x0) s = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_nan(s) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_posinf(s) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_neginf(s) epsx = 0.00001 if _spoil_scenario==6: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsx = float("-inf") radius = 0.1 if _spoil_scenario==9: radius = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: radius = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: radius = float("-inf") rho = 50.0 if _spoil_scenario==12: rho = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==13: rho = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==14: rho = float("-inf") maxits = 0 # # Create optimizer object, choose AGS algorithm and tune its settings: # * radius=0.1 good initial value; will be automatically decreased later. # * rho=50.0 penalty coefficient for nonlinear constraints. It is your # responsibility to choose good one - large enough that it # enforces constraints, but small enough in order to avoid # extreme slowdown due to ill-conditioning. # * epsx=0.000001 stopping conditions # * s=[1,1] all variables have unit scale # state = xalglib.minnscreate(2, x0) xalglib.minnssetalgoags(state, radius, rho) xalglib.minnssetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minnssetscale(state, s) # # Set general nonlinear constraints. # # This part is more tricky than working with box/linear constraints - you # can not "pack" general nonlinear function into double precision array. # That's why minnssetnlc() does not accept constraints itself - only # constraint COUNTS are passed: first parameter is number of equality # constraints, second one is number of inequality constraints. # # As for constraining functions - these functions are passed as part # of problem Jacobian (see below). # # NOTE: MinNS optimizer supports arbitrary combination of boundary, general # linear and general nonlinear constraints. This example does not # show how to work with general linear constraints, but you can # easily find it in documentation on minnlcsetlc() function. # xalglib.minnssetnlc(state, 1, 1) # # Optimize and test results. # # Optimizer object accepts vector function and its Jacobian, with first # component (Jacobian row) being target function, and next components # (Jacobian rows) being nonlinear equality and inequality constraints # (box/linear ones are passed separately by means of minnssetbc() and # minnssetlc() calls). # # Nonlinear equality constraints have form Gi(x)=0, inequality ones # have form Hi(x)<=0, so we may have to "normalize" constraints prior # to passing them to optimizer (right side is zero, constraints are # sorted, multiplied by -1 when needed). # # So, our vector function has form # # {f0,f1,f2} = { 2*|x0|+|x1|, x0-1, -x1-1 } # # with Jacobian # # [ 2*sign(x0) sign(x1) ] # J = [ 1 0 ] # [ 0 -1 ] # # which means that we have optimization problem # # min{f0} subject to f1=0, f2<=0 # # which is essentially same as # # min { 2*|x0|+|x1| } subject to x0=1, x1>=-1 # # NOTE: AGS solver used by us can handle nonsmooth and nonconvex # optimization problems. It has convergence guarantees, i.e. it will # converge to stationary point of the function after running for some # time. # # However, it is important to remember that "stationary point" is not # equal to "solution". If your problem is convex, everything is OK. # But nonconvex optimization problems may have "flat spots" - large # areas where gradient is exactly zero, but function value is far away # from optimal. Such areas are stationary points too, and optimizer # may be trapped here. # # "Flat spots" are nonsmooth equivalent of the saddle points, but with # orders of magnitude worse properties - they may be quite large and # hard to avoid. All nonsmooth optimizers are prone to this kind of the # problem, because it is impossible to automatically distinguish "flat # spot" from true solution. # # This note is here to warn you that you should be very careful when # you solve nonsmooth optimization problems. Visual inspection of # results is essential. # xalglib.minnsoptimize_j(state, nsfunc2_jac) x1, rep = xalglib.minnsresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x1, [1.0000,0.0000], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minns_d_nlc FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minlm_d_v # Nonlinear least squares optimization using function vector only # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of F(x0,x1) = f0^2+f1^2, where # # f0(x0,x1) = 10*(x0+3)^2 # f1(x0,x1) = (x1-3)^2 # # using "V" mode of the Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer. # # Optimization algorithm uses: # * function vector f[] = {f1,f2} # # No other information (Jacobian, gradient, etc.) is needed. # x = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) epsx = 0.0000000001 if _spoil_scenario==3: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 state = xalglib.minlmcreatev(2, x, 0.0001) xalglib.minlmsetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minlmoptimize_v(state, function1_fvec) x, rep = xalglib.minlmresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-3,+3], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minlm_d_v FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minlm_d_vj # Nonlinear least squares optimization using function vector and Jacobian # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of F(x0,x1) = f0^2+f1^2, where # # f0(x0,x1) = 10*(x0+3)^2 # f1(x0,x1) = (x1-3)^2 # # using "VJ" mode of the Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer. # # Optimization algorithm uses: # * function vector f[] = {f1,f2} # * Jacobian matrix J = {dfi/dxj}. # x = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) epsx = 0.0000000001 if _spoil_scenario==3: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 state = xalglib.minlmcreatevj(2, x) xalglib.minlmsetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minlmoptimize_vj(state, function1_fvec, function1_jac) x, rep = xalglib.minlmresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-3,+3], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minlm_d_vj FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minlm_d_fgh # Nonlinear Hessian-based optimization for general functions # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of F(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4+(x1-3)^4 # using "FGH" mode of the Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer. # # F is treated like a monolitic function without internal structure, # i.e. we do NOT represent it as a sum of squares. # # Optimization algorithm uses: # * function value F(x0,x1) # * gradient G={dF/dxi} # * Hessian H={d2F/(dxi*dxj)} # x = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) epsx = 0.0000000001 if _spoil_scenario==3: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 state = xalglib.minlmcreatefgh(x) xalglib.minlmsetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minlmoptimize_fgh(state, function1_func, function1_grad, function1_hess) x, rep = xalglib.minlmresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-3,+3], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minlm_d_fgh FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minlm_d_vb # Bound constrained nonlinear least squares optimization # sys.stdout.write("50/145\n") _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,10): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of F(x0,x1) = f0^2+f1^2, where # # f0(x0,x1) = 10*(x0+3)^2 # f1(x0,x1) = (x1-3)^2 # # with boundary constraints # # -1 <= x0 <= +1 # -1 <= x1 <= +1 # # using "V" mode of the Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer. # # Optimization algorithm uses: # * function vector f[] = {f1,f2} # # No other information (Jacobian, gradient, etc.) is needed. # x = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) bndl = [-1,-1] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndl) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndl) bndu = [+1,+1] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndu) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndu) epsx = 0.0000000001 if _spoil_scenario==7: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==8: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==9: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 state = xalglib.minlmcreatev(2, x, 0.0001) xalglib.minlmsetbc(state, bndl, bndu) xalglib.minlmsetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minlmoptimize_v(state, function1_fvec) x, rep = xalglib.minlmresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-1,+1], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minlm_d_vb FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minlm_d_restarts # Efficient restarts of LM optimizer # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,9): try: # # This example demonstrates minimization of F(x0,x1) = f0^2+f1^2, where # # f0(x0,x1) = 10*(x0+3)^2 # f1(x0,x1) = (x1-3)^2 # # using several starting points and efficient restarts. # epsx = 0.0000000001 if _spoil_scenario==0: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==1: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==2: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 # # create optimizer using minlmcreatev() # x = [10,10] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) state = xalglib.minlmcreatev(2, x, 0.0001) xalglib.minlmsetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minlmoptimize_v(state, function1_fvec) x, rep = xalglib.minlmresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-3,+3], "real_vector", 0.005) # # restart optimizer using minlmrestartfrom() # # we can use different starting point, different function, # different stopping conditions, but problem size # must remain unchanged. # x = [4,4] if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) xalglib.minlmrestartfrom(state, x) xalglib.minlmoptimize_v(state, function2_fvec) x, rep = xalglib.minlmresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [0,1], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minlm_d_restarts FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minlm_t_1 # Nonlinear least squares optimization, FJ scheme (obsolete, but supported) # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: x = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) epsx = 0.0000000001 if _spoil_scenario==3: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 state = xalglib.minlmcreatefj(2, x) xalglib.minlmsetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minlmoptimize_fj(state, function1_func, function1_jac) x, rep = xalglib.minlmresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-3,+3], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minlm_t_1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST minlm_t_2 # Nonlinear least squares optimization, FGJ scheme (obsolete, but supported) # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: x = [0,0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) epsx = 0.0000000001 if _spoil_scenario==3: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 state = xalglib.minlmcreatefgj(2, x) xalglib.minlmsetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.minlmoptimize_fgj(state, function1_func, function1_grad, function1_jac) x, rep = xalglib.minlmresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [-3,+3], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("minlm_t_2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST basestat_d_base # Basic functionality (moments, adev, median, percentile) # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: x = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) # # Here we demonstrate calculation of sample moments # (mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis) # mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis = xalglib.samplemoments(x) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(mean, 28.5, "real", 0.01) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(variance, 801.1667, "real", 0.01) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(skewness, 0.5751, "real", 0.01) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(kurtosis, -1.2666, "real", 0.01) # # Average deviation # adev = xalglib.sampleadev(x) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(adev, 23.2, "real", 0.01) # # Median and percentile # v = xalglib.samplemedian(x) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 20.5, "real", 0.01) p = 0.5 if _spoil_scenario==3: p = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: p = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: p = float("-inf") v = xalglib.samplepercentile(x, p) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 20.5, "real", 0.01) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("basestat_d_base FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST basestat_d_c2 # Correlation (covariance) between two random variables # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,10): try: # # We have two samples - x and y, and want to measure dependency between them # x = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(x) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) # # Three dependency measures are calculated: # * covariation # * Pearson correlation # * Spearman rank correlation # v = xalglib.cov2(x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 82.5, "real", 0.001) v = xalglib.pearsoncorr2(x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 0.9627, "real", 0.001) v = xalglib.spearmancorr2(x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 1.000, "real", 0.001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("basestat_d_c2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST basestat_d_cm # Correlation (covariance) between components of random vector # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # X is a sample matrix: # * I-th row corresponds to I-th observation # * J-th column corresponds to J-th variable # x = [[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[-1,0,9]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x) # # Three dependency measures are calculated: # * covariation # * Pearson correlation # * Spearman rank correlation # # Result is stored into C, with C[i,j] equal to correlation # (covariance) between I-th and J-th variables of X. # c = xalglib.covm(x) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[1.80,0.60,-1.40],[0.60,0.70,-0.80],[-1.40,-0.80,14.70]], "real_matrix", 0.01) c = xalglib.pearsoncorrm(x) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[1.000,0.535,-0.272],[0.535,1.000,-0.249],[-0.272,-0.249,1.000]], "real_matrix", 0.01) c = xalglib.spearmancorrm(x) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[1.000,0.556,-0.306],[0.556,1.000,-0.750],[-0.306,-0.750,1.000]], "real_matrix", 0.01) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("basestat_d_cm FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST basestat_d_cm2 # Correlation (covariance) between two random vectors # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: # # X and Y are sample matrices: # * I-th row corresponds to I-th observation # * J-th column corresponds to J-th variable # x = [[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[-1,0,9]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x) y = [[2,3],[2,1],[-1,6],[-9,9],[7,1]] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_mat_by_neginf(y) # # Three dependency measures are calculated: # * covariation # * Pearson correlation # * Spearman rank correlation # # Result is stored into C, with C[i,j] equal to correlation # (covariance) between I-th variable of X and J-th variable of Y. # c = xalglib.covm2(x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[4.100,-3.250],[2.450,-1.500],[13.450,-5.750]], "real_matrix", 0.01) c = xalglib.pearsoncorrm2(x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[0.519,-0.699],[0.497,-0.518],[0.596,-0.433]], "real_matrix", 0.01) c = xalglib.spearmancorrm2(x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[0.541,-0.649],[0.216,-0.433],[0.433,-0.135]], "real_matrix", 0.01) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("basestat_d_cm2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST basestat_t_base # Tests ability to detect errors in inputs # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,34): try: # # first, we test short form of functions # x1 = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x1) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x1) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x1) mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis = xalglib.samplemoments(x1) x2 = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_nan(x2) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x2) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x2) adev = xalglib.sampleadev(x2) x3 = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81] if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_nan(x3) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x3) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x3) v = xalglib.samplemedian(x3) x4 = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81] if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_nan(x4) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x4) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x4) p = 0.5 if _spoil_scenario==12: p = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==13: p = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==14: p = float("-inf") v = xalglib.samplepercentile(x4, p) # # and then we test full form # x5 = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81] if _spoil_scenario==15: spoil_vec_by_nan(x5) if _spoil_scenario==16: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x5) if _spoil_scenario==17: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x5) if _spoil_scenario==18: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x5) mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis = xalglib.samplemoments(x5, 10) x6 = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81] if _spoil_scenario==19: spoil_vec_by_nan(x6) if _spoil_scenario==20: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x6) if _spoil_scenario==21: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x6) if _spoil_scenario==22: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x6) adev = xalglib.sampleadev(x6, 10) x7 = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81] if _spoil_scenario==23: spoil_vec_by_nan(x7) if _spoil_scenario==24: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x7) if _spoil_scenario==25: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x7) if _spoil_scenario==26: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x7) v = xalglib.samplemedian(x7, 10) x8 = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81] if _spoil_scenario==27: spoil_vec_by_nan(x8) if _spoil_scenario==28: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x8) if _spoil_scenario==29: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x8) if _spoil_scenario==30: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x8) p = 0.5 if _spoil_scenario==31: p = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==32: p = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==33: p = float("-inf") v = xalglib.samplepercentile(x8, 10, p) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("basestat_t_base FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST basestat_t_covcorr # Tests ability to detect errors in inputs # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,126): try: # # 2-sample short-form cov/corr are tested # x1 = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x1) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x1) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x1) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(x1) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x1) y1 = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(y1) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y1) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y1) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y1) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y1) v = xalglib.cov2(x1, y1) x2 = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81] if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_nan(x2) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x2) if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x2) if _spoil_scenario==13: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(x2) if _spoil_scenario==14: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x2) y2 = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] if _spoil_scenario==15: spoil_vec_by_nan(y2) if _spoil_scenario==16: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y2) if _spoil_scenario==17: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y2) if _spoil_scenario==18: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y2) if _spoil_scenario==19: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y2) v = xalglib.pearsoncorr2(x2, y2) x3 = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81] if _spoil_scenario==20: spoil_vec_by_nan(x3) if _spoil_scenario==21: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x3) if _spoil_scenario==22: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x3) if _spoil_scenario==23: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(x3) if _spoil_scenario==24: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x3) y3 = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] if _spoil_scenario==25: spoil_vec_by_nan(y3) if _spoil_scenario==26: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y3) if _spoil_scenario==27: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y3) if _spoil_scenario==28: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y3) if _spoil_scenario==29: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y3) v = xalglib.spearmancorr2(x3, y3) # # 2-sample full-form cov/corr are tested # x1a = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81] if _spoil_scenario==30: spoil_vec_by_nan(x1a) if _spoil_scenario==31: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x1a) if _spoil_scenario==32: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x1a) if _spoil_scenario==33: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x1a) y1a = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] if _spoil_scenario==34: spoil_vec_by_nan(y1a) if _spoil_scenario==35: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y1a) if _spoil_scenario==36: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y1a) if _spoil_scenario==37: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y1a) v = xalglib.cov2(x1a, y1a, 10) x2a = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81] if _spoil_scenario==38: spoil_vec_by_nan(x2a) if _spoil_scenario==39: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x2a) if _spoil_scenario==40: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x2a) if _spoil_scenario==41: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x2a) y2a = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] if _spoil_scenario==42: spoil_vec_by_nan(y2a) if _spoil_scenario==43: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y2a) if _spoil_scenario==44: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y2a) if _spoil_scenario==45: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y2a) v = xalglib.pearsoncorr2(x2a, y2a, 10) x3a = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81] if _spoil_scenario==46: spoil_vec_by_nan(x3a) if _spoil_scenario==47: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x3a) if _spoil_scenario==48: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x3a) if _spoil_scenario==49: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x3a) y3a = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] if _spoil_scenario==50: spoil_vec_by_nan(y3a) if _spoil_scenario==51: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y3a) if _spoil_scenario==52: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y3a) if _spoil_scenario==53: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y3a) v = xalglib.spearmancorr2(x3a, y3a, 10) # # vector short-form cov/corr are tested. # x4 = [[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[-1,0,9]] if _spoil_scenario==54: spoil_mat_by_nan(x4) if _spoil_scenario==55: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x4) if _spoil_scenario==56: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x4) c = xalglib.covm(x4) x5 = [[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[-1,0,9]] if _spoil_scenario==57: spoil_mat_by_nan(x5) if _spoil_scenario==58: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x5) if _spoil_scenario==59: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x5) c = xalglib.pearsoncorrm(x5) x6 = [[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[-1,0,9]] if _spoil_scenario==60: spoil_mat_by_nan(x6) if _spoil_scenario==61: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x6) if _spoil_scenario==62: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x6) c = xalglib.spearmancorrm(x6) # # vector full-form cov/corr are tested. # x7 = [[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[-1,0,9]] if _spoil_scenario==63: spoil_mat_by_nan(x7) if _spoil_scenario==64: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x7) if _spoil_scenario==65: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x7) if _spoil_scenario==66: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(x7) if _spoil_scenario==67: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(x7) c = xalglib.covm(x7, 5, 3) x8 = [[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[-1,0,9]] if _spoil_scenario==68: spoil_mat_by_nan(x8) if _spoil_scenario==69: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x8) if _spoil_scenario==70: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x8) if _spoil_scenario==71: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(x8) if _spoil_scenario==72: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(x8) c = xalglib.pearsoncorrm(x8, 5, 3) x9 = [[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[-1,0,9]] if _spoil_scenario==73: spoil_mat_by_nan(x9) if _spoil_scenario==74: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x9) if _spoil_scenario==75: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x9) if _spoil_scenario==76: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(x9) if _spoil_scenario==77: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(x9) c = xalglib.spearmancorrm(x9, 5, 3) # # cross-vector short-form cov/corr are tested. # x10 = [[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[-1,0,9]] if _spoil_scenario==78: spoil_mat_by_nan(x10) if _spoil_scenario==79: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x10) if _spoil_scenario==80: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x10) y10 = [[2,3],[2,1],[-1,6],[-9,9],[7,1]] if _spoil_scenario==81: spoil_mat_by_nan(y10) if _spoil_scenario==82: spoil_mat_by_posinf(y10) if _spoil_scenario==83: spoil_mat_by_neginf(y10) c = xalglib.covm2(x10, y10) x11 = [[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[-1,0,9]] if _spoil_scenario==84: spoil_mat_by_nan(x11) if _spoil_scenario==85: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x11) if _spoil_scenario==86: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x11) y11 = [[2,3],[2,1],[-1,6],[-9,9],[7,1]] if _spoil_scenario==87: spoil_mat_by_nan(y11) if _spoil_scenario==88: spoil_mat_by_posinf(y11) if _spoil_scenario==89: spoil_mat_by_neginf(y11) c = xalglib.pearsoncorrm2(x11, y11) x12 = [[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[-1,0,9]] if _spoil_scenario==90: spoil_mat_by_nan(x12) if _spoil_scenario==91: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x12) if _spoil_scenario==92: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x12) y12 = [[2,3],[2,1],[-1,6],[-9,9],[7,1]] if _spoil_scenario==93: spoil_mat_by_nan(y12) if _spoil_scenario==94: spoil_mat_by_posinf(y12) if _spoil_scenario==95: spoil_mat_by_neginf(y12) c = xalglib.spearmancorrm2(x12, y12) # # cross-vector full-form cov/corr are tested. # x13 = [[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[-1,0,9]] if _spoil_scenario==96: spoil_mat_by_nan(x13) if _spoil_scenario==97: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x13) if _spoil_scenario==98: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x13) if _spoil_scenario==99: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(x13) if _spoil_scenario==100: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(x13) y13 = [[2,3],[2,1],[-1,6],[-9,9],[7,1]] if _spoil_scenario==101: spoil_mat_by_nan(y13) if _spoil_scenario==102: spoil_mat_by_posinf(y13) if _spoil_scenario==103: spoil_mat_by_neginf(y13) if _spoil_scenario==104: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(y13) if _spoil_scenario==105: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(y13) c = xalglib.covm2(x13, y13, 5, 3, 2) x14 = [[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[-1,0,9]] if _spoil_scenario==106: spoil_mat_by_nan(x14) if _spoil_scenario==107: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x14) if _spoil_scenario==108: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x14) if _spoil_scenario==109: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(x14) if _spoil_scenario==110: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(x14) y14 = [[2,3],[2,1],[-1,6],[-9,9],[7,1]] if _spoil_scenario==111: spoil_mat_by_nan(y14) if _spoil_scenario==112: spoil_mat_by_posinf(y14) if _spoil_scenario==113: spoil_mat_by_neginf(y14) if _spoil_scenario==114: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(y14) if _spoil_scenario==115: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(y14) c = xalglib.pearsoncorrm2(x14, y14, 5, 3, 2) x15 = [[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[-1,0,9]] if _spoil_scenario==116: spoil_mat_by_nan(x15) if _spoil_scenario==117: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x15) if _spoil_scenario==118: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x15) if _spoil_scenario==119: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(x15) if _spoil_scenario==120: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(x15) y15 = [[2,3],[2,1],[-1,6],[-9,9],[7,1]] if _spoil_scenario==121: spoil_mat_by_nan(y15) if _spoil_scenario==122: spoil_mat_by_posinf(y15) if _spoil_scenario==123: spoil_mat_by_neginf(y15) if _spoil_scenario==124: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(y15) if _spoil_scenario==125: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(y15) c = xalglib.spearmancorrm2(x15, y15, 5, 3, 2) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("basestat_t_covcorr FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST linreg_d_basic # Linear regression used to build the very basic model and unpack coefficients # _TestResult = True try: # # In this example we demonstrate linear fitting by f(x|a) = a*exp(0.5*x). # # We have: # * xy - matrix of basic function values (exp(0.5*x)) and expected values # xy = [[0.606531,1.133719],[0.670320,1.306522],[0.740818,1.504604],[0.818731,1.554663],[0.904837,1.884638],[1.000000,2.072436],[1.105171,2.257285],[1.221403,2.534068],[1.349859,2.622017],[1.491825,2.897713],[1.648721,3.219371]] info, model, rep = xalglib.lrbuildz(xy, 11, 1) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 1, "int") c, nvars = xalglib.lrunpack(model) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [1.98650,0.00000], "real_vector", 0.00005) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = False except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("linreg_d_basic FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST filters_d_sma # SMA(k) filter # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # Here we demonstrate SMA(k) filtering for time series. # x = [5,6,7,8] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) # # Apply filter. # We should get [5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5] as result # x = xalglib.filtersma(x, 2) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [5,5.5,6.5,7.5], "real_vector", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("filters_d_sma FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST filters_d_ema # EMA(alpha) filter # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # Here we demonstrate EMA(0.5) filtering for time series. # x = [5,6,7,8] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) # # Apply filter. # We should get [5, 5.5, 6.25, 7.125] as result # x = xalglib.filterema(x, 0.5) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [5,5.5,6.25,7.125], "real_vector", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("filters_d_ema FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST filters_d_lrma # LRMA(k) filter # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # Here we demonstrate LRMA(3) filtering for time series. # x = [7,8,8,9,12,12] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) # # Apply filter. # We should get [7.0000, 8.0000, 8.1667, 8.8333, 11.6667, 12.5000] as result # x = xalglib.filterlrma(x, 3) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [7.0000,8.0000,8.1667,8.8333,11.6667,12.5000], "real_vector", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("filters_d_lrma FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST mcpd_simple1 # Simple unconstrained MCPD model (no entry/exit states) # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: # # The very simple MCPD example # # We have a loan portfolio. Our loans can be in one of two states: # * normal loans ("good" ones) # * past due loans ("bad" ones) # # We assume that: # * loans can transition from any state to any other state. In # particular, past due loan can become "good" one at any moment # with same (fixed) probability. Not realistic, but it is toy example :) # * portfolio size does not change over time # # Thus, we have following model # state_new = P*state_old # where # ( p00 p01 ) # P = ( ) # ( p10 p11 ) # # We want to model transitions between these two states using MCPD # approach (Markov Chains for Proportional/Population Data), i.e. # to restore hidden transition matrix P using actual portfolio data. # We have: # * poportional data, i.e. proportion of loans in the normal and past # due states (not portfolio size measured in some currency, although # it is possible to work with population data too) # * two tracks, i.e. two sequences which describe portfolio # evolution from two different starting states: [1,0] (all loans # are "good") and [0.8,0.2] (only 80% of portfolio is in the "good" # state) # track0 = [[1.00000,0.00000],[0.95000,0.05000],[0.92750,0.07250],[0.91738,0.08263],[0.91282,0.08718]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(track0) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(track0) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(track0) track1 = [[0.80000,0.20000],[0.86000,0.14000],[0.88700,0.11300],[0.89915,0.10085]] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_nan(track1) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_posinf(track1) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_mat_by_neginf(track1) s = xalglib.mcpdcreate(2) xalglib.mcpdaddtrack(s, track0) xalglib.mcpdaddtrack(s, track1) xalglib.mcpdsolve(s) p, rep = xalglib.mcpdresults(s) # # Hidden matrix P is equal to # ( 0.95 0.50 ) # ( ) # ( 0.05 0.50 ) # which means that "good" loans can become "bad" with 5% probability, # while "bad" loans will return to good state with 50% probability. # _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(p, [[0.95,0.50],[0.05,0.50]], "real_matrix", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("mcpd_simple1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST mcpd_simple2 # Simple MCPD model (no entry/exit states) with equality constraints # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: # # Simple MCPD example # # We have a loan portfolio. Our loans can be in one of three states: # * normal loans # * past due loans # * charged off loans # # We assume that: # * normal loan can stay normal or become past due (but not charged off) # * past due loan can stay past due, become normal or charged off # * charged off loan will stay charged off for the rest of eternity # * portfolio size does not change over time # Not realistic, but it is toy example :) # # Thus, we have following model # state_new = P*state_old # where # ( p00 p01 ) # P = ( p10 p11 ) # ( p21 1 ) # i.e. four elements of P are known a priori. # # Although it is possible (given enough data) to In order to enforce # this property we set equality constraints on these elements. # # We want to model transitions between these two states using MCPD # approach (Markov Chains for Proportional/Population Data), i.e. # to restore hidden transition matrix P using actual portfolio data. # We have: # * poportional data, i.e. proportion of loans in the current and past # due states (not portfolio size measured in some currency, although # it is possible to work with population data too) # * two tracks, i.e. two sequences which describe portfolio # evolution from two different starting states: [1,0,0] (all loans # are "good") and [0.8,0.2,0.0] (only 80% of portfolio is in the "good" # state) # track0 = [[1.000000,0.000000,0.000000],[0.950000,0.050000,0.000000],[0.927500,0.060000,0.012500],[0.911125,0.061375,0.027500],[0.896256,0.060900,0.042844]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(track0) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(track0) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(track0) track1 = [[0.800000,0.200000,0.000000],[0.860000,0.090000,0.050000],[0.862000,0.065500,0.072500],[0.851650,0.059475,0.088875],[0.838805,0.057451,0.103744]] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_nan(track1) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_posinf(track1) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_mat_by_neginf(track1) s = xalglib.mcpdcreate(3) xalglib.mcpdaddtrack(s, track0) xalglib.mcpdaddtrack(s, track1) xalglib.mcpdaddec(s, 0, 2, 0.0) xalglib.mcpdaddec(s, 1, 2, 0.0) xalglib.mcpdaddec(s, 2, 2, 1.0) xalglib.mcpdaddec(s, 2, 0, 0.0) xalglib.mcpdsolve(s) p, rep = xalglib.mcpdresults(s) # # Hidden matrix P is equal to # ( 0.95 0.50 ) # ( 0.05 0.25 ) # ( 0.25 1.00 ) # which means that "good" loans can become past due with 5% probability, # while past due loans will become charged off with 25% probability or # return back to normal state with 50% probability. # _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(p, [[0.95,0.50,0.00],[0.05,0.25,0.00],[0.00,0.25,1.00]], "real_matrix", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("mcpd_simple2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST nn_regr # Regression problem with one output (2=>1) # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # The very simple example on neural network: network is trained to reproduce # small 2x2 multiplication table. # # NOTE: we use network with excessive amount of neurons, which guarantees # almost exact reproduction of the training set. Generalization ability # of such network is rather low, but we are not concerned with such # questions in this basic demo. # # # Training set: # * one row corresponds to one record A*B=C in the multiplication table # * first two columns store A and B, last column stores C # # [1 * 1 = 1] # [1 * 2 = 2] # [2 * 1 = 2] # [2 * 2 = 4] # xy = [[1,1,1],[1,2,2],[2,1,2],[2,2,4]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) # # Network is created. # Trainer object is created. # Dataset is attached to trainer object. # trn = xalglib.mlpcreatetrainer(2, 1) network = xalglib.mlpcreate1(2, 5, 1) xalglib.mlpsetdataset(trn, xy, 4) # # Network is trained with 5 restarts from random positions # rep = xalglib.mlptrainnetwork(trn, network, 5) # # 2*2=? # x = [2,2] y = [0] y = xalglib.mlpprocess(network, x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(y, [4.000], "real_vector", 0.05) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("nn_regr FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST nn_regr_n # Regression problem with multiple outputs (2=>2) # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # Network with 2 inputs and 2 outputs is trained to reproduce vector function: # (x0,x1) => (x0+x1, x0*x1) # # Informally speaking, we want neural network to simultaneously calculate # both sum of two numbers and their product. # # NOTE: we use network with excessive amount of neurons, which guarantees # almost exact reproduction of the training set. Generalization ability # of such network is rather low, but we are not concerned with such # questions in this basic demo. # # # Training set. One row corresponds to one record [A,B,A+B,A*B]. # # [ 1 1 1+1 1*1 ] # [ 1 2 1+2 1*2 ] # [ 2 1 2+1 2*1 ] # [ 2 2 2+2 2*2 ] # xy = [[1,1,2,1],[1,2,3,2],[2,1,3,2],[2,2,4,4]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) # # Network is created. # Trainer object is created. # Dataset is attached to trainer object. # trn = xalglib.mlpcreatetrainer(2, 2) network = xalglib.mlpcreate1(2, 5, 2) xalglib.mlpsetdataset(trn, xy, 4) # # Network is trained with 5 restarts from random positions # rep = xalglib.mlptrainnetwork(trn, network, 5) # # 2+1=? # 2*1=? # x = [2,1] y = [0,0] y = xalglib.mlpprocess(network, x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(y, [3.000,2.000], "real_vector", 0.05) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("nn_regr_n FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST nn_cls2 # Binary classification problem # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # Suppose that we want to classify numbers as positive (class 0) and negative # (class 1). We have training set which includes several strictly positive # or negative numbers - and zero. # # The problem is that we are not sure how to classify zero, so from time to # time we mark it as positive or negative (with equal probability). Other # numbers are marked in pure deterministic setting. How will neural network # cope with such classification task? # # NOTE: we use network with excessive amount of neurons, which guarantees # almost exact reproduction of the training set. Generalization ability # of such network is rather low, but we are not concerned with such # questions in this basic demo. # x = [0] y = [0,0] # # Training set. One row corresponds to one record [A => class(A)]. # # Classes are denoted by numbers from 0 to 1, where 0 corresponds to positive # numbers and 1 to negative numbers. # # [ +1 0] # [ +2 0] # [ -1 1] # [ -2 1] # [ 0 0] !! sometimes we classify 0 as positive, sometimes as negative # [ 0 1] !! # xy = [[+1,0],[+2,0],[-1,1],[-2,1],[0,0],[0,1]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) # # # When we solve classification problems, everything is slightly different from # the regression ones: # # 1. Network is created. Because we solve classification problem, we use # mlpcreatec1() function instead of mlpcreate1(). This function creates # classifier network with SOFTMAX-normalized outputs. This network returns # vector of class membership probabilities which are normalized to be # non-negative and sum to 1.0 # # 2. We use mlpcreatetrainercls() function instead of mlpcreatetrainer() to # create trainer object. Trainer object process dataset and neural network # slightly differently to account for specifics of the classification # problems. # # 3. Dataset is attached to trainer object. Note that dataset format is slightly # different from one used for regression. # trn = xalglib.mlpcreatetrainercls(1, 2) network = xalglib.mlpcreatec1(1, 5, 2) xalglib.mlpsetdataset(trn, xy, 6) # # Network is trained with 5 restarts from random positions # rep = xalglib.mlptrainnetwork(trn, network, 5) # # Test our neural network on strictly positive and strictly negative numbers. # # IMPORTANT! Classifier network returns class membership probabilities instead # of class indexes. Network returns two values (probabilities) instead of one # (class index). # # Thus, for +1 we expect to get [P0,P1] = [1,0], where P0 is probability that # number is positive (belongs to class 0), and P1 is probability that number # is negative (belongs to class 1). # # For -1 we expect to get [P0,P1] = [0,1] # # Following properties are guaranteed by network architecture: # * P0>=0, P1>=0 non-negativity # * P0+P1=1 normalization # x = [1] y = xalglib.mlpprocess(network, x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(y, [1.000,0.000], "real_vector", 0.05) x = [-1] y = xalglib.mlpprocess(network, x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(y, [0.000,1.000], "real_vector", 0.05) # # But what our network will return for 0, which is between classes 0 and 1? # # In our dataset it has two different marks assigned (class 0 AND class 1). # So network will return something average between class 0 and class 1: # 0 => [0.5, 0.5] # x = [0] y = xalglib.mlpprocess(network, x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(y, [0.500,0.500], "real_vector", 0.05) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("nn_cls2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST nn_cls3 # Multiclass classification problem # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # Suppose that we want to classify numbers as positive (class 0) and negative # (class 1). We also have one more class for zero (class 2). # # NOTE: we use network with excessive amount of neurons, which guarantees # almost exact reproduction of the training set. Generalization ability # of such network is rather low, but we are not concerned with such # questions in this basic demo. # x = [0] y = [0,0,0] # # Training set. One row corresponds to one record [A => class(A)]. # # Classes are denoted by numbers from 0 to 2, where 0 corresponds to positive # numbers, 1 to negative numbers, 2 to zero # # [ +1 0] # [ +2 0] # [ -1 1] # [ -2 1] # [ 0 2] # xy = [[+1,0],[+2,0],[-1,1],[-2,1],[0,2]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) # # # When we solve classification problems, everything is slightly different from # the regression ones: # # 1. Network is created. Because we solve classification problem, we use # mlpcreatec1() function instead of mlpcreate1(). This function creates # classifier network with SOFTMAX-normalized outputs. This network returns # vector of class membership probabilities which are normalized to be # non-negative and sum to 1.0 # # 2. We use mlpcreatetrainercls() function instead of mlpcreatetrainer() to # create trainer object. Trainer object process dataset and neural network # slightly differently to account for specifics of the classification # problems. # # 3. Dataset is attached to trainer object. Note that dataset format is slightly # different from one used for regression. # trn = xalglib.mlpcreatetrainercls(1, 3) network = xalglib.mlpcreatec1(1, 5, 3) xalglib.mlpsetdataset(trn, xy, 5) # # Network is trained with 5 restarts from random positions # rep = xalglib.mlptrainnetwork(trn, network, 5) # # Test our neural network on strictly positive and strictly negative numbers. # # IMPORTANT! Classifier network returns class membership probabilities instead # of class indexes. Network returns three values (probabilities) instead of one # (class index). # # Thus, for +1 we expect to get [P0,P1,P2] = [1,0,0], # for -1 we expect to get [P0,P1,P2] = [0,1,0], # and for 0 we will get [P0,P1,P2] = [0,0,1]. # # Following properties are guaranteed by network architecture: # * P0>=0, P1>=0, P2>=0 non-negativity # * P0+P1+P2=1 normalization # x = [1] y = xalglib.mlpprocess(network, x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(y, [1.000,0.000,0.000], "real_vector", 0.05) x = [-1] y = xalglib.mlpprocess(network, x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(y, [0.000,1.000,0.000], "real_vector", 0.05) x = [0] y = xalglib.mlpprocess(network, x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(y, [0.000,0.000,1.000], "real_vector", 0.05) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("nn_cls3 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST nn_trainerobject # Advanced example on trainer object # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: # # Trainer object is used to train network. It stores dataset, training settings, # and other information which is NOT part of neural network. You should use # trainer object as follows: # (1) you create trainer object and specify task type (classification/regression) # and number of inputs/outputs # (2) you add dataset to the trainer object # (3) you may change training settings (stopping criteria or weight decay) # (4) finally, you may train one or more networks # # You may interleave stages 2...4 and repeat them many times. Trainer object # remembers its internal state and can be used several times after its creation # and initialization. # # # Stage 1: object creation. # # We have to specify number of inputs and outputs. Trainer object can be used # only for problems with same number of inputs/outputs as was specified during # its creation. # # In case you want to train SOFTMAX-normalized network which solves classification # problems, you must use another function to create trainer object: # mlpcreatetrainercls(). # # Below we create trainer object which can be used to train regression networks # with 2 inputs and 1 output. # trn = xalglib.mlpcreatetrainer(2, 1) # # Stage 2: specification of the training set # # By default trainer object stores empty dataset. So to solve your non-empty problem # you have to set dataset by passing to trainer dense or sparse matrix. # # One row of the matrix corresponds to one record A*B=C in the multiplication table. # First two columns store A and B, last column stores C # # [1 * 1 = 1] [ 1 1 1 ] # [1 * 2 = 2] [ 1 2 2 ] # [2 * 1 = 2] = [ 2 1 2 ] # [2 * 2 = 4] [ 2 2 4 ] # xy = [[1,1,1],[1,2,2],[2,1,2],[2,2,4]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) xalglib.mlpsetdataset(trn, xy, 4) # # Stage 3: modification of the training parameters. # # You may modify parameters like weights decay or stopping criteria: # * we set moderate weight decay # * we choose iterations limit as stopping condition (another condition - step size - # is zero, which means than this condition is not active) # wstep = 0.000 if _spoil_scenario==3: wstep = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: wstep = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: wstep = float("-inf") maxits = 100 xalglib.mlpsetdecay(trn, 0.01) xalglib.mlpsetcond(trn, wstep, maxits) # # Stage 4: training. # # We will train several networks with different architecture using same trainer object. # We may change training parameters or even dataset, so different networks are trained # differently. But in this simple example we will train all networks with same settings. # # We create and train three networks: # * network 1 has 2x1 architecture (2 inputs, no hidden neurons, 1 output) # * network 2 has 2x5x1 architecture (2 inputs, 5 hidden neurons, 1 output) # * network 3 has 2x5x5x1 architecture (2 inputs, two hidden layers, 1 output) # # NOTE: these networks solve regression problems. For classification problems you # should use mlpcreatec0/c1/c2 to create neural networks which have SOFTMAX- # normalized outputs. # net1 = xalglib.mlpcreate0(2, 1) net2 = xalglib.mlpcreate1(2, 5, 1) net3 = xalglib.mlpcreate2(2, 5, 5, 1) rep = xalglib.mlptrainnetwork(trn, net1, 5) rep = xalglib.mlptrainnetwork(trn, net2, 5) rep = xalglib.mlptrainnetwork(trn, net3, 5) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("nn_trainerobject FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST nn_crossvalidation # Cross-validation # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # This example shows how to perform cross-validation with ALGLIB # # # Training set: f(x)=1/(x^2+1) # One row corresponds to one record [x,f(x)] # xy = [[-2.0,0.2],[-1.6,0.3],[-1.3,0.4],[-1,0.5],[-0.6,0.7],[-0.3,0.9],[0,1],[2.0,0.2],[1.6,0.3],[1.3,0.4],[1,0.5],[0.6,0.7],[0.3,0.9]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) # # Trainer object is created. # Dataset is attached to trainer object. # # NOTE: it is not good idea to perform cross-validation on sample # as small as ours (13 examples). It is done for demonstration # purposes only. Generalization error estimates won't be # precise enough for practical purposes. # trn = xalglib.mlpcreatetrainer(1, 1) xalglib.mlpsetdataset(trn, xy, 13) # # The key property of the cross-validation is that it estimates # generalization properties of neural ARCHITECTURE. It does NOT # estimates generalization error of some specific network which # is passed to the k-fold CV routine. # # In our example we create 1x4x1 neural network and pass it to # CV routine without training it. Original state of the network # is not used for cross-validation - each round is restarted from # random initial state. Only geometry of network matters. # # We perform 5 restarts from different random positions for each # of the 10 cross-validation rounds. # network = xalglib.mlpcreate1(1, 4, 1) rep = xalglib.mlpkfoldcv(trn, network, 5, 10) # # Cross-validation routine stores estimates of the generalization # error to MLP report structure. You may examine its fields and # see estimates of different errors (RMS, CE, Avg). # # Because cross-validation is non-deterministic, in our manual we # can not say what values will be stored to rep after call to # mlpkfoldcv(). Every CV round will return slightly different # estimates. # _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("nn_crossvalidation FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST nn_ensembles_es # Early stopping ensembles # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # This example shows how to train early stopping ensebles. # # # Training set: f(x)=1/(x^2+1) # One row corresponds to one record [x,f(x)] # xy = [[-2.0,0.2],[-1.6,0.3],[-1.3,0.4],[-1,0.5],[-0.6,0.7],[-0.3,0.9],[0,1],[2.0,0.2],[1.6,0.3],[1.3,0.4],[1,0.5],[0.6,0.7],[0.3,0.9]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) # # Trainer object is created. # Dataset is attached to trainer object. # # NOTE: it is not good idea to use early stopping ensemble on sample # as small as ours (13 examples). It is done for demonstration # purposes only. Ensemble training algorithm won't find good # solution on such small sample. # trn = xalglib.mlpcreatetrainer(1, 1) xalglib.mlpsetdataset(trn, xy, 13) # # Ensemble is created and trained. Each of 50 network is trained # with 5 restarts. # ensemble = xalglib.mlpecreate1(1, 4, 1, 50) rep = xalglib.mlptrainensemblees(trn, ensemble, 5) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("nn_ensembles_es FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST nn_parallel # Parallel training # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # This example shows how to use parallel functionality of ALGLIB. # We generate simple 1-dimensional regression problem and show how # to use parallel training, parallel cross-validation, parallel # training of neural ensembles. # # We assume that you already know how to use ALGLIB in serial mode # and concentrate on its parallel capabilities. # # NOTE: it is not good idea to use parallel features on sample as small # as ours (13 examples). It is done only for demonstration purposes. # xy = [[-2.0,0.2],[-1.6,0.3],[-1.3,0.4],[-1,0.5],[-0.6,0.7],[-0.3,0.9],[0,1],[2.0,0.2],[1.6,0.3],[1.3,0.4],[1,0.5],[0.6,0.7],[0.3,0.9]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) trn = xalglib.mlpcreatetrainer(1, 1) xalglib.mlpsetdataset(trn, xy, 13) network = xalglib.mlpcreate1(1, 4, 1) ensemble = xalglib.mlpecreate1(1, 4, 1, 50) # # Below we demonstrate how to perform: # * parallel training of individual networks # * parallel cross-validation # * parallel training of neural ensembles # # In order to use multithreading, you have to: # 1) Install SMP edition of ALGLIB. # 2) This step is specific for C++ users: you should activate OS-specific # capabilities of ALGLIB by defining AE_OS=AE_POSIX (for *nix systems) # or AE_OS=AE_WINDOWS (for Windows systems). # C# users do not have to perform this step because C# programs are # portable across different systems without OS-specific tuning. # 3) Allow ALGLIB to know about number of worker threads to use: # a) autodetection (C++, C#): # ALGLIB will automatically determine number of CPU cores and # (by default) will use all cores except for one. Say, on 4-core # system it will use three cores - unless you manually told it # to use more or less. It will keep your system responsive during # lengthy computations. # Such behavior may be changed with setnworkers() call: # * alglib::setnworkers(0) = use all cores # * alglib::setnworkers(-1) = leave one core unused # * alglib::setnworkers(-2) = leave two cores unused # * alglib::setnworkers(+2) = use 2 cores (even if you have more) # b) manual specification (C++, C#): # You may want to specify maximum number of worker threads during # compile time by means of preprocessor definition AE_NWORKERS. # For C++ it will be "AE_NWORKERS=X" where X can be any positive number. # For C# it is "AE_NWORKERSX", where X should be replaced by number of # workers (AE_NWORKERS2, AE_NWORKERS3, AE_NWORKERS4, ...). # You can add this definition to compiler command line or change # corresponding project settings in your IDE. # # After you installed and configured SMP edition of ALGLIB, you may choose # between serial and multithreaded versions of SMP-capable functions: # * serial version works as usual, in the context of the calling thread # * multithreaded version (with "smp_" prefix) creates (or wakes up) worker # threads, inserts task in the worker queue, and waits for completion of # the task. All processing is done in context of worker thread(s). # # NOTE: because starting/stopping worker threads costs thousands of CPU cycles, # you should not use multithreading for lightweight computational problems. # # NOTE: some old POSIX-compatible operating systems do not support # sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) system call which is required in order # to automatically determine number of active cores. On these systems # you should specify number of cores manually at compile time. # Without it ALGLIB will run in single-threaded mode. # # # First, we perform parallel training of individual network with 5 # restarts from random positions. These 5 rounds of training are # executed in parallel manner, with best network chosen after # training. # # ALGLIB can use additional way to speed up computations - divide # dataset into smaller subsets and process these subsets # simultaneously. It allows us to efficiently parallelize even # single training round. This operation is performed automatically # for large datasets, but our toy dataset is too small. # rep = xalglib.smp_mlptrainnetwork(trn, network, 5) # # Then, we perform parallel 10-fold cross-validation, with 5 random # restarts per each CV round. I.e., 5*10=50 networks are trained # in total. All these operations can be parallelized. # # NOTE: again, ALGLIB can parallelize calculation of gradient # over entire dataset - but our dataset is too small. # rep = xalglib.smp_mlpkfoldcv(trn, network, 5, 10) # # Finally, we train early stopping ensemble of 50 neural networks, # each of them is trained with 5 random restarts. I.e., 5*50=250 # networks aretrained in total. # rep = xalglib.smp_mlptrainensemblees(trn, ensemble, 5) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("nn_parallel FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST clst_ahc # Simple hierarchical clusterization with Euclidean distance function # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # The very simple clusterization example # # We have a set of points in 2D space: # (P0,P1,P2,P3,P4) = ((1,1),(1,2),(4,1),(2,3),(4,1.5)) # # | # | P3 # | # | P1 # | P4 # | P0 P2 # |------------------------- # # We want to perform Agglomerative Hierarchic Clusterization (AHC), # using complete linkage (default algorithm) and Euclidean distance # (default metric). # # In order to do that, we: # * create clusterizer with clusterizercreate() # * set points XY and metric (2=Euclidean) with clusterizersetpoints() # * run AHC algorithm with clusterizerrunahc # # You may see that clusterization itself is a minor part of the example, # most of which is dominated by comments :) # xy = [[1,1],[1,2],[4,1],[2,3],[4,1.5]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) s = xalglib.clusterizercreate() xalglib.clusterizersetpoints(s, xy, 2) rep = xalglib.clusterizerrunahc(s) # # Now we've built our clusterization tree. Rep.z contains information which # is required to build dendrogram. I-th row of rep.z represents one merge # operation, with first cluster to merge having index rep.z[I,0] and second # one having index rep.z[I,1]. Merge result has index NPoints+I. # # Clusters with indexes less than NPoints are single-point initial clusters, # while ones with indexes from NPoints to 2*NPoints-2 are multi-point # clusters created during merges. # # In our example, Z=[[2,4], [0,1], [3,6], [5,7]] # # It means that: # * first, we merge C2=(P2) and C4=(P4), and create C5=(P2,P4) # * then, we merge C2=(P0) and C1=(P1), and create C6=(P0,P1) # * then, we merge C3=(P3) and C6=(P0,P1), and create C7=(P0,P1,P3) # * finally, we merge C5 and C7 and create