1 | @* HeuristicLab
2 | * Copyright (C) 2002-2013 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
3 | *
4 | * This file is part of HeuristicLab.
5 | *
6 | * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 | * (at your option) any later version.
10 | *
11 | * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 | *
16 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 | * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 | *@
19 |
20 | @helper AjaxDataRenderer()
21 | {
22 | <script>
23 | var ajaxDataRenderer = function (url, plot, options) {
24 | var ret = null;
25 | $.ajax({
26 | async: false,
27 | url: url,
28 | dataType: "json",
29 | success: function (data) {
30 | ret = data;
31 | }
32 | });
33 | return ret;
34 | };
35 | </script>
36 | }
37 |
38 | @helper LineChartTime(string destinationTag, string url, string title = "", double? minY = null, double? maxY = null, string axisYFormat = null)
39 | {
40 | <script>
41 | var @(destinationTag)Plot = $.jqplot("@destinationTag", "@url", {
42 | title: "@title",
43 | highlighter: {
44 | show: true,
45 | sizeAdjust: 7.5
46 | },
47 | seriesDefaults: {
48 | markerOptions: { show: false }
49 | },
50 | dataRenderer: ajaxDataRenderer,
51 | axes: {
52 | xaxis: {
53 | renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
54 | pad: 0
55 | },
56 | yaxis: {
57 | @if (axisYFormat != null)
58 | {<text>
59 | tickOptions: {
60 | formatString: "@axisYFormat",
61 | },
62 | </text>}
63 | autoscale: true,
64 | pad: 0,
65 | @if (minY != null)
66 | {
67 | @:min: @minY,
68 | }
69 | @if (maxY != null)
70 | {
71 | @:max: @maxY,
72 | }
73 | },
74 | },
75 | gridPadding: { left: 50, right: 10 },
76 | cursor: {
77 | show: true,
78 | showTooltip: false,
79 | zoom: true,
80 | clickReset: false,
81 | dblClickReset: false,
82 | constrainZoomTo: 'x'
83 | }
84 | });
85 |
86 | $(window).resize(function() {
87 | @(destinationTag)Plot.replot({ resetAxes: true });
88 | });
89 | </script>
90 | }
91 |
92 | @helper RefreshChart(string destinationTag, string url, string startDate, string endDate, double? minY = null, double? maxY = null)
93 | {
94 | <text>
95 | $.ajax({url: "@(new HtmlString(url))?start=" + @startDate + "&end=" + @endDate, datatype: "json", success: function(result) {
96 | for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
97 | @(destinationTag)Plot.series[i].data = result[i];
98 | }
99 | //Resets only the xaxis, still need to resize y with given min/max
100 | @(destinationTag)Plot.replot({resetAxes:true});
101 | @if (minY != null)
102 | {
103 | //If min Y was provided set the plot's min Y value
104 | @:@(destinationTag)Plot.axes.yaxis.min = @minY;
105 | }
106 | @if (maxY != null)
107 | {
108 | //If max Y was provided set the plot's max Y value
109 | @:@(destinationTag)Plot.axes.yaxis.max = @maxY;
110 | }
111 | @(destinationTag)Plot.axes.yaxis.reset();
112 | //A final replot to redraw possible new Y axis values
113 | @(destinationTag)Plot.replot({resetAxes:['xaxis']});
114 | @* @(destinationTag)Plot.replot({ resetAxes:true });*@
115 | }});
116 | </text>
117 | }
118 |
119 | @helper ResizeCharts()
120 | {
121 | <text>
122 | function resizeCharts(caller) {
123 | //If current plot is collapsed
124 | if($(caller).css("display") == "none") {
125 | //Display the contents of chartContainer
126 | ResizeOpenClose($(caller).siblings(".collapse"));
127 | //Reset barWidth for bar charts
128 | $.each(window[caller.id].series, function(index, series) {
129 | series.barWidth = undefined;
130 | });
131 | //Replot the chart with same name as element id
132 | window[caller.id].replot({ resetAxes: false });
