using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.Bandits.BanditPolicies; using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis; using HeuristicLab.Common; using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis; using HeuristicLab.Problems.GrammaticalOptimization; namespace HeuristicLab.Algorithms.Bandits.GrammarPolicies { // this represents grammar policies that use one of the available bandit policies for state selection // any bandit policy can be used to select actions for states // a separate datastructure is used to store visited states and to prevent revisiting of states public sealed class GenericGrammarPolicy : IGrammarPolicy { private Dictionary stateInfo; // stores the necessary information for bandit policies for each state (=canonical phrase) private HashSet done; private readonly bool useCanonicalPhrases; private readonly IProblem problem; private readonly IBanditPolicy banditPolicy; public double[] OptimalPulls { get; private set; } public GenericGrammarPolicy(IProblem problem, IBanditPolicy banditPolicy, bool useCanonicalPhrases = false) { this.useCanonicalPhrases = useCanonicalPhrases; this.problem = problem; this.banditPolicy = banditPolicy; this.stateInfo = new Dictionary(); this.done = new HashSet(); } private IBanditPolicyActionInfo[] activeAfterStates; // don't allocate each time private int[] actionIndexMap; // don't allocate each time public bool TrySelect(System.Random random, string curState, IEnumerable afterStates, out int selectedStateIdx) { //// only for debugging //if (done.Count == 30000) { // foreach (var pair in stateInfo) { // var state = pair.Key; // var info = (DefaultPolicyActionInfo)pair.Value; // if (info.Tries > 0) { // Console.WriteLine("{0};{1};{2};{3};{4};{5}", state, info.Tries, info.Value, info.MaxReward, // optimalSolutions.Contains(problem.CanonicalRepresentation(state)) ? 1 : 0, // string.Join(";", GenerateFeaturesPoly10(state))); // } // } // System.Environment.Exit(1); //} // fail if all states are done (corresponding state infos are disabled) if (afterStates.All(s => Done(s))) { // fail because all follow states have already been visited => also disable the current state (if we can be sure that it has been fully explored) MarkAsDone(curState); selectedStateIdx = -1; return false; } // determine active actions (not done yet) and create an array to map the selected index back to original actions if (activeAfterStates == null || activeAfterStates.Length < afterStates.Count()) { activeAfterStates = new IBanditPolicyActionInfo[afterStates.Count()]; actionIndexMap = new int[afterStates.Count()]; } var idx = 0; int originalIdx = 0; foreach (var afterState in afterStates) { if (!Done(afterState)) { activeAfterStates[idx] = GetStateInfo(afterState); actionIndexMap[idx] = originalIdx; idx++; } originalIdx++; } //// select terminals first //var terminalAfterstates = afterStates.Select((s, i) => new { s, i }).FirstOrDefault(t => !Done(t.s) && problem.Grammar.IsTerminal(t.s)); //if (terminalAfterstates != null) { // selectedStateIdx = terminalAfterstates.i; // return true; //} if (valueApproximation == null) { // no approximation yet? --> use bandit selectedStateIdx = actionIndexMap[banditPolicy.SelectAction(random, activeAfterStates.Take(idx))]; } else if (afterStates.Any(s => problem.Grammar.IsTerminal(s) && !Done(s))) { selectedStateIdx = SelectionMaxValueTerminalAction(random, afterStates); } else { // only internal states? --> use bandit selectedStateIdx = actionIndexMap[banditPolicy.SelectAction(random, activeAfterStates.Take(idx))]; } return true; } private int SelectionMaxValueTerminalAction(System.Random random, IEnumerable afterStates) { int idx = 0; var terminalStates = new List(); var originalIdx = new List(); foreach (var state in afterStates) { if (problem.Grammar.IsTerminal(state) && !Done(state)) { terminalStates.Add(state); originalIdx.Add(idx); } idx++; } return originalIdx[SelectionMaxValueAction(random, terminalStates)]; } private IRegressionSolution valueApproximation; private int SelectionMaxValueAction(System.Random random, IEnumerable afterStates) { // eps greedy //if (random.NextDouble() < 0.1) return Enumerable.Range(0, afterStates.Count()).SelectRandom(random); Dataset ds; string[] variablesNames; CreateDataset(afterStates, afterStates.Select(_ => null), out ds, out variablesNames); var v = valueApproximation.Model.GetEstimatedValues(ds, Enumerable.Range(0, ds.Rows)).ToArray(); //boltzmann exploration //double beta = 100; //var w = v.Select(vi => Math.Exp(beta * vi)); // //return Enumerable.Range(0, v.Length).SampleProportional(random, w); return Enumerable.Range(0, v.Length).MaxItems(i => v[i]).SelectRandom(random); } private void UpdateValueApproximation() { Dataset ds; string[] variableNames; CreateDataset(stateInfo.Keys, stateInfo.Values, out ds, out variableNames); var problemData = new RegressionProblemData(ds, variableNames.Skip(1), variableNames.First()); //problemData.TestPartition.Start = problemData.TestPartition.End; // all data are training data valueApproximation = GradientBoostedTreesAlgorithmStatic.TrainGbm(problemData, new SquaredErrorLoss(), 50, 0.1, 0.5, 0.5, 100); Console.WriteLine(valueApproximation.TrainingRSquared); Console.WriteLine(valueApproximation.TestRSquared); } private void CreateDataset(IEnumerable states, IEnumerable infos, out Dataset ds, out string[] variableNames) { variableNames = new string[] { "maxValue" }.Concat(GenerateFeaturesPoly10("E").Select((_, i) => "f" + i)).ToArray(); int rows = infos.Zip(states, (info, state) => new { info, state }).Count(i => == null || ( == 1 && Done(i.state))); int cols = variableNames.Count(); var variableValues = new double[rows, cols]; int n = 0; foreach (var pair in states.Zip(infos, Tuple.Create)) { var state = pair.Item1; var info = (DefaultPolicyActionInfo)pair.Item2; if (info == null || (info.Tries == 1 && Done(state))) { if (info != null) { variableValues[n, 0] = info.MaxReward; } int col = 1; foreach (var f in GenerateFeaturesPoly10(state)) { variableValues[n, col++] = f; } n++; } } ds = new Dataset(variableNames, variableValues); } private IBanditPolicyActionInfo GetStateInfo(string state) { var s = CanonicalState(state); IBanditPolicyActionInfo info; if (!stateInfo.TryGetValue(s, out info)) { info = banditPolicy.CreateActionInfo(); stateInfo[s] = info; } return info; } private int rewardUpdatesSinceLastTraining = 0; private HashSet statesWritten = new HashSet(); public void UpdateReward(IEnumerable stateTrajectory, double reward) { rewardUpdatesSinceLastTraining++; if (rewardUpdatesSinceLastTraining == 5000) { rewardUpdatesSinceLastTraining = 0; //// write //foreach (var pair in stateInfo) { // var state = pair.Key; // var info = (DefaultPolicyActionInfo)pair.Value; // if (!statesWritten.Contains(state) && info.Tries > 0) { // Console.WriteLine("{0};{1};{2};{3};{4}", state, info.Tries, info.Value, info.MaxReward, string.Join(";", GenerateFeaturesPoly10(state))); // statesWritten.Add(state); // } //} // //Console.WriteLine(); //UpdateValueApproximation(); } int lvl = 0; foreach (var state in stateTrajectory) { double alpha = 0.99; OptimalPulls[lvl] = alpha * OptimalPulls[lvl] + (1 - alpha) * (problem.IsOptimalPhrase(state) ? 1.0 : 0.0); lvl++; GetStateInfo(state).UpdateReward(reward); //reward *= 0.95; // only the last state can be terminal if (problem.Grammar.IsTerminal(state)) { MarkAsDone(state); } } } private IEnumerable GenerateFeaturesPoly10(string state) { // yield return problem.IsOptimalPhrase(state) ? 1 : 0; foreach (var f in problem.GetFeatures(state)) yield return f.Value; //if (!state.EndsWith("E")) state = state + "+E"; //int len = state.Length; //Debug.Assert(state[len - 1] == 'E'); //foreach (var sy0 in new char[] { '+', '*' }) { // foreach (var sy1 in problem.Grammar.TerminalSymbols) { // foreach (var sy2 in new char[] { '+', '*' }) { // yield return state.Length > 3 && state[len - 4] == sy0 && state[len - 3] == sy1 && state[len - 2] == sy2 ? 1 : 0; // } // } //} //yield return state.Length; //foreach (var terminalSy in problem.Grammar.TerminalSymbols) { // yield return state.Length > 2 && state[0] == terminalSy && state[1] == '+' ? 1 : 0; // yield return state.Length > 2 && state[0] == terminalSy && state[1] == '*' ? 1 : 0; //} // yield return optimalSolutions.Contains(problem.CanonicalRepresentation(state)) ? 1 : 0; //foreach (var term in optimalTerms) yield return Regex.Matches(problem.CanonicalRepresentation(state), term).Count == 1 ? 1 : 0; //var len = state.Length; //yield return len; //foreach (var t in problem.Grammar.TerminalSymbols) { // yield return state.Count(ch => ch == t); //} //// pairs //foreach (var u in problem.Grammar.TerminalSymbols) { // foreach (var v in problem.Grammar.TerminalSymbols) { // int n = 0; // for (int i = 0; i < state.Length - 1; i++) { // if (state[i] == u && state[i + 1] == v) n++; // } // yield return n; // } //} } public void Reset() { stateInfo.Clear(); done.Clear(); OptimalPulls = new double[300]; // max sentence length is limited anyway } public int GetTries(string state) { var s = CanonicalState(state); if (stateInfo.ContainsKey(s)) return stateInfo[s].Tries; else return 0; } public double GetValue(string state) { var s = CanonicalState(state); if (stateInfo.ContainsKey(s)) return stateInfo[s].MaxReward; else return 0.0; // TODO: check alternatives } // the canonical states for the value function (banditInfos) and the done set must be distinguished // sequences of different length could have the same canonical representation and can have the same value (banditInfo) // however, if the canonical representation of a state is shorter then we must not mark the canonical state as done when all possible derivations from the initial state have been explored // eg. in the ant problem the canonical representation for ...lllA is ...rA // even though all possible derivations (of limited length) of lllA have been visited we must not mark the state rA as done private void MarkAsDone(string state) { var s = CanonicalState(state); // when the lengths of the canonical string and the original string are the same we also disable the actions // always disable terminals Debug.Assert(s.Length <= state.Length); if (s.Length == state.Length || problem.Grammar.IsTerminal(state)) { Debug.Assert(!done.Contains(s)); done.Add(s); } else { // for non-terminals where the canonical string is shorter than the original string we can only disable the canonical representation for all states in the same level Debug.Assert(!done.Contains(s + state.Length)); done.Add(s + state.Length); // encode the original length of the state, states in the same level of the tree are treated as equivalent } } // symmetric to MarkDone private bool Done(string state) { var s = CanonicalState(state); if (s.Length == state.Length || problem.Grammar.IsTerminal(state)) { return done.Contains(s); } else { // it is not necessary to visit states if the canonical representation has already been fully explored if (done.Contains(s)) return true; if (done.Contains(s + state.Length)) return true; for (int i = 1; i < state.Length; i++) { if (done.Contains(s + i)) return true; } return false; } } private string CanonicalState(string state) { if (useCanonicalPhrases) { return problem.CanonicalRepresentation(state); } else return state; } } }