C8=(P0,P1,P2,P3,P4) # # Thus, we have following dendrogram: # # ------8----- # | | # | ----7---- # | | | # ---5--- | ---6--- # | | | | | # P2 P4 P3 P0 P1 # _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.z, [[2,4],[0,1],[3,6],[5,7]], "int_matrix") # # We've built dendrogram above by reordering our dataset. # # Without such reordering it would be impossible to build dendrogram without # intersections. Luckily, ahcreport structure contains two additional fields # which help to build dendrogram from your data: # * rep.p, which contains permutation applied to dataset # *, which contains another representation of merges # # In our example we have: # * P=[3,4,0,2,1] # * PZ=[[0,0,1,1,0,0],[3,3,4,4,0,0],[2,2,3,4,0,1],[0,1,2,4,1,2]] # # Permutation array P tells us that P0 should be moved to position 3, # P1 moved to position 4, P2 moved to position 0 and so on: # # (P0 P1 P2 P3 P4) => (P2 P4 P3 P0 P1) # # Merges array PZ tells us how to perform merges on the sorted dataset. # One row of PZ corresponds to one merge operations, with first pair of # elements denoting first of the clusters to merge (start index, end # index) and next pair of elements denoting second of the clusters to # merge. Clusters being merged are always adjacent, with first one on # the left and second one on the right. # # For example, first row of PZ tells us that clusters [0,0] and [1,1] are # merged (single-point clusters, with first one containing P2 and second # one containing P4). Third row of PZ tells us that we merge one single- # point cluster [2,2] with one two-point cluster [3,4]. # # There are two more elements in each row of PZ. These are the helper # elements, which denote HEIGHT (not size) of left and right subdendrograms. # For example, according to PZ, first two merges are performed on clusterization # trees of height 0, while next two merges are performed on 0-1 and 1-2 # pairs of trees correspondingly. # _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.p, [3,4,0,2,1], "int_vector") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(, [[0,0,1,1,0,0],[3,3,4,4,0,0],[2,2,3,4,0,1],[0,1,2,4,1,2]], "int_matrix") _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("clst_ahc FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST clst_kmeans # Simple k-means clusterization # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # The very simple clusterization example # # We have a set of points in 2D space: # (P0,P1,P2,P3,P4) = ((1,1),(1,2),(4,1),(2,3),(4,1.5)) # # | # | P3 # | # | P1 # | P4 # | P0 P2 # |------------------------- # # We want to perform k-means++ clustering with K=2. # # In order to do that, we: # * create clusterizer with clusterizercreate() # * set points XY and metric (must be Euclidean, distype=2) with clusterizersetpoints() # * (optional) set number of restarts from random positions to 5 # * run k-means algorithm with clusterizerrunkmeans() # # You may see that clusterization itself is a minor part of the example, # most of which is dominated by comments :) # xy = [[1,1],[1,2],[4,1],[2,3],[4,1.5]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) s = xalglib.clusterizercreate() xalglib.clusterizersetpoints(s, xy, 2) xalglib.clusterizersetkmeanslimits(s, 5, 0) rep = xalglib.clusterizerrunkmeans(s, 2) # # We've performed clusterization, and it succeeded (completion code is +1). # # Now first center is stored in the first row of rep.c, second one is stored # in the second row. rep.cidx can be used to determine which center is # closest to some specific point of the dataset. # _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 1, "int") # We called clusterizersetpoints() with disttype=2 because k-means++ # algorithm does NOT support metrics other than Euclidean. But what if we # try to use some other metric? # # We change metric type by calling clusterizersetpoints() one more time, # and try to run k-means algo again. It fails. # xalglib.clusterizersetpoints(s, xy, 0) rep = xalglib.clusterizerrunkmeans(s, 2) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, -5, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("clst_kmeans FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST clst_linkage # Clusterization with different linkage types # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # We have a set of points in 1D space: # (P0,P1,P2,P3,P4) = (1, 3, 10, 16, 20) # # We want to perform Agglomerative Hierarchic Clusterization (AHC), # using either complete or single linkage and Euclidean distance # (default metric). # # First two steps merge P0/P1 and P3/P4 independently of the linkage type. # However, third step depends on linkage type being used: # * in case of complete linkage P2=10 is merged with [P0,P1] # * in case of single linkage P2=10 is merged with [P3,P4] # xy = [[1],[3],[10],[16],[20]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) s = xalglib.clusterizercreate() xalglib.clusterizersetpoints(s, xy, 2) # use complete linkage, reduce set down to 2 clusters. # print clusterization with clusterizergetkclusters(2). # P2 must belong to [P0,P1] xalglib.clusterizersetahcalgo(s, 0) rep = xalglib.clusterizerrunahc(s) cidx, cz = xalglib.clusterizergetkclusters(rep, 2) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(cidx, [1,1,1,0,0], "int_vector") # use single linkage, reduce set down to 2 clusters. # print clusterization with clusterizergetkclusters(2). # P2 must belong to [P2,P3] xalglib.clusterizersetahcalgo(s, 1) rep = xalglib.clusterizerrunahc(s) cidx, cz = xalglib.clusterizergetkclusters(rep, 2) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(cidx, [0,0,1,1,1], "int_vector") _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("clst_linkage FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST clst_distance # Clusterization with different metric types # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # We have three points in 4D space: # (P0,P1,P2) = ((1, 2, 1, 2), (6, 7, 6, 7), (7, 6, 7, 6)) # # We want to try clustering them with different distance functions. # Distance function is chosen when we add dataset to the clusterizer. # We can choose several distance types - Euclidean, city block, Chebyshev, # several correlation measures or user-supplied distance matrix. # # Here we'll try three distances: Euclidean, Pearson correlation, # user-supplied distance matrix. Different distance functions lead # to different choices being made by algorithm during clustering. # xy = [[1, 2, 1, 2], [6, 7, 6, 7], [7, 6, 7, 6]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) s = xalglib.clusterizercreate() # With Euclidean distance function (disttype=2) two closest points # are P1 and P2, thus: # * first, we merge P1 and P2 to form C3=[P1,P2] # * second, we merge P0 and C3 to form C4=[P0,P1,P2] disttype = 2 xalglib.clusterizersetpoints(s, xy, disttype) rep = xalglib.clusterizerrunahc(s) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.z, [[1,2],[0,3]], "int_matrix") # With Pearson correlation distance function (disttype=10) situation # is different - distance between P0 and P1 is zero, thus: # * first, we merge P0 and P1 to form C3=[P0,P1] # * second, we merge P2 and C3 to form C4=[P0,P1,P2] disttype = 10 xalglib.clusterizersetpoints(s, xy, disttype) rep = xalglib.clusterizerrunahc(s) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.z, [[0,1],[2,3]], "int_matrix") # Finally, we try clustering with user-supplied distance matrix: # [ 0 3 1 ] # P = [ 3 0 3 ], where P[i,j] = dist(Pi,Pj) # [ 1 3 0 ] # # * first, we merge P0 and P2 to form C3=[P0,P2] # * second, we merge P1 and C3 to form C4=[P0,P1,P2] d = [[0,3,1],[3,0,3],[1,3,0]] xalglib.clusterizersetdistances(s, d, True) rep = xalglib.clusterizerrunahc(s) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.z, [[0,2],[1,3]], "int_matrix") _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("clst_distance FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST clst_kclusters # Obtaining K top clusters from clusterization tree # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # We have a set of points in 2D space: # (P0,P1,P2,P3,P4) = ((1,1),(1,2),(4,1),(2,3),(4,1.5)) # # | # | P3 # | # | P1 # | P4 # | P0 P2 # |------------------------- # # We perform Agglomerative Hierarchic Clusterization (AHC) and we want # to get top K clusters from clusterization tree for different K. # xy = [[1,1],[1,2],[4,1],[2,3],[4,1.5]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) s = xalglib.clusterizercreate() xalglib.clusterizersetpoints(s, xy, 2) rep = xalglib.clusterizerrunahc(s) # with K=5, every points is assigned to its own cluster: # C0=P0, C1=P1 and so on... cidx, cz = xalglib.clusterizergetkclusters(rep, 5) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(cidx, [0,1,2,3,4], "int_vector") # with K=1 we have one large cluster C0=[P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5] cidx, cz = xalglib.clusterizergetkclusters(rep, 1) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(cidx, [0,0,0,0,0], "int_vector") # with K=3 we have three clusters C0=[P3], C1=[P2,P4], C2=[P0,P1] cidx, cz = xalglib.clusterizergetkclusters(rep, 3) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(cidx, [2,2,1,0,1], "int_vector") _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("clst_kclusters FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST autogk_d1 # Integrating f=exp(x) by adaptive integrator # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: # # This example demonstrates integration of f=exp(x) on [0,1]: # * first, autogkstate is initialized # * then we call integration function # * and finally we obtain results with autogkresults() call # a = 0 if _spoil_scenario==0: a = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==1: a = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==2: a = float("-inf") b = 1 if _spoil_scenario==3: b = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==4: b = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: b = float("-inf") s = xalglib.autogksmooth(a, b) xalglib.autogkintegrate(s, int_function_1_func); v, rep = xalglib.autogkresults(s) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 1.7182, "real", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("autogk_d1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST fft_complex_d1 # Complex FFT: simple example # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # first we demonstrate forward FFT: # [1i,1i,1i,1i] is converted to [4i, 0, 0, 0] # z = [1j,1j,1j,1j] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(z) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(z) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(z) z = xalglib.fftc1d(z) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(z, [4j,0,0,0], "complex_vector", 0.0001) # # now we convert [4i, 0, 0, 0] back to [1i,1i,1i,1i] # with backward FFT # z = xalglib.fftc1dinv(z) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(z, [1j,1j,1j,1j], "complex_vector", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("fft_complex_d1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST fft_complex_d2 # Complex FFT: advanced example # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # first we demonstrate forward FFT: # [0,1,0,1i] is converted to [1+1i, -1-1i, -1-1i, 1+1i] # z = [0,1,0,1j] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(z) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(z) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(z) z = xalglib.fftc1d(z) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(z, [1+1j, -1-1j, -1-1j, 1+1j], "complex_vector", 0.0001) # # now we convert result back with backward FFT # z = xalglib.fftc1dinv(z) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(z, [0,1,0,1j], "complex_vector", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("fft_complex_d2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST fft_real_d1 # Real FFT: simple example # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # first we demonstrate forward FFT: # [1,1,1,1] is converted to [4, 0, 0, 0] # x = [1,1,1,1] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) f = xalglib.fftr1d(x) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(f, [4,0,0,0], "complex_vector", 0.0001) # # now we convert [4, 0, 0, 0] back to [1,1,1,1] # with backward FFT # x2 = xalglib.fftr1dinv(f) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x2, [1,1,1,1], "real_vector", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("fft_real_d1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST fft_real_d2 # Real FFT: advanced example # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # first we demonstrate forward FFT: # [1,2,3,4] is converted to [10, -2+2i, -2, -2-2i] # # note that output array is self-adjoint: # * f[0] = conj(f[0]) # * f[1] = conj(f[3]) # * f[2] = conj(f[2]) # x = [1,2,3,4] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) f = xalglib.fftr1d(x) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(f, [10, -2+2j, -2, -2-2j], "complex_vector", 0.0001) # # now we convert [10, -2+2i, -2, -2-2i] back to [1,2,3,4] # x2 = xalglib.fftr1dinv(f) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x2, [1,2,3,4], "real_vector", 0.0001) # # remember that F is self-adjoint? It means that we can pass just half # (slightly larger than half) of F to inverse real FFT and still get our result. # # I.e. instead [10, -2+2i, -2, -2-2i] we pass just [10, -2+2i, -2] and everything works! # # NOTE: in this case we should explicitly pass array length (which is 4) to ALGLIB; # if not, it will automatically use array length to determine FFT size and # will erroneously make half-length FFT. # f = [10, -2+2j, -2] x2 = xalglib.fftr1dinv(f, 4) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x2, [1,2,3,4], "real_vector", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("fft_real_d2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST fft_complex_e1 # error detection in backward FFT # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: z = [0,2,0,-2] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(z) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(z) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(z) z = xalglib.fftc1dinv(z) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(z, [0,1j,0,-1j], "complex_vector", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("fft_complex_e1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST spline1d_d_linear # Piecewise linear spline interpolation # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,12): try: # # We use piecewise linear spline to interpolate f(x)=x^2 sampled # at 5 equidistant nodes on [-1,+1]. # x = [-1.0,-0.5,0.0,+0.5,+1.0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(x) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [+1.0,0.25,0.0,0.25,+1.0] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) t = 0.25 if _spoil_scenario==10: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: t = float("-inf") # build spline s = xalglib.spline1dbuildlinear(x, y) # calculate S(0.25) - it is quite different from 0.25^2=0.0625 v = xalglib.spline1dcalc(s, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 0.125, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("spline1d_d_linear FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST spline1d_d_cubic # Cubic spline interpolation # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,10): try: # # We use cubic spline to interpolate f(x)=x^2 sampled # at 5 equidistant nodes on [-1,+1]. # # First, we use default boundary conditions ("parabolically terminated # spline") because cubic spline built with such boundary conditions # will exactly reproduce any quadratic f(x). # # Then we try to use natural boundary conditions # d2S(-1)/dx^2 = 0.0 # d2S(+1)/dx^2 = 0.0 # and see that such spline interpolated f(x) with small error. # x = [-1.0,-0.5,0.0,+0.5,+1.0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [+1.0,0.25,0.0,0.25,+1.0] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) t = 0.25 if _spoil_scenario==8: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==9: t = float("-inf") natural_bound_type = 2 # # Test exact boundary conditions: build S(x), calculare S(0.25) # (almost same as original function) # s = xalglib.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y) v = xalglib.spline1dcalc(s, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 0.0625, "real", 0.00001) # # Test natural boundary conditions: build S(x), calculare S(0.25) # (small interpolation error) # s = xalglib.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, 5, natural_bound_type, 0.0, natural_bound_type, 0.0) v = xalglib.spline1dcalc(s, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 0.0580, "real", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("spline1d_d_cubic FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST spline1d_d_monotone # Monotone interpolation # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,10): try: # # Spline built witn spline1dbuildcubic() can be non-monotone even when # Y-values form monotone sequence. Say, for x=[0,1,2] and y=[0,1,1] # cubic spline will monotonically grow until x=1.5 and then start # decreasing. # # That's why ALGLIB provides special spline construction function # which builds spline which preserves monotonicity of the original # dataset. # # NOTE: in case original dataset is non-monotonic, ALGLIB splits it # into monotone subsequences and builds piecewise monotonic spline. # x = [0,1,2] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(x) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0,1,1] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) # build spline s = xalglib.spline1dbuildmonotone(x, y) # calculate S at x = [-0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0] # you may see that spline is really monotonic v = xalglib.spline1dcalc(s, -0.5) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 0.0000, "real", 0.00005) v = xalglib.spline1dcalc(s, 0.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 0.0000, "real", 0.00005) v = xalglib.spline1dcalc(s, +0.5) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 0.5000, "real", 0.00005) v = xalglib.spline1dcalc(s, 1.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 1.0000, "real", 0.00005) v = xalglib.spline1dcalc(s, 1.5) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 1.0000, "real", 0.00005) v = xalglib.spline1dcalc(s, 2.