133 | //Hide the contents of the current div
134 | ResizeOpenClose($(caller).siblings(".collapse"));
135 | }
136 | //Current plot is expanded
137 | else {
138 | //Reset barWidth for bar charts
139 | $.each(window[caller.id].series, function(index, series) {
140 | series.barWidth = undefined;
141 | });
142 | //Replot the chart with same name as element id
143 | window[caller.id].replot({ resetAxes: false });
144 | }
145 | }
146 |
147 | $(window).resize(function() {
148 | $("div.jqplot-target",".chartContainer").each(function() {
149 | var potentialTab = $(this).parent().parent().parent();
150 | //If the section is tabular and currently hidden
151 | if(potentialTab.hasClass("tabSection") && potentialTab.css("display") == "none") {
152 | ResizeOpenCloseTabular(potentialTab);
153 | resizeCharts(this);
154 | ResizeOpenCloseTabular(potentialTab);
155 | }
156 | else {
157 | resizeCharts(this);
158 | }
159 | });
160 | });
161 | </text>
162 | }
163 |
164 | @helper NumberPages(string records, string limit, string container, string functionName, string currentPage = null)
165 | {
166 | <text>
167 | if(@(records).length > @limit) {
168 | var appendPages = '<section class="pageContainer"><label class="pageTitle">Page: </label>';
169 | var pages = Math.floor(@(records).length/@(limit)) + 1;
170 | for(var i=0; i < pages; i++) {
171 | appendPages += '<a id="@(container)Page' + (i + 1) + '" class="page">' + (i + 1) + '</a>';
172 | }
173 | appendPages += '</section>';
174 | $("#@container").append(appendPages);
175 | if(@currentPage != null) {
176 | $("#@(container)Page" + @currentPage).css('color','#F7921D');
177 | }
178 | else {
179 | $("#@(container)Page1").css('color','#F7921D');
180 | }
181 | $(".page").click(function () {
182 | pageNumber = $(this).html();
183 | @(functionName)();
184 | });
185 | if(@currentPage != null) {
186 | @(records).splice(0,(@(currentPage)-1)*@(limit));
187 | if (@(records).length > @(limit)) {
188 | @(records).splice(@(limit), @(records).length - @(limit));
189 | }
190 | }
191 | else {
192 | @(records).splice(@(limit), @(records).length - @(limit));
193 | }
194 | }
195 | </text>
196 | }
197 |
198 | @helper TaskContainers(string destinationTag, string url, string functionName, string userName, string limit, string startDate = null, string endDate = null, string jobId = null, string taskState = null, string pageNumber = null)
199 | {
200 | <text>
201 | var GetRequest = "?userName=" + @(userName);
202 | @if (startDate != null)
203 | {
204 | @:if(@(startDate)!=null) {
205 | @:GetRequest += "&start=" + @startDate;
206 | @:}
207 | }
208 | @if (endDate != null)
209 | {
210 | @:if(@(endDate)!=null) {
211 | @:GetRequest += "&end=" + @endDate;
212 | @:}
213 | }
214 | @if (jobId != null)
215 | {
216 | @:if(@(jobId)!=null) {
217 | @:GetRequest += "&jobId=" + @jobId;
218 | @:}
219 | }
220 | @if (taskState != null)
221 | {
222 | @:if(@(taskState)!=null) {
223 | @:GetRequest += "&taskState=" + @taskState;
224 | @:}
225 | }
226 | $.ajax({
227 | async: false, url: "@(new HtmlString(url))" + GetRequest, datatype: "json", success: function(result) {
228 | if(@(userName) == null) {
229 | $("#@(destinationTag)").append(
230 | '<section class="chartContainer">' +
231 | '<h1 class="title">Please select a user!</h1>' +
232 | '</section>'
233 | )
234 | }
235 | else if(result.length==0) {
236 | $("#@(destinationTag)").append(
237 | '<section class="chartContainer">' +
238 | '<h1 class="title">' + @userName + ' has no tasks for the specified filters!</h1>' +
239 | '</section>'
240 | )
241 | }
242 | else {
243 | //Checks if multipage display, if it is then trims results to
