/// This file is part of ILNumerics Community Edition.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition - high performance computing for applications.
/// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Haymo Kutschbach, http://ilnumerics.net
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
/// the Free Software Foundation.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with ILNumerics Community Edition. See the file License.txt in the root
/// of your distribution package. If not, see .
/// In addition this software uses the following components and/or licenses:
/// =================================================================================
/// The Open Toolkit Library License
/// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
/// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
/// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
/// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
/// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
/// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
/// so, subject to the following conditions:
/// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
/// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
/// =================================================================================
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using ILNumerics;
using ILNumerics.Exceptions;
using ILNumerics.Storage;
using ILNumerics.Misc;
namespace ILNumerics {
public partial class ILMath {
/// Apply an arbitrary function to two arrays
/// A function c = f(a,b), which will be applied to elements in A and B
/// Input array A
/// Input array B
/// The combination of A and B. The result and size depends on the inputs:
/// -
size(A) == size(B)
/// Same size as A/B, elementwise combination of A and B.
/// -
isscalar(A) || isscalar(B)
/// Same size as A or B, whichever is not a scalar, the scalar value being applied to each element
/// (i.e. if the non-scalar input is empty, the result is empty).
/// -
All other cases
/// If A or B is a colum vector and the other parameter is an array with a matching column length, the vector is used to operate on all columns of the array.
/// Similarly, if one parameter is a row vector, it is used to operate along the rows of the other array if its number of columns matches the vector length.
/// The apply function is also implemented for input if e.g. sizes (mxn) and (mx1).
/// In this case the vector argument will be combined to each column, resulting in an (mxn) array.
/// This feature is, however, officiallny not supported.
public unsafe static ILRetArray apply(Func func, ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
int outLen;
BinOpItMode mode;
double[] retArr;
double[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
double[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
ILSize outDims;
#region determine operation mode
if (A.IsScalar) {
outDims = B.Size;
if (B.IsScalar) {
return new ILRetArray(new double[1] { func(A.GetValue(0), B.GetValue(0)) }, A.Size);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return ILRetArray.empty(outDims);
} else {
outLen = outDims.NumberOfElements;
if (!B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.SAN;
} else {
mode = BinOpItMode.SAI;
} else {
outDims = A.Size;
if (B.IsScalar) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return ILRetArray.empty(A.Size);
outLen = A.S.NumberOfElements;
if (!A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.ASN;
} else {
mode = BinOpItMode.ASI;
} else {
// array + array
if (!A.Size.IsSameSize(B.Size)) {
return applyEx(func,A,B);
outLen = A.S.NumberOfElements;
if (A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr))
mode = BinOpItMode.AAIA;
else if (B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
mode = BinOpItMode.AAIB;
} else {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.AAN;
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int i = 0, workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
Tuple range
= (Tuple)data;
double* cLast, cp = (double*)range.Item5 + range.Item1;
double scalar;
cLast = cp + range.Item2;
#region loops
switch (mode) {
case BinOpItMode.AAIA:
double* bp = ((double*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*cp, *bp++);
case BinOpItMode.AAIB:
double* ap = ((double*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*ap++, *cp);
//ap = ((double*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
//for (int i2 = range.Item2; i2-- > 0; ) {
// *(cp + i2) = *(ap + i2) - *(cp + i2);
//int ie = range.Item1 + range.Item2-1;
//double[] locRetArr = retArr;
//for (int i2 = range.Item1; i2 < locRetArr.Length; i2++) {
// locRetArr[i2] = arrA[i2] - locRetArr[i2];
// if (i2 >= ie) break;
case BinOpItMode.AAN:
ap = ((double*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
bp = ((double*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(*ap++, *bp++);
case BinOpItMode.ASI:
scalar = *((double*)range.Item4);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*cp, scalar);
case BinOpItMode.ASN:
ap = ((double*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
scalar = *((double*)range.Item4);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(*ap++, scalar);
case BinOpItMode.SAI:
scalar = *((double*)range.Item3);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(scalar, *cp);
case BinOpItMode.SAN:
scalar = *((double*)range.Item3);
bp = ((double*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(scalar, *bp++);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region do the work
int workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outLen / 2 > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
if (outLen / workItemCount > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
workItemLength = outLen / workItemCount;
//workItemLength = (int)((double)outLen / workItemCount * 1.05);
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outLen;
workItemCount = 1;
// retStorage.PendingEvents = new System.Threading.CountdownEvent(workItemCount);
fixed ( double* arrAP = arrA)
fixed ( double* arrBP = arrB)
fixed ( double* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range
= new Tuple
(i * workItemLength, workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP, mode);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(i * workItemLength, outLen - i * workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP, mode));
System.Threading.SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => {
return workerCount <= 0;
//while (workerCount > 0) ;
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
private static unsafe ILRetArray applyEx(Func applyFunc, ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
#region parameter checking
if (isnull(A) || isnull(B))
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty(B.S);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return empty(A.S);
//if (A.IsScalar || B.IsScalar || A.D.IsSameSize(B.D))
// return add(A,B);
int dim = -1;
for (int _L = 0; _L < Math.Max(A.S.NumberOfDimensions, B.S.NumberOfDimensions); _L++) {
if (A.S[_L] != B.S[_L]) {
if (dim >= 0 || (A.S[_L] != 1 && B.S[_L] != 1)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one singleton dimension in A or B");
dim = _L;
if (dim > 1)
throw new ILArgumentException("singleton dimension expansion currently is only supported for colum- and row vectors");
#region parameter preparation
double[] retArr;
double[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
double[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
ILSize outDims;
BinOptItExMode mode;
int arrInc = 0;
int arrStepInc = 0;
int dimLen = 0;
if (A.IsVector) {
outDims = B.S;
if (!B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
mode = BinOptItExMode.VAN;
} else {
mode = BinOptItExMode.VAI;
dimLen = A.Length;
} else if (B.IsVector) {
outDims = A.S;
if (!A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
mode = BinOptItExMode.AVN;
} else {
mode = BinOptItExMode.AVI;
dimLen = B.Length;
} else {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one simgleton dimension in A or B");
arrInc = (dim == 0) ? outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(1) : outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(0);
arrStepInc = outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(dim);
#region worker loops definition
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
// expects: iStart, iLen, ap, bp, cp
Tuple range =
double* ap;
double* bp;
double* cp;
switch (mode) {
case BinOptItExMode.VAN:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (double*)range.Item3;
bp = (double*)range.Item4 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc; ;
cp = (double*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *bp);
bp += arrInc;
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.VAI:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (double*)range.Item3;
cp = (double*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *cp);
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.AVN:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (double*)range.Item3 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
bp = (double*)range.Item4;
cp = (double*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *bp);
ap += arrInc;
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.AVI:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
bp = (double*)range.Item4;
cp = (double*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*cp, *bp);
cp += arrInc;
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region work distribution
int i = 0, workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
int outLen = outDims.NumberOfElements;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outLen / 2 >= Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
if (outLen / workItemCount > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen / workItemCount;
//workItemLength = (int)((double)outLen / workItemCount * 1.05);
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen;
workItemCount = 1;
fixed (double* arrAP = arrA)
fixed (double* arrBP = arrB)
fixed (double* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range
= new Tuple
(i * workItemLength * arrStepInc, workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(i * workItemLength * arrStepInc, (outLen / dimLen) - i * workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP));
ILThreadPool.Wait4Workers(ref workerCount);
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
/// Apply an arbitrary function to two arrays
/// A function c = f(a,b), which will be applied to elements in A and B
/// Input array A
/// Input array B
/// The combination of A and B. The result and size depends on the inputs:
/// -
size(A) == size(B)
/// Same size as A/B, elementwise combination of A and B.