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 1.0000, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("spline1d_d_monotone FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST spline1d_d_griddiff # Differentiation on the grid using cubic splines # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,10): try: # # We use cubic spline to do grid differentiation, i.e. having # values of f(x)=x^2 sampled at 5 equidistant nodes on [-1,+1] # we calculate derivatives of cubic spline at nodes WITHOUT # CONSTRUCTION OF SPLINE OBJECT. # # There are efficient functions spline1dgriddiffcubic() and # spline1dgriddiff2cubic() for such calculations. # # We use default boundary conditions ("parabolically terminated # spline") because cubic spline built with such boundary conditions # will exactly reproduce any quadratic f(x). # # Actually, we could use natural conditions, but we feel that # spline which exactly reproduces f() will show us more # understandable results. # x = [-1.0,-0.5,0.0,+0.5,+1.0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(x) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [+1.0,0.25,0.0,0.25,+1.0] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) # # We calculate first derivatives: they must be equal to 2*x # d1 = xalglib.spline1dgriddiffcubic(x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(d1, [-2.0, -1.0, 0.0, +1.0, +2.0], "real_vector", 0.0001) # # Now test griddiff2, which returns first AND second derivatives. # First derivative is 2*x, second is equal to 2.0 # d1, d2 = xalglib.spline1dgriddiff2cubic(x, y) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(d1, [-2.0, -1.0, 0.0, +1.0, +2.0], "real_vector", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(d2, [ 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "real_vector", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("spline1d_d_griddiff FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST spline1d_d_convdiff # Resampling using cubic splines # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,11): try: # # We use cubic spline to do resampling, i.e. having # values of f(x)=x^2 sampled at 5 equidistant nodes on [-1,+1] # we calculate values/derivatives of cubic spline on # another grid (equidistant with 9 nodes on [-1,+1]) # WITHOUT CONSTRUCTION OF SPLINE OBJECT. # # There are efficient functions spline1dconvcubic(), # spline1dconvdiffcubic() and spline1dconvdiff2cubic() # for such calculations. # # We use default boundary conditions ("parabolically terminated # spline") because cubic spline built with such boundary conditions # will exactly reproduce any quadratic f(x). # # Actually, we could use natural conditions, but we feel that # spline which exactly reproduces f() will show us more # understandable results. # x_old = [-1.0,-0.5,0.0,+0.5,+1.0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x_old) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x_old) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x_old) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x_old) y_old = [+1.0,0.25,0.0,0.25,+1.0] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(y_old) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y_old) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y_old) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y_old) x_new = [-1.00,-0.75,-0.50,-0.25,0.00,+0.25,+0.50,+0.75,+1.00] if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_nan(x_new) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x_new) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x_new) # # First, conversion without differentiation. # # y_new = xalglib.spline1dconvcubic(x_old, y_old, x_new) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(y_new, [1.0000, 0.5625, 0.2500, 0.0625, 0.0000, 0.0625, 0.2500, 0.5625, 1.0000], "real_vector", 0.0001) # # Then, conversion with differentiation (first derivatives only) # # y_new, d1_new = xalglib.spline1dconvdiffcubic(x_old, y_old, x_new) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(y_new, [1.0000, 0.5625, 0.2500, 0.0625, 0.0000, 0.0625, 0.2500, 0.5625, 1.0000], "real_vector", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(d1_new, [-2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0], "real_vector", 0.0001) # # Finally, conversion with first and second derivatives # # y_new, d1_new, d2_new = xalglib.spline1dconvdiff2cubic(x_old, y_old, x_new) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(y_new, [1.0000, 0.5625, 0.2500, 0.0625, 0.0000, 0.0625, 0.2500, 0.5625, 1.0000], "real_vector", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(d1_new, [-2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0], "real_vector", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(d2_new, [2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "real_vector", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("spline1d_d_convdiff FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST parametric_rdp # Parametric Ramer-Douglas-Peucker approximation # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,7): try: # # We use RDP algorithm to approximate parametric 2D curve given by # locations in t=0,1,2,3 (see below), which form piecewise linear # trajectory through D-dimensional space (2-dimensional in our example). # # | # | # - * * X2................X3 # | . # | . # - * * . * * * * # | . # | . # - * X1 * * * * # | ..... # | .... # X0----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|--- # npoints = 4 ndimensions = 2 x = [[0,0],[2,1],[3,3],[6,3]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(x) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(x) # # Approximation of parametric curve is performed by another parametric curve # with lesser amount of points. It allows to work with "compressed" # representation, which needs smaller amount of memory. Say, in our example # (we allow points with error smaller than 0.8) approximation will have # just two sequential sections connecting X0 with X2, and X2 with X3. # # | # | # - * * X2................X3 # | . # | . # - * . * * * * # | . # | . # - . X1 * * * * # | . # | . # X0----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|--- # # limitcnt = 0 limiteps = 0.8 if _spoil_scenario==5: limiteps = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==6: limiteps = float("-inf") y, idxy, nsections = xalglib.parametricrdpfixed(x, npoints, ndimensions, limitcnt, limiteps) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(nsections, 2, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(idxy, [0,2,3], "int_vector") _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("parametric_rdp FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST spline3d_trilinear # Trilinear spline interpolation # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,22): try: # # We use trilinear spline to interpolate f(x,y,z)=x+xy+z sampled # at (x,y,z) from [0.0, 1.0] X [0.0, 1.0] X [0.0, 1.0]. # # We store x, y and z-values at local arrays with same names. # Function values are stored in the array F as follows: # f[0] (x,y,z) = (0,0,0) # f[1] (x,y,z) = (1,0,0) # f[2] (x,y,z) = (0,1,0) # f[3] (x,y,z) = (1,1,0) # f[4] (x,y,z) = (0,0,1) # f[5] (x,y,z) = (1,0,1) # f[6] (x,y,z) = (0,1,1) # f[7] (x,y,z) = (1,1,1) # x = [0.0, 1.0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0.0, 1.0] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) z = [0.0, 1.0] if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_nan(z) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_posinf(z) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_neginf(z) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(z) f = [0,1,0,2,1,2,1,3] if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_nan(f) if _spoil_scenario==13: spoil_vec_by_posinf(f) if _spoil_scenario==14: spoil_vec_by_neginf(f) if _spoil_scenario==15: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(f) vx = 0.50 if _spoil_scenario==16: vx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==17: vx = float("-inf") vy = 0.50 if _spoil_scenario==18: vy = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==19: vy = float("-inf") vz = 0.50 if _spoil_scenario==20: vz = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==21: vz = float("-inf") # build spline s = xalglib.spline3dbuildtrilinearv(x, 2, y, 2, z, 2, f, 1) # calculate S(0.5,0.5,0.5) v = xalglib.spline3dcalc(s, vx, vy, vz) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 1.2500, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("spline3d_trilinear FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST spline3d_vector # Vector-valued trilinear spline interpolation # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,22): try: # # We use trilinear vector-valued spline to interpolate {f0,f1}={x+xy+z,x+xy+yz+z} # sampled at (x,y,z) from [0.0, 1.0] X [0.0, 1.0] X [0.0, 1.0]. # # We store x, y and z-values at local arrays with same names. # Function values are stored in the array F as follows: # f[0] f0, (x,y,z) = (0,0,0) # f[1] f1, (x,y,z) = (0,0,0) # f[2] f0, (x,y,z) = (1,0,0) # f[3] f1, (x,y,z) = (1,0,0) # f[4] f0, (x,y,z) = (0,1,0) # f[5] f1, (x,y,z) = (0,1,0) # f[6] f0, (x,y,z) = (1,1,0) # f[7] f1, (x,y,z) = (1,1,0) # f[8] f0, (x,y,z) = (0,0,1) # f[9] f1, (x,y,z) = (0,0,1) # f[10] f0, (x,y,z) = (1,0,1) # f[11] f1, (x,y,z) = (1,0,1) # f[12] f0, (x,y,z) = (0,1,1) # f[13] f1, (x,y,z) = (0,1,1) # f[14] f0, (x,y,z) = (1,1,1) # f[15] f1, (x,y,z) = (1,1,1) # x = [0.0, 1.0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0.0, 1.0] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) z = [0.0, 1.0] if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_nan(z) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_posinf(z) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_neginf(z) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(z) f = [0,0, 1,1, 0,0, 2,2, 1,1, 2,2, 1,2, 3,4] if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_nan(f) if _spoil_scenario==13: spoil_vec_by_posinf(f) if _spoil_scenario==14: spoil_vec_by_neginf(f) if _spoil_scenario==15: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(f) vx = 0.50 if _spoil_scenario==16: vx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==17: vx = float("-inf") vy = 0.50 if _spoil_scenario==18: vy = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==19: vy = float("-inf") vz = 0.50 if _spoil_scenario==20: vz = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==21: vz = float("-inf") # build spline s = xalglib.spline3dbuildtrilinearv(x, 2, y, 2, z, 2, f, 2) # calculate S(0.5,0.5,0.5) - we have vector of values instead of single value v = xalglib.spline3dcalcv(s, vx, vy, vz) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, [1.2500,1.5000], "real_vector", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("spline3d_vector FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST polint_d_calcdiff # Interpolation and differentiation using barycentric representation # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,12): try: # # Here we demonstrate polynomial interpolation and differentiation # of y=x^2-x sampled at [0,1,2]. Barycentric representation of polynomial is used. # x = [0,1,2] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(x) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0,0,2] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) t = -1 if _spoil_scenario==10: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: t = float("-inf") # barycentric model is created p = xalglib.polynomialbuild(x, y) # barycentric interpolation is demonstrated v = xalglib.barycentriccalc(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.0, "real", 0.00005) # barycentric differentation is demonstrated v, dv = xalglib.barycentricdiff1(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(dv, -3.0, "real", 0.00005) # second derivatives with barycentric representation v, dv = xalglib.barycentricdiff1(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(dv, -3.0, "real", 0.00005) v, dv, d2v = xalglib.barycentricdiff2(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(dv, -3.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(d2v, 2.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("polint_d_calcdiff FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST polint_d_conv # Conversion between power basis and barycentric representation # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,5): try: # # Here we demonstrate conversion of y=x^2-x # between power basis and barycentric representation. # a = [0,-1,+1] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(a) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(a) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(a) t = 2 if _spoil_scenario==3: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==4: t = float("-inf") # # a=[0,-1,+1] is decomposition of y=x^2-x in the power basis: # # y = 0 - 1*x + 1*x^2 # # We convert it to the barycentric form. # p = xalglib.polynomialpow2bar(a) # now we have barycentric interpolation; we can use it for interpolation v = xalglib.barycentriccalc(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.0, "real", 0.005) # we can also convert back from barycentric representation to power basis a2 = xalglib.polynomialbar2pow(p) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a2, [0,-1,+1], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("polint_d_conv FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST polint_d_spec # Polynomial interpolation on special grids (equidistant, Chebyshev I/II) # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,11): try: # # Temporaries: # * values of y=x^2-x sampled at three special grids: # * equdistant grid spanning [0,2], x[i] = 2*i/(N-1), i=0..N-1 # * Chebyshev-I grid spanning [-1,+1], x[i] = 1 + Cos(PI*(2*i+1)/(2*n)), i=0..N-1 # * Chebyshev-II grid spanning [-1,+1], x[i] = 1 + Cos(PI*i/(n-1)), i=0..N-1 # * barycentric interpolants for these three grids # * vectors to store coefficients of quadratic representation # y_eqdist = [0,0,2] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(y_eqdist) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y_eqdist) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y_eqdist) y_cheb1 = [-0.116025,0.000000,1.616025] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_nan(y_cheb1) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y_cheb1) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y_cheb1) y_cheb2 = [0,0,2] if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_nan(y_cheb2) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y_cheb2) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y_cheb2) # # First, we demonstrate construction of barycentric interpolants on # special grids. We unpack power representation to ensure that # interpolant was built correctly. # # In all three cases we should get same quadratic function. # p_eqdist = xalglib.polynomialbuildeqdist(0.0, 2.0, y_eqdist) a_eqdist = xalglib.polynomialbar2pow(p_eqdist) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a_eqdist, [0,-1,+1], "real_vector", 0.00005) p_cheb1 = xalglib.polynomialbuildcheb1(-1, +1, y_cheb1) a_cheb1 = xalglib.polynomialbar2pow(p_cheb1) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a_cheb1, [0,-1,+1], "real_vector", 0.00005) p_cheb2 = xalglib.polynomialbuildcheb2(-1, +1, y_cheb2) a_cheb2 = xalglib.polynomialbar2pow(p_cheb2) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a_cheb2, [0,-1,+1], "real_vector", 0.00005) # # Now we demonstrate polynomial interpolation without construction # of the barycentricinterpolant structure. # # We calculate interpolant value at x=-2. # In all three cases we should get same f=6 # t = -2 if _spoil_scenario==9: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==10: t = float("-inf") v = xalglib.polynomialcalceqdist(0.0, 2.0, y_eqdist, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 6.0, "real", 0.00005) v = xalglib.polynomialcalccheb1(-1, +1, y_cheb1, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 6.0, "real", 0.00005) v = xalglib.polynomialcalccheb2(-1, +1, y_cheb2, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 6.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("polint_d_spec FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST polint_t_1 # Polynomial interpolation, full list of parameters. # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,10): try: x = [0,1,2] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0,0,2] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) t = -1 if _spoil_scenario==8: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==9: t = float("-inf") p = xalglib.polynomialbuild(x, y, 3) v = xalglib.barycentriccalc(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("polint_t_1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST polint_t_2 # Polynomial interpolation, full list of parameters. # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: y = [0,0,2] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) t = -1 if _spoil_scenario==4: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: t = float("-inf") p = xalglib.polynomialbuildeqdist(0.0, 2.0, y, 3) v = xalglib.barycentriccalc(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("polint_t_2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST polint_t_3 # Polynomial interpolation, full list of parameters. # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: y = [-0.116025,0.000000,1.616025] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) t = -1 if _spoil_scenario==4: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: t = float("-inf") p = xalglib.polynomialbuildcheb1(-1.0, +1.0, y, 3) v = xalglib.barycentriccalc(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("polint_t_3 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST polint_t_4 # Polynomial interpolation, full list of parameters. # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,12): try: y = [0,0,2] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) t = -2 if _spoil_scenario==4: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: t = float("-inf") a = -1 if _spoil_scenario==6: a = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: a = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: a = float("-inf") b = +1 if _spoil_scenario==9: b = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: b = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: b = float("-inf") p = xalglib.polynomialbuildcheb2(a, b, y, 3) v = xalglib.barycentriccalc(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 6.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("polint_t_4 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST polint_t_5 # Polynomial interpolation, full list of parameters. # sys.stdout.write("100/145\n") _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: y = [0,0,2] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) t = -1 if _spoil_scenario==4: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: t = float("-inf") v = xalglib.polynomialcalceqdist(0.0, 2.0, y, 3, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("polint_t_5 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST polint_t_6 # Polynomial interpolation, full list of parameters. # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,12): try: y = [-0.116025,0.000000,1.616025] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) t = -1 if _spoil_scenario==4: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: t = float("-inf") a = -1 if _spoil_scenario==6: a = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: a = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: a = float("-inf") b = +1 if _spoil_scenario==9: b = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: b = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: b = float("-inf") v = xalglib.polynomialcalccheb1(a, b, y, 3, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("polint_t_6 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST polint_t_7 # Polynomial interpolation, full list of parameters. # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,12): try: y = [0,0,2] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) t = -2 if _spoil_scenario==4: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==5: t = float("-inf") a = -1 if _spoil_scenario==6: a = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==7: a = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==8: a = float("-inf") b = +1 if _spoil_scenario==9: b = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==10: b = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: b = float("-inf") v = xalglib.polynomialcalccheb2(a, b, y, 3, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 6.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("polint_t_7 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST polint_t_8 # Polynomial interpolation: y=x^2-x, equidistant grid, barycentric form # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,5): try: y = [0,0,2] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) t = -1 if _spoil_scenario==3: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==4: t = float("-inf") p = xalglib.polynomialbuildeqdist(0.0, 2.0, y) v = xalglib.barycentriccalc(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("polint_t_8 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST polint_t_9 # Polynomial interpolation: y=x^2-x, Chebyshev grid (first kind), barycentric form # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,11): try: y = [-0.116025,0.000000,1.616025] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) t = -1 if _spoil_scenario==3: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==4: t = float("-inf") a = -1 if _spoil_scenario==5: a = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==6: a = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==7: a = float("-inf") b = +1 if _spoil_scenario==8: b = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==9: b = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==10: b = float("-inf") p = xalglib.polynomialbuildcheb1(a, b, y) v = xalglib.barycentriccalc(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("polint_t_9 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST polint_t_10 # Polynomial interpolation: y=x^2-x, Chebyshev grid (second kind), barycentric form # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,11): try: y = [0,0,2] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) t = -2 if _spoil_scenario==3: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==4: t = float("-inf") a = -1 if _spoil_scenario==5: a = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==6: a = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==7: a = float("-inf") b = +1 if _spoil_scenario==8: b = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==9: b = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==10: b = float("-inf") p = xalglib.polynomialbuildcheb2(a, b, y) v = xalglib.barycentriccalc(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 6.