/// This file is part of ILNumerics Community Edition.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition - high performance computing for applications.
/// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Haymo Kutschbach, http://ilnumerics.net
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
/// the Free Software Foundation.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with ILNumerics Community Edition. See the file License.txt in the root
/// of your distribution package. If not, see .
/// In addition this software uses the following components and/or licenses:
/// =================================================================================
/// The Open Toolkit Library License
/// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
/// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
/// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
/// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
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/// =================================================================================
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace ILNumerics.Drawing {
/// This class represents the camera's positioning and aiming direction.
[DebuggerDisplay("r:{m_distance} φ:{m_phiDebugDisp}° ρ:{m_rhoDebugDisp}° - P:{Position} - L:{LookAt}")]
public class ILCamera {
#region event handling
/// fires, if the position of the camera has changed
public event EventHandler Changed;
/// Fires a Changed event
public virtual void OnChange() {
if (Changed != null && !m_suspended)
Changed(this,new EventArgs());
#region attributes
// input attributes (writable)
private bool m_suspended = false;
protected float m_posX;
protected float m_posY;
protected float m_posZ;
protected float m_topX;
protected float m_topY;
protected float m_topZ;
protected float m_lookAtX;
protected float m_lookAtY;
protected float m_lookAtZ;
// output/cached attributes (readonly)
// polar coordinates
private float m_distance = 1.0f;
private float m_phi = 0;
private float m_rho = 0.0f;
/// Offset angle for 2nd cached triangular phi value (needed for surface plots)
internal float Offset = (float)(Math.PI / 4);
/// cachced triangular phi value with offset (needed for surface plots)
internal float CosPhiShift;
/// cachced triangular phi value with offset (needed for surface plots)
internal float SinPhiShift;
/// cached value for cosine of phi - this is readonly and for performance only.
internal float CosPhi;
/// cached value for sine of phi - this is readonly and for performance only.
internal float SinPhi;
/// cached value for cosine of rho - this is readonly and for performance only.
internal float CosRho;
/// cached value for sine of rho - this is readonly and for performance only.
internal float SinRho;
private CameraQuadrant m_quadrant;
#region properties
/// point, the camera is aiming at (world coords)
public ILPoint3Df LookAt {
get { return new ILPoint3Df(m_lookAtX,m_lookAtY,m_lookAtZ); }
set {
//m_posX += (value.X - m_lookAtX);
//m_posY += (value.Y - m_lookAtY);
//m_posZ += (value.Z - m_lookAtZ);
m_lookAtX = value.X;
m_lookAtY = value.Y;
m_lookAtZ = value.Z;
/// distance from the scene (readonly)
public float Distance {
get {
return m_distance;
set {
m_distance = Math.Abs(value);
/// debugger helper: display phi in degrees (readonly)
private int m_phiDebugDisp {
get {
return (int)Math.Round(m_phi * 180 / Math.PI);
/// debugger helper: display rho in degrees
private int m_rhoDebugDisp {
get {
return (int)Math.Round(m_rho * 180 / Math.PI);
/// rotation of the scene (seen from above) [radians, readlony, rel. to lookat]
public float Phi {
get {
return m_phi;
set {
m_phi = (float)((value + (Math.PI * 2)) % (Math.PI * 2));
/// pitch of the scene [radians], setting moves camera around lookat point
public float Rho {
get {
return m_rho;
set {
if (value < 0.0f)
m_rho = 0.0f;
else if (value > Math.PI)
m_rho = (float)Math.PI;
m_rho = value;
/// Quadrant the camera is currently watching the scene from
public CameraQuadrant Quadrant {
return m_quadrant;
/// Determine, if camera is placed in an upper quadrant of the scene
public bool LooksFromTop {
get {
return m_rho < Math.PI/2;
/// Determine, if camera is located in an left quadrant of the scene
public bool LooksFromLeft {
get {
return Math.Sin(m_phi) < 0;
/// Determine, if camera is located in an front quadrant of the scene
public bool LooksFromFront {
get {
return Math.Cos(m_phi) >= 0;
/// true, when looking from top on the un-rotated scene (common for 2D plots)
public bool Is2DView {
get {
return Math.Abs(SinPhi) < 1e-5 && Math.Abs(SinRho) < 1e-5;
/// get/set camera position, absolute cartesian coordinates
/// Keep in mind, the angle for phi points towards negative Y axis! The cartesian property
/// handles the camera position in absolute world coordinates, while the
/// polar coordinates (Rho, Phi, Distance) supress the camera position by means of coordinates
/// relative to the LookAt point (i.e. usually the center of the viewing cube)!