/// -
isscalar(A) || isscalar(B)
/// Same size as A or B, whichever is not a scalar, the scalar value being applied to each element
/// (i.e. if the non-scalar input is empty, the result is empty).
/// -
All other cases
/// If A or B is a colum vector and the other parameter is an array with a matching column length, the vector is used to operate on all columns of the array.
/// Similarly, if one parameter is a row vector, it is used to operate along the rows of the other array if its number of columns matches the vector length.
/// The apply function is also implemented for input if e.g. sizes (mxn) and (mx1).
/// In this case the vector argument will be combined to each column, resulting in an (mxn) array.
/// This feature is, however, officiallny not supported.
public unsafe static ILRetArray apply(Func func, ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
int outLen;
BinOpItMode mode;
float[] retArr;
float[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
float[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
ILSize outDims;
#region determine operation mode
if (A.IsScalar) {
outDims = B.Size;
if (B.IsScalar) {
return new ILRetArray(new float[1] { func(A.GetValue(0), B.GetValue(0)) }, A.Size);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return ILRetArray.empty(outDims);
} else {
outLen = outDims.NumberOfElements;
if (!B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.SAN;
} else {
mode = BinOpItMode.SAI;
} else {
outDims = A.Size;
if (B.IsScalar) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return ILRetArray.empty(A.Size);
outLen = A.S.NumberOfElements;
if (!A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.ASN;
} else {
mode = BinOpItMode.ASI;
} else {
// array + array
if (!A.Size.IsSameSize(B.Size)) {
return applyEx(func,A,B);
outLen = A.S.NumberOfElements;
if (A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr))
mode = BinOpItMode.AAIA;
else if (B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
mode = BinOpItMode.AAIB;
} else {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.AAN;
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int i = 0, workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
Tuple range
= (Tuple)data;
float* cLast, cp = (float*)range.Item5 + range.Item1;
float scalar;
cLast = cp + range.Item2;
#region loops
switch (mode) {
case BinOpItMode.AAIA:
float* bp = ((float*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*cp, *bp++);
case BinOpItMode.AAIB:
float* ap = ((float*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*ap++, *cp);
//ap = ((double*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
//for (int i2 = range.Item2; i2-- > 0; ) {
// *(cp + i2) = *(ap + i2) - *(cp + i2);
//int ie = range.Item1 + range.Item2-1;
//double[] locRetArr = retArr;
//for (int i2 = range.Item1; i2 < locRetArr.Length; i2++) {
// locRetArr[i2] = arrA[i2] - locRetArr[i2];
// if (i2 >= ie) break;
case BinOpItMode.AAN:
ap = ((float*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
bp = ((float*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(*ap++, *bp++);
case BinOpItMode.ASI:
scalar = *((float*)range.Item4);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*cp, scalar);
case BinOpItMode.ASN:
ap = ((float*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
scalar = *((float*)range.Item4);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(*ap++, scalar);
case BinOpItMode.SAI:
scalar = *((float*)range.Item3);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(scalar, *cp);
case BinOpItMode.SAN:
scalar = *((float*)range.Item3);
bp = ((float*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(scalar, *bp++);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region do the work
int workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outLen / 2 > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
if (outLen / workItemCount > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
workItemLength = outLen / workItemCount;
//workItemLength = (int)((double)outLen / workItemCount * 1.05);
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outLen;
workItemCount = 1;
// retStorage.PendingEvents = new System.Threading.CountdownEvent(workItemCount);
fixed ( float* arrAP = arrA)
fixed ( float* arrBP = arrB)
fixed ( float* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range
= new Tuple
(i * workItemLength, workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP, mode);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(i * workItemLength, outLen - i * workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP, mode));
System.Threading.SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => {
return workerCount <= 0;
//while (workerCount > 0) ;
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
private static unsafe ILRetArray applyEx(Func applyFunc, ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
#region parameter checking
if (isnull(A) || isnull(B))
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty(B.S);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return empty(A.S);
//if (A.IsScalar || B.IsScalar || A.D.IsSameSize(B.D))
// return add(A,B);
int dim = -1;
for (int _L = 0; _L < Math.Max(A.S.NumberOfDimensions, B.S.NumberOfDimensions); _L++) {
if (A.S[_L] != B.S[_L]) {
if (dim >= 0 || (A.S[_L] != 1 && B.S[_L] != 1)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one singleton dimension in A or B");
dim = _L;
if (dim > 1)
throw new ILArgumentException("singleton dimension expansion currently is only supported for colum- and row vectors");
#region parameter preparation
float[] retArr;
float[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
float[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
ILSize outDims;
BinOptItExMode mode;
int arrInc = 0;
int arrStepInc = 0;
int dimLen = 0;
if (A.IsVector) {
outDims = B.S;
if (!B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
mode = BinOptItExMode.VAN;
} else {
mode = BinOptItExMode.VAI;
dimLen = A.Length;
} else if (B.IsVector) {
outDims = A.S;
if (!A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
mode = BinOptItExMode.AVN;
} else {
mode = BinOptItExMode.AVI;
dimLen = B.Length;
} else {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one simgleton dimension in A or B");
arrInc = (dim == 0) ? outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(1) : outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(0);
arrStepInc = outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(dim);
#region worker loops definition
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
// expects: iStart, iLen, ap, bp, cp
Tuple range =
float* ap;
float* bp;
float* cp;
switch (mode) {
case BinOptItExMode.VAN:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (float*)range.Item3;
bp = (float*)range.Item4 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc; ;
cp = (float*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *bp);
bp += arrInc;
