/// This file is part of ILNumerics Community Edition.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition - high performance computing for applications.
/// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Haymo Kutschbach, http://ilnumerics.net
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
/// the Free Software Foundation.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with ILNumerics Community Edition. See the file License.txt in the root
/// of your distribution package. If not, see .
/// In addition this software uses the following components and/or licenses:
/// =================================================================================
/// The Open Toolkit Library License
/// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
/// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
/// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
/// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
/// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
/// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
/// so, subject to the following conditions:
/// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
/// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
/// =================================================================================
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using ILNumerics.Storage;
using ILNumerics.Misc;
using ILNumerics.Exceptions;
namespace ILNumerics {
public partial class ILMath {
/// Compute eigenvalues of general square matrix A
/// Input matrix A. Size [n x n]
/// Vector of eigenvalues of A. Size [n x 1]
/// The eigenvalues of A are found by use of the Lapack functions dgeevx, sgeevx, cgeevx and zgeevx.
/// The vector returned will be of complex inner type, since no further constraints are set on the structure of A (it may be nonsymmetric). Use or functions for computing the real eigenvalues of symmetric matrices explicitly.
/// A will be balanced first. This includes permutations and scaling of A in order to improve the conditioning of the eigenvalues.
public static ILRetArray< complex > eig(ILInArray< double > A) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
ILArray< complex> V = null;
MatrixProperties props = MatrixProperties.None;
return eig(A, V, ref props, true);
/// Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general square matrix A
/// Input matrix A. Size [n x n]
/// Output matrix, eigenvectors EV of size [n x n]. May be null on input. If not null, content of V will be destroyed.
/// Diagonal matrix with eigenvalues of A. Size [n x n]
/// The eigenvalues of A are found by use of the Lapack functions dgeevx, sgeevx, cgeevx and zgeevx.
/// The matrices returned will be of complex inner type, since no further constrains are set on the structure of A (it may be nonsymmetric). Use or functions for computing the real eigenvalues of symmetric matrices explicitly.
/// A will be balanced first. This includes permutations and scaling of A in order to improve the conditioning of the eigenvalues.
public static ILRetArray< complex > eig(ILInArray< double > A, ILOutArray< complex > V) {
MatrixProperties props = MatrixProperties.None;
return eig(A, V, ref props, true);
/// Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
/// Input: square matrix, size [n x n]
/// Output (optional): eigenvectors
/// Matrix properties, on input - if specified,
/// will be used to choose the proper method of solution. On exit will be
/// filled according to the properties of A.
/// true: permute A in order to increase the
/// numerical stability, false: do not permute A.
/// eigenvalues as vector (if V is null) or as diagonoal
/// matrix (if V was requested, i.e. not null).
/// The eigenvalues of A are found by use of the
/// Lapack functions dgeevx, sgeevx, cgeevx and zgeevx.
/// The arrays returned will be of complex inner type,
/// since no further constraints are set on the structure of
/// A (it may be nonsymmetric). Use
/// or
/// functions for computing the real eigenvalues of symmetric
/// matrices explicitly.
/// Depending on the parameter ,
/// A will be balanced first. This includes permutations and
/// scaling of A in order to improve the conditioning of the
/// eigenvalues.
/// if a
/// is not square
public static ILRetArray< complex > eig(ILInArray< double > A, ILOutArray< complex > V, ref MatrixProperties propsA, bool balance) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(V,null))
V.a = empty(A.Size);
return empty(A.Size);
ILArray< complex > ret = empty< complex >(ILSize.Empty00);
int n = A.Size[0];
bool createVR = (object.Equals(V,null))? false:true;
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("eig: matrix A must be square");
propsA |= MatrixProperties.Square;
if (((propsA & MatrixProperties.Hermitian) != 0 || ILMath.ishermitian(A.C))) {
propsA |= MatrixProperties.Hermitian;
ILArray< double > Vd = null;
if (createVR)
Vd = returnType< double >();
ILArray< double > tmpRet = eigSymm(A,Vd);
if (createVR)
V.a = ILMath.tocomplex (Vd);
ret = ILMath.tocomplex (tmpRet);
} else {
// nonsymmetric case
char bal = (balance)? 'B':'N', jobvr;
ILRetArray< double > tmpA = A.C;
double [] vr = null;
double [] wr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< double >(n);
double[] wi = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(n);
double [] scale = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< double >(n);
double [] rconde = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< double >(n);
double [] rcondv = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< double >(n);
double abnrm = 0;
int ldvr, ilo = 0, ihi = 0, info = 0;
if (createVR) {
ldvr = n;
vr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< double >(n * n);
jobvr = 'V';
} else {
ldvr = 1;
vr = new double [1];
jobvr = 'N';
Lapack.dgeevx(bal,'N',jobvr,'N',n,tmpA.GetArrayForWrite(),n,wr,wi,new double [1],1,vr,ldvr,ref ilo,ref ihi,scale,ref abnrm,rconde,rcondv,ref info);
if (info != 0)
throw new ILArgumentException("eig: error in Lapack '?geevx': (" + info + ")");
// create eigenvalues
complex [] retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< complex >(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
retArr[i].real = wr[i]; retArr[i].imag = wi[i];
ret = new ILArray< complex > (retArr,n,1);
if (createVR) {
#region HCSortEVec
complex [] VArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< complex >(n * n);
for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) {
if (wi[c] != 0 && wi[c+1] != 0 && c < n-1) {
ilo = n * c; ihi = ilo + n;
for (int r = 0; r < n; r++) {
VArr[ilo].real = vr[ilo];
VArr[ilo].imag = vr[ihi];
VArr[ihi].real = vr[ilo];
VArr[ihi].imag = -vr[ihi];
ilo++; ihi++;
} else {
ilo = n * c;
for (int r = 0; r < n; r++) {
VArr[ilo].real = vr[ilo];
V.a = array (VArr,n,n);
#endregion HYCALPER
if (createVR)
ret.a = ILMath.diag< complex>(ret);
return ret;
/// Find all eigenvalues of symmetric (hermitian) matrix
/// Input matrix, Size [n x n], symmetric (hermitian for complex A)
/// Array of size [n,1] with eigenvalues of A.
/// For computation the Lapack functions dsyevr, ssyevr, chesvr and zheesv are used.
/// Since A is symmetric, the eigenvalues will always be real. Therefore the return value will be of the same inner type as A.
/// if A is not square.
public static ILRetArray< double > eigSymm (ILInArray< double > A) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty< double>(A.Size);
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrix A must be square and symmetric/hermitian.");
int m = 0,info = 0;
ILArray< double > w = new ILArray< double > (new double [n],1,n);
double [] z = new double [1]; ;
int [] isuppz = new int[2 * n];
double [] AcArr = A.C.GetArrayForWrite();
/*!HC:lapack_???evr*/ Lapack.dsyevr ('N','A','U',n,AcArr,n,0,0,0,0,0,ref m,w.GetArrayForWrite(),z,1,isuppz,ref info);
return /*dummy*/ (w);
/// Find all eigenvalues and -vectors of symmetric (hermitian) matrix
/// Input matrix, Size [n x n], symmetric (hermitian for complex A)
/// Output: n eigenvectors as columns. Size [n x n]. If V is null on input, the eigenvectors
/// will not be computed and V is not changed. In order to make the function return the vectors, V should be initiialized with ILMath.returnType before calling eigSymm.
/// Diagonal matrix of size [n,n] with eigenvalues of A on the main diagonal.
/// For computation the Lapack functions dsyevr, ssyevr, chesvr and zheesv are used.
/// Since A is symmetric, the eigenvalues will always be real. Therefore the return value will be of the same inner type as A.
/// if A is not square.
public static ILRetArray< double > eigSymm (ILInArray< double > A, ILOutArray< double > V) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(V,null))
V.a = empty(A.Size);
return empty(A.Size);
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrix A must be square and symmetric/hermitian.");
int m = 0,ldz = 0,info = 0;
ILArray< double > w = new ILArray< double >(ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< double >(n),n,1);
double [] z;
char jobz;
if (object.Equals(V,null)) {
z = new double [1];
jobz = 'N';
ldz = 1;
} else {
z = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< double >(n * n);
jobz = 'V';
ldz = n;
int [] isuppz = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New( 2 * n);
double [] AcArr = A.C.GetArrayForWrite();
/*!HC:lapack_???evr*/ Lapack.dsyevr (jobz,'A','U',n,AcArr,n,1,n,0,0,0,ref m,w.GetArrayForWrite(),z,ldz,isuppz,ref info);
if (info != 0)
throw new ILException("error returned from lapack: " + info);
if (jobz == 'V') {
V.a = array< double > (z,n,n);
V.a = V[full,r(0,m-1)];
return ILMath.diag( /*dummy*/ (w));
} else {
return /*dummy*/ (w);
/// Find some eigenvalues and -vectors of symmetric (hermitian) matrix
/// Input matrix, Size [n x n], symmetric (hermitian for complex A)
/// Output: n eigenvectors as columns. Size [n x n]. If V is null on input, the eigenvectors will not be computed and V is not changed.
