using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using SharpVectors.Dom.Stylesheets;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace SharpVectors.Dom.Css
/// The CSSStyleRule interface represents a single rule set in a CSS style sheet.
/// 80
public class CssStyleRule : CssRule,ICssStyleRule
#region Static members
internal static string nsPattern = @"([A-Za-z\*][A-Za-z0-9]*)?\|";
internal static string attributeValueCheck = "(?(" + nsPattern + ")?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)\\s*(?[\\~\\^\\$\\*\\|]?)=\\s*(\"|\')?(?.*?)(\"|\')?";
internal static string sSelector = "(?" + nsPattern + ")?" +
@"(?([A-Za-z\*][A-Za-z0-9]*))?" +
@"((?\.[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*)+)?" +
@"(?\#[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*)?" +
@"((?\[\s*(" +
@"(?(" + nsPattern + ")?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)" +
@"|" +
"(?" + attributeValueCheck + ")" +
@")\s*\])+)?" +
@"((?\:[a-z\-]+(\([^\)]+\))?)+)?" +
@"(?(\:\:[a-z\-]+)+)?" +
private static string sStyleRule = "^((?(" + sSelector + @")+)(\s*,\s*)?)+";
private static Regex regex = new Regex(sStyleRule);
internal static CssRule Parse(ref string css, object parent, bool readOnly,
IList replacedStrings, CssStyleSheetType origin)
Match match = regex.Match(css);
if(match.Success && match.Length > 0)
CssStyleRule rule = new CssStyleRule(match, parent, readOnly, replacedStrings, origin);
css = css.Substring(match.Length);
rule._Style = new CssStyleDeclaration(ref css, rule, readOnly, origin);
return rule;
return null;
#region Constructors
/// The constructor for CssStyleRule
/// The Regex match that found the charset rule
/// The parent rule or parent stylesheet
/// True if this instance is readonly
/// An array of strings that have been replaced in the string used for matching. These needs to be put back use the DereplaceStrings method
/// The type of CssStyleSheet
internal CssStyleRule(Match match, object parent, bool readOnly,
IList replacedStrings, CssStyleSheetType origin)
: base(parent, readOnly, replacedStrings, origin)
//SelectorText = DeReplaceStrings(match.Groups["selectors"].Value.Trim());
//_Style = new CssStyleDeclaration(match, this, readOnly, Origin);
Group selectorMatches = match.Groups["selector"];
int len = selectorMatches.Captures.Count;
ArrayList sels = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i 0)
sels.Add(new CssXPathSelector(str));
XPathSelectors = (CssXPathSelector[])sels.ToArray(typeof(CssXPathSelector));
#region Public methods
/// Used to find matching style rules in the cascading order
/// The element to find styles for
/// The pseudo-element to find styles for
/// The medialist that the document is using
/// A CssStyleDeclaration that holds the collected styles
protected internal override void GetStylesForElement(XmlElement elt, string pseudoElt, MediaList ml, CssCollectedStyleDeclaration csd)
XPathNavigator nav = elt.CreateNavigator();
foreach(CssXPathSelector sel in XPathSelectors)
// TODO: deal with pseudoElt
if(sel != null && sel.Matches(nav))
((CssStyleDeclaration)Style).GetStylesForElement(csd, sel.Specificity);
#region Private fields
private CssXPathSelector[] XPathSelectors;
#region Implementation of ICssStyleRule
/// The textual representation of the selector for the rule set. The implementation may have stripped out insignificant whitespace while parsing the selector.
/// SYNTAX_ERR: Raised if the specified CSS string value has a syntax error and is unparsable.
/// NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this rule is readonly
public string SelectorText
string ret = String.Empty;
foreach(CssXPathSelector sel in XPathSelectors)
ret += sel.CssSelector + ",";
return ret.Substring(0, ret.Length-1);
// TODO: invalidate
throw new NotImplementedException("setting SelectorText");
/// The entire text of the CssStyleRule
public override string CssText
return SelectorText + "{" + ((CssStyleDeclaration)Style).CssText + "}";
private CssStyleDeclaration _Style;
/// The declaration-block of this rule set.
public ICssStyleDeclaration Style
return _Style;
#region Implementation of ICssRule
/// The type of the rule. The expectation is that binding-specific casting methods can be used to cast down from an instance of the CSSRule interface to the specific derived interface implied by the type.
public override CssRuleType Type
return CssRuleType.StyleRule;