/// This file is part of ILNumerics Community Edition.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition - high performance computing for applications.
/// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Haymo Kutschbach, http://ilnumerics.net
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
/// the Free Software Foundation.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with ILNumerics Community Edition. See the file License.txt in the root
/// of your distribution package. If not, see .
/// In addition this software uses the following components and/or licenses:
/// =================================================================================
/// The Open Toolkit Library License
/// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
/// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
/// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
/// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
/// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
/// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
/// so, subject to the following conditions:
/// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
/// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
/// =================================================================================
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using ILNumerics.Storage;
using ILNumerics.Exceptions;
namespace ILNumerics {
/// Boolean array for high performance relational operations on arbitrary arrays
/// Logical arrays store true/false conditions as elements. Each element consumes
/// one byte. Logical arrays are the output parameter of all relational comparisons.
public sealed class ILOutLogical : ILBaseLogical {
#region attributes
private ILLogical m_originalArray;
#region constructors
/// Constructor - create logical array of type Byte of specified size
/// Variable length int array specifying the number and size of dimensions to
/// be created.
/// The size parameter may not be null or an empty array! An Exception will be
/// thrown in this case. The dimensions will be trimmed before processing
/// (removing trailing non singleton dimensions).
/// Depending on the requested size an ILArray < byte > of the specified dimensions
/// will be created. The type of storage will be bool.
internal ILOutLogical(params int[] size)
: base(new ILLogicalStorage(new ILSize(size)),false) {
NumberNonZero = sumElements();
/// Constructor - create logical array of type byte of specified size
/// Size descriptor
/// The size parameter may not be null. An Exception will be
/// thrown in this case. The dimensions will be trimmed before processing
/// (removing trailing singleton dimensions).
/// Depending on the requested size an logical array of the specified dimensions
/// will be created. The element type is be bool.
internal ILOutLogical(ILSize size)
: base(new ILLogicalStorage(size),false) {
NumberNonZero = sumElements();
/// Constructor creating logical array from dense storage
/// Input array, the storage of this ILArray will directly be used for
/// storage of the new logical array
internal ILOutLogical(ILLogicalStorage A)
: base(A,false) {
NumberNonZero = sumElements();
/// Constructor creating logical array from (dense) storage
/// Input array, the storage of this ILArray will directly be used for
/// storage of the new logical array
/// Number of nonzero elements in A. Must be positive or 0.
/// Providing this parameter prevents the constructor from having to count the
/// 'true' elements in A.
internal ILOutLogical(ILLogicalStorage A, long numberNonZero)
: base(A, false) {
if (numberNonZero < 0)
throw new ILNumerics.Exceptions.ILArgumentException("invalid number of non-zero-elements given!");
NumberNonZero = numberNonZero;
/// Constructor - create logical array of specified size from data array
/// Variable length int array specifying the number and size of dimensions to
/// be created.
/// byte array matching the size of the dimensions
/// specified. The data will directly be used as storage! No copy will be made!
/// The size parameter may not be null or an empty array! An Exception will be
/// thrown in this case. The dimensions will be trimmed before processing
/// (removing trailing non singleton dimensions).
/// Depending on the requested size an logical array of the specified size
/// will be created. The type of storage will be byte.
internal ILOutLogical(byte[] data, params int[] size)
: base(new ILLogicalStorage( data, new ILSize(size)),false) {
NumberNonZero = sumElements();
/// Constructor creating logical array, provide predefined storage
/// Predefined storage elements. The array will directly be used
/// as underlying storage. No copy will be made!
/// Dimensions specification.
internal ILOutLogical(byte[] data, ILSize size)
: base(new ILLogicalStorage(data, size), false) {
NumberNonZero = sumElements();
/// Constructor creating logical array, predefined storage (fast version)
/// predefined storage elements. The array will directly be used
/// as underlying storage. No copy will be made!
/// Dimensions specification.
/// number of nonzero elements in .
/// Providing this parameter prevents from counting the 'true' elements (again).
internal ILOutLogical(byte[] data, ILSize size, long nonZeroCount)
: base(new ILLogicalStorage(data, size), false) {
if (nonZeroCount < 0)
throw new ILNumerics.Exceptions.ILArgumentException("invalid number of non-zero-elements given!");
NumberNonZero = nonZeroCount;
#region implicit cast operators
#region conversional operators
/// Convert logical array to output parameter type array
/// Source logical array
/// Output parameter type array
public static implicit operator ILOutLogical(ILLogical A) {
if (object.Equals(A,null))
return null;
ILOutLogical ret = new ILOutLogical(A.Storage);
ret.m_originalArray = A;
return ret;
#region index access + mutability
/// Subarray access
/// Range specification
/// Reference pointing to the elements of this array specified by range. If used for removal:
/// the array will be changed to a referencing array having the parts requested removed and reshaped accordingly.
/// Query access: for N-dimensional arrays trailing dimensions will be choosen to be 0. Therefore you
/// may ommit those trailing dimensions in range.
/// The indexer may be used for querying or altering single/any elements
/// in this array. range may contains index specifications for one ... any
/// dimension. The array returned will have the size specified by range.
/// The indexer may also be used for removing parts of the array. Therefore an empty array
/// (of the same type) or 'null' must be assigned to the range specified by range using the set-access. range
/// must contain exactly one dimension specification other than null. This may be any vector-sized numeric ILArray of any
/// type. If range applies
/// to less dimensions than dimensions existing in the array, the upper dimensions will be
/// merged and the array will be reshaped before applying the removal to it.
/// In case of removal the ILArray returned will be a reference array.
public ILRetLogical this[params ILBaseArray[] dims] {
get {
return new ILRetLogical((ILLogicalStorage)Storage.Subarray(dims));
set {
NumberNonZero = sumElements();
/// Set single value to element at index specified
/// New value
/// Index of element to be altered
public void SetValue(byte value, params int[] idx) {
Storage.SetValueTyped(value, idx);
/// Alter a range of this array
/// Array with new values
/// Range specification
public void SetRange(ILInLogical value, params ILBaseArray[] range) {
using (ILScope.Enter(value))
using (ILScope.Enter(range)) {
if (object.Equals(value, null)) {
Storage.IndexSubrange(null, range);
} else {
using (ILScope.Enter(value))
Storage.IndexSubrange(value.Storage, range);
/// Replace the elements of this array with another array's elements, preventing memory leaks
/// New array
public ILRetLogical a {
set { Assign(value); }
get { return this.C; }
/// Replaces storage of this array with new array elements, registers this array for out-of-scope disposal
/// new array
public void Assign(ILRetLogical value) {
if (!IsDisposed)
ILLogicalStorage storage = (ILLogicalStorage)value.GiveStorageAwayOrClone();
m_storage = storage;
if (!ILMath.isnull(m_originalArray)) {
(m_originalArray as ILDenseArray).Storage = storage;
#region memory management
internal override bool EnterScope() {
return false;