/// Specify the lowest limit for the range of eigenvalues to be queried.
/// Specify the upper limit for the range of eigenvalues to be queried.
/// Diagonal matrix of size [n,n] with eigenvalues of A on the main diagonal.
/// For computation the Lapack functions dsyevr, ssyevr, chesvr and zheesv are used.
/// Since A is symmetric, the eigenvalues will always be real. Therefore the return value will be of the same inner type as A.
/// if A is not square or <
public static ILRetArray< double > eigSymm (ILInArray< double > A, ILOutArray< double > V, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(V,null))
V.a = empty(A.Size);
return empty(A.Size);
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrix A must be square and symmetric/hermitian.");
int m = 0,ldz = 0,info = 0;
if (rangeEnd < rangeStart || rangeStart < 1)
throw new ILArgumentException("invalid range of eigenvalues requested");
ILArray< double > w = array< double > (
ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< double>(n),1,n);
double [] z;
char jobz;
if (object.Equals(V,null)) {
z = new double [1];
jobz = 'N';
ldz = 1;
} else {
z = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(n * n);
jobz = 'V';
ldz = n;
int [] isuppz = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(2 * n);
double [] AcArr = A.C.GetArrayForWrite();
/*!HC:lapack_???evr*/ Lapack.dsyevr (jobz,'I','U',n,AcArr,n,0,0,rangeStart,rangeEnd,0,ref m,w.GetArrayForWrite(),z,ldz,isuppz,ref info);
if (jobz == 'V') {
V.a = array< double >(z,n,n);
V.a = V[full,r(0,m-1)];
return ILMath.diag( /*dummy*/ (w));
/// Find some eigenvalues and -vectors of symmetric (hermitian) matrix
/// Input matrix, Size [n x n], symmetric (hermitian for complex A)
/// Output: n eigenvectors as columns. Size [n x n]. If V is null on input, the eigenvectors will not be computed and V is not changed.
/// The eigenvalues will be returned by increasing size. This will determine the number of the first eigenvalue to be returned.
/// Determine the number of the last eigenvalue to be returned.
/// Diagonal matrix of size [n,n] with eigenvalues of A on the main diagonal.
/// For computation the Lapack functions dsyevr, ssyevr, chesvr and zheesv are used.
/// Since A is symmetric, the eigenvalues will always be real. Therefore the return value will be of the same inner type as A.
/// if A is not square or < or if either one is <= 0.
public static ILRetArray< double> eigSymm( ILInArray< double> A, ILOutArray< double> V, double rangeStart, double rangeEnd ) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(V, null))
V.a = empty(A.Size);
return empty(A.Size);
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrix A must be square and symmetric/hermitian");
int m = 0, ldz = 0, info = 0;
if (rangeStart > rangeEnd)
throw new ILArgumentException("invalid range of eigenvalues requested");
ILArray< double> w = zeros(1, n);
double[] z;
char jobz;
if (object.Equals(V, null)) {
z = new double[1];
jobz = 'N';
ldz = 1;
} else {
z = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(n * n);
jobz = 'V';
ldz = n;
int[] isuppz = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(2 * n);
double[] AcArr = A.C.GetArrayForWrite();
Lapack.dsyevr(jobz, 'V', 'U', n, AcArr, n, rangeStart, rangeEnd, 0, 0, 0, ref m, w.GetArrayForWrite(), z, ldz, isuppz, ref info);
if (jobz == 'V') {
V.a = array< double>(z, n, n);
V.a = V[full, r(0, m - 1)];
return diag( /*dummy*/ (w));
/// Compute eigenvalues of general square matrix A
/// Input matrix A. Size [n x n]
/// Vector of eigenvalues of A. Size [n x 1]
/// The eigenvalues of A are found by use of the Lapack functions dgeevx, sgeevx, cgeevx and zgeevx.
/// The vector returned will be of complex inner type, since no further constraints are set on the structure of A (it may be nonsymmetric). Use or functions for computing the real eigenvalues of symmetric matrices explicitly.
/// A will be balanced first. This includes permutations and scaling of A in order to improve the conditioning of the eigenvalues.
public static ILRetArray< fcomplex > eig(ILInArray< float > A) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
ILArray< fcomplex> V = null;
MatrixProperties props = MatrixProperties.None;
return eig(A, V, ref props, true);
/// Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general square matrix A
/// Input matrix A. Size [n x n]
/// Output matrix, eigenvectors EV of size [n x n]. May be null on input. If not null, content of V will be destroyed.
/// Diagonal matrix with eigenvalues of A. Size [n x n]
/// The eigenvalues of A are found by use of the Lapack functions dgeevx, sgeevx, cgeevx and zgeevx.
/// The matrices returned will be of complex inner type, since no further constrains are set on the structure of A (it may be nonsymmetric). Use or functions for computing the real eigenvalues of symmetric matrices explicitly.
/// A will be balanced first. This includes permutations and scaling of A in order to improve the conditioning of the eigenvalues.
public static ILRetArray< fcomplex > eig(ILInArray< float > A, ILOutArray< fcomplex > V) {
MatrixProperties props = MatrixProperties.None;
return eig(A, V, ref props, true);
/// Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
/// Input: square matrix, size [n x n]
/// Output (optional): eigenvectors
/// Matrix properties, on input - if specified,
/// will be used to choose the proper method of solution. On exit will be
/// filled according to the properties of A.
/// true: permute A in order to increase the
/// numerical stability, false: do not permute A.
/// eigenvalues as vector (if V is null) or as diagonoal
/// matrix (if V was requested, i.e. not null).
/// The eigenvalues of A are found by use of the
/// Lapack functions dgeevx, sgeevx, cgeevx and zgeevx.
/// The arrays returned will be of complex inner type,
/// since no further constraints are set on the structure of
/// A (it may be nonsymmetric). Use
/// or
/// functions for computing the real eigenvalues of symmetric
/// matrices explicitly.
/// Depending on the parameter ,
/// A will be balanced first. This includes permutations and
/// scaling of A in order to improve the conditioning of the
/// eigenvalues.
/// if a
/// is not square
public static ILRetArray< fcomplex > eig(ILInArray< float > A, ILOutArray< fcomplex > V, ref MatrixProperties propsA, bool balance) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(V,null))
V.a = empty(A.Size);
return empty(A.Size);
ILArray< fcomplex > ret = empty< fcomplex >(ILSize.Empty00);
int n = A.Size[0];
bool createVR = (object.Equals(V,null))? false:true;
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("eig: matrix A must be square");
propsA |= MatrixProperties.Square;
if (((propsA & MatrixProperties.Hermitian) != 0 || ILMath.ishermitian(A.C))) {
propsA |= MatrixProperties.Hermitian;
ILArray< float > Vd = null;
if (createVR)
Vd = returnType< float >();
ILArray< float > tmpRet = eigSymm(A,Vd);
if (createVR)
V.a = ILMath.tofcomplex (Vd);
ret = ILMath.tofcomplex (tmpRet);
} else {
// nonsymmetric case
char bal = (balance)? 'B':'N', jobvr;
ILRetArray< float > tmpA = A.C;
float [] vr = null;
float [] wr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< float >(n);
float[] wi = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< float>(n);
float [] scale = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< float >(n);
float [] rconde = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< float >(n);
float [] rcondv = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< float >(n);
float abnrm = 0;
int ldvr, ilo = 0, ihi = 0, info = 0;
if (createVR) {
ldvr = n;
vr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< float >(n * n);
jobvr = 'V';
} else {
ldvr = 1;
vr = new float [1];
jobvr = 'N';
Lapack.sgeevx(bal,'N',jobvr,'N',n,tmpA.GetArrayForWrite(),n,wr,wi,new float [1],1,vr,ldvr,ref ilo,ref ihi,scale,ref abnrm,rconde,rcondv,ref info);
if (info != 0)
throw new ILArgumentException("eig: error in Lapack '?geevx': (" + info + ")");
// create eigenvalues
fcomplex [] retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< fcomplex >(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
retArr[i].real = wr[i]; retArr[i].imag = wi[i];
ret = new ILArray< fcomplex > (retArr,n,1);
if (createVR) {
fcomplex [] VArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< fcomplex >(n * n);
for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) {
if (wi[c] != 0 && wi[c+1] != 0 && c < n-1) {
ilo = n * c; ihi = ilo + n;
for (int r = 0; r < n; r++) {
VArr[ilo].real = vr[ilo];
VArr[ilo].imag = vr[ihi];
VArr[ihi].real = vr[ilo];
VArr[ihi].imag = -vr[ihi];
ilo++; ihi++;
} else {
ilo = n * c;
for (int r = 0; r < n; r++) {
VArr[ilo].real = vr[ilo];
V.a = array (VArr,n,n);
if (createVR)
ret.a = ILMath.diag< fcomplex>(ret);
return ret;
/// Find all eigenvalues of symmetric (hermitian) matrix
/// Input matrix, Size [n x n], symmetric (hermitian for complex A)
/// Array of size [n,1] with eigenvalues of A.