244 | //the results for the page to be displayed
245 | @ChartHelper.NumberPages("result", limit, destinationTag, functionName, pageNumber)
246 |
247 | //Set display of all errors to none, errors matching the tasks will be reset below
248 | $("#@(destinationTag)").find(".errorContainer, .errorTitle, .errorTask, .errorMessage").css('display','none');
249 |
250 | //Set variable for tracking jobId and open first job grouping
251 | var currentJob = result[0].JobId;
252 |
253 | //For each result create a seperate collapsable section with a chart and info label
254 | for(var i = 0; i < result.length; i++){
255 | if(currentJob != result[i].JobId || i == 0) {
256 | $("#@(destinationTag)").append(
257 | '<section class="jobTaskGroup" id="' + result[i].JobId + '">' +
258 | '<h1>' + result[i].JobName + '</h1>' +
259 | '<section class="chartContainer">' +
260 | '<h1 class="title" id="@(destinationTag)' + result[i].JobId + 'PlotTitle">Job Overview - ' + result[i].JobName + '</h1>' +
261 | '<button class="collapse" onclick="LoadJob(this)">+</button>' +
262 | '<div id="@(destinationTag)JobOverviewPlot' + i + '"></div>' +
263 | '<label id="@(destinationTag)JobOverviewPlotInfo' + i + '"></label>' +
264 | '</section>' +
265 | '</section>'
266 | );
267 | CollapsedByDefault(document.getElementById("@(destinationTag)JobOverviewPlot" + i));
268 | currentJob = result[i].JobId;
269 | }
270 | $("#" + currentJob).append(
271 | '<section class="chartContainer">' +
272 | '<h1 class="title" id="@(destinationTag)' + result[i].TaskId + 'PlotTitle">Task ' + result[i].TaskId + '</h1>' +
273 | '<button class="collapse" onclick="LoadTask(this)">+</button>' +
274 | '<div id="@(destinationTag)Plot' + i + '"></div>' +
275 | '<label id="@(destinationTag)PlotInfo' + i + '"></label>' +
276 | '<a id="' + result[i].TaskId + '" class="moreInfo" onclick="MoreTaskInfo(this)">More Info</a>' +
277 | '</section>'
278 | );
279 | //Re-enables the error display if any of the tasks on the page have Ids matching
280 | //those of errors
281 | $(".errorTask","#" + "@(destinationTag)").each(function() {
282 | if($(this).html()==result[i].TaskId) {
283 | $("#@(destinationTag)" + result[i].TaskId + "PlotTitle").css("color","red");
284 | $("#@(destinationTag)" + result[i].TaskId + "PlotTitle").append(" - ERROR");
285 | $(".errorContainer, .errorTitle, .underline","#@(destinationTag)").css('display','inline-block');
286 | $(this).css('display','inline-block');
287 | $(this).next().css('display','inline-block');
288 | }
289 | });
290 | CollapsedByDefault(document.getElementById("@(destinationTag)Plot" + i));
291 | }
292 | }
293 | }});
294 | </text>
295 | }
296 |
297 | @helper LoadJob(string url)
298 | {
299 | <text>
300 | function LoadJob(caller) {
301 | CheckFilters();
302 | if($(caller).next().html()=="") {
303 | var plotName = $(caller).next().attr('id');
304 | //Set current job id
305 | var jobId = $(caller).parent().parent().attr('id');
306 | var GetRequest = "?jobId=" + jobId;
307 |
308 | $.ajax({ async: false, url: "@(new HtmlString(url))" + GetRequest, datatype: "json", success: function(result) {
309 | CollapseSection(caller);
310 | var seriesDescription = ['Waiting','Transferring','Calculating','Finished','Error'];
311 | window[plotName] = $.jqplot(plotName, [[result.Wait],[result.Transfer],[result.Calculate],[result.Finish],[result.Error]], {
312 | seriesDefaults:{
313 | renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer,
314 | shadowAngle: 135,
315 | pointLabels: {show: true, formatString: '%.0f'}
316 | },
317 | series:[
318 | {label:seriesDescription[0]},
319 | {label:seriesDescription[1]},
320 | {label:seriesDescription[2]},
321 | {label:seriesDescription[3]},
322 | {label:seriesDescription[4]}
323 | ],
324 | legend: {
325 | show: true,
326 | location: 'e',
327 | placement: 'outside'
328 | },
329 | axes: {
330 | xaxis: {
331 | renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
332 | showLabel: false,
333 | pad: 0
334 | },
335 | yaxis: {
336 | padMax: 1.5
337 | }
338 | },
339 | cursor: {
340 | showTooltip: false
341 | }
342 | });
343 | /* Bind a datalistener to each chart and display details of clicked
344 | upon data in the label below the chart */
345 | $("#" + plotName).bind('jqplotDataClick', function (ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) {
346 | $(this).next("label").html("Tasks " + seriesDescription[seriesIndex] + ": " + data[1]);
347 | });
348 | }});
349 | }
350 | else {
351 | CollapseSection(caller);
352 | }
353 | }
354 | </text>
355 | }
356 |
357 | @helper LoadTask(string url)
358 | {
359 | <text>
360 | function LoadTask(caller) {
361 | CheckFilters();
362 | if($(caller).next().html()=="") {
363 | var plotName = $(caller).next().attr('id');
364 | //Set current slave id
365 | var currentTask = $(caller).siblings('a.moreInfo').attr('id');
366 | var GetRequest = "?taskId=" + currentTask;
367 |
368 | $.ajax({ async: false, url: "@(new HtmlString(url))" + GetRequest, datatype: "json", success: function(result) {
369 | var waitTime;
370 | var transferTime;
371 | var runTime;
372 | var seriesDescriptions = ["Time waiting","Time transferring","Time calculating"];
373 | CollapseSection(caller);
374 | for(i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
375 | waitTime = [result[i].TotalWaiting];
376 | transferTime = [result[i].TotalTransfer];
377 | runTime = [result[i].TotalRuntime];
378 | window[plotName] = $.jqplot(plotName, [waitTime,transferTime,runTime], {
379 | seriesDefaults:{
380 | renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer,
381 | shadowAngle: 135,
382 | pointLabels: {show: true, formatString: '%.3f'}
383 | },
384 | series:[
385 | {label:'Waiting'},
386 | {label:'Transferring'},
387 | {label:'Calculating'}
388 | ],
389 | legend: {
390 | show: true,
391 | location: 'e',
392 | placement: 'outside'
393 | },
394 | axes: {
395 | xaxis: {
396 | renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
397 | showLabel: false,
398 | pad: 0
399 | },
400 | yaxis: {
401 | pad: 0
402 | }
403 | },
404 | cursor: {
405 | showTooltip: false
406 | }
407 | });
408 | /* Bind a datalistener to each chart and display details of clicked
409 | upon data in the label below the chart */
410 | $("#" + plotName).bind('jqplotDataClick', function (ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) {
411 | $(this).next("label").html(seriesDescriptions[seriesIndex] + ": " + data[1].toFixed(4) + " seconds");
412 | });
413 | }
414 | }});
415 | }
416 | else {
417 | CollapseSection(caller);
418 | }
419 | }
420 | </text>
421 | }
422 |
423 | @helper SetStreamingProperties(int refresh, int chartLength, int upperY)
424 | {
425 | <text>
426 | //Refresh time (in millisec)
427 | var refreshRate = @(refresh);
428 | //Number of data points on chart
429 | var chartSize = @(chartLength);
430 | //Amount to add to max Y value
431 | var upperYBuffer = @(upperY);
432 |
433 | //Used to return a string containing the names of the series
434 | //to be used in plot creation
435 | function GetSeries(numberData,dataName){
436 | var result = "[";
437 | for(i=0; i < numberData; i++) {
438 | if(i < numberData -1) {
439 | result += dataName + i + ",";
440 | }
441 | else {
442 | result += dataName + i + "]";
