using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding; namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.GrammaticalOptimization { public class RoyalTreeProblem : ISymbolicExpressionTreeProblem { // Punch: "How Effective Are Multiple Populations in Genetic Programming", 1998 // In fact, for a new GP system it is dicult to judge whether it is performing // as intended or not, since the programs it generates are not necessarily identical to // those generated by other GP systems. This raised two questions: what constitutes // a "standard" problem in GP, and how do we rate the performance of a system on // such a problem. // One of the goals of this research was to create a benchmark problem to test how // well a particular GP configuration would perform as compared to other configurations. // ... // We were interested in addressing the same issues, showing how GP could address // difficult problems as well as providing a tunable benchmark for comparing GP con- // figurations. Furthermore, we were interested in creating and using this benchmark // to test the effectiveness of coarse-grain parallel GP's as compared to single population // GP's. // ... // A suitable benchmark problem which has only a single, unique tree as an answer can remove this obstruction. private readonly IGrammar grammar; private readonly char targetRootSymbol; public string Name { get { return "RoyalTree"; } } // the number of levels determines the number of non-terminal symbols // non-terminal A has only one argument, non-terminal B has two arguments ... // optimal level-e tree has quality 122880, // level-a (a) tree has // level-f (6) tree "is extremely difficult" // level-g (7) tree "never succeeded" public RoyalTreeProblem(int levels) { if (levels < 1 || levels > 7) throw new ArgumentException(); var sentenceSymbol = 'S'; var terminalSymbols = new char[] { 'x', 'y', 'z' }; // originally non-terminal-symbols (but for the sequential search grammar these are only alternatives var nonTerminalSymbols = Enumerable.Range(0, levels).Select(lvl => (char)(lvl + (byte)'A')).ToArray(); // [A, B ... ] var arities = Enumerable.Range(1, levels).ToArray(); // [1, 2, ... levels] this.targetRootSymbol = char.ToLower(nonTerminalSymbols.Last()); { // grammar for sequential search // S -> x | y | z | aS | bSS | cSSS ... var rules = new List>(); foreach (var symb in terminalSymbols) { rules.Add(Tuple.Create('S', symb.ToString())); } for (int ntIdx = 0; ntIdx < nonTerminalSymbols.Length; ntIdx++) { var opSymb = char.ToLower(nonTerminalSymbols[ntIdx]); var remChain = string.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat('S', arities[ntIdx])); rules.Add(Tuple.Create('S', opSymb + remChain)); } this.grammar = new Grammar(sentenceSymbol, terminalSymbols.Concat(nonTerminalSymbols.Select(char.ToLower)), new char[] { 'S' }, rules); } { // grammar for tree-based GP // S -> x | y | z | A | B | C ... // A -> S // B -> SS // C -> SSS var rules = new List>(); foreach (var symb in terminalSymbols.Concat(nonTerminalSymbols)) { rules.Add(Tuple.Create('S', symb.ToString())); } for (int ntIdx = 0; ntIdx < nonTerminalSymbols.Length; ntIdx++) { var ntSymb = nonTerminalSymbols[ntIdx]; var alt = string.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat('S', arities[ntIdx])); rules.Add(Tuple.Create(ntSymb, alt)); } this.TreeBasedGPGrammar = new Grammar(sentenceSymbol, terminalSymbols, nonTerminalSymbols.Concat(new char[] { 'S' }), rules); } maxSizeForLevel = new int[8]; optimalSentencesForLevel = new string[8]; optimalQualityForLevel = new double[8]; maxSizeForLevel[0] = 1; // lvl-0 (x | y) maxSizeForLevel[1] = 2; // lvl-1 (e.g. ax) optimalSentencesForLevel[0] = "x"; optimalQualityForLevel[0] = 1; //optimalSentencesForLevel[1] = "ax"; //optimalQualityForLevel[1] = 4; for (int i = 1; i < levels; i++) { maxSizeForLevel[i] = i * maxSizeForLevel[i - 1] + 1; // e.g. lvl-2: baxax var opSymb = char.ToLower(nonTerminalSymbols[i - 1]); optimalSentencesForLevel[i] = opSymb + string.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat(optimalSentencesForLevel[i - 1], arities[i - 1])); optimalQualityForLevel[i] = Evaluate(optimalSentencesForLevel[i]); } // from the paper Debug.Assert(maxSizeForLevel[5] == 326); Debug.Assert(maxSizeForLevel[6] == 1957); } private readonly string[] optimalSentencesForLevel; private readonly double[] optimalQualityForLevel; private readonly int[] maxSizeForLevel; public double BestKnownQuality(int maxLen) { // search for corresponding level int level = 0; while (level+1 < maxSizeForLevel.Length && maxSizeForLevel[level + 1] < maxLen) level++; // ASSERT: maxSizeForLevel[level + 1] >= maxLen return optimalQualityForLevel[level]; } public IGrammar Grammar { get { return grammar; } } public double Evaluate(string sentence) { int pos = 0; bool perfect; return Evaluate(sentence, ref pos, out perfect); } private double Evaluate(string sentence, ref int pos, out bool perfect) { const double completeBonus = 2.0; double t = 0.0; double weight = 0.0; double sum = 0.0; bool correctRoot = false; bool allPerfect = true, tPerfect; int arity; switch (sentence[pos]) { case 'a': pos++; correctRoot = (sentence[pos] == 'x'); t = Evaluate(sentence, ref pos, out tPerfect); // ignores the perfect flag (false for terminals) weight = GetWeight(correctRoot, true); sum = weight * t; perfect = correctRoot; if (correctRoot) sum *= completeBonus; return sum; case 'b': { arity = 2; pos++; for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++) { correctRoot = (sentence[pos] == 'a'); t = Evaluate(sentence, ref pos, out tPerfect); weight = GetWeight(correctRoot, tPerfect); allPerfect &= correctRoot & tPerfect; sum += weight * t; } perfect = allPerfect; if (allPerfect) sum *= completeBonus; return sum; } case 'c': { arity = 3; sum = 0.0; pos++; for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++) { correctRoot = (sentence[pos] == 'b'); t = Evaluate(sentence, ref pos, out tPerfect); weight = GetWeight(correctRoot, tPerfect); allPerfect &= correctRoot & tPerfect; sum += weight * t; } perfect = allPerfect; if (allPerfect) sum *= completeBonus; return sum; } case 'd': { arity = 4; sum = 0.0; pos++; for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++) { correctRoot = (sentence[pos] == 'c'); t = Evaluate(sentence, ref pos, out tPerfect); weight = GetWeight(correctRoot, tPerfect); allPerfect &= correctRoot & tPerfect; sum += weight * t; } perfect = allPerfect; if (allPerfect) sum *= completeBonus; return sum; } case 'e': { arity = 5; sum = 0.0; pos++; for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++) { correctRoot = (sentence[pos] == 'd'); t = Evaluate(sentence, ref pos, out tPerfect); weight = GetWeight(correctRoot, tPerfect); allPerfect &= correctRoot & tPerfect; sum += weight * t; } perfect = allPerfect; if (allPerfect) sum *= completeBonus; return sum; } case 'f': { arity = 6; sum = 0.0; pos++; for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++) { correctRoot = (sentence[pos] == 'e'); t = Evaluate(sentence, ref pos, out tPerfect); weight = GetWeight(correctRoot, tPerfect); allPerfect &= correctRoot & tPerfect; sum += weight * t; } perfect = allPerfect; if (allPerfect) sum *= completeBonus; return sum; } case 'g': { arity = 7; sum = 0.0; pos++; for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++) { correctRoot = (sentence[pos] == 'f'); t = Evaluate(sentence, ref pos, out tPerfect); weight = GetWeight(correctRoot, tPerfect); allPerfect &= correctRoot & tPerfect; sum += weight * t; } perfect = allPerfect; if (allPerfect) sum *= completeBonus; return sum; } case 'x': pos++; perfect = false; return 1.0; case 'y': case 'z': pos++; perfect = false; return 0.0; default: throw new ArgumentException(); } } private double GetWeight(bool correctRoot, bool perfect) { const double fullBonus = 2.0; const double partialBonus = 1.0; const double penalty = 0.33; if (correctRoot && perfect) return fullBonus; else if (correctRoot) return partialBonus; else return penalty; } public string CanonicalRepresentation(string phrase) { throw new NotImplementedException(); return phrase; } public IEnumerable GetFeatures(string phrase) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public IGrammar TreeBasedGPGrammar { get; private set; } public string ConvertTreeToSentence(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var s in tree.Root.GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0).IterateNodesPrefix()) { if (s.Symbol.Name == "S") continue; sb.Append(s.Symbol.Name.ToLower()); } return sb.ToString(); } } }