using System; using System.Text; namespace SharpVectors.Dom.Svg { /// /// The SvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs interface corresponds to an "absolute smooth quadratic curveto" (T) path data command. /// public sealed class SvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs : SvgPathSegCurvetoQuadratic, ISvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs { #region constructors public SvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs(double x, double y) : base(SvgPathSegType.CurveToQuadraticSmoothAbs) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } #endregion #region SvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs Members private double x; /// /// The absolute X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. /// public double X { get { return x; } set { x = value; } } private double y; /// /// The absolute Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. /// public double Y { get { return y; } set { y = value; } } #endregion #region Public Methods public override SvgPointF QuadraticX1Y1 { get { SvgPathSeg prevSeg = PreviousSeg; if (prevSeg == null || !(prevSeg is SvgPathSegCurvetoQuadratic)) { return prevSeg.AbsXY; } else { SvgPointF prevXY = prevSeg.AbsXY; SvgPointF prevX1Y1 = ((SvgPathSegCurvetoQuadratic)prevSeg).QuadraticX1Y1; return new SvgPointF(2 * prevXY.X - prevX1Y1.X, 2 * prevXY.Y - prevX1Y1.Y); } } } public override SvgPointF AbsXY { get { return new SvgPointF(X, Y); } } public override SvgPointF CubicX1Y1 { get { SvgPointF prevPoint = PreviousSeg.AbsXY; SvgPointF x1y1 = QuadraticX1Y1; double x1 = prevPoint.X + (x1y1.X - prevPoint.X) * 2 / 3; double y1 = prevPoint.Y + (x1y1.Y - prevPoint.Y) * 2 / 3; return new SvgPointF(x1, y1); } } public override SvgPointF CubicX2Y2 { get { SvgPointF x1y1 = QuadraticX1Y1; double x2 = x1y1.X + (X - x1y1.X) / 3; double y2 = x1y1.Y + (Y - x1y1.Y) / 3; return new SvgPointF(x2, y2); } } public override string PathText { get { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(PathSegTypeAsLetter); sb.Append(X); sb.Append(","); sb.Append(Y); return sb.ToString(); } } #endregion } }