/// This file is part of ILNumerics Community Edition.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition - high performance computing for applications.
/// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Haymo Kutschbach, http://ilnumerics.net
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
/// the Free Software Foundation.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with ILNumerics Community Edition. See the file License.txt in the root
/// of your distribution package. If not, see .
/// In addition this software uses the following components and/or licenses:
/// =================================================================================
/// The Open Toolkit Library License
/// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
/// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
/// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
/// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
/// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
/// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
/// so, subject to the following conditions:
/// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
/// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
/// =================================================================================
using System;
using ILNumerics;
using ILNumerics.Misc;
using ILNumerics.Storage;
using ILNumerics.Native;
using ILNumerics.Exceptions;
namespace ILNumerics {
public partial class ILMath {
/// pairwise L1 distance
/// input points (matrix)
/// input point (vector)
/// pairwise L1 distances between the data point provided in the input vector and the data points stored in the matrix .
/// If is a colum vector, the distances between and the columns of are calculated. The number of rows of
/// must match the length of vector than. Therefore, the length of the returned vector of distances matches the number of columns of : A.S[1]
/// If is a row vector, the distances between and the rows of are calculated. The number of columns of
/// must match the length of vector than. Therefore, the length of the returned vector of distances matches the number of rows of : A.S[0]
/// This function is cummulative, the single data point may be provided in and the data point matrix may be provided in as well.
public static unsafe ILRetArray distL1(ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
#region parameter checking
if (isnull(A) || isnull(B))
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty(B.S);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return empty(A.S);
// early exit: make the function cummutative
if (A.IsVector && !B.IsVector) {
return distL1(B, A);
int dim = -1;
for (int l = 0; l < Math.Max(A.S.NumberOfDimensions, B.S.NumberOfDimensions); l++) {
if (A.S[l] != B.S[l]) {
if (dim >= 0 || (A.S[l] != 1 && B.S[l] != 1)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one simgleton dimension in A or B");
dim = l;
dim = -(dim - 1); // 0 -> 1, 1 -> 0
#region parameter preparation
ILSize outDims;
if (dim == 0) {
outDims = size(1,A.S[1]);
} else if (dim == 1) {
outDims = size(A.S[0], 1);
} else if (A.S.IsSameSize(B.S)) {
outDims = A.S;
dim = 0;
} else
throw new ILArgumentException("singleton dimension expansion currently is only supported for colum- and row vectors");
double[] retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
double[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
double[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
int itLen = A.S[0];
#region worker loops definition
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
// expects: iStart, iLen, ap, bp, cp
Tuple range =
double* ap;
double* bp;
double* cp;
if (dim == 0) {
ap = (double*)range.Item2;
cp = (double*)range.Item4;
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item1; s++) {
bp = (double*)range.Item3;
double sum = 0;
int l = itLen;
while (l > 20) {
sum += Math.Abs(ap[0] - bp[0])
+ Math.Abs(ap[1] - bp[1])
+ Math.Abs(ap[2] - bp[2])
+ Math.Abs(ap[3] - bp[3])
+ Math.Abs(ap[4] - bp[4])
+ Math.Abs(ap[5] - bp[5])
+ Math.Abs(ap[6] - bp[6])
+ Math.Abs(ap[7] - bp[7])
+ Math.Abs(ap[8] - bp[8])
+ Math.Abs(ap[9] - bp[9])
+ Math.Abs(ap[10] - bp[10])
+ Math.Abs(ap[11] - bp[11])
+ Math.Abs(ap[12] - bp[12])
+ Math.Abs(ap[13] - bp[13])
+ Math.Abs(ap[14] - bp[14])
+ Math.Abs(ap[15] - bp[15])
+ Math.Abs(ap[16] - bp[16])
+ Math.Abs(ap[17] - bp[17])
+ Math.Abs(ap[18] - bp[18])
+ Math.Abs(ap[19] - bp[19])
+ Math.Abs(ap[20] - bp[20]);
ap += 21;
bp += 21;
l -= 21;
while (l-- > 0) {
sum += Math.Abs(*ap - *bp);
*cp++ = sum;
} else {
// dim = 1
ap = (double*)range.Item2;
bp = (double*)range.Item3;
cp = (double*)range.Item4;
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item1; s++) { // TODO: further potential speedup: unroll in s direction!