/// For computation the Lapack functions dsyevr, ssyevr, chesvr and zheesv are used.
/// Since A is symmetric, the eigenvalues will always be real. Therefore the return value will be of the same inner type as A.
/// if A is not square.
public static ILRetArray< float > eigSymm (ILInArray< float > A) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty< float>(A.Size);
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrix A must be square and symmetric/hermitian.");
int m = 0,info = 0;
ILArray< float > w = new ILArray< float > (new float [n],1,n);
float [] z = new float [1]; ;
int [] isuppz = new int[2 * n];
float [] AcArr = A.C.GetArrayForWrite();
Lapack.ssyevr ('N','A','U',n,AcArr,n,0,0,0,0,0,ref m,w.GetArrayForWrite(),z,1,isuppz,ref info);
return (w);
/// Find all eigenvalues and -vectors of symmetric (hermitian) matrix
/// Input matrix, Size [n x n], symmetric (hermitian for complex A)
/// Output: n eigenvectors as columns. Size [n x n]. If V is null on input, the eigenvectors
/// will not be computed and V is not changed. In order to make the function return the vectors, V should be initiialized with ILMath.returnType before calling eigSymm.
/// Diagonal matrix of size [n,n] with eigenvalues of A on the main diagonal.
/// For computation the Lapack functions dsyevr, ssyevr, chesvr and zheesv are used.
/// Since A is symmetric, the eigenvalues will always be real. Therefore the return value will be of the same inner type as A.
/// if A is not square.
public static ILRetArray< float > eigSymm (ILInArray< float > A, ILOutArray< float > V) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(V,null))
V.a = empty(A.Size);
return empty(A.Size);
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrix A must be square and symmetric/hermitian.");
int m = 0,ldz = 0,info = 0;
ILArray< float > w = new ILArray< float >(ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< float >(n),n,1);
float [] z;
char jobz;
if (object.Equals(V,null)) {
z = new float [1];
jobz = 'N';
ldz = 1;
} else {
z = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< float >(n * n);
jobz = 'V';
ldz = n;
int [] isuppz = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New( 2 * n);
float [] AcArr = A.C.GetArrayForWrite();
Lapack.ssyevr (jobz,'A','U',n,AcArr,n,1,n,0,0,0,ref m,w.GetArrayForWrite(),z,ldz,isuppz,ref info);
if (info != 0)
throw new ILException("error returned from lapack: " + info);
if (jobz == 'V') {
V.a = array< float > (z,n,n);
V.a = V[full,r(0,m-1)];
return ILMath.diag( (w));
} else {
return (w);
/// Find some eigenvalues and -vectors of symmetric (hermitian) matrix
/// Input matrix, Size [n x n], symmetric (hermitian for complex A)
/// Output: n eigenvectors as columns. Size [n x n]. If V is null on input, the eigenvectors will not be computed and V is not changed.
/// Specify the lowest limit for the range of eigenvalues to be queried.
/// Specify the upper limit for the range of eigenvalues to be queried.
/// Diagonal matrix of size [n,n] with eigenvalues of A on the main diagonal.
/// For computation the Lapack functions dsyevr, ssyevr, chesvr and zheesv are used.
/// Since A is symmetric, the eigenvalues will always be real. Therefore the return value will be of the same inner type as A.
/// if A is not square or <
public static ILRetArray< float > eigSymm (ILInArray< float > A, ILOutArray< float > V, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(V,null))
V.a = empty(A.Size);
return empty(A.Size);
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrix A must be square and symmetric/hermitian.");
int m = 0,ldz = 0,info = 0;
if (rangeEnd < rangeStart || rangeStart < 1)
throw new ILArgumentException("invalid range of eigenvalues requested");
ILArray< float > w = array< float > (
ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< float>(n),1,n);
float [] z;
char jobz;
if (object.Equals(V,null)) {
z = new float [1];
jobz = 'N';
ldz = 1;
} else {
z = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(n * n);
jobz = 'V';
ldz = n;
int [] isuppz = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(2 * n);
float [] AcArr = A.C.GetArrayForWrite();
Lapack.ssyevr (jobz,'I','U',n,AcArr,n,0,0,rangeStart,rangeEnd,0,ref m,w.GetArrayForWrite(),z,ldz,isuppz,ref info);
if (jobz == 'V') {
V.a = array< float >(z,n,n);
V.a = V[full,r(0,m-1)];
return ILMath.diag( (w));
/// Find some eigenvalues and -vectors of symmetric (hermitian) matrix
/// Input matrix, Size [n x n], symmetric (hermitian for complex A)
/// Output: n eigenvectors as columns. Size [n x n]. If V is null on input, the eigenvectors will not be computed and V is not changed.
/// The eigenvalues will be returned by increasing size. This will determine the number of the first eigenvalue to be returned.
/// Determine the number of the last eigenvalue to be returned.
/// Diagonal matrix of size [n,n] with eigenvalues of A on the main diagonal.
/// For computation the Lapack functions dsyevr, ssyevr, chesvr and zheesv are used.
/// Since A is symmetric, the eigenvalues will always be real. Therefore the return value will be of the same inner type as A.
/// if A is not square or < or if either one is <= 0.
public static ILRetArray< float> eigSymm( ILInArray< float> A, ILOutArray< float> V, float rangeStart, float rangeEnd ) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(V, null))
V.a = empty(A.Size);
return empty(A.Size);
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrix A must be square and symmetric/hermitian");
int m = 0, ldz = 0, info = 0;
if (rangeStart > rangeEnd)
throw new ILArgumentException("invalid range of eigenvalues requested");
ILArray< float> w = zeros(1, n);
float[] z;
char jobz;
if (object.Equals(V, null)) {
z = new float[1];
jobz = 'N';
ldz = 1;
} else {
z = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(n * n);
jobz = 'V';
ldz = n;
int[] isuppz = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(2 * n);
float[] AcArr = A.C.GetArrayForWrite();
Lapack.ssyevr(jobz, 'V', 'U', n, AcArr, n, rangeStart, rangeEnd, 0, 0, 0, ref m, w.GetArrayForWrite(), z, ldz, isuppz, ref info);
if (jobz == 'V') {
V.a = array< float>(z, n, n);
V.a = V[full, r(0, m - 1)];
return diag( (w));
/// Compute eigenvalues of general square matrix A
/// Input matrix A. Size [n x n]
/// Vector of eigenvalues of A. Size [n x 1]
/// The eigenvalues of A are found by use of the Lapack functions dgeevx, sgeevx, cgeevx and zgeevx.
/// The vector returned will be of complex inner type, since no further constraints are set on the structure of A (it may be nonsymmetric). Use or functions for computing the real eigenvalues of symmetric matrices explicitly.
/// A will be balanced first. This includes permutations and scaling of A in order to improve the conditioning of the eigenvalues.
public static ILRetArray< fcomplex > eig(ILInArray< fcomplex > A) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
ILArray< fcomplex> V = null;
MatrixProperties props = MatrixProperties.None;
return eig(A, V, ref props, true);
/// Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general square matrix A
/// Input matrix A. Size [n x n]
/// Output matrix, eigenvectors EV of size [n x n]. May be null on input. If not null, content of V will be destroyed.
/// Diagonal matrix with eigenvalues of A. Size [n x n]
/// The eigenvalues of A are found by use of the Lapack functions dgeevx, sgeevx, cgeevx and zgeevx.
/// The matrices returned will be of complex inner type, since no further constrains are set on the structure of A (it may be nonsymmetric). Use or functions for computing the real eigenvalues of symmetric matrices explicitly.
/// A will be balanced first. This includes permutations and scaling of A in order to improve the conditioning of the eigenvalues.
public static ILRetArray< fcomplex > eig(ILInArray< fcomplex > A, ILOutArray< fcomplex > V) {
MatrixProperties props = MatrixProperties.None;
return eig(A, V, ref props, true);
/// Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
/// Input: square matrix, size [n x n]
/// Output (optional): eigenvectors
/// Matrix properties, on input - if specified,
/// will be used to choose the proper method of solution. On exit will be
/// filled according to the properties of A.
/// true: permute A in order to increase the
/// numerical stability, false: do not permute A.
/// eigenvalues as vector (if V is null) or as diagonoal
/// matrix (if V was requested, i.e. not null).
/// The eigenvalues of A are found by use of the
/// Lapack functions dgeevx, sgeevx, cgeevx and zgeevx.
/// The arrays returned will be of complex inner type,
/// since no further constraints are set on the structure of
/// A (it may be nonsymmetric). Use
/// or
/// functions for computing the real eigenvalues of symmetric
/// matrices explicitly.
/// Depending on the parameter ,
/// A will be balanced first. This includes permutations and
/// scaling of A in order to improve the conditioning of the
/// eigenvalues.
/// if a
/// is not square
public static ILRetArray< fcomplex > eig(ILInArray< fcomplex > A, ILOutArray< fcomplex > V, ref MatrixProperties propsA, bool balance) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(V,null))
V.a = empty(A.Size);
return empty(A.Size);
ILArray< fcomplex > ret = empty< fcomplex >(ILSize.Empty00);
int n = A.Size[0];
bool createVR = (object.Equals(V,null))? false:true;
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("eig: matrix A must be square");
propsA |= MatrixProperties.Square;
if (((propsA & MatrixProperties.Hermitian) != 0 || ILMath.ishermitian(A.C))) {
propsA |= MatrixProperties.Hermitian;
ILArray< fcomplex > Vd = null;
if (createVR)
Vd = returnType< fcomplex >();
ILArray< fcomplex > tmpRet = eigSymm(A,Vd);
if (createVR)
V.a = (Vd);
ret = (tmpRet);
} else {
// nonsymmetric case
char bal = (balance)? 'B':'N', jobvr;
ILRetArray< fcomplex > tmpA = A.C;
fcomplex [] vr = null;
fcomplex [] wr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< fcomplex >(n);
float [] scale = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< float >(n);
float [] rconde = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< float >(n);
float [] rcondv = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< float >(n);
float abnrm = 0;
int ldvr, ilo = 0, ihi = 0, info = 0;
if (createVR) {
ldvr = n;
vr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< fcomplex >(n * n);
jobvr = 'V';
} else {
ldvr = 1;
vr = new fcomplex [1];
jobvr = 'N';
Lapack.cgeevx(bal,'N',jobvr,'N',n,tmpA.GetArrayForWrite(),n,wr, new fcomplex[1],1,vr,ldvr,ref ilo,ref ihi,scale,ref abnrm,rconde,rcondv,ref info);
if (info != 0)
throw new ILArgumentException("eig: error in Lapack '?geevx': (" + info + ")");
// create eigenvalues
fcomplex [] retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< fcomplex >(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
retArr[i] = wr[i];
ret = new ILArray< fcomplex > (retArr,n,1);
if (createVR) {
V.a = array (vr,n,n);
if (createVR)
ret.a = ILMath.diag< fcomplex>(ret);
return ret;
/// Find all eigenvalues of symmetric (hermitian) matrix
/// Input matrix, Size [n x n], symmetric (hermitian for complex A)
/// Array of size [n,1] with eigenvalues of A.
/// For computation the Lapack functions dsyevr, ssyevr, chesvr and zheesv are used.
/// Since A is symmetric, the eigenvalues will always be real. Therefore the return value will be of the same inner type as A.
/// if A is not square.
public static ILRetArray< fcomplex > eigSymm (ILInArray< fcomplex > A) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty< fcomplex>(A.Size);
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrix A must be square and symmetric/hermitian.");
int m = 0,info = 0;
ILArray< float > w = new ILArray< float > (new float [n],1,n);
fcomplex [] z = new fcomplex [1]; ;
int [] isuppz = new int[2 * n];
fcomplex [] AcArr = A.C.GetArrayForWrite();
Lapack.cheevr ('N','A','U',n,AcArr,n,0,0,0,0,0,ref m,w.GetArrayForWrite(),z,1,isuppz,ref info);
return ILMath.tofcomplex(w);
/// Find all eigenvalues and -vectors of symmetric (hermitian) matrix
/// Input matrix, Size [n x n], symmetric (hermitian for complex A)
/// Output: n eigenvectors as columns. Size [n x n]. If V is null on input, the eigenvectors
/// will not be computed and V is not changed. In order to make the function return the vectors, V should be initiialized with ILMath.returnType before calling eigSymm.
/// Diagonal matrix of size [n,n] with eigenvalues of A on the main diagonal.
/// For computation the Lapack functions dsyevr, ssyevr, chesvr and zheesv are used.
/// Since A is symmetric, the eigenvalues will always be real. Therefore the return value will be of the same inner type as A.
/// if A is not square.
public static ILRetArray< fcomplex > eigSymm (ILInArray< fcomplex > A, ILOutArray< fcomplex > V) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(V,null))
V.a = empty(A.Size);
return empty(A.Size);
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrix A must be square and symmetric/hermitian.");
int m = 0,ldz = 0,info = 0;
ILArray< float > w = new ILArray< float >(ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< float >(n),n,1);
fcomplex [] z;
char jobz;
if (object.Equals(V,null)) {
z = new fcomplex [1];
jobz = 'N';
ldz = 1;
} else {
z = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< fcomplex >(n * n);
jobz = 'V';
ldz = n;
int [] isuppz = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New( 2 * n);
fcomplex [] AcArr = A.C.GetArrayForWrite();
Lapack.cheevr (jobz,'A','U',n,AcArr,n,1,n,0,0,0,ref m,w.GetArrayForWrite(),z,ldz,isuppz,ref info);
if (info != 0)
throw new ILException("error returned from lapack: " + info);
if (jobz == 'V') {
V.a = array< fcomplex > (z,n,n);
V.a = V[full,r(0,m-1)];
return ILMath.diag( ILMath.tofcomplex(w));
} else {
return ILMath.tofcomplex(w);
/// Find some eigenvalues and -vectors of symmetric (hermitian) matrix
/// Input matrix, Size [n x n], symmetric (hermitian for complex A)
/// Output: n eigenvectors as columns. Size [n x n]. If V is null on input, the eigenvectors will not be computed and V is not changed.
/// Specify the lowest limit for the range of eigenvalues to be queried.
/// Specify the upper limit for the range of eigenvalues to be queried.
/// Diagonal matrix of size [n,n] with eigenvalues of A on the main diagonal.
/// For computation the Lapack functions dsyevr, ssyevr, chesvr and zheesv are used.
/// Since A is symmetric, the eigenvalues will always be real. Therefore the return value will be of the same inner type as A.
/// if A is not square or <
public static ILRetArray< fcomplex > eigSymm (ILInArray< fcomplex > A, ILOutArray< fcomplex > V, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(V,null))
V.a = empty(A.Size);
return empty(A.Size);
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrix A must be square and symmetric/hermitian.");
int m = 0,ldz = 0,info = 0;
if (rangeEnd < rangeStart || rangeStart < 1)
throw new ILArgumentException("invalid range of eigenvalues requested");
ILArray< float > w = array< float > (
ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< float>(n),1,n);
fcomplex [] z;
char jobz;
if (object.Equals(V,null)) {
z = new fcomplex [1];
jobz = 'N';
ldz = 1;
} else {
z = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(n * n);
jobz = 'V';
ldz = n;
int [] isuppz = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(2 * n);
fcomplex [] AcArr = A.C.GetArrayForWrite();
Lapack.cheevr (jobz,'I','U',n,AcArr,n,0,0,rangeStart,rangeEnd,0,ref m,w.GetArrayForWrite(),z,ldz,isuppz,ref info);
if (jobz == 'V') {
V.a = array< fcomplex >(z,n,n);
V.a = V[full,r(0,m-1)];
return ILMath.diag( ILMath.tofcomplex(w));
/// Find some eigenvalues and -vectors of symmetric (hermitian) matrix
/// Input matrix, Size [n x n], symmetric (hermitian for complex A)
/// Output: n eigenvectors as columns. Size [n x n]. If V is null on input, the eigenvectors will not be computed and V is not changed.
/// The eigenvalues will be returned by increasing size. This will determine the number of the first eigenvalue to be returned.
/// Determine the number of the last eigenvalue to be returned.
/// Diagonal matrix of size [n,n] with eigenvalues of A on the main diagonal.
/// For computation the Lapack functions dsyevr, ssyevr, chesvr and zheesv are used.
/// Since A is symmetric, the eigenvalues will always be real. Therefore the return value will be of the same inner type as A.
/// if A is not square or < or if either one is <= 0.
public static ILRetArray< fcomplex> eigSymm( ILInArray< fcomplex> A, ILOutArray< fcomplex> V, float rangeStart, float rangeEnd ) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(V, null))
V.a = empty(A.Size);
return empty(A.Size);
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrix A must be square and symmetric/hermitian");
int m = 0, ldz = 0, info = 0;
if (rangeStart > rangeEnd)
throw new ILArgumentException("invalid range of eigenvalues requested");
ILArray< float> w = zeros(1, n);
fcomplex[] z;
char jobz;
if (object.Equals(V, null)) {
z = new fcomplex[1];
jobz = 'N';
ldz = 1;
} else {
z = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(n * n);
jobz = 'V';
ldz = n;
int[] isuppz = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(2 * n);
fcomplex[] AcArr = A.C.GetArrayForWrite();
Lapack.cheevr(jobz, 'V', 'U', n, AcArr, n, rangeStart, rangeEnd, 0, 0, 0, ref m, w.GetArrayForWrite(), z, ldz, isuppz, ref info);
if (jobz == 'V') {
V.a = array< fcomplex>(z, n, n);
V.a = V[full, r(0, m - 1)];
return diag( ILMath.tofcomplex(w));
/// Compute eigenvalues of general square matrix A
/// Input matrix A. Size [n x n]
/// Vector of eigenvalues of A. Size [n x 1]
/// The eigenvalues of A are found by use of the Lapack functions dgeevx, sgeevx, cgeevx and zgeevx.
/// The vector returned will be of complex inner type, since no further constraints are set on the structure of A (it may be nonsymmetric). Use or functions for computing the real eigenvalues of symmetric matrices explicitly.
/// A will be balanced first. This includes permutations and scaling of A in order to improve the conditioning of the eigenvalues.
public static ILRetArray< complex > eig(ILInArray< complex > A) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
ILArray< complex> V = null;
MatrixProperties props = MatrixProperties.None;
return eig(A, V, ref props, true);
/// Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general square matrix A
/// Input matrix A. Size [n x n]
/// Output matrix, eigenvectors EV of size [n x n]. May be null on input. If not null, content of V will be destroyed.
/// Diagonal matrix with eigenvalues of A. Size [n x n]
/// The eigenvalues of A are found by use of the Lapack functions dgeevx, sgeevx, cgeevx and zgeevx.
/// The matrices returned will be of complex inner type, since no further constrains are set on the structure of A (it may be nonsymmetric). Use or functions for computing the real eigenvalues of symmetric matrices explicitly.
/// A will be balanced first. This includes permutations and scaling of A in order to improve the conditioning of the eigenvalues.
public static ILRetArray< complex > eig(ILInArray< complex > A, ILOutArray< complex > V) {
MatrixProperties props = MatrixProperties.None;
return eig(A, V, ref props, true);
/// Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
/// Input: square matrix, size [n x n]
/// Output (optional): eigenvectors
/// Matrix properties, on input - if specified,
/// will be used to choose the proper method of solution. On exit will be
/// filled according to the properties of A.
/// true: permute A in order to increase the
/// numerical stability, false: do not permute A.
/// eigenvalues as vector (if V is null) or as diagonoal
/// matrix (if V was requested, i.e. not null).
/// The eigenvalues of A are found by use of the
/// Lapack functions dgeevx, sgeevx, cgeevx and zgeevx.
/// The arrays returned will be of complex inner type,
/// since no further constraints are set on the structure of
/// A (it may be nonsymmetric). Use
/// or
/// functions for computing the real eigenvalues of symmetric
/// matrices explicitly.
/// Depending on the parameter ,
/// A will be balanced first. This includes permutations and
/// scaling of A in order to improve the conditioning of the
/// eigenvalues.
/// if a
/// is not square
public static ILRetArray< complex > eig(ILInArray< complex > A, ILOutArray< complex > V, ref MatrixProperties propsA, bool balance) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(V,null))
V.a = empty(A.Size);
return empty(A.Size);
ILArray< complex > ret = empty< complex >(ILSize.Empty00);
int n = A.Size[0];
bool createVR = (object.Equals(V,null))? false:true;
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("eig: matrix A must be square");
propsA |= MatrixProperties.Square;
if (((propsA & MatrixProperties.Hermitian) != 0 || ILMath.ishermitian(A.C))) {
propsA |= MatrixProperties.Hermitian;
ILArray< complex > Vd = null;
if (createVR)
Vd = returnType< complex >();
ILArray< complex > tmpRet = eigSymm(A,Vd);
if (createVR)
V.a = (Vd);
ret = (tmpRet);
} else {
// nonsymmetric case
char bal = (balance)? 'B':'N', jobvr;
ILRetArray< complex > tmpA = A.C;
complex [] vr = null;
complex [] wr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< complex >(n);
double [] scale = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< double >(n);
double [] rconde = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< double >(n);
double [] rcondv = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< double >(n);
double abnrm = 0;
int ldvr, ilo = 0, ihi = 0, info = 0;
if (createVR) {
ldvr = n;
vr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< complex >(n * n);
jobvr = 'V';
} else {
ldvr = 1;
vr = new complex [1];
jobvr = 'N';
Lapack.zgeevx(bal,'N',jobvr,'N',n,tmpA.GetArrayForWrite(),n,wr, new complex [1],1,vr,ldvr,ref ilo,ref ihi,scale,ref abnrm,rconde,rcondv,ref info);
if (info != 0)
throw new ILArgumentException("eig: error in Lapack '?geevx': (" + info + ")");
// create eigenvalues
complex [] retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< complex >(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
retArr[i] = wr[i];
ret = new ILArray< complex > (retArr,n,1);
if (createVR) {
V.a = array (vr,n,n);
if (createVR)
ret.a = ILMath.diag< complex>(ret);
return ret;
/// Find all eigenvalues of symmetric (hermitian) matrix
/// Input matrix, Size [n x n], symmetric (hermitian for complex A)
/// Array of size [n,1] with eigenvalues of A.
/// For computation the Lapack functions dsyevr, ssyevr, chesvr and zheesv are used.
/// Since A is symmetric, the eigenvalues will always be real. Therefore the return value will be of the same inner type as A.
/// if A is not square.
public static ILRetArray< complex > eigSymm (ILInArray< complex > A) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty< complex>(A.Size);
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrix A must be square and symmetric/hermitian.");
int m = 0,info = 0;
ILArray< double > w = new ILArray< double > (new double [n],1,n);
complex [] z = new complex [1]; ;
int [] isuppz = new int[2 * n];
complex [] AcArr = A.C.GetArrayForWrite();
Lapack.zheevr ('N','A','U',n,AcArr,n,0,0,0,0,0,ref m,w.GetArrayForWrite(),z,1,isuppz,ref info);
return ILMath.tocomplex(w);
/// Find all eigenvalues and -vectors of symmetric (hermitian) matrix
/// Input matrix, Size [n x n], symmetric (hermitian for complex A)
/// Output: n eigenvectors as columns. Size [n x n]. If V is null on input, the eigenvectors
/// will not be computed and V is not changed. In order to make the function return the vectors, V should be initiialized with ILMath.returnType before calling eigSymm.
/// Diagonal matrix of size [n,n] with eigenvalues of A on the main diagonal.
/// For computation the Lapack functions dsyevr, ssyevr, chesvr and zheesv are used.
/// Since A is symmetric, the eigenvalues will always be real. Therefore the return value will be of the same inner type as A.
/// if A is not square.
public static ILRetArray< complex > eigSymm (ILInArray< complex > A, ILOutArray< complex > V) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(V,null))
V.a = empty(A.Size);
return empty(A.Size);
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrix A must be square and symmetric/hermitian.");
int m = 0,ldz = 0,info = 0;
ILArray< double > w = new ILArray< double >(ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< double >(n),n,1);
complex [] z;
char jobz;
if (object.Equals(V,null)) {
z = new complex [1];
jobz = 'N';
ldz = 1;
} else {
z = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< complex >(n * n);
jobz = 'V';
ldz = n;
int [] isuppz = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New( 2 * n);
complex [] AcArr = A.C.GetArrayForWrite();
Lapack.zheevr (jobz,'A','U',n,AcArr,n,1,n,0,0,0,ref m,w.GetArrayForWrite(),z,ldz,isuppz,ref info);
if (info != 0)
throw new ILException("error returned from lapack: " + info);
if (jobz == 'V') {
V.a = array< complex > (z,n,n);
V.a = V[full,r(0,m-1)];
return ILMath.diag( ILMath.tocomplex(w));
} else {
return ILMath.tocomplex(w);
/// Find some eigenvalues and -vectors of symmetric (hermitian) matrix
/// Input matrix, Size [n x n], symmetric (hermitian for complex A)
/// Output: n eigenvectors as columns. Size [n x n]. If V is null on input, the eigenvectors will not be computed and V is not changed.
/// Specify the lowest limit for the range of eigenvalues to be queried.
/// Specify the upper limit for the range of eigenvalues to be queried.
/// Diagonal matrix of size [n,n] with eigenvalues of A on the main diagonal.
/// For computation the Lapack functions dsyevr, ssyevr, chesvr and zheesv are used.
/// Since A is symmetric, the eigenvalues will always be real. Therefore the return value will be of the same inner type as A.
/// if A is not square or <
public static ILRetArray< complex > eigSymm (ILInArray< complex > A, ILOutArray< complex > V, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(V,null))
V.a = empty(A.Size);
return empty(A.Size);
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrix A must be square and symmetric/hermitian.");
int m = 0,ldz = 0,info = 0;
if (rangeEnd < rangeStart || rangeStart < 1)
throw new ILArgumentException("invalid range of eigenvalues requested");
ILArray< double > w = array< double > (
ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< double>(n),1,n);
complex [] z;
char jobz;
if (object.Equals(V,null)) {
z = new complex [1];
jobz = 'N';
ldz = 1;
} else {
z = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(n * n);
jobz = 'V';
ldz = n;
int [] isuppz = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(2 * n);
complex [] AcArr = A.C.GetArrayForWrite();
Lapack.zheevr (jobz,'I','U',n,AcArr,n,0,0,rangeStart,rangeEnd,0,ref m,w.GetArrayForWrite(),z,ldz,isuppz,ref info);
if (jobz == 'V') {
V.a = array< complex >(z,n,n);
V.a = V[full,r(0,m-1)];
return ILMath.diag( ILMath.tocomplex(w));
/// Find some eigenvalues and -vectors of symmetric (hermitian) matrix
/// Input matrix, Size [n x n], symmetric (hermitian for complex A)
/// Output: n eigenvectors as columns. Size [n x n]. If V is null on input, the eigenvectors will not be computed and V is not changed.
/// The eigenvalues will be returned by increasing size. This will determine the number of the first eigenvalue to be returned.
/// Determine the number of the last eigenvalue to be returned.
/// Diagonal matrix of size [n,n] with eigenvalues of A on the main diagonal.
/// For computation the Lapack functions dsyevr, ssyevr, chesvr and zheesv are used.
/// Since A is symmetric, the eigenvalues will always be real. Therefore the return value will be of the same inner type as A.
/// if A is not square or < or if either one is <= 0.
public static ILRetArray< complex> eigSymm( ILInArray< complex> A, ILOutArray< complex> V, double rangeStart, double rangeEnd ) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(V, null))
V.a = empty(A.Size);
return empty(A.Size);
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrix A must be square and symmetric/hermitian");
int m = 0, ldz = 0, info = 0;
if (rangeStart > rangeEnd)
throw new ILArgumentException("invalid range of eigenvalues requested");
ILArray< double> w = zeros(1, n);
complex[] z;
char jobz;
if (object.Equals(V, null)) {
z = new complex[1];
jobz = 'N';
ldz = 1;
} else {
z = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(n * n);
jobz = 'V';
ldz = n;
int[] isuppz = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(2 * n);
complex[] AcArr = A.C.GetArrayForWrite();
Lapack.zheevr(jobz, 'V', 'U', n, AcArr, n, rangeStart, rangeEnd, 0, 0, 0, ref m, w.GetArrayForWrite(), z, ldz, isuppz, ref info);
if (jobz == 'V') {
V.a = array< complex>(z, n, n);
V.a = V[full, r(0, m - 1)];
return diag( ILMath.tocomplex(w));
/// Specifies the type of eigenproblem
/// The enumeration describes possible problem definitions for generelized eigenproblems:
/// - Ax_eq_lambBx: A*V = r*B*V
/// - ABx_eq_lambx: A*B*V = r*V
/// - BAx_eq_lambx: B*A*V = r*V
public enum GenEigenType {
/// A*V = r*B*V
/// A*B*V = r*V
/// B*A*V = r*V
/// Compute eigenvalues lambda of symmetrical/hermitian inputs A and B: A*V=lamda*B*V
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian input matrix, size [n x n]
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian and positive definite matrix, size [n x n]
/// Vector of eigenvalues. size [n x 1]
/// Internally, the generalized eigenproblem A*V = r*B*V will be reduced to B-1*A*V = r*V using cholesky factorization. The
/// computations are handled by LAPACK functions DSYGV,SSYGV,CHEGV and ZHEGV.
/// if B was not positive definite
/// if A and B was not of the same size
/// if either A and/or B was found not to be symmetric/hermitian
/// if the algorithm did not converge. All exceptions will contain an informational message describing the problem verbosely.
public static ILRetArray eigSymm(ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
return eigSymm(A, B, null, GenEigenType.Ax_eq_lambBx, false);
/// Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric/hermitian input
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian input matrix, size [n x n]
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian and positive definite matrix, size [n x n]
/// [Output] Returns eigenvectors in columns (size [n x n]).
/// true: skip tests for A and B being hermitian.
/// Vector of eigenvalues. The return value will be a diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues on the main diagonal.
/// The eigenvectors in 'V' are not normalized!
/// Internally, the generalized eigenproblem A*V = r*B*V will be reduced to B-1*A*V = r*V using cholesky factorization. The
/// computations are handled by LAPACK functions DSYGV,SSYGV,CHEGV and ZHEGV.
/// if B was not positive definite
/// if A and B was not of the same size
/// if is false and either A and/or B was found not to be symmetric/hermitian
/// if the algorithm did not converge. All exceptions will contain an informational message describing the problem verbosely.
public static ILRetArray eigSymm(ILInArray A, ILInArray B, ILOutArray outV, bool skipSymmCheck) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
return eigSymm(A, B, outV, GenEigenType.Ax_eq_lambBx, skipSymmCheck);
/// Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors (optional) of symmetric/hermitian input
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian input matrix, size [n x n]
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian and positive definite matrix, size [n x n]
/// [Output] If on input not null-> returns eigenvectors in columns (size [n x n]). If null on input -> eigenvectors will not get computed.
/// Determine the type of problem. This is one of the following types:
/// - Ax_eq_lambBx: A*V = r*B*V
/// - ABx_eq_lambx: A*B*V = r*V
/// - BAx_eq_lambx: B*A*V = r*V
Here 'r' is the eigenvalue corresponding to the eigenvector 'V'.
/// true: skip tests for A and B being hermitian.
/// Vector of eigenvalues. If the eigenvectors are requested as well (V not null on input),
/// the return value will be a diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues on the main diagonal.
/// The eigenvectors in 'V' are not normalized!
/// Internally, the generalized eigenproblem A*V = r*B*V will be reduced to B-1*A*V = r*V using cholesky factorization. The
/// computations are handled by LAPACK functions DSYGV,SSYGV,CHEGV and ZHEGV.
/// if B was not positive definite
/// if A and B was not of the same size
/// if is false and either A and/or B was found not to be symmetric/hermitian
/// if the algorithm did not converge. All exceptions will contain an informational message describing the problem verbosely.
public static ILRetArray eigSymm(ILInArray A, ILInArray B, ILOutArray< double> outV, GenEigenType type, bool skipSymmCheck) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
// check input arguments
if (object.Equals(A, null) || object.Equals(B, null))
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must not be null!");
if (!A.IsMatrix || !B.IsMatrix)
throw new ILArgumentException("A & B must be matrices!");
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrices must be square!");
if (!A.Size.IsSameSize(B.Size))
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size!");
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (object.Equals(outV, null))
return empty< double>(A.Size);
else {
outV.a = A.C;
return empty< double>(A.Size);
if (!skipSymmCheck && !ILMath.ishermitian(A)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A must be hermitian!");
if (!skipSymmCheck && !ILMath.ishermitian(B)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("B must be hermitian!");
int info = -1;
int itype = 1;
switch (type) {
case GenEigenType.Ax_eq_lambBx:
itype = 1;
case GenEigenType.ABx_eq_lambx:
itype = 2;
case GenEigenType.BAx_eq_lambx:
itype = 3;
char jobz = 'N';
if (!object.Equals(outV, null)) {
jobz = 'V';
outV.a = copyUpperTriangle(A, n, n);
} else {
ILArray< double> tmpOutV = copyUpperTriangle(A, n, n);
outV = tmpOutV;
ILArray< double> BC = B.C;
double[] w = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< double>(n);
Lapack.dsygv(itype, jobz, 'U', n, outV.GetArrayForWrite(), n, BC.GetArrayForWrite(), BC.Size[0], w, ref info);
if (info == 0) {
if (jobz == 'N')
return array< double>(w, 1, n);
return diag(array< double>(w, 1, n));
} else if (info < 0) {
throw new ILArgumentException("invalid parameter reported from Lapack module: #" + (-info));
} else {
if (info <= n) {
throw new ILArgumentException(String.Format("eigSymm did not converge! {0} off-diagonal elements unequal 0", info));
} else if (info < 2 * n) {
throw new ILArgumentException("eigSymm: B must be positive definite!");
} else {
throw new ILArgumentException("eigSymm: unknown Lapack module error");
/// Compute eigenvalues lambda of symmetrical/hermitian inputs A and B: A*V=lamda*B*V
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian input matrix, size [n x n]
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian and positive definite matrix, size [n x n]
/// Vector of eigenvalues. size [n x 1]
/// Internally, the generalized eigenproblem A*V = r*B*V will be reduced to B-1*A*V = r*V using cholesky factorization. The
/// computations are handled by LAPACK functions DSYGV,SSYGV,CHEGV and ZHEGV.
/// if B was not positive definite
/// if A and B was not of the same size
/// if either A and/or B was found not to be symmetric/hermitian
/// if the algorithm did not converge. All exceptions will contain an informational message describing the problem verbosely.
public static ILRetArray eigSymm(ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
return eigSymm(A, B, null, GenEigenType.Ax_eq_lambBx, false);
/// Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric/hermitian input
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian input matrix, size [n x n]
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian and positive definite matrix, size [n x n]
/// [Output] Returns eigenvectors in columns (size [n x n]).
/// true: skip tests for A and B being hermitian.
/// Vector of eigenvalues. The return value will be a diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues on the main diagonal.
/// The eigenvectors in 'V' are not normalized!
/// Internally, the generalized eigenproblem A*V = r*B*V will be reduced to B-1*A*V = r*V using cholesky factorization. The
/// computations are handled by LAPACK functions DSYGV,SSYGV,CHEGV and ZHEGV.
/// if B was not positive definite
/// if A and B was not of the same size
/// if is false and either A and/or B was found not to be symmetric/hermitian
/// if the algorithm did not converge. All exceptions will contain an informational message describing the problem verbosely.
public static ILRetArray eigSymm(ILInArray A, ILInArray B, ILOutArray outV, bool skipSymmCheck) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
return eigSymm(A, B, outV, GenEigenType.Ax_eq_lambBx, skipSymmCheck);
/// Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors (optional) of symmetric/hermitian input
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian input matrix, size [n x n]
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian and positive definite matrix, size [n x n]
/// [Output] If on input not null-> returns eigenvectors in columns (size [n x n]). If null on input -> eigenvectors will not get computed.
/// Determine the type of problem. This is one of the following types:
/// - Ax_eq_lambBx: A*V = r*B*V
/// - ABx_eq_lambx: A*B*V = r*V
/// - BAx_eq_lambx: B*A*V = r*V
Here 'r' is the eigenvalue corresponding to the eigenvector 'V'.
/// true: skip tests for A and B being hermitian.
/// Vector of eigenvalues. If the eigenvectors are requested as well (V not null on input),
/// the return value will be a diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues on the main diagonal.
/// The eigenvectors in 'V' are not normalized!
/// Internally, the generalized eigenproblem A*V = r*B*V will be reduced to B-1*A*V = r*V using cholesky factorization. The
/// computations are handled by LAPACK functions DSYGV,SSYGV,CHEGV and ZHEGV.
/// if B was not positive definite
/// if A and B was not of the same size
/// if is false and either A and/or B was found not to be symmetric/hermitian
/// if the algorithm did not converge. All exceptions will contain an informational message describing the problem verbosely.
public static ILRetArray eigSymm(ILInArray A, ILInArray B, ILOutArray< float> outV, GenEigenType type, bool skipSymmCheck) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
// check input arguments
if (object.Equals(A, null) || object.Equals(B, null))
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must not be null!");
if (!A.IsMatrix || !B.IsMatrix)
throw new ILArgumentException("A & B must be matrices!");
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrices must be square!");
if (!A.Size.IsSameSize(B.Size))
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size!");
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (object.Equals(outV, null))
return empty< float>(A.Size);
else {
outV.a = A.C;
return empty< float>(A.Size);
if (!skipSymmCheck && !ILMath.ishermitian(A)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A must be hermitian!");
if (!skipSymmCheck && !ILMath.ishermitian(B)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("B must be hermitian!");
int info = -1;
int itype = 1;
switch (type) {
case GenEigenType.Ax_eq_lambBx:
itype = 1;
case GenEigenType.ABx_eq_lambx:
itype = 2;
case GenEigenType.BAx_eq_lambx:
itype = 3;
char jobz = 'N';
if (!object.Equals(outV, null)) {
jobz = 'V';
outV.a = copyUpperTriangle(A, n, n);
} else {
ILArray< float> tmpOutV = copyUpperTriangle(A, n, n);
outV = tmpOutV;
ILArray< float> BC = B.C;
float[] w = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< float>(n);
Lapack.ssygv(itype, jobz, 'U', n, outV.GetArrayForWrite(), n, BC.GetArrayForWrite(), BC.Size[0], w, ref info);
if (info == 0) {
if (jobz == 'N')
return array< float>(w, 1, n);
return diag(array< float>(w, 1, n));
} else if (info < 0) {
throw new ILArgumentException("invalid parameter reported from Lapack module: #" + (-info));
} else {
if (info <= n) {
throw new ILArgumentException(String.Format("eigSymm did not converge! {0} off-diagonal elements unequal 0", info));
} else if (info < 2 * n) {
throw new ILArgumentException("eigSymm: B must be positive definite!");
} else {
throw new ILArgumentException("eigSymm: unknown Lapack module error");
/// Compute eigenvalues lambda of symmetrical/hermitian inputs A and B: A*V=lamda*B*V
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian input matrix, size [n x n]
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian and positive definite matrix, size [n x n]
/// Vector of eigenvalues. size [n x 1]
/// Internally, the generalized eigenproblem A*V = r*B*V will be reduced to B-1*A*V = r*V using cholesky factorization. The
/// computations are handled by LAPACK functions DSYGV,SSYGV,CHEGV and ZHEGV.
/// if B was not positive definite
/// if A and B was not of the same size
/// if either A and/or B was found not to be symmetric/hermitian
/// if the algorithm did not converge. All exceptions will contain an informational message describing the problem verbosely.
public static ILRetArray eigSymm(ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
return eigSymm(A, B, null, GenEigenType.Ax_eq_lambBx, false);
/// Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric/hermitian input
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian input matrix, size [n x n]
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian and positive definite matrix, size [n x n]
/// [Output] Returns eigenvectors in columns (size [n x n]).
/// true: skip tests for A and B being hermitian.
/// Vector of eigenvalues. The return value will be a diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues on the main diagonal.
/// The eigenvectors in 'V' are not normalized!
/// Internally, the generalized eigenproblem A*V = r*B*V will be reduced to B-1*A*V = r*V using cholesky factorization. The
/// computations are handled by LAPACK functions DSYGV,SSYGV,CHEGV and ZHEGV.
/// if B was not positive definite
/// if A and B was not of the same size
/// if is false and either A and/or B was found not to be symmetric/hermitian
/// if the algorithm did not converge. All exceptions will contain an informational message describing the problem verbosely.
public static ILRetArray eigSymm(ILInArray A, ILInArray B, ILOutArray outV, bool skipSymmCheck) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
return eigSymm(A, B, outV, GenEigenType.Ax_eq_lambBx, skipSymmCheck);
/// Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors (optional) of symmetric/hermitian input
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian input matrix, size [n x n]
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian and positive definite matrix, size [n x n]
/// [Output] If on input not null-> returns eigenvectors in columns (size [n x n]). If null on input -> eigenvectors will not get computed.
