using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace Microsoft.Research.DynamicDataDisplay.ViewportConstraints
/// Represents a viewport constraint which modifies x coordinates of result visible rect to be adjacent to the right border of initial rect and have a fixed given width.
/// Probably is better to add to FitToViewConstraints collection of .
public class FollowWidthConstraint : ViewportConstraint
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
public FollowWidthConstraint() { }
/// Initializes a new instance of the class with the given width.
/// The width.
public FollowWidthConstraint(double width)
Width = width;
private double width = 1;
/// Gets or sets the width of result visible rectangle.
/// Default value is 1.0.
/// The width.
public double Width
get { return width; }
if (width != value)
width = value;
/// Applies the constraint.
/// Previous data rectangle.
/// Proposed data rectangle.
/// The viewport, to which current constraint is being applied.
/// New changed visible rectangle.
public override DataRect Apply(DataRect previousDataRect, DataRect proposedDataRect, Viewport2D viewport)
if (proposedDataRect.IsEmpty)
return proposedDataRect;
double followWidth = proposedDataRect.Width;
if (!viewport.UnitedContentBounds.IsEmpty)
followWidth = Math.Min(width, viewport.UnitedContentBounds.Width);
if (followWidth.IsInfinite())
followWidth = width;
Rect visible = new Rect(proposedDataRect.XMin + proposedDataRect.Width - followWidth, proposedDataRect.YMin, followWidth, proposedDataRect.Height);
return visible;