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.VAI:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (float*)range.Item3;
cp = (float*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *cp);
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.AVN:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (float*)range.Item3 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
bp = (float*)range.Item4;
cp = (float*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *bp);
ap += arrInc;
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.AVI:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
bp = (float*)range.Item4;
cp = (float*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*cp, *bp);
cp += arrInc;
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region work distribution
int i = 0, workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
int outLen = outDims.NumberOfElements;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outLen / 2 >= Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
if (outLen / workItemCount > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen / workItemCount;
//workItemLength = (int)((double)outLen / workItemCount * 1.05);
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen;
workItemCount = 1;
fixed (float* arrAP = arrA)
fixed (float* arrBP = arrB)
fixed (float* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range
= new Tuple
(i * workItemLength * arrStepInc, workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(i * workItemLength * arrStepInc, (outLen / dimLen) - i * workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP));
ILThreadPool.Wait4Workers(ref workerCount);
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
/// Apply an arbitrary function to two arrays
/// A function c = f(a,b), which will be applied to elements in A and B
/// Input array A
/// Input array B
/// The combination of A and B. The result and size depends on the inputs:
/// -
size(A) == size(B)
/// Same size as A/B, elementwise combination of A and B.
/// -
isscalar(A) || isscalar(B)
/// Same size as A or B, whichever is not a scalar, the scalar value being applied to each element
/// (i.e. if the non-scalar input is empty, the result is empty).
/// -
All other cases
/// If A or B is a colum vector and the other parameter is an array with a matching column length, the vector is used to operate on all columns of the array.
/// Similarly, if one parameter is a row vector, it is used to operate along the rows of the other array if its number of columns matches the vector length.
/// The apply function is also implemented for input if e.g. sizes (mxn) and (mx1).
/// In this case the vector argument will be combined to each column, resulting in an (mxn) array.
/// This feature is, however, officiallny not supported.
public unsafe static ILRetArray apply(Func func, ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
int outLen;
BinOpItMode mode;
fcomplex[] retArr;
fcomplex[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
fcomplex[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
ILSize outDims;
#region determine operation mode
if (A.IsScalar) {
outDims = B.Size;
if (B.IsScalar) {
return new ILRetArray(new fcomplex[1] { func(A.GetValue(0), B.GetValue(0)) }, A.Size);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return ILRetArray.empty(outDims);
} else {
outLen = outDims.NumberOfElements;
if (!B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.SAN;
} else {
mode = BinOpItMode.SAI;
} else {
outDims = A.Size;
if (B.IsScalar) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return ILRetArray.empty(A.Size);
outLen = A.S.NumberOfElements;
if (!A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.ASN;
} else {
mode = BinOpItMode.ASI;
} else {
// array + array
if (!A.Size.IsSameSize(B.Size)) {
return applyEx(func,A,B);
outLen = A.S.NumberOfElements;
if (A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr))
mode = BinOpItMode.AAIA;
else if (B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
mode = BinOpItMode.AAIB;
} else {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.AAN;
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int i = 0, workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
Tuple range
= (Tuple)data;
fcomplex* cLast, cp = (fcomplex*)range.Item5 + range.Item1;
fcomplex scalar;
cLast = cp + range.Item2;
#region loops
switch (mode) {
case BinOpItMode.AAIA:
fcomplex* bp = ((fcomplex*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*cp, *bp++);
case BinOpItMode.AAIB:
fcomplex* ap = ((fcomplex*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*ap++, *cp);
//ap = ((double*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
//for (int i2 = range.Item2; i2-- > 0; ) {
// *(cp + i2) = *(ap + i2) - *(cp + i2);
//int ie = range.Item1 + range.Item2-1;
//double[] locRetArr = retArr;
//for (int i2 = range.Item1; i2 < locRetArr.Length; i2++) {
// locRetArr[i2] = arrA[i2] - locRetArr[i2];
// if (i2 >= ie) break;
case BinOpItMode.AAN:
ap = ((fcomplex*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
bp = ((fcomplex*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(*ap++, *bp++);
case BinOpItMode.ASI:
scalar = *((fcomplex*)range.Item4);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*cp, scalar);
case BinOpItMode.ASN:
ap = ((fcomplex*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
scalar = *((fcomplex*)range.Item4);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(*ap++, scalar);
case BinOpItMode.SAI:
scalar = *((fcomplex*)range.Item3);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(scalar, *cp);
case BinOpItMode.SAN:
scalar = *((fcomplex*)range.Item3);
bp = ((fcomplex*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(scalar, *bp++);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region do the work
int workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outLen / 2 > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
if (outLen / workItemCount > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
workItemLength = outLen / workItemCount;
//workItemLength = (int)((double)outLen / workItemCount * 1.05);
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outLen;
workItemCount = 1;
// retStorage.PendingEvents = new System.Threading.CountdownEvent(workItemCount);
fixed ( fcomplex* arrAP = arrA)
fixed ( fcomplex* arrBP = arrB)
fixed ( fcomplex* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range
= new Tuple
(i * workItemLength, workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP, mode);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(i * workItemLength, outLen - i * workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP, mode));
System.Threading.SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => {
return workerCount <= 0;
//while (workerCount > 0) ;
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
private static unsafe ILRetArray applyEx(Func applyFunc, ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
#region parameter checking