public ILPoint3Df Position {
get {
ILPoint3Df ret = new ILPoint3Df(m_posX, m_posY, m_posZ);
return ret;
set {
m_posX = value.X;
m_posY = value.Y;
m_posZ = value.Z;
cart2Pol(value - new ILPoint3Df(m_lookAtX, m_lookAtY, m_lookAtZ));
/// orientation of the camera, normalized, readonly
/// This vector is readonly always points 'upwards'.
public ILPoint3Df Top
ILPoint3Df ret = new ILPoint3Df(m_topX, m_topY, m_topZ);
return ret;
#region constructors
public ILCamera (ILCamera vport) {
m_rho = vport.m_rho;
m_phi = vport.m_phi;
m_distance = vport.m_distance;
m_lookAtX = vport.m_lookAtX;
m_lookAtY = vport.m_lookAtY;
m_lookAtZ = vport.m_lookAtZ;
m_posX = vport.m_posX;
m_posY = vport.m_posY;
m_posZ = vport.m_posZ;
/// Create a viewport: view at scene from top, no rotation
public ILCamera () {
m_posX = 0;
m_posY = 0;
m_posZ = 10;
m_quadrant = CameraQuadrant.TopLeftFront;
public ILCamera (float Phi, float Rho, float Distance) {
m_rho = Rho;
m_phi = Phi;
m_distance = Distance;
#region public interface
/// suspend the firing of events until EventingResume() was called
public void EventingSuspend() {
m_suspended = true;
/// Resume firing 'Change' events after it has been suspended
public void EventingResume() {
/// Resume firing 'Change' events, optionally skip pending events
internal void EventingResume(bool fireEvents) {
m_suspended = false;
if (fireEvents)
/// Set both angles and distance at once
/// Rotation, radians
/// Pitch, radians
/// Distance from scene
public void Set(float phi, float rho, float distance) {
if (distance < 0)
throw new Exceptions.ILArgumentException("Camera distance must be positive!");
m_phi = (float)(phi % (Math.PI * 2));
m_rho = (float)(rho % (Math.PI));
m_distance = distance;
/// Set complete camera position (angles and distance) at once
/// Rotation (degrees)
/// Pitch (degrees)
/// Distance from scene
public void SetDeg(float phi,float rho, float distance) {
Set ((float)(phi/180.0 * Math.PI),(float)(rho / 180.0f * Math.PI),distance);
/// Convert camera position to string
/// string display with distance,roatation and pitch
public override string ToString() {
return String.Format("r:{0} φ:{1}° ρ:{2}° - P:{3} - L:{4}",
#region private helper
/// update internal cartesian (absolut) coordinates of position relative
/// to lookAt point. To be called after any polar coordinates were changed.
private void updatePosition() {
m_posX = m_lookAtX + (m_distance * SinRho * SinPhi);
m_posY = m_lookAtY + (m_distance * SinRho * -CosPhi);
m_posZ = m_lookAtZ + (m_distance * CosRho);
private void cart2Pol(ILPoint3Df cartVec) {
cartVec.ToPolar(out m_distance, out m_phi, out m_rho);
///// update position, cons. polar coord and lookat as new
//private void pol2Cart() {
private void computeQuadrant() {
//if (m_phi == 0.0 && m_rho == 0.0) {
// m_quadrant = CameraQuadrant.TopLeftFront;
// return;
if (m_rho < System.Math.PI / 2) {
// top
if (m_phi < Math.PI) {
// right
if (m_phi < Math.PI / 2) {
// front
m_quadrant = CameraQuadrant.TopRightFront;
} else {
// back
m_quadrant = CameraQuadrant.TopRightBack;
} else {
// left
if (m_phi > Math.PI / 2 * 3) {
// front
m_quadrant = CameraQuadrant.TopLeftFront;
} else {
// back
m_quadrant = CameraQuadrant.TopLeftBack;
} else {
// bottom
if (m_phi < Math.PI) {
// right
if (m_phi < Math.PI / 2) {
// front
m_quadrant = CameraQuadrant.BottomRightFront;
} else {
// back
m_quadrant = CameraQuadrant.BottomRightBack;
} else {
// left
if (m_phi > Math.PI / 2 * 3) {
// front
m_quadrant = CameraQuadrant.BottomLeftFront;
} else {
// back
m_quadrant = CameraQuadrant.BottomLeftBack;
private void updateCachedVars () {
CosPhi = (float)Math.Cos(m_phi);
SinPhi = (float)Math.Sin(m_phi);
SinPhiShift = (float)Math.Sin(m_phi + Offset);
CosPhiShift = (float)Math.Cos(m_phi + Offset);
CosRho = (float)Math.Cos(m_rho);
SinRho = (float)Math.Sin(m_rho);
// update top
ILPoint3Df top = ILPoint3Df.normalize(-SinPhi * CosRho, CosPhi * CosRho, SinRho);
m_topX = top.X;
m_topY = top.Y;
m_topZ = top.Z;