using System.Data; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using HeuristicLab.BioBoost.Data; using HeuristicLab.BioBoost.Evaluators; using HeuristicLab.BioBoost.Persistence; using HeuristicLab.BioBoost.Utils; using HeuristicLab.Common; using HeuristicLab.Core; using HeuristicLab.Data; using HeuristicLab.Parameters; using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Default.CompositeSerializers.Storable; using SharpMap.Data; using SharpMap.Data.Providers; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using GeoAPI.Geometries; using HeuristicLab.BioBoost.Representation; namespace HeuristicLab.BioBoost.ProblemDescription { [StorableClass] public class BioBoostProblemData : ParameterizedNamedItem { #region Events public event EventHandler GeometryChanged; protected void OnGeometryChanged() { var h = GeometryChanged; if (h != null) h(this, EventArgs.Empty); } #endregion public new ParameterCollection Parameters { get { return base.Parameters; } } // this prevents geometries from being checked by tree traversal private readonly Closure geometry = new Closure(Closure.Encapsulation.Referenced); [Storable] public GeometryFeatureProvider Geometry { get { return geometry.Value; } private set { geometry.Value = value; } } #region IStorableContent Members public string Filename { get; set; } #endregion #region Parameters public ValueParameter LocationNamesParameter { get { return (ValueParameter)Parameters["LocationNames"]; } } public ValueParameter NeighborsParameter { get { return (ValueParameter)Parameters["Neighbors"]; } } private ValueParameter> DataItemsParameter { get { return (ValueParameter>)Parameters["DataItems"]; } } public ValueParameter FeedstockPotentialsParameter { get { return (ValueParameter)Parameters["FeedstockPotentials"]; } } public ValueParameter InvestmentCostFactorsParameter { get { return (ValueParameter)Parameters["InvestmentCostFactors"]; } } public ValueParameter MaintenanceCostFactorsParameter { get { return (ValueParameter)Parameters["MaintenanceCostFactors"]; } } public ValueParameter FuelCostFactorsParameter { get { return (ValueParameter)Parameters["FuelCostFactors"]; } } public ValueParameter LaborCostFactorsParameter { get { return (ValueParameter)Parameters["LaborCostFactors"]; } } public ValueParameter OtherCostFactorsParameter { get { return (ValueParameter)Parameters["OtherCostFactors"]; } } public ValueParameter> UtilizationsParameter { get { return (ValueParameter>)Parameters["Utilizations"]; } } public ValueParameter> TransportTargetsParameter { get { return (ValueParameter>)Parameters["TransportTargets"]; } } public ValueParameter> FinalProductsParameter { get { return (ValueParameter>)Parameters["FinalProducts"]; } } public IValueParameter SplitRegionDistanceFactorsParameter { get { return (IValueParameter) Parameters["SplitRegionDistanceFactors"]; } } public IValueParameter ProductLinksParameter { get { return (IValueParameter) Parameters["ProductLinks"]; } } #endregion #region Parameter Values public StringArray LocationNames { get { return LocationNamesParameter.Value; } set { LocationNamesParameter.Value = value; } } public NeighborhoodTable Neighbors { get { return NeighborsParameter.Value; } set { NeighborsParameter.Value = value; } } public ItemCollection DataItems { get { return DataItemsParameter.Value; } private set { DataItemsParameter.Value = value; Products = value.OfType().ToList(); Conversions = value.OfType().ToLookup(c => c.Feedstock, c => c); Logistics = value.OfType().ToLookup(l => l.Product, l => l); } } public ParameterCollection FeedstockPotentials { get { return FeedstockPotentialsParameter.Value; } set { FeedstockPotentialsParameter.Value = value; } } public DoubleArray InvestmentCostFactors { get { return InvestmentCostFactorsParameter.Value; } set { InvestmentCostFactorsParameter.Value = value; } } public DoubleArray MaintenanceCostFactors { get { return MaintenanceCostFactorsParameter.Value; } set { MaintenanceCostFactorsParameter.Value = value; } } public DoubleArray FuelCostFactors { get { return FuelCostFactorsParameter.Value; } set { FuelCostFactorsParameter.Value = value; } } public DoubleArray LaborCostFactors { get { return LaborCostFactorsParameter.Value; } set { LaborCostFactorsParameter.Value = value; } } public DoubleArray OtherCostFactors { get { return OtherCostFactorsParameter.Value; } set { OtherCostFactorsParameter.Value = value; } } public CheckedItemList Utilizations { get { return UtilizationsParameter.Value; } set { UtilizationsParameter.Value = value; } } public CheckedItemList TransportTargets { get { return TransportTargetsParameter.Value; } set { TransportTargetsParameter.Value = value; } } public CheckedItemList FinalProducts { get { return FinalProductsParameter.Value; } set { FinalProductsParameter.Value = value; } } public DoubleMatrix SplitRegionDistanceFactors { get { return SplitRegionDistanceFactorsParameter.Value; } set { SplitRegionDistanceFactorsParameter.Value = value; } } public IEnumerable Products { get; private set; } public ILookup Conversions { get; private set; } public ILookup Logistics { get; private set; } public StringMatrix ProductLinks { get { return ProductLinksParameter.Value; } set { ProductLinksParameter.Value = value; } } #endregion #region Construction & Cloning [StorableConstructor] protected BioBoostProblemData(bool isDeserializing) : base(isDeserializing) { } protected BioBoostProblemData(BioBoostProblemData orig, Cloner cloner) : base(orig, cloner) { Geometry = orig.Geometry; DataItems = DataItems; // invoke setter to populate Products, Conversions and Logistics } public BioBoostProblemData() { Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter("LocationNames", "The names of the individual locations.")); Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter("Neighbors", "The table of neighborhood degrees.")); Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter>("DataItems", "Data descriptors, e.g. for products or logistics and conversion processes.")); Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter("FeedstockPotentials", "Imported feedstock potentials.")); Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter("InvestmentCostFactors", "The scaling factors for investment costs.")); Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter("MaintenanceCostFactors", "The scaling factors for maintenance costs.")); Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter("FuelCostFactors", "The scaling factors for fuel costs.")); Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter("LaborCostFactors", "The scaling factors for labor costs.")); Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter("OtherCostFactors", "The scaling factors for other costs.")); Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter>("Utilizations", "The possible utilization vectors.")); Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter>("TransportTargets", "The possible transport target vectors.")); Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter>("FinalProducts", "The list of possible final products used for quality evaluation.")); Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter("SplitRegionDistanceFactors", "Describes the reduction in distance if the region would be split into different numbers of smaller regions")); Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter("ProductLinks", "List of tuples of product names that are linked in the logistic chain")); } public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) { return new BioBoostProblemData(this, cloner); } [StorableHook(HookType.AfterDeserialization)] public void AfterDeserialization() { DataItems = DataItems; // invoke setter to populate Products, Conversions and Logistics TryUpgradeStringArrayToCheckedItemList("Utilizations"); TryUpgradeStringArrayToCheckedItemList("TransportTargets"); if (!Parameters.ContainsKey("SplitRegionDistanceFactors")) Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter("SplitRegionDistanceFactors", "Describes the reduction in distance if the region would be split into different numbers of smaller regions")); if (!Parameters.ContainsKey("ProductLinks")) Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter("ProductLinks", "List of tuples of product names that are linked in the logistic chain")); if (!Parameters.ContainsKey("FinalProducts")) Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter>("FinalProducts", "The list of possible final products used for quality evaluation.")); } private void TryUpgradeStringArrayToCheckedItemList(string parameterName) { var oldParameter = Parameters[parameterName] as ValueParameter; if (oldParameter != null) { var newParameter = new ValueParameter>(oldParameter.Name, oldParameter.Description); Parameters.Remove(parameterName); foreach (var s in oldParameter.Value) newParameter.Value.Add(new StringValue(s), true); Parameters.Add(newParameter); } } #endregion public override void CollectParameterValues(IDictionary values) { base.CollectParameterValues(values); foreach (var di in DataItems) { di.CollectParameterValues(values); } } #region Data Parsing & Import private void AddParameter(string name, TValue value) where TValue : class, IItem { Parameters.Remove(name); Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter(name, value)); } public void LoadFeedstockPotentials(string filename) { var feedstockPotentials = new List>>(); var regionNames = new List(); bool headerDone = false; foreach (var line in File.ReadLines(filename)) { var fields = line.Split(';'); if (!headerDone) { feedstockPotentials.AddRange( fields.Skip(1).Select(feedstockName => Tuple.Create(feedstockName, new List()))); headerDone = true; } else { regionNames.Add(fields[0]); for (int i = 1; i < fields.Length; i++) { double value; double.TryParse(fields[i], NumberStyles.Float, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out value); feedstockPotentials[i - 1].Item2.Add(value); } } } if (LocationNames.Length > 0) { var newRegionNames = new HashSet(regionNames); newRegionNames.ExceptWith(LocationNames); var indexTable = LocationNames.Concat(newRegionNames) .Select((n, i) => new { idx = i, name = n }) .ToDictionary(p =>, p => p.idx); if (newRegionNames.Count > 0) LocationNames = new StringArray(LocationNames.Concat(newRegionNames).ToArray()); foreach (var fp in feedstockPotentials) { var potentials = new DoubleArray(indexTable.Count); var potentialName = LayerDescriptor.PotentialsFromProblemData.NameWithPrefix(fp.Item1); for (int i = 0; i < regionNames.Count; i++) { potentials[indexTable[regionNames[i]]] = fp.Item2[i]; } FeedstockPotentials.Remove(potentialName); FeedstockPotentials.Add(new ValueParameter(potentialName, potentials)); } } else { LocationNames = new StringArray(regionNames.ToArray()); foreach (var fp in feedstockPotentials) { FeedstockPotentials.Add(new ValueParameter(LayerDescriptor.PotentialsFromProblemData.NameWithPrefix(fp.Item1), new DoubleArray(fp.Item2.ToArray()))); } } Configure(); } public void LoadShapeFile(string filename) { Geometry = ShapeFileLoader.LoadShapeFile(filename); OnGeometryChanged(); } public void AddDoubleArrayParameters(IEnumerable fields, IList names, string prefix) { int i = 0; foreach (var f in fields) { if (i >= names.Count) break; var subfields = f.Split('/'); var values = new List(); foreach (var sf in subfields) { double d; Double.TryParse(sf, NumberStyles.Float, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out d); values.Add(d); } AddParameter(names[i] + prefix, new DoubleArray(values.ToArray())); i++; } } public void AddDoubleValueParameters(IEnumerable fields, IList names, string prefix) { int i = 0; foreach (var f in fields) { if (i >= names.Count) break; double d; Double.TryParse(f, NumberStyles.Float, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out d); AddParameter(names[i] + prefix, new DoubleValue(d)); i++; } } public void AddIntValueParameters(IEnumerable fields, IList names, string prefix) { int i = 0; foreach (var f in fields) { if (i >= names.Count) break; int n; Int32.TryParse(f, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out n); AddParameter(names[i] + prefix, new IntValue(n)); i++; } } public void LoadDistanceMatrix(string filename) { var newLocationNames = new HashSet(); var tuples = new List>(); var matrixName = ""; foreach (var line in File.ReadLines(filename)) { var l = line.Trim(); if (l.StartsWith("#")) { matrixName = l.TrimStart("# ".ToCharArray()); } else { var fields = l.Split(';').ToList(); newLocationNames.Add(fields[0]); newLocationNames.Add(fields[1]); double d; Double.TryParse(fields[2], NumberStyles.Float, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out d); tuples.Add(Tuple.Create(fields[0], fields[1], d)); } } newLocationNames.ExceptWith(LocationNames); if (newLocationNames.Count > 0) { LocationNames = new StringArray(LocationNames.Concat(newLocationNames).ToArray()); foreach (ValueParameter p in FeedstockPotentials) { p.Value = new DoubleArray(p.Value.Concat(new double[newLocationNames.Count]).ToArray()); } } var dm = new DistanceMatrix(); dm.Load(tuples, LocationNames, -1); matrixName += "DistanceMatrix"; if (Parameters.ContainsKey(matrixName)) Parameters.Remove(matrixName); Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter(matrixName, dm)); Configure(); } public void LoadSplitRegionDistanceFactors(string filename) { // format: regionName;factor2;factor3;factor4;... var newLocationNames = new HashSet(); var splits = new Dictionary>(); int maxN = 0; foreach (var line in File.ReadLines(filename)) { var l = line.Trim(); if (l.ToUpper().StartsWith("NUTS")) continue; var fields = line.Split(';').ToList(); newLocationNames.Add(fields[0]); splits.Add(fields[0], fields.Skip(1).Select(s => ParseDouble(s, 1)).ToList()); maxN = Math.Max(fields.Count, maxN); } newLocationNames.ExceptWith(LocationNames); if (newLocationNames.Count > 0) { LocationNames = new StringArray(LocationNames.Concat(newLocationNames).ToArray()); SplitRegionDistanceFactors = new DoubleMatrix(LocationNames.Length, maxN - 1, Enumerable.Range(2, maxN - 1).Select(d => d.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)), LocationNames); for (int row = 0; row < SplitRegionDistanceFactors.Rows; row++) { List values; if (splits.TryGetValue(LocationNames[row], out values)) { for (int col = 0; col < values.Count; col++) { SplitRegionDistanceFactors[row, col] = values[col]; } } } } } public static double ParseDouble(string s, double defaultValue = 0) { double d; if (Double.TryParse(s, NumberStyles.Float, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out d)) return d; return defaultValue; } public void RemoveRegions(Regex regex) { RemoveRegions(LocationNames.Where(n => regex.IsMatch(n))); } public void KeepRegions(Regex regex) { RemoveRegions(LocationNames.Where(n => !regex.IsMatch(n))); } public void RemoveRegions(IEnumerable regionNames) { var regionNameSet = new HashSet(regionNames); var removedIndices = LocationNames.Select((r, i) => new { r, i }) .Where(ri => regionNameSet.Contains(ri.r)) .Select(ri => ri.i) .ToList(); // remove region names int nLocationNamesBefore = LocationNames.Length; LocationNames = new StringArray(LocationNames.RemoveAtIndices(removedIndices).ToArray()); int nLocationNamesAfter = LocationNames.Length; Debug.Assert(nLocationNamesBefore - removedIndices.Count == nLocationNamesAfter); // remove region potentials foreach (var potentialName in FeedstockPotentials.Select(p => p.Name).ToList()) { var potentials = FeedstockPotentials[potentialName]; FeedstockPotentials.Remove(potentialName); FeedstockPotentials.Add( new ValueParameter( potentialName, new DoubleArray(((ValueParameter)potentials).Value.RemoveAtIndices(removedIndices).ToArray()))); } // remove region distances foreach (var distanceMatrixParam in Parameters.Where(p => p.Name.EndsWith("DistanceMatrix"))) { var valueParam = distanceMatrixParam as IValueParameter; if (valueParam != null && typeof(DistanceMatrix).IsAssignableFrom(valueParam.DataType)) { var matrix = (DistanceMatrix)valueParam.Value; valueParam.Value = matrix.CopyAndRemoveIndices(removedIndices); } } // remove region neighbors if (Neighbors != null) Neighbors = Neighbors.CopyAndRemoveIndices(removedIndices); // remove shapes & and create new geometry (copy on write) var locationNameset = new HashSet(LocationNames); var keptRows = Geometry.Features.Cast() .Where(row => locationNameset.Contains(row["NUTS_ID"])) .ToList(); var newFeatures = new FeatureDataTable(); foreach (DataColumn column in Geometry.Features.Columns) { newFeatures.Columns.Add(column.ColumnName, column.DataType); } foreach (FeatureDataRow row in keptRows) { var newRow = (FeatureDataRow)newFeatures.LoadDataRow(row.ItemArray, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges); newRow.Geometry = (IGeometry) row.Geometry.Clone(); } newFeatures.AcceptChanges(); Geometry = new GeometryFeatureProvider(newFeatures); OnGeometryChanged(); Configure(); } public void LoadNeighbors(string filename) { var locationNames = LocationNames.Select((n, i) => new { n, i }).ToDictionary(p => p.n, p => p.i); var neighbors = new NeighborhoodTable(); foreach (var line in File.ReadLines(filename)) { var fields = line.Split(';'); int id1, id2, degree; if (locationNames.TryGetValue(fields[0], out id1) && locationNames.TryGetValue(fields[1], out id2) && Int32.TryParse(fields[2], out degree)) neighbors.AddEntry(id1, id2, degree); } neighbors.Check(); Neighbors = neighbors; } public void LoadDescriptors(string filename) { var newItems = new ItemCollection(DataItem.ParseFile(filename)); if (DataItems != null) { foreach (var oldItem in DataItems) { if (!newItems.Any(i => i.IsEquivalentTo(oldItem))) newItems.Add(oldItem); } } DataItems = newItems; Configure(); } private void Configure() { DistributeCostFactors(); DiscoverSolutionSpace(); } private void DistributeCostFactors() { int length = LocationNames.Length; InvestmentCostFactors = new DoubleArray(length); MaintenanceCostFactors = new DoubleArray(length); FuelCostFactors = new DoubleArray(length); LaborCostFactors = new DoubleArray(length); OtherCostFactors = new DoubleArray(length); var costFactorDescriptors = DataItems.OfType().FirstOrDefault(); if (costFactorDescriptors == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { var countryCode = LocationNames[i].Substring(0, 2); InvestmentCostFactors[i] = GetDoubleValueValue(costFactorDescriptors.Investment, countryCode, 1); MaintenanceCostFactors[i] = GetDoubleValueValue(costFactorDescriptors.Maintenance, countryCode, 1); FuelCostFactors[i] = GetDoubleValueValue(costFactorDescriptors.Fuel, countryCode, 1); LaborCostFactors[i] = GetDoubleValueValue(costFactorDescriptors.Labor, countryCode, 1); OtherCostFactors[i] = GetDoubleValueValue(costFactorDescriptors.Other, countryCode, 1); } } private void DiscoverSolutionSpace() { if (DataItems == null || DataItems.Count == 0) return; var products = Products; var logistics = Logistics; var conversions = DataItems.OfType().ToList(); // perform conceptual logistic simulation var usableProducts = products .Where(product => FeedstockPotentials.ContainsKey(LayerDescriptor.PotentialsFromProblemData.NameWithPrefix(product.Label))) .ToList(); var transportableProducts = usableProducts .Where(p => logistics.Contains(p.Label)) .ToList(); var feasibleDecentralConversions = conversions .Where(c => transportableProducts.Any(p => p.Label == c.Feedstock)) .ToList(); var possibleIntermediates = feasibleDecentralConversions .Aggregate(Enumerable.Empty(), (intermediates, conv) => intermediates.Concat(conv.Products.Select(p => p.Name))) .ToList(); var transportableIntermediates = possibleIntermediates .Where(logistics.Contains) // && intermediate exists as product? .ToList(); var feasibleCentralConversions = conversions .Where(c => transportableIntermediates.Any(i => i == c.Feedstock)) .ToList(); var finalProductLists = feasibleCentralConversions .Select(c => c.Products.Where(p => { var v = (p.Value as DoubleValue); return v != null && v.Value > 0; }).Select(p => p.Name)); var finalProductList = finalProductLists.Aggregate(Enumerable.Empty(), (x, y) => x.Concat(y)); var uniqueFinalProducts = finalProductList.GroupBy(p => p).Select(p => p.Key); var valuableFinalProducts = uniqueFinalProducts.Where(productName => Products.Any(p => p.Label == productName && p.Price > 0)); var finalProducts = valuableFinalProducts.ToList(); // TODO: forward simulation sanity checks // non-sold products // non-(transported/converted/sold) intermediates // non-transported/converted feedstocks // reverse pruning // select only central conversions for which valuable end-products exist var necessaryCentralConversions = feasibleCentralConversions .Where(c => c.Products.Any(p => products.Any(p1 => p1.Label == p.Name && p1.Price > 0))) .ToList(); // transport only intermediates that need to be converted var neccessaryIntermediates = transportableIntermediates .Where(i => necessaryCentralConversions.Any(c => c.Feedstock == i)) .ToList(); // select only intermediates that either // - need to transported and are further processed or // - can be sold var feasibleIntermediates = neccessaryIntermediates.Concat( possibleIntermediates.Where(i => products.Any(p => p.Label == i && p.Price > 0))) .ToList(); // produce only selected intermediates var necessaryDecentralConversions = feasibleDecentralConversions .Where(c => c.Products.Any(p => feasibleIntermediates.Contains(p.Name))) .ToList(); // transport and buy only feedstocks that are converted and sold var necessaryFeedstocks = necessaryDecentralConversions .Select(c => c.Feedstock).ToList(); // enable feedstocks directly to central conversion? Yes, it automatically becomes a decentral conversion // TODO: allow more than two echelons? // configure search space: UpdateSearchSpace(Utilizations, necessaryFeedstocks); UpdateSearchSpace(TransportTargets, necessaryFeedstocks.Concat(neccessaryIntermediates)); UpdateSearchSpace(FinalProducts, finalProducts); var q = (from p1 in necessaryFeedstocks.Concat(neccessaryIntermediates) from p2 in neccessaryIntermediates where conversions.Any(c => c.Feedstock == p1 && c.Products.ContainsKey(p2)) select new {p1, p2}).Concat( from p1 in neccessaryIntermediates from p2 in finalProducts where conversions.Any(c => c.Feedstock == p1 && c.Products.ContainsKey(p2)) select new {p1, p2}) .Distinct().ToList(); var productLinks = new StringMatrix(q.Count, 2); for (int i = 0; i < q.Count; i++) { productLinks[i, 0] = q[i].p1; productLinks[i, 1] = q[i].p2; } ProductLinks = productLinks; } private void UpdateSearchSpace(CheckedItemList choices, IEnumerable requirements) { var req = new HashSet(requirements); for (int i = 0; i < choices.Count; i++) { if (req.Contains(choices[i].Value)) { req.Remove(choices[i].Value); // already there, not required anymore } else { choices.SetItemCheckedState(i, false); } } foreach (var r in req) { choices.Add(new StringValue(r), true); } } private static double GetDoubleValueValue(ValueParameterCollection parameters, string name, double defaultValue) { IValueParameter param; if (!parameters.TryGetValue(name, out param)) return defaultValue; var doubleValue = param.Value as DoubleValue; if (doubleValue == null) return defaultValue; return doubleValue.Value; } #endregion #region Data Consistency Checks public string CheckGeoData() { var warnings = new List(); CheckDistanceMatrices(warnings); var shapeNames = CheckShapeNames(warnings); var locationNames = CheckLocationNames(warnings); FindMissing(warnings, locationNames, shapeNames, "locations without shapes"); FindMissing(warnings, shapeNames, locationNames, "shapes without data"); var totalPotentials = new double[LocationNames.Length]; foreach (var p in FeedstockPotentials.OfType>()) { totalPotentials = totalPotentials.Zip(p.Value, (a, b) => a + b).ToArray(); FindZeros(warnings, p.Value, p.Name); } FindZeros(warnings, totalPotentials, "any potential"); return string.Join("\n\n", warnings); } private void FindZeros(List warnings, IEnumerable values, string name) { var zeros = values.Select((v, i) => new { v, i }).Where(p => p.v == 0).Select(p => LocationNames[p.i]).ToList(); if (zeros.Count > 0) warnings.Add(string.Format("{0} regions with zero of {1}:\n {2}", zeros.Count, name, string.Join(", ", zeros))); } private static void FindMissing(List warnings, IEnumerable items, IEnumerable other, string message) { var missingItems = new HashSet(items); missingItems.ExceptWith(other); if (missingItems.Count > 0) warnings.Add(string.Format("{0} {1}:\n {2}", missingItems.Count, message, string.Join(", ", missingItems))); } private HashSet CheckLocationNames(List warnings) { var duplicates = new List(); var locationNames = new HashSet(); foreach (var n in LocationNames) { if (locationNames.Contains(n)) duplicates.Add(n); locationNames.Add(n); } if (duplicates.Count > 0) warnings.Add(string.Format("{0} duplicate location names:\n {1}", duplicates.Count, string.Join(", ", duplicates))); return locationNames; } private HashSet CheckShapeNames(List warnings) { var duplicates = new List(); var shapeNames = new HashSet(); foreach (FeatureDataRow row in Geometry.Features.Rows) { var n = (string)row["NUTS_ID"]; if (shapeNames.Contains(n)) duplicates.Add(n); shapeNames.Add(n); } if (duplicates.Count > 0) warnings.Add(string.Format("{0} duplicate shape names:\n {1}", duplicates.Count, String.Join(", ", duplicates))); return shapeNames; } private void CheckDistanceMatrices(List warnings) { foreach (var distanceMatrixParam in Parameters.Where(p => p.Name.EndsWith("DistanceMatrix"))) { var valueParam = distanceMatrixParam as IValueParameter; if (valueParam != null && typeof(DistanceMatrix).IsAssignableFrom(valueParam.DataType)) FindUnconnectedRegions((DistanceMatrix)valueParam.Value, warnings); } } private void FindUnconnectedRegions(DistanceMatrix dm, List warnings) { var unconnected = new List(); var hardlyConnected = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < dm.Size; i++) { var nConnected = 0; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (dm[i, j] > 0) nConnected++; } if (nConnected == 0) unconnected.Add(LocationNames[i]); else if (1.0 * nConnected < 1.0 * LocationNames.Length / 100) hardlyConnected.Add(LocationNames[i]); } if (unconnected.Count > 0) warnings.Add(string.Format("{0} unconnected regions:\n {1}", unconnected.Count, string.Join(", ", unconnected))); if (hardlyConnected.Count > 0) warnings.Add(string.Format("{0} connected to fewer than 1% of regions:\n {1}", hardlyConnected.Count, string.Join(", ", hardlyConnected))); } // TODO: check consistency of conversion process #endregion } }