if (isnull(A) || isnull(B))
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty(B.S);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return empty(A.S);
//if (A.IsScalar || B.IsScalar || A.D.IsSameSize(B.D))
// return add(A,B);
int dim = -1;
for (int _L = 0; _L < Math.Max(A.S.NumberOfDimensions, B.S.NumberOfDimensions); _L++) {
if (A.S[_L] != B.S[_L]) {
if (dim >= 0 || (A.S[_L] != 1 && B.S[_L] != 1)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one singleton dimension in A or B");
dim = _L;
if (dim > 1)
throw new ILArgumentException("singleton dimension expansion currently is only supported for colum- and row vectors");
#region parameter preparation
fcomplex[] retArr;
fcomplex[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
fcomplex[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
ILSize outDims;
BinOptItExMode mode;
int arrInc = 0;
int arrStepInc = 0;
int dimLen = 0;
if (A.IsVector) {
outDims = B.S;
if (!B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
mode = BinOptItExMode.VAN;
} else {
mode = BinOptItExMode.VAI;
dimLen = A.Length;
} else if (B.IsVector) {
outDims = A.S;
if (!A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
mode = BinOptItExMode.AVN;
} else {
mode = BinOptItExMode.AVI;
dimLen = B.Length;
} else {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one simgleton dimension in A or B");
arrInc = (dim == 0) ? outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(1) : outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(0);
arrStepInc = outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(dim);
#region worker loops definition
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
// expects: iStart, iLen, ap, bp, cp
Tuple range =
fcomplex* ap;
fcomplex* bp;
fcomplex* cp;
switch (mode) {
case BinOptItExMode.VAN:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (fcomplex*)range.Item3;
bp = (fcomplex*)range.Item4 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc; ;
cp = (fcomplex*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *bp);
bp += arrInc;
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.VAI:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (fcomplex*)range.Item3;
cp = (fcomplex*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *cp);
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.AVN:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (fcomplex*)range.Item3 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
bp = (fcomplex*)range.Item4;
cp = (fcomplex*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *bp);
ap += arrInc;
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.AVI:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
bp = (fcomplex*)range.Item4;
cp = (fcomplex*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*cp, *bp);
cp += arrInc;
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region work distribution
int i = 0, workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
int outLen = outDims.NumberOfElements;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outLen / 2 >= Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
if (outLen / workItemCount > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen / workItemCount;
//workItemLength = (int)((double)outLen / workItemCount * 1.05);
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen;
workItemCount = 1;
fixed (fcomplex* arrAP = arrA)
fixed (fcomplex* arrBP = arrB)
fixed (fcomplex* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range
= new Tuple
(i * workItemLength * arrStepInc, workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(i * workItemLength * arrStepInc, (outLen / dimLen) - i * workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP));
ILThreadPool.Wait4Workers(ref workerCount);
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
/// Apply an arbitrary function to two arrays
/// A function c = f(a,b), which will be applied to elements in A and B
/// Input array A
/// Input array B
/// The combination of A and B. The result and size depends on the inputs:
/// -
size(A) == size(B)
/// Same size as A/B, elementwise combination of A and B.
/// -
isscalar(A) || isscalar(B)
/// Same size as A or B, whichever is not a scalar, the scalar value being applied to each element
/// (i.e. if the non-scalar input is empty, the result is empty).
/// -
All other cases
/// If A or B is a colum vector and the other parameter is an array with a matching column length, the vector is used to operate on all columns of the array.
/// Similarly, if one parameter is a row vector, it is used to operate along the rows of the other array if its number of columns matches the vector length.
/// The apply function is also implemented for input if e.g. sizes (mxn) and (mx1).
/// In this case the vector argument will be combined to each column, resulting in an (mxn) array.
/// This feature is, however, officiallny not supported.
public unsafe static ILRetArray apply(Func func, ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
int outLen;
BinOpItMode mode;
complex[] retArr;
complex[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
complex[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
ILSize outDims;
#region determine operation mode
if (A.IsScalar) {
outDims = B.Size;
if (B.IsScalar) {
return new ILRetArray(new complex[1] { func(A.GetValue(0), B.GetValue(0)) }, A.Size);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return ILRetArray.empty(outDims);
} else {
outLen = outDims.NumberOfElements;
if (!B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.SAN;
} else {
mode = BinOpItMode.SAI;
} else {
outDims = A.Size;
if (B.IsScalar) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return ILRetArray.empty(A.Size);
outLen = A.S.NumberOfElements;
if (!A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.ASN;
} else {
mode = BinOpItMode.ASI;
} else {
// array + array
if (!A.Size.IsSameSize(B.Size)) {
return applyEx(func,A,B);
outLen = A.S.NumberOfElements;
if (A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr))
mode = BinOpItMode.AAIA;
else if (B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
mode = BinOpItMode.AAIB;
} else {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.AAN;
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int i = 0, workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
Tuple range
= (Tuple)data;
complex* cLast, cp = (complex*)range.Item5 + range.Item1;
complex scalar;
cLast = cp + range.Item2;
#region loops
switch (mode) {
case BinOpItMode.AAIA:
complex* bp = ((complex*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*cp, *bp++);
case BinOpItMode.AAIB:
complex* ap = ((complex*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*ap++, *cp);
//ap = ((double*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
//for (int i2 = range.Item2; i2-- > 0; ) {
// *(cp + i2) = *(ap + i2) - *(cp + i2);
//int ie = range.Item1 + range.Item2-1;
//double[] locRetArr = retArr;
//for (int i2 = range.Item1; i2 < locRetArr.Length; i2++) {