double val = *bp++;
int l = itLen;
while (l > 10) {
cp[0] += Math.Abs(ap[0] - val);
cp[1] += Math.Abs(ap[1] - val);
cp[2] += Math.Abs(ap[2] - val);
cp[3] += Math.Abs(ap[3] - val);
cp[4] += Math.Abs(ap[4] - val);
cp[5] += Math.Abs(ap[5] - val);
cp[6] += Math.Abs(ap[6] - val);
cp[7] += Math.Abs(ap[7] - val);
cp[8] += Math.Abs(ap[8] - val);
cp[9] += Math.Abs(ap[9] - val);
cp[10] += Math.Abs(ap[10] - val);
cp[11] += Math.Abs(ap[11] - val);
cp[12] += Math.Abs(ap[12] - val);
cp[13] += Math.Abs(ap[13] - val);
cp[14] += Math.Abs(ap[14] - val);
cp[15] += Math.Abs(ap[15] - val);
cp[16] += Math.Abs(ap[16] - val);
cp[17] += Math.Abs(ap[17] - val);
cp[18] += Math.Abs(ap[18] - val);
cp[19] += Math.Abs(ap[19] - val);
cp[20] += Math.Abs(ap[20] - val);
ap += 21;
cp += 21;
l -= 21;
while (l-- > 0) {
*cp += Math.Abs(*ap - val);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region work distribution
int i = 0, workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outDims.NumberOfElements >= Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count
&& outDims[1] > 1) {
if (outDims[1] > workItemCount) {
workItemLength = outDims[1] / workItemCount;
} else {
workItemLength = outDims[1] / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outDims[1];
workItemCount = 1;
//int[] partResults = new int[workItemCount];
fixed ( double* arrAP = arrA)
fixed ( double* arrBP = arrB)
fixed ( double* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range = new Tuple
, (IntPtr)(arrAP + i * outDims[0] * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(arrBP + i * dim * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(retArrP + i * workItemLength));
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(outDims[1] - i * workItemLength
, (IntPtr)(arrAP + i * outDims[0] * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(arrBP + i * dim * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(retArrP + i * workItemLength)));
ILThreadPool.Wait4Workers(ref workerCount);
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
/// pairwise L1 distance
/// input points (matrix)
/// input point (vector)
/// pairwise L1 distances between the data point provided in the input vector and the data points stored in the matrix .
/// If is a colum vector, the distances between and the columns of are calculated. The number of rows of
/// must match the length of vector than. Therefore, the length of the returned vector of distances matches the number of columns of : A.S[1]
/// If is a row vector, the distances between and the rows of are calculated. The number of columns of
/// must match the length of vector than. Therefore, the length of the returned vector of distances matches the number of rows of : A.S[0]
/// This function is cummulative, the single data point may be provided in and the data point matrix may be provided in as well.
public static unsafe ILRetArray distL1(ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
#region parameter checking
if (isnull(A) || isnull(B))
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty(B.S);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return empty(A.S);
// early exit: make the function cummutative
if (A.IsVector && !B.IsVector) {
return distL1(B, A);
int dim = -1;
for (int l = 0; l < Math.Max(A.S.NumberOfDimensions, B.S.NumberOfDimensions); l++) {
if (A.S[l] != B.S[l]) {
if (dim >= 0 || (A.S[l] != 1 && B.S[l] != 1)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one simgleton dimension in A or B");
dim = l;
dim = -(dim - 1); // 0 -> 1, 1 -> 0
#region parameter preparation
ILSize outDims;
if (dim == 0) {
outDims = size(1,A.S[1]);
} else if (dim == 1) {
outDims = size(A.S[0], 1);
} else if (A.S.IsSameSize(B.S)) {
outDims = A.S;
dim = 0;
} else
throw new ILArgumentException("singleton dimension expansion currently is only supported for colum- and row vectors");
Int64[] retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
Int64[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
Int64[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
int itLen = A.S[0];
#region worker loops definition
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
// expects: iStart, iLen, ap, bp, cp
Tuple range =
Int64* ap;
Int64* bp;
Int64* cp;
if (dim == 0) {
ap = (Int64*)range.Item2;
cp = (Int64*)range.Item4;
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item1; s++) {
bp = (Int64*)range.Item3;
Int64 sum = 0;
int l = itLen;
while (l > 20) {
sum += Math.Abs(ap[0] - bp[0])
+ Math.Abs(ap[1] - bp[1])
+ Math.Abs(ap[2] - bp[2])
+ Math.Abs(ap[3] - bp[3])
+ Math.Abs(ap[4] - bp[4])
+ Math.Abs(ap[5] - bp[5])
+ Math.Abs(ap[6] - bp[6])
+ Math.Abs(ap[7] - bp[7])
+ Math.Abs(ap[8] - bp[8])
+ Math.Abs(ap[9] - bp[9])
+ Math.Abs(ap[10] - bp[10])
+ Math.Abs(ap[11] - bp[11])
+ Math.Abs(ap[12] - bp[12])
+ Math.Abs(ap[13] - bp[13])
+ Math.Abs(ap[14] - bp[14])
+ Math.Abs(ap[15] - bp[15])
+ Math.Abs(ap[16] - bp[16])
+ Math.Abs(ap[17] - bp[17])
+ Math.Abs(ap[18] - bp[18])
+ Math.Abs(ap[19] - bp[19])
+ Math.Abs(ap[20] - bp[20]);
ap += 21;
bp += 21;
l -= 21;
while (l-- > 0) {
sum += Math.Abs(*ap - *bp);
*cp++ = sum;
} else {
// dim = 1
ap = (Int64*)range.Item2;
bp = (Int64*)range.Item3;
cp = (Int64*)range.Item4;
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item1; s++) { // TODO: further potential speedup: unroll in s direction!
Int64 val = *bp++;
int l = itLen;
while (l > 10) {
cp[0] += Math.Abs(ap[0] - val);
cp[1] += Math.Abs(ap[1] - val);
cp[2] += Math.Abs(ap[2] - val);
cp[3] += Math.Abs(ap[3] - val);
cp[4] += Math.Abs(ap[4] - val);
cp[5] += Math.Abs(ap[5] - val);
cp[6] += Math.Abs(ap[6] - val);
cp[7] += Math.Abs(ap[7] - val);
cp[8] += Math.Abs(ap[8] - val);
cp[9] += Math.Abs(ap[9] - val);
cp[10] += Math.Abs(ap[10] - val);
cp[11] += Math.Abs(ap[11] - val);
cp[12] += Math.Abs(ap[12] - val);
cp[13] += Math.Abs(ap[13] - val);
cp[14] += Math.Abs(ap[14] - val);
cp[15] += Math.Abs(ap[15] - val);
cp[16] += Math.Abs(ap[16] - val);
cp[17] += Math.Abs(ap[17] - val);
cp[18] += Math.Abs(ap[18] - val);
cp[19] += Math.Abs(ap[19] - val);
cp[20] += Math.Abs(ap[20] - val);
ap += 21;
cp += 21;
l -= 21;
while (l-- > 0) {
*cp += Math.Abs(*ap - val);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region work distribution
int i = 0, workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outDims.NumberOfElements >= Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count
&& outDims[1] > 1) {
if (outDims[1] > workItemCount) {
workItemLength = outDims[1] / workItemCount;
} else {
workItemLength = outDims[1] / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outDims[1];
workItemCount = 1;
//int[] partResults = new int[workItemCount];
fixed ( Int64* arrAP = arrA)
fixed ( Int64* arrBP = arrB)
fixed ( Int64* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range = new Tuple
, (IntPtr)(arrAP + i * outDims[0] * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(arrBP + i * dim * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(retArrP + i * workItemLength));
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(outDims[1] - i * workItemLength
, (IntPtr)(arrAP + i * outDims[0] * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(arrBP + i * dim * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(retArrP + i * workItemLength)));
ILThreadPool.Wait4Workers(ref workerCount);
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
/// pairwise L1 distance
/// input points (matrix)
/// input point (vector)
/// pairwise L1 distances between the data point provided in the input vector and the data points stored in the matrix .
/// If is a colum vector, the distances between and the columns of are calculated. The number of rows of
/// must match the length of vector than. Therefore, the length of the returned vector of distances matches the number of columns of : A.S[1]
/// If is a row vector, the distances between and the rows of are calculated. The number of columns of
/// must match the length of vector than. Therefore, the length of the returned vector of distances matches the number of rows of : A.S[0]
/// This function is cummulative, the single data point may be provided in and the data point matrix may be provided in as well.
public static unsafe ILRetArray distL1(ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
#region parameter checking
if (isnull(A) || isnull(B))
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty(B.S);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return empty(A.S);
// early exit: make the function cummutative
if (A.IsVector && !B.IsVector) {
return distL1(B, A);
int dim = -1;
for (int l = 0; l < Math.Max(A.S.NumberOfDimensions, B.S.NumberOfDimensions); l++) {
if (A.S[l] != B.S[l]) {
if (dim >= 0 || (A.S[l] != 1 && B.S[l] != 1)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one simgleton dimension in A or B");
dim = l;
dim = -(dim - 1); // 0 -> 1, 1 -> 0
#region parameter preparation
ILSize outDims;
if (dim == 0) {
outDims = size(1,A.S[1]);
} else if (dim == 1) {
outDims = size(A.S[0], 1);
} else if (A.S.IsSameSize(B.S)) {
outDims = A.S;
dim = 0;
} else
throw new ILArgumentException("singleton dimension expansion currently is only supported for colum- and row vectors");
Int32[] retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
Int32[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
Int32[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
int itLen = A.S[0];
#region worker loops definition
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
// expects: iStart, iLen, ap, bp, cp
Tuple range =
Int32* ap;
Int32* bp;
Int32* cp;
if (dim == 0) {
ap = (Int32*)range.Item2;
cp = (Int32*)range.Item4;
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item1; s++) {
bp = (Int32*)range.Item3;
Int32 sum = 0;
int l = itLen;
while (l > 20) {
sum += Math.Abs(ap[0] - bp[0])
+ Math.Abs(ap[1] - bp[1])
+ Math.Abs(ap[2] - bp[2])
+ Math.Abs(ap[3] - bp[3])
+ Math.Abs(ap[4] - bp[4])
+ Math.Abs(ap[5] - bp[5])
+ Math.Abs(ap[6] - bp[6])
+ Math.Abs(ap[7] - bp[7])
+ Math.Abs(ap[8] - bp[8])
+ Math.Abs(ap[9] - bp[9])
+ Math.Abs(ap[10] - bp[10])
+ Math.Abs(ap[11] - bp[11])
+ Math.Abs(ap[12] - bp[12])
+ Math.Abs(ap[13] - bp[13])
+ Math.Abs(ap[14] - bp[14])
+ Math.Abs(ap[15] - bp[15])
+ Math.Abs(ap[16] - bp[16])
+ Math.Abs(ap[17] - bp[17])
+ Math.Abs(ap[18] - bp[18])
+ Math.Abs(ap[19] - bp[19])
+ Math.Abs(ap[20] - bp[20]);
ap += 21;
bp += 21;
l -= 21;
while (l-- > 0) {
sum += Math.Abs(*ap - *bp);
*cp++ = sum;
} else {
// dim = 1
ap = (Int32*)range.Item2;
bp = (Int32*)range.Item3;
cp = (Int32*)range.Item4;
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item1; s++) { // TODO: further potential speedup: unroll in s direction!
Int32 val = *bp++;
int l = itLen;
while (l > 10) {
cp[0] += Math.Abs(ap[0] - val);
cp[1] += Math.Abs(ap[1] - val);
cp[2] += Math.Abs(ap[2] - val);
cp[3] += Math.Abs(ap[3] - val);
cp[4] += Math.Abs(ap[4] - val);
cp[5] += Math.Abs(ap[5] - val);
cp[6] += Math.Abs(ap[6] - val);
cp[7] += Math.Abs(ap[7] - val);
cp[8] += Math.Abs(ap[8] - val);
cp[9] += Math.Abs(ap[9] - val);
cp[10] += Math.Abs(ap[10] - val);
cp[11] += Math.Abs(ap[11] - val);
cp[12] += Math.Abs(ap[12] - val);
cp[13] += Math.Abs(ap[13] - val);
cp[14] += Math.Abs(ap[14] - val);
cp[15] += Math.Abs(ap[15] - val);
cp[16] += Math.Abs(ap[16] - val);
cp[17] += Math.Abs(ap[17] - val);
cp[18] += Math.Abs(ap[18] - val);
cp[19] += Math.Abs(ap[19] - val);
cp[20] += Math.Abs(ap[20] - val);
ap += 21;
cp += 21;
l -= 21;
while (l-- > 0) {
*cp += Math.Abs(*ap - val);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region work distribution
int i = 0, workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outDims.NumberOfElements >= Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count
&& outDims[1] > 1) {
if (outDims[1] > workItemCount) {
workItemLength = outDims[1] / workItemCount;
} else {
workItemLength = outDims[1] / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outDims[1];
workItemCount = 1;
//int[] partResults = new int[workItemCount];
fixed ( Int32* arrAP = arrA)
fixed ( Int32* arrBP = arrB)
fixed ( Int32* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range = new Tuple
, (IntPtr)(arrAP + i * outDims[0] * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(arrBP + i * dim * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(retArrP + i * workItemLength));
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(outDims[1] - i * workItemLength
, (IntPtr)(arrAP + i * outDims[0] * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(arrBP + i * dim * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(retArrP + i * workItemLength)));
ILThreadPool.Wait4Workers(ref workerCount);
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
/// pairwise L1 distance
/// input points (matrix)
/// input point (vector)
/// pairwise L1 distances between the data point provided in the input vector and the data points stored in the matrix .
/// If is a colum vector, the distances between and the columns of are calculated. The number of rows of
/// must match the length of vector than. Therefore, the length of the returned vector of distances matches the number of columns of : A.S[1]
/// If is a row vector, the distances between and the rows of are calculated. The number of columns of
/// must match the length of vector than. Therefore, the length of the returned vector of distances matches the number of rows of : A.S[0]
/// This function is cummulative, the single data point may be provided in and the data point matrix may be provided in as well.
public static unsafe ILRetArray distL1(ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
#region parameter checking
if (isnull(A) || isnull(B))
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty(B.S);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return empty(A.S);
// early exit: make the function cummutative
if (A.IsVector && !B.IsVector) {
return distL1(B, A);
int dim = -1;
for (int l = 0; l < Math.Max(A.S.NumberOfDimensions, B.S.NumberOfDimensions); l++) {
if (A.S[l] != B.S[l]) {
if (dim >= 0 || (A.S[l] != 1 && B.S[l] != 1)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one simgleton dimension in A or B");
dim = l;
dim = -(dim - 1); // 0 -> 1, 1 -> 0
#region parameter preparation
ILSize outDims;
if (dim == 0) {
outDims = size(1,A.S[1]);
} else if (dim == 1) {
outDims = size(A.S[0], 1);
} else if (A.S.IsSameSize(B.S)) {
outDims = A.S;
dim = 0;
} else
throw new ILArgumentException("singleton dimension expansion currently is only supported for colum- and row vectors");
float[] retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
float[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
float[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
int itLen = A.S[0];
#region worker loops definition
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
// expects: iStart, iLen, ap, bp, cp
Tuple range =
float* ap;
float* bp;
float* cp;
if (dim == 0) {
ap = (float*)range.Item2;
cp = (float*)range.Item4;
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item1; s++) {
bp = (float*)range.Item3;
float sum = 0;
int l = itLen;
while (l > 20) {
sum += Math.Abs(ap[0] - bp[0])
+ Math.Abs(ap[1] - bp[1])
+ Math.Abs(ap[2] - bp[2])
+ Math.Abs(ap[3] - bp[3])
+ Math.Abs(ap[4] - bp[4])
+ Math.Abs(ap[5] - bp[5])
+ Math.Abs(ap[6] - bp[6])
+ Math.Abs(ap[7] - bp[7])
+ Math.Abs(ap[8] - bp[8])
+ Math.Abs(ap[9] - bp[9])
+ Math.Abs(ap[10] - bp[10])
+ Math.Abs(ap[11] - bp[11])
+ Math.Abs(ap[12] - bp[12])
+ Math.Abs(ap[13] - bp[13])
+ Math.Abs(ap[14] - bp[14])
+ Math.Abs(ap[15] - bp[15])
+ Math.Abs(ap[16] - bp[16])
+ Math.Abs(ap[17] - bp[17])
+ Math.Abs(ap[18] - bp[18])
+ Math.Abs(ap[19] - bp[19])
+ Math.Abs(ap[20] - bp[20]);
ap += 21;
bp += 21;
l -= 21;
while (l-- > 0) {
sum += Math.Abs(*ap - *bp);
*cp++ = sum;
} else {
// dim = 1
ap = (float*)range.Item2;
bp = (float*)range.Item3;
cp = (float*)range.Item4;
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item1; s++) { // TODO: further potential speedup: unroll in s direction!
float val = *bp++;
int l = itLen;
while (l > 10) {
cp[0] += Math.Abs(ap[0] - val);
cp[1] += Math.Abs(ap[1] - val);
cp[2] += Math.Abs(ap[2] - val);
cp[3] += Math.Abs(ap[3] - val);
cp[4] += Math.Abs(ap[4] - val);
cp[5] += Math.Abs(ap[5] - val);
cp[6] += Math.Abs(ap[6] - val);
cp[7] += Math.Abs(ap[7] - val);
cp[8] += Math.Abs(ap[8] - val);
cp[9] += Math.Abs(ap[9] - val);
cp[10] += Math.Abs(ap[10] - val);
cp[11] += Math.Abs(ap[11] - val);
cp[12] += Math.Abs(ap[12] - val);
cp[13] += Math.Abs(ap[13] - val);
cp[14] += Math.Abs(ap[14] - val);
cp[15] += Math.Abs(ap[15] - val);
cp[16] += Math.Abs(ap[16] - val);
cp[17] += Math.Abs(ap[17] - val);
cp[18] += Math.Abs(ap[18] - val);
cp[19] += Math.Abs(ap[19] - val);
cp[20] += Math.Abs(ap[20] - val);
ap += 21;
cp += 21;
l -= 21;
while (l-- > 0) {
*cp += Math.Abs(*ap - val);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region work distribution
int i = 0, workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outDims.NumberOfElements >= Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count
&& outDims[1] > 1) {
if (outDims[1] > workItemCount) {
workItemLength = outDims[1] / workItemCount;
} else {
workItemLength = outDims[1] / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outDims[1];
workItemCount = 1;
//int[] partResults = new int[workItemCount];
fixed ( float* arrAP = arrA)
fixed ( float* arrBP = arrB)
fixed ( float* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range = new Tuple
, (IntPtr)(arrAP + i * outDims[0] * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(arrBP + i * dim * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(retArrP + i * workItemLength));
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(outDims[1] - i * workItemLength
, (IntPtr)(arrAP + i * outDims[0] * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(arrBP + i * dim * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(retArrP + i * workItemLength)));
ILThreadPool.Wait4Workers(ref workerCount);
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
/// pairwise L1 distance
/// input points (matrix)
/// input point (vector)
/// pairwise L1 distances between the data point provided in the input vector and the data points stored in the matrix .
/// If is a colum vector, the distances between and the columns of are calculated. The number of rows of
/// must match the length of vector than. Therefore, the length of the returned vector of distances matches the number of columns of : A.S[1]
/// If is a row vector, the distances between and the rows of are calculated. The number of columns of
/// must match the length of vector than. Therefore, the length of the returned vector of distances matches the number of rows of : A.S[0]
/// This function is cummulative, the single data point may be provided in and the data point matrix may be provided in as well.
public static unsafe ILRetArray distL1(ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
#region parameter checking
if (isnull(A) || isnull(B))
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty(B.S);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return empty(A.S);
// early exit: make the function cummutative
if (A.IsVector && !B.IsVector) {
return distL1(B, A);
int dim = -1;
for (int l = 0; l < Math.Max(A.S.NumberOfDimensions, B.S.NumberOfDimensions); l++) {
if (A.S[l] != B.S[l]) {
if (dim >= 0 || (A.S[l] != 1 && B.S[l] != 1)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one simgleton dimension in A or B");
dim = l;
dim = -(dim - 1); // 0 -> 1, 1 -> 0
#region parameter preparation
ILSize outDims;
if (dim == 0) {
outDims = size(1,A.S[1]);
} else if (dim == 1) {
outDims = size(A.S[0], 1);
} else if (A.S.IsSameSize(B.S)) {
outDims = A.S;
dim = 0;
} else
throw new ILArgumentException("singleton dimension expansion currently is only supported for colum- and row vectors");
fcomplex[] retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
fcomplex[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
fcomplex[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
int itLen = A.S[0];
#region worker loops definition
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
// expects: iStart, iLen, ap, bp, cp
Tuple range =
fcomplex* ap;
fcomplex* bp;
fcomplex* cp;
if (dim == 0) {
ap = (fcomplex*)range.Item2;
cp = (fcomplex*)range.Item4;
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item1; s++) {
bp = (fcomplex*)range.Item3;
fcomplex sum = 0;
int l = itLen;
while (l > 20) {
sum += fcomplex.Abs(ap[0] - bp[0])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[1] - bp[1])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[2] - bp[2])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[3] - bp[3])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[4] - bp[4])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[5] - bp[5])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[6] - bp[6])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[7] - bp[7])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[8] - bp[8])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[9] - bp[9])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[10] - bp[10])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[11] - bp[11])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[12] - bp[12])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[13] - bp[13])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[14] - bp[14])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[15] - bp[15])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[16] - bp[16])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[17] - bp[17])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[18] - bp[18])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[19] - bp[19])
+ fcomplex.Abs(ap[20] - bp[20]);
ap += 21;
bp += 21;
l -= 21;
while (l-- > 0) {
sum += fcomplex.Abs(*ap - *bp);
*cp++ = sum;
} else {
// dim = 1
ap = (fcomplex*)range.Item2;
bp = (fcomplex*)range.Item3;
cp = (fcomplex*)range.Item4;
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item1; s++) { // TODO: further potential speedup: unroll in s direction!
fcomplex val = *bp++;
int l = itLen;
while (l > 10) {
cp[0] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[0] - val);
cp[1] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[1] - val);
cp[2] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[2] - val);
cp[3] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[3] - val);
cp[4] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[4] - val);
cp[5] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[5] - val);
cp[6] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[6] - val);
cp[7] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[7] - val);
cp[8] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[8] - val);
cp[9] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[9] - val);
cp[10] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[10] - val);
cp[11] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[11] - val);
cp[12] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[12] - val);
cp[13] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[13] - val);
cp[14] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[14] - val);
cp[15] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[15] - val);
cp[16] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[16] - val);
cp[17] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[17] - val);
cp[18] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[18] - val);
cp[19] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[19] - val);
cp[20] += fcomplex.Abs(ap[20] - val);
ap += 21;
cp += 21;
l -= 21;
while (l-- > 0) {
*cp += fcomplex.Abs(*ap - val);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region work distribution
int i = 0, workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outDims.NumberOfElements >= Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count
&& outDims[1] > 1) {
if (outDims[1] > workItemCount) {
workItemLength = outDims[1] / workItemCount;
} else {
workItemLength = outDims[1] / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outDims[1];
workItemCount = 1;
//int[] partResults = new int[workItemCount];
fixed ( fcomplex* arrAP = arrA)
fixed ( fcomplex* arrBP = arrB)
fixed ( fcomplex* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range = new Tuple
, (IntPtr)(arrAP + i * outDims[0] * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(arrBP + i * dim * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(retArrP + i * workItemLength));
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(outDims[1] - i * workItemLength
, (IntPtr)(arrAP + i * outDims[0] * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(arrBP + i * dim * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(retArrP + i * workItemLength)));
ILThreadPool.Wait4Workers(ref workerCount);
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
/// pairwise L1 distance
/// input points (matrix)
/// input point (vector)
/// pairwise L1 distances between the data point provided in the input vector and the data points stored in the matrix .
/// If is a colum vector, the distances between and the columns of are calculated. The number of rows of
/// must match the length of vector than. Therefore, the length of the returned vector of distances matches the number of columns of : A.S[1]
/// If is a row vector, the distances between and the rows of are calculated. The number of columns of
/// must match the length of vector than. Therefore, the length of the returned vector of distances matches the number of rows of : A.S[0]
/// This function is cummulative, the single data point may be provided in and the data point matrix may be provided in as well.