443 | }
444 | }
445 | return result;
446 | }
447 | </text>
448 | }
449 |
450 | @helper CreateStreamChart(string dataName, string destinationTag, string url, string title, string format = null, double? maxY = null)
451 | {
452 | <text>
453 | //Get current time, used to create initial values
454 | var @(dataName)CurrentDate = (new Date()).getTime();
455 |
456 | var @(dataName)Data = [];
457 | var @(dataName)CurrentValue = [];
458 |
459 | //Get the most recent value(s) from the given URL
460 | $.ajax({
461 | async: false, url: '@(url)', datatype: "json", success: function (result) {
462 | for(i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
463 | @(dataName)CurrentValue[i] = result[i];
464 | }
465 | }
466 | });
467 |
468 | //Create a chartSize worth of data using CurrentDate and CurrentValue
469 | //for each CurrentValue
470 | for(i = 0; i < @(dataName)CurrentValue.length; i++) {
471 | window["@(dataName)Data" + i] = [];
472 | for (j = 0; j < chartSize; j++) {
473 | window[ "@(dataName)Data" + i].push([@(dataName)CurrentDate - (chartSize - 1 - j) * refreshRate, @(dataName)CurrentValue[i]]);
474 | }
475 | }
476 |
477 | //Options for the chart to be created
478 | var @(destinationTag)PlotOptions = {
479 | title: "@title",
480 | axes: {
481 | xaxis: {
482 | numberTicks: 4,
483 | renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
484 | tickOptions: { formatString: '%H:%M:%S' },
485 | min: window["@(dataName)Data" + 0][0][0],
486 | max: window["@(dataName)Data" + 0][window["@(dataName)Data" + 0].length - 1][0]
487 | },
488 | yaxis: {
489 | @if (format != null)
490 | {<text>
491 | tickOptions: {
492 | formatString: "@format",
493 | },
494 | </text>}
495 | min: 0,
496 | @if (maxY != null)
497 | {
498 | @:max: @maxY,
499 | }
500 | else
501 | {
502 | @:max: window["@(dataName)Data" + 0][window["@(dataName)Data" + 0].length - 1][1] + upperYBuffer,
503 | }
504 | numberTicks: 6
505 | }
506 | },
507 | seriesDefaults: {
508 | rendererOptions: { smooth: true },
509 | markerOptions: {
510 | show: false
511 | }
512 | }
513 | };
514 |
515 | //Declares the jqPlot variable, evals the string of series returned
516 | //from getSeries which allows for any number of series
517 | window[ "@(destinationTag)Plot"] = $.jqplot('@destinationTag', eval(GetSeries(@(dataName)CurrentValue.length,"@(dataName)Data")), @(destinationTag)PlotOptions);
518 | </text>
519 | }
520 |
521 | @helper UpdateStreamChart(string dataName, string destinationTag, string url, string fixedY = null)
522 | {
523 | <text>
524 | //If the data is beyond chartSize use shift to trim one off the end
525 | for(i = 0; i < @(dataName)CurrentValue.length; i++) {
526 | if (window["@(dataName)Data" + i].length > chartSize - 1) {
527 | window["@(dataName)Data" + i].shift();
528 | }
529 | }
530 |
531 | //Get the up-to-date data, each result assigned to it's own array
532 | $.ajax({
533 | async: false, url: '@(url)', datatype: "json", success: function (result) {
534 | for(i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
535 | window[ "@(dataName)Data" + i].push([(new Date()).getTime(), result[i]]);
536 | }
537 | }
538 | });
539 |
540 | //If the plot exists currently destroy it
541 | if ( @(destinationTag)Plot) {
542 | @(destinationTag)Plot.destroy();
543 | }
544 |
545 | //Assign series
546 | for(i = 0; i < @(dataName)CurrentValue.length; i++) {
547 | @(destinationTag)Plot.series[i].data = window["@(dataName)Data" + i];
548 | }
549 |
550 | //Recalculate x and possibly y axis max and mins
551 | @(destinationTag)PlotOptions.axes.xaxis.min = window["@(dataName)Data" + 0][0][0];