// locRetArr[i2] = arrA[i2] - locRetArr[i2];
// if (i2 >= ie) break;
case BinOpItMode.AAN:
ap = ((complex*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
bp = ((complex*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(*ap++, *bp++);
case BinOpItMode.ASI:
scalar = *((complex*)range.Item4);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*cp, scalar);
case BinOpItMode.ASN:
ap = ((complex*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
scalar = *((complex*)range.Item4);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(*ap++, scalar);
case BinOpItMode.SAI:
scalar = *((complex*)range.Item3);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(scalar, *cp);
case BinOpItMode.SAN:
scalar = *((complex*)range.Item3);
bp = ((complex*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(scalar, *bp++);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region do the work
int workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outLen / 2 > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
if (outLen / workItemCount > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
workItemLength = outLen / workItemCount;
//workItemLength = (int)((double)outLen / workItemCount * 1.05);
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outLen;
workItemCount = 1;
// retStorage.PendingEvents = new System.Threading.CountdownEvent(workItemCount);
fixed ( complex* arrAP = arrA)
fixed ( complex* arrBP = arrB)
fixed ( complex* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range
= new Tuple
(i * workItemLength, workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP, mode);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(i * workItemLength, outLen - i * workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP, mode));
System.Threading.SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => {
return workerCount <= 0;
//while (workerCount > 0) ;
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
private static unsafe ILRetArray applyEx(Func applyFunc, ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
#region parameter checking
if (isnull(A) || isnull(B))
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty(B.S);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return empty(A.S);
//if (A.IsScalar || B.IsScalar || A.D.IsSameSize(B.D))
// return add(A,B);
int dim = -1;
for (int _L = 0; _L < Math.Max(A.S.NumberOfDimensions, B.S.NumberOfDimensions); _L++) {
if (A.S[_L] != B.S[_L]) {
if (dim >= 0 || (A.S[_L] != 1 && B.S[_L] != 1)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one singleton dimension in A or B");
dim = _L;
if (dim > 1)
throw new ILArgumentException("singleton dimension expansion currently is only supported for colum- and row vectors");
#region parameter preparation
complex[] retArr;
complex[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
complex[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
ILSize outDims;
BinOptItExMode mode;
int arrInc = 0;
int arrStepInc = 0;
int dimLen = 0;
if (A.IsVector) {
outDims = B.S;
if (!B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
mode = BinOptItExMode.VAN;
} else {
mode = BinOptItExMode.VAI;
dimLen = A.Length;
} else if (B.IsVector) {
outDims = A.S;
if (!A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
mode = BinOptItExMode.AVN;
} else {
mode = BinOptItExMode.AVI;
dimLen = B.Length;
} else {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one simgleton dimension in A or B");
arrInc = (dim == 0) ? outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(1) : outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(0);
arrStepInc = outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(dim);
#region worker loops definition
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
// expects: iStart, iLen, ap, bp, cp
Tuple range =
complex* ap;
complex* bp;
complex* cp;
switch (mode) {
case BinOptItExMode.VAN:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (complex*)range.Item3;
bp = (complex*)range.Item4 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc; ;
cp = (complex*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *bp);
bp += arrInc;
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.VAI:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (complex*)range.Item3;
cp = (complex*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *cp);
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.AVN:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (complex*)range.Item3 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
bp = (complex*)range.Item4;
cp = (complex*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *bp);
ap += arrInc;
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.AVI:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
bp = (complex*)range.Item4;
cp = (complex*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*cp, *bp);
cp += arrInc;
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region work distribution
int i = 0, workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
int outLen = outDims.NumberOfElements;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outLen / 2 >= Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
if (outLen / workItemCount > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen / workItemCount;
//workItemLength = (int)((double)outLen / workItemCount * 1.05);
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen;
workItemCount = 1;
fixed (complex* arrAP = arrA)
fixed (complex* arrBP = arrB)
fixed (complex* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range
= new Tuple
(i * workItemLength * arrStepInc, workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(i * workItemLength * arrStepInc, (outLen / dimLen) - i * workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP));
ILThreadPool.Wait4Workers(ref workerCount);
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
/// Apply an arbitrary function to two arrays
/// A function c = f(a,b), which will be applied to elements in A and B
/// Input array A
/// Input array B
/// The combination of A and B. The result and size depends on the inputs:
/// -
size(A) == size(B)
/// Same size as A/B, elementwise combination of A and B.
/// -
isscalar(A) || isscalar(B)
/// Same size as A or B, whichever is not a scalar, the scalar value being applied to each element
/// (i.e. if the non-scalar input is empty, the result is empty).
/// -
All other cases
/// If A or B is a colum vector and the other parameter is an array with a matching column length, the vector is used to operate on all columns of the array.
/// Similarly, if one parameter is a row vector, it is used to operate along the rows of the other array if its number of columns matches the vector length.
/// The apply function is also implemented for input if e.g. sizes (mxn) and (mx1).
/// In this case the vector argument will be combined to each column, resulting in an (mxn) array.
/// This feature is, however, officiallny not supported.
