// niklas@protocol7.com
// 80
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using SharpVectors.Dom.Css;
namespace SharpVectors.Dom.Stylesheets
/// The StyleSheetList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of style sheets.
/// The items in the StyleSheetList are accessible via an integral index, starting from 0.
public sealed class StyleSheetList : IStyleSheetList
#region Private Fields
private List styleSheets;
private CssXmlDocument doc;
#region Constructors and Destructor
internal StyleSheetList(CssXmlDocument document)
doc = document;
XmlNodeList pis = document.SelectNodes("/processing-instruction()");
styleSheets = new List();
foreach (XmlProcessingInstruction pi in pis)
if (Regex.IsMatch(pi.Data, "type=[\"']text\\/css[\"']"))
styleSheets.Add(new CssStyleSheet(pi, CssStyleSheetType.Author));
styleSheets.Add(new StyleSheet(pi));
XmlNodeList styleNodes;
foreach(string[] name in document.styleElements)
styleNodes = document.SelectNodes(
"//*[local-name()='" + name[1] + "' and namespace-uri()='" + name[0] + "'][@type='text/css']");
foreach(XmlElement elm in styleNodes)
styleSheets.Add(new CssStyleSheet(elm, CssStyleSheetType.Author));
#region Public Methods
public void AddCssStyleSheet(CssStyleSheet ss)
/// Used to find matching style rules in the cascading order
/// The element to find styles for
/// The pseudo-element to find styles for
/// A CssStyleDeclaration that holds the collected styles
public void GetStylesForElement(XmlElement elt, string pseudoElt, CssCollectedStyleDeclaration csd)
GetStylesForElement(elt, pseudoElt, csd, doc.Media);
/// Used to find matching style rules in the cascading order
/// The element to find styles for
/// The pseudo-element to find styles for
/// The medialist that the document is using
/// A CssStyleDeclaration that holds the collected styles
internal void GetStylesForElement(XmlElement elt, string pseudoElt, CssCollectedStyleDeclaration csd, MediaList ml)
foreach (StyleSheet ss in styleSheets)
ss.GetStylesForElement(elt, pseudoElt, ml, csd);
#region IStyleSheetList Members
/// The number of StyleSheets in the list. The range of valid child stylesheet indices is 0 to length-1 inclusive.
public ulong Length
return (ulong)styleSheets.Count;
/// Used to retrieve a style sheet by ordinal index. If index is greater than or equal to the number of style sheets in the list, this returns null.
public IStyleSheet this[ulong index]
return styleSheets[(int)index];