552 | @(destinationTag)PlotOptions.axes.xaxis.max = window["@(dataName)Data" + 0][window["@(dataName)Data" + 0].length - 1][0];
553 | @if (fixedY == null)
554 | {
555 | @:@(destinationTag)PlotOptions.axes.yaxis.max = window["@(dataName)Data" + 0][window["@(dataName)Data" + 0].length - 1][1] + upperYBuffer;
556 | }
557 |
558 | //Re-assigns the jqPlot variable, evals the string of series returned
559 | //from getSeries which allows for any number of series
560 | @(destinationTag)Plot = $.jqplot('@destinationTag', eval(GetSeries(@(dataName)CurrentValue.length,"@(dataName)Data")), @(destinationTag)PlotOptions);
561 | </text>
562 | }
563 |
564 | @helper SlaveContainers(string destinationTag, string url, string limit, bool singleSlave, string startDate = null, string endDate = null, string userName = null, string functionName = null, string pageNumber = null, string slaveId = null)
565 | {
566 | <text>
567 | var GetRequest = "";
568 | @if (startDate != null)
569 | {
570 | @:if(@(startDate)!=null) {
571 | @:if(GetRequest == "") {
572 | @:GetRequest += "?start=" + @startDate;
573 | @:}
574 | @:else {
575 | @:GetRequest += "&start=" + @startDate;
576 | @:}
577 | @:}
578 | }
579 | @if (endDate != null)
580 | {
581 | @:if(@(endDate)!=null) {
582 | @:if(GetRequest == "") {
583 | @:GetRequest += "?end=" + @endDate;
584 | @:}
585 | @:else {
586 | @:GetRequest += "&end=" + @endDate;
587 | @:}
588 | @:}
589 | }
590 | @if (userName != null)
591 | {
592 | @:if(@(userName)!=null) {
593 | @:if(GetRequest == "") {
594 | @:GetRequest += "?userName=" + @userName;
595 | @:}
596 | @:else {
597 | @:GetRequest += "&userName=" + @userName;
598 | @:}
599 | @:}
600 | }
601 | @if (slaveId != null)
602 | {
603 | @:if(@(slaveId)!=null) {
604 | @:if(GetRequest == "") {
605 | @:GetRequest += "?slaveId=" + @slaveId;
606 | @:}
607 | @:else {
608 | @:GetRequest += "&slaveId=" + @slaveId;
609 | @:}
610 | @:}
611 | }
612 | $.ajax({ async: false, url: "@(new HtmlString(url))" + GetRequest, datatype: "json", success: function(result) {
613 | //Set chart names for use in creation below, must be set identically in LoadSlave and ResizeSlaves
614 | var slaveChartNames = ["TotalUsedCores","TotalUsedMemory","CPUUtilization"];
615 |
616 | @if (!singleSlave) {
617 | @:$('#@(destinationTag)').html("");
618 |
619 | //Checks if multipage display, if it is then trims results to
620 | //the results for the page to be displayed
621 | @ChartHelper.NumberPages("result", limit, destinationTag, functionName, pageNumber)
622 |
623 |
624 | @:var destTag = "@(destinationTag)";
625 | }
626 | else {
627 | @:var destTag = @(destinationTag);
628 | }
629 |
630 | if(result.length == 0) {
631 | @if (!singleSlave)
632 | {
633 | @:$('#' + destTag).html("");
634 | }
635 | $('#' + destTag).append(
636 | '<section class="chartContainer">' +
637 | '<h1 class="title">No slave information for the specified filters!</h1>' +
638 | '</section>'
639 | )
640 | }
641 |
642 | for(i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
643 | $('#' + destTag).append(
644 | '<section class="chartContainer">' +
645 | '<h1 class="title" id="' + destTag + result[i][0].SlaveID + 'PlotTitle">Slave ' + result[i][0].ClientName + '</h1>' +
646 | '<button class="collapse" onclick="LoadSlave(this)">+</button>' +
647 | '<div id="' + destTag + slaveChartNames[0] + 'Plot' + result[i][0].SlaveID + '"></div>' +
648 | '<div id="' + destTag + slaveChartNames[1] + 'Plot' + result[i][0].SlaveID + '"></div>' +
649 | '<div id="' + destTag + slaveChartNames[2] + 'Plot' + result[i][0].SlaveID + '"></div>' +
650 | '<a id="' + result[i][0].SlaveID + '" class="moreInfo" onclick="MoreSlaveInfo(this)">More Info</a>' +
