/// This file is part of ILNumerics Community Edition.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition - high performance computing for applications.
/// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Haymo Kutschbach, http://ilnumerics.net
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
/// the Free Software Foundation.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with ILNumerics Community Edition. See the file License.txt in the root
/// of your distribution package. If not, see .
/// In addition this software uses the following components and/or licenses:
/// =================================================================================
/// The Open Toolkit Library License
/// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
/// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
/// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
/// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
/// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
/// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
/// so, subject to the following conditions:
/// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
/// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
/// =================================================================================
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using ILNumerics.Storage;
using ILNumerics.Misc;
using ILNumerics.Exceptions;
namespace ILNumerics {
public partial class ILMath {
/// Cholesky factorization
/// Input array A. A must be a symmetric/hermitian matrix.
/// Therefore the upper triangular part of A must be the transpose (complex conjugate for complex input) of the lower triangular part. No check
/// is made for that!
/// The elements of A will not be altered.
/// Throw an ILArgumentException if A
/// is found not to be positive definite.
/// Cholesky factorization
/// If is true and
/// A is found not to be positive definite, an ILArgumentException
/// will be thrown and the operation will be canceled.
/// If is false, check the
/// return value's dimension to determine the success of the
/// operation (unless you are sure, A was positive definite).
/// If A was found not to be positive definite the matrix returned
/// will be of dimension [k x k] and the result of the cholesky
/// factorization of A[0:k-1;0:k-1]. Here k is the first leading
/// minor of A at which A was found to be not positive definite.
/// The factorization is carried out by use of the LAPACK functions
/// DPOTRF, ZPOTRF, SPOTRF or CPOTRF respectively.
public static ILRetArray chol(ILInArray A, bool throwException = true) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (!A.IsMatrix)
throw new ILArgumentSizeException("chol is defined for matrices only!");
int n = A.Size[0], info = 0;
if (A.Size[1] != n)
throw new ILArgumentException("chol: input matrix must be square!");
ILDenseStorage ret = A.Storage.copyUpperTriangle(n);
/*!HC:lapack_*potrf*/ Lapack.dpotrf ('U', n, ret.GetArrayForRead(), n, ref info);
if (info < 0 ) {
throw new ILArgumentException("chol: illegal parameter error.");
} else if (info > 0) {
// not pos.definite
if (! throwException) {
if (info > 1) {
int newDim = info - 1;
ret = A.Storage.copyUpperTriangle(newDim);
/*!HC:lapack_*potrf*/ Lapack.dpotrf ('U',newDim,ret.GetArrayForRead(), newDim, ref info);
if (info != 0)
throw new ILArgumentException("chol: the original matrix given was not pos. definit. An attempt to decompose the submatrix of order " + (newDim + 1).ToString() + " failed.");
return new ILRetArray(ret);
} else {
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
} else {
throw new ILArgumentException("chol: the matrix given is not positive definite!");
return new ILRetArray(ret);
/// Cholesky factorization
/// Input array A. A must be a symmetric/hermitian matrix.
/// Therefore the upper triangular part of A must be the transpose (complex conjugate for complex input) of the lower triangular part. No check
/// is made for that!
/// The elements of A will not be altered.
/// Throw an ILArgumentException if A
/// is found not to be positive definite.
/// Cholesky factorization
/// If is true and
/// A is found not to be positive definite, an ILArgumentException
/// will be thrown and the operation will be canceled.
/// If is false, check the
/// return value's dimension to determine the success of the
/// operation (unless you are sure, A was positive definite).
/// If A was found not to be positive definite the matrix returned
/// will be of dimension [k x k] and the result of the cholesky
/// factorization of A[0:k-1;0:k-1]. Here k is the first leading
/// minor of A at which A was found to be not positive definite.
/// The factorization is carried out by use of the LAPACK functions
/// DPOTRF, ZPOTRF, SPOTRF or CPOTRF respectively.
public static ILRetArray chol(ILInArray A, bool throwException = true) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (!A.IsMatrix)
throw new ILArgumentSizeException("chol is defined for matrices only!");
int n = A.Size[0], info = 0;
if (A.Size[1] != n)
throw new ILArgumentException("chol: input matrix must be square!");
ILDenseStorage ret = A.Storage.copyUpperTriangle(n);
Lapack.spotrf ('U', n, ret.GetArrayForRead(), n, ref info);
if (info < 0 ) {
throw new ILArgumentException("chol: illegal parameter error.");
} else if (info > 0) {
// not pos.definite
if (! throwException) {
if (info > 1) {
int newDim = info - 1;
ret = A.Storage.copyUpperTriangle(newDim);
Lapack.spotrf ('U',newDim,ret.GetArrayForRead(), newDim, ref info);
if (info != 0)
throw new ILArgumentException("chol: the original matrix given was not pos. definit. An attempt to decompose the submatrix of order " + (newDim + 1).ToString() + " failed.");
return new ILRetArray(ret);
} else {
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
} else {
throw new ILArgumentException("chol: the matrix given is not positive definite!");
return new ILRetArray(ret);
/// Cholesky factorization
/// Input array A. A must be a symmetric/hermitian matrix.
