/// This file is part of ILNumerics Community Edition.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition - high performance computing for applications.
/// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Haymo Kutschbach, http://ilnumerics.net
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
/// the Free Software Foundation.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with ILNumerics Community Edition. See the file License.txt in the root
/// of your distribution package. If not, see .
/// In addition this software uses the following components and/or licenses:
/// =================================================================================
/// The Open Toolkit Library License
/// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
/// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
/// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
/// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
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/// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
/// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
/// =================================================================================
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using ILNumerics;
using ILNumerics.Drawing;
using ILNumerics.Exceptions;
using ILNumerics.Drawing.Marker;
using ILNumerics.Drawing.Interfaces;
using ILNumerics.Drawing.Shapes;
namespace ILNumerics.Drawing.Graphs {
/// 2D line & point graph
public abstract class ILPlot2DGraph : ILGraph, IILLegendRenderer, IILPanelConfigurator {
#region attributes
protected C4bV3f[] m_vertices;
protected int m_vertexCount;
protected ILLineProperties m_properties;
protected ILMarker m_marker;
int m_autoLimitsUpdateCount = 0;
int m_updateCount = 0;
protected int m_startID;
#region properties
/// number of subsequent updates ('Queue') before limits get recalculated. Default: 0 (recalculate on every update)
public int AutoLimitsUpdateCount {
get { return m_autoLimitsUpdateCount; }
set { m_autoLimitsUpdateCount = value; }
/// Get properties of lines
public ILLineProperties Line {
get {
return m_properties;
/// Get properties of markers
public ILMarker Marker {
get {
return m_marker;
/// access to internal vertex array
/// after altering vertex data, one must call
/// Invalidate() to signal those changes.
public C4bV3f[] Vertices {
get {
return m_vertices;
/// Invalidate the graph after vertex data have been changed.
public override void Invalidate() {
/// draws a small example of the visual output
/// render properties
/// area to draw the line + marker into
/// area to draw corresponding label into
/// derived classes implement this for current device contexts
public virtual void DrawToLegend(ILRenderProperties p, Rectangle sampleArea, Rectangle labelArea) {
//if (g == null) throw new ILArgumentException ("ILGraph: DrawIntoLegend: invalid graphics object (null)");
//throw new NotImplementedException ("ILGraph cannot draw to bitmap yet!");
/// Size of label
/// size
public Size LabelSize { get { return m_label.Size; } }
#region constructor
/// [internal] constructor - do not use this! Use ILPanel.Graphs.Add...() instead!
/// panel hosting the scene
/// data array
/// hosting panels clipping data
public ILPlot2DGraph(ILPanel panel, ILArray sourceArray,
ILClippingData clippingContainer)
: base(panel, clippingContainer) {
using (ILScope.Enter(sourceArray)) {
if (object.Equals(sourceArray, null) || !sourceArray.IsVector || !sourceArray.IsNumeric)
throw new ILArgumentException("Plot2D: supplied data must be numeric (real valued) vector!");
int pos = 0;
ILArray data;
C4bV3f vert = new C4bV3f();
data = (ILArray)sourceArray;
m_vertices = new C4bV3f[data.Length + 1];
m_vertexCount = m_vertices.Length;
m_updateCount = 0;
m_startID = 0;
m_properties = new ILLineProperties();
m_properties.Color = Color.DarkBlue;
m_properties.Width = 2;
//m_properties.Antialiasing = true;
m_properties.Changed += new EventHandler(m_properties_Changed);
foreach (float val in data) {
vert.Position = new ILPoint3Df(pos, val, 0);
vert.Color = Color.Red;
m_vertices[pos++] = vert;
m_marker = new ILMarker(panel);
m_marker.Changed += new EventHandler(m_properties_Changed);
m_graphType = GraphType.Plot2D;
m_localClipping.Set(new ILPoint3Df(0, data.MinValue, 0), new ILPoint3Df(data.Length - 1, data.MaxValue, 0));
/// [internal] constructor - do not use this! Use ILPanel.Graphs.Add...() instead!
/// panel hosting the scene
/// x data array
/// y data array
/// hosting panels clipping data
internal ILPlot2DGraph(ILPanel panel, ILArray XData, ILArray YData,
ILClippingData clippingContainer)
: base (panel,clippingContainer) {
using (ILScope.Enter(XData, YData)) {
if (!XData.IsVector)
throw new ILArgumentException("Plot2D: supplied data must be a real vector!");
if (!YData.IsVector)
throw new ILArgumentException("Plot2D: XData and YData must be real vectors!");
if (YData.Length != XData.Length)
throw new ILArgumentException("Plot2D: XData and YData must have the same length!");
int pos = 0;
ILArray dataX, dataY;
C4bV3f vert = new C4bV3f();
dataX = (ILArray)XData;
dataY = (ILArray)YData;
m_vertices = new C4bV3f[dataX.Length + 1];
m_vertexCount = m_vertices.Length;
m_startID = m_vertexCount - 1;
m_updateCount = 0;
m_properties = new ILLineProperties();
m_properties.Color = Color.DarkBlue;
m_properties.Changed += new EventHandler(m_properties_Changed);
foreach (float val in dataX) {
vert.Position = new ILPoint3Df(val, dataY.GetValue(pos), 0);
vert.Color = m_properties.Color;
m_vertices[pos++] = vert;
m_marker = new ILMarker(panel);
m_marker.Changed += new EventHandler(m_marker_Changed);
m_graphType = GraphType.Plot2D;
public void Queue(IILVertexDefinition vertex) {
if (m_startID == 0) {
m_startID = 1;
} else {
m_vertices[0] = m_vertices[m_vertexCount-1];
if (m_startID == m_vertexCount-1) {
m_startID = 0;
if (m_updateCount++ < m_autoLimitsUpdateCount) {
} else {
m_updateCount = 0;
#region private helper
public void SetVertex(int vertexID,IILVertexDefinition vertex) {
C4bV3f curVert = m_vertices[vertexID];
if (vertex.StoresColor) {
curVert.Color = vertex.Color;
curVert.Position = vertex.Position;
m_vertices[vertexID] = curVert;
/// called, if a property for markers have changed
/// this graph instance
/// (no args)
/// derived classes should override this function in order to
/// (re-)configure vertex ressources etc.
protected virtual void m_marker_Changed(object sender, EventArgs e) {
m_isReady = false;
private void updateClipping() {
ILPoint3Df max = ILPoint3Df.MinValue;
ILPoint3Df min = ILPoint3Df.MaxValue;
for (int i = 0; i < m_vertexCount; i++) {
C4bV3f vert = m_vertices[i];
max = ILPoint3Df.Max(vert.Position,max);
min = ILPoint3Df.Min(vert.Position,min);
m_localClipping.Set ( min, max );
/// called, if a property for lines have changed
/// this graph instance
/// (no args)
/// derived classes should override this function in order to
/// (re-)configure vertex ressources etc.
protected virtual void m_properties_Changed(object sender, EventArgs e) {
m_isReady = false;
public override bool Is3DGraph() {
return false;
#region IILPanelConfigurator
public void ConfigurePanel(ILPanel panel) {
panel.InteractiveMode = InteractiveModes.ZoomRectangle;
panel.AspectRatio = AspectRatioMode.StretchToFill;
panel.PlotBoxScreenSizeMode = PlotBoxScreenSizeMode.Optimal;
panel.ClipViewData = true;
panel.DefaultView.Set(0f, 0f, panel.DefaultView.Distance);