using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Security; using System.Security.AccessControl; using System.Text; using HeuristicLab.Common; namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.GrammaticalOptimization { public class SymbolicRegressionPoly10Problem : IProblem { // private const string grammarString = @" // G(E): // E -> V | V+E | V-E | V*E | (E) // V -> a .. j // "; private const string grammarString = @" G(E): E -> a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | j | a+E | b+E | c+E | d+E | e+E | f+E | g+E | h+E | j+E | a*E | b*E | c*E | d*E | e*E | f*E | g*E | h*E | j*E "; private readonly IGrammar grammar; private readonly ExpressionInterpreter interpreter; private readonly int N; private readonly double[][] x; private readonly double[] y; public SymbolicRegressionPoly10Problem() { this.grammar = new Grammar(grammarString); this.interpreter = new ExpressionInterpreter(); this.N = 500; this.x = new double[N][]; this.y = new double[N]; GenerateData(); } private void GenerateData() { // generate data with fixed seed to make sure that data is always the same var rand = new Random(31415); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { x[i] = new double[10]; for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { x[i][j] = rand.NextDouble() * 2 - 1; } // poly-10 no noise y[i] = x[i][0] * x[i][1] + x[i][2] * x[i][3] + x[i][4] * x[i][5] + x[i][0] * x[i][6] * x[i][8] + x[i][2] * x[i][5] * x[i][9]; } } public double GetBestKnownQuality(int maxLen) { // for now only an upper bound is returned, ideally we have an R² of 1.0 // the optimal R² can only be reached for sentences of at least 23 symbols return 1.0; } public IGrammar Grammar { get { return grammar; } } public double Evaluate(string sentence) { return RSq(y, Enumerable.Range(0, N).Select(i => interpreter.Interpret(sentence, x[i])).ToArray()); } private double RSq(IEnumerable xs, IEnumerable ys) { // two pass implementation, but we don't care var meanX = xs.Average(); var meanY = ys.Average(); var s = 0.0; var ssX = 0.0; var ssY = 0.0; foreach (var p in xs.Zip(ys, (x, y) => new { x, y })) { s += (p.x - meanX) * (p.y - meanY); ssX += Math.Pow(p.x - meanX, 2); ssY += Math.Pow(p.y - meanY, 2); } if (s.IsAlmost(0)) return 0; if (ssX.IsAlmost(0) || ssY.IsAlmost(0)) return 0; return s * s / (ssX * ssY); } // right now only + and * is supported public string Hash(string terminalPhrase) { var terms = terminalPhrase.Split('+'); return string.Join("+", terms.Select(term => string.Join("", term.Replace("*", "").OrderBy(ch => ch))) .OrderBy(term => term)); } } }