// niklas@protocol7.com
// 80
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Xml;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SharpVectors.Xml;
using SharpVectors.Dom.Stylesheets;
namespace SharpVectors.Dom.Css
/// A XmlDocument with CSS support
public class CssXmlDocument : Document, IDocumentCss, ICssView
#region Private Fields
internal List styleElements = new List();
internal MediaList _currentMedia = new MediaList("all");
public CssStyleSheet UserAgentStyleSheet;
public CssStyleSheet UserStyleSheet;
private bool _static;
private StyleSheetList _StyleSheets;
private CssPropertyProfile _cssPropertyProfile = new CssPropertyProfile();
#region Constructors and Destructor
/// Initializes a new instance of CssXmlDocument
public CssXmlDocument()
: base()
/// Initializes a new instance of CssXmlDocument
/// The name table to use
public CssXmlDocument(XmlNameTable nt)
: base(nt)
#region Public Properties
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether this handles DOM dynamic changes.
/// Sometimes (when loading or rendering) this needs to be disabled.
/// See for more information about use
/// true if static; otherwise, false.
public bool Static
get { return _static; }
set { _static = value; }
public MediaList Media
return _currentMedia;
_currentMedia = value;
public CssPropertyProfile CssPropertyProfile
return _cssPropertyProfile;
_cssPropertyProfile = value;
public string Url
return BaseURI;
/// All the stylesheets associated with this document
public IStyleSheetList StyleSheets
if (_StyleSheets == null)
_StyleSheets = new StyleSheetList(this);
return _StyleSheets;
#region Public Methods
public override XmlElement CreateElement(string prefix, string localName, string ns)
return new CssXmlElement(prefix, localName, ns, this);
/// Loads a XML document, compare to XmlDocument.Load()
public override void Load(string filename)
using (StaticSection.Use(this))
// remove any hash (won't work for local files)
int hashStart = filename.IndexOf("#");
if (hashStart > -1)
filename = filename.Substring(0, hashStart);
public override void LoadXml(string xml)
using (StaticSection.Use(this))
// we use a stream here, only not to use SvgDocument.Load(XmlReader)
using (var xmlStream = new StringReader(xml))
//JR added in
public override void Load(XmlReader reader)
using (StaticSection.Use(this))
/// Adds a element type to be used as style elements (e.g. as in the HTML style element)
/// The namespace URI of the element
/// The local-name of the element
public void AddStyleElement(string ns, string localName)
styleElements.Add(new string[] { ns, localName });
/// Sets the user agent stylesheet for this document
/// The URI to the stylesheet
public void SetUserAgentStyleSheet(string href)
UserAgentStyleSheet = new CssStyleSheet(null, href, String.Empty, String.Empty, null, CssStyleSheetType.UserAgent);
/// Sets the user stylesheet for this document
/// The URI to the stylesheet
public void SetUserStyleSheet(string href)
UserStyleSheet = new CssStyleSheet(null, href, String.Empty, String.Empty, null, CssStyleSheetType.User);
public void AddStyleSheet(string href)
UserStyleSheet = new CssStyleSheet(null, href, String.Empty, String.Empty, null, CssStyleSheetType.User);
public WebResponse GetResource(Uri absoluteUri)
WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(absoluteUri);
WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
return response;
#region IDocumentCss Members
/// This method is used to retrieve the override style declaration for a specified element and a specified pseudo-element.
/// The element whose style is to be modified. This parameter cannot be null.
/// The pseudo-element or null if none.
/// The override style declaration.
public SharpVectors.Dom.Css.ICssStyleDeclaration GetOverrideStyle(System.Xml.XmlElement elt, string pseudoElt)
throw new NotImplementedException("CssXmlDocument.GetOverrideStyle()");
#region IViewCss Members
/// This method is used to get the computed style as it is defined in [CSS2].
/// The element whose style is to be computed. This parameter cannot be null.
/// The pseudo-element or null if none.
/// The computed style. The CSSStyleDeclaration is read-only and contains only absolute values.
public SharpVectors.Dom.Css.ICssStyleDeclaration GetComputedStyle(System.Xml.XmlElement elt, string pseudoElt)
if (elt == null) throw new NullReferenceException();
else if (!(elt is CssXmlElement)) throw new DomException(DomExceptionType.SyntaxErr, "element must of type CssXmlElement");
return ((CssXmlElement)elt).GetComputedStyle(pseudoElt);
#region Update handling
private void setupNodeChangeListeners()
XmlNodeChangedEventHandler handler = new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler(NodeChangedEvent);
NodeChanged += handler;
NodeInserted += handler;
//NodeRemoving += handler;
NodeRemoved += handler;
public void NodeChangedEvent(Object src, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args)
if (!Static)
#region Attribute updates
// xmlns:xml is auto-inserted whenever a selectNode is performed, we don't want those events
if (args.Node is XmlText && args.NewParent is XmlAttribute && args.NewParent.Name != "xmlns:xml")
XmlAttribute attr = args.NewParent as XmlAttribute;
CssXmlElement elm = attr.OwnerElement as CssXmlElement;
if (elm != null)
elm.AttributeChange(attr, args);
else if (args.Node is XmlAttribute && args.Node.Name != "xmlns:xml")
// the cause of the change is a XmlAttribute => happens during inserting or removing
CssXmlElement oldElm = args.OldParent as CssXmlElement;
if (oldElm != null) oldElm.AttributeChange(args.Node, args);
CssXmlElement newElm = args.NewParent as CssXmlElement;
if (newElm != null) newElm.AttributeChange(args.Node, args);
#region OnElementChange
if (args.Node is XmlText && args.NewParent is XmlElement)
CssXmlElement element = (CssXmlElement)args.NewParent;
element.ElementChange(src, args);
else if (args.Node is CssXmlElement)
if (args.Action == XmlNodeChangedAction.Insert || args.Action == XmlNodeChangedAction.Change)
// Changes to a child XML node may affect the sibling offsets (for example in tspan)
// By calling the parent's OnElementChange, invalidation will propogate back to Node
CssXmlElement newParent = (CssXmlElement)args.NewParent;
newParent.ElementChange(src, args);
if (args.Action == XmlNodeChangedAction.Remove)
// Removing a child XML node may affect the sibling offsets (for example in tspan)
CssXmlElement oldParent = (CssXmlElement)args.OldParent;
oldParent.ElementChange(src, args);