/// Therefore the upper triangular part of A must be the transpose (complex conjugate for complex input) of the lower triangular part. No check
/// is made for that!
/// The elements of A will not be altered.
/// Throw an ILArgumentException if A
/// is found not to be positive definite.
/// Cholesky factorization
/// If is true and
/// A is found not to be positive definite, an ILArgumentException
/// will be thrown and the operation will be canceled.
/// If is false, check the
/// return value's dimension to determine the success of the
/// operation (unless you are sure, A was positive definite).
/// If A was found not to be positive definite the matrix returned
/// will be of dimension [k x k] and the result of the cholesky
/// factorization of A[0:k-1;0:k-1]. Here k is the first leading
/// minor of A at which A was found to be not positive definite.
/// The factorization is carried out by use of the LAPACK functions
/// DPOTRF, ZPOTRF, SPOTRF or CPOTRF respectively.
public static ILRetArray chol(ILInArray A, bool throwException = true) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (!A.IsMatrix)
throw new ILArgumentSizeException("chol is defined for matrices only!");
int n = A.Size[0], info = 0;
if (A.Size[1] != n)
throw new ILArgumentException("chol: input matrix must be square!");
ILDenseStorage ret = A.Storage.copyUpperTriangle(n);
Lapack.cpotrf ('U', n, ret.GetArrayForRead(), n, ref info);
if (info < 0 ) {
throw new ILArgumentException("chol: illegal parameter error.");
} else if (info > 0) {
// not pos.definite
if (! throwException) {
if (info > 1) {
int newDim = info - 1;
ret = A.Storage.copyUpperTriangle(newDim);
Lapack.cpotrf ('U',newDim,ret.GetArrayForRead(), newDim, ref info);
if (info != 0)
throw new ILArgumentException("chol: the original matrix given was not pos. definit. An attempt to decompose the submatrix of order " + (newDim + 1).ToString() + " failed.");
return new ILRetArray(ret);
} else {
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
} else {
throw new ILArgumentException("chol: the matrix given is not positive definite!");
return new ILRetArray(ret);
/// Cholesky factorization
/// Input array A. A must be a symmetric/hermitian matrix.
/// Therefore the upper triangular part of A must be the transpose (complex conjugate for complex input) of the lower triangular part. No check
/// is made for that!
/// The elements of A will not be altered.
/// Throw an ILArgumentException if A
/// is found not to be positive definite.
/// Cholesky factorization
/// If is true and
/// A is found not to be positive definite, an ILArgumentException
/// will be thrown and the operation will be canceled.
/// If is false, check the
/// return value's dimension to determine the success of the
/// operation (unless you are sure, A was positive definite).
/// If A was found not to be positive definite the matrix returned
/// will be of dimension [k x k] and the result of the cholesky
/// factorization of A[0:k-1;0:k-1]. Here k is the first leading
/// minor of A at which A was found to be not positive definite.
/// The factorization is carried out by use of the LAPACK functions
/// DPOTRF, ZPOTRF, SPOTRF or CPOTRF respectively.
public static ILRetArray chol(ILInArray A, bool throwException = true) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
if (!A.IsMatrix)
throw new ILArgumentSizeException("chol is defined for matrices only!");
int n = A.Size[0], info = 0;
if (A.Size[1] != n)
throw new ILArgumentException("chol: input matrix must be square!");
ILDenseStorage ret = A.Storage.copyUpperTriangle(n);
Lapack.zpotrf ('U', n, ret.GetArrayForRead(), n, ref info);
if (info < 0 ) {
throw new ILArgumentException("chol: illegal parameter error.");
} else if (info > 0) {
// not pos.definite
if (! throwException) {
if (info > 1) {
int newDim = info - 1;
ret = A.Storage.copyUpperTriangle(newDim);
Lapack.zpotrf ('U',newDim,ret.GetArrayForRead(), newDim, ref info);
if (info != 0)
throw new ILArgumentException("chol: the original matrix given was not pos. definit. An attempt to decompose the submatrix of order " + (newDim + 1).ToString() + " failed.");
return new ILRetArray(ret);
} else {
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
} else {
throw new ILArgumentException("chol: the matrix given is not positive definite!");
return new ILRetArray(ret);