public unsafe static ILRetArray apply(Func func, ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
int outLen;
BinOpItMode mode;
Int64[] retArr;
Int64[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
Int64[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
ILSize outDims;
#region determine operation mode
if (A.IsScalar) {
outDims = B.Size;
if (B.IsScalar) {
return new ILRetArray(new Int64[1] { func(A.GetValue(0), B.GetValue(0)) }, A.Size);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return ILRetArray.empty(outDims);
} else {
outLen = outDims.NumberOfElements;
if (!B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.SAN;
} else {
mode = BinOpItMode.SAI;
} else {
outDims = A.Size;
if (B.IsScalar) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return ILRetArray.empty(A.Size);
outLen = A.S.NumberOfElements;
if (!A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.ASN;
} else {
mode = BinOpItMode.ASI;
} else {
// array + array
if (!A.Size.IsSameSize(B.Size)) {
return applyEx(func,A,B);
outLen = A.S.NumberOfElements;
if (A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr))
mode = BinOpItMode.AAIA;
else if (B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
mode = BinOpItMode.AAIB;
} else {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.AAN;
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int i = 0, workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
Tuple range
= (Tuple)data;
Int64* cLast, cp = (Int64*)range.Item5 + range.Item1;
Int64 scalar;
cLast = cp + range.Item2;
#region loops
switch (mode) {
case BinOpItMode.AAIA:
Int64* bp = ((Int64*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*cp, *bp++);
case BinOpItMode.AAIB:
Int64* ap = ((Int64*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*ap++, *cp);
//ap = ((double*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
//for (int i2 = range.Item2; i2-- > 0; ) {
// *(cp + i2) = *(ap + i2) - *(cp + i2);
//int ie = range.Item1 + range.Item2-1;
//double[] locRetArr = retArr;
//for (int i2 = range.Item1; i2 < locRetArr.Length; i2++) {
// locRetArr[i2] = arrA[i2] - locRetArr[i2];
// if (i2 >= ie) break;
case BinOpItMode.AAN:
ap = ((Int64*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
bp = ((Int64*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(*ap++, *bp++);
case BinOpItMode.ASI:
scalar = *((Int64*)range.Item4);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*cp, scalar);
case BinOpItMode.ASN:
ap = ((Int64*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
scalar = *((Int64*)range.Item4);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(*ap++, scalar);
case BinOpItMode.SAI:
scalar = *((Int64*)range.Item3);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(scalar, *cp);
case BinOpItMode.SAN:
scalar = *((Int64*)range.Item3);
bp = ((Int64*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(scalar, *bp++);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region do the work
int workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outLen / 2 > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
if (outLen / workItemCount > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
workItemLength = outLen / workItemCount;
//workItemLength = (int)((double)outLen / workItemCount * 1.05);
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outLen;
workItemCount = 1;
// retStorage.PendingEvents = new System.Threading.CountdownEvent(workItemCount);
fixed ( Int64* arrAP = arrA)
fixed ( Int64* arrBP = arrB)
fixed ( Int64* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range
= new Tuple
(i * workItemLength, workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP, mode);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(i * workItemLength, outLen - i * workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP, mode));
System.Threading.SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => {
return workerCount <= 0;
//while (workerCount > 0) ;
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
private static unsafe ILRetArray applyEx(Func applyFunc, ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
#region parameter checking
if (isnull(A) || isnull(B))
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty(B.S);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return empty(A.S);
//if (A.IsScalar || B.IsScalar || A.D.IsSameSize(B.D))
// return add(A,B);
int dim = -1;
for (int _L = 0; _L < Math.Max(A.S.NumberOfDimensions, B.S.NumberOfDimensions); _L++) {
if (A.S[_L] != B.S[_L]) {
if (dim >= 0 || (A.S[_L] != 1 && B.S[_L] != 1)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one singleton dimension in A or B");
dim = _L;
if (dim > 1)
throw new ILArgumentException("singleton dimension expansion currently is only supported for colum- and row vectors");
#region parameter preparation
Int64[] retArr;
Int64[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
Int64[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
ILSize outDims;
BinOptItExMode mode;
int arrInc = 0;
int arrStepInc = 0;
int dimLen = 0;
if (A.IsVector) {
outDims = B.S;
if (!B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
mode = BinOptItExMode.VAN;
} else {
mode = BinOptItExMode.VAI;
dimLen = A.Length;
} else if (B.IsVector) {
outDims = A.S;
if (!A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
mode = BinOptItExMode.AVN;
} else {
mode = BinOptItExMode.AVI;
dimLen = B.Length;
} else {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one simgleton dimension in A or B");
arrInc = (dim == 0) ? outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(1) : outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(0);
arrStepInc = outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(dim);
#region worker loops definition
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
// expects: iStart, iLen, ap, bp, cp
Tuple range =
Int64* ap;
Int64* bp;
Int64* cp;
switch (mode) {
case BinOptItExMode.VAN:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (Int64*)range.Item3;
bp = (Int64*)range.Item4 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc; ;
cp = (Int64*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *bp);
bp += arrInc;
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.VAI:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (Int64*)range.Item3;
cp = (Int64*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *cp);
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.AVN:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (Int64*)range.Item3 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
bp = (Int64*)range.Item4;
cp = (Int64*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *bp);
ap += arrInc;
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.AVI:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
bp = (Int64*)range.Item4;
cp = (Int64*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*cp, *bp);
cp += arrInc;
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region work distribution
int i = 0, workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
int outLen = outDims.NumberOfElements;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outLen / 2 >= Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
if (outLen / workItemCount > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen / workItemCount;
//workItemLength = (int)((double)outLen / workItemCount * 1.05);
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen;
workItemCount = 1;
fixed (Int64* arrAP = arrA)
fixed (Int64* arrBP = arrB)
fixed (Int64* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range
= new Tuple
(i * workItemLength * arrStepInc, workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(i * workItemLength * arrStepInc, (outLen / dimLen) - i * workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP));
ILThreadPool.Wait4Workers(ref workerCount);
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
/// Apply an arbitrary function to two arrays
/// A function c = f(a,b), which will be applied to elements in A and B
/// Input array A
/// Input array B
/// The combination of A and B. The result and size depends on the inputs:
/// -
size(A) == size(B)
/// Same size as A/B, elementwise combination of A and B.
/// -
isscalar(A) || isscalar(B)
/// Same size as A or B, whichever is not a scalar, the scalar value being applied to each element
/// (i.e. if the non-scalar input is empty, the result is empty).
/// -
All other cases
/// If A or B is a colum vector and the other parameter is an array with a matching column length, the vector is used to operate on all columns of the array.
/// Similarly, if one parameter is a row vector, it is used to operate along the rows of the other array if its number of columns matches the vector length.
/// The apply function is also implemented for input if e.g. sizes (mxn) and (mx1).
/// In this case the vector argument will be combined to each column, resulting in an (mxn) array.
/// This feature is, however, officiallny not supported.
