/// This file is part of ILNumerics Community Edition.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition - high performance computing for applications.
/// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Haymo Kutschbach, http://ilnumerics.net
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
/// the Free Software Foundation.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with ILNumerics Community Edition. See the file License.txt in the root
/// of your distribution package. If not, see .
/// In addition this software uses the following components and/or licenses:
/// =================================================================================
/// The Open Toolkit Library License
/// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
/// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
/// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
/// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
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/// =================================================================================
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using keytype = System.Int32;
namespace ILNumerics.Data {
/// incomplete BTree implementation (it lags of a remove method)
/// value element type
public class ILBTree {
//private static readonly int ORDER = 4; // max number of childs
//private static readonly int MAX_KEYS = 3; // uneven ! (order - 1)
//private static readonly int MIN_CHILDS = 2;
//private static readonly int MIN_KEYS = 1; // uneven ! (order / 2 - 1)
private static int m_order = 24;
public static int ORDER {
get { return m_order; }
set {
if (value / 2 * 2 != value) {
m_order = value;
MAX_KEYS = value -1;
MIN_KEYS = value / 2 - 1;
} // max number of childs
public static int MAX_KEYS = 15; // uneven ! (order - 1)
public static int MIN_KEYS = 7; // uneven ! (order / 2 - 1)
public static int DEFAULT_LIST_CAPACITY = 8;
private int m_nodeCount = 0;
private int m_levelCount = 1;
private nodetype m_root;
//private class itemtype {
// public keytype Key;
// public List Values;
// //private itemtype () {
// // Key = -1;
// // Values = new LinkedList();
// //}
// public itemtype (keytype key, T value) {
// Key = key;
// Values = new List(8);
// Values.Add(value);
// }
// public override string ToString() {
// return String.Format("K:{0} Count:{1}",Key,Values.Count);
// }
private class nodetype {
//public itemtype[] Items;
public int[] Keys;
public List[] Values;
public nodetype[] Childs;
/// number of keys in the node
public int Count;
public nodetype() {
Count = 0;
//Items = new itemtype[ MAX_KEYS ];
Keys = new int[MAX_KEYS];
Values = new List[MAX_KEYS];
Childs = new nodetype[ MAX_KEYS + 1 ];
public override string ToString() {
string itemDesc = "---";
if (Count > 0) {
itemDesc = String.Format("{0} - {1}",Keys[0],Keys[Count-1]);
return String.Format("{0} Items:[{1}]",Count,itemDesc);
#region constructor
public ILBTree() {
m_root = new nodetype();
m_nodeCount = 1;
#region public interface
public int NodeCount {
get { return m_nodeCount; }
public int LevelCount {
get { return m_levelCount; }
public void Add(keytype key, T value) {
if (m_root.Count >= MAX_KEYS) {
nodetype newright = new nodetype();
keytype upkey;
List upval;
SplitNode(m_root,newright, out upkey, out upval);
nodetype newRoot = new nodetype();
newRoot.Childs[0] = m_root;
newRoot.Childs[1] = newright;
newRoot.Keys[0] = upkey;
newRoot.Values[0] = upval;
newRoot.Count = 1;
m_root = newRoot;
m_nodeCount += 2;
AddValue(key, value, m_root);
#region private helpers
/// is the key contained in curNode ?
private unsafe static bool SearchNode(nodetype curNode, keytype key, ref int location) {
int loc = 0, max = curNode.Count; int[] curNodeKeys = curNode.Keys;
for (; loc < max; loc++) {
int curKey = curNodeKeys[loc];
if (curKey == key) {
location = loc;
return true;
} else if (curKey > key) {
location = loc;
return false;
location = loc;
return false;
//int loc = 0, max = curNode.Count;
//foreach (keytype curKey in curNode.Keys) {
// if (curKey == key) {
// location = loc;
// return true;
// } else if (curKey > key) {
// location = loc;
// return false;
// }
// if (++loc >= max) break;
//location = loc;
//return false;
//int loc = curNode.Count - 1;
//fixed (int* keys = curNode.Keys) {
// int* curKey = keys + loc;
// do {
// if (*curKey == key) {
// location = loc;
// return true;
// } else if (*curKey < key) {
// location = ++loc;
// return false;
// }
// curKey--;
// } while (loc --> 0);
//location = 0;
//return false;
private void AddValue(keytype key, T value, nodetype curNode) {
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(curNode.Count < MAX_KEYS);
while (true) {
// search node (inlined from func)
short max = (short)curNode.Count;
short location = 0;
int[] curNodeKeys = curNode.Keys;
for (; location < max; location++) {
int curKey = curNodeKeys[location];
if (curKey == key) {
if (curKey > key) {
nodetype childNode = curNode.Childs[location];
if (childNode == null) {
// insert right here
var newVals = new List(8);
} else {
// check if the child is filled up allready
if (childNode.Count >= MAX_KEYS) {
nodetype newRightChild = new nodetype();
int upkey;
List upval;
SplitNode(childNode, newRightChild, out upkey, out upval);
InsertItemIntoNode(curNode,upkey, upval, location, newRightChild); // cur node should always have space left!
// in which subtree to go?
if (key == upkey) {
if (key > upkey)
//AddValue(key, value, curNode.Childs[location]);
curNode = curNode.Childs[location];
//private void AddValue(keytype key, T value, nodetype curNode) {
// System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(curNode.Count < MAX_KEYS);
// int location;
// if (SearchNode(curNode, key, out location)) {
// curNode.Values[location].Add(value);
// } else {
// nodetype childNode = curNode.Childs[location];
// if (childNode == null) {
// // insert right here
// var newVals = new List(8);
// newVals.Add(value);
// InsertItemIntoNode(curNode,key,newVals,location,null);
// } else {
// // check if the child is filled up allready
// if (childNode.Count >= MAX_KEYS) {
// nodetype newRightChild = new nodetype();
// int upkey;
// List upval;
// SplitNode(childNode, newRightChild, out upkey, out upval);
// m_nodeCount++;
// InsertItemIntoNode(curNode,upkey, upval, location, newRightChild); // cur node should always have space left!
// // in which subtree to go?
// if (key == upkey) {
// curNode.Values[location].Add(value);
// return;
// }
// if (key > upkey)
// location++;
// }
// AddValue(key, value, curNode.Childs[location]);
// }
// }
#region break
//private void AddValue(keytype key, T value, nodetype curNode, ref itemtype upcomingItem, ref nodetype rightchild) {
// if (curNode == null) {
// // we came from a leaf! let the parent handle the insertion
// upcomingItem = new itemtype(key,value);
// rightchild = null;
// return;
// }
// System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(curNode.Count < MAX_KEYS);
// int location;
// if (SearchNode(curNode, key, out location)) {
// curNode.Items[location].Values.AddFirst(value);
// upcomingItem = null;
// } else {
// nodetype childNode = curNode.Childs[location];
// if (childNode.Count >= MAX_KEYS) {
// nodetype newRightChild = new nodetype();
// itemtype newUpItem;
// SplitNode(childNode, newRightChild, out newUpItem);
// InsertItemIntoNode(curNode,newUpItem,location,newRightChild); // cur node should always have space left!
// // in which subtree to go?
// if (key > newUpItem.Key)
// location++;
// if (key == newUpItem.Key) {
// curNode.Items[location].Values.AddFirst(value);
// upcomingItem = null;
// return;
// }
// }
// // location = index of child/ insertion point
// AddValue(key, value, curNode.Childs[location], ref upcomingItem, ref rightchild);
// // handle upcoming node
// if (upcomingItem != null) {
// if (curNode.Count < MAX_KEYS) {
// // insert right here
// InsertItemIntoNode(curNode, upcomingItem, location, rightchild);
// upcomingItem = null;
// } else {
// // split the node and move median up
// SplitNode(curNode, upcomingItem, location, ref upcomingItem, ref rightchild);
// }
// }
// }
private void SplitNode(nodetype curNode, nodetype newRight, out keytype upKey, out List upval) {
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Math.Round(curNode.Count / 2.0) != curNode.Count / 2.0);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(curNode.Count == (MIN_KEYS * 2 + 1));
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(curNode.Count == MAX_KEYS);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(newRight != null && newRight.Childs != null && newRight.Keys != null);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(newRight.Childs.Length == ORDER && newRight.Keys.Length == MAX_KEYS && newRight.Values.Length == MAX_KEYS);
for (int i = MIN_KEYS + 1, ni = 0; ni < MIN_KEYS; ni++, i++) {
newRight.Keys[ni] = curNode.Keys[i];
newRight.Values[ni] = curNode.Values[i];
newRight.Childs[ni+1] = curNode.Childs[i+1];
// clear old data
curNode.Keys[i] = -1;
curNode.Values[i] = null;
curNode.Childs[i+1] = null;
curNode.Count = MIN_KEYS;
newRight.Count = MIN_KEYS;
newRight.Childs[0] = curNode.Childs[MIN_KEYS + 1];
upKey = curNode.Keys[MIN_KEYS];
upval = curNode.Values[MIN_KEYS];
// clear old data
curNode.Keys[MIN_KEYS] = -1;
curNode.Values[MIN_KEYS] = null;
curNode.Childs[MIN_KEYS + 1] = null;
//private void SplitNode(nodetype curNode, itemtype newItem, int location, ref itemtype upcomingItem, ref nodetype upcomingrightnode) {
// var newnode = new nodetype();
// if (location <= MIN_KEYS) {
// // copy right node
// for (int ci = MIN_KEYS, ni = 0; ci < MAX_KEYS; ci++, ni++ ) {
// newnode.Items[ni] = curNode.Items[ci];
// newnode.Childs[ni+1] = curNode.Childs[ci];
// }
// // copy curNode
// for (int ci = MIN_KEYS; ci --> location; ) {
// curNode.Items[ci+1] = curNode.Items[ci];
// curNode.Childs[ci+1] = curNode.Childs[ci];
// }
// curNode.Count = MIN_KEYS + 1;
// newnode.Count = MAX_KEYS - MIN_KEYS;
// // insert new item
// curNode.Items[location] = newItem;
// curNode.Childs[location] = upcomingrightnode;
// newnode.Childs[0] = curNode.Childs[MIN_KEYS];
// // give the median back upwards
// upcomingItem = curNode.Items[MIN_KEYS];
// upcomingrightnode = newnode;
// } else {
// // copy right node -> up to insert location
// int i = MIN_KEYS, ni = 0;
// for (; i < location; i++, ni++) {
// newnode.Items[ni] = curNode.Items[i];
// newnode.Childs[ni+1] = curNode.Childs[i];
// }
// // insert new item
// newnode.Items[ni] = newItem;
// newnode.Childs[ni++] = upcomingrightnode;
// // copy rest of node to right side
// for (; i < curNode.Count; i++, ni++) {
// newnode.Items[ni] = curNode.Items[i];
// newnode.Childs[ni+1] = curNode.Childs[i];
// }
// // update curNode
// curNode.Count = MIN_KEYS + 1;
// newnode.Count = ni;
// newnode.Childs[0] = curNode.Childs[MIN_KEYS + 1];
// upcomingItem = curNode.Items[MIN_KEYS + 1];
// upcomingrightnode = newnode;
// }
// m_nodeCount++;
private void InsertItemIntoNode(nodetype curNode, keytype newKey,List newvalue, int location, nodetype rigthchild) {
int a = curNode.Count;
for (; a --> location; ) {
curNode.Keys[a+1] = curNode.Keys[a];
curNode.Values[a+1] = curNode.Values[a];
curNode.Childs[a+2] = curNode.Childs[a+1];
// insert a new linked list at freed position
curNode.Keys[location] = newKey;
curNode.Values[location] = newvalue;
curNode.Childs[location+1] = rigthchild;