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("polint_t_10 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST polint_t_11 # Polynomial interpolation: y=x^2-x, equidistant grid # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,5): try: y = [0,0,2] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) t = -1 if _spoil_scenario==3: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==4: t = float("-inf") v = xalglib.polynomialcalceqdist(0.0, 2.0, y, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("polint_t_11 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST polint_t_12 # Polynomial interpolation: y=x^2-x, Chebyshev grid (first kind) # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,11): try: y = [-0.116025,0.000000,1.616025] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) t = -1 if _spoil_scenario==3: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==4: t = float("-inf") a = -1 if _spoil_scenario==5: a = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==6: a = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==7: a = float("-inf") b = +1 if _spoil_scenario==8: b = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==9: b = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==10: b = float("-inf") v = xalglib.polynomialcalccheb1(a, b, y, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("polint_t_12 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST polint_t_13 # Polynomial interpolation: y=x^2-x, Chebyshev grid (second kind) # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,11): try: y = [0,0,2] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) t = -2 if _spoil_scenario==3: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==4: t = float("-inf") a = -1 if _spoil_scenario==5: a = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==6: a = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==7: a = float("-inf") b = +1 if _spoil_scenario==8: b = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==9: b = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==10: b = float("-inf") v = xalglib.polynomialcalccheb2(a, b, y, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 6.0, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("polint_t_13 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST lsfit_d_nlf # Nonlinear fitting using function value only # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,24): try: # # In this example we demonstrate exponential fitting # by f(x) = exp(-c*x^2) # using function value only. # # Gradient is estimated using combination of numerical differences # and secant updates. diffstep variable stores differentiation step # (we have to tell algorithm what step to use). # x = [[-1],[-0.8],[-0.6],[-0.4],[-0.2],[0],[0.2],[0.4],[0.6],[0.8],[1.0]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(x) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(x) y = [0.223130, 0.382893, 0.582748, 0.786628, 0.941765, 1.000000, 0.941765, 0.786628, 0.582748, 0.382893, 0.223130] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) c = [0.3] if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_nan(c) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_posinf(c) if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_neginf(c) epsx = 0.000001 if _spoil_scenario==13: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==14: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==15: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 diffstep = 0.0001 if _spoil_scenario==16: diffstep = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==17: diffstep = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==18: diffstep = float("-inf") # # Fitting without weights # state = xalglib.lsfitcreatef(x, y, c, diffstep) xalglib.lsfitsetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.lsfitfit_f(state, function_cx_1_func) info, c, rep = xalglib.lsfitresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 2, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [1.5], "real_vector", 0.05) # # Fitting with weights # (you can change weights and see how it changes result) # w = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] if _spoil_scenario==19: spoil_vec_by_nan(w) if _spoil_scenario==20: spoil_vec_by_posinf(w) if _spoil_scenario==21: spoil_vec_by_neginf(w) if _spoil_scenario==22: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(w) if _spoil_scenario==23: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(w) state = xalglib.lsfitcreatewf(x, y, w, c, diffstep) xalglib.lsfitsetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.lsfitfit_f(state, function_cx_1_func) info, c, rep = xalglib.lsfitresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 2, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [1.5], "real_vector", 0.05) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("lsfit_d_nlf FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST lsfit_d_nlfg # Nonlinear fitting using gradient # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,21): try: # # In this example we demonstrate exponential fitting # by f(x) = exp(-c*x^2) # using function value and gradient (with respect to c). # x = [[-1],[-0.8],[-0.6],[-0.4],[-0.2],[0],[0.2],[0.4],[0.6],[0.8],[1.0]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(x) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(x) y = [0.223130, 0.382893, 0.582748, 0.786628, 0.941765, 1.000000, 0.941765, 0.786628, 0.582748, 0.382893, 0.223130] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) c = [0.3] if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_nan(c) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_posinf(c) if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_neginf(c) epsx = 0.000001 if _spoil_scenario==13: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==14: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==15: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 # # Fitting without weights # state = xalglib.lsfitcreatefg(x, y, c, True) xalglib.lsfitsetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.lsfitfit_fg(state, function_cx_1_func, function_cx_1_grad) info, c, rep = xalglib.lsfitresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 2, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [1.5], "real_vector", 0.05) # # Fitting with weights # (you can change weights and see how it changes result) # w = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] if _spoil_scenario==16: spoil_vec_by_nan(w) if _spoil_scenario==17: spoil_vec_by_posinf(w) if _spoil_scenario==18: spoil_vec_by_neginf(w) if _spoil_scenario==19: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(w) if _spoil_scenario==20: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(w) state = xalglib.lsfitcreatewfg(x, y, w, c, True) xalglib.lsfitsetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.lsfitfit_fg(state, function_cx_1_func, function_cx_1_grad) info, c, rep = xalglib.lsfitresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 2, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [1.5], "real_vector", 0.05) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("lsfit_d_nlfg FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST lsfit_d_nlfgh # Nonlinear fitting using gradient and Hessian # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,21): try: # # In this example we demonstrate exponential fitting # by f(x) = exp(-c*x^2) # using function value, gradient and Hessian (with respect to c) # x = [[-1],[-0.8],[-0.6],[-0.4],[-0.2],[0],[0.2],[0.4],[0.6],[0.8],[1.0]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(x) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(x) y = [0.223130, 0.382893, 0.582748, 0.786628, 0.941765, 1.000000, 0.941765, 0.786628, 0.582748, 0.382893, 0.223130] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) c = [0.3] if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_nan(c) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_posinf(c) if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_neginf(c) epsx = 0.000001 if _spoil_scenario==13: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==14: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==15: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 # # Fitting without weights # state = xalglib.lsfitcreatefgh(x, y, c) xalglib.lsfitsetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.lsfitfit_fgh(state, function_cx_1_func, function_cx_1_grad, function_cx_1_hess) info, c, rep = xalglib.lsfitresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 2, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [1.5], "real_vector", 0.05) # # Fitting with weights # (you can change weights and see how it changes result) # w = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] if _spoil_scenario==16: spoil_vec_by_nan(w) if _spoil_scenario==17: spoil_vec_by_posinf(w) if _spoil_scenario==18: spoil_vec_by_neginf(w) if _spoil_scenario==19: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(w) if _spoil_scenario==20: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(w) state = xalglib.lsfitcreatewfgh(x, y, w, c) xalglib.lsfitsetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.lsfitfit_fgh(state, function_cx_1_func, function_cx_1_grad, function_cx_1_hess) info, c, rep = xalglib.lsfitresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 2, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [1.5], "real_vector", 0.05) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("lsfit_d_nlfgh FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST lsfit_d_nlfb # Bound contstrained nonlinear fitting using function value only # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,23): try: # # In this example we demonstrate exponential fitting by # f(x) = exp(-c*x^2) # subject to bound constraints # 0.0 <= c <= 1.0 # using function value only. # # Gradient is estimated using combination of numerical differences # and secant updates. diffstep variable stores differentiation step # (we have to tell algorithm what step to use). # # Unconstrained solution is c=1.5, but because of constraints we should # get c=1.0 (at the boundary). # x = [[-1],[-0.8],[-0.6],[-0.4],[-0.2],[0],[0.2],[0.4],[0.6],[0.8],[1.0]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(x) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(x) y = [0.223130, 0.382893, 0.582748, 0.786628, 0.941765, 1.000000, 0.941765, 0.786628, 0.582748, 0.382893, 0.223130] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) c = [0.3] if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_nan(c) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_posinf(c) if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_neginf(c) bndl = [0.0] if _spoil_scenario==13: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndl) if _spoil_scenario==14: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndl) bndu = [1.0] if _spoil_scenario==15: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndu) if _spoil_scenario==16: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndu) epsx = 0.000001 if _spoil_scenario==17: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==18: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==19: epsx = float("-inf") maxits = 0 diffstep = 0.0001 if _spoil_scenario==20: diffstep = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==21: diffstep = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==22: diffstep = float("-inf") state = xalglib.lsfitcreatef(x, y, c, diffstep) xalglib.lsfitsetbc(state, bndl, bndu) xalglib.lsfitsetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.lsfitfit_f(state, function_cx_1_func) info, c, rep = xalglib.lsfitresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [1.0], "real_vector", 0.05) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("lsfit_d_nlfb FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST lsfit_d_nlscale # Nonlinear fitting with custom scaling and bound constraints # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,27): try: # # In this example we demonstrate fitting by # f(x) = c[0]*(1+c[1]*((x-1999)^c[2]-1)) # subject to bound constraints # -INF < c[0] < +INF # -10 <= c[1] <= +10 # 0.1 <= c[2] <= 2.0 # Data we want to fit are time series of Japan national debt # collected from 2000 to 2008 measured in USD (dollars, not # millions of dollars). # # Our variables are: # c[0] - debt value at initial moment (2000), # c[1] - direction coefficient (growth or decrease), # c[2] - curvature coefficient. # You may see that our variables are badly scaled - first one # is order of 10^12, and next two are somewhere about 1 in # magnitude. Such problem is difficult to solve without some # kind of scaling. # That is exactly where lsfitsetscale() function can be used. # We set scale of our variables to [1.0E12, 1, 1], which allows # us to easily solve this problem. # # You can try commenting out lsfitsetscale() call - and you will # see that algorithm will fail to converge. # x = [[2000],[2001],[2002],[2003],[2004],[2005],[2006],[2007],[2008]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(x) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(x) y = [4323239600000.0, 4560913100000.0, 5564091500000.0, 6743189300000.0, 7284064600000.0, 7050129600000.0, 7092221500000.0, 8483907600000.0, 8625804400000.0] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) c = [1.0e+13, 1, 1] if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_nan(c) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_posinf(c) if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_neginf(c) epsx = 1.0e-5 if _spoil_scenario==13: epsx = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==14: epsx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==15: epsx = float("-inf") bndl = [-float("inf"), -10, 0.1] if _spoil_scenario==16: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndl) if _spoil_scenario==17: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndl) bndu = [float("inf"), +10, 2.0] if _spoil_scenario==18: spoil_vec_by_nan(bndu) if _spoil_scenario==19: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(bndu) s = [1.0e+12, 1, 1] if _spoil_scenario==20: spoil_vec_by_nan(s) if _spoil_scenario==21: spoil_vec_by_posinf(s) if _spoil_scenario==22: spoil_vec_by_neginf(s) if _spoil_scenario==23: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(s) maxits = 0 diffstep = 1.0e-5 if _spoil_scenario==24: diffstep = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==25: diffstep = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==26: diffstep = float("-inf") state = xalglib.lsfitcreatef(x, y, c, diffstep) xalglib.lsfitsetcond(state, epsx, maxits) xalglib.lsfitsetbc(state, bndl, bndu) xalglib.lsfitsetscale(state, s) xalglib.lsfitfit_f(state, function_debt_func) info, c, rep = xalglib.lsfitresults(state) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 2, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [4.142560e+12, 0.434240, 0.565376], "real_vector", -0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("lsfit_d_nlscale FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST lsfit_d_lin # Unconstrained (general) linear least squares fitting with and without weights # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,13): try: # # In this example we demonstrate linear fitting by f(x|a) = a*exp(0.5*x). # # We have: # * y - vector of experimental data # * fmatrix - matrix of basis functions calculated at sample points # Actually, we have only one basis function F0 = exp(0.5*x). # fmatrix = [[0.606531],[0.670320],[0.740818],[0.818731],[0.904837],[1.000000],[1.105171],[1.221403],[1.349859],[1.491825],[1.648721]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(fmatrix) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(fmatrix) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(fmatrix) y = [1.133719, 1.306522, 1.504604, 1.554663, 1.884638, 2.072436, 2.257285, 2.534068, 2.622017, 2.897713, 3.219371] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) # # Linear fitting without weights # info, c, rep = xalglib.lsfitlinear(y, fmatrix) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 1, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [1.98650], "real_vector", 0.00005) # # Linear fitting with individual weights. # Slightly different result is returned. # w = [1.414213, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_nan(w) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_posinf(w) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_neginf(w) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(w) if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(w) info, c, rep = xalglib.lsfitlinearw(y, w, fmatrix) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 1, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [1.983354], "real_vector", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("lsfit_d_lin FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST lsfit_d_linc # Constrained (general) linear least squares fitting with and without weights # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,20): try: # # In this example we demonstrate linear fitting by f(x|a,b) = a*x+b # with simple constraint f(0)=0. # # We have: # * y - vector of experimental data # * fmatrix - matrix of basis functions sampled at [0,1] with step 0.2: # [ 1.0 0.0 ] # [ 1.0 0.2 ] # [ 1.0 0.4 ] # [ 1.0 0.6 ] # [ 1.0 0.8 ] # [ 1.0 1.0 ] # first column contains value of first basis function (constant term) # second column contains second basis function (linear term) # * cmatrix - matrix of linear constraints: # [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 ] # first two columns contain coefficients before basis functions, # last column contains desired value of their sum. # So [1,0,0] means "1*constant_term + 0*linear_term = 0" # y = [0.072436,0.246944,0.491263,0.522300,0.714064,0.921929] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) fmatrix = [[1,0.0],[1,0.2],[1,0.4],[1,0.6],[1,0.8],[1,1.0]] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_mat_by_nan(fmatrix) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_mat_by_posinf(fmatrix) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_mat_by_neginf(fmatrix) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_mat_by_adding_row(fmatrix) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_mat_by_adding_col(fmatrix) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(fmatrix) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(fmatrix) cmatrix = [[1,0,0]] if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_mat_by_nan(cmatrix) if _spoil_scenario==13: spoil_mat_by_posinf(cmatrix) if _spoil_scenario==14: spoil_mat_by_neginf(cmatrix) # # Constrained fitting without weights # info, c, rep = xalglib.lsfitlinearc(y, fmatrix, cmatrix) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 1, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [0,0.932933], "real_vector", 0.0005) # # Constrained fitting with individual weights # w = [1, 1.414213, 1, 1, 1, 1] if _spoil_scenario==15: spoil_vec_by_nan(w) if _spoil_scenario==16: spoil_vec_by_posinf(w) if _spoil_scenario==17: spoil_vec_by_neginf(w) if _spoil_scenario==18: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(w) if _spoil_scenario==19: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(w) info, c, rep = xalglib.lsfitlinearwc(y, w, fmatrix, cmatrix) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 1, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [0,0.938322], "real_vector", 0.0005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("lsfit_d_linc FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST lsfit_d_pol # Unconstrained polynomial fitting # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,20): try: # # This example demonstrates polynomial fitting. # # Fitting is done by two (M=2) functions from polynomial basis: # f0 = 1 # f1 = x # Basically, it just a linear fit; more complex polynomials may be used # (e.g. parabolas with M=3, cubic with M=4), but even such simple fit allows # us to demonstrate polynomialfit() function in