651 | '</section>');
652 | for(k = 0; k < slaveChartNames.length; k++) {
653 | CollapsedByDefault(document.getElementById(destTag + slaveChartNames[k] + "Plot" + result[i][0].SlaveID));
654 | }
655 | }
656 | }});
657 | </text>
658 | }
659 |
660 | @helper LoadSlave(string url, string limit, string startDate = null, string endDate = null, string userName = null, string pageNumber = null) {
661 | <text>
662 | function LoadSlave(caller) {
663 | CheckFilters();
664 | if($(caller).next().html()=="") {
665 | var destTag = $(caller).parent().parent().attr('id');
666 | //Set current slave id
667 | var currentSlave = $(caller).siblings('a.moreInfo').attr('id');
668 | var GetRequest = "?slaveId=" + currentSlave;
669 | @if (startDate != null)
670 | {
671 | @:if(@(startDate)!=null) {
672 | @:GetRequest += "&start=" + @startDate;
673 | @:}
674 | }
675 | @if (endDate != null)
676 | {
677 | @:if(@(endDate)!=null) {
678 | @:GetRequest += "&end=" + @endDate;
679 | @:}
680 | }
681 | @if (userName != null)
682 | {
683 | @:if(@(userName)!=null) {
684 | @:GetRequest += "&userName=" + @userName;
685 | @:}
686 | }
687 | $.ajax({ async: false, url: "@(new HtmlString(url))" + GetRequest, datatype: "json", success: function(result) {
688 | //Set chart names for use in creation below, must be set identically in SlaveContainers and ResizeSlaves
689 | var slaveChartNames = ["TotalUsedCores","TotalUsedMemory","CPUUtilization"];
690 | CollapseSection(caller);
691 | var time = new Date();
692 | var coreSeries = [];
693 | coreSeries[0] = [];
694 | coreSeries[1] = [];
695 | var memorySeries = [];
696 | memorySeries[0] = [];
697 | memorySeries[1] = [];
698 | var cpuSeries = [];
699 | cpuSeries[0] = [];
700 | for(i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
701 | time.setTime(result[i].Time.replace(/\D/g,''));
702 | coreSeries[0].push([time.toUTCString(),result[i].TotalCores]);
703 | coreSeries[1].push([time.toUTCString(),result[i].UsedCores]);
704 | memorySeries[0].push([time.toUTCString(),(result[i].TotalMemory / 1000)]);
705 | memorySeries[1].push([time.toUTCString(),(result[i].UsedMemory / 1000)]);
706 | cpuSeries[0].push([time.toUTCString(),result[i].CPUUtilization]);
707 | }
708 | if(result.length > 1) {
709 | @ChartHelper.LineChartGivenSeries("destTag + slaveChartNames[0]", "currentSlave", "coreSeries", "Total/Used Cores")
710 | @ChartHelper.LineChartGivenSeries("destTag + slaveChartNames[1]", "currentSlave", "memorySeries", "Total/Used Memory", 0)
711 | @ChartHelper.LineChartGivenSeries("destTag + slaveChartNames[2]", "currentSlave", "cpuSeries", "CPU Utilization", 0, 100, "%.1f%%")
712 | }
713 | else {
714 | @ChartHelper.BarChartGivenSeries("destTag + slaveChartNames[0]", "currentSlave", "coreSeries", "Total/Used Cores")
715 | @ChartHelper.BarChartGivenSeries("destTag + slaveChartNames[1]", "currentSlave", "memorySeries", "Total/Used Memory", 0)
716 | @ChartHelper.BarChartGivenSeries("destTag + slaveChartNames[2]", "currentSlave", "cpuSeries", "CPU Utilization", 0, 100, "%.1f%%")
717 | }
718 | }});
719 | }
720 | else {
721 | CollapseSection(caller);
722 | }
723 | }
724 | </text>
725 | }
726 |
727 | @helper LineChartGivenSeries(string destinationTag, string chartId, string series, string title, double? minY = null, double? maxY = null, string axisYFormat = null)
728 | {
729 | <text>
730 | window[@(destinationTag) + "Plot" + @(chartId)] = $.jqplot(@(destinationTag) + "Plot" + @(chartId), @series, {
731 | title: "@title",
732 | axes: {
733 | xaxis: {
734 | renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