public unsafe static ILRetArray apply(Func func, ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
int outLen;
BinOpItMode mode;
Int32[] retArr;
Int32[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
Int32[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
ILSize outDims;
#region determine operation mode
if (A.IsScalar) {
outDims = B.Size;
if (B.IsScalar) {
return new ILRetArray(new Int32[1] { func(A.GetValue(0), B.GetValue(0)) }, A.Size);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return ILRetArray.empty(outDims);
} else {
outLen = outDims.NumberOfElements;
if (!B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.SAN;
} else {
mode = BinOpItMode.SAI;
} else {
outDims = A.Size;
if (B.IsScalar) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return ILRetArray.empty(A.Size);
outLen = A.S.NumberOfElements;
if (!A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.ASN;
} else {
mode = BinOpItMode.ASI;
} else {
// array + array
if (!A.Size.IsSameSize(B.Size)) {
return applyEx(func,A,B);
outLen = A.S.NumberOfElements;
if (A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr))
mode = BinOpItMode.AAIA;
else if (B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
mode = BinOpItMode.AAIB;
} else {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.AAN;
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int i = 0, workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
Tuple range
= (Tuple)data;
Int32* cLast, cp = (Int32*)range.Item5 + range.Item1;
Int32 scalar;
cLast = cp + range.Item2;
#region loops
switch (mode) {
case BinOpItMode.AAIA:
Int32* bp = ((Int32*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*cp, *bp++);
case BinOpItMode.AAIB:
Int32* ap = ((Int32*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*ap++, *cp);
//ap = ((double*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
//for (int i2 = range.Item2; i2-- > 0; ) {
// *(cp + i2) = *(ap + i2) - *(cp + i2);
//int ie = range.Item1 + range.Item2-1;
//double[] locRetArr = retArr;
//for (int i2 = range.Item1; i2 < locRetArr.Length; i2++) {
// locRetArr[i2] = arrA[i2] - locRetArr[i2];
// if (i2 >= ie) break;
case BinOpItMode.AAN:
ap = ((Int32*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
bp = ((Int32*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(*ap++, *bp++);
case BinOpItMode.ASI:
scalar = *((Int32*)range.Item4);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*cp, scalar);
case BinOpItMode.ASN:
ap = ((Int32*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
scalar = *((Int32*)range.Item4);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(*ap++, scalar);
case BinOpItMode.SAI:
scalar = *((Int32*)range.Item3);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(scalar, *cp);
case BinOpItMode.SAN:
scalar = *((Int32*)range.Item3);
bp = ((Int32*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(scalar, *bp++);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region do the work
int workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outLen / 2 > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
if (outLen / workItemCount > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
workItemLength = outLen / workItemCount;
//workItemLength = (int)((double)outLen / workItemCount * 1.05);
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outLen;
workItemCount = 1;
// retStorage.PendingEvents = new System.Threading.CountdownEvent(workItemCount);
fixed ( Int32* arrAP = arrA)
fixed ( Int32* arrBP = arrB)
fixed ( Int32* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range
= new Tuple
(i * workItemLength, workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP, mode);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(i * workItemLength, outLen - i * workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP, mode));
System.Threading.SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => {
return workerCount <= 0;
//while (workerCount > 0) ;
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
private static unsafe ILRetArray applyEx(Func applyFunc, ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
#region parameter checking
if (isnull(A) || isnull(B))
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty(B.S);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return empty(A.S);
//if (A.IsScalar || B.IsScalar || A.D.IsSameSize(B.D))
// return add(A,B);
int dim = -1;
for (int _L = 0; _L < Math.Max(A.S.NumberOfDimensions, B.S.NumberOfDimensions); _L++) {
if (A.S[_L] != B.S[_L]) {
if (dim >= 0 || (A.S[_L] != 1 && B.S[_L] != 1)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one singleton dimension in A or B");
dim = _L;
if (dim > 1)
throw new ILArgumentException("singleton dimension expansion currently is only supported for colum- and row vectors");
#region parameter preparation
Int32[] retArr;
Int32[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
Int32[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
ILSize outDims;
BinOptItExMode mode;
int arrInc = 0;
int arrStepInc = 0;
int dimLen = 0;
if (A.IsVector) {
outDims = B.S;
if (!B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
mode = BinOptItExMode.VAN;
} else {
mode = BinOptItExMode.VAI;
dimLen = A.Length;
} else if (B.IsVector) {
outDims = A.S;
if (!A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
mode = BinOptItExMode.AVN;
} else {
mode = BinOptItExMode.AVI;
dimLen = B.Length;
} else {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one simgleton dimension in A or B");
arrInc = (dim == 0) ? outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(1) : outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(0);
arrStepInc = outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(dim);
#region worker loops definition
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
// expects: iStart, iLen, ap, bp, cp
Tuple range =
Int32* ap;
Int32* bp;
Int32* cp;
switch (mode) {
case BinOptItExMode.VAN:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (Int32*)range.Item3;
bp = (Int32*)range.Item4 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc; ;
cp = (Int32*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *bp);
bp += arrInc;
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.VAI:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (Int32*)range.Item3;
cp = (Int32*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *cp);
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.AVN:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
ap = (Int32*)range.Item3 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
bp = (Int32*)range.Item4;
cp = (Int32*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*ap, *bp);
ap += arrInc;
cp += arrInc;
case BinOptItExMode.AVI:
for (int s = 0; s < range.Item2; s++) {
bp = (Int32*)range.Item4;
cp = (Int32*)range.Item5 + range.Item1 + s * arrStepInc;
for (int l = 0; l < dimLen; l++) {
*cp = applyFunc(*cp, *bp);
cp += arrInc;
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region work distribution
int i = 0, workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
int outLen = outDims.NumberOfElements;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outLen / 2 >= Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
if (outLen / workItemCount > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen / workItemCount;
//workItemLength = (int)((double)outLen / workItemCount * 1.05);
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / dimLen;
workItemCount = 1;
fixed (Int32* arrAP = arrA)
fixed (Int32* arrBP = arrB)
fixed (Int32* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range
= new Tuple
(i * workItemLength * arrStepInc, workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(i * workItemLength * arrStepInc, (outLen / dimLen) - i * workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP));
ILThreadPool.Wait4Workers(ref workerCount);
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
/// Apply an arbitrary function to two arrays
/// A function c = f(a,b), which will be applied to elements in A and B
/// Input array A
/// Input array B
/// The combination of A and B. The result and size depends on the inputs:
/// -
size(A) == size(B)
/// Same size as A/B, elementwise combination of A and B.
/// -
isscalar(A) || isscalar(B)
/// Same size as A or B, whichever is not a scalar, the scalar value being applied to each element
/// (i.e. if the non-scalar input is empty, the result is empty).
/// -
All other cases
/// If A or B is a colum vector and the other parameter is an array with a matching column length, the vector is used to operate on all columns of the array.
/// Similarly, if one parameter is a row vector, it is used to operate along the rows of the other array if its number of columns matches the vector length.
/// The apply function is also implemented for input if e.g. sizes (mxn) and (mx1).
/// In this case the vector argument will be combined to each column, resulting in an (mxn) array.
/// This feature is, however, officiallny not supported.
public unsafe static ILRetArray apply(Func func, ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A, B)) {
int outLen;
BinOpItMode mode;
byte[] retArr;
byte[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
byte[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
ILSize outDims;
#region determine operation mode
if (A.IsScalar) {
outDims = B.Size;
if (B.IsScalar) {
return new ILRetArray(new byte[1] { func(A.GetValue(0), B.GetValue(0)) }, A.Size);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return ILRetArray.empty(outDims);
} else {
outLen = outDims.NumberOfElements;
if (!B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.SAN;
} else {
mode = BinOpItMode.SAI;
} else {
outDims = A.Size;
if (B.IsScalar) {
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return ILRetArray.empty(A.Size);
outLen = A.S.NumberOfElements;
if (!A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.ASN;
} else {
mode = BinOpItMode.ASI;
} else {
// array + array
if (!A.Size.IsSameSize(B.Size)) {
return applyEx(func,A,B);
outLen = A.S.NumberOfElements;
if (A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr))
mode = BinOpItMode.AAIA;
else if (B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
mode = BinOpItMode.AAIB;
} else {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outLen);
mode = BinOpItMode.AAN;
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int i = 0, workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
Tuple range
= (Tuple)data;
byte* cLast, cp = (byte*)range.Item5 + range.Item1;
byte scalar;
cLast = cp + range.Item2;
#region loops
switch (mode) {
case BinOpItMode.AAIA:
byte* bp = ((byte*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*cp, *bp++);
case BinOpItMode.AAIB:
byte* ap = ((byte*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*ap++, *cp);
//ap = ((double*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
//for (int i2 = range.Item2; i2-- > 0; ) {
// *(cp + i2) = *(ap + i2) - *(cp + i2);
//int ie = range.Item1 + range.Item2-1;
//double[] locRetArr = retArr;
//for (int i2 = range.Item1; i2 < locRetArr.Length; i2++) {
// locRetArr[i2] = arrA[i2] - locRetArr[i2];
// if (i2 >= ie) break;
case BinOpItMode.AAN:
ap = ((byte*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
bp = ((byte*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(*ap++, *bp++);
case BinOpItMode.ASI:
scalar = *((byte*)range.Item4);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(*cp, scalar);
case BinOpItMode.ASN:
ap = ((byte*)range.Item3 + range.Item1);
scalar = *((byte*)range.Item4);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(*ap++, scalar);
case BinOpItMode.SAI:
scalar = *((byte*)range.Item3);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp = func(scalar, *cp);
case BinOpItMode.SAN:
scalar = *((byte*)range.Item3);
bp = ((byte*)range.Item4 + range.Item1);
while (cp < cLast) {
*cp++ = func(scalar, *bp++);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref workerCount);
#region do the work
int workItemCount = Settings.s_maxNumberThreads, workItemLength;
if (Settings.s_maxNumberThreads > 1 && outLen / 2 > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
if (outLen / workItemCount > Settings.s_minParallelElement1Count) {
workItemLength = outLen / workItemCount;
//workItemLength = (int)((double)outLen / workItemCount * 1.05);
} else {
workItemLength = outLen / 2;
workItemCount = 2;
} else {
workItemLength = outLen;
workItemCount = 1;
// retStorage.PendingEvents = new System.Threading.CountdownEvent(workItemCount);
fixed ( byte* arrAP = arrA)
fixed ( byte* arrBP = arrB)
fixed ( byte* retArrP = retArr) {
for (; i < workItemCount - 1; i++) {
Tuple range
= new Tuple
(i * workItemLength, workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP, mode);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref workerCount);
ILThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i, worker, range);
// the last (or may the only) chunk is done right here
//System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref retStorage.PendingTasks);
worker(new Tuple
(i * workItemLength, outLen - i * workItemLength, (IntPtr)arrAP, (IntPtr)arrBP, (IntPtr)retArrP, mode));
System.Threading.SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => {
return workerCount <= 0;
//while (workerCount > 0) ;
return new ILRetArray(retStorage);
private static unsafe ILRetArray applyEx(Func applyFunc, ILInArray A, ILInArray B) {
#region parameter checking
if (isnull(A) || isnull(B))
return empty(ILSize.Empty00);
if (A.IsEmpty) {
return empty(B.S);
} else if (B.IsEmpty) {
return empty(A.S);
//if (A.IsScalar || B.IsScalar || A.D.IsSameSize(B.D))
// return add(A,B);
int dim = -1;
for (int _L = 0; _L < Math.Max(A.S.NumberOfDimensions, B.S.NumberOfDimensions); _L++) {
if (A.S[_L] != B.S[_L]) {
if (dim >= 0 || (A.S[_L] != 1 && B.S[_L] != 1)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one singleton dimension in A or B");
dim = _L;
if (dim > 1)
throw new ILArgumentException("singleton dimension expansion currently is only supported for colum- and row vectors");
#region parameter preparation
byte[] retArr;
byte[] arrA = A.GetArrayForRead();
byte[] arrB = B.GetArrayForRead();
ILSize outDims;
BinOptItExMode mode;
int arrInc = 0;
int arrStepInc = 0;
int dimLen = 0;
if (A.IsVector) {
outDims = B.S;
if (!B.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
mode = BinOptItExMode.VAN;
} else {
mode = BinOptItExMode.VAI;
dimLen = A.Length;
} else if (B.IsVector) {
outDims = A.S;
if (!A.TryGetStorage4InplaceOp(out retArr)) {
retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(outDims.NumberOfElements);
mode = BinOptItExMode.AVN;
} else {
mode = BinOptItExMode.AVI;
dimLen = B.Length;
} else {
throw new ILArgumentException("A and B must have the same size except for one simgleton dimension in A or B");
arrInc = (dim == 0) ? outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(1) : outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(0);
arrStepInc = outDims.SequentialIndexDistance(dim);
#region worker loops definition
ILDenseStorage retStorage = new ILDenseStorage(retArr, outDims);
int workerCount = 1;
Action worker = data => {
// expects: iStart, iLen, ap, bp, cp
Tuple range =