/// This file is part of ILNumerics Community Edition.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition - high performance computing for applications.
/// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Haymo Kutschbach, http://ilnumerics.net
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
/// the Free Software Foundation.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with ILNumerics Community Edition. See the file License.txt in the root
/// of your distribution package. If not, see .
/// In addition this software uses the following components and/or licenses:
/// =================================================================================
/// The Open Toolkit Library License
/// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
/// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
/// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
/// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
/// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
/// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
/// so, subject to the following conditions:
/// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
/// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
/// =================================================================================
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using ILNumerics.Storage;
using ILNumerics.Misc;
using ILNumerics.Exceptions;
namespace ILNumerics {
/// The main rectangular array to be used in algorithms
/// Inner type. This will mostly be a system numeric type or a
/// complex floating point type.
/// This class serves as the main rectangular array, holding arbitrary elements (usually numeric types)
/// in arbitrary dimensions.
/// Arrays of this type may use any type as generic element. However, common mathematical functions and operators
/// are defined for a limited number of inner types only. All binary operations (+,-,*,/,,<=]]>,etc.) are
/// defined for two arrays with the same numeric type, would it be from the System namespace (double,
/// int,...) or ILNumerics.complex/ ILNumerics.fcomplex. Most algebraic functions require floating point
/// types. See the class for a list of all computational functions.
/// Arrays are capable of creating flexible subarrays
/// and to get altered at runtime. Read about all details of ILNumerics arrays in the
/// ILNumerics Array documentation.
/// Arrays of this type are dense arrays. Cloning arrays is done as lazy
/// copy on write, i.e. clones do only use new memory, if attempting to write on them. Arrays integrate into the memory
/// management of ILNumerics. Read about the most important
/// simple rules, for using arrays in custom computational functions.
/// Arrays come with overloaded mathematical operators, allowing for a convenient syntax. A
/// sophisticated memory management in the back will make sure, that as little memory as needed is used, even in
/// expressions like: a + c * 2 / abs(sin(c) * -b / log(a)). Here all arrays are of the same size. Evaluating
/// this expression does only need the memory of twice the size of one array. Memory gets collected and reused
/// for every subexpression evaluation. Further optimization options exist, as described in
/// Optimizing Algorithm Performance.
/// A simple example demonstrating some uses of arrays in a very simple application:
/// using System;
///using System.Collections.Generic;
///using System.Linq;
///using System.Text;
///using ILNumerics;
///namespace ConsoleApplication1 {
/// class Program : ILMath {
/// static void Main(string[] args) {
/// ILArray<double> A = rand(10,20);
/// ILArray<double> B = A * 30 + 100;
/// ILLogical C = any(multiply(B,B.T));
/// Console.Out.Write(-B);
/// Console.ReadKey();
/// }
/// }
public sealed class ILArray : ILDenseArray {
private static bool s_isTempArray = false;
#region constructors
/// Create new ILArray, specify (dense) storage
internal ILArray(ILDenseStorage storage)
: base(storage, s_isTempArray) {
/// create new ILArray, specify dimensions
private ILArray(ILSize dimensions)
: base(new ILDenseStorage(dimensions), s_isTempArray) {
/// create new ILArray, specify storage and if the new array should be disposed automatically
internal ILArray(ILDenseStorage storage, bool registerForDisposal)
: base(storage, s_isTempArray) {
if (registerForDisposal)
/// create new ILArray, specify dimensions
private ILArray(ILSize dimensions, bool registerForDisposal)
: base(new ILDenseStorage(dimensions), s_isTempArray) {
if (registerForDisposal)
/// create new ILArray from System.Array
/// System.Array
/// dimension specifier
internal ILArray(ElementType[] elements, ILSize size) :
base(new ILDenseStorage(elements, size), s_isTempArray) {
/// create new ILArray from System.Array, optionally register the array for disposal
/// System.Array
/// if true, the array will be disposed once the current scope is closed
/// dimension specifier
internal ILArray(ElementType[] elements, ILSize size, bool registerForDisposal) :
base(new ILDenseStorage(elements, size), s_isTempArray) {
if (registerForDisposal)
/// create new ILArray from System.Array
/// System.Array
/// dimension specifier
internal ILArray(ElementType[] elements, params int[] size) :
base(new ILDenseStorage(elements, new ILSize(size)), s_isTempArray) {
/// create new ILArray from System.Array
/// variable length System.Array
internal ILArray(params ElementType[] elements) :
base(new ILDenseStorage(elements, new ILSize(1, elements.Length)), s_isTempArray) {
/// [deprecated] Create empty array of arbitrary size
/// Dimension sizes
/// New empty array
/// This function is markes as deprecated and only included for compatibility reasons.
