using System; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Security; using System.Security.AccessControl; using System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration; using System.Text; using AutoDiff; using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.Bandits; using HeuristicLab.Common; using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding; using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis; using HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances; using HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.DataAnalysis; namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.GrammaticalOptimization.SymbReg { // provides bridge to HL regression problem instances public class SymbolicRegressionProblem : ISymbolicExpressionTreeProblem { // C represents Koza-style ERC (the symbol is the index of the ERC), the values are initialized below private const string grammarString = @" G(E): E -> V | C | V+E | V-E | V*E | V%E | (E) | C+E | C-E | C*E | C%E C -> 0..9 V -> "; // when using constant opt optimal constants are generated in the evaluation step so we don't need them in the grammar private const string grammarConstOptString = @" G(E): E -> V | V+E | V*E | V%E | (E) V -> "; // S .. Sum (+), N .. Neg. sum (-), P .. Product (*), D .. Division (%) private const string treeGrammarString = @" G(E): E -> V | C | S | N | P | D S -> EE | EEE N -> EE | EEE P -> EE | EEE D -> EE C -> 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 V -> "; private const string treeGrammarConstOptString = @" G(E): E -> V | S | P | D S -> EE | EEE P -> EE | EEE D -> EE V -> "; // when we use constants optimization we can completely ignore all constants by a simple strategy: // introduce a constant factor for each complete term // introduce a constant offset for each complete expression (including expressions in brackets) // e.g. 1*(2*a + b - 3 + 4) is the same as c0*a + c1*b + c2 private readonly IGrammar grammar; private readonly int N; private readonly double[,] x; private readonly double[] y; private readonly int d; private readonly double[] erc; private readonly bool useConstantOpt; public string Name { get; private set; } public SymbolicRegressionProblem(Random random, string partOfName, bool useConstantOpt = true) { var instanceProviders = new RegressionInstanceProvider[] {new RegressionRealWorldInstanceProvider(), new HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.DataAnalysis.VariousInstanceProvider(), new KeijzerInstanceProvider(), new VladislavlevaInstanceProvider(), new NguyenInstanceProvider(), new KornsInstanceProvider(), }; var instanceProvider = instanceProviders.FirstOrDefault(prov => prov.GetDataDescriptors().Any(dd => dd.Name.Contains(partOfName))); if (instanceProvider == null) throw new ArgumentException("instance not found"); this.useConstantOpt = useConstantOpt; var dds = instanceProvider.GetDataDescriptors(); var problemData = instanceProvider.LoadData(dds.Single(ds => ds.Name.Contains(partOfName))); this.Name = problemData.Name; this.N = problemData.TrainingIndices.Count(); this.d = problemData.AllowedInputVariables.Count(); if (d > 26) throw new NotSupportedException(); // we only allow single-character terminal symbols so far this.x = new double[N, d]; this.y = problemData.Dataset.GetDoubleValues(problemData.TargetVariable, problemData.TrainingIndices).ToArray(); int i = 0; foreach (var r in problemData.TrainingIndices) { int j = 0; foreach (var inputVariable in problemData.AllowedInputVariables) { x[i, j++] = problemData.Dataset.GetDoubleValue(inputVariable, r); } i++; } // initialize ERC values erc = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(_ => Rand.RandNormal(random) * 10).ToArray(); char firstVar = 'a'; char lastVar = Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToByte('a') + d - 1); if (!useConstantOpt) { this.grammar = new Grammar(grammarString.Replace("", firstVar + " .. " + lastVar)); this.TreeBasedGPGrammar = new Grammar(treeGrammarString.Replace("", firstVar + " .. " + lastVar)); } else { this.grammar = new Grammar(grammarConstOptString.Replace("", firstVar + " .. " + lastVar)); this.TreeBasedGPGrammar = new Grammar(treeGrammarConstOptString.Replace("", firstVar + " .. " + lastVar)); } } public double BestKnownQuality(int maxLen) { // for now only an upper bound is returned, ideally we have an R² of 1.0 return 1.0; } public IGrammar Grammar { get { return grammar; } } public double Evaluate(string sentence) { var extender = new ExpressionExtender(); sentence = extender.CanonicalRepresentation(sentence); if (useConstantOpt) return OptimizeConstantsAndEvaluate(sentence); else { Debug.Assert(SimpleEvaluate(sentence) == SimpleEvaluate(extender.CanonicalRepresentation(sentence))); return SimpleEvaluate(sentence); } } public double SimpleEvaluate(string sentence) { var interpreter = new ExpressionInterpreter(); var rowData = new double[d]; return HeuristicLab.Common.Extensions.RSq(y, Enumerable.Range(0, N).Select(i => { for (int j = 0; j < d; j++) rowData[j] = x[i, j]; return interpreter.Interpret(sentence, rowData, erc); })); } public string CanonicalRepresentation(string phrase) { var extender = new ExpressionExtender(); return extender.CanonicalRepresentation(phrase); } public IEnumerable GetFeatures(string phrase) { // throw new NotImplementedException(); phrase = CanonicalRepresentation(phrase); return phrase.Split('+').Distinct().Select(t => new Feature(t, 1.0)); // return new Feature[] { new Feature(phrase, 1.0) }; } public double OptimizeConstantsAndEvaluate(string sentence) { AutoDiff.Term func; int n = x.GetLength(0); int m = x.GetLength(1); var compiler = new ExpressionCompiler(); Variable[] variables = Enumerable.Range(0, m).Select(_ => new Variable()).ToArray(); Variable[] constants; compiler.Compile(sentence, out func, variables, out constants); // constants are manipulated if (!constants.Any()) return SimpleEvaluate(sentence); AutoDiff.IParametricCompiledTerm compiledFunc = func.Compile(constants, variables); // variate constants leave variables fixed to data double[] c = constants.Select(_ => 1.0).ToArray(); // start with ones alglib.lsfitstate state; alglib.lsfitreport rep; int info; int k = c.Length; alglib.ndimensional_pfunc function_cx_1_func = CreatePFunc(compiledFunc); alglib.ndimensional_pgrad function_cx_1_grad = CreatePGrad(compiledFunc); const int maxIterations = 10; try { alglib.lsfitcreatefg(x, y, c, n, m, k, false, out state); alglib.lsfitsetcond(state, 0.0, 0.0, maxIterations); //alglib.lsfitsetgradientcheck(state, 0.001); alglib.lsfitfit(state, function_cx_1_func, function_cx_1_grad, null, null); alglib.lsfitresults(state, out info, out c, out rep); } catch (ArithmeticException) { return 0.0; } catch (alglib.alglibexception) { return 0.0; } //info == -7 => constant optimization failed due to wrong gradient if (info == -7) throw new ArgumentException(); { var rowData = new double[d]; return HeuristicLab.Common.Extensions.RSq(y, Enumerable.Range(0, N).Select(i => { for (int j = 0; j < d; j++) rowData[j] = x[i, j]; return compiledFunc.Evaluate(c, rowData); })); } } private static alglib.ndimensional_pfunc CreatePFunc(AutoDiff.IParametricCompiledTerm compiledFunc) { return (double[] c, double[] x, ref double func, object o) => { func = compiledFunc.Evaluate(c, x); }; } private static alglib.ndimensional_pgrad CreatePGrad(AutoDiff.IParametricCompiledTerm compiledFunc) { return (double[] c, double[] x, ref double func, double[] grad, object o) => { var tupel = compiledFunc.Differentiate(c, x); func = tupel.Item2; Array.Copy(tupel.Item1, grad, grad.Length); }; } public IGrammar TreeBasedGPGrammar { get; private set; } public string ConvertTreeToSentence(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); TreeToSentence(tree.Root.GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0), sb); return sb.ToString(); } private void TreeToSentence(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode treeNode, StringBuilder sb) { if (treeNode.SubtreeCount == 0) { // terminal sb.Append(treeNode.Symbol.Name); } else { string op = string.Empty; switch (treeNode.Symbol.Name) { case "S": op = "+"; break; case "N": op = "-"; break; case "P": op = "*"; break; case "D": op = "%"; break; default: { Debug.Assert(treeNode.SubtreeCount == 1); break; } } // nonterminal if (treeNode.SubtreeCount > 1) sb.Append("("); TreeToSentence(treeNode.Subtrees.First(), sb); foreach (var subTree in treeNode.Subtrees.Skip(1)) { sb.Append(op); TreeToSentence(subTree, sb); } if (treeNode.SubtreeCount > 1) sb.Append(")"); } } public void GenerateProblemSolutions(int maxLen) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public bool IsParentOfProblemSolution(string sentence, int maxLen) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } }