/// This file is part of ILNumerics Community Edition.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition - high performance computing for applications.
/// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Haymo Kutschbach, http://ilnumerics.net
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
/// the Free Software Foundation.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with ILNumerics Community Edition. See the file License.txt in the root
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/// In addition this software uses the following components and/or licenses:
/// =================================================================================
/// The Open Toolkit Library License
/// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
/// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
/// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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/// =================================================================================
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using ILNumerics.Data;
namespace ILNumerics.Storage {
internal class ILLeftSideRange : ILRange {
/// true for left side ranges, if at least one dimension must be expanded
internal bool Expanding {
get {
return m_expanding;
set {
m_expanding = value;
/// sizes of dimensions to be expanded
private int[] m_expandDimensions;
/// internal field, stores expanding flag
private bool m_expanding;
/// array with sizes of dimensions to be expanded
internal int[] ExpandDimensions {
get {
return m_expandDimensions;
#region constructor
// indices may not address a single dimension! This case is handled by sequential addressing from callee (ILDenseArray)
public ILLeftSideRange(ILSize dimension, ILBaseArray[] indices) : base() {
protected void create(ILBaseArray[] indices, ILSize dimensions) {
using (ILScope.Enter(indices)) {
if (indices.Length == 0) {
m_range = new ILIntList[0];
m_size = ILSize.Empty00;
if (indices.Length == 1) {
if (indices[0] is ILDenseArray && indices[0].IsScalar) {
// special case? A[":;0:3;0:end;..."] -> multiple dimensions given as single string
//System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("single dimension subarray specification should be handled seperately by ILDenseStorage.Subarray()");
// (some rare cases (remove e.g.) use this path to parse given dimensions... )
string indStr = (string)(indices[0] as ILDenseArray).GetValue(0);
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(indStr)) {
m_range = new ILIntList[0];
m_size = ILSize.Empty00;
string[] dimParts = indStr.Split(';');
if (dimParts.Length > 1) {
indices = new ILBaseArray[dimParts.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < dimParts.Length; i++) {
indices[i] = dimParts[i];
// caution: using ILBaseArray as input is EVIL!!
// now we have an array of temparrays! Those are too fragile
// to work with - so start again and safe them in a scope
m_range = new ILIntList[indices.Length];
// outdims: immer so wie der range (indices), min 2
int[] outDims = new int[Math.Max(2, m_range.Length)];
outDims[1] = 1; // in case it is not set later
// if indices addresses less dimensions than ex, in dimensions -> expand last dimension
int[] inDims = dimensions.ToIntArrayEx(m_range.Length);
for (int d = 0; d < m_range.Length; d++) {
int min = int.MaxValue, max = int.MinValue, outLen = 0;
m_range[d] = ILIntList.Create();
extractDimension(m_range[d], ref outLen, indices[d], d, ref min, ref max, inDims);
outDims[d] = outLen;
// check limits
if (min < 0) {
throw new Exceptions.ILArgumentException(String.Format("index < 0: {1}, dimension #{0}", d, min));
if (max >= ((d < inDims.Length) ? inDims[d] : 1)) {
#region special cases A(ind) = B
if (dimensions.NonSingletonDimensions > 1 &&
(d == m_range.Length - 1)
&& (m_range.Length < dimensions.NumberOfDimensions)) {
throw new Exceptions.ILArgumentException(String.Format("Cannot expand array along ambiguous dimension #{0}", d));
m_expanding = true;
if (m_expandDimensions == null) {
m_expandDimensions = new int[Math.Max(indices.Length, 2)];
if (indices.Length == 1 /* -> d == 0! */
&& dimensions.NonSingletonDimensions == 1 && dimensions[1] > 1) {
// special case: row vector, adressing by single dimension A(end+1) = ...
m_expandDimensions[1] = max + 1;
outDims[1] = outLen;
outDims[0] = 1;
} else {
// common case
m_expandDimensions[d] = max + 1;
m_size = new ILSize(outDims);