public static unsafe ILRetArray distL1(ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
#region parameter checking
if (isnull(A) || isnull(B))
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty(B.S);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return empty(A.S);
// early exit: make the function cummutative
if (A.IsVector && !B.IsVector) {
return distL1(B, A);
int dim = -1;
for (int l = 0; l < Math.Max(A.S.NumberOfDimensions, B.S.NumberOfDimensions); l++) {
if (A.S[l] != B.S[l]) {
if (dim >= 0 || (A.S[l] != 1 && B.S[l] != 1)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one simgleton dimension in A or B");
dim = l;
dim = -(dim - 1); // 0 -> 1, 1 -> 0
#region parameter preparation
ILSize outDims;
if (dim == 0) {
outDims = size(1,A.S[1]);
} else if (dim == 1) {
outDims = size(A.S[0], 1);
} else if (A.S.IsSameSize(B.S)) {
outDims = A.S;
dim = 0;
} else
throw new ILArgumentException("singleton dimension expansion currently is only supported for colum- and row vectors");
complex[] retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
complex[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
complex[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
int itLen = A.S[0];
#region worker loops definition
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
// expects: iStart, iLen, ap, bp, cp
Tuple range =
complex* ap;
complex* bp;
complex* cp;
if (dim == 0) {
ap = (complex*)range.Item2;
cp = (complex*)range.Item4;
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item1; s++) {
bp = (complex*)range.Item3;
complex sum = 0;
int l = itLen;
while (l > 20) {
sum += complex.Abs(ap[0] - bp[0])
+ complex.Abs(ap[1] - bp[1])
+ complex.Abs(ap[2] - bp[2])
+ complex.Abs(ap[3] - bp[3])
+ complex.Abs(ap[4] - bp[4])
+ complex.Abs(ap[5] - bp[5])
+ complex.Abs(ap[6] - bp[6])
+ complex.Abs(ap[7] - bp[7])
+ complex.Abs(ap[8] - bp[8])
+ complex.Abs(ap[9] - bp[9])
+ complex.Abs(ap[10] - bp[10])
+ complex.Abs(ap[11] - bp[11])
+ complex.Abs(ap[12] - bp[12])
+ complex.Abs(ap[13] - bp[13])
+ complex.Abs(ap[14] - bp[14])
+ complex.Abs(ap[15] - bp[15])
+ complex.Abs(ap[16] - bp[16])
+ complex.Abs(ap[17] - bp[17])
+ complex.Abs(ap[18] - bp[18])
+ complex.Abs(ap[19] - bp[19])
+ complex.Abs(ap[20] - bp[20]);
ap += 21;
bp += 21;
l -= 21;
while (l-- > 0) {
sum += complex.Abs(*ap - *bp);
*cp++ = sum;
} else {
// dim = 1
ap = (complex*)range.Item2;
bp = (complex*)range.Item3;
cp = (complex*)range.Item4;
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item1; s++) { // TODO: further potential speedup: unroll in s direction!
complex val = *bp++;
int l = itLen;
while (l > 10) {
cp[0] += complex.Abs(ap[0] - val);
cp[1] += complex.Abs(ap[1] - val);
cp[2] += complex.Abs(ap[2] - val);
cp[3] += complex.Abs(ap[3] - val);
cp[4] += complex.Abs(ap[4] - val);
cp[5] += complex.Abs(ap[5] - val);
cp[6] += complex.Abs(ap[6] - val);
cp[7] += complex.Abs(ap[7] - val);
cp[8] += complex.Abs(ap[8] - val);
cp[9] += complex.Abs(ap[9] - val);
cp[10] += complex.Abs(ap[10] - val);
cp[11] += complex.Abs(ap[11] - val);
cp[12] += complex.Abs(ap[12] - val);
cp[13] += complex.Abs(ap[13] - val);
cp[14] += complex.Abs(ap[14] - val);
cp[15] += complex.Abs(ap[15] - val);
cp[16] += complex.Abs(ap[16] - val);
cp[17] += complex.Abs(ap[17] - val);
cp[18] += complex.Abs(ap[18] - val);
cp[19] += complex.Abs(ap[19] - val);
cp[20] += complex.Abs(ap[20] - val);
ap += 21;
cp += 21;
l -= 21;
while (l-- > 0) {
*cp += complex.Abs(*ap - val);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region work distribution
int i = 0, workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outDims.NumberOfElements >= Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count
&& outDims[1] > 1) {
if (outDims[1] > workItemCount) {
workItemLength = outDims[1] / workItemCount;
} else {
workItemLength = outDims[1] / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outDims[1];
workItemCount = 1;
//int[] partResults = new int[workItemCount];
fixed ( complex* arrAP = arrA)
fixed ( complex* arrBP = arrB)
fixed ( complex* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range = new Tuple
, (IntPtr)(arrAP + i * outDims[0] * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(arrBP + i * dim * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(retArrP + i * workItemLength));
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(outDims[1] - i * workItemLength
, (IntPtr)(arrAP + i * outDims[0] * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(arrBP + i * dim * workItemLength)
, (IntPtr)(retArrP + i * workItemLength)));
ILThreadPool.Wait4Workers(ref workerCount);
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);