/// This file is part of ILNumerics Community Edition.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition - high performance computing for applications.
/// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Haymo Kutschbach, http://ilnumerics.net
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
/// the Free Software Foundation.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with ILNumerics Community Edition. See the file License.txt in the root
/// of your distribution package. If not, see .
/// In addition this software uses the following components and/or licenses:
/// =================================================================================
/// The Open Toolkit Library License
/// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
/// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
/// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
/// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
/// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
/// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
/// so, subject to the following conditions:
/// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
/// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
/// =================================================================================
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using ILNumerics.Drawing.Labeling;
using System.Collections;
namespace ILNumerics.Drawing.Collections {
/// List of labeled ticks for an axis
public class ILTickCollection : ILLabelingElement,
IEnumerable {
#region events
/// Fires, when the collection of ticks has changed
public new event AxisChangedEventHandler Changed;
/// fires, if a new labeled tick is about to be added to the collection
public event LabeledTickAddingHandler LabeledTickAdding;
#region event handler
/// fires the change event
protected void OnChange() {
if (Changed != null)
Changed(this,new ILAxisChangedEventArgs(m_axisName));
/// fires LabeledTickAdding event
/// existing value
/// existing label
/// index of new tick in collection
/// true: a registrar requested to cancel the adding, false otherwise
protected bool OnLabeledTickAdding(ref float value, ref string label, int index) {
if (LabeledTickAdding != null) {
ILLabeledTickAddingArgs args = new ILLabeledTickAddingArgs(value,label,index);
label = args.Expression;
value = args.Value;
return args.Cancel;
return false;
#region attributes
private int m_ticksAllowOverlap = 10;
private List m_ticks;
private TickDisplay m_tickDisplay;
private AxisNames m_axisName;
private TickDirection m_tickDirection;
private byte m_precision;
private int m_padding;
private Color m_tickColorNear;
private Color m_tickColorFar;
private TickMode m_tickMode;
private float m_tickFraction;
//internal properties
internal Point m_lineStart;
internal Point m_lineEnd;
private TickLabelRenderingHint m_renderingHint;
private ILPanel m_panel;
#region properties
/// determine the max number of pixels allowing a tic labels to be rendered inside the padding area of the next label
public int TicksAllowOverlap {
get { return m_ticksAllowOverlap; }
set { m_ticksAllowOverlap = value; }
/// Get the prefered placement for tick labels or sets it
/// Tick labels will not stricly rely on this setting, but rather
/// try to find the optimal tick positions depending on the current
/// rendering situation, taking the hint into account.
public TickLabelRenderingHint RenderingHint {
get {
return m_renderingHint;
set {
m_renderingHint = value;
/// Positioning mode for ticks ([Auto],Manual)
public TickMode Mode {
get {
return m_tickMode;
set {
m_tickMode = value;
/// get / set the color for near ticks (label side)
public Color NearColor {
get {
return m_tickColorNear;
set {
m_tickColorNear = value;
/// get / set the color for backside ticks
public Color FarColor {
get {
return m_tickColorFar;
set {
m_tickColorFar = value;
/// Get/ set the default color for tick labels
/// The color may be overwritten for individual labels
public Color LabelColor {
get {
return m_color;
set {
m_color = value;
/// padding between ticks
public int Padding {
get {
return m_padding;
set {
m_padding = value;
/// number of digits to be displayed in axis ticks
public byte Precision {
get {
return m_precision;
set {
if (value < 16 && value > 0)
m_precision = value;
throw new ILNumerics.Exceptions.ILArgumentException("precision must be in range 1..15!");
// caching: since tick labels will be redrawn every
// render frame, we do not invalidate the label's queues here
/// Get/ set which sides ticks for axis will be displayed on
public TickDisplay Display {
get {
return m_tickDisplay;
set {
m_tickDisplay = value;
/// How ticks are displayed (inside/outside)
public TickDirection Direction {
get {
return m_tickDirection;
set {
m_tickDirection = value;
/// length for ticks, fraction of the overall axis length. Default: 0.02
public float TickFraction {
get {
return m_tickFraction;
set {
m_tickFraction = value;
/// Number of ticks currently stored into the collection
public int Count {
get {
return m_ticks.Count;
/// The axis this tick collection is assigned to
public ILAxis Axis {
get {
return m_panel.Axes[m_axisName]; }
#region constructor
/// creates new ILTickCollection
public ILTickCollection (ILPanel panel, AxisNames axisName)
: base(panel,new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 10.0f),Color.Black) {
m_panel = panel;
m_ticks = new List();
m_axisName = axisName;
m_precision = 4;
m_padding = 5;
m_tickColorFar = Color.Black;
m_tickColorNear = Color.Black;
m_tickDisplay = TickDisplay.LabelSide;
m_tickMode = TickMode.Auto;
m_tickFraction = 0.015f;
m_renderingHint = TickLabelRenderingHint.Auto;
#region public methods
/// Clear the collection of labeled ticks
public void Clear() {
m_size = Size.Empty;
/// replace current collection of labeled ticks with a new one
/// This will fire a Change event.
public void Replace(List ticks) {
/// replace current collection of labeled ticks with a new one
/// label position for every tick
/// label texts for every tick corresponding to
/// This will set the property to 'TickMode.Manual', hence preventing from
/// automatic label creation on mouse perspective changes.
/// Set creates a change event.
public void Set(IEnumerable ticks, IEnumerable labels) {
IEnumerator tickCurs = ticks.GetEnumerator();
foreach (var lab in labels) {
if (tickCurs.MoveNext()) {
if (lab != null)
Add(tickCurs.Current, lab.ToString());
} else {
throw new Exceptions.ILArgumentException("The number of 'labels' must match the number of tick locations.");
this.Mode = TickMode.Manual;
/// replace current collection of labeled ticks with a new one
/// label position for every tick
/// This will set the property to 'TickMode.Manual', hence preventing from
/// automatic label creation on mouse perspective changes.
/// The Precision member is used to create tick label texts for all tick positions.
/// Set creates a change event.
public void Set(IEnumerable ticks) {
foreach (float tick in ticks) {
/// Add a labeled tick to the ticks collection.
/// current position
/// current value
/// This function will fire the LabeledTickAdding event. This
/// gives users the chance to modify the tick and/or the label before
/// it gets added. She can also cancel the adding for the tick at all.
/// No Change event for the axis will be fired from this method.
public void Add(float value, string label) {
if (OnLabeledTickAdding(ref value, ref label, m_ticks.Count)) {
ILRenderQueue queue = m_interpreter.Transform(label,
m_ticks.Add(new LabeledTick(value,queue));
if (m_size.Height < queue.Size.Height)
m_size.Height = queue.Size.Height;
if (m_size.Width < queue.Size.Width)
m_size.Width = queue.Size.Width;
//m_tickMode = TickMode.Manual;
/// Add a labeled tick to the ticks collection
/// position for tick
/// No Change event will be fired
public void Add(float value) {
/// Get maximum size of
/// all tick labels in pixels on screen
/// This property does not take the orientation into account. The size
/// of the content will be returned as if the orientation was straight horizontally.
public override Size Size {
get {
// if (m_tickMode == TickMode.Auto && m_ticks.Count == 0) {
// // first time: no labels have been added? -> assume maximum
// // size determined by precision
// Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(new Bitmap(1,1));
// string measString = String.Format(".-e08" + new String('0',m_precision));
// m_size = g.MeasureString(measString,m_font).ToSize();
return m_size;
///// (Re-)measures the maximum size for all labels contained in the collection
///// graphics object, _may_ be used to measure texts (on some platforms)
///// maximum size
///// This function recomputes the true size for all labels and updates the internal cache. The cached value can
///// than queried by the property 'ScreenSize'.
///// Note: if no tick labels have been stored into the collection yet, the
///// maximum size possible for a label is returned. Therefore, the Precision member is
///// taken into account.
//public Size MeasureMaxScreenSize(Graphics gr) {
// if (m_ticks.Count == 0) {
// SizeF sf = gr.MeasureString (
// "-e.08" + new String('0', m_precision),m_font);
// m_screenSize = new Size((int)sf.Width,(int)sf.Height);
// } else {
// m_screenSize = new Size();
// Size tmp;
// foreach (LabeledTick tick in this) {
// tmp = tick.Queue.Size;
// if (tmp.Height > m_screenSize.Height)
// m_screenSize.Height = tmp.Height;
// if (tmp.Width > m_screenSize.Width)
// m_screenSize.Width = tmp.Width;
// }
// }
// return m_screenSize;
/// fill (replace) labels with nice labels for range
/// lower limit
/// upper limit
/// maximum number of ticks
public void CreateAuto(float min, float max, int tickCount) {
float dist = max - min;
tickCount = 50;
string format = String.Format("g{0}",m_precision);
// find the range for values we are dealing with.
// how many ticks will (really) fit on the label line?
if (tickCount > 1) {
if (Count > 0)
// else: no ticks could be found at all -> fallback: show only center
tickCount = 1;
float relevExp = (float)Math.Round(Math.Log10((max - min)));
if (!float.IsNaN(relevExp) && !float.IsInfinity(relevExp)) {
float multRound;
if (relevExp < 1) {
multRound = (float) (1 / Math.Pow(10,relevExp-1));
} else {
multRound = (float) Math.Pow(10,relevExp-1);
if (tickCount <= 1) {
// If tickCount is 1, only the middle of Axis will be drawn.
float ls = (float)(Math.Ceiling((max + min) / 2 / multRound) * multRound);
if (ls != 0)
} else if (tickCount == 3) {
// draw max, min and the approx. center of range
float ls = (float)(Math.Round((max + min) / 2 / multRound) * multRound);
} else { //if (tickCount == 2) {
// If tickCount is less than 3 - only the max and the min will be drawn.
} else {
/// Determine nice looking label positions for range specified
/// lower limit
/// upper limit
/// maximum number of labels
/// format string used to convert numbers to strings
/// rendering hint, specifies preferred method
/// list of tick labels
public static List NiceLabels(float min, float max, int numMaxLabels, TickLabelRenderingHint hint) {
List ret;
switch (hint) {
case TickLabelRenderingHint.Filled:
ret = NiceLabelsFill(min,max,numMaxLabels);
case TickLabelRenderingHint.Multiple1:
ret = NiceLabelsEven(min,max,numMaxLabels,1.0f);
case TickLabelRenderingHint.Multiple2:
ret = NiceLabelsEven(min,max,numMaxLabels,2.0f);
case TickLabelRenderingHint.Multiple5:
ret = NiceLabelsEven(min,max,numMaxLabels,5.0f);
//ret = NiceLabelsAuto(min,max,numMaxLabels,format);
ret = loose_label(min,max,numMaxLabels);
return ret;
public void Draw(ILRenderProperties p, float min, float max) {
float clipRange = max - min;
ILPoint3Df mult = new ILPoint3Df(
((float)(m_lineEnd.X - m_lineStart.X) / clipRange),
((float)(m_lineEnd.Y - m_lineStart.Y) / clipRange),
float tmp;
Point point = new Point(0,0);
Point oldMidPoint = new Point(int.MinValue,int.MinValue);
Point newMidPoint = new Point(int.MinValue,int.MinValue);
Point oldHSize = new Point(), newHSize = new Point();
foreach (LabeledTick lt in m_ticks) {
if (lt.Queue.Count > 0
&& lt.Position >= min
&& lt.Position <= max) {
tmp = lt.Position-min;
point.X = (int)(m_lineStart.X + mult.X * tmp);
point.Y = (int)(m_lineStart.Y + mult.Y * tmp);
offsetAlignment(lt.Queue.Size, ref point);
newHSize.X = (int)(lt.Queue.Size.Width / 2.0f);
newHSize.Y = (int)(lt.Queue.Size.Height / 2.0f);
newMidPoint.X = point.X + newHSize.X;
newMidPoint.Y = point.Y + newHSize.Y;
// check distance to last drawn label for tickmode auto (padding)
if (m_tickMode == TickMode.Auto) {
if (oldMidPoint.X != int.MinValue
&& oldMidPoint.Y != int.MinValue) {
float distX = Math.Abs(newMidPoint.X - oldMidPoint.X);
float distY = Math.Abs(newMidPoint.Y - oldMidPoint.Y);
if (distX < (m_padding + oldHSize.X + newHSize.X) - m_ticksAllowOverlap &&
distY < (m_padding + oldHSize.Y + newHSize.Y) - m_ticksAllowOverlap) {
// bookmark outer rendering limits
if (newMidPoint.X - newHSize.X < p.MinX)
p.MinX = newMidPoint.X - newHSize.X;
if (newMidPoint.Y - newHSize.Y < p.MinY)
p.MinY = newMidPoint.Y - newHSize.Y;
if (newMidPoint.X + newHSize.X > p.MaxX)
p.MaxX = newMidPoint.X + newHSize.X;
if (newMidPoint.Y + newHSize.Y > p.MaxY)
p.MaxY = newMidPoint.Y + newHSize.Y;
m_renderer.Draw(lt.Queue, point, m_orientation, m_color);
oldMidPoint = newMidPoint;
oldHSize = newHSize;
#region IDisposable Member
public new void Dispose() {
if (m_renderer != null) {
// ???
#region private helper
/// Create nice labels, prefere even numbers over best optimal tick count
/// min
/// max
/// max labels count
/// format string used to convert numbers to strings
/// nice label list
private static List NiceLabelsAuto(float min, float max, int numMaxLabels, string format) {
float[] divisors = new float[3] {5.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f};
List[] ticks = new List[divisors.Length];
int count = 0, bestMatch = int.MaxValue, tmp = 0, bestMatchIdx = -1;
foreach (float div in divisors) {
ticks[count] = NiceLabelsEven(min,max,numMaxLabels,div);
if (ticks[count].Count == numMaxLabels) {
return ticks[count];
tmp = (int)Math.Abs(Math.Min(numMaxLabels,10) - ticks[count].Count);
if (tmp < bestMatch) {
bestMatch = tmp;
bestMatchIdx = count;
count ++;
// its possible for limits to exceed the resolution for float
// no ticks are returned in this case
return ticks[bestMatchIdx];
/// find tick labels by distinct divisors (10,5,2). Chooses the divisor which best produces the best number according to numberTicks
/// minimum
/// maximum
/// maximum number of ticks
/// format string for string conversion
/// list of tick labels
private static List NiceLabelsFill(float min, float max, int numberTicks) {
// spacing may happen by divisors of 5,2,1. We test every case and choose the
// one producing the best match on the number of ticks requested than.
float[] divisors = new float[3] {5.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f};
List[] ticks = new List[divisors.Length];
int count = 0, bestMatch = int.MaxValue, tmp = 0, bestMatchIdx = -1;
foreach (float div in divisors) {
ticks[count] = NiceLabelsEven(min,max,numberTicks,div);
tmp = (int)Math.Abs(Math.Min(numberTicks,10) - ticks[count].Count);
if (ticks[count].Count == numberTicks) {
return ticks[count];
} else if (tmp <= bestMatch) {
bestMatch = tmp;
bestMatchIdx = count;
count ++;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bestMatchIdx >= 0,"No best divisor has been found. Tick creation failed.");
if (bestMatchIdx >= 0)
return ticks[bestMatchIdx];
return ticks[0]; // rescue plan
private static List NiceLabelsEven(float min, float max, int numberTicks, float divisor) {
//minimal distance required for ticks
float minDist = (max - min) / (numberTicks + 1);
// determine prominent range for optimal spacing
if (Math.Abs(minDist) < 1e-10) return new List();
float relevExp = (float)Math.Log10((max - min));
if (float.IsNaN(relevExp)) {
return new List();
float multRound;
if (relevExp >= 1) {
return NiceLabelsEvenGE10(min,max,numberTicks,divisor);
List ticks = new List();
relevExp = (float)Math.Round(relevExp);
multRound = (float) (1 / Math.Pow(10,relevExp-1));
//float step = divisor / multRound, cur = min, origStep = step;
float step = multRound/ divisor, cur = min, origStep = step;
// TODO: check for step beeing too small for resonable min..max distance!
// OR: prevent for infinite loop!
while (step < minDist) {
step += origStep;
// find the first auto tick value, matching the divisor
cur = (float)(Math.Round((min + minDist) * multRound / divisor) / multRound * divisor);
cur += step;
// add all ticks in _between_, keep margin to axis limits!
while (cur < max) {
cur = (float)(Math.Round(cur * multRound) / multRound);
cur += step;
if (ticks.Count > numberTicks) {
// emergency break - float cannot handle this distance!
return ticks;
private static List NiceLabelsEvenGE10(float min, float max, int numberTicks, float divisor) {
//minimal distance required for ticks
float minDist = (max - min) / (numberTicks + 1);
// determine prominent range for optimal spacing
List ticks = new List();
// has been checked, if comming from NiceLabelsEven:
//if (Math.Abs(minDist) < 1e-10) return ticks;
float relevExp = (float)Math.Log10((max - min));
if (float.IsNaN(relevExp)) {
return ticks;
float multRound;
relevExp = (float) (Math.Sign(relevExp) * Math.Floor(Math.Abs(relevExp)));
multRound = (float) Math.Pow(10,relevExp-1);
//float step = divisor / multRound, cur = min, origStep = step;
float step = multRound/ divisor, cur = min, origStep = step;
// TODO: check for step beeing too small for resonable min..max distance!
// OR: prevent for infinite loop!
while (step < minDist) {
// increase the multRRound by factor 10
relevExp ++;
multRound = (float) (Math.Pow(10,relevExp-1));
step = multRound/ divisor;
// find the first auto tick value, matching the divisor
cur = (float)niceNumber(min,false);
// add all ticks in _between_, keep margin to axis limits!
while (cur < max) {
cur = (float)niceNumber(cur + step,false);
if (ticks.Count > numberTicks) {
// emergency break - float cannot handle this distance!
return ticks;
/// create "nice" number in fractions of 2 or 5
/// value
/// This code was adopted from Paul Heckbert
/// from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990.
private static double niceNumber(double val, bool round) {
int expv;
double f; /* fractional part of x */
double nf; /* nice, rounded fraction */
double aval = Math.Abs(val);
double sign = Math.Sign(val);
expv = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Log10(aval));
f = aval/Math.Pow(10, expv); /* between 1 and 10 */
if (round) {
if (f<1.5) nf = 1;
else if (f<3) nf = 2;
else if (f<7) nf = 5;
else nf = 10;
} else {
if (f<=1) nf = 1;
else if (f<=2) nf = 2;
else if (f<=5) nf = 5;
else nf = 10;
return (nf * Math.Pow(10, expv) * sign);
private static List loose_label(float min,float max, int numberTicks) {
double d; /* tick mark spacing */
double graphmin; /* graph range min and max */
double range, x;
/* we expect min!=max */
range = niceNumber(max-min, false);
d = niceNumber(range/(Math.Min(numberTicks,10)-1), true);
double exp = Math.Pow(10,Math.Floor(Math.Log10(max - min)));
graphmin = Math.Floor(min / exp) * exp;
// Math.Min(niceNumber(min - d,true),niceNumber(min - d,false));
//graphmax = Math.Min(niceNumber(max - d, true), niceNumber(max + d, false));
List ticks = new List();
for (x = graphmin; x <= max; x = (float)(Math.Round((x + d) / d) * d)) {
//x = (float)(Math.Round(x/d)*d);
if (ticks.Count > 20) break; //emergency exit if range is in floating point range
return ticks;
#region Oli's labels implementaion (incomplete)
private static List niceLabels (float start, float end, int maxNumbers,string format) {
float[] labelPositions = berechneLabel(start,end,maxNumbers);
List ret = new List();
foreach (float pos in labelPositions) {
return ret;
private static float[] berechneLabel(float start, float end, int maxNumbers)
if (end <= start)
return null;
float strecke = Math.Abs(end - start);
int n = 0;
while (strecke < maxNumbers)
strecke *= 10;
while (strecke > 100)
strecke /= 10;
start *= (float)Math.Pow(10, n);
int streckeIntValue = getStreckeAsNiceInt(strecke, maxNumbers);
if (isPrimzahl(streckeIntValue) && streckeIntValue != maxNumbers)
streckeIntValue++; //Kann zu Problemen f�hren! -- ist aber auch Mist.
float step = 0;
int stepCount;
for (stepCount = maxNumbers; stepCount > 0; stepCount--)
step = streckeIntValue / stepCount;
int rest = streckeIntValue % stepCount;
if(rest < step && (step == 1 || step == 2 || step == 5 || step == 10 || step == 25 || step == 50 ))
int startInt = (int)Math.Round(start, 0);
startInt = startInt - (startInt % (int)step);
if (n != 0)
step /= (float)(Math.Pow(10, n));
start = (float)startInt / (float)Math.Pow(10, n);
start = startInt;
if (!(start + stepCount * step < end))
float[] ret = new float[stepCount];
for (int i = 1; i <= stepCount; i++)
ret[i - 1] = start + i * step;
return ret;
private static int getStreckeAsNiceInt(float strecke, int maxNumbers)
int streckeIntValue = (int)Math.Round(strecke, 0);
if (streckeIntValue <= 10)
return streckeIntValue;
if (streckeIntValue / 2 <= maxNumbers)
return streckeIntValue;
streckeIntValue = streckeIntValue - streckeIntValue % 5;
return streckeIntValue;
#region IEnumerable Member
/// Get Enumerator, enumerating over all labeled ticks
/// Enumerator
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
return m_ticks.GetEnumerator();
#region IEnumerable Member
/// Get enumerator enumerating over labeled ticks
/// enumerator
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() {
foreach (LabeledTick lt in m_ticks)
yield return lt;