/// Determine the type of problem. This is one of the following types:
/// - Ax_eq_lambBx: A*V = r*B*V
/// - ABx_eq_lambx: A*B*V = r*V
/// - BAx_eq_lambx: B*A*V = r*V
Here 'r' is the eigenvalue corresponding to the eigenvector 'V'.
/// true: skip tests for A and B being hermitian.
/// Vector of eigenvalues. If the eigenvectors are requested as well (V not null on input),
/// the return value will be a diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues on the main diagonal.
/// The eigenvectors in 'V' are not normalized!
/// Internally, the generalized eigenproblem A*V = r*B*V will be reduced to B-1*A*V = r*V using cholesky factorization. The
/// computations are handled by LAPACK functions DSYGV,SSYGV,CHEGV and ZHEGV.
/// if B was not positive definite
/// if A and B was not of the same size
/// if is false and either A and/or B was found not to be symmetric/hermitian
/// if the algorithm did not converge. All exceptions will contain an informational message describing the problem verbosely.
public static ILRetArray eigSymm(ILInArray A, ILInArray B, ILOutArray< fcomplex> outV, GenEigenType type, bool skipSymmCheck) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
// check input arguments
if (object.Equals(A, null) || object.Equals(B, null))
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must not be null!");
if (!A.IsMatrix || !B.IsMatrix)
throw new ILArgumentException("A & B must be matrices!");
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrices must be square!");
if (!A.Size.IsSameSize(B.Size))
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size!");
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (object.Equals(outV, null))
return empty< float>(A.Size);
else {
outV.a = A.C;
return empty< float>(A.Size);
if (!skipSymmCheck && !ILMath.ishermitian(A)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A must be hermitian!");
if (!skipSymmCheck && !ILMath.ishermitian(B)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("B must be hermitian!");
int info = -1;
int itype = 1;
switch (type) {
case GenEigenType.Ax_eq_lambBx:
itype = 1;
case GenEigenType.ABx_eq_lambx:
itype = 2;
case GenEigenType.BAx_eq_lambx:
itype = 3;
char jobz = 'N';
if (!object.Equals(outV, null)) {
jobz = 'V';
outV.a = copyUpperTriangle(A, n, n);
} else {
ILArray< fcomplex> tmpOutV = copyUpperTriangle(A, n, n);
outV = tmpOutV;
ILArray< fcomplex> BC = B.C;
float[] w = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< float>(n);
Lapack.chegv(itype, jobz, 'U', n, outV.GetArrayForWrite(), n, BC.GetArrayForWrite(), BC.Size[0], w, ref info);
if (info == 0) {
if (jobz == 'N')
return array< float>(w, 1, n);
return diag(array< float>(w, 1, n));
} else if (info < 0) {
throw new ILArgumentException("invalid parameter reported from Lapack module: #" + (-info));
} else {
if (info <= n) {
throw new ILArgumentException(String.Format("eigSymm did not converge! {0} off-diagonal elements unequal 0", info));
} else if (info < 2 * n) {
throw new ILArgumentException("eigSymm: B must be positive definite!");
} else {
throw new ILArgumentException("eigSymm: unknown Lapack module error");
/// Compute eigenvalues lambda of symmetrical/hermitian inputs A and B: A*V=lamda*B*V
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian input matrix, size [n x n]
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian and positive definite matrix, size [n x n]
/// Vector of eigenvalues. size [n x 1]
/// Internally, the generalized eigenproblem A*V = r*B*V will be reduced to B-1*A*V = r*V using cholesky factorization. The
/// computations are handled by LAPACK functions DSYGV,SSYGV,CHEGV and ZHEGV.
/// if B was not positive definite
/// if A and B was not of the same size
/// if either A and/or B was found not to be symmetric/hermitian
/// if the algorithm did not converge. All exceptions will contain an informational message describing the problem verbosely.
public static ILRetArray eigSymm(ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
return eigSymm(A, B, null, GenEigenType.Ax_eq_lambBx, false);
/// Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric/hermitian input
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian input matrix, size [n x n]
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian and positive definite matrix, size [n x n]
/// [Output] Returns eigenvectors in columns (size [n x n]).
/// true: skip tests for A and B being hermitian.
/// Vector of eigenvalues. The return value will be a diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues on the main diagonal.
/// The eigenvectors in 'V' are not normalized!
/// Internally, the generalized eigenproblem A*V = r*B*V will be reduced to B-1*A*V = r*V using cholesky factorization. The
/// computations are handled by LAPACK functions DSYGV,SSYGV,CHEGV and ZHEGV.
/// if B was not positive definite
/// if A and B was not of the same size
/// if is false and either A and/or B was found not to be symmetric/hermitian
/// if the algorithm did not converge. All exceptions will contain an informational message describing the problem verbosely.
public static ILRetArray eigSymm(ILInArray A, ILInArray B, ILOutArray outV, bool skipSymmCheck) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
return eigSymm(A, B, outV, GenEigenType.Ax_eq_lambBx, skipSymmCheck);
/// Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors (optional) of symmetric/hermitian input
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian input matrix, size [n x n]
/// Square, symmetric/hermitian and positive definite matrix, size [n x n]
/// [Output] If on input not null-> returns eigenvectors in columns (size [n x n]). If null on input -> eigenvectors will not get computed.
/// Determine the type of problem. This is one of the following types:
/// - Ax_eq_lambBx: A*V = r*B*V
/// - ABx_eq_lambx: A*B*V = r*V
/// - BAx_eq_lambx: B*A*V = r*V
Here 'r' is the eigenvalue corresponding to the eigenvector 'V'.
/// true: skip tests for A and B being hermitian.
/// Vector of eigenvalues. If the eigenvectors are requested as well (V not null on input),
/// the return value will be a diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues on the main diagonal.
/// The eigenvectors in 'V' are not normalized!
/// Internally, the generalized eigenproblem A*V = r*B*V will be reduced to B-1*A*V = r*V using cholesky factorization. The
/// computations are handled by LAPACK functions DSYGV,SSYGV,CHEGV and ZHEGV.
/// if B was not positive definite
/// if A and B was not of the same size
/// if is false and either A and/or B was found not to be symmetric/hermitian
/// if the algorithm did not converge. All exceptions will contain an informational message describing the problem verbosely.
public static ILRetArray eigSymm(ILInArray A, ILInArray B, ILOutArray< complex> outV, GenEigenType type, bool skipSymmCheck) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
// check input arguments
if (object.Equals(A, null) || object.Equals(B, null))
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must not be null!");
if (!A.IsMatrix || !B.IsMatrix)
throw new ILArgumentException("A & B must be matrices!");
int n = A.Size[0];
if (n != A.Size[1])
throw new ILArgumentException("input matrices must be square!");
if (!A.Size.IsSameSize(B.Size))
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size!");
if (A.IsEmpty) {
if (object.Equals(outV, null))
return empty< double>(A.Size);
else {
outV.a = A.C;
return empty< double>(A.Size);
if (!skipSymmCheck && !ILMath.ishermitian(A)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A must be hermitian!");
if (!skipSymmCheck && !ILMath.ishermitian(B)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("B must be hermitian!");
int info = -1;
int itype = 1;
switch (type) {
case GenEigenType.Ax_eq_lambBx:
itype = 1;
case GenEigenType.ABx_eq_lambx:
itype = 2;
case GenEigenType.BAx_eq_lambx:
itype = 3;
char jobz = 'N';
if (!object.Equals(outV, null)) {
jobz = 'V';
outV.a = copyUpperTriangle(A, n, n);
} else {
ILArray< complex> tmpOutV = copyUpperTriangle(A, n, n);
outV = tmpOutV;
ILArray< complex> BC = B.C;
double[] w = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New< double>(n);
Lapack.zhegv(itype, jobz, 'U', n, outV.GetArrayForWrite(), n, BC.GetArrayForWrite(), BC.Size[0], w, ref info);
if (info == 0) {
if (jobz == 'N')
return array< double>(w, 1, n);
return diag(array< double>(w, 1, n));
} else if (info < 0) {
throw new ILArgumentException("invalid parameter reported from Lapack module: #" + (-info));
} else {
if (info <= n) {
throw new ILArgumentException(String.Format("eigSymm did not converge! {0} off-diagonal elements unequal 0", info));
} else if (info < 2 * n) {
throw new ILArgumentException("eigSymm: B must be positive definite!");
} else {
throw new ILArgumentException("eigSymm: unknown Lapack module error");