action. # # We have: # * x set of abscissas # * y experimental data # # Additionally we demonstrate weighted fitting, where second point has # more weight than other ones. # x = [0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(x) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0.00,0.05,0.26,0.32,0.33,0.43,0.60,0.60,0.77,0.98,1.02] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) m = 2 t = 2 if _spoil_scenario==10: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==11: t = float("-inf") # # Fitting without individual weights # # NOTE: result is returned as barycentricinterpolant structure. # if you want to get representation in the power basis, # you can use barycentricbar2pow() function to convert # from barycentric to power representation (see docs for # POLINT subpackage for more info). # info, p, rep = xalglib.polynomialfit(x, y, m) v = xalglib.barycentriccalc(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.011, "real", 0.002) # # Fitting with individual weights # # NOTE: slightly different result is returned # w = [1,1.414213562,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_nan(w) if _spoil_scenario==13: spoil_vec_by_posinf(w) if _spoil_scenario==14: spoil_vec_by_neginf(w) if _spoil_scenario==15: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(w) if _spoil_scenario==16: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(w) xc = [] if _spoil_scenario==17: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(xc) yc = [] if _spoil_scenario==18: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(yc) dc = [] if _spoil_scenario==19: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(dc) info, p, rep = xalglib.polynomialfitwc(x, y, w, xc, yc, dc, m) v = xalglib.barycentriccalc(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.023, "real", 0.002) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("lsfit_d_pol FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST lsfit_d_polc # Constrained polynomial fitting # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,29): try: # # This example demonstrates polynomial fitting. # # Fitting is done by two (M=2) functions from polynomial basis: # f0 = 1 # f1 = x # with simple constraint on function value # f(0) = 0 # Basically, it just a linear fit; more complex polynomials may be used # (e.g. parabolas with M=3, cubic with M=4), but even such simple fit allows # us to demonstrate polynomialfit() function in action. # # We have: # * x set of abscissas # * y experimental data # * xc points where constraints are placed # * yc constraints on derivatives # * dc derivative indices # (0 means function itself, 1 means first derivative) # x = [1.0,1.0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(x) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0.9,1.1] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) w = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_nan(w) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_posinf(w) if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_neginf(w) if _spoil_scenario==13: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(w) if _spoil_scenario==14: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(w) xc = [0] if _spoil_scenario==15: spoil_vec_by_nan(xc) if _spoil_scenario==16: spoil_vec_by_posinf(xc) if _spoil_scenario==17: spoil_vec_by_neginf(xc) if _spoil_scenario==18: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(xc) if _spoil_scenario==19: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(xc) yc = [0] if _spoil_scenario==20: spoil_vec_by_nan(yc) if _spoil_scenario==21: spoil_vec_by_posinf(yc) if _spoil_scenario==22: spoil_vec_by_neginf(yc) if _spoil_scenario==23: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(yc) if _spoil_scenario==24: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(yc) dc = [0] if _spoil_scenario==25: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(dc) if _spoil_scenario==26: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(dc) t = 2 if _spoil_scenario==27: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==28: t = float("-inf") m = 2 info, p, rep = xalglib.polynomialfitwc(x, y, w, xc, yc, dc, m) v = xalglib.barycentriccalc(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.000, "real", 0.001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("lsfit_d_polc FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST lsfit_d_spline # Unconstrained fitting by penalized regression spline # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,19): try: # # In this example we demonstrate penalized spline fitting of noisy data # # We have: # * x - abscissas # * y - vector of experimental data, straight line with small noise # x = [0.00,0.10,0.20,0.30,0.40,0.50,0.60,0.70,0.80,0.90] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(x) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0.10,0.00,0.30,0.40,0.30,0.40,0.62,0.68,0.75,0.95] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(y) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) # # Fit with VERY small amount of smoothing (rho = -5.0) # and large number of basis functions (M=50). # # With such small regularization penalized spline almost fully reproduces function values # rho = -5.0 if _spoil_scenario==10: rho = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==11: rho = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==12: rho = float("-inf") info, s, rep = xalglib.spline1dfitpenalized(x, y, 50, rho) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 1, "int") v = xalglib.spline1dcalc(s, 0.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 0.10, "real", 0.01) # # Fit with VERY large amount of smoothing (rho = 10.0) # and large number of basis functions (M=50). # # With such regularization our spline should become close to the straight line fit. # We will compare its value in x=1.0 with results obtained from such fit. # rho = +10.0 if _spoil_scenario==13: rho = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==14: rho = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==15: rho = float("-inf") info, s, rep = xalglib.spline1dfitpenalized(x, y, 50, rho) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 1, "int") v = xalglib.spline1dcalc(s, 1.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 0.969, "real", 0.001) # # In real life applications you may need some moderate degree of fitting, # so we try to fit once more with rho=3.0. # rho = +3.0 if _spoil_scenario==16: rho = float("nan") if _spoil_scenario==17: rho = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==18: rho = float("-inf") info, s, rep = xalglib.spline1dfitpenalized(x, y, 50, rho) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(info, 1, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("lsfit_d_spline FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST lsfit_t_polfit_1 # Polynomial fitting, full list of parameters. # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,10): try: x = [0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0.00,0.05,0.26,0.32,0.33,0.43,0.60,0.60,0.77,0.98,1.02] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) m = 2 t = 2 if _spoil_scenario==8: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==9: t = float("-inf") info, p, rep = xalglib.polynomialfit(x, y, 11, m) v = xalglib.barycentriccalc(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.011, "real", 0.002) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("lsfit_t_polfit_1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST lsfit_t_polfit_2 # Polynomial fitting, full list of parameters. # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,14): try: x = [0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0.00,0.05,0.26,0.32,0.33,0.43,0.60,0.60,0.77,0.98,1.02] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) w = [1,1.414213562,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_nan(w) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_posinf(w) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_neginf(w) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(w) xc = [] yc = [] dc = [] m = 2 t = 2 if _spoil_scenario==12: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==13: t = float("-inf") info, p, rep = xalglib.polynomialfitwc(x, y, w, 11, xc, yc, dc, 0, m) v = xalglib.barycentriccalc(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.023, "real", 0.002) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("lsfit_t_polfit_2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST lsfit_t_polfit_3 # Polynomial fitting, full list of parameters. # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,23): try: x = [1.0,1.0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0.9,1.1] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) w = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_nan(w) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_posinf(w) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_neginf(w) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(w) xc = [0] if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_nan(xc) if _spoil_scenario==13: spoil_vec_by_posinf(xc) if _spoil_scenario==14: spoil_vec_by_neginf(xc) if _spoil_scenario==15: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(xc) yc = [0] if _spoil_scenario==16: spoil_vec_by_nan(yc) if _spoil_scenario==17: spoil_vec_by_posinf(yc) if _spoil_scenario==18: spoil_vec_by_neginf(yc) if _spoil_scenario==19: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(yc) dc = [0] if _spoil_scenario==20: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(dc) m = 2 t = 2 if _spoil_scenario==21: t = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==22: t = float("-inf") info, p, rep = xalglib.polynomialfitwc(x, y, w, 2, xc, yc, dc, 1, m) v = xalglib.barycentriccalc(p, t) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.000, "real", 0.001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("lsfit_t_polfit_3 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST lsfit_t_4pl # 4-parameter logistic fitting # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,8): try: x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0.06313223,0.44552624,0.61838364,0.71385108,0.77345838,0.81383140,0.84280033,0.86449822] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) n = 8 # # Test logisticfit4() on carefully designed data with a priori known answer. # a, b, c, d, rep = xalglib.logisticfit4(x, y, n) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, -1.000, "real", 0.01) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(b, 1.200, "real", 0.01) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, 0.900, "real", 0.01) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(d, 1.000, "real", 0.01) # # Evaluate model at point x=0.5 # v = xalglib.logisticcalc4(0.5, a, b, c, d) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, -0.33874308, "real", 0.001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("lsfit_t_4pl FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST lsfit_t_5pl # 5-parameter logistic fitting # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,8): try: x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0.1949776139,0.5710060208,0.726002637,0.8060434158,0.8534547965,0.8842071579,0.9054773317,0.9209088299] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) n = 8 # # Test logisticfit5() on carefully designed data with a priori known answer. # a, b, c, d, g, rep = xalglib.logisticfit5(x, y, n) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, -1.000, "real", 0.01) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(b, 1.200, "real", 0.01) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, 0.900, "real", 0.01) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(d, 1.000, "real", 0.01) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(g, 1.200, "real", 0.01) # # Evaluate model at point x=0.5 # v = xalglib.logisticcalc5(0.5, a, b, c, d, g) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, -0.2354656824, "real", 0.001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("lsfit_t_5pl FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST spline2d_bilinear # Bilinear spline interpolation # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,16): try: # # We use bilinear spline to interpolate f(x,y)=x^2+2*y^2 sampled # at (x,y) from [0.0, 0.5, 1.0] X [0.0, 1.0]. # x = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0.0, 1.0] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) f = [0.00,0.25,1.00,2.00,2.25,3.00] if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_nan(f) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_posinf(f) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_neginf(f) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(f) vx = 0.25 if _spoil_scenario==12: vx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==13: vx = float("-inf") vy = 0.50 if _spoil_scenario==14: vy = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==15: vy = float("-inf") # build spline s = xalglib.spline2dbuildbilinearv(x, 3, y, 2, f, 1) # calculate S(0.25,0.50) v = xalglib.spline2dcalc(s, vx, vy) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 1.1250, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("spline2d_bilinear FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST spline2d_bicubic # Bilinear spline interpolation # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,16): try: # # We use bilinear spline to interpolate f(x,y)=x^2+2*y^2 sampled # at (x,y) from [0.0, 0.5, 1.0] X [0.0, 1.0]. # x = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0.0, 1.0] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) f = [0.00,0.25,1.00,2.00,2.25,3.00] if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_nan(f) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_posinf(f) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_neginf(f) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(f) vx = 0.25 if _spoil_scenario==12: vx = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==13: vx = float("-inf") vy = 0.50 if _spoil_scenario==14: vy = float("+inf") if _spoil_scenario==15: vy = float("-inf") # build spline s = xalglib.spline2dbuildbicubicv(x, 3, y, 2, f, 1) # calculate S(0.25,0.50) v = xalglib.spline2dcalc(s, vx, vy) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 1.0625, "real", 0.00005) # calculate derivatives v, dx, dy, dxy = xalglib.spline2ddiff(s, vx, vy) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 1.0625, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(dx, 0.5000, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(dy, 2.0000, "real", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("spline2d_bicubic FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST spline2d_unpack # Unpacking bilinear spline # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,12): try: # # We build bilinear spline for f(x,y)=x+2*y+3*xy for (x,y) in [0,1]. # Then we demonstrate how to unpack it. # x = [0.0, 1.0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0.0, 1.0] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) f = [0.00,1.00,2.00,6.00] if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_nan(f) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_posinf(f) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_neginf(f) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(f) # build spline s = xalglib.spline2dbuildbilinearv(x, 2, y, 2, f, 1) # unpack and test m, n, d, c = xalglib.spline2dunpackv(s) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[0, 1, 0, 1, 0,2,0,0, 1,3,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0 ]], "real_matrix", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("spline2d_unpack FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST spline2d_copytrans # Copy and transform # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,16): try: # # We build bilinear spline for f(x,y)=x+2*y for (x,y) in [0,1]. # Then we apply several transformations to this spline. # x = [0.0, 1.0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0.0, 1.0] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) f = [0.00,1.00,2.00,3.00] if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_nan(f) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_posinf(f) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_neginf(f) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(f) s = xalglib.spline2dbuildbilinearv(x, 2, y, 2, f, 1) # copy spline, apply transformation x:=2*xnew, y:=4*ynew # evaluate at (xnew,ynew) = (0.25,0.25) - should be same as (x,y)=(0.5,1.0) snew = xalglib.spline2dcopy(s) xalglib.spline2dlintransxy(snew, 2.0, 0.0, 4.0, 0.0) v = xalglib.spline2dcalc(snew, 0.25, 0.25) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.500, "real", 0.00005) # copy spline, apply transformation SNew:=2*S+3 snew = xalglib.spline2dcopy(s) xalglib.spline2dlintransf(snew, 2.0, 3.0) v = xalglib.spline2dcalc(snew, 0.5, 1.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 8.000, "real", 0.00005) # # Same example, but for vector spline (f0,f1) = {x+2*y, 2*x+y} # f2 = [0.00,0.00, 1.00,2.00, 2.00,1.00, 3.00,3.00] if _spoil_scenario==12: spoil_vec_by_nan(f2) if _spoil_scenario==13: spoil_vec_by_posinf(f2) if _spoil_scenario==14: spoil_vec_by_neginf(f2) if _spoil_scenario==15: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(f2) s = xalglib.spline2dbuildbilinearv(x, 2, y, 2, f2, 2) # copy spline, apply transformation x:=2*xnew, y:=4*ynew snew = xalglib.spline2dcopy(s) xalglib.spline2dlintransxy(snew, 2.0, 0.0, 4.0, 0.0) vr = xalglib.spline2dcalcv(snew, 0.25, 0.25) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(vr, [2.500,2.000], "real_vector", 0.00005) # copy spline, apply transformation SNew:=2*S+3 snew = xalglib.spline2dcopy(s) xalglib.spline2dlintransf(snew, 2.0, 3.0) vr = xalglib.spline2dcalcv(snew, 0.5, 1.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(vr, [8.000,7.000], "real_vector", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("spline2d_copytrans FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST spline2d_vector # Copy and transform # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,12): try: # # We build bilinear vector-valued spline (f0,f1) = {x+2*y, 2*x+y} # Spline is built using function values at 2x2 grid: (x,y)=[0,1]*[0,1] # Then we perform evaluation at (x,y)=(0.1,0.3) # x = [0.0, 1.0] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(x) y = [0.0, 1.0] if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_vec_by_nan(y) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_posinf(y) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_vec_by_neginf(y) if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(y) f = [0.00,0.00, 1.00,2.00, 2.00,1.00, 3.00,3.00] if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_nan(f) if _spoil_scenario==9: spoil_vec_by_posinf(f) if _spoil_scenario==10: spoil_vec_by_neginf(f) if _spoil_scenario==11: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(f) s = xalglib.spline2dbuildbilinearv(x, 2, y, 2, f, 2) vr = xalglib.spline2dcalcv(s, 0.1, 0.3) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(vr, [0.700,0.500], "real_vector", 0.00005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("spline2d_vector FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST rbf_d_hrbf # Simple model built with HRBF algorithm # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # This example illustrates basic concepts of the RBF models: creation, modification, # evaluation. # # Suppose that we have set of 2-dimensional points with associated # scalar function values, and we want to build a RBF model using # our data. # # NOTE: we can work with 3D models too :) # # Typical sequence of steps is given below: # 1. we create RBF model object # 2. we attach our dataset to the RBF model and tune algorithm settings # 3. we rebuild RBF model using QNN algorithm on new data # 4. we use RBF model (evaluate, serialize, etc.) # # # Step 1: RBF model creation. # # We have to specify dimensionality of the space (2 or 3) and # dimensionality of the function (scalar or vector). # # New model is empty - it can be evaluated, # but we just get zero value at any point. # model = xalglib.rbfcreate(2, 1) v = xalglib.rbfcalc2(model, 0.0, 0.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 0.000, "real", 0.005) # # Step 2: we add dataset. # # XY contains two points - x0=(-1,0) and x1=(+1,0) - # and two function values f(x0)=2, f(x1)=3. # # We added points, but model was not rebuild yet. # If we call rbfcalc2(), we still will get 0.0 as result. # xy = [[-1,0,2],[+1,0,3]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) xalglib.rbfsetpoints(model, xy) v = xalglib.rbfcalc2(model, 0.0, 0.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 0.000, "real", 0.005) # # Step 3: rebuild model # # After we've configured model, we should rebuild it - # it will change coefficients stored internally in the # rbfmodel structure. # # We use hierarchical RBF algorithm with following parameters: # * RBase - set to 1.0 # * NLayers - three layers are used (although such simple problem # does not need more than 1 layer) # * LambdaReg - is set to zero value, no smoothing is required # xalglib.rbfsetalgohierarchical(model, 1.0, 3, 0.0) rep = xalglib.rbfbuildmodel(model) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 1, "int") # # Step 4: model was built # # After call of rbfbuildmodel(), rbfcalc2() will return # value of the new model. # v = xalglib.rbfcalc2(model, 0.0, 0.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.500, "real", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("rbf_d_hrbf FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST rbf_d_vector # Working with vector functions # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: # # Suppose that we have set of 2-dimensional points with associated VECTOR # function values, and we want to build a RBF model using our data. # # Typical sequence of steps is given below: # 1. we create RBF model object # 2. we attach our dataset to the RBF model and tune algorithm settings # 3. we rebuild RBF model using new data # 4. we use RBF model (evaluate, serialize, etc.) # # # Step 1: RBF model creation. # # We have to specify dimensionality of the space (equal to 2) and # dimensionality of the function (2-dimensional vector function). # # New model is empty - it can be evaluated, # but we just get zero value at any point. # model = xalglib.rbfcreate(2, 2) x = [+1,+1] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(x) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(x) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(x) y = xalglib.rbfcalc(model, x) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(y, [0.000,0.000], "real_vector", 0.005) # # Step 2: we add dataset. # # XY arrays containt four points: # * (x0,y0) = (+1,+1), f(x0,y0)=(0,-1) # * (x1,y1) = (+1,-1), f(x1,y1)=(-1,0) # * (x2,y2) = (-1,-1), f(x2,y2)=(0,+1) # * (x3,y3) = (-1,+1), f(x3,y3)=(+1,0) # xy = [[+1,+1,0,-1],[+1,-1,-1,0],[-1,-1,0,+1],[-1,+1,+1,0]] if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) xalglib.rbfsetpoints(model, xy) # We added points, but model was not rebuild yet. # If we call rbfcalc(), we still will get 0.0 as result. y = xalglib.rbfcalc(model, x) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(y, [0.000,0.000], "real_vector", 0.005) # # Step 3: rebuild model # # We use hierarchical RBF algorithm with following parameters: # * RBase - set to 1.0 # * NLayers - three layers are used (although such simple problem # does not need more than 1 layer) # * LambdaReg - is set to zero value, no smoothing is required # # After we've configured model, we should rebuild it - # it will change coefficients stored internally in the # rbfmodel structure. # xalglib.rbfsetalgohierarchical(model, 1.0, 3, 0.0) rep = xalglib.rbfbuildmodel(model) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 1, "int") # # Step 4: model was built # # After call of rbfbuildmodel(), rbfcalc() will return # value of the new model. # y = xalglib.rbfcalc(model, x) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(y, [0.000,-1.000], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("rbf_d_vector FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST rbf_d_polterm # RBF models - working with polynomial term # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # This example show how to work with polynomial term # # Suppose that we have set of 2-dimensional points with associated # scalar function values, and we want to build a RBF model using # our data. # # We use hierarchical RBF algorithm with following parameters: # * RBase - set to 1.0 # * NLayers - three layers are used (although such simple problem # does not need more than 1 layer) # * LambdaReg - is set to zero value, no smoothing is required # xy = [[-1,0,2],[+1,0,3]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) model = xalglib.rbfcreate(2, 1) xalglib.rbfsetpoints(model, xy) xalglib.rbfsetalgohierarchical(model, 1.0, 3, 0.0) # # By default, RBF model uses linear term. It means that model # looks like # f(x,y) = SUM(RBF[i]) + a*x + b*y + c # where RBF[i] is I-th radial basis function and a*x+by+c is a # linear term. Having linear terms in a model gives us: # (1) improved extrapolation properties # (2) linearity of the model when data can be perfectly fitted # by the linear function # (3) linear asymptotic behavior # # Our simple dataset can be modelled by the linear function # f(x,y) = 0.5*x + 2.5 # and rbfbuildmodel() with default settings should preserve this # linearity. # rep = xalglib.rbfbuildmodel(model) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 1, "int") nx, ny, xwr, nc, c, modelversion = xalglib.rbfunpack(model) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[0.500,0.000,2.500]], "real_matrix", 0.005) # asymptotic behavior of our function is linear v = xalglib.rbfcalc2(model, 1000.0, 0.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 502.50, "real", 0.05) # # Instead of linear term we can use constant term. In this case # we will get model which has form # f(x,y) = SUM(RBF[i]) + c # where RBF[i] is I-th radial basis function and c is a constant, # which is equal to the average function value on the dataset. # # Because we've already attached dataset to the model the only # thing we have to do is to call rbfsetconstterm() and then # rebuild model with rbfbuildmodel(). # xalglib.rbfsetconstterm(model) rep = xalglib.rbfbuildmodel(model) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 1, "int") nx, ny, xwr, nc, c, modelversion = xalglib.rbfunpack(model) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[0.000,0.000,2.500]], "real_matrix", 0.005) # asymptotic behavior of our function is constant v = xalglib.rbfcalc2(model, 1000.0, 0.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.500, "real", 0.005) # # Finally, we can use zero term. Just plain RBF without polynomial # part: # f(x,y) = SUM(RBF[i]) # where RBF[i] is I-th radial basis function. # xalglib.rbfsetzeroterm(model) rep = xalglib.rbfbuildmodel(model) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 1, "int") nx, ny, xwr, nc, c, modelversion = xalglib.rbfunpack(model) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(c, [[0.000,0.000,0.000]], "real_matrix", 0.005) # asymptotic behavior of our function is just zero constant v = xalglib.rbfcalc2(model, 1000.0, 0.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 0.000, "real", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("rbf_d_polterm FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST rbf_d_serialize # Serialization/unserialization # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,3): try: # # This example show how to serialize and unserialize RBF model # # Suppose that we have set of 2-dimensional points with associated # scalar function values, and we want to build a RBF model using # our data. Then we want to serialize it to string and to unserialize # from string, loading to another instance of RBF model. # # Here we assume that you already know how to create RBF models. # xy = [[-1,0,2],[+1,0,3]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(xy) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(xy) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(xy) # model initialization model0 = xalglib.rbfcreate(2, 1) xalglib.rbfsetpoints(model0, xy) xalglib.rbfsetalgohierarchical(model0, 1.0, 3, 0.0) rep = xalglib.rbfbuildmodel(model0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 1, "int") # # Serialization - it looks easy, # but you should carefully read next section. # s = xalglib.rbfserialize(model0) model1 = xalglib.rbfunserialize(s) # both models return same value v = xalglib.rbfcalc2(model0, 0.0, 0.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.500, "real", 0.005) v = xalglib.rbfcalc2(model1, 0.0, 0.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.500, "real", 0.005) # # Previous section shows that model state is saved/restored during # serialization. However, some properties are NOT serialized. # # Serialization saves/restores RBF model, but it does NOT saves/restores # settings which were used to build current model. In particular, dataset # which was used to build model, is not preserved. # # What does it mean in for us? # # Do you remember this sequence: rbfcreate-rbfsetpoints-rbfbuildmodel? # First step creates model, second step adds dataset and tunes model # settings, third step builds model using current dataset and model # construction settings. # # If you call rbfbuildmodel() without calling rbfsetpoints() first, you # will get empty (zero) RBF model. In our example, model0 contains # dataset which was added by rbfsetpoints() call. However, model1 does # NOT contain dataset - because dataset is NOT serialized. # # This, if we call rbfbuildmodel(model0,rep), we will get same model, # which returns 2.5 at (x,y)=(0,0). However, after same call model1 will # return zero - because it contains RBF model (coefficients), but does NOT # contain dataset which was used to build this model. # # Basically, it means that: # * serialization of the RBF model preserves anything related to the model # EVALUATION # * but it does NOT creates perfect copy of the original object. # rep = xalglib.rbfbuildmodel(model0) v = xalglib.rbfcalc2(model0, 0.0, 0.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 2.500, "real", 0.005) rep = xalglib.rbfbuildmodel(model1) v = xalglib.rbfcalc2(model1, 0.0, 0.0) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(v, 0.000, "real", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("rbf_d_serialize FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matdet_d_1 # Determinant calculation, real matrix, short form # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,7): try: b = [[1,2],[2,1]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_adding_row(b) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_adding_col(b) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(b) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(b) a = xalglib.rmatrixdet(b) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, -3, "real", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matdet_d_1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matdet_d_2 # Determinant calculation, real matrix, full form # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,5): try: b = [[5,4],[4,5]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(b) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(b) a = xalglib.rmatrixdet(b, 2) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, 9, "real", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matdet_d_2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matdet_d_3 # Determinant calculation, complex matrix, short form # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,7): try: b = [[1+1j,2],[2,1-1j]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_adding_row(b) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_adding_col(b) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(b) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(b) a = xalglib.cmatrixdet(b) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, -2, "complex", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matdet_d_3 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matdet_d_4 # Determinant calculation, complex matrix, full form # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,5): try: b = [[5j,4],[4j,5]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(b) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(b) a = xalglib.cmatrixdet(b, 2) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, 9j, "complex", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matdet_d_4 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matdet_d_5 # Determinant calculation, complex matrix with zero imaginary part, short form # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,7): try: b = [[9,1],[2,1]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_adding_row(b) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_adding_col(b) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(b) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(b) a = xalglib.cmatrixdet(b) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, 7, "complex", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matdet_d_5 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matdet_t_0 # Determinant calculation, real matrix, full form # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,5): try: b = [[3,4],[-4,3]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(b) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(b) a = xalglib.rmatrixdet(b, 2) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, 25, "real", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matdet_t_0 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matdet_t_1 # Determinant calculation, real matrix, LU, short form # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,9): try: b = [[1,2],[2,5]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_adding_row(b) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_adding_col(b) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(b) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(b) p = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(p) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(p) a = xalglib.rmatrixludet(b, p) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, -5, "real", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matdet_t_1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matdet_t_2 # Determinant calculation, real matrix, LU, full form # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: b = [[5,4],[4,5]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(b) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(b) p = [0,1] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(p) a = xalglib.rmatrixludet(b, p, 2) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, 25, "real", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matdet_t_2 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matdet_t_3 # Determinant calculation, complex matrix, full form # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,5): try: b = [[5j,4],[-4,5j]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(b) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(b) a = xalglib.cmatrixdet(b, 2) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, -9, "complex", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matdet_t_3 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matdet_t_4 # Determinant calculation, complex matrix, LU, short form # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,9): try: b = [[1,2],[2,5j]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_adding_row(b) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_adding_col(b) if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(b) if _spoil_scenario==6: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(b) p = [1,1] if _spoil_scenario==7: spoil_vec_by_adding_element(p) if _spoil_scenario==8: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(p) a = xalglib.cmatrixludet(b, p) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, -5j, "complex", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matdet_t_4 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST matdet_t_5 # Determinant calculation, complex matrix, LU, full form # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,6): try: b = [[5,4j],[4,5]] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_mat_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_mat_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_mat_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_mat_by_deleting_row(b) if _spoil_scenario==4: spoil_mat_by_deleting_col(b) p = [0,1] if _spoil_scenario==5: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(p) a = xalglib.cmatrixludet(b, p, 2) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(a, 25, "complex", 0.0001) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("matdet_t_5 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult # # TEST lincg_d_1 # Solution of sparse linear systems with CG # _TestResult = True for _spoil_scenario in range(-1,4): try: # # This example illustrates solution of sparse linear systems with # conjugate gradient method. # # Suppose that we have linear system A*x=b with sparse symmetric # positive definite A (represented by sparsematrix object) # [ 5 1 ] # [ 1 7 2 ] # A = [ 2 8 1 ] # [ 1 4 1 ] # [ 1 4 ] # and right part b # [ 7 ] # [ 17 ] # b = [ 14 ] # [ 10 ] # [ 6 ] # and we want to solve this system using sparse linear CG. In order # to do so, we have to create left part (sparsematrix object) and # right part (dense array). # # Initially, sparse matrix is created in the Hash-Table format, # which allows easy initialization, but do not allow matrix to be # used in the linear solvers. So after construction you should convert # sparse matrix to CRS format (one suited for linear operations). # # It is important to note that in our example we initialize full # matrix A, both lower and upper triangles. However, it is symmetric # and sparse solver needs just one half of the matrix. So you may # save about half of the space by filling only one of the triangles. # a = xalglib.sparsecreate(5, 5) xalglib.sparseset(a, 0, 0, 5.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 0, 1, 1.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 1, 0, 1.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 1, 1, 7.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 1, 2, 2.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 2, 1, 2.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 2, 2, 8.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 2, 3, 1.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 3, 2, 1.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 3, 3, 4.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 3, 4, 1.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 4, 3, 1.0) xalglib.sparseset(a, 4, 4, 4.0) # # Now our matrix is fully initialized, but we have to do one more # step - convert it from Hash-Table format to CRS format (see # documentation on sparse matrices for more information about these # formats). # # If you omit this call, ALGLIB will generate exception on the first # attempt to use A in linear operations. # xalglib.sparseconverttocrs(a) # # Initialization of the right part # b = [7,17,14,10,6] if _spoil_scenario==0: spoil_vec_by_nan(b) if _spoil_scenario==1: spoil_vec_by_posinf(b) if _spoil_scenario==2: spoil_vec_by_neginf(b) if _spoil_scenario==3: spoil_vec_by_deleting_element(b) # # Now we have to create linear solver object and to use it for the # solution of the linear system. # # NOTE: lincgsolvesparse() accepts additional parameter which tells # what triangle of the symmetric matrix should be used - upper # or lower. Because we've filled both parts of the matrix, we # can use any part - upper or lower. # s = xalglib.lincgcreate(5) xalglib.lincgsolvesparse(s, a, True, b) x, rep = xalglib.lincgresults(s) _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(rep.terminationtype, 1, "int") _TestResult = _TestResult and doc_print_test(x, [1.000,2.000,1.000,2.000,1.000], "real_vector", 0.005) _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario==-1) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): _TestResult = _TestResult and (_spoil_scenario!=-1) except: raise if not _TestResult: sys.stdout.write("lincg_d_1 FAILED\n") sys.stdout.flush() _TotalResult = _TotalResult and _TestResult sys.stdout.write("145/145\n") except Exception as e: sys.stdout.write("Unhandled exception was raised!\n") sys.stdout.write("MESSAGE: ") sys.stdout.write(str(e)) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.exit(1) if _TotalResult: sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit(1)