735 | tickOptions:{formatString:'%b %#d, %y'},
736 | pad: 0
737 | },
738 | yaxis: {
739 | @if (axisYFormat != null)
740 | {
741 | <text>
742 | tickOptions: {
743 | formatString: "@axisYFormat"
744 | },
745 | </text>
746 | }
747 | pad: 0,
748 | @if (minY != null)
749 | {
750 | @:min: @minY,
751 | }
752 | @if (maxY != null)
753 | {
754 | @:max: @maxY,
755 | }
756 | }
757 | },
758 | gridPadding: { left: 50, right: 10 },
759 | cursor: {
760 | show: true,
761 | showTooltip: false,
762 | zoom: true,
763 | clickReset: false,
764 | dblClickReset: false,
765 | constrainZoomTo: 'x'
766 | }
767 | });
768 | </text>
769 | }
770 |
771 | @helper BarChartGivenSeries(string destinationTag, string chartId, string series, string title, double? minY = null, double? maxY = null, string axisYFormat = null)
772 | {
773 | <text>
774 | window[@(destinationTag) + "Plot" + @(chartId)] = $.jqplot(@(destinationTag) + "Plot" + @(chartId), @series, {
775 | title: "@title",
776 | seriesDefaults:{
777 | renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer,
778 | shadowAngle: 135,
779 | pointLabels: {show: true, formatString: '%.2f'}
780 | },
781 | axes: {
782 | xaxis: {
783 | renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
784 | tickOptions:{formatString:'%b %#d, %y'},
785 | pad: 0
786 | },
787 | yaxis: {
788 | @if (axisYFormat != null)
789 | {
790 | <text>
791 | tickOptions: {
792 | formatString: "@axisYFormat"
793 | },
794 | </text>
795 | }
796 | pad: 0,
797 | @if (minY != null)
798 | {
799 | @:min: @minY,
800 | }
801 | @if (maxY != null)
802 | {
803 | @:max: @maxY,
804 | }
805 | }
806 | },
807 | gridPadding: { left: 50, right: 10 },
808 | cursor: {
809 | show: true,
810 | showTooltip: false,
811 | zoom: true,
812 | clickReset: false,
813 | dblClickReset: false,
814 | constrainZoomTo: 'x'
815 | }
816 | });
817 | </text>
818 | }
819 |
820 | @helper UserTasks(string url, string insertAfter, string taskState) {
821 | <text>
822 | var GetRequest = "?taskState=@(taskState)";
823 |
824 | $.ajax({ async: false, url: "@(new HtmlString(url))" + GetRequest, datatype: "json", success: function(result) {
825 | if(result.length==0) {
826 | $("@(insertAfter)").after(
827 | '<section class="chartContainer">' +
828 | '<h1 class="title">No users currently have any tasks ' + @(taskState) + '!</h1>' +
829 | '</section>'
830 | )
831 | }
832 | else {
833 | $("@(insertAfter)").after(
834 | '<section class="chartContainer">' +
835 | '<h1 class="title" id="UserTask@(taskState)PlotTitle">@(taskState) Tasks</h1>' +
836 | '<button class="collapse" onclick="CollapseSection(this)">-</button>' +
837 | '<div id="UserTask@(taskState)Plot" class="noXTicks"></div>' +
838 | '</section>'
839 | );
840 | }
841 | var userTasks = [];
842 | var userNames = [];
843 | for (i=0; i < result.length; i++) {
844 | userTasks[i] = [result[i].Value];
845 | userNames[i] = { label: result[i].Key };
846 | }
847 | window["UserTask@(taskState)Plot"] = $.jqplot("UserTask@(taskState)Plot", userTasks, {
848 | title: "Users with @(taskState) Tasks",
849 | seriesDefaults:{
850 | renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer,
851 | shadowAngle: 135,
852 | pointLabels: {show: true, formatString: '%.3f'}
853 | },
854 | series: userNames,
855 | legend: {
856 | show: true,
857 | location: 'e',
858 | placement: 'outside'
859 | },
860 | axes: {
861 | xaxis: {
862 | renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
863 | showTicks: false,
864 | pad: 0
865 | },
866 | yaxis: {
867 | padMax: 1.5
868 | }
869 | },
870 | cursor: {
871 | showTooltip: false
872 | }
873 | });
874 | }});
875 | </text>
876 | } |