/// This file is part of ILNumerics Community Edition.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition - high performance computing for applications.
/// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Haymo Kutschbach, http://ilnumerics.net
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
/// the Free Software Foundation.
/// ILNumerics Community Edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with ILNumerics Community Edition. See the file License.txt in the root
/// of your distribution package. If not, see .
/// In addition this software uses the following components and/or licenses:
/// =================================================================================
/// The Open Toolkit Library License
/// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
/// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
/// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
/// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
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/// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
/// so, subject to the following conditions:
/// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
/// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
/// =================================================================================
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using ILNumerics.Exceptions;
namespace ILNumerics {
public partial class ILMath {
/// K-Means clustering: find clusters in data matrix X
/// Data matrix, data points are given as columns
/// Initial number of clusters expected
/// [Optional] false: pick the first k data points as initial centers, true: pick random datapoints (default)
/// [Optional] Maximum number of iterations, the computation will exit after that many iterations, default: 10.000
/// [Input/Output/Optional] If not null on entry, outCenters will contain the centers of the clusters found, default: null
/// Vector of length n with with indices of the clustersm which were assigned to each datapoint
/// If is given not null on input, the algorithm returns the computed centers in that parameter. A
/// matrix may be given on input, in order to give a hint of the initial center positions. This may help to find correct cluster centers - even if
/// the initial hint is not exact. In order to do so, the matrix given must be of the correct size (X.D[0] by k) and
/// must be set to false.
public static ILRetArray kMeansClust(ILInArray X, ILBaseArray k, int maxIterations = 10000,
bool centerInitRandom = true, ILOutArray outCenters = null) {
using (ILScope.Enter(X, k)) {
if (object.Equals(X, null)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("X must be data matrix (not null)");
if (X.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(outCenters, null)) {
if (X.S[0] > 0) {
outCenters.a = empty(new ILSize(X.S[0], 0));
} else {
outCenters.a = empty(new ILSize(0, X.S[1]));
return empty(X.S);
if (object.Equals(k, null) || !k.IsScalar || !k.IsNumeric) {
throw new ILArgumentException("number of clusters k must be numeric scalar");
int iK = toint32(k).GetValue(0);
if (X.S[1] < iK) {
throw new ILArgumentException("too few datapoints provided for " + iK.ToString() + " clusters");
if (iK < 0) {
throw new ILArgumentException("number of clusters must be positive");
int d = X.S[0], n = X.S[1];
if (iK == 0) {
if (!object.Equals(outCenters, null)) {
outCenters.a = empty(new ILSize(d, iK));
return empty(new ILSize(0, n));
// initialize centers by using random datapoints
ILArray centers = empty();
if (centerInitRandom) {
ILArray pickIndices = empty();
sort(rand(1, n), pickIndices, 1, false).Dispose();
centers.a = X[full, pickIndices[r(0, iK - 1)]];
} else {
if (!isnull(outCenters) && outCenters.S[0] == d && outCenters.S[1] == iK) {
centers.a = outCenters;
} else {
centers.a = X[full, r(0, iK - 1)];
ILArray classes = zeros(1, n);
ILArray oldCenters = centers.C;
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
while (maxIterations-- > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// find cluster affiliates
using (ILScope.Enter()) {
ILArray minDistIdx = empty();
//min(sum(abs(centers - X[full, i])), minDistIdx, 1).Dispose();
min(distL1(centers, X[full, i]), minDistIdx, 1).Dispose();
classes[i] = (double)minDistIdx[0];
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("kmeans: 1 of {0} MemoryPool.Info: {1}", maxIterations, ILMemoryPool.Pool.Info(true));
for (int i = 0; i < iK; i++) {
using (ILScope.Enter())
ILArray inClass = X[full, find(classes == i)];
if (inClass.IsEmpty) {
centers[full, i] = double.NaN;
} else {
centers[full, i] = mean(inClass, 1);
Console.Out.WriteLine("Changed centers: {0} elapsed: {1}ms",(double)sum(any(oldCenters != centers)), sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
if (allall(oldCenters == centers)) break;
oldCenters.a = centers.C;
if (!object.Equals(outCenters, null))
outCenters.a = centers;
return classes;
/// K-Means clustering: find clusters in data matrix X
/// Data matrix, data points are given as columns
/// Initial number of clusters expected
/// [Optional] false: pick the first k data points as initial centers, true: pick random datapoints (default)
/// [Optional] Maximum number of iterations, the computation will exit after that many iterations, default: 10.000
/// [Input/Output/Optional] If not null on entry, outCenters will contain the centers of the clusters found, default: null
/// Vector of length n with with indices of the clustersm which were assigned to each datapoint
/// If is given not null on input, the algorithm returns the computed centers in that parameter. A
/// matrix may be given on input, in order to give a hint of the initial center positions. This may help to find correct cluster centers - even if
/// the initial hint is not exact. In order to do so, the matrix given must be of the correct size (X.D[0] by k) and
/// must be set to false.
public static ILRetArray kMeansClust(ILInArray X, ILBaseArray k, int maxIterations = 10000,
bool centerInitRandom = true, ILOutArray outCenters = null) {
using (ILScope.Enter(X, k)) {
if (object.Equals(X, null)) {
throw new ILArgumentException("X must be data matrix (not null)");
if (X.IsEmpty) {
if (!object.Equals(outCenters, null)) {
if (X.S[0] > 0) {
outCenters.a = empty(new ILSize(X.S[0], 0));
} else {
outCenters.a = empty(new ILSize(0, X.S[1]));
return empty(X.S);
if (object.Equals(k, null) || !k.IsScalar || !k.IsNumeric) {
throw new ILArgumentException("number of clusters k must be numeric scalar");
int iK = toint32(k).GetValue(0);
if (X.S[1] < iK) {
throw new ILArgumentException("too few datapoints provided for " + iK.ToString() + " clusters");
if (iK < 0) {
throw new ILArgumentException("number of clusters must be positive");
int d = X.S[0], n = X.S[1];
if (iK == 0) {
if (!object.Equals(outCenters, null)) {
outCenters.a = empty(new ILSize(d, iK));
return empty(new ILSize(0, n));
// initialize centers by using random datapoints
ILArray centers = empty();
if (centerInitRandom) {
ILArray pickIndices = empty();
sort(rand(1, n), pickIndices, 1, false).Dispose();
centers.a = X[full, pickIndices[r(0, iK - 1)]];
} else {
if (!isnull(outCenters) && outCenters.S[0] == d && outCenters.S[1] == iK) {
centers.a = outCenters;
} else {
centers.a = X[full, r(0, iK - 1)];
ILArray classes = zeros(1, n);
ILArray oldCenters = centers.C;
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
while (maxIterations-- > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// find cluster affiliates
using (ILScope.Enter()) {
ILArray minDistIdx = empty();
//min(sum(abs(centers - X[full, i])), minDistIdx, 1).Dispose();
min(distL1(centers, X[full, i]), minDistIdx, 1).Dispose();
classes[i] = (float)minDistIdx[0];
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("kmeans: 1 of {0} MemoryPool.Info: {1}", maxIterations, ILMemoryPool.Pool.Info(true));
for (int i = 0; i < iK; i++) {
using (ILScope.Enter())
ILArray inClass = X[full, find(classes == i)];
if (inClass.IsEmpty) {
centers[full, i] = float.NaN;
} else {
centers[full, i] = mean(inClass, 1);
Console.Out.WriteLine("Changed centers: {0} elapsed: {1}ms",(double)sum(any(oldCenters != centers)), sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
if (allall(oldCenters == centers)) break;
oldCenters.a = centers.C;
if (!object.Equals(outCenters, null))
outCenters.a = centers;
return classes;