/// It will be removed in a future version. Use instead.
[Obsolete("Use ILNumerics.ILMath.empty{T}() instead")]
public static ILRetArray empty(params int[] size) {
if (size == null || size.Length == 0)
return new ILArray(ILSize.Empty00);
ILArray ret = new ILArray(new ILSize(size));
if (!ret.IsEmpty)
throw new ILArgumentException("'size' must specify the size of an empty array");
return ret;
/// [deprecated] Create empty array of arbitrary size
/// Dimension sizes
/// New empty array
/// This function is markes as deprecated and only included for compatibility reasons.
/// It will be removed in a future version. Use instead.
[Obsolete("Use ILNumerics.ILMath.empty{T}() instead")]
public static ILRetArray empty(ILSize size) {
ILArray ret = new ILArray(size);
if (!ret.IsEmpty)
throw new ILArgumentException("'size' must specify the size of an empty array");
return ret;
#region implicit cast operators
#region constructional operators
/// Implicitly convert scalar to array of size 1x1 (scalar).
/// System type of size scalar
/// New ILArray of type ILArray ]]> of size 1x1
/// holding the only element with value of val.
public static implicit operator ILArray (ElementType val) {
ILArray ret = new ILArray(
new ILDenseStorage(
new ElementType[1] {val},
new ILSize(1,1)));
return ret;
/// Implicitly cast one dimensional System.Array to ILNumerics array (vector)
/// 1-dimensional system array, arbitrary type
/// ILNumerics array of same element type as elements of A. If A is null: empty array.
/// The System.Array A will directly be used for the new ILNumerics array!
/// No copy will be done! Make sure, not to reference A after this conversion
/// The size of the result depends on the global option Settings.CreateRowVectorByDefault
public static implicit operator ILArray (ElementType[] A) {
if (A == null)
return null;
ILArray ret;
if (Settings.CreateRowVectorsByDefault) {
ret = new ILArray(A, 1, A.Length);
} else {
ret = new ILArray(A, A.Length, 1);
return ret;
/// Implicitly convert n-dimensional System.Array to ILNumerics array
/// Arbitrarily sized System.Array
/// If A is null: empty array. Else: new ILNumerics array of the same size as A
/// The inner type of input array must match the requested type
/// . The resulting ILArray will reflect all dimensions of
/// A. Elements of A will get copied to elements of the output array (shallow copy).
/// If type of input does not match
/// ElementType
public static implicit operator ILArray (Array A) {
if (A == null)
return null;
if (A.Length == 0) {
return new ILArray(ILSize.Empty00);
if (A.GetType().GetElementType() != typeof(ElementType))
throw new ILCastException("inner type of System.Array must match");
int [] dims = new int[A.Rank];
ElementType [] retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(A.Length);
int posArr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dims.Length; i++) {
dims[i] = A.GetLength(dims.Length-i-1);
if (dims.Length == 1 && Settings.CreateRowVectorsByDefault) {
dims = new int[2] {1, dims[0]};
foreach (ElementType item in A)
retArr[posArr++] = item;
ILArray ret = new ILArray(retArr,dims);
return ret;
/// Implicitly cast two dimensional System.Array to ILNumerics array
/// 2-dimensional System.Array
/// If A is null: empty array. ILNumerics array of same size and type as A otherwise.
public static implicit operator ILArray(ElementType[,] A) {
if (A == null)
return null;
if (A.Length == 0) {
return new ILArray(ILSize.Empty00);
int[] dims = new int[2];
ElementType[] retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(A.Length);
int posArr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
dims[i] = A.GetLength(dims.Length - i - 1);
foreach (ElementType item in A)
retArr[posArr++] = item;
ILArray ret = new ILArray(retArr, dims);
return ret;
/// Implicitly cast three dimensional System.Array to ILNumerics array
/// 3-dimensional System.Array
/// If A is null: empty array. ILNumerics array of same size and type as A otherwise.
public static implicit operator ILArray(ElementType[,,] A) {
if (A == null)
return null;
if (A.Length == 0) {
return new ILArray(ILSize.Empty00);
int[] dims = new int[3];
ElementType[] retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New(A.Length);
int posArr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
dims[i] = A.GetLength(dims.Length - i - 1);
foreach (ElementType item in A)
retArr[posArr++] = item;
ILArray ret = new ILArray(retArr, dims);
return ret;
#region conversional operators
/// "Persistence cast" make a steady array out of a temp array
/// Temporary array
/// Steady ILArray, will survive multiple usages
/// This is one of the most important casts in the ILNumerics framework. It changes temporary
/// arrays from temporary state to ('steady') ILArrays and persistent state. The inner storage is kept and used for
/// the new array. The new arrays can than get used multiple times in any function. In contrast to
/// that, ILRetArrays are disposed off after first use.
public static implicit operator ILArray(ILRetArray A) {
if (object.Equals(A, null))
return null;
ILArray ret = new ILArray(A.GiveStorageAwayOrClone());
return ret;
/// "Persistence cast" make a steady array out of an input array
/// Input array
/// Steady ILArray, will survive multiple usages
/// This is one of the most important casts in the ILNumerics framework. It changes temporary
/// arrays from temporary state to ('steady') ILArrays and persistent state. The inner storage is kept and used for
/// the new array. The new arrays can than get used multiple times in any function. In contrast to
/// that, ILRetArrays are disposed off after first use.
public static implicit operator ILArray(ILInArray A) {
if (object.Equals(A, null))
return null;
ILArray < ElementType > ret = new ILArray(new ILDenseStorage(
A.Storage.GetDataArray(), A.Size));
return ret;
/// "Persistence cast" make a steady array out of an input array
/// Input array
/// Steady ILArray, will survive multiple usages
/// This is one of the most important casts in the ILNumerics framework. It changes temporary
/// arrays from temporary state to ('steady') ILArrays and persistent state. The inner storage is kept and used for
/// the new array. The new arrays can than get used multiple times in any function. In contrast to
/// that, ILRetArrays are disposed off after first use.
public static implicit operator ILArray(ILOutArray A) {
if (object.Equals(A, null))
return null;
ILArray ret = new ILArray(new ILDenseStorage(
A.Storage.GetDataArray(), A.Size));
return ret;
/// Convert dense array to scalar temporary cell
/// Input array
/// Scalar cell having the only element with a clone of array
public static implicit operator ILRetCell(ILArray A) {
using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
ILRetCell ret = new ILRetCell(ILSize.Scalar1_1, A.Storage);
ret.Storage.FromImplicitCast = true;
return ret;
#region memory management
/// Assign another array to this array variable. This is an optional, yet more efficient alternative to using '='
/// New array
/// By assigning to this property, this array is immediately released to the memory pool and replaced by the new array. In difference to that,
/// by using the common '=' assignment operator, the array is released only at the time, the current
/// block is left. Therefeore, prefere this method, if a
/// smaller memory pool is crucial. However, for variables of type ILArray, regular assignments are allowed as well.
public ILRetArray a {
set { Assign(value); }
get { return this.C; }
/// Assign another array to this array variable. This is an optional, yet more efficient alternative to '='
/// New array
/// By using this method, this array is immediately released to the memory pool and replaced by the new array. In difference to that,
/// by using the common '=' assignment operator, the array is released only at the time, the current
/// block is left. Therefeore, prefere this method, if a
/// smaller memory pool is crucial.
public void Assign(ILRetArray value) {
if (!IsDisposed)
m_storage = value.GiveStorageAwayOrClone();
internal override bool EnterScope() {
return false;
#region mutability + indexer
/// Set single value to element at index specified
/// New value
/// Index of element to be altered
public void SetValue(ElementType value, params int[] idx) {
Storage.SetValueTyped(value, idx);
/// Alter range of this array
/// Array with new values
/// Range specification
public void SetRange(ILInArray value, params ILBaseArray[] range) {
using (ILScope.Enter(value))
using (ILScope.Enter(range)) {
if (object.Equals(value, null)) {
Storage.IndexSubrange(null, range);
} else {
Storage.IndexSubrange(value.Storage, range);
/// Subarray creation/ manipulation/ deletion
/// Range specification, defining the size of the subarray
/// Subarray as copy of this array
public ILRetArray this[params ILBaseArray[] range] {
get {
using (ILScope.Enter(range))
return new ILRetArray(Storage.Subarray(range));
set {
SetRange(value, range);