1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Diagnostics;
4 | using System.Linq;
5 | using System.Text;
6 | using System.Threading.Tasks;
7 | using HeuristicLab.Common;
8 |
9 | namespace HeuristicLab.Algorithms.Bandits.BanditPolicies {
10 | // Extreme Bandits, NIPS2014
11 | public class ExtremeHunterPolicy : IBanditPolicy {
12 |
13 |
14 | public double E { get; set; }
15 | public double D { get; set; }
16 | public double delta { get; set; }
17 | public double b { get; set; }
18 | public double n { get; set; }
19 | public int minPulls { get; set; }
20 |
21 | public ExtremeHunterPolicy(double E = 1.0E-3, double D = 1.0E-2, double b = 1.0, double n = 1.0E4, int minPulls = 100) {
22 | this.E = E; // parameter TODO
23 | this.D = D; // parameter TODO
24 | this.b = b; // parameter: set to 1 in original paper "to consider a wide class of distributions"
25 | // private communication with Alexandra Carpentier:
26 | // For instance, on our synthetic experiments, we calibrated the constants by
27 | // cross validation, using exact Pareto distributions and b=1, and we found
28 | // out that taking E = 1e-3 is acceptable. For all the datasets
29 | // (exact Pareto, approximate Pareto, and network data), we kept this same constant
30 |
31 | // minPulls seems to be set to 100 in the experiments in extreme bandit paper
32 | this.minPulls = minPulls; // parameter: TODO (there are conditions for N given in the paper)
33 | this.n = n;
34 | }
35 |
36 | public int SelectAction(Random random, IEnumerable<IBanditPolicyActionInfo> actionInfos) {
37 | var myActionInfos = actionInfos.OfType<ExtremeHunterActionInfo>();
38 | double bestQ = double.NegativeInfinity;
39 | // int totalTries = myActionInfos.Sum(a => a.Tries);
40 | int K = myActionInfos.Count();
41 |
42 | this.delta = Math.Exp(-Math.Log(Math.Log(n))) / (2.0 * n * K); // TODO
43 |
44 | var bestActions = new List<int>();
45 | int aIdx = -1;
46 | foreach (var aInfo in myActionInfos) {
47 | aIdx++;
48 | double q;
49 | if (aInfo.Tries <= minPulls) {
50 | q = double.PositiveInfinity;
51 | } else {
52 | double t = aInfo.Tries;
53 | double h = aInfo.Value;
54 | if (double.IsInfinity(h)) q = 0;
55 | else {
56 | var thres = Math.Pow(t, h / (2 * b + 1));
57 | double c = Math.Pow(t, 1.0 / (2 * b + 1)) * ((1.0 / t) * aInfo.Rewards.Count(r => r >= thres));
58 | q = Math.Pow((c + B2(t)) * n, h + B1(t)) * Gamma(h, B1(t)); // eqn (5)
59 | Debug.Assert(q > 0);
60 | }
61 | }
62 | if (q > bestQ) {
63 | bestQ = q;
64 | bestActions.Clear();
65 | bestActions.Add(aIdx);
66 | } else if (q.IsAlmost(bestQ)) {
67 | bestActions.Add(aIdx);
68 | }
69 | }
70 | Debug.Assert(bestActions.Any());
71 | return bestActions.SelectRandom(random);
72 | }
73 |
74 | public double Gamma(double x, double y) {
75 | if (1.0 - x - y <= 0) return double.PositiveInfinity;
76 | else return alglib.gammafunction(1.0 - x - y); // comment on eqn 5
77 | }
78 |
79 | // eqn 2
80 | public double B1(double t) {
81 | return D * Math.Sqrt(Math.Log(1.0 / delta)) * Math.Pow(t, -b / (2 * b + 1));
82 | }
83 |
84 | // eqn 4
85 | public double B2(double t) {
86 | return E * Math.Sqrt(Math.Log(t / delta)) * Math.Log(t) * Math.Pow(t, -b / (2 * b + 1));
87 | }
88 |
89 | public IBanditPolicyActionInfo CreateActionInfo() {
90 | return new ExtremeHunterActionInfo();
91 | }
92 | public override string ToString() {
93 | return string.Format("ExtremeHunter(E={0:F2},D={1:F2},b={2:F2},n={3:F0},minPulls={4:F0}", E, D, b, n, minPulls);
94 | }
95 | }
96 | }