using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.Bandits; using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.Bandits.BanditPolicies; using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.Bandits.GrammarPolicies; using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.Bandits.Models; using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.GrammaticalOptimization; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using RandomPolicy = HeuristicLab.Algorithms.Bandits.BanditPolicies.RandomPolicy; namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.GrammaticalOptimization.Test { [TestClass] public class RunDemo { [TestMethod] public void RunGridTest() { int maxIterations = 20000; // for poly-10 with 50000 evaluations no successful try with hl yet //var globalRandom = new Random(31415); var localRandSeed = new Random().Next(); var reps = 20; var policyFactories = new Func[] { () => new RandomPolicy(), () => new ActiveLearningPolicy(), // () => new EpsGreedyPolicy(0.01, (aInfo)=> aInfo.MaxReward, "max"), // () => new EpsGreedyPolicy(0.05, (aInfo)=> aInfo.MaxReward, "max"), // () => new EpsGreedyPolicy(0.1, (aInfo)=> aInfo.MaxReward, "max"), // () => new EpsGreedyPolicy(0.2, (aInfo)=> aInfo.MaxReward, "max"), //() => new GaussianThompsonSamplingPolicy(), () => new GaussianThompsonSamplingPolicy(true), () => new GenericThompsonSamplingPolicy(new GaussianModel(0.5, 10, 1)), () => new GenericThompsonSamplingPolicy(new GaussianModel(0.5, 10, 1, 1)), //() => new BernoulliThompsonSamplingPolicy(), () => new GenericThompsonSamplingPolicy(new BernoulliModel(1, 1)), () => new EpsGreedyPolicy(0.01), () => new EpsGreedyPolicy(0.05), () => new EpsGreedyPolicy(0.1), () => new EpsGreedyPolicy(0.2), () => new EpsGreedyPolicy(0.5), () => new UCTPolicy(0.01), () => new UCTPolicy(0.05), () => new UCTPolicy(0.1), () => new UCTPolicy(0.5), () => new UCTPolicy(1), () => new UCTPolicy(2), () => new UCTPolicy( 5), () => new UCTPolicy( 10), () => new ModifiedUCTPolicy(0.01), () => new ModifiedUCTPolicy(0.05), () => new ModifiedUCTPolicy(0.1), () => new ModifiedUCTPolicy(0.5), () => new ModifiedUCTPolicy(1), () => new ModifiedUCTPolicy(2), () => new ModifiedUCTPolicy( 5), () => new ModifiedUCTPolicy( 10), () => new UCB1Policy(), () => new UCB1TunedPolicy(), () => new UCBNormalPolicy(), () => new BoltzmannExplorationPolicy(1), () => new BoltzmannExplorationPolicy(10), () => new BoltzmannExplorationPolicy(20), () => new BoltzmannExplorationPolicy(100), () => new BoltzmannExplorationPolicy(200), () => new BoltzmannExplorationPolicy(500), () => new ChernoffIntervalEstimationPolicy( 0.01), () => new ChernoffIntervalEstimationPolicy( 0.05), () => new ChernoffIntervalEstimationPolicy( 0.1), () => new ChernoffIntervalEstimationPolicy( 0.2), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(5, 0.01), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(5, 0.05), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(5, 0.1), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(5, 0.2), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(10, 0.01), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(10, 0.05), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(10, 0.1), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(10, 0.2), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(50, 0.01), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(50, 0.05), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(50, 0.1), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(50, 0.2), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(100, 0.01), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(100, 0.05), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(100, 0.1), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(100, 0.2), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(500, 0.01), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(500, 0.05), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(500, 0.1), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(500, 0.2), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(5000, 0.01), () => new ThresholdAscentPolicy(10000, 0.01), }; var instanceFactories = new Func>[] { //(rand) => Tuple.Create((IProblem)new SantaFeAntProblem(), 17), //(rand) => Tuple.Create((IProblem)new FindPhrasesProblem(rand, 10, numPhrases:5, phraseLen:3, numOptimalPhrases:5, numDecoyPhrases:0, correctReward:1, decoyReward:0, phrasesAsSets:false ), 15), //(rand) => Tuple.Create((IProblem)new FindPhrasesProblem(rand, 10, numPhrases:5, phraseLen:3, numOptimalPhrases:5, numDecoyPhrases:0, correctReward:1, decoyReward:0, phrasesAsSets:true ), 15), //(rand) => Tuple.Create((IProblem)new FindPhrasesProblem(rand, 10, numPhrases:5, phraseLen:3, numOptimalPhrases:5, numDecoyPhrases:200, correctReward:1, decoyReward:0.5, phrasesAsSets:false), 15), //(rand) => Tuple.Create((IProblem)new FindPhrasesProblem(rand, 10, numPhrases:5, phraseLen:3, numOptimalPhrases:5, numDecoyPhrases:200, correctReward:1, decoyReward:0.5, phrasesAsSets:true), 15), //(rand) => Tuple.Create((IProblem)new SymbolicRegressionPoly10Problem(), 23) (rand) => Tuple.Create((IProblem)new SantaFeAntProblem(), 17) }; foreach (var instanceFactory in instanceFactories) { foreach (var useCanonical in new bool[] { true /*, false */ }) { foreach (var randomTries in new int[] { 0 /*, 1, 10 /*, /* 5, 100 /*, 500, 1000 */}) { foreach (var policyFactory in policyFactories) { var myRandomTries = randomTries; var localRand = new Random(localRandSeed); var options = new ParallelOptions(); options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1; Parallel.For(0, reps, options, (i) => { Random myLocalRand; lock (localRand) myLocalRand = new Random(localRand.Next()); int iterations = 0; var globalStatistics = new SentenceSetStatistics(); // var problem = new SymbolicRegressionPoly10Problem(); // var problem = new SantaFeAntProblem(); //var problem = new PalindromeProblem(); //var problem = new HardPalindromeProblem(); //var problem = new RoyalPairProblem(); //var problem = new EvenParityProblem(); // var alg = new MctsSampler(problem.Item1, problem.Item2, myLocalRand, myRandomTries, policy()); var instance = instanceFactory(myLocalRand); var problem = instance.Item1; var maxLen = instance.Item2; var alg = new SequentialSearch(problem, maxLen, myLocalRand, myRandomTries, new GenericGrammarPolicy(problem, policyFactory(), useCanonical)); // var alg = new SequentialSearch(problem, maxLen, myLocalRand, // myRandomTries, // new GenericFunctionApproximationGrammarPolicy(problem, // useCanonical)); //var alg = new ExhaustiveBreadthFirstSearch(problem, 25); //var alg = new AlternativesContextSampler(problem, 25); alg.SolutionEvaluated += (sentence, quality) => { iterations++; globalStatistics.AddSentence(sentence, quality); if (iterations % 1000 == 0) { Console.WriteLine("{0,3} {1,5} \"{2,25}\" {3} {4} {5}", i, myRandomTries, policyFactory(), useCanonical, problem.ToString(), globalStatistics); } }; alg.FoundNewBestSolution += (sentence, quality) => { //Console.WriteLine("{0,5} {1,25} {2} {3}", // myRandomTries, policyFactory(), useCanonical, // globalStatistics); }; alg.Run(